The Caseys, 2023: Family Life...

By OneChicagobyA

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Sequel to "The Caseys: Family Life - Part 1" After a stint in Los Angeles, everybody agreed that their life w... More

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Breakfast for Two, and a Snack for One
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Spending the Day in Bed: Comfortable?
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Homecoming: Leaving the Hospital, Part 1
Homecoming: Leaving the Hospital, Part 2
Homecoming: Welcome Home, Part 1
Homecoming: Welcome Home, Part 2
What We Need: A Day in Bed
Meet Emily Jones
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The First ELLA Photoshoot, Part 2: Mario & Bella
Post-Photoshoot Worries, Part One
Post-Photoshoot Worries, Part Two
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Cuddling (1)
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Cuddling (2)
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years, Part Four
Your Comfort is More Important than Sexy Lingerie
(Leaving for) an Anniversary Walk to Remember
An Anniversary Walk to Remember
Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 1A
Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 1B
Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 2A
Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 2B
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The Caseys Celebrate Three Years at the Beach
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Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Appetizers, Part 2
Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Meal, Part 1
Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Meal, Part 2
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You Need to Tell Me...If I'm Hurting You
Matt & Gabby's Anniversary Night of Romance, Part 1
Matt and Gabby's Anniversary Night of Romance, Part 2
We Needed That
Halstead New Year's Eve Plans 2019-2020, Part 1
Halstead New Year's Eve Plans 2019-2020, Part 2
Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen, Part One
Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen, Part Two
You're My One and Only...Forever
It's Still Hard
Four All We Need
GABBY DREAM: One Year Later
Grilled Cheeses and Cuddles
The Sound of Music, Part 1
The Sound of Music, Part 2
Catching Up
No! Dad, Stop!
Talking About It
Cozy Cuddles and Conversations (1)
Cozy Cuddles and Conversations (2)
Change of Plans: Let's Have Fun in Bed (or Not)
Change of Plans: Let's Go Have Family Time
Let the Family Time, Not Office Time Begin
The Start of Family Time
Pre-Supper Family Time
Family Night: Including the Severides
Family Night...Or Not
The Only Family We Need
Nighttime Cuddles
Nighttime Intimacy
Fuckin' Sexy - Part 1
Fuckin' Sexy - Part 2
Halstead: Breakfast in Bed
Halstead: Time with Friends
Contracts and E-mails
Family Time in Bed
Nothing Like It...But a Bit Too Much
Morning Phone Calls and E-mails
Pre-Meeting Sexy Time, Part 1
Pre-Meeting Sexy Time, Part 2
Pre-Meeting Sexy Time, Part 3
Here, Let Me Help
Holy Hot Mama!
That Call Must've Been Hard, Part One
That Call Must've Been Hard, Part Two
Let Work Begin, Part One
Let Work Begin, Part Two
Getting Settled with Rafael and Gabby
Confrontation...and Labor?

The Movie Marathon Continues

34 1 0
By OneChicagobyA

NOTE TO READERS: I have decided to make Will and Natalie doctors at both the Army Medical Center, and the General Hospital for the rest of this story; that way, I don't need to add more doctors to the story than I have to. Also, I want Natalie to be able to take care of both Jay and Alex, as well as Matt and Gabby. And she can only do that if she works at both the Army MC, and the General Hospital.

Halstead Hospital Room, Tripler Army Medical Center – This has to be one of the things that Jay hates about it being November, and that would be the fact that the Christmas movies start on the Hallmark Channel; a channel that the hospital just HAD to have. And of course, Alex just loves that channel so much; so much so, that she basically begged him to watch it. Not that he would ever say no to her when it came to her watching the Hallmark Channel, because he actually wants to live another day; and he also wants to have sex with his beautiful wife in the future. And he just knows that she'll hold it over him if he says no to them watching the Hallmark Channel movie marathon that she was enjoying, while she also cuddled up to him in their bed. More specifically, while he was shirtless in his jogging pants; while Alex wore one of his shirts, as well as some of her little underwear. After all, she did now have the ability to cuddle up to Jay much more than she could compared to how much she could after she gave birth to the twins, which he loves.

