The Alien in a Guild of Fairi...

By MnTexan2

581 23 8

After stopping a new enemy that seemed to be a bit odd even for one of Ben's enemies. Although, upon capturin... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

192 10 4
By MnTexan2

After getting off the train, Ben and Makarov made there way through the city. Ben was still in awe of the sheer scale of the city, he really felt like he had stepped into an online MMORPG he would play on his off time. "So, Ben... I'm guessing that you like the city of Magnolia?" Makarov asked noticing the look of childlike wonder and awe on Ben's face. Ben almost had to forcibly close his mouth, realizing that it was open the entire time. "Yeah, where I'm from the cities look nothing like this, unless of course you're talking about those small towns we labeled fairy tale villages, but they're nothing to this scale. I feel like I walked right into a story book." Ben said with a childish glee. Makarov laughed; he hadn't seen someone act like Ben in quite a while. The two men arrived at a large three-story building, resembling that of a tiered caked. But what really caught Ben's eye was the guild's name above the door. 'Wait, it's Fairy Tail? Not fairy tale?' Ben thought. "Well, Ben, here we are. Welcome... to Fairy Tail." Makarov said grandiosely as he opened the door to reveal.... everyone in his guild fighting one another. Mugs of alcohol, chairs, stools, broken tables, and even people flying in every direction. Makarov's jaw immediately dropped almost comically. Ben's jaw also flew open, except unlike Makarov, who was more embarrassed than anything else, Ben was surprised that what he saw was a guild of wizards and not a motorcycle dive bar.

Suddenly a women's voice came out of the chaos. "I've had enough out of all of you!" Then a blueish-green light began to shine. "Now you've done it!" A man's voice came, and a whiteish blue light began to shine. Next a loud shout from a man, and a purple light appeared in another area. Soon enough there were multiple, colored lights appearing throughout the entire building. "Bring it on!" Another male voice declared as a reddish orange light appeared. Then Ben heard a high-pitched voice, sounding more like a kid's than an adult. "Aye!" "Aye, nothing!" A woman shouted in panic. Ben looked over to see a blonde woman holding a blue cat. 'Blue cat huh? I'll admit it's pretty weird, and yet still isn't even in the top thirty.' Ben thought. "Foolish kids." Makarov grumbled and suddenly began to grow in size. "Stop this, you fools!" He shouted at everyone. This was all it took to stop the fighting and get everyone to be quiet. "A giant!" The blonde woman screamed. Ben walked in and took a seat on a stool that hadn't been knocked over. "Oh, you were here, master?" Another female's voice said. Ben couldn't see what they looked like, seeing as they were behind Makarov, who stated that he had just arrived. Soon a lean, muscular young man of average height with a slightly tan skin tone, black eyes, spiky, pink-colored hair, and abnormal sharp canines in a sleeveless, gold trimmed, black waistcoat, left open and untucked, exposing his bare chest, a gold trimmed, black cloth around his waist that reaches his knees, held by a brown leather belt with an oval-shaped silver buckle, white knee-length trousers with black ribbon ties, a thick black wristband on his left wrist, black open-toed sandals and a white, scale-patterned scarf, began laughing. "Everyone's scared stiff! Victory is mi-" The man's declaration of victory was cut short, as Makarov stomped on him. This outcome shocked Ben, seeing as Makarov had told Ben that he considered these people his children. 'Maybe he believes in corporal punishment?' Ben thought. 

Makarov had then noticed that there was a new face in his guild, aside from Ben of course. "Hmm? Another new recruit, are we?" Makarov asked accidently sounding menacing. "Y-Yes!" The blonde woman shouted in fear. Makarov then began to shrink back down to his normal size and said. "Glad to have you on board!" "Now he's so tiny! And wait, if you're the master..." The blonde woman said. "That's right, this is Fairy Tail's Guild Master, Master Makarov." A white-haired woman said as she walked up to the blonde. Makarov then turned and jumped up to the second story. Ben was astonished that Makarov was capable of such a feat. 'Old man got hops.' Ben thought chuckling to himself. Makarov stood atop the railing for the second story and spoke to the Guild members of Fairy Tail. "You've gone and done it again, rascals! Look at all this paperwork the council sent me! They're all complaints! I was also asked to meet with them about the debts Fairy Tail owed in all the damages you all have caused! All you fools do is make council angry at me!" Fairy Tail's Guild members were all silent from embarrassment. Then Makarov spoke up again. "However... screw the council!" He then lit the complaints on fire. And threw them into the air, the pink haired man jumped and... caught it with his mouth? 'Ok, I can't tell what's weirder, blue talking cat or fire eating man.' "Listen up! Magic is an unreasonable power, but is born from reason! It is not some miraculous ability. It is the combination of the spirit that flows within us, and with the spirit that flows within nature itself, incarnated into physical form! It takes a strong mind and focus! In fact, magic is pouring out of ones entire soul! One cannot progress in the way of magic by being mindful of the watchful eye from above! Be not afraid of those fools on the council! And follow the path you believe in! That's what it means to be a Fairy Tail wizard!" When he finished his speech, Makarov held up his right hand, the back of the hand facing forward, and his thumb and pointer finger extended. All the guild members did the same thing and shouted with pride. 

