Jujutsu Kaisen x Reader

By aaabevs

98 2 1

mainly angst mixed with pain, reader deserves better. More

Chap. 1 - Sad Case
Chap. 3 - Rewind
Chap. 4 - Sacred
Chap. 5 - Step on me
Chap. 6 - Ambivalent
Chap. 7 - Pious

Chap. 2 - Fresh Prey

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By aaabevs

After her stint in the medical ward Yoshiko got brought before Itadori Yuji by none other than Gojo after what he had mercilessly done onto her she still tried to see some semblance of the good in the man, yet good was few and far in between. "Y-Yoshiko?" The big mouth of the pinkette flapped open wide as he stared right at Yoshiko's form standing at the top of the stairs next to Gojo who was in a much more casual outfit than he was in before. "Izanami is an S rank demon after all, Yoshiko is her vessel so she prefers to be in traditional robes but it suits her yes?" The young woman beside Gojo wore a scowl, "Shut up Gojo, just tell him why I'm here already." A small blush grew present on pale cheeks from Gojos relentless teasing, after the remarks Sukuna in Yuji's body made it sparked a growing unrest in Megumi and Gojo. "What was Sukuna going on about back there? He's still going on about Izanami and you." Megumi asked the shorter girl, they were walking back with Yuji to Jujutsu Tech, after the initial newly found discovery that he was the new vessel of Sukuna. "No it was nothing at all!" Shaking it off, Yoshiko still felt the gaze of the Fushiguro behind her as his blue eyes settled on her form as they trailed behind Gojo. "Be real with me." He grabbed her arm to pull her closer than she had been, Megumi was one who could see the telltale signs whenever the girl was lying and or hiding something from him easily. "Izanami and Sukuna.. they were together. She told me he'd marked me for later, I don't know what that means but I'm curious about Yuji." Pretty light blue eyes met a pair of troubled golden orbs, clouded with a new fear and worry over the King of Curses and the new issues Yuji created for them all. "So? It doesn't matter what that demon says, I'll protect you." It caught her off guard as he tugged her along to catch up with Gojo, her mind flickered to all the conversations with Megumi before she cleared her throat. "So I'm going to help train you, our jujutsu and cursed energy is quite similar from what Gojo-sensei explained to me." A pink yet glowing bright blush formed on Yuji's cheeks as he rubbed his cheek with a finger, "R-really? You'd help me? Thank you, thank you Yoshiko!" Hugging her at the nod he received, Yoshiko almost yelped for the strong grip of Yuji's arms which felt as if he could crush her. "Ahem! I'll leave you two love birds to it, Megumi is resting so behave won't you?" Yoshiko stuck up her middle finger right at Gojo, who had his back turned from the two kids standing in the lower level of an area. "Uh I can see you still, y'know that I can see right Yoshiko-chan." Gojo's loud boisterous chuckles resounded as he left the room, "He's such an awful menace sorry about Gojo he has a nasty personality but I am Kozakura Yoshiko, nice to meet you fully!" Finally shaking hands, Yuji introduced himself in return and he asked why she had such a pretty name but she froze up. "I like that, Yoshiko is such a cute name! I'm surprised a pretty girl is stuck with a bunch of dudes like us now." Yuji commented wryly, he was smiling as he noticed she wore a funny look on her face but nonetheless didn't speak on what she thought. "Thanks, Yuji suits you too. I don't mind since there's one other girl here and now someone as interesting as you showed up." He gulped loudly, Adam's apple bobbing up in his throat as he stared at the godlike girl sitting on the couch beside him. "I-Interesting?" At Yuji's comment she leaned in, scanning him over and grinning at him as she began to notice that he was actually cute. "I've never met someone in the same predicament as me before, I'm glad but this means you're in danger." He stared at her with curiosity, "The higher ups have tried to kill me before, thanks to Gojo I've lived so far but we'll protect you..so don't be scared." Yuji slowly reached out to her despite the annoying nagging voice of Sukuna in his ears, a mouth appeared on his face right when his hand touched her arm. "I'll take over this brat right now and show you scared." The hand that was on Yoshiko's arm went to cover the mouth as she laughed, "Okay Sukuna, you aren't scary." Leaning in, Yoshiko removed the hand of Yuji's and held it up to her mouth and in that second she kissed it, Sukuna's mouth appearing. He kissed the girl on the lips harder than she had expected, with tongue too, her surprise was imminent but not unwarranted as she kissed back slowly yet cautiously, for Yuji's sake as she pulled away and the mouth soon began to retract. "Uum...I'm so sorry! Please!" Yuji all of a sudden began to bow as she shook her head, curls bouncing with her movements and without hesitation her red lips were on his lips in a quick peck. "Don't apologize, I like you not just because you're Sukuna's host but you are my type. Strong." Apparently later on Yuji told her that she was his exact type in women, tall girls with big butts and accepted despite initially getting offended. "I like tall girls with big butts!" The two had hit it off and even if he blushed like a beet profusely every time they spoke or she looked at him, it was a schoolgirl crush at best which would evolve into more in the coming weeks. The next day she took him to meet Yaga but his eyes were directed to the principal as he firmly introduced himself but Yoshiko tried to repress a laugh at Yuji's words and how much he childishly spoke. Yuji even somehow managed to make the old principal smile, Principal Yagi was a stoic but caring man in her opinion despite his at first, rough treatment of the vessel of the King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna. "Yoshiko, do me a favor and listen up. The higher ups are in a tizzy already about Itadori Yuji, keep Benihime Izanami in check." The principal spoke in his authoritative voice, bowing she nodded as the dark look returned to her golden eyes when a concerned Yuji turned to her. Gojo being the one who with a manic glee escorted the two out, "See? Not so bad. It was Yoshiko-chan who worried the most." Scowling at the white haired man who stood towering over them, she rolled her eyes. "Don't start, I already have to worry about the higher ups killing me." Yoshiko's annoyed tone helped Yuji out of