My Little Secret

By xmegannnxx

20.1K 137 23

18 year old girl named Mya is stolen for ransom by four different men. Soon after they realize that her paren... More

1. Introduction
2. The Arrangement
3. Sunday- The Master
4. Monday- Eric
5. Tuesday- Stefan
6. Wednesday- Bryan
7. Sage
8. Jealousy
9. Lingerie
10. Giving It Away

11. The Future

1K 10 8
By xmegannnxx

A few months later

I watch as Sage glares up at him. "I'm trying! It's kinda harder than it looks, you know?" She shouts.

She has a death grip on both of our hands now. I stand to the right of the bed, and Bryan stands to the left. "You can do this Sage! Come on. You can do this!"

She breathes deeply, just the way she was taught in her birthing classes. "I-i'm trying!" She cries.

"Doctor, she's crowning," A short, brunette nurse says.

The doctor nods to her and then glances up at Sage. "Alright, sweetheart. We are almost there, we need a few good pushes."

She nods her head, and then I feel her grip tighten on my hand. My eyes grow wide, and I grit my teeth, glancing up to see Bryan with the same expression on his face. Sage lets out a long, strained, groan, pushing with all of her might. "Oh God," she says. Breathlessly after pushing, she glances at Bryan, shaking her head. "Never again. No sex ever again."

Bryan scoffs. "Whatever you say, love. You're doing great, keep going."

She takes another deep breath and looks down at the doctor. He gives her the cue, and she starts squeezing our hands again. My mouth falls open, and I'm about to let out a yelp when I hear Sage scream out of pain instead. "Get it out!" She shouts. "Damnit, just pull it out already!"

At this point, I'm pretty sure that Jacob, Stefan, and his new girlfriend, and Eric can all hear Sage screaming from down the hall in the waiting room.

"One more big push!" The doctor exclaims.

Sage squeezes her eye shut, and this time when she grips my hand, I squeeze back, sportively. "You're so amazing, Sage! You're almost there! Almost there!"

"Here it comes," The doctor says.

I feel Sage release my hand as she throws her head back in relief. The room fills with the cries of a newborn baby, and I watch as the doctor hands the baby off to a nurse, who quickly rushes off to clean the baby up.

In a moment, the ambiance of the room shifts to the calm after the storm. It shifts from a roaring tornado to the sound of rain pattering lightly on a tin roof at night. I glance over, and Bryan is smoothing Sage's hair back, and kissing her nose, and forehead. They whisper I love you to each other, laughing, and smiling. My heart fills with warmth, two of my best friends are experiencing one of the greatest joys of their life together, and they picked me to share it with.

Sage glances over at me, a wide grin splayed across her tired face. "Why are you crying, Mya?"

I didn't notice until now, but as I wipe my hand across my cheek, I realize that I a, crying. I let out an emotional laugh and leaned down to hug her. "I think that I am just really, really happy for you guys."

When I pull away, the nurse is walking towards us with a little bundle in her arms. She gently hands it over to Sage, and as soon as the baby is wrapped tightly in her arms, I see her entire face light up. "What is it?" she asks the nurse.

"It's a boy!" The woman exclaims.

As she walks away, Bryan glances from me to Sage. "What should we name him?"

I stifle a laugh. "How about Romeo?"

Bryan glares at me, and jokingly replies, "You can kindly escort yourself out the door."

I finally let out my laugh, and Sage giggled, too. "I'm naming him Waylon."

I see Bryan grin down at her, and his baby body. "That's perfect,"

"I love that name, Sage!" I exclaim. "Are you ready for me to go tell the guys?"

She nods excitedly. "Yes, go get them."

I exit the room and make my way down the long hallway. When I enter the waiting room, every one of the guys stares at me with wide eyes. Eric breaks the silence. "That sounded like some scary shit, man."

I burst out laughing. "It was! My hand almost broke. I'm still not sure if Bryan's is fully in tack."

Stefan laughs, wrapping his arm around his girlfriend and pulling her close. "So they are ready for us to come meet the baby?"

I nod, excitedly. "His name is Waylon."

Everyone rushes past me as I wait for Jacob to catch up. He walks over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I gaze up into his eye, smiling. "So," he says. "After seeing Sage go through what she just went through, do you think you can do that?"

I laugh, "Well, I kinda don't have a choice now, seeing as I am two months pregnant, thanks to your sex-addicted ass."

He grins, pulling me tightly against him. "You know that I can't help it. You're just so damn sexy," he replies, playfully kissing down my neck.

I giggle, trying to shove him away. "Wait until we get home."

He pouts, and then I see a serious expression come across his face. "We are going to have to tell them soon, you know that right? You're going to start showing soon."

I frown. "I don't want to take the spotlight from Sage and Bryan. Give it a little bit longer, okay."

He sighs, deeply. "Okay, fine. I know you're right. I'm just really excited, you know."

"I know," I say smiling. I am too. They will find out eventually."

He nods. "You're right, Angel. Come on, I wanna go meet the little man."

We share a short, slow, kiss, and then pull apart, and lock our fingers together. Things have been amazing between us, I enrolled in college. My degree is nothing, but online classes. Jacob, and I decided that I am going to move into his room, and my room will become our baby's nursery. Jacob and I have been going to see a therapist, and they finally found a medication for him that works better than anything else he has ever taken. I can tell it gives him more confidence and a better self-image of himself. He's so excited to be a father, too. I was terrified to tell him, but when I did, he cried. He cried from happiness, saying that he had always wanted to be a family, but he was afraid that he would never be a good father. I told him that we would work on everything together, and he was just so happy.

