Fred Weasley x reader - A un...

By Freds_George_Draco

182 7 0

Fred Weasley x Reader. Takes place after the battle of Hogwarts after [Y/N] gets hurt, Fred questions everyt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

33 1 0
By Freds_George_Draco

Fred's POV

I woke up to the sound of talking, I looked up and saw my mum, Angelina, George and my dad talking in low voices.

"When did you get here?" I asked no one in particular. It was my mother who answered "Fred, my dear, we didn't want to wake you" she said walking over to me and placed her hands on either side of my face looking down upon me. "How are you, dear?" she asked, concerned. "Mum let go" I complained trying to struggle out of her grasp, she gave me a kiss on my forehead before letting go of my face. "You should go home and have a shower, get some rest.." she began but I interrupted her. "No, I'm not leaving," I said determinedly. She only gave me a sad smile before continuing "There is nothing you can do for her now, better take care of yourself. You know she would want..." I interrupted her again, this time louder. "I'm not leaving" she moved to continue but was interrupted by dad this time "Molly, leave it" he said tiredly. She looked over at him. "No I will not leave it alone, I understand that he is upset, but he needs food, he needs sleep and a shower." she said, I just looked out the window not wanting to have a fight with my mother. "Molly, he is an adult, he can make his own decisions. So if he wants to stay, let him" dad tried to reason with her, but she wouldn't bow down that easily. "Mum, just leave it," George said. "I can bring him some clothes from the flat and food they give him here, plus there is a sofa here" Angelina said before Molly could protest. I looked over at Angelina with a grateful smile. She smiled back at me. "Fine, but at least let me bring you some food, merlin only knows what awful food they will feed you here" she said. I simply nodded at her. "Great, now that's sorted" dad said happily. "Let's give them some space Molly, we only came by because your mother wanted to see you before we went home" he explained. Mum walked up and gave me a long hug and whispered so only I could hear "She will be okay, you know. She's strong. Promise me you will owl me if you need anything" she said and looked up at me. "Promise me?" she asked in her normal voice. "I promise," I said. "I will be back with some food for you tomorrow, anything special you want?" she asked. I shook my head. "No, nothing special. Thanks mum" I said. She walked over to George and I could hear her whisper "take care of him, will you?" I just rolled my eyes at her, like I couldn't take care of myself. "I don't need a babysitter mum" I said. She gave me a glare before turning back to George expecting him to answer her. "Yes mum" he said in the tone we always used when we didn't have the slightest intent on listening to her. "George," she said warningly. "Molly just leave it" dad said as he ushered my mother out the door. "Finally" George said with a grunt, "Thought she would never leave" he added. "George" Angelina said and hit him on the arm. "What?" he said with a smile. "He's not wrong you know" I said with a smirk on my lips. Angelina just let out a breath and a smile appeared on her face. "I'll go get some clothes for you, so you can have a shower. Anything special you want?" she asked. I just shook my head. She nodded before leaving the room.

"So, how are you?" George asked seriously. "Never been better" I said sarcastically. George just gave me a serious look.

"How do you think?" I asked him, but he didn't respond. "I don't know what to do, I feel so scared. What if she doesn't wake up? What if she does and she doesn't love me anymore. What if she dies?.." I asked, feeling hot tears stream down my face. "It's gonna be fine, Freddie," George said as he walked over towards me. "She could never stop loving you, that girl is crazy about you and you can't go around thinking that she is gonna die," he said, placing a hand on my back. "She will be fine, you just gotta have faith in that. Faith in her. She is strong and she will survive this." he added. "I am just so scared George, I feel like I'm losing her. I'm just so scared if I leave for only a second she won't be here when I get back. I only looked away for a second during the battle and she was gone. And I just.. I just.. I.." I couldn't get any more words out because of the sobbing. George got down on his knees in front of me and gave me a hug. "It's gonna be alright mate" he said softly, rubbing circles in a reassuring manner on my back.

When Angelina had returned half an hour later we were back to our normal joking manner.

"I brought your chessboard, thought you might want to play some rounds. And my book of course" she added when she walked in. "Great, we can play a round after you have showered," George said. "No after you both have showered" Angelina added. " I brought clothes for you too, since you haven't showered either," she said, smiling at her boyfriend. "Oh really, you don't think I'm sexy with my post battle look?" he said sarcastically. "You know, this is actually the look of the hero that saved you from multiple curses and hexes" he said flirtingly. "That's my cue" I said, getting up and grabbing the bag from Angelina's hand and entering the ensuite. I stripped and walked over to the shower, the hot water relaxing my every muscle. I grabbed some soap and shampoo and after a few minutes I walked out of the bathroom in a pair of checked red and orange pajama bottoms and a brown shirt. "You look lods better," Angelina said, smiling at me. "I feel better," I said relaxed. "Your turn mr. big strong hero" she said looking over towards her boyfriend. "That's more like it," he said, smirking, getting up and walking over to the bathroom. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. Angelina walked over to me and embraced me in a hug. "She's gonna be fine," she said without breaking the hug. "I know, Angie," I answered her. "I am so scared to lose her" she said and I could tell she was crying. "Hey," I said, breaking the hug and looking at her. "She will wake up in a few days, and everything will be back to normal. And you will have your best friend back," I said, bringing my hands up to dry her tears. "You're right, she is too stubborn to just give up," she said. "Yea, that she is," I said with a smile on my face. Angie started smiling too. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "As good as I can be I guess," she said. "How about you?" She asked. "Same" I said, giving her another hug.

