Her White Wolf

By Mich2992

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As the universe began to recover from The Blip, it was an entirely new kind of journey for James Barnes. He w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Thirty-Three

191 11 0
By Mich2992

James smiled as he watched Grant playing on his blanket in the living room. Four months had quickly passed for all of them and Grant had surpassed every milestone he was supposed to hit.

Steve returned home from a meeting at the palace with T'Challa, a particular spring in his step. He heard Grant's coos and smiled instantly, walking into the living room to find them there. "Hey," he greeted cheerfully. "Guess what Shuri had ready for us?" he asked before he pulled a ring box out of his pocket and tossed it to Bucky.

His eyes widening, James quickly caught the box in his hand. "She took her time huh?" He smiled as he opened it to look at the beautiful set of rings. "You're lucky Cleo is working half a day today."

Steve chuckled. "I knew she was gone, otherwise I would have hid them," he replied, lowering himself onto the floor next to Grant. "So now that we have them we just have to decide when to pop the question."

James let out a breath of air. "I guess whenever you want to."

"Me? There's two of us here pal," Steve remarked. "I've wanted to do it for months. I say we just do it... like, tonight."

"When, tonight?" James asked. Butterflies fluttered in his chest at the thought.

"Maybe... we can get Shuri to ask Cleo to go for a walk after dinner and we can head down to the lake. Then Shuri can lead her there," he suggested.

James smiled. This was actually going to happen. "That sounds like a good idea."

As Steve exhaled, he puffed out his cheeks. "Wow, okay, we're gonna do this...". A boyish laugh escaped him. "Hear that, Grant? You gotta keep our secret, okay? Don't tell your mom," he joked.

With a laugh, James looked down at Grant to see him blowing spit bubbles. "That's a new one."

"He's talented," Steve said, reaching out pat the baby gently on the back. As he sat, he pulled out his phone to text Shuri about the plan. He knew she'd be in. "I'm so excited," he said giddily, a boyish quality to him.

James chuckled. "I am too."

"What should we wear?" Steve asked giddily. "Suits? Is that too basic? Not that she would care..."

"I don't think clothes will matter," he replied. "We don't need a special set up or to look overly proper for her. I think just us is enough."

"You're right," Steve agreed. "I'm overthinking it. All she needs is us." He reached out again to pat Grant on the back before he leaned down to kiss the little boy's cheek.

James smiled as he watched Steve play with Grant, who was attempting to roll over onto his back. "He gets stronger every day. Grant can almost roll over on his own now, it'll be any day for him to figure out how."

"He'll be crawling in a blink," Steve said with a nod. He was blasting through his milestones. "He won't be where we put him one day and we'll all freak out."

"Pfft, don't remind me." James fondly watched as Steve laid beside Grant and shook a small rattle, catching the baby's attention.

Steve made bright faces at Grant as he laid beside him. "I see you in his face," he said to Bucky, glancing up. "But his nose is Cleo's."

James grinned. "I think he has her cheeks too," he said softly.

"He's perfect," Steve said surely, just as the three of them had been saying since he was born. The baby blew another spit bubble and Steve couldn't help but laugh.

"What time is Cleo due home?" He asked from his position on the floor.

"An hour, maybe two. She normally walks with Shuri before coming home."

"Then we better get our plan in motion," Steve said, texting Shuri to get her on board.

James nodded. "This is actually happening."

"I want to shower and change - do you want to do the same?" Steve asked once he finished his text. "We can trade off watching Grant."

"That'll be fine," he answered, but gave Steve a smirk. "Although I wish I could join you."

Steve nearly blushed as he got up off of the floor. "We'll connect tonight, I'm sure," he replied, taking the few steps towards James to lean down and press a kiss against his lips.

James responded instantly. It had been a while for all of them. "Only if Grant stays asleep."

"We'll see what we can do," Steve replied, taking another moment to steal a second kiss before he began past Bucky to head upstairs to shower. "I'll be back."

He silently huffed to himself and watched Steve walk away before he slid down to the floor and play with Grant.

Steve didn't linger in the shower, his head moving a thousand miles a minute with what he might say or do during the proposal. Shuri responded to him while he was getting ready; of course she was in! She would lead Cleo to the lake and take Grant from the boys so they could have some time alone with their girl.

