The Creator's Past | AnotherW...

By Felicia_IreneRoesia

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[ Another World: Original Story ] {{HEAVY EDITING}} Felicia, a creator who sought to escape her past, constru... More

[Important] Another World Introduction
AnotherWorld: ORIGINAL
Character Reference Sheet
Prologue - A Night Out
Chapter 2 - The Encounter
Chapter 3 - Curiosity
Chapter 4 - The Meeting
Chapter 5 - Alliance
Chapter 5.2 - Oblivious
Chapter 6 - Comfort
Chapter 8 - 500 years
Chapter 9 - Stumble Upon
Chapter 10 - Past Times
Chapter 10.2 - Creator's Life
Chapter 11 - The Battle
Chapter 12 - Rematch
Chapter 13 - Weaker Than Ever
Chapter 14 - Consideration
Chapter 15 - Teleknesis Controls
Chapter 16 - Guarantee
Chapter 17 - The Containing One
Chapter 18 - Life is a lie
Chapter 19 - The Evil Healer
Chapter 20 - Consolation of Being
Chapter 21 - Halwa Woods
Chapter 22 - The Traveler Himself
Chapter 23 - Fire Resistance
Chapter 24 - Help Wanted
Chapter 25 - A Welcoming Society
Chapter 26 - Favour Asking
Chapter 27 - First Assumptions
Chapter 28 - Regret or Satisfaction
Chapter 29 - Worse Than Evil
Chapter 30 - Seeking Reconnaissance
Chapter 31 - Eternal Afiat
Chapter 32 - A Creator's Lost
Chapter 33 - Cursed
Chapter 34 - Arrogance's Fool
Chapter 35 - Restrain
Chapter 36 - Death to the Creator
Chapter 37 - Escape
Chapter 38 - Reap, Monster.
Chapter 39 - Untrustworthy
Chapter 40 - Drunken Cat
Chapter 41 - Cycle Of Corrupt
Chapter 42 - Respectful Woman
Chapter 43 - Ice Lad
Chapter 44 - Nuisances
Chapter 45 - Do No Good
Chapter 46 - Simplicity
Chapter 47 - Lightning
Chapter 48 - Met Again
Chapter 49 - Find The Solution
Chapter 50 - Old Friend's Visits
Chapter 51 - A Talk Over Tea
Chapter 52 - Troublesome Friend
Chapter 53 - Jealously Rivals
Chapter 54 - Nightmarish Dream
Chapter 55 - Where It All Begin
Chapter 56 - Banishment
Chapter 57 - Communication is the Key
Chapter 58 - Salvatore
Chapter 59 - Love You Like That
Chapter 60 - Separatable Bond
Chapter 61 - Greetings, Friend?
Chapter 62 - The Swordmen
Chapter 63 - The End to All
Chapter 64 - Can't Bring Back
Chapter 65 - Chyahmina
Chapter 66 - The Curse
Chapter 67 - Never Death Do Us Part
Chapter 68 - Monstrosity
Chapter 69 - Short-lived

Chapter 7 - Relentless Decision

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By Felicia_IreneRoesia

As the sun began to peek through the curtains, Mocha stretched himself in his new roommate's house, in the cozy, big bed. The warmth of the fluffy comforter and the softness of the pillows made him lose track of time, causing him to wake up a bit late. After a few moments of lazily gazing around his room, he finally got up and headed to the bathroom. As he stood in front of the mirror, he couldn't help but stare at the way his cat-like eyes sparkled in the bright light.

He lingered in front of the mirror for a while.

"How I ended up here, with someone I just met. Living rent-free. Only in exchange for my company?" His words played in his mind. He recalled his travels around the world with nostalgia.

Where did the feeling go actually, in the village? With the guards? For the first time, a wave of exhaustion washed over him, making him question his desire to continue traveling, feeling it was better to stay here. He did not have any permanent home before and was used to surviving everywhere he went. He did not mind that at all but, the village seemed to change his mind.

"What are you?"

The words of the guards who chased him ranged like a sickening alarm. A day at the village's market turned out bad for him.

"What is this creature? Why does he have a tail?" A woman said concerningly, eyes starting to stare directly at Mocha's appearance. The people of the village began to mutter, gossiping and chattering about him. They wore a face of fright and disgust.

"It's stealing!" A butcher from afar saw some items that were in the market at his hand. Pointing at him with his stinky bloody cleaver.


He froze for a while, responded few seconds after, "What? No no, I bought this!" He declared.

"No way a filthy creature like you can have a penny to buy it!"


"Creature?" In disbelief, Mocha's eyes widened as he finally comprehended the meaning behind their words. He stood there, trembling.

"Why do they care about what I am...?" He muttered. His nose wrinkled at the villagers' aggressive behaviors towards him.