"Oi, just because [Y/N]'s unconscious doesn't mean you can steal my girlfriend" George said sarcastically as he walked out of the bathroom. I just laughed at him, bringing my hands up in defeat. Angelina turned towards her boyfriend, still hot tears streaming down her face. George just opened his arms and she walked up and embraced him. "I'm gone for only a minute and you are already switching twin" George said jokingly, this made Angelina let out a laugh and hug George even tighter. "You okay, my love?" he asked her, she nodded. "Better now," she answered. "Good," he said, kissing the top of her head. "So are you ready to lose at a round of chess, brother?" George asked me. "Oh, come on now George, when have I ever lost?" I said superiorly. "We both know who got both the brains and the looks" I added. "Yeah and it was definitely not you," George said. "You two are unbelievable," Angelina said as she grabbed her book and walked over to the sofa sitting down and gesturing for George to sit down next to her. When he sat down, she placed her feet in his lap and began to get comfortable. I grabbed the armchair next to [Y/N]'s bed and placed it on the other side of the small coffee table opposite from the sofa. Giving [Y/N] a kiss on the forehead before beginning the game.

After about two hours a woman knocked on the door and entered. "Hi, I'm Amanda, healer Anthony told me to bring in some dinner for you. It's nothing to fancy, today I'm afraid. Just some sandwiches," she said moving her wand around "wingardium leviosa" she mumbled and a tray of sandwiches flew in and landed on the table under the window. "No, that's wonderful, thank you so much" Angelina said. "Yeah thanks" George said walking over towards the tray. "Oh, it really is nothing" she smiled "If there is anything else I can do for you, I'm just outside" she said smiling. "Thank you Amanda," I said, smiling at her. This made her blush and she closed the door behind her. "Wow, still have power over the lady's I see Freddie," George said jokingly. I just rolled my eyes at him, but couldn't help but let out a smile. Thank Merlin for George, he could always make me feel better when I was down. Don't know what I would do without him. As if he could sense my thoughts he said "Yea, I know I'm awesome, now let's eat." I just shook my head and smiled walking over towards the tray grabbing a sandwich and a cup of pumpkin juice.

After we had finished eating and played a few more rounds of chess, it was getting late. "Are you okay, to stay by yourself, while we go home and sleep?" George asked me. "Of Course I am," I said confidently. "Go home and sleep and you can come back tomorrow again" I added, looking at an almost sleeping Angelina and a tired George. "Promise you will owl us, if there are any changes" Angelina said looking at me seriously. "Of course I will Angie" I said. "Now go home and have a rest", I said. "Okay, goodnight Fred," Angelina said, giving me a quick hug before walking up to [Y/N] "Goodnight [Y/N/N] I'll see you tomorrow" she said. "Goodnight Freddie," George said, patting me on the back. "Good night Georgie" I answered him.

When they had left I moved the armchair back to the spot next to the bed, where it had stood previously. I sat up for a while thinking and stroking [Y/N]'s hair just like I always did when she was falling asleep. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and said "Goodnight darling" before walking over to the sofa and grabbing a blanket and a pillow that Amanda had brought in earlier. It didn't take long for me to drift off to sleep.


Fred's POV

I woke up to the sun beaming in from the window, I had forgotten to shut the curtains from the night before. Feeling an ache in my body from sleeping on the sofa all night I sat up and stretched and looked over at [Y/N], still unconscious. I stood up from the sofa and walked over and gave her a kiss on the forehead and muttered a "Morning love" before heading towards the bathroom.

When I returned only a minute later mum was sitting on the armchair with knitting needles in her hands and yarn on her lap, in the window stood a large bouquet of flowers. Not just any flowers, [Y/N]'s favorite flowers. "Morning mum" I said walking over to the sofa again. "Oh, I thought you had gone home to sleep," she said sadly. "But I should have known you would stay" her smile changed slightly to a more loving one. "Now, I brought you some breakfast, now eat" she said and nodded towards the coffee table, there stood a large plate with eggs, bacon, toast, yam, butter and pancakes. "I didn't know what you wanted, so I made a little of everything," she said. "Wow, thanks mum, this is great" I said. She just smiled "Now eat, will you, before it gets cold," she said. She didn't have to tell me again, I sat down and began to eat like I hadn't eaten in days, but truthfully I missed her cooking. I hadn't had her cooking in almost ten months now, wow has it really been that long? "I'm glad to