He bounded back down the stairs in not too long, a grin still on his face. "Shuri's in. Better go get that shower in, handsome."

James stood and wrapped his arms around Steve's waist. "You know, I'm happy to be marrying you too," he told him.

Steve's expression softened and he nodded in reply. Reaching up, he rested his hand on Bucky's face. "We finally get to love out loud," he smiled.

"Very loud," he grinned before resting his forehead against Steve's.

"It's on our terms now," Steve replied, his strong hands holding Bucky's waist. He closed the distance and kissed the other man once more solidly. "Now let's get our girl."

James smiled. "Watch the baby and I'll be back down soon."

"You've got it," Steve agreed, pecking his lips one more time before turning to find Grant in his bouncer. He used what focus he could on Grant, keeping the butterflies in his stomach as distracted as he could.

It didn't take very long for James to shower and get dressed. He'd chosen dark jeans and a grey button up he knew that Cleo loved, before walking back downstairs.

Steve looked up as he heard footsteps and smiled at Bucky. "You look handsome," he complimented as he picked up Grant from off of the floor. "Should we head down? We can take the baby in the stroller and hand him off to Shuri when they get there."

James let out a long breath and nodded as he smoothed his shirt. "We can go when you want."

Steve nodded surely and reached out to take one of Bucky's hands. "Let's go," he said with an easy smile. He'd already packed the diaper bag and he put Grant in his stroller before they headed to the lake.

Meanwhile, Cleo was finishing up paperwork from the surgery she'd done in the morning. Yawning, she looked at her watch just as she heard the doors to the clinic open. "Back here," she called out, knowing it was Shuri.

Shuri walked around the desk and into the back room. "Hey. You look worn out."

Cleo laughed a little. "Wow, thanks for telling me I look like shit," she replied sarcastically. "I'm pretty tired, but I'll be alright. That's why I'm only working half-days right now, remember? That's what you recommended.""

"Yes, I do. I'd rather you start slowly than rush into everything."

"And I'm following doctor's orders," Cleo said obediently with a tired smile. "I'm pretty much done here. Where do you want to walk today?"

"The sun always looks nice at the lake this time of year?" Shuri suggested. "We could go there."

"Oh, the lake, I haven't been there in so long," Cleo replied fondly. "That would be nice." As she closed down her computer, she slid her chair back and stood up to stretch. "I haven't heard from the boys so I guess Grant is completely fine without me...".

Shuri chuckled. "Bucky texted me to see how to get spit up off his shirt in the wash today, while Steve asked for swaddling instructions. I think they want you to know they're capable."

"I know they're capable," Cleo said with a gentle laugh. "They can text me those things, they don't have to bother you." Though she was sure that Steve and James didn't want to bother her. "I'll let them know they can call me for those things." Getting up from her seat, she pulled her hair out of the ponytail she had it in and ran her fingers through it. "Ready?"

"Whenever you are," Shuri grinned.

"Alright, let's go," Cleo said with an easy smile, yawning again as she pushed her chair in. "Maybe moving around will wake me up a little bit," she mused as they walked out of the clinic together.

Shuri waited as Cleo locked up the clinic. "I'm sure it will. The sunshine is wonderful today. It is not as hot."

Cleo slipped her keys into her pocket as she finished locking up and she turned to walk with Shuri in the direction of the lake. "It's a beautiful day," she agreed, turning her face up to take in the sunlight. "Anything exciting going on at the palace? I feel like I've been so disconnected because I've been so focused on Grant."

"Nothing huge. It's getting time to plan for my brother's birthday party again. You know how that goes," she answered.

"That's always a huge event. You don't hold back," Cleo said knowingly. "You wanna throw Grant's first birthday party? I know you'd do an amazing job."

Shuri's face lit up. "You'd really want me to?"

"Absolutely!" Cleo agreed. "I'm no good at party planning. You're the best. I'd be honored." She stretched out her arms as they walked, twisting her torso to loosen up. "Of course we have a little time before he's one, but it's something to think about."

"I'd love to," Shuri grinned. "Just give me a theme when it gets closer."

"I can do that," Cleo agreed, giving her friend an easy smile as they walked. "I haven't been to the lake in so long. I know I lived down by it but it feels like years since I've been there," she said with a soft laugh. "It'll be good to see the houses again, mine and James's."