When Makarov came down to the first floor he jumped up on the bar, grabbed a half full mug of alcohol and said. "Mirajane, could you set up our newcomers?" The white-haired woman in the red dress seemed confused and said. "Um, master. Lucy here is the only newcomer." "Not so. After all, he's here to join too." Makarov said and thumbed at Ben. Everyone in the guild looked where he was pointing only to see Ben sitting at the bar. Ben waved at everyone, but they all shouted in surprise as they had just noticed Ben for the first time. "When did you get here?" A man with onyx hair, and no clothes spare his black boxers, asked. "Uh, same time Makarov did. And you do realize you don't have clothes on, right?" Ben asked. "CRAP! Not again!" The onyx haired man shouted. "Again?" Ben asked. "It's not a day at Fairy Tail without Gray strippin' down to his skivvies. He doesn't even realize he does it." A brown-haired woman in a blue bikini top, a pair of dark red capris, and a pair of high heeled sandals said. Her outfit did nothing to cover her voluptuous figure, large breasts, and curvy waist. Ben had just realized she was there and when he turned to look at her, he found it difficult not to blush. Though the comment that she made caused Ben throw up an eyebrow. 'Doesn't even know he... How can he not know? Is it just that much of a habit?' Ben thought. "Well, let's get started with registering the both of you as Fairy Tail wizards. Lucy, I'll start with you, so if you'll come with me." Mirajane said and walked off with the blonde Wizard. Meanwhile, Ben stood near the bar by Makarov. "So, Ben. When do you think we should tell them about you?" Makarov asked. "As soon as possible. I'd like to make sure everyone knows so I'm not lying to them." Ben said. "You're technically not lying. You told me you can use Magic now. That makes you a Wizard." Makarov explained. Ben chuckled before saying. "I guess." "How old are you by the way?" Makarov asked. "Um... I'm 19. Why?" Ben asked. "Hmm, so in this world you'd be born in the year 765." Makarov said whilst wiping away the froth from his mustache. "Woah, really? Huh. Guess I'd better get used to the years." Ben said. Soon enough Lucy and Mirajane came out of the room and Ben followed Mirajane into the back.

Ben sat across the desk from Mirajane and was finally close enough to get a good look at her, this caused him to become as red as Four Arms. 'That's twice in one day I've caught myself blushing at the women here. Are all the women here runway and magazine cover models or something?' Ben thought. To be fair the woman sitting across from him was rather stunning, Ben felt that she had to be older than he was due to her physique. Mirajane was a slim young woman of below average height. She had long, white hair which curled slightly at the ends, with two bangs framing her face and reaching down to her chest; her hairstyle's most distinctive trait was the short, upward ponytail obtained by gathering and tying the hair covering her forehead. She had large blue eyes and a curvy, voluptuous body, with large breasts. Ben was using every ounce of willpower he had to not stare or look inappropriately. "All right, let's get started, shall we? What is your full name?" Mirajane asked. "My name is Benjamin Kirby Tennyson. But please just call me Ben." Ben told her. "Well, then please call me Mira." Mira asked of him. "Will do." Ben replied. Mira just smiled and giggled before moving on. "Ok, and your date of birth and age?" "December 27th... uh 765. I'm 19 years old." He said. "Really? So you're my age! I thought you'd be older." Mira commented. 'I could say the same thing to you!' Ben thought in complete shock. "Now, what Magic type do you use?" Mirajane asked as she moved onto her next question. "I use an advanced form of Transformation Magic, via Holder Magic. I also use a certain type of Magic never used before known as Evolution Magic." Ben told her. "Transformation? Do you use Take Over?" Mira asked. "No. Just Transformation Magic. I use this to transform into my different forms." Ben lifted up his left arm and showed her the Omnitrix. "What is it?" She asked curiously. "It's called the Omnitrix. And here's a paper that explains everything on what the Omnitrix is and is capable of." Ben said handing a folded slip of paper to Mira. She began to read the note and eventually folded it back up before asking. "Do you mind telling me who made this?" "...A friend." Ben responded. Mira nodded and asked. "Could you please explain what this Evolution Magic is?" "Well it only works with my Transformation Magic. But, essentially, it allows me to evolve my transformations into a more combat ready version of that species. I can also have multiple evolved forms of the same transformation; I think the most I have for one transformation is four. I also call these evolved forms, Ultimates." Ben explained. Mira was in shock; she had never heard of something like what Ben had just described. And a special type of Magic only usable by one person? She'd never thought that was possible. People can learn Magic and be taught different kinds to find the one that suits them, and some would work better than others but... personalized Magic had never been seen before.