We spend the next few hours in the hospital, and when Jacob and I begin to get tired, we say our goodbyes and start heading home. As I slip my nightshirt on, and get ready for bed, Jacob comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my body. "Why are you getting dressed? Maybe we could make twins," he mumbles, grabbing my hips.

I swat his hands away, and then toss my head back, laughing. "That's not how it works, honey."

He turns me to him, smiling down at me. "I know, I'm just kidding. I do want to see that sexy body of yours, though,"

I feel his hand grip my ass, roughly, and instantly, I want to feel him inside of me, again. "Well, it's all yours, Daddy. Anytime you want me, I'm yours," I reply in a seductive tone.

He leans down to me and presses his lips to mine softly. After a few seconds, he pulls away just slightly. "You know what's so great about sex with you? Why do I always want you so much."

I grin. "What?"

"I love the fact that I can have you anytime I want, and that you are always going to be mine. I love it when I am deep inside of you, and I feel more connected to you than I ever have with any other soul on this planet."

Our lips touch, and I pull him back onto the bed with me, ready to fully submit to his every desire. It's something I could never grow tired of. I love his sexy groans, and bedroom eyes gazing down at me as I please him. I love the faces he makes, and how demanding, and possessive, yet gentle and affectionate he is with me. There is nothing about this man that I could ever get tired of, and I know that he feels the same for me.

The next evening, Sage and Bryan come home from the hospital, bringing in a new member to our growing family. Bryan and I excitedly take Waylon to his new room which has had major improvements made to it. It's baby-safe, and non-prisoner-like now, which is a very good thing.

As Bryan, and I walk in, Bryan carrying Waylon in his arms, I see that Jacob and Sage are already in there.

"No, I think it's an amazing idea!" Sage exclaims, excitedly to Jacob. It needs to happen.

"I'm just afraid that she will-" Jacob begins, but I cut them off.

"What's an amazing idea?" I ask, curiously.

Sage rushes over to Bryan, taking Waylon, as Jacob looks over to me, smiling awkwardly. "Nothing. Burritos for dinner."

I raise my eyebrow, giving him an amused expression. "Burritos for dinner, huh?" What's he up to?

He nods, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Yep, burritos with rice on the side."

I laugh, "That sounds good, but I don't think that's what you were talking about."

He fights back a grin. "It was. If you don't want burritos, then we could go out. Sage wanted all eight of us to go out for dinner tonight to celebrate Waylon coming home."

Sage glances over at me from the rocking chair, the hungry baby latched to her chest. "Yeah, I wanted to have a celebration dinner. Everyone is going to come."

"It does sound fun," I say. "What time are we going?"

"Well," Sage replies. "Wanted to lay Waylon down for a nap after he eats before we go. I bet by the time you get ready, we will leave shortly after."

"Okay," I say, smiling. "Come on Jacob. Let's give them some alone time."

He takes my hand, and we head to our bedroom. "Wear something pretty," he says as he plops down on the bed. "It's a nice restaurant."

I nod. "Gotcha"

After getting showered, and dressed, Sage gets Waylon ready, and then we head out in separate vehicles. When we arrived, I instantly recognized the restaurant. "Hey, this is where you took me for our second date," I say, smiling, as Jacob opens my door for me.

He laughs. "Yeah, it was our first date. It was the first one we didn't ditch for sex."

I snicker. "We've had a few of those, too though."

When we are seated, we sit at a large stretched table. The lights are low, and soft music flows through the air. I sit between Jacob, and Sage and across from Stefan who surprisingly became a a really good friend after he realized that it wasn't going to happen between us.

A waiter in a white button-up with a black vest, and bow tie walks over to us, I expect him to pull out a notepad to take our order, but instead, he reaches into his back pocket, and a little bundle of red roses appears in his hand. "For you, miss," he says, handing them to me.

I take them confused and glance over to Jacob. He grins at me, and I remember the conversation from the nursery between him and Sage earlier. Is this what he was talking about?

"Did you pay him to do that?" I ask.

He nods, "Yes, I also paid them to do this." I reply, motioning behind me.

I turn to see what he is talking about, and a trio of men with various instruments begins to play a soft melody at the table. I look at Sage confused. "What is happening?"

She winks at me. "Turn back around, and find out."

I give her a funny look, then glance back over to Jacob, who is now on the ground on one knee. "Mya," he says grinning. My mouth falls open. "I look into the future, and all I see is you. I see us, and that beautiful baby that we have made together. I don't want to imagine even a day of my life where you aren't mine. You aren't just my submissive, or my lover. You're not just some woman that I happened to fall in love with. You're my rock, my light at the end of every dark tunnel I have to walk down. You pull me back to earth, making my world a better place. I want you every day of my life until that day I die, so Angel, will you marry me?"

At the end of his proposal, I can feel the tears rolling down my face. I do nothing, but laugh, and nod my head. "Yes," I finally manage to breathe out. He takes my hand, and gently slides the ring on.

I turn to Sage, grinning. "You brat! You knew about this."

She giggles. "I sure did, Jacob told me how you feel. You're not taking my spotlight. We are sharing the spotlight, and living some of the happiest moments of our life together as best friends!"

I hug her, happy that she feels with way, and then I turn to Jacob. He pulls me to him as the waiter comes back to take our orders. "I love you," he mumbles into my ear.

I smile at him. "I love you too, Jacob."

His lips press to mine, gently, and when he pulls away, his eyes meet mine. "You're stuck with me forever now, Angel."

I grin at him, "I wouldn't trade you for the world, love."



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