"How long has it been now?" Shuri asked. "I know it's been at least a year."

"Umm, I think almost 18 months. But don't quote me," Cleo answered. As they rounded the corner, the lake began to come into view. Two figures at the side of the lake could be seen but they were too far away to make out who it was. "We can go around, I don't want to disturb anyone..."

Shuri smiled to herself. "We won't be."

"What do you mean?" Cleo asked, raising a brow as she glanced back at Shuri. After another moment she looked back at the figures and the closer they got, the easier they became to recognize. "Is that... wait, that's the guys?"

"They wanted to surprise you," Shuri smiled.

"That's so sweet," Cleo remarked with an easy smile as they approached the two men. "They must have wanted to take Grant for a walk too." She has no idea they might have other reasons for being there.

Shuri nodded. "Grant loves outside," she agreed.

Cleo waved as they approached, a bright smile on her face. "So funny running into you guys," she said to Steve and James.

James smiled at Cleo. The afternoon sun made her practically glow. "I know right?"

"We may have known you might swing this direction," Steve added his own easy smile on his lips.

"Oh, so this was a set-up, huh?" Cleo asked jokingly, turning to glance at Shuri.

Shuri smirked. "It might have been." She walked over to the stroller. "May I borrow my nephew?"

"Borrow? Where are you taking him?" Cleo asked in confusion.

Steve smiled and reached out to gently rest a hand on her arm. "We just wanted to talk to you for a little bit, just the three of us..."

Cleo raised a brow. "Okay... about what?" she asked, laughing nervously.

"It's nothing bad. Shuri's just going to take him for a walk around the lake, okay?" James smiled.

Cleo gave both Steve and James looks of their own. "Okay..." she said cautiously, another awkward giggle escaping her as Shuri began to push to stroller away. "It's nothing bad, right?"

"Absolutely not," James assured.

"Okay... what's up?" she asked, smiling nervously.

Steve cleared his throat a little and glanced out toward the lake. "Buck said it all kind of started here... what we have now," he said, reaching out to take one of Cleo's hands.

"It did," Cleo agreed, smiling softly as she glanced at James.

James blushed slightly. "It all started with an insult... then an apology. Then I rescued you from being bothered at the gala, and they say that the rest is history."

Her expression softened as she listened to James reminisce. "We've come a long way," she said, a graceful smile resting on her features.

"And we've got the rest of our lives to find out what comes next," Steve said, turning to face Cleo a little more directly, positioned beside Bucky.

Eyeing Steve, James dropped down onto one knee, knowing Steve was doing the same. "Honey... you've changed our world... given us a family..."

Cleo's expression dropped as she watched James lower onto one knee and as Steve did as well, she felt her breath catch in her throat. "What is happening right now?" she asked, her eyes filling with glistening tears.

Steve chuckled gently in his chest; his eyes tender. "You know what's happening right now," he replied, nodding to Bucky for him to bring out the ring.

"Oh my god..."

From his jean pocket, James pulled out a beautiful ring, lined with vibranium. "Will you do us the honor of marrying us both?"

The ring sparkled brightly in the sunlight and it took Cleo's breath away. She'd never seen a ring like it. It took her a few moments to be able to find words again and she nodded first before she was able to speak. "Y-yes," she answered, her voice watery. "Yes, I'll marry you both..."

James slowly slid the ring into place, ignoring the slight shake of his hand before he rushed to stand and wrap his arms around her.

A happy sob passed between her lips as she felt James's arms. Steve rose and joined in as well, the three of them standing together.

"I can't believe this... oh my god, this ring is incredible," Cleo gushed.

Steve chuckled and kissed her cheek before he kissed her neck. "Shuri's specialty," he purred.

Cleo laughed out loud. "Of course, she was hiding all of this from me," she said joyfully. "How long have you been planning to do this? I had no idea!"

"A few months," James admitted.

"Months? Wow, you guys..." she stammered, tears gingerly falling down her cheeks. "This is incredible... I love you both, so much..."

"We love you," Steve said sweetly, before stealing a kiss from her lips.

"Very much," James agreed. He smiled when Cleo turned to give him a kiss of his own.

By that time Shuri had made it around the lake and chuckled. "I assume things went well?"