Mira, however, remained calm, her smile hadn't gone away. "I see, so how many transformations do you have? Not including the Ultimates." Mira asked. "Not including Ultimates? Around 1,000,912. Maybe more. I've lost track at this point, but I can gain more relatively easily." Ben said casually. This was what made her go wide eyed, she couldn't contain her expression of shock and awe. After all she only had three Take Overs and her brother, Elfman, had five partial Take Overs. This wasn't just advanced Transformation Magic; this was a completely different level of what might be capable with it. She then composed herself and asked. "Well, um, are there any particular abilities you can use or have when using these transformations?" "Increased strength, speed, senses, reflexes, flight, underwater breathing, cloning, all elemental powers, energy absorption and redirection, etc. An easier question to answer would be what can't I do." Ben responded. Mira's jaw dropped; and a wide-eyed look sprawled across her face. Mira literally shook off her surprise and said. "I'll just write down a lot of abilities. Now what color Guild mark would you like and where?" "Green if possible, and on my left shoulder." Ben said and rolled up his sleeve. Mira quickly stamped Ben's arm and that was that. "Oh, one more thing." Ben said getting her attention. "Oh, what would that be?" She asked getting ready to write it down. "I'm from another world." Ben said. "Eh?" she questioned as she tilted her head in surprise. "Yeah, I'll explain it to everyone. So, once outside I'll explain everything." Ben said and left.

Makarov was enjoying another pint of alcohol when he noticed Ben had exited the room, they used for interviewing potential Guild member candidates. "Ah, so I see you're finally a member of my Guild." Makarov said. "Yeah, though Mira might have some questions." Ben mentioned. "Like what?" Makarov asked. "How I'm from another world for starters." Ben said, loud enough to be heard throughout the entire Guild. "Ah, I see." Makarov said calmly. "WHAT!?" The entire Guild screamed. Both Ben and Makarov looked to the Guild. Ben just sighed and began to explain his situation. Everyone was infatuated with Ben's tale. Makarov was surprised, as this was the quietest his Guild had ever been with everyone there, spare Mystogan, Gildarts, and the Thunder Legion. When Ben finished, a few people had questions. "So what is your world like then?" The Onyx haired man asked, again not wearing anything but boxers. "Well, my world uses technology and science, not magic. In fact, very few people can use magic where I'm from. I couldn't even use magic, but that changed when I was brought here." Ben said. "What kind of creatures are do you use for your transformations? You said they don't exist here and are different from what we're used to." A large, muscular man with tan colored skin, whose height caused him to tower over most of his fellow guild members. His long white hair was kept styled upwards in long, wavy spikes, his dark eyes possessed no visible eyebrows, and his rectangular, elongated face had a stitched scar running down its right side, crossing his right eye. His black Fairy Tail stamp was located on the left part of his neck. He was wearing something resembling worn by Japanese high-school hooligans Ben had seen in anime and manga. "Where I'm from they're species from different planets, called aliens. They live on different planets and gained their powers and abilities through evolution in an attempt to survive their home world and or to combat against predators. The ones I turn into are sapient." Ben explained. "What does that mean?" The blue cat asked. "Well, let's take you for example, um..." "Happy." "Your name is Happy?" Ben asked. Happy nodded and declared. "Aye!" "Ok, well, let's take you for example, Happy. Normal cats aren't capable of the level of thought that you are. Sure, they're sentient creatures, they're capable to feel emotions develop personalities, and have subjective experiences. But, you, Happy... you are capable of higher forms of intelligence, and asking abstract questions like What am I? Or where did I come from? Or what's my destiny? Things like that. That means you're not just any ordinary cat, you are sapient." Ben explained. Happy beamed with joy and a sense of pride seemed to wash over him. "I knew I was smart!" He exclaimed overjoyed. "Way to go buddy!" The pink haired man shouted as he high-fived Happy.

