By MilkywayJa

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you're goin to have to read mh! More

Lovies 🤤
The End


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By MilkywayJa

Harlem, ᴺʸᶜ📍

Time: 10:34 pm

Valentina ₚ.ₒ.ᵥ


We had got basically kicked out of the hospital because the visit times were over so I went home to get ready for what was about to happen. I was wearing a black shirt with black pants and my ski mask on, "Where are you going baby bear" Mama said coming downstairs and kissing my forehead I wasn't going to tell my mother what I was about to do so now I have to lie.

"Me and Micky are bout to go to the park just to chill," I said hugging her "Oh okay well yall be safe okay" She hugged me back and left I grabbed my black UGG boots and went out the door and one of Day's car was parked across the street so I ran to it and opened the door "Wassup baby Bear" Micky said in the passager seat "Hey lets go I want to get this over with" I put my seatbelt on and Day pulled off. He has strict rules when riding with him in his car one of them is wearing a seatbelt.

Travis's block was only five blocks from mine so it would take me 10 minutes to get there but bc we rode in the car it was only 5 minutes. we arrived so now we are waiting for Jdot and Troll to come out then we going to boom them dumb ass nigga after 20 minutes they came outside we got our guns ready and that's when Jdot and Troll started kissing now WTF 🤨.

See I don't have anything against gay people but like bro how yall got bitches but kissing on each other they delulu "Roll them down" Tay said and Day rolled the windows down and soon as the window were down we started shooting they tried to run but got popped in the head Day stepped on the gas and we were gone just as fast as we came.

 We pulled up to the parking lot and got out of the car "Okay Micky help me take this plate off" Day pointed and Micky got down to help him "Baby bear and Micky get in the red truck and me and Tay are driving in the black one ard" Day added and we nodded ig they had this planned out already. Micky was finished putting a new plate on the black truck and Day throw him the keys to the red car.

Micky got in the driver seat and I got in the passager seat then he drove off and I heard Day's car start and in the mirror, I could see them behind us "I'm taking you home" Micky said and I nodded I mean of course were else am I going dumbass 🙄.

Then my phone started ringing and it was ddot Facetiming me "Who's that" Micky looked over "My man" I smiled answering it.

"MUDDYYYYYY" he yelled 

"Wassup bro" 

"I miss youuuuu"

"Why do yhu sound high" I mugged him

"I told these dumbass people my head hurts and they put me on sum type of drug" he smiled 

"oh well wassup" I smiled back

"Nun I just miss you I can't miss my baby now ugly" he mean mugged me 

"Stfu and smd"

"you keep saying that and I'm bout to put ya ass in a headlock cause I ain't zesty" 

"Yeah ard nigga anyways how many people did you call before you call me"

"Well I called you and now I'm talking to you " he smiled again

I laughed it's cute how the first person this lil boy thought about calling was me

"you looked stress baby" his face was so close to the camera 

"I'm just tired anyways I'm bout to go in the house so Ill call yhu when I get in the house"

"Noooooooo stay with me" he whined in the sexy way

"Bye Pa I Love you"

"Mmm I love you"

I hung up the phone and shoved it in my pocket "Ya all cute or whatever" Micky said smirking at me "That nigga is a hand full" I said Micky pulled up in front of the house and I got out "Tell Mama we love her and Be safe Bear okay if something happens just call me okay" he smiled and handed me some money gosh I gotta love being the baby "Thanks and I will bye Micky" I smiled back and grab the money then walked up the stairs and unlocked it.

"Mama I'm home" I yelled "Hey baby how was it" she yelled back I took off my shoes and walked up to Mama's room "It was good and they said they love you" I opened the door and sat on the bed she got up and rubbed my head "You like that boy from yesterday" she raised her eyebrow I was smiling and blushing "Ma he's my boyfriend now" her eyes widen.

She started jumping and kicking like a little teenager "Really omg I want to meet him" she said playing with my hair "You already have" I laughed "I mean properly" She put my hair in a ponytail I'm glad Mama wants to meet ddot I bet she'll love him.

"Okay I'm about to go take a shower" I got up and kissed her on her forehead before leaving for my room. 

My room was a little messy but that's okay I walked into the bathroom and took my clothes off they smelled my ddot maybe bc I was laying with him until it was time to leave. My Jhene Akio playlist was playing in the background and I was washing my body and then brushing my teeth. 

I got out of the shower and dried off then put on my PJs I should put something on my story.

118k people viewed your story

@JJHarlem replied to your story: Period!

@Sunnytwm replied to your story: Call me broooooooooooo 

@NYLover replied to your story: Baby I love you pls stop being mad at me


Okay It was funny at first when that nigga started commenting on my post or story but now he's acting delulu I shock the thought out of my mind and went to go call Sunny before he gets mad.