Cleo laughed out loud as she released both of the men, turning to glance at her best friend. Wiping her face, she nodded. "I said yes, of course," she answered, unable to stop herself from smiling.

Shuri beamed and pulled Cleo in for a hug. "I knew you would." She pulled away and reached to wipe the tears from Cleo's face. "Do you want me to babysit tonight?"

"Would you? Just for a few hours maybe?" Cleo asked, glancing back at the guys for their approval. "I just want a little time with them."

"All night if you need it," Shuri told her. "The boys packed a bag."

"You did? Boys..." Cleo gushed, another tear slipping down her cheeks. She didn't realize how much she needed time with them until just this moment. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome," James said softly. "It's still your decision though. You'd be able to check on Grant at any time."

"We can play it by ear," she replied, reaching back to take James's hand before smiling back at Shuri. "I'll text you later?"

Shuri nodded. "I'll set up the camera over his cot and everything. Just let me know and I'll send you the link."

"Thank you, Auntie," Cleo said to her friend before she turned back to face both Steve and James. "I'm still in shock. I... this was incredible."

James and Steve both smiled at her. "We want to be with you forever," James told her. "Make this family official."

"I want that too," she agreed with a beaming smile. "Come on... let's go home."

James took one hand while Steve took the other as they led Cleo lead them back to the house. "Did you have your last appointment with Shuri?" James asked curiously.

"I did," she confirmed, her long dark hair gently caught in the breeze. "I'm completely cleared..."

As Steve unlocked the front door, James leaned over and kissed her cheek. "What do you feel up to then, baby girl?"

Walking into the house, Cleo pursed her lips in thought. She spun on her heel to face the two men as she stepped back further. "Why don't we just see where it goes?" she suggested, slipping out of her shoes as she walked.

Steve raised an eyebrow at her. "See where it goes, huh?"

"Not good enough?" she posed, resting her hands on her hips. "It's been so long since we've been together. I just want us to explore one another again."

James nodded as he walked up to her and wrapped his arm around her before she could get any further away. "That sounds like a good idea."

Cleo smiled up at him, her hands smoothing up his chest and gripping his shirt. "Can you help me get undressed?" she asked him, though the question was open to both men.

"We would love to," James assured. He turned and reached out for Steve, linking his fingers with his.

"Are we going upstairs?" Steve asked, smiling eagerly at both Cleo and Bucky.

"We're working on it," Cleo said teasingly as she untucked her shirt from her pants to make it easier to remove.

James giggled before he lifted her shirt up and over her head before tossing it to the floor. "Should we leave a trail then?"

"We can pick it up later," Cleo replied with a nod, plunging her fingers through her hair as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

Steve kicked off his shoes before he swept Cleo up into his arms and began carrying her up the stairs, sensing Bucky behind him.

James laughed as he slipped out of his own shoes before following after them. He chuckled as he watched Cleo get Steve out of his shirt before tossing it to the floor in the hallway before getting to the bedroom.

"You're falling behind, Barnes," Cleo teased before she laughed as Steve tossed her onto the bed like a rag doll. She weighed nothing to them.

"Yeah," Steve chimed in, a smirk on his face as he undid his belt.

He smirked back at them before discarding his shirt and tossing it on the floor. "I'm sure I can catch up."

Cleo sat up on her knees, fingers undoing her own pants. "I could use a little more help," she beckoned, smoothing her hands over her body.

James smirked as he bent down to remove his boots before crawling onto the bed to seal his lips against hers in a fiery kiss.

She moaned against his lips, her tongue slipping out to explore his mouth. She felt Steve's hands at her hips and she allowed him to push her pants down off of her hips.

"What do you want, baby?" James breathed as he trailed his lips along her jaw. "Do you have anything on your mind? Fast, slow, both of us at once?"

"I just want to feel both of you, slowly," she replied, a near whimper in her voice.

"We can go as slow as you want us to," Steve assured her. "Just tell us what you want, baby doll."

"Explore my body," she implored, her long dark hair spreading out behind her. "I miss your touch."

Steve smiled gently before slowly trailing his hands down her sides before bending to place lingering kisses to her shoulder. Meanwhile James sat back, enjoying how Cleo melted into Steve's arms. They all needed this.

The mere sensation of his hands on her skin made goosebumps rise up. She angled her head so Steve could have better access to her neck and she found James's eyes, giving him a playful wink.

