Fighting To Protect Our Famil...

By littlered1970

1.6K 138 5

There back! Bella and Edward. But now they have Hope. Will They be able to protect there family from Riley or... More

Bella has a nightmare
Bella nightmare gets worse
Bella starting to be herself
Being followed
finding out what Charlie hid for just in case
Edward makes a decision to split up to lead them away from Bella
Bella figures out how they got followed
Saving Edward
chapter 9
chapter 10
figuring out there's more trackers
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28

chapter 19

10 3 1
By littlered1970

                Bella pov

"I Seemed to remember someone balancing on a stone wall that and I told you I it was a bad idea. But noooo, you ignored me and I hurried and tried to save your ass and you fell on me and both hit the same stone with the same hand." I Iifted his hand and showed him palm.

Then I showed him my palm and put it next to his. "How come I don't remember that part?" He asked.

"Because we both blacked out when we hit the ground. I woke up first and I cried because at first I couldn't wake you up and then my hand really hurt. You yelled me about being clumsy and always getting hurt." I told him.

He lift a eye brow and then it hit him. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry. God I did the one thing I always told myself I never do to you and I watch so many other people do it to you. God can you ever forgive me for that?" He asked me pulling me close to him.

I wrapped my arms around his.  "I forgave you after it happened but your missing the point Edward. You were chosen too. I  seen what you can do." He pushed me away and looked into my eyes.

"How both of are connected to each other, ever since that. How you move I move. What you feel I feel. The hum!" I smiled and nodded.

He smiled my crooked smile. "I get a bad feeling something bad going to happen to you. When I was in a coma I could hear everyone and every time it go black your friend Seth was there. He was telling me things about you and what he would see and everything that day he died." He turned and looked into my eyes.

"Then I saw Mikey the last time and he said it wasn't my time yet. That I was meant for a whole. Then he said the strangest thing to me. A half can't be a half without having the other half close, only that's both half has to be whole again  to be complete. I was totally and utterly lost by that. That was just was..." Edward covered his face with his hands.

"It's a riddle. My uncle told me after I had fell into the pond.
What on earth do you think you're doing Bella? He asked me." I took a deep breath.

"To be with you and Edward. Plus Hope. I can't be without you I told him. He told me Sweetie it's not your time!" I giggled after I said it because I get it now.

"It wasn't my time because,  it wasn't your time, because something big was about to walk happen to us and that was Hope." I told him.

"I had to heal on the inside before I could even come back to you and Hope. Being on the meds and being out here brought me back. Remember what I told you in the cave and told you wouldn't be happy being a doctor?" I asked him. He thought for second.

"Yeah! Because I wouldn't be happy, because I wouldn't have time for you or Hope and we wouldn't  be able to do this. It's part of the reason we both chose the land and the cabin because of its rich history and the woods. Plus we could because archeology and travel and do what you do best to do our research of hidden native land that was long forgotten and we map them out and keep them secret and when we figure out what tribe they are we would give them there own map." I smiled big.

"We can have our friends work for us and the best part we can take Hope with us and home school her. The campground is just a bonus." I told him.

He pulled me close to him and pressed his lips to mine but pulled away. "You go talk to Scott about Seth, make sure you have your dad with you and I will talk to Emmett and Rose." I nodded and walked away.

I told everything I knew to Scott that I knew and he said he was on it.

Then I heard the song on my cd playing foot loose Blake Shelton.  I smirked and ran over to truck and start over and turned it up all the way and ran and stop and closed my eyes and clear my mind and let how Edward made me feel flow through me.

I  started to move to the music. I was having fun and Rose joined me and we started to sing the foot loose part.

I took off at a dead run toward a tree and ran up and did a backwards flip off it. Then I heard the song go on repeat and I looked and it was my dad laughing.

Me and Rose started back to  back this time and went with it.  We both had big smiles on our faces and we were laughing.

"Edward, look at Bella go!" Emmett told him. "I know! This is my Bella way before you met her." I heard Edward say to Emmett.

"I think I like this Bella better." Emmett says. Rose put her arm around around my shoulder and leaned her against my my head.

Then I noticed my dad turned it off repeat and drunk came on and Rose and turned smile at each other.

"Oh no not this again!" Emmett said as he ran to the truck and I Knew he put it on repeat.

"Oh lord, Bella got Rose doing it now." We heard Scott saying. "Just stand back and enjoy it Scott. For we are celebrating my daughter's and my son in laws first wedding anniversary." I just giggled.

I couldn't believe I been married to Edward for Alittle over a year and we have a daughter now.

Then I felt a tug on my pant leg and looked down. "Momma!" She lifted her up. I giggled and picked her up.

Then I started dancing with her in my arms. She smiled and started to babbled and clap her hands. I tipped my head back and laughed.

I don't own all the characters in the story.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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