"He must be dangerous! He is not human!" The villagers started to circle him, throwing insults and slurs. Pointing and gesturing to leave. Mocha whirled and turned around anxiously as they started to get closer. He was afraid of them, afraid they may harm him.

That went, and the traveler made a wrong move.

While in frustration and fear, nervousness began to take over his actions. He accidentally pulled his blade out, pointing at the crowd. The public let out a huge gasp and they all took massive steps backward in fear, afraid that they may get hit by the unknown cat-looking creature.

"I am human!" Mocha shouted, barren his pointy little fangs. He never thought that he needed to prove his humanity after such a long time. People who get along with him before, have never mentioned his pointy cat ears that grow on his head or his wagging brown tail.

Soon, the guards arrived, with their silver armor and spears paired with white shields. Did they actually need that? For what? To get rid of him? Why?

"I am more human than they are..." Mocha muttered to himself. He washed his face and wiped it with a clean soft towel. He had a thought that Felicia didn't mention much, regarding his looks or being. Either she did not care or it was a normal thing to her, well since she was not even human herself.

After that, he headed downstairs.

The ambiance of the house was quite pleasant and the breeze was satisfying compared to yesterday's heat. "Felic! What's for breakfast?" He called.

No response. He headed to the kitchen, earning the truth that no one was there. He expected Felicia to be there but she was not. The werecat roamed through the mansion, even went to the third floor where the library and storage room stood. As well as the grand piano, wondering if Felicia let him see her play a piece.


He scratched his head, wondering where the buff creator would be. "She must be outside..." he mumbled to himself. Is she going for a run? or walking in the rosy forest?

He strolled through the main entrance and started to look for her.

There he found her, at the corner of the balcony beside the mansion. Felicia was standing self-reliantly, sipping on her morning coffee. Her veiny left hand was laced nicely on the concrete. Her eyes gazed upon the red forest in front of her, seemed like she was in deep thought.

Mocha tried to sneak up, ought to avoid being noticed. He eventually yearned to approach her, just to exchange pleasantries. But he considered that Felicia wanted to have her morning time in peace. He thought of running back upstairs, taking a nice warm shower. When he was about to turn, her voice made him freeze.

"Good Morning." Felicia greeted. Although she acknowledged Mocha's presence, she kept her attention focused forward. She just stood there, looking all mighty and powerful.

"Good...good morning." The brown-haired cat replied. "So do you have a sixth sense or something?"

"And why do you ask that?" She finally turned around, forming a smirk when she saw Mocha with his messy hair and that oversized white shirt.

"You noticed me the whole time didn't you?"

"Yes, I know since the moment you step out from the bed." Felicia said, sipping on the last drop of her coffee. Exhaling the warmth of the drink as it crawled down her throat.

Mocha stood there, smiling back. 'Of course she knew, this was her world after all.'

The creator was in control.

The idea of Felicia's constant surveillance, observing every move in her world, made Mocha slightly uneasy. But he shook it off.

"Coffee?" She offered, prepared to pour some for the traveler.

"Oh, I don't drink coffee... I'm kinda a tea person..." He sheepishly said. "What coffee is that, if I may ask?" He was uninterested in her coffee but rather sought a chance to start a conversation with her.

Felicia only chuckled. Her behavior made Mocha raise his eyebrow, before asking why, Felicia answered.

"Caffè Mocha."

Mocha's body tensed up, his eyes widening in surprise as if he were a startled student in a quiet classroom, caught off guard by a sudden call from the teacher. The soft chuckle escaped the creator's lips making him recognize the clichéd reaction.

"I like my coffee with the sweet taste of chocolate." She added.

" okay..." Mocha blushed and rubbed his neck, his tail wagged quite fast than it was supposed to.

"Breakfast is ready if you want, you don't skip breakfast right?" She walked towards the entrance where Mocha stood, and halted to ask the question. Her eyes lowered to Mocha's face, and Mocha had to lift his head. "Yeah, I don't." He replied.

"Good." Felicia nodded, she continued to walk with her cocky smirk.

Mocha watched her way of walking, her broad shoulders projecting the air of superiority, she was the type to tower over almost everyone else when strolling.

Mocha followed Felicia obediently to the dining table.

"Thanks for the breakfast, it is fulfilling." He thanked her, giving the immortal his cute bright smile. He rested on the couch, rubbing his full stomach in bliss, knowing that he wouldn't hunt for food anymore.

"You are welcome." She said as she walked out of the kitchen, wiping her hands together.

"So what plans for today?" He jumped and stood straight from the couch, asking eagerly.

"Hm?" Felicia gave him a confused nod.

"Well... Do you... just sit around here or... usually do something?" He asked, expecting a thrilling response from Felicia. A glimmer of anticipation danced in his eyes, for he eagerly expected an adventurous experience.