James grinned at her and took her hand as she reached out for him before kissing her knuckles. "Tell us baby girl... tell us how good it feels."

"My body feels tingly," she cooed, biting her lip seductively. "I can feel myself heating up..."

Steve hummed as he nibbled along her neck. He slowly caressed her breast, not wanting to cause her any pain. "So are we," he breathed.

"I've missed you," she said as she pulled James in closer to both of them. "Kiss me," she nearly begged.

James bent down and ran his tongue along her bottom lip before kissing her slowly, invading her mouth with his tongue.

Cleo released a sigh against his lips and wrapped one of her arms around his shoulders, the other wrapped around Steve as she angled her body into him.

He pulled away to run his lips along her jaw while trailing his fingers between her breasts. "Beautiful girl."

Her eyes slid closed and she released a shaky breath. "Boys..." she murmured, her body aching for them.

Steve smiled against her skin as he moved his hands to her waist, gently pushing her pants down over her hips. "We're right here, baby," he cooed, feeling Bucky's strong body next to his.

James peppered Cleo's shoulder with kisses, letting Steve help her out of her pants. "We're not going anywhere, doll."

An arm around each of her lovers, Cleo was helped out of her pants as her lips found Steve's. She smoothed her hand down James's chest, her nails lightly dragging as as moved towards his belt.

He grinned, moving to stand up on her knees to help her be able to reach him. James reached between them to slowly palm Steve's erection, listening to him moan into Cleo's mouth.

Steve's hips instinctively pressed into Bucky's touch and he kissed Cleo even more deeply as her hands worked to undo both men's belts.

James helped Cleo remove his pants and boxers before turning to help Steve out of his. "Join the party, big man."

Steve chuckled as he sprang free. "Oh, I'm here."

"Get in bed with me," Cleo said to both of them, pulling herself backwards away from them for them to follow.

Both nude, Steve and James followed Cleo onto the bed. James smirked as he reached for Steve by the arm before pulling him into a deep kiss as he cupped his face with one hand and reached to wrap his hand around his cock with the other.

"Oh fu-" Steve moaned into Bucky's mouth. He pulled the other man's body against his and thrusted his tongue into his mouth, exploring it fully as his hips jutted.

James groaned, letting Steve rut against his hand. He pulled away and glanced over at Cleo and smiled before looking back at Steve. "That's it, give her a show... we'll be coming more than once tonight."

Steve's face was flushed as he looked into Bucky's eyes before glancing at Cleo.

Cleo was stretched out on the bed, her back rested against pillows as she watched them. "Go on," she encouraged.

Steve breathed heavily as he nodded before he reached around Bucky and grabbed him by the hair to bring him in for another heated kiss, pulling his hips toward him with his other hand.

James giggled into the kiss before moaning. He opened his hand to rest his cock against Steve's before stroking them in his hand.

"Yes, rub against each other..." Cleo narrated sensuously, her hands exploring her naked body as they explored each other.

Steve reached one hand between them and grasped their cocks from the other side, increasing the friction. With his other hand, he took hold of Bucky's ass firmly, spreading the cheek.

"Fuck," James breathed, dropped his head to rest on Steve's shoulder as the both rutted into eachother's hand. He whimpered, feeling as Steve gripped his ass cheek again.

"Mmm, language," Steve chided playfully before slapping Bucky's ass. As his hand gripped his ass once again, his finger played near the other man's most sensitive spot. "Do you want me to warm you up?" he asked heatedly.

James nodded. "In any way you want to."

"Where's the lube?" Steve asked, and Cleo crawled over to the nightstand. Then opened it to pull out the bottle before she tossed it to Steve.

"Thank you, baby," he said with a grin before he put some lube on his fingers to begin with. "Bend over, soldier."

"Do you want to be able to see?" James asked as he looked over at Cleo.

"Mm hmm," Cleo replied, licking her lips as she played with her sensitive nipples. Her eyes were locked on them, locked on their movements.

Steve reached behind Bucky and found his asshole, very lightly smoothing his finger around it before he moved into position. "I'm ready..."

James turned and got on his hands and knees, knowing that Cleo would be more than happy to watch. He moaned softly, already pressing back towards Steve's touch.