He loves holding Alex in his arms and making her as comfortable as he possibly can; and Alex feels the same way, about the fact that she can not cuddle up to Jay as they hold each other close. And that was something that she showed him, by turning her head and bending down to kiss his chest softly. Smiling as he felt Alex kiss his chest, Jay smiled his hand to her back and stroked it with his thumb; at the same time, he bent down and kissed the top of her head. "Someone comfortable?" Alex laughed as Jay asked her whether she was comfortable, because she most certainly was comfortable in his arms; after which, she turned her head and looked up at the man she loves. "What do you think? I have my husband here with me, shirtless and just wearing his jogging pants; the jogging pants that show off his gorgeous body." Jay smiled as he heard Alex say that, before feeling her hand run down his abs; after which, he proceeded to trace his v. At the same time, Jay tugged the sheets up on top of the both of them to hide what she's doing.

Smiling as Jay did that, Alex was really happy that he decided to hide what she was doing; because that was what needed to happen. They needed to hide what was she was doing, so that they can make sure that they don't get in trouble with the hospital staff, which also includes their brother and sister-in-law. (Will and Natalie). And yes, they come here all the time, even on their days off. And they're happy that they do that, because they love having some time with their families; but the best part that comes with them being here at the hospital (and having a bunch of time off), is the quality time that she gets to have with Jay. That she gets to spend with him, while cuddling up to the most loving (and caring) man in the entire world. Moving his hand to Alex's back, Jay smiled as he stroked her back and then kissed her forehead softly. "So, is there anything that you need me to do for you right now; now that you're awake?" Turning her head, Alex looked up at the most handsome man in the entire world. "You thought that I was asleep?"

Jay agreed with Alex as she asked him whether he thought that she was asleep, because that was exactly what he thought; he thought that Alex was asleep, and he was happy that was the case. Jay then kissed her forehead softly, holding his beautiful wife close to him; after which, he looked down at his beautiful wife more than anything in the entire world. "So, how about you feeling right now? Do you need anything? Anything I can get you?" Alex smiled as she heard Jay ask her that, before cuddling up to him some more; at the same time, Jay wrapped his arm around her back and then kissed her forehead softly. "I think that I can just cuddle up to you like this and I'll be happy." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, well aware that was the case; at the same time, he smirked as he kissed her forehead while they both held each other close. "And I think we both know that you want this too." Jay smirked and agreed with her.

"Oh, I love the feeling of my gorgeous wife's breasts against my chest." Moving her body against Jay's chest, Alex smirked due to the fact that she knew that he loved the feeling of her braless chest against his; even if she was wearing a shirt on top of her body, which wasn't going to change. "God, that was so sexy Alex." Alex agreed with Jay as he told her that, well aware that was the case; and she'll always know that he loves the feeling of her body against his chest, because she loves the feeling of his gorgeous body underneath her fingers. God, the way his abs feel against hers is always something that is so damn sexy; and she just feels so blessed when she gets a chance to admire her gorgeous husband's body on a daily basis. And she truly believes that it's the reason why Jay is currently shirtless, and just wearing his jogging pants; because he knows that it drives her crazy, and that it makes her so damn happy when he's shirtless like this. And that was something that she was going to show him by kissing his chest and giving him some love.

At the same time, Jay wrapped his arm around Alex's back and just smirked as he kissed the top of her head (while also pausing the movie so that they could concentrate on each other for a moment); after all, that was exactly what they both wanted to do. They wanted to concentrate on each other, and just spend some quality time with each other. Time that they are actually enjoying here at the hospital, even though the circumstances aren't the best (which is something that they both know). Moving her hand to Jay's chest shortly after cuddling up to him some more, Alex smiled as she felt him put his hand on top of hers and just held him close to her. "How are you feeling right now? Are you in pain or anything?" Alex shook her head as Jay asked her whether she was in pain right now, because she was okay; and she didn't feel like she needed it anymore, especially not when it's been a while since she gave birth. The truth of the matter is, all she needs is Jay to make her feel better; and that's exactly what he's doing right now as he held her.

He's making her feel better simply by holding her in his arms, and just kissing the top of her head. And god, was that comfortable; especially when he's also shirtless. Right, she needs to concentrate; and not on that, due to the fact that they are still in the hospital right now. And since that was the case, they just need to take it easy and relax with each other; but that's easier said than done (if you couldn't tell) based on the hormones that she's experiencing, even after she gave birth. And that was something that she was going to share with Jay, how she's feeling hormonal because he's shirtless; not that she wants him to put a shirt on, which he thinks that he should. "I can only imagine what's going on in your head right now, and all the thoughts that are currently going through it when you're looking at me Alex." Looking up at the man of her dreams, Alex smiled as she was really happy to be in bed with Jay right now. I have no idea whatsoever what you're talking about Mr. Halstead." Jay smiled as he heard Alex say that, before bending down.