"That's one dry ass hey" I mugged him

"Mb I'm just tired of these people"

"Well what happened"

"My mom and my dad got into a fight over who was taking me after the divorce"

"Who did you choose" I asked

"My mom of course she's staying in new york and I don't wanna go to Maryland"

"Did you tell them that"

"Thats why their fighting duh"

"Don't get smart lil boy" 

"Older but okay ugly"

"Smd roach"

He rolled his eyes 

"Imma bout to go to sleep bye V "

"Bye sunsunbear" I winked and he laughed then I hung up Sunny and me have been friends since birth but we tell people we're cousins because that's what we act like. I yawned and laid down it's 11:28 way past my normal sleep schedule.

I texted ddot good night and pulled the covers over my body then drifted off.


Ddot ₚ.ₒ.ᵥ


Vel texted me good night but I was too high from those drugs to respond this shit had me looking at the wall and smiling but it was starting to wear off "Are you okay Darrian" the nurse checked up on me "Yea I'm ard" she was getting a little too close for my liking. "If you need anything I'm here and I mean ANYTHING" She made it clear but I wasn't interested plus I got a girlfriend.

She put her hand on my thighs but I pushed it away "I'm coo I got a girlfriend" I said and she mugged me "I can do better than her" this bitch needs to drop it and leave before I get on her ass but of course this dayroom hoe got on top of me.

Soooo I did what any loyal man who has a girlfriend would do and I pushed her ugly ass off me 😁 "If you don't get ya scooby-doo looking ass off me before I rock you in ya shit bro" she looked brought back "Bye I'm deadass you a nasty ass bitch" I laid back down and she ran out the room I hate girls like that over here trying to ruin a perfect relationship.

After I get released on Sunday I gotta take my baby on a date she deserves it. 

Skip to Sunday 

Time: 7:22 am

I was packing up my stuff my mom came to pick me up I'm not in any pain and that was good cause that mean I can spoil V today. The nurse from the other day was trying to help pack my stuff but I wasn't going to let her touch anything of mine "Just let me help you it's my job" She grab my arm and I scatch it back.

"Wrd2 bro stop touching me" I said walking away from her. In the bathroom I changed into the clothes Mama had brought from the house after getting dressed I opened the door to the bathroom to see this hoe on my phone soon as she saw me she throw my phone down "Bro Ik you weren't trying to get into my phone".

"No, I was ummm" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone and walked out of the room.

My mom's car was outside I open the door and got in "Hey baby how are you feeling" she asked "Better now that I'm out of this place" I said and she laughed everyone was texting me joking saying "Don't get shot again" or "My brother is free now" all I could do was roll my eyes and laugh.

I was going to call Vel and tell her to get ready it rang a couple but she didn't answer so I called again and she finally answer so I put my airpods in.

"Boy what are you calling me at 7 in the morning"

"Because I was trying to tell yhu to get ready"

"For what" she said smiling

"I'm taking you out bro stop asking questions"

"stfu before I not go"

I rolled my eyes

"And don't roll ya eyes at me"

"I got one angry girlfriend" I said to my mom who just laughed

"Fuck you I'm done"

"okay okay my bad muddy"

"Shut up I'm going to get ready Bye"

Before I got say bye back this lil girl hung up the phone 🙄. 


Valentina ₚ.ₒ.ᵥ


Ddot told me to get ready I didn't have to take a shower because I took one when I woke up at 4 am so I went into my closet to pick my outfit and I got the perfect outfit for the weather outside that would still look hella cute on me.

Her outfit:

The fit was giving and I was feeling it ddot had texted me saying he was outside so I grab my phone and my purse before running downstairs. Pancakes was eating with Mama "I'm going out love you bye" I said rushing out the door I locked the door and ddot was standing there. He had the same jacket as me but more boyish yfm, black Star Amiri pants with black low dunks, and a ski mask.

"Not you tryin to be me" he said and I playfully pushed him "Ain't nobody wanna be ya ugly ass" I rolled my eyes.

He put his hand out and I grabbed it the feeling of being close to him made me feel better like all the stress I'd been feeling just washed away "Where are we going?" I asked he didn't say anything just keep walking "To get something to eat first then to the mall" he pulled me closer and put his hand under my shirt Damn bro you not SLICK🤭.

His car was a black BMW I looked up at him and he was smirking but I didn't say anything he opened the door for me and I got in. He got in the car and drove off the ride was quiet but peaceful soon we were in front of Ocean Prime.

Ddot got out opened my door and put his hand out so I grabbed it and stepped out of the car, not him trying to be all romantic n shit 🥴. "Lets go Ma" he said we walked in the door and to the front desk "How can I help you today sir" the guy said with a smile "I made a reservation under ddot" the guy started typing on the computer "Okay yeah follow me" he got up and started walking and we follow.

If I know we were going somewhere this fancy I would have dressed better but it's ard the guy showed us our table and we sat down "This is too fancy for my ghetto ass" I said laughing a lil.