After the questions died down the pink haired man from earlier jumped up and shouted. "Alright, you seem pretty strong. Let's fight!" This stunned Ben, he just got finished explaining things and was hoping for calm introduction to the Guild, he kinda already lost that when he arrived and saw everyone brawling like it was a bar fight. But, still, he never thought someone would challenge him to a fight on his first day there. "Natsu, what are you doing?" The onyx haired man asked, more annoyed than anything. "Yeah, Natsu, from the sounds of it you're just gonna get your ass kicked." A man with orange hair, green sunglasses, a green jacket with brown lining and red floral shirt told him. "AH SHUT IT! I COULD TOTALLY WIN!" Natsu shouted. Ben just turned to Makarov and asked. "He's not gonna stop till I fight him, will he?" "'Fraid not." Makarov said as he shrugged and went back to sipping his ale. Ben sighed and said. "Ok, Natsu? Right?" Natsu simply nodded in response. "Alright, fine. But... we do this outside. Deal?" Ben said. "Deal! Oh, you're so going down!" Natsu declared. Everyone made their way outside the Guild Hall and made a large circle around Ben and Natsu. "You know, Natsu, no shame in walking away now." Ben said, practically goading him. "Ha! As if! If anyone here should back down, it's you!" Natsu shouted. Makarov looked between the two and asked. "Are the two of you ready?" "I'm all fired up!" Natsu declared, a wicked grin splashed across his face. Ben popped the Omnitrix's dial and selected the alien he was gonna use before announcing he was ready. "Hmm, this'll be the first time I see Ben's Magic in action." Makarov said in realization, shocking the rest of his Guild before turning to Ben and Natsu and shouting. "Then BEGIN!"

Natsu immediately wrapped both his fists in flame and charge Ben right as the match begun. All the while shouting. "FIRE DRAGON'S...." Ben simply wound his hand back and slapped the dial, becoming enveloped in an unearthly green glow, causing the spectators to shield their eyes. Natsu on the other hand closed the distance, finishing his attack in the process. "IRON FIST!" He finished shouting slamming both fists into where Ben's stomach should be. But instead of being launched across the temporary arena like Natsu had expected, 'Ben' had only moved a few feet, with the drag marks in the ground to show for it. To add to that, the sound they all heard didn't sound like flesh hitting flesh, it sounded more like flesh hitting rock or something along those lines. Natsu also felt pain shoot through his hands and up his arms. As he shook them of the pain the light died down, revealing to them that where Ben once was, was now a seven-foot-tall diamond golem.

"DIAMONDHEAD!" Diamondhead shouted in a deep and smooth voice with the sound of tiny crystals clinking with each vowel he spoke. "What the?!" Natsu shouted. "Bet 'cha never seen something like this, huh?" Diamondhead said with arms spread out. "Doesn't matter what you turn into I'll still take you down!" Natsu said determined. Diamondhead could tell Natsu wasn't acting out of hate or malice, the guy was just a battle junkie or something. 'He must really like to fight.' But, this was by far the most exciting thing to happen to Ben in a while. "Not a chance!" Diamondhead responded with a smile, unaware of the two women whom he was blushing at earlier, Mirajane, and Cana as he now knew, were now blushing at him. Natsu launched himself at Diamondhead only for Diamondhead to cross his arms generating a diamond barrier in front of him, blocking Natsu's flaming kick. 'So this is his Magic, huh? Doesn't look anything like the magic back home, granted this is so much cooler!' Diamondhead thought. As Natsu was readying himself for another attack Diamondhead leapt up and over his own barrier with his hands formed into multiple shards, and whilst still midair he took aim at Natsu and unleashed a volley of diamond shards. This single attack tore the ground beneath Natsu to shreds and caused him to backpedal, and then sprint to the left of Diamondhead. Shifting his hands back Diamondhead plunged his left hand into he ground, a second later a giant diamond hand sprouted from the ground reaching for Natsu. And just as it was closing its fist, Natsu slipped out and shouted. "FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" Before bringing his hands to mouth like a trumpeter and expelling a large amount of fire. Diamondhead rolled backwards, pulling his hand out of the ground as he did. But, the fire was aimed directly at Makarov, Mirajane, Cane, Elfman, Gray, and a few others he hadn't learned the names of yet. Slamming his hand on the ground he formed a large wall in front of them just before the fire hit, lowering it after the threat had past. Diamondhead then slapped the Omnitrix and was enveloped in another green glow, and was replaced with a blue, quadrupedal lizard.