The buff creator paused as she tried to answer the cat's question, raising her eyebrow. "Uh, How do I put this..." The creator mumbled, trying to put her words in sentences.

"Sometimes.... I write, draw, live like the mortals for a day or two, and protect my world from immortal trespassers. That was... it." The so-called mighty immortal said as she pondered in search of more entertaining activities, but her mind remained blank.

She had done everything she wanted in her life.

"There are other immortals besides your family?" The brown werecat was in suprise.

"Yes. There's... a lot." The creator sighed.

Felicia vividly remembered the weary faces of her comrades-in-arms, their determined expressions etched in her mind. The sound of clashing weapons and the distant cries of mortals resonated in her memory, a symphony of duty and protection. As she reminisced, a heavy sorrow settled in her heart, tugging at her emotions. In her past, consumed by greed and selfish desires, she had forsaken those she fought alongside. Her thoughts were shrouded in darkness, a sinister power that clouded her judgment and drove her to escape. Now, in her desolate world, the weight of solitude pressed upon her, reinforcing the importance of the bonds she had once neglected.

Mocha noticed the forlorn face.

"Felic? Are you alright?" Mocha asked concerningly, bringing himself closer to the firm immortal. He tilted his head, under hers he looked into the golden sunset shades of her eyes.

Felicia let out a soft huff. "I think I'll visit some friends today, care to join me?" Felicia lied without thinking through, smiling wryly to convince him that everything was decent.

"Your immortal friends?! Oh, I would love to!" He replied cheerfully, his fists clenched in excitement.

"In the meantime, I can explain to you what I am, in detail." She added, trying to ease the thought of her past mistakes. Her fingers scratched her neck, nervous to get her inescapable karma back.

"Chill, Felicia. It wouldn't be that bad... Plus you had it under control if anything goes sideways." The prideful creator comforted herself.

"That would be lovely! I learned something new every day. And I get to know you better!" He eagerly said. His tail was wagging fast showing his excitement.

"Yeah, wouldn't that be great...." She muttered slowly, seeing how her new company was so excited, how could she retreat? Felicia was tense about this spontaneous, nonsensical plan. How was she going to explain her absence for no reason? Especially to her old friends, she hoped that the others that she wished to not meet would be busy or not to be seen.

"Keep it together, Felicia!" Yelled the creator to herself in her negative mind. Her eyes twitched at her foolish suggestion, why would she say 'friends' when she had completely lost them?

Her brain rambled with thoughts of anything that would go sideways, her stepping out back from her realm was risky. Not to mention when she had brought back a mortal after being out for 30 minutes, if she went further, who wondered what would happen?

"So... when we will be going?" The werecat voiced.

Felicia shook her head subtly, snapping her mind from ruthless reflections. Seeing Mocha's obvious excitement, she deemed it best to continue.

"We're leaving now, fetch your importance." With a swift motion, she summoned her cloak and wrapped it around herself as traces of ruby dust glimmered around.

"Alright, Your Majesty!" Mocha sprinted to his bedroom to grab his sling bag and his sword. Felicia watched his behavior, "Please don't call me that." She muttered.

"I'm ready!" Mocha exclaimed as he returned to her.

Looking at his powerless shape, her eyes narrowed. 'What if they targeted him?'

"I think you should wear this pin." With a slight flick of her fingers, she detached the pin from where it was secured on her cloak. The gold pin with the letter 'F' and a heart reflected under the light, shined brilliantly.

"Why?" Mocha asked in confusion and a bit flattered.

"For safety reasons. So that no one could lace their fingers on you." She simply stated, "And if you get into trouble, this pin will help me. I can know exactly where you are."

"Oh, I see! Like a tracking device!" He took the pin from her hand and carefully pinned it onto his cape. The two pieces of fabric were now combined, forming a secure front section. It was just a normal pin until she decided to retrofit a hidden tracking mechanism into it, just for the vulnerable mortal.

"Okay, shall we go then?" He asked with a bright smile as he knew Felicia took his safety as a priority.

"Certainly, lend me your hand. We are about to engage in teleportation." She said as she let out her big hand.

"Teleportation? Us?" The werecat shivered in excitement. Felicia only nodded.

"It won't hurt, but you will feel dizzy."

As Mocha tightly held Felicia's hand, a gust of wind swept around them, swirling in the air. The vibration beneath their feet emitted a radiant red light, casting an intense glow. Mocha's head began to spin slightly, but he maintained his grip on her hand, feeling a mix of exhilaration and apprehension. With unwavering eye contact, Felicia reassured him, aware of the risks involving a mortal in her teleportation.