"I wanted to bring you somewhere fancy and you not allat ghetto" he said flipping through the menu I did the same there were a lot of prices that you wouldn't see in the hood I need to chill and enjoy myself, "I think I only want fish with Paella," I said pointing to it "Ard I already know what I want" he called over the waiter.

"Do you guys know what yall want" The girl smiled "She will get Fish with paella and I'll get a steak with Moroccan potatoes" he said looking up from the menu "And the drinks?" ddot looked at me "Ill just have Cranberry juice thank you" I said "Iced tea" the lady smiled and walked to the kitchen.

I was standing up wanting to take a picture of me and ddot bc us matching is so cute "Pa come here" I said and ddot got up and walked over to me "Wassup muddy" he was leaning on my back "Nun I want to take a picture so stay right here" I said taking a picture.

(Don't mind the background 😁)

@Lu_1&only: Me and ML🥰

View all 247k comments

@Sugarhillddot: MUDDY😘

@JJHarlem: @DdOsama why are we not like that🙄

↪@DdOsama: cus we got different love😏

↪ @JJHarlem: 🥴

@Dudeylo: wya?

↪ @Sugarhillddot: somewhere you not 😝

↪ @Dudeylo: smd lil boy 😑 

@NYLover: Baby I'm sorry pls forgive but I'm going to kill ddot so me and you can be together forever 😍

↪ @User12: OH HELL NAH 😱

↪ @Lu_1&only: Bro yhu is a weirdo fuck off 

@User98: Period I need a nigga like him

@User34: Yall together?

↪ @Sugarhillddot: duh that's my baby 


That NYLover nigga is weird ass shit bro "Baby our food is here" he said and I sat back down, that was fast "Thank you baby" I said before eating my food which was good. Ddot food was looking good so while he wasn't looking I took a bit "Ayo bro you got your own food" he mugged me "But yours look so good so I took a bit" I whined then I felt a hand rub against my thigh which made me look at ddot who was smirking.

"Stop lil boy" I smiled knowing I really don't want him to stop but we are in a public place rn "But you look so good so I want to take a bit" he whined copying what I said but rephased it his hand was going higher which made me blush it was cute or whatever but I'm not the type of person who gets neeky in public so I moved his hand and he mugged me.

I went back to eating not paying ddot any mind then his hand was around my neck and he pulled me closer "Spwm baby" he kissed my neck OMG! chill bro I'm over here feeling the juice 🥴.

He sat back down and I was just there blushing like a lil bitch "Eat ya food Ma so we can go to the mall" he said his accent getting deeper I started eating my food after we finished eating the bill was $350 just for fish and steak 😱 and ddot paid and we left. Lord forgive me but I feel like by the end of the day he's going to want something back 😏.

I open the door to get in but ddot closed it back "Bro Wtf I was getting in the car" I said rolling my eyes "I'm opening the door for you stfu" he opened the door I get in then he closed it then got in the car. He drove off and I went on my phone which was blowing up.


NYLover: baby

NYLover: Priincess😍

NYLover: Ik you want me to eat you out 😝

NYLover: answer me now! 😡

NYLover: Muddy is that what you want me to call you just like that dumb nigga 🙄😡

I showed ddot and he looked angry but was trying to hide it "Who is this nigga" he asked and I shrugged Idk him he just started commenting on my insta. "Idk him" ddot parked the car in the parking lot and took my phone.


Lu_1&only: Bro wrd2 my muva Imma slap the shit outchu if you text my girl again 

NYLover: Stfu she loves me

Lu_1&only: yhu getting blocked bro 

You blocked this account 

He gave me back my phone and we got out of the car ik he was upset bc he didn't open the door for me. we got to the mall and there was a whole bunch of people ddot pulled his ski mask down so people wouldn't come up to him.

We went into Foot Locker and ddot immediately left me to go look at shoes I followed him "Ddot what ya problem" I said but he didn't answer "Ddot" still no answer so I left foot locker and went to the bathroom.

I was in there crying for a while then ddot started calling my phone but I didn't answer he had called me a few more times since he doesn't wanna answer me why would I answer him the fact that he was mad at me for no reason made me sad and angry at the same time then I heard him and I started laughing.


He was screaming my name like a fool so I got the stall washed my face and left "Ddot stop screaming" I smacked the back of his head "Were the hell were you bro" he said grabbing my waist and I rolled my eyes "You didn't wanna talk to me so I left" I smiled but he didn't like that so he kissed me in front of everyone. 


"I told ya ass spwm you don't listen," he said smirking. I smiled and kissed him again he thought I was pussy, this time the kiss was smooth and more passionate his hand was on my back and my arms were around his neck but we had to break it up "I hate you sometimes" he smiled at what I said.


A/N: Cliffhanger sorry but shit came up 🥹

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