"ARCTIGUANA!" Arctiguana shouted in a breathy, light Jamaican accent. "Woah, he can switch on the fly!? That's really advanced Take-Over Magic!" Elfman shouted. "I know, it's hard enough that few Take-Over wizards even attempt it." Mirajane stated. 'Really? It's that difficult?' Arctiguana thought. "A big lizard? Man, I shoulda told you what my Magic is beforehand, shouldn't I?" Natsu asked. "What? Why?" Arctiguana asked. Natsu just smirked and said. "I'm a Fire Dragon Slayer. I use Fire Dragon Slaying Magic. Basically, I'm the perfect person to go against this guy!" Natsu said confidently. "Glad I didn't use Salamancer then." Arctiguana commented, before jumping into the air, summersaulting and breathing ice to create a slide. "WAIT, WHAT?!" Gray shouted. Natsu just jumped and broke the slide with his fist trying to hit Arctiguana, who avoided just in time. The moment Natsu landed, he was hit by Arctiguana's ice beam, freezing him solid. For a moment Arctiguana thought he won, until Natsu began to melt the ice and broke out. "Brrr. That was cold." Natsu said. "Well, I mean, it is kinda my whole thing." Arctiguana said. "Well, you're gonna have to try harder than that!" Natsu shouted. "Well, if ice won't work... maybe sound will." Arctiguana said. And once again was enveloped in an emerald glow. When it died down a small, ghost-like transformation with semi-transparent light blue skin replaced Arctiguana. He wore a black, and white uniform that covers his shoulders and went down from his center to his waist.

"Wisper." He whispered in an eerie ghost-like voice at such a low volume that it was barely audible. Natsu didn't say anything and didn't look impressed to say the least, rolling his eyes at what he saw in front of him. "I wonder if Ben meant to do that." One person said. "Yeah, this one isn't as impressive as the others were." Somebody else responded. "YOU GOT THIS NATSU! HE DOESN'T LOOK SO TOUGH!" Happy shouted in support of his friend. "Thanks buddy!" Natsu shouted back. Natsu gave Wisper a cocky grin, but, unbeknownst to him Happy had just given him the best ammunition he could ever use against Natsu. Natsu then shot forward before leaping into the air, his right foot on fire, shouting. "FIRE DRAGON'S CLAW!" Before bringing down his right foot in an attack. However, just before contact Wisper inhaled and then spoke. "YOU GOT THIS NATSU!" When he spoke, it was in Happy's voice, only amplified to such a degree that it became a physical attack and launch the Fire Dragon Slayer back to the edge of the arena, all the while everyone else had covered their ears. "H-How? How did you sound like Happy?" Natsu asked between grunts of pain. "Simple, I absorbed the sound he made when he cheered for you and released it as an attack. While you were getting supported by your friend I was getting ammo." Wisper said in a hushed tone. Natsu growled and went to charge again, but Wisper stopped him in his tracks. "HE DOESN'T LOOK SO TOUGH!" He said once again like Happy only this time there was no physical strike, just a loud deafening sound. Loud enough that it floored Natsu. 'I wasn't even going all out yet he's acting like he's getting hit with 200 decibels. Wait, does his magic give him enhanced senses like a dragon would have? That would explain why he's suffering more than them. If that's the case...' Wisper thought before slapping the Omnitrix turning into Stinkfly.

"STINKFLY!" He shouted in a phlegmy and raspy voice. "A big bug!? Come on?! Are you just messing with me now?" Natsu shouted. "Nope." Stinkfly responded and shot a wad of goo into his face. "Ew!" Lucy shouted. However, it seemed that Natsu suffered worse than what she initially thought, as a second after she spoke muffled screaming could be heard from under the goo. Suddenly the goo on his face exploded. Natsu then began inhaling the air and sniffing the grass as if to rid his nose of something. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" He finally shouted. "Just some goo, not my fault it's explosive... or foul smelling." Stinkfly responded a smug grin on face. Natsu once again launched himself at Ben, now Stinkfly, only this time Stinkfly just buzzed his wings as if wafting something to Natsu. Natsu never made it to Stinkfly, being forced to cover his nose and hit the ground. Stinkfly just walked up to him, turned around, raised his tail, and dropped it next to his head plunging the sharp tail into the ground. "I think I win. You can't really fight if you have to cover your face to deal with me." Stinkfly told him. And with that the Ben had won the match.