Steve grinned as he lightly pressed his moistened fingers against James's asshole, just barely pressing inside of him before withdrawing. "Do you feel ready?" he asked huskily.

"Yes," James breathed. "Please."

"So polite," Steve remarked, biting his lip as he slipped a finger inside of his lover. He breathed heatedly in reply to the other man's sounds, slowly pulling his finger out only to push it back in.

James groaned, dropping his head, letting his eyes close. "Stevie..."

"Yeah Buck?" he asked heatedly, a second finger tracing the outside of his asshole as he pumped with the first.

"Look at me," Cleo pleaded as she slid her hand down her stomach, legs spreading.

"More," James murmured as he turned his head to look at Cleo. He licked his lips as he watched her fingers run through her folds.

Heeding his lover's pleas, Steve slipped a second finger inside of him and arched them to probe even deeper. "Do you like that?"

"Yes," he moaned, still staring at Cleo. "Feels good."

"Good... you're so tight," Steve crooned as his fingers began to steady rhythm. With his free hand, he stroked his cock with lube as he licked his lips. "Shit..." he breathed.

James moaned, rocking his hips with Steve's movements. "Like what you see, Cleo, baby?"

Cleo lightly bit the tip of her finger as her other hand explored her wet pussy. "It's so sexy... I love the sounds you make," she replied, her voice husky with sensuality.

"They are incredibly sexy," Steve agreed. "Tell me if you want more..."

James let his head drop as he groaned. Precum dripped from his cock. "Please... please more."

Steve grinned and moved in closer behind his lover, cock in hand as he pulled his fingers out of Bucky. He pressed the tip of himself against his opening. "You ready for me big guy?"

"Yes," James breathed, feeling Steve rest one hand on his waist. "God, yes..."

Steve groaned in anticipation as he pressed his hips slowly, slipping inside of his lover's willing body. His head dropped to his chest as his jaw went slack and a moan passed his open lips. "Oh god...".

"Fuuuuck," James groaned, feeling as Steve bottomed out against his ass.

"Oh my god, yes boys," Cleo nearly moaned, joining the men in lustful noises.

Fully inside, Steve gripped Bucky's hips firmly and rested there for a long moment before he began to lightly pull out and thrust. "You okay?" he asked, just wanting to be sure.

James nodded, turning back to look at Steve, then looked at Cleo. "So so fucking okay."

Steve grinned as he withdrew more fully, each thrust growing more complete. He caught sight of Cleo's fingers circling her clit, her pussy glistening. "Someone's gonna have to lick you clean," he observed heatedly as he began to move rhythmically.

"Can I?" James asked. "I can please her while you fill me," he moaned.

"Absolutely," Steve agreed, halting his movements so that Bucky could place himself between Cleo's legs, which she readily opened wide for him.

James moaned as Cleo instantly wound her hands into his hair and guided him to her dripping cunt. He slowly licked a long stripe, wanting to taste her arousal on his tongue.

A shiver crawled up Cleo's spine and her body shook with pleasure as the sensation of his tongue swept through her. "Yes baby, your tongue feels so good," she moaned as Steve began to slowly thrust again.

With a groan, James licked at Cleo more before gently sucking her clit into his mouth. He desperately wanted to reach for his cock, but gripped at the blankets instead.

"Shit," Cleo breathed, her back arching against the bed. With her hands she rolled her nipples between her fingers.

"How does she taste?" Steve asked, his fingers gripping Bucky's hips as he began to thrust harder.

James groaned, halting his ministrations as pleasure crackled up his spine. "Like heaven," he breathed.

"Mmm... you'll have to kiss me so I can taste her too," Steve remarked heatedly. He grunted as his thrusts grew quicker, dewy sweat on his skin.

"Fuuuck," James groaned. "So good Stevie... filling me up..." he lifted his head to meet Cleo's eyes. "How do you wanna be filled, princess?"

"By you," she answered breathlessly, tugging at one of her nipples as she spoke. She wanted to feel the closeness of their bodies, the heat of passion.

Steve grunted from his position. "I can free you up soon, Buck... I can feel myself building..."

"Maybe you can... have us both," James moaned. He dipped his head to lap at her folds before delving his tongue into her pussy.

"Ooh, James," she breathed, his tongue probing her a welcome sensation.