In the blink of an eye, they vanish into a red storm. The mansion was now becoming dark and gloomy. The fire that lit up the area was extinguished by the hustling wind, leaving the smell of acrid smoke behind.

They teleported to a nearby town. Where the environment was dark and unsettling. The town was empty, it seemed like everyone had evacuated. It was nighttime again, Mocha shivered at his surroundings.

Felicia felt weird and stupefied, as if her plans were not accommodating with the condition of the town. Where were all the lights and people who lit up this town? What had happened here to cause so much emptiness?

"Why are we here?" He frowned. Portraying to Felicia that he was not fond of how this was going. His instinct was alarming loudly about something like danger, and he does not like it when it happens.

"I don't know myself-" In mid-sentence, the creator sensed dread, causing her to get goosebumps

"There are monsters nearby." She muttered. Her eyes narrowed as she darted to her side, the way that her hyper-sense told.

"What?! M-monsters??!" Mocha jumped at the word and began to tremble.

A few seconds later Felicia became less tense. "Don't worry. There's an immortal who's in charge of it." She was slightly loosened.

Mocha was not relieved by Felicia's words. His eyes still wandering around, he was still scared.

"Now, I will begin to tell you of the necessary information while we walk and find the immortal. You stay close to me." She suggested. Perhaps introducing him to another unknown immortal would liven things up for him, bringing him to the empty town was not her plan. After all, she made a bad impression on him.

Mocha nodded, scooting his small figure closer to her. They began to walk around the town while Felicia explained things he needed to know. He listened and digested every word that came out of Felicia's mouth.

"In this world, there are immortals who are given power and abilities to protect the mortals. All the chosen immortals have assigned duties. The duty to protect the mortals is based on their power. For example, I am a creator. I created things to provide for the mortals who were in need." She continued.

"So you're on duty right now?" He questioned. His ears pricked upright as he tilted his head to the side.

"No, I'm retired. I left duty precisely 500 years ago." Felicia emphasized it, her eyes rested on the mortal.


"For some reason." She switched her gaze to the front.

Mocha stayed quiet, as he knew that she certainly didn't want to tell the genuine reason. Perhaps it was personal.

"Immortals can leave their duty, but with a fair fight. The rule is only one. If they win, they can leave. If they lose, they have to stay and continue to serve." She added.

"So you, killed your opponent?"

Felicia paused, turning her face to Mocha with a pensive expression. Taking a deep breath before replying. "No, I force him to give up."

"Oh, I see..." Mocha said as he turned his face to the front. "Wait, how does an immortal die? Aren't you all... well immortals?" He asked as he looked back at her.

"We won't die of natural causes such as sicknesses, infections, poison, choking or drowning, and stabbing with normal weapons." She said. "The majority of those injuries were quickly healed through Fast Regeneration, which is the primary factor behind immortality. You can rip the heart out, it will regenerate back."

"We can only die by other immortals' powers. Magic, curses, their specific weapons, elemental strikes... Oh, and also beheading, because-"

"Because you can't regenerate the brain without the brain! Am I right?" Mocha answered, his face was in bliss.

The creator nodded as she grinned at his intelligence, "Smart."

"Oh, makes sense! Since the brain is the most important in the human body as well!" His eyes glistened with joy.

"Sure." Felicia scoffed. "Anyways, each immortal is given different types of power. Some of them can have the same. But the strength depends on how you trained them." The creator explained all, but there was one important component she needed to tell, which made her worry.

Mocha nodded. He leaned in close to hear her illuminating exposition, lost in the joy of absorbing the wisdom she imparted. Felicia did not realize they were still holding hands, she was too occupied with her utterance. They strolled through the town, holding hands while she gave chatters.

"Regardless, bad immortals do exist. They are the ones who use their abilities to bring destruction or take advantage only for themselves. Most bad immortals will tend to corrupt and turn into hideous monsters."

Mocha squeaked at the sudden change of topic.

"Most of the jobs assigned are to fight the corrupt monsters, killing them to avoid them making a ruckus. Monsters will attack mortals, as they feast on their souls to get more strength. Humans also can turn into monsters if the pieces of their soul remain on their body." She continued.

Mocha looked at her distressed, he did not like the word 'Monster' coming out of her mouth. He was just a mortal, any moment the monsters could rip him apart, which he believed.

"Stop." She instantly halted and ordered. She separated her hands from Mocha swiftly.

A sound of a heavy growl was heard from behind them. They both turned around and saw the matter they were talking about was right in front of them. Mocha froze in fear. He could not move any joints of his body, the werecat was stuck like a statue.

Felicia's face shows bitterness. She clenched her teeth, angry at the monster who interrupted them. She was ready to activate her power but then, a loud order caught her ears.

"Move aside both of you!" A shrill voice resounded, emanating behind the monster.

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