 After everyone went back inside and both Ben and Natsu, who seemed to be ready to fight Ben again after training to beat him, had rested. Ben walked over to Makarov. "Ah Ben, I assume you're here to talk about housing? Seeing as you don't exactly have a place in town it would be the first thing on my mind if I were to be permanently stranded in a new world." Makarov said to Ben and then began drinking another pint of ale. Ben seemed a little worried for the man seeing as this was either his fourth or fifth mug and they had only just arrived a few forty-five minutes ago. "Uh, yeah. I don't exactly have a place. I was wondering if I could stay here while I check out some places around town." Ben said. "No problem, Mirajane will set up an empty storage room for you until you can get moved into a place." Makarov told him. "Thanks." Ben walked over to Mira who pointed him in the direction of the storage room Makarov told him about, apparently, she had thought ahead and cleaned it out before anyone talked about where he would stay. He thanked her and went to grab his stuff when he heard a young boy's voice ask. "Hasn't my dad come back yet?" This got Ben to turn around, to see a young boy with black hair in a green shirt, dark orange shorts and blue sandals. "You're getting annoying, Romeo. If you're the son of a Wizard, then believe in him and wait patiently at home!" Makarov told the young boy, now known to Ben as Romeo. "But he said he was going to be back in three days, and he hasn't come home for a week!" Romeo said stamping his foot in scared frustration. "That was a job at Mt. Hakobe, if I recall." Makarov raid attempting to recollect his memories. "It's not that far away! Go out and look for him!" Romeo demanded. "Your old man is a Wizard! And there ain't a Wizard in this Guild who can't take care of himself! Go home and drink some milk or something!" Makarov shouted, clearly drunk but also subtly upset that something might've happened to the boy's father. "Jerk!" Romeo shouted back as he socked Makarov in the face and ran off cursing. "Must be hard on him." Lucy said saddened at what she witnessed. "His words were harsh, but the master is actually worried." Mira said, not looking at anyone. A sudden and loud crack made everyone look to where it came from only to see Natsu, the pink haired man from before, walking away from the Request Board that he just broke. "Hey, Natsu, don't break the board!" A man in tribal clothing shouted. With that Natsu just started walking out of the Guild with Happy at his side.

"Master, are you sure about this? He's going to save Macao, you know." The man in tribal clothing said to Makarov. "This is why he's such a kid." A man with large buck teeth said. "All this is gonna do is hurt Macao's pride." The man in tribal garb stated. "No one can decide what someone else should do with their life. Leave him be!" Makarov told them. 'They won't help because of this Macao guy's pride? I mean I may have prideful the past but I ended up accepting help when I was in over my head, regardless of if I wanted it or not.' Ben thought. "What's he doing?" Lucy asked. "Natsu is just like Romeo, see. The same thing happened with Natsu. All the Wizards at Fairy Tail carry something with them. A scar, or pain... or suffering..." Mira said trailing off towards the end. Lucy then ran out of the Guild Hall, likely in pursuit of Natsu and Happy, But Ben stayed and asked Mira. "Where does Romeo live? I need to talk to him about a few things." Mira wrote down the address and gave it to Ben. "Just go there and you'll find him." She told him. "Perfect, I hate to ask this of you, but could you put my bags in the room for me I might be back late." Ben told her. She simply smiled and nodded. And with that Ben was off.

It took Ben a while longer to find Romeo's house, he should've asked for instructions to where the house was but after getting some help from some people, he bumped into along the way he made it in no time. After knocking, a woman with tan skin, shoulder length dark purple hair, and curvaceous figure in a revealing orange bikini top and a matching orange skirt, with a pink flower wreath on her head, giving her the appearance of a Hula Dancer, opened the door. Ben instantly saw a purple Fairy Tail insignia on the side of her stomach, indicating she was a Guild member. "Hello? What can I do for you?" She asked. "I'm here to talk to you and Romeo. Is he home?" Ben asked. She seemed a little surprised, she'd never seen Ben before now, but he knew Romeo's name? "May I ask what this is about?" She asked suspiciously. "It's about Romeo's father, Macao." Ben said. This surprised her even further. But, without hesitating invited him in and called Romeo downstairs. "What is it mom?" Romeo asked the woman. 'So that's the wife. I played that pretty bad.' Ben thought. Soon enough Ben was on a chair sitting directly across from the mother and son. "What about my husband?" The woman asked. "Yeah, is something wrong? Because Natsu just told me he'd take care of it." Romeo said. "Well, I'd like to help. I have the ability to track people down." Ben stated. "REALLY?!" The duo asked in equal parts excitement and desperation. "Yes, I just need something of his, preferably something he's worn, in the past." Ben explained. "I can get one of his jackets!" The woman exclaimed. "If you could that'd be a great help and bring it outside." Ben said, confusing the two before standing up and leaving the home. Romeo followed him curious as to how he would help and why needed to be outside. When the mother arrived with a long white jacket Ben asked for her to hold it out. He then popped the dial on the Omnitrix, selected the alien he wanted, and slammed the dial back down. And in a flash of green light Ben was replaced with Wildmutt.