"Do we want to change positions?" Steve asked, slowing his pace.

"Yes," she replied with sensual heat.

James pulled back and licked his lips. "What way are we moving?"

"What if... I lay on my side? One of you is in front of me, the other behind?" Cleo suggested, rolling onto her side to demonstrate.

"Or I can lie on my back and Steve is behind you," James suggested, giving her multiple options. He gently ran one finger slowly over her puckered entrance. "Have you ever?"

Cleo felt her hairs rise on end at the sensation of his finger. Biting her lip, she looked back at him and shook her head. "No... but I trust you both," she answered.

James kissed the inside of her thigh, his eyes closing as Steve sunk into him again. "Maybe a toy first?" He suggested.

"That's a good idea... I'll grab one," she replied, leaning over to the drawer on the bedside table. She chose something smaller than Steve but enough to truly warm her up.

Steve breathed heavily from his position behind Bucky. "Ready to switch positions, cowboy?"

"Whenever you're ready," James told him as he took the toy Cleo offered him.

Slowly, Steve pulled out of Bucky and he moved to get off of the bed. "I'm just gonna clean off before Cleo," he said before he disappeared temporarily to the bathroom.

Cleo turned towards James and beckoned him closer. "Come here, baby," she said, catching his lips once he was close.

James kissed her slowly before running his tongue along her bottom lip, feeling her open for him, so he could invade her mouth with a soft moan.

Steve returned to find them in their embrace and climbed back onto the bed, his hands smoothing over both Bucky and Cleo's skin.

Reaching out, Cleo's hands grabbed both of their cocks and stroked them as a grin slid onto her face. "You're both so hard... so ready..."

Both men moaned, fighting to thrust into her hands. "We should warm you up, baby doll," Steve breathed.

"I'm ready," she told them, knowing the lube was on the table beside them. She released them to sit up, perching on her knees.

James sat up and rested his hands on her hips while Steve settled behind her. "Is this how you wanna be?"

"You're gonna be beneath me, right?" she asked, her hands smoothing over his forearms. She bent at the waist, leaning into James as she presented herself for Steve.

"I can be," James nodded. "But we can get you ready just like this. Maybe let you come one time before we get this party started," he smirked.

"Oh, that's so generous of you," she replied with a sensual smile, pulling him in to kiss him before she felt Steve very gingerly place the lubed toy at her entrance. She felt a shiver move through her as she turned to find his eyes to give him permission.

Steve wrapped one arm around her waist as he made tiny movements, pressing against her entrance with the toy. "Relax, princess."

Cleo exhaled as she willed her muscles to relax, fingers smoothing over the metal and skin of James's arms. A soft gasp left her as she felt him begin to gently press the toy inside and spread her legs a little further as the toy began to enter her. She dropped her head and rested it against James's chest as her body began to adjust.

"Easy, doll," James coached, watching as Steve rubbed her back. "We'll go slow."

"You're taking it so well, Cleo," Steve praised. "How does it feel? Talk to us."

She whimpered as she tried to form the words to describe what she felt. "Tight, but good..." she shared, heaving a breath before a shuddering moan passed between her lips. "Rub my clit, baby," she asked, not caring which one of them heeded her ask.

James smiled at her before reaching between her legs to rub slow circles around her clit. "Think you can take more?"

"Um hm," she agreed, exhaling again and as she felt more of the toy enter her body her back arched in pleasure. "Shit..." she breathed, goosebumps covering her skin.

"Such a good girl, taking this," Steve praised. "You're halfway. Do you want me to thrust it? Or do you want to bounce?"

James continued to circle her clit before reaching further to run his fingers around her ass. "Feel good, doll?"

"I'll bounce," she answered, biting her lip as she gently began to bounce her hips to take more of the toy. "Ooh..." she moaned deeply, tossing her head back as she felt the toy slide further inside. "Fuck..."

"You're taking it all, Cleo," Steve praised, meeting James' eye. "You should see how well she takes it, Buck. So good for us."

"Shit, guys... I want you. I want you both," Cleo said through uneven, moaned breaths. "Please..."

Steve gently removed the toy and sat it aside. He watched as Bucky laid on his back and stroked his cock a few times. "Climb on, baby."