his own stupor as he stared. "You're still so stubborn, just like Mura-chan." Gojo spoke out of turn, the two males stopping when they saw Yoshiko's body freeze up at the mention of this 'Mura' and a wave of cursed energy washed over the two. "I'm going to Megumi's room." In seconds she had excused herself, telling Yuji that she would see him later on but completely ignored Gojo. "What was that about Sensei?" Yuji had tried to go after the distressed girl but Gojo-sensei pulled him back, "I said something that I shouldn't have, Mura-chan is her sister. She passed so the subject is still sore for Yoshiko, I think we all feel that way." Gojo and the young girl had a complicated history, after Murasaki and Geto Suguru's deaths even the young child inside of Yoshiko was gone. Hardened from the death and inheritance of Izanami not long after loss, her cursed energy and technique were full of curses that lay dormant inside of her body, like Yuji the threat of being taken down arose. "I'm sorry for the intrusion." Megumi was taken by a bit of surprise, resting in bed with bandages on his body and face he watched as Yoshiko had emerged from the entryway. "Yoshiko? What is it this time." Sitting up a bit as she came over to him, "Just checking on you. I worried, since the Sukuna...thing. I have a bad feeling about it." The last part was murmured despite clearly hearing her and watching as she put a hand on her mouth. "Slipped out! Um.." Megumi had almost laughed but instead smiled a tiny bit at the girl, "I'm better, healed. Slept it off but why do you look upset." It wasn't a question really but a demand, the slightly older girl was prone to rambling when upset. "Gojo...he mentioned my sister. In front of Itadori and I stormed off, I came right here actually." With a sigh Megumi got up before being pushed back down by the surprisingly firm hand covered with tattoos. "I don't think you should be up and moving, you got injured." Megumi shook his head at her as he sat up, "No that's not okay, go tell him or I will." With a heavy hearted sigh, Yoshiko got up and left to go find Gojo which didn't take too long but it did take a bit of running around. She found him with Yuji and waited until he'd finished up with him, jumping out of her hiding spot after repressing her cursed energy best she could, "Gojo." He didn't even get in the least bit surprised by her, merely looking at her with his six eyes which meant nothing did get by him. "What you said earlier, it pissed me off. Memories came up, things that I tried to forget about her and Geto and you." It pained her to say it all out loud, especially now that she was older and recognized the power Gojo held over everyone. Since Geto and now the fearsome Murasaki were gone, Gojo and only two of the S rank sorcerers remained inside of the school, she was trying to get to S rank for Murasaki and to fight curses to get stronger. He began laughing, patting her on the head and ruffling the dark hair as she scrunched up her face. "Sorry, sorry Yoshiko. You know that I love you." Impartially it was true that she to this day still blamed Gojo only because he was there for Murasaki passing, Geto and Gojo caused her death and Geto had died at Gojo's hand in front of her. "No you love her but I look just like her don't I?" Yoshiko wore a sad smile on her red lips as Gojo fought off the sudden urge to devour her right there. He thought to himself what would Murasaki think now of him but she seemed lost in a flurry of thoughts and surely secrets, his six eyes told him that much but at the same time he wanted her to come to him, ask for his guidance. "I did love Mura and you look exactly like she did but I really do love you Yoshiko-chan." She glared at him for the way he said her name like a gross predator, always treating Megumi and her like little kids after Murasaki died and Geto did too so he only had them. "Oh whatever just shut up Gojo I'm going to the store." The two were walking down to a convenience store since Megumi texted her a list, "I'm coming too just in case some guy tries to pick you up." Gojo teased, using her as an armrest while the two of them walked as she death stared up at the taller male. Sometimes Yoshiko tried to get some form or attempt to of understanding as to why Satoru Gojo always bothered her greatly, he fooled around with the students and called it teaching but he was the best instructor she'd ever had, at the same time she loathed his power over others. "Still I wonder, what goes on inside your head Gojo." After paying and dealing with women gawking at Gojo, some even flirting while she dragged him away and back on the path back to the school campus. "Hm? Is my dear cute student curious about me now?" Shaking her head she laughed, "I know enough, Izanami told me lots and lots about you and my big sister. I get it, why she loved you." Gojo stopped walking as he turned to face her, she spoke so genuinely and earnest as she smiled at him happily with that carefree grin. "I think she admired strong wills. But I still hate you." The bag in her hands, heavy yet she kept her back straight as she walked in and he caught a glimpse of Murasaki in her form from behind. Reaching out, his pale large hand landed atop her smaller shoulders which seemed to tiny and frail compared to him, "Sorry, I thought you were her." Yoshiko was torn between multiple worlds, the world in which she pretended as if her sister never left her and the world in which Gojo resolutely had decided she was Murasaki. The only world she did care about was the world in which the second years, Panda, Yuta, Maki and Inumaki and her first years Itadori as well as Kugisaki and Megumi, she wanted to be all together again. "I know who you pretend I am, Gojo." It started small, Gojo would accidentally call her Murasaki or tease her like he did to Geto and Mura, sometimes he'd try to kiss her even if they weren't alone and what he did to her still remained unspeakable. Of course she buried it deep inside, only Megumi noticed somewhat the things that did really went on behind the closed doors despite her trying and starting a relationship with Itadori Yuji to deter Gojo, yet he couldn't stand it at all anymore knowing she wasn't only his. Of course at times with eyes on them Yoshiko pretended to be sweet and polite, kept up banter and gave Gojo all the reactions he craved, her smiling, just playing along and laughing but it wasn't nearly enough to satiate that predatory beast.

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