Both the mother and son were in shock and awe, the mother more terrified while the son seemed to be filled with childlike wonder at what he was seeing. Wildmutt the softly roared, starling both of them, and pressed his large, eyeless, face against the jacket and began to sniff. He pulled back and sniffed the air for a moment his head moving where his scent was. it was faint, but it was there he traced it when he had it let out a loud, bellowing roar, before taking off down the street at ridiculous speeds. Hours passed and he was still tracking Macao but was still a ways off. He eventually came to the base of a mountain. After another fifteen minutes he passed a carriage on its way back to town. A good 45 minutes later and he heard Natsu's voice echoing through the mountain. "Macao, you here?" Followed by Happy. "Macao!" Wildmutt figured he was getting close seeing he woulda heard that far sooner than anybody else would have. Then the sounds a small avalanche up ahead snapped him out of his musings and forced him to quicken his pace. Before he knew it, Wildmutt slammed face first into Happy, sending the cat, with wings apparently, sprawling across the snow. "Happy! Who did this to you?" Natsu asked. "I didn't even see 'em. They were in the fog there." Happy told him. "Alright, come outta there you coward!" Natsu shouted. Wildmutt walked forward causing Happy to become frightened and Natsu to get into a defensive stance. Wildmutt roared at Natsu and then jerked his head to where the scent of Macao was coming from. Confused Natsu stood his ground. But Happy saw the Omnitrix on Wildmutt's left paw and said. "Wait, Natsu. That's Ben!" Natsu looked and saw the Omnitrix and even saw that some of Wildmutt's fur on his left arm was now shaded brown in the shape of the Fairy Tail symbol. Now that he thought about it, he saw the Fairy Tail symbol on all his transformations, as Diamondhead it was teal and on his back, as Arctiguana it some of his scales were a different shade of blue one of his back fins, as Wisper it was once again on his back and cyan, and as Stinkfly it was on his underbelly and was the same shade of green as his skin. "Woah, Ben, what are you doin' here?" Natsu asked. "Yeah, are you here to help us find Macao?" Happy asked. Wildmutt nodded in response then poked his nose then pointed to where Lucy and the Vulcan went. "Wait, can you smell him?" Natsu asked. Wildmutt growled and nodded. "Great take us to him! Wait, we need to get Lucy. You go get Macao and we'll get lucy." Natsu said. With one distinct nod they ran off, Natsu and Happy in one direction following the prints the Vulcan left behind, while Wildmutt just followed his nose taking shortcuts to reach the top of the mountain. 

When he did reach the area where the scent was the strongest, he sensed a cave entrance with shouting coming from inside. He entered the cave to "see" Natsu kick an extremely tall, heavily muscular and athletic humanoid with bull-like physical features. With a large dual-headed axe in its hands. 'How did Natsu get here before me? Was there a faster shortcut I didn't catch?' Wildmutt thought. "Natsu!" Lucy shrieked almost in a panic as if he'd done something wrong. "I was pretty useless, wasn't I?" The Bull-man asked defeated. "Weak!" Lucy exclaimed in a mix of shock, surprise, and disappointment. "Hey, aren't there more monsters now?" Natsu asked. "He's an ally, you dolt! A Celestial Spirit!" Lucy shouted at him in anger. "The monkey?" Natsu asked confused. All the while Wildmutt was covering his face with a paw and shaking his head. "No, the bull! And wait... How were you saved?" Lucy asked changing gears once she calmed down a bit. "It's all thanks to Happy." Natsu said. "Aye!" Happy said cheerfully. "You can't handle transportation, but I guess Happy is no problem, huh?" Lucy mentioned. "What are you talking about? Happy isn't transportation. Happy is my partner. You're mean!" Natsu said almost horrified at what came out of Lucy's mouth. "R-Right... I'm sorry." Lucy apologized sounding a tad self-conscious.