Kissing her softly, Jay smiled as he took things nice and slow with the woman of his dreams, which is exactly what Alex wants him to do right now. She wants him to kiss her, and she wants him to take things nice and slow with her for a moment; ahead of them getting back to their movie marathon (because that was something that she was determined to continue). If Jay thought that them sharing a kiss was going to change her mind when it came to them finishing the movie marathon that they started, then he was mistaken. "I hope you know that this doesn't mean that we're done with the movie marathon, because I fully intend to continue it." Jay laughed as he heard Alex say that, before bending down and kissing her once again. "Seriously? You can't give me a break from it?" Alex just looked at her loving husband as she heard him say that, not too impressed when it came to that. "Did you really just say that?" That was when Jay and Alex both heard somebody walk into their hospital room. "Jay, what did you do?"

Turning their heads, Jay, and Alex both smiled as they saw Natalie walk into their hospital room. "Oh, he didn't do anything Natalie; he's just complaining that we're watching the Hallmark Channel." Jay looked down at Alex as she said that, as that definitely wasn't the case. "Okay, that was not what I was doing; I was just asking if we could take a breath from the marathon, so that you could get some rest." That was when both Alex and Natalie looked at Jay, because they both knew that was a lie. "Now, if that isn't the biggest lie that I've heard in a while." Alex agreed with Natalie as she said that, as that most definitely was exactly what she was thinking about right now; how her husband just lied to her when it came to the fact that he was okay with watching the Hallmark Channel, which he actually was. "Hey, if watching the Hallmark Channel gets me some cuddles from my wife; then I am more than okay with it, especially since it also gives me a chance to leave some soft kisses on her forehead. Which is something we both know you want Alex."

Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, because she most definitely does want to feel some soft kisses from his lips on her forehead; after which, she decided to lay her head down on his chest and just cuddle up to him. Meanwhile, Jay ran his hand up and down her back while turning his head to kiss her forehead softly. "Comfortable?" Alex agreed with Jay as he asked her whether she was comfortable, as she most definitely was comfortable right now; very comfortable, for the simple fact that she was in his arms. "And that's because I'm in your arms right now." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before smiling as he bent down and proceeded to kiss her softly. Taking things nice and slow with Alex, Jay smirked due to the fact that he truly was happy; he was happy to be holding her in his arms and making her feel very loved (not that he didn't make her feel loved on a regular basis). "God, I love the feeling of your lips on mine." Jay agreed with Alex as she told him that, well aware that was the case. "Unfortunately, I do need to do something." Alex groaned.

"Seriously?" Jay sighed as he looked down at his wife, before turning his head and looking at Max. "I need to take Max out to the washroom." Alex then realized that, before agreeing with the man she loves more than anything. "Right, of course." Smiling as she rolled off of his chest, Alex laid down on her back and just smiled at the man of her dreams; after which, Jay got up out of their bed and turned so that he could look at the most beautiful woman in the entire world. Closing the covers on top of her, Jay smiled as he put his hand on her stomach; after which, he proceeded to kiss her softly. Taking things nice and slow with the love of his life, Jay smirked due to the fact that this really is everything that he wants to do right now; he wants to take things nice and slow with Alex, as he kisses her in their hospital room. "I love you." Alex agreed with Jay as he told her that he loves her, because that was something that she already knew. "I love you too Jay." Smirking, Jay then proceeded to walk over to his bags to grab a shirt.

Well, the shirt that he already wore the last time that he went out to take Max out. "Do you want me to get you something for lunch while I'm out with Max?" Alex agreed with Jay as he asked her whether she wants something for lunch while he's out with Max. "Could you?" Jay agreed with Alex, smiling at his beautiful wife; after which, he turned to look at Natalie. "Do you mind staying with her while I'm gone?" Natalie agreed with Jay as he asked her that, before smiling as that was something that she can do. "Of course, Jay." Jay smiled as he heard Natalie say that, before making his way over to his sister. "You have no idea how much I appreciate all you've done and continue to do for us." Natalie agreed with Jay as he said that. "Then I better get a good Christmas Gift from you this year." Alex then went to add on. "Get in line Natalie, I'm still waiting for my husband to go back home and get me my real wedding ring; because he keeps forgetting to go get it." Jay then realized that. "I promise, next time I go get us more clothes." Alex agreed.