Cleo bit her lip excitedly as she straddled James and she took his cock in her hand, guiding herself down onto it. As she lowered herself onto him, a moan nearly echoed in the chamber of their bedroom. "You fill me up so good... oh my god," she said desperately, her body growing accustomed to him.

James moaned as he held her hips, letting her bounce on him a bit. "Fuck... you want more?"

"Mm hm," she replied, tossing her hair back as she pumped herself on James a few more times before she leaned forward and glanced back at Steve. "Wanna join the fun?"

Steve moved to stand on his knees between James' legs. He grasped his cock at the base and slowly rubbed it against her ass. "I would love to. Gonna fill you up, princess."

"That's what I'm hoping for," she breathed excitedly, and her jaw went slack as she felt Steve enter her. "Oh!" she cried out, the sensation overwhelming.

"Easy," he murmured. Steve sat for a few moments before pushing further. He rested his head on her back, the tightness making him so very close to coming. "Fuck..."

Cleo dug her fingers into James's chest. "Holy shit... fuck me, boys, oh my god..."

James slowly helped Cleo lower further until both men were bottomed out. "Holy shit..." James breathed.

Her head dropped against James's shoulder as her breath caught in her chest. She felt a bit like a ragdoll, but the luckiest ragdoll in the world. She moaned in ways that words couldn't express.

"Fuck... it's so tight," Steve moaned. "It's going to be hard to move."

"That's what makes it so hot," Cleo said listlessly as sensations washed over her.

James kissed her cheek as he slowly began bucking his hips upward, making both Cleo and Steve groan. "So sensitive."

"Oh god..." Cleo breathed, a shiver working its way up her spine. She moved her hips the best she could, her body begging for release.

"Easy, baby..." Steve sat up and held onto Cleo's hips before beginning to thrust into her with a moan. "Let us do the work..."

"Okay," she agreed and her head dropped forward with a moan. With each movement Steve made, she felt it radiate throughout her body and it made James's cock seemingly throb inside of her. "Fuck!"

James groaned, bucking his hips the best that he could. "Good god..."

"Ooh... ooh!" Cleo cried, resting her head against James's chest. "Keep going... please, I'm almost there..."

Steve whimpered. "Me... too." He thrust his hips harder, the sounds of skin slapping skin filling the room. "Fuuuuuck."

Between the movements of both men, Cleo went along for the ride and finally felt her toes begin to curl. "I'm coming... I'm coming!" she panted before she cried out in ecstasy.

"Oh! Cleo... baby you're so tight..." Steve groaned as he snapped his hips faster before stilling, coming deep within her body, James following just after.

Cleo's body collapsed against James, Steve's falling next to the two of them as they all worked to catch their breath. "Oh my god..." Cleo panted, her skin dewy with sweat.

James giggled as he stared up at the ceiling. "That... is something we'll have to do again..."

Cleo laughed breathlessly. "You guys like throwing me around, huh?" she asked jokingly.

"I think you enjoy it too," Steve breathed as he looked over at them.

"Guilty," she admitted, running her fingers through her wild hair before she once again admired the ring they'd given her. "I can't believe you both proposed... I was so surprised."

James slowly rubbed her back, smiling lazily. "We've been thinking about it for a good while now."

"I completely didn't see it coming," she shared. "But I have been pretty focused on Grant and returning to work so who knows what else I haven't picked up on."

"It's alright," James assured. "I'm happy we surprised you and that you accepted."

"Were you really worried I'd say no?" she asked, rolling onto her side to face James, lying between both of her men.

"A little," he admitted quietly.

"I tried to convince him you'd say yes, but he wasn't so sure," Steve shared, turning to face the two of them.

"That's because you're used to thinking of the worst," Cleo said empathetically, reaching out to smooth her hand over James's face.

James sighed softly. "I know," he whispered.

She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against his forehead. "One day you won't," she told him softly, wishing she could infuse his brain with positive thoughts.

"I agree," Steve added, reaching out to rest his hand on Bucky's hip.

"Thank you, both of you," James said softly. He snuggled against Cleo, enjoying the feeling of the skin on skin contact.

Steve leaned into Cleo's other side and her eyes fell closed as she took in the contentment she felt in that moment. "I love you both," she said softly, ready to doze off to sleep for a little while at least.

"We love you," Steve and James answered in return, slowly dozing off, themselves. 

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