The Vulcan however had grown impatient and leapt up into the air, shouting. "That's my woman!" Then bringing his massive fists down on Natsu. Wildmutt jumped into the fight, slamming his massive body into the Vulcan, pushing it off of Natsu. "AHH! WHAT'S THAT!?" Lucy shouted in fear. "That's Ben, Lucy." Happy told her. "Huh?" She exclaimed then noticed the Omnitrix on his paw. "Listen up! Everyone in Fairy Tail are my friends and allies!" Natsu said as he kicked the Vulcan off of Wildmutt, the force pushing both him and the Vulcan back to opposite ends of the cave. This gave Wildmutt a chance to sniff out where Macao was, he had to have been close because the scent became stronger than had been almost like he was right on top of him. "The old man and Mira, even those annoying jerks Gray and Elfman... Happy and Lucy and everyone are all my friends..." Natsu began saying as the Vulcan was charging him down, and as it passed Wildmutt he smelled Macao. 'Is this giant monkey thing they kept calling a Vulcan actually Macao? How is that possible?' "And that's why I'm gonna bring Macao back home!" Natsu shouted flames enveloping his legs. 'NATSU NO! WAIT!' Wildmutt thought but when put to words sounded like roars and growls. With a single kick Macao the Vulcan went flying to the ceiling of the cave dropping icicles down that Wildmutt ran to dodge, Macao Vulcan responded by swiping both of his paws generating enough wind to fling all the loose ice and snow at Natsu. Lucy almost got hit barely dodging out of the way with Wildmutt running up to cover her just in case. "Uh, thanks Ben." Lucy said and rubbed Wildmutt's eyeless head, causing his tail to wag. "Hey, Ben, do you know where Macao is?" Happy asked. Wildmutt nodded in response. "Great where is he?" Happy asked excitedly. Wildmutt looked toward Macao the Vulcan and pointed. "Ben that's a Vulcan." Lucy said. Wildmutt just nodded. "Wait, do you mean he is the Vulcan?" Wildmutt just softly roared in response. "Oh, great!" They all looked over to see that Macao the Vulcan now had the bull-man's axe. "That's Taurus' axe!" Lucy shouted. Natsu skillfully evaded Macao the Vulcan's attacks before slipping on the ice. "Natsu!" Lucy cried out in worry. Wildmutt growled and ran forward. Natsu was now on one knee holding the axe between his hands and struggling. Lucy was trying to get Taurus to go back, go back where Wildmutt had no clue, but eventually Natsu heated up the blade of the axe and began to eat what fell into his mouth. He ate the heat from the metal then spat out the metal in little balls with enough force to cause Macao the Vulcan to drop the axe and stumble back. Wildmutt jumped into the air and spun like a ball before shooting quills from his fur into Maco the Vulcan's chest. With Natsu wreathed his fist in fire and lunged forward shouting. "Let's go! Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon!" And with one last punch directly to the sternum he sent Macao the Vulcan flying into the wall of the cave.

Just as they were all gathering around the conked-out Vulcan he was covered in a golden glow, causing everyone but Wildmutt to cover their eye. "What Macao?" Natsu asked in surprise. "I guess I should've told you once Ben told us, huh?" Happy asked. "HUH? You knew?!" Natsu shouted. "Ben figured it out." Lucy said defensively. A green glow beside them and Wildmutt was now Ben. "Ah, yeah, sorry. I sometimes forget I can't talk as Wildmutt." Ben said. "Wildmutt?" Lucy asked. "Yeah, that the name of the form I just was. What I wanna know is how was that Vulcan Macao." Ben said. "The Vulcan must have done a Take Over." Happy said. "Take Over?" Lucy asked. "It's magic to occupy someone's body. Vulcans are monsters that live by stealing human bodies and taking them over." Happy explained. After setting Macao up in a different area and tending to his wounds as best they could, Ben pulled out a vial of green liquid. "What's that Ben?" Lucy asked. "It's something for him to drink when he wakes up." Ben responded. "It looks like he put up a serious fight before he was taken over." Happy mentioned, noting his injuries. "Macao! Don't you die on me! Romeo's waitin' on you! Open your eyes!" Natsu shouted in a panicked attempt to bolster him. And to Ben's surprise, it worked. "Natsu..." Macao grunted out, practically struggling to speak. "Macao!" Natsu shouted in joy. "I'm pitiful... I defeated 19 of them... But I got overtaken by the 20th one. I can't believe myself, man... Damn it... I can't show my face to Romeo like this..." Macao said. "That's not true! You did a great job defeating that many!" Natsu told him. "Natsu's right. I'm pretty sure your kid would be proud of you regardless. Now, take this." Ben said handing over the vial of liquid. Lucy just stared at Macao in shock and awe as he drank the liquid. "Eck! What was that?!" Macao asked. "Nectar that'll heal you. Don't ask how I got it." Ben told him, and as he did Macao's injuries began to fade. "WOW! That stuff really works, kid! What'd you say your name was?" Macao asked. "Name's Ben. I'm new to Fairy Tail." Ben introduced himself. "And you came with Natsu and another new member to help me? Why?" Macao asked. "When a kid asks you to go find their dad in tears, you do it regardless of what's going on. You never wanna see a kid cry. It's just wrong to see." Ben told him. Macao just nodded in agreement. "Let's get you home. Romeo's waiting for you." Natsu said. And with that Ben turned into Wildmutt once more and let Lucy and Macao jump on his back as Happy took Natsu down the mountain. By the time they got back to town they saw Romeo waiting on the steps of his house. "Romeo!" Natsu shouted getting the boy's attention. He looked up to see Natsu and Lucy walking beside Wildmutt with Macao on his back. And with tears in his eyes, he jumped into his dad's arms. Wildmutt had set the two down and turned back to Ben and they group walked off letting the father and son have their moment. 

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