"Thanks Jay, now go ahead and take Max out; I need a bit of girl time." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before proceeding to walk away so that he can take Max out; and at the same time, give her a bit of girl time (which she needs more than he'll ever know).


She had to say, even though she loves her husband; Alex Halstead was quite happy that she was alone right now, because she needed a bit of a break. A break from her (loving) husband constantly looking over her shoulder and making sure that she was okay, not that she didn't like it; because she did, she loved how attentive and caring her husband is. It's one of the things that make Alex love her husband more than anything in the entire world, and that was obvious to the doctor (who was still here, at her brother-in-law's request). But she was okay with that, as it meant that she got to take a break from her work; and that was due to the fact that she was ready to just relax and take a breather (which is something that Will most definitely appreciates, as it means that she relaxes for the sake of their child). So much so, that he decided to come tell Alex (and Natalie) that after seeing his brother make his way outside with Max. Smiling as he walked into the room, Will looked at both his beautiful wife and sister-in-law. "Hi Alex, hey babe." Natalie laughed.

"Let me guess, you saw Jay take Max out and wanted to come check on me?" Will agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that, before smiling at her. "That, and I had a feeling that you were up here." Natalie was a bit confused as her husband said that, unsure how that was the case. "How?" Will smiled as he made his way over to Natalie, carrying a fresh bottle of water for her, which he grabbed for her on his way up, as she needs to take it easy and relax whenever she can (for the sake of their son). "Because Jay didn't ask me to come up here and keep an eye on Alex, which he normally does when he's taking Max out to the washroom." Alex laughed a bit as she heard Will say that, as she could most definitely see her husband do that for her; after which, Will proceeded to make his way over to Natalie (who was sitting down on Alex's bed with her). "Here, I got you some water; how about you drink it while you sit here with Alex? That way, you're hydrated when you do your next set of rounds after you talk to Alex...and Jay's back." Natalie smiled.

After which, she watched as he set the water bottle down on the side table (more specifically, Jay's side table) which she was sitting the closest to; after which, he leaned over her and kissed her softly. "I love you." Natalie agreed with Will as he said that. "I love you too." Will then smiled as he proceeded to make his way over to the sink, that way he can wash his hands; after all, he's not just going to say hi to his wife and sister-in-law while he's in here...he's also going to take a chance to say hi to his niece and nephew. "I hope you don't mind, but I would most definitely like to take a chance to say hi to these adorable babies; only if you're okay with that first." Alex laughed a bit as she heard Will say that, because she really didn't think that she had a choice. "Last time I checked, I'm in bed and you're already halfway to the crib. Even if I told you not to go see your niece and nephew, you could just do it as my de facto third doctor?" Natalie was confused as she turned to look at Alex as she said that, unsure of what she was talking about.

"De facto third doctor?" Alex agreed with Natalie as she asked him that, before smiling. "My doctor is my actual doctor, you're my de facto second Doctor Natalie, and Will is my de facto third doctor. And that's because Jay is not going to let me go against your recommendations, when you guys will always have my best interests at heart." Natalie agreed with Alex as she said that, as that most definitely is the truth. "Oh, if that isn't the truth." Alex agreed with Natalie as she said that, smiling as she was happy over the fact that she had two extra doctors. "I just hope that you guys know that you guys are also going to be my family doctors." Natalie agreed with Alex as she said that. "Of course. But now that we're talking as doctors, I want to talk about how you are post-birth." Alex smiled as she heard Natalie say that. "And I wouldn't mind also gossiping a bit if that's okay, because I need some girl time." Will just laughed as she heard Alex say that, as he then knew that was his cue to leave. "And that's my cue to leave." Natalie then looked at Will.

"Really?" Will just looked at his wife, as he most definitely does not want to listen to gossip. "As much as I love you girls, I am not going to listen to gossip." Natalie then realized that, agreeing with the man she loves. After which, Will proceeded to make his way back over to his beautiful wife. Leaning over her again, Will smiled as he kissed her one last time. "Just take a break and enjoy your time with Alex. Don't rush." Natalie agreed with Will as he said that, as that most definitely was her plan. "I promise, I'm not rushing." Alex agreed. "Jay is taking Max out, then he's going to get us some lunch in the cafeteria; so, he's going to be a while and he asked Natalie to stay with me for a bit." Will agreed with Alex as she said that, glad that was the case. "Well, I'm glad. But listen, I am going to go back to work. Natalie, when Jay's back; come find me, and we can go take our lunch break. I already cleared it with the doctor that you can stay with Alex while Jay's out with Max, because he knows their circumstances with them being worried and all."

Natalie smiled as she heard Will say that, well aware that was the case. "Thanks." Will agreed with Natalie as she said that, before smiling as he walked out so that he can get back to work; at the same time, Natalie turned to look at Alex so that she can get a bit of girl time right now. "So, I've been meaning to ask you. How are you guys readjusting to Hawaii?" Natalie smiled as Alex asked her how she and Will are readjusting to Hawaii, again. "Honestly, it's so damn easy; and I am so glad that we're back. It's just so easy, and I'm glad that we're back. It's like we never left, and I love that." Alex agreed with Natalie as she said that, before smiling at her. "Good, because that's exactly what me and Jay want to hear." Natalie smiled as she heard Alex say that, before going to grab her hand. "Hey, you have no reason to say that Alex; you can just take it easy, and you can relax. This is what we wanted to do. And why we wanted to be here in Hawaii with you guys." Alex agreed with Natalie as she said that, smiling at her sister-in-law.

"I know, especially since this place has really done for Jay. The effect that it's had on his PTSD is perfect, and I am just happy that we're here; because this is where we belong, and I am not letting the company take us away from Hawaii ever again." Natalie agreed with Alex as she said that, as she felt the same way. "Oh, I definitely agree with you when I say that, because that's exactly how I feel; and how Will feels, because he wants to stay here with you and Jay." Alex agreed with Natalie as she said that, smiling at her sister-in-law. "I think that's because he wants to make sure that he's here for his brother, and that he's going to just take it easy with him. He wants to make sure that Jay gets the help that he needs, and that he's just here." Natalie agreed with Alex as she said that, because she knows that's exactly how Will is feeling right now; after all, she is his wife...and she knows him better than anybody. "And I can tell you this, that's exactly how Will feels; especially since Will wants to be here for our niece and nephew." Alex took a breath.

"And I appreciate that more than anything, because that's exactly what I want you to do; I want you to be here for us, and I want you to just help us out with everything. This is already hard, and I am just so glad that this is everything. This means everything to me and Jay, because it allows us to just take it easy and relax with each other." Natalie agreed with Alex as she said that, really happy that was the case. "I know that's the case Alex, and you don't need to keep saying that; and I am just glad that we're going to take it easy and just relax. And I'm glad that I get to be here for you, which is something that I didn't know whether I would be able to do originally. Not that I wanted you to give birth prematurely." Alex agreed with Natalie as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, don't even go there Natalie; because I already know that's how you feel, and how you'll always feel when it comes to our health." Natalie agreed with Alex as she said that, smiling at her. "Well, I am so glad that this is everything that we both want to have for our families."

Alex smiled as she looked at Natalie. "Natalie, not our families; our family, one family. I don't want our children to be raised in two different families, because they are going to be born so close to each other. They are going to be similar in age, and that means that we can raise them as siblings; I mean, if that's what you want to do." Natalie agreed with Alex as she said that, as she most definitely does want to raise their children as siblings; in fact, that really interests her. It's something that she would love to do, because she knows that Will would love to do it. "I think that's exactly what we're going to do." Alex smiled as she heard Natalie say that, because that was great; and it was exactly what they're going to do. "We're going to do that, and I promise you that Natalie." Natalie agreed with Alex as she said that, just smiling due to the fact that this is going to be a lot of fun. At the same time, Alex smirked as they both just took it easy with each other. After all, what's better than them having some time as sisters? It's what they both need.

"I just hope that we don't get you in trouble with your boss, so that you can just relax with me." Natalie shook her head as she heard Alex say that, as that's the last thing that she needs to worry about. After all, that's not something that's going to happen; rather, she's not going to be in trouble. She's just going to take it easy, and she's just going to make sure that they both have a bit of time as a family. "Alex, you can relax and just take it easy. I promise." Alex smirked due to the fact that this is everything. Family is everything. And that's exactly what she has right now, she has family with her; as they just relax, and take it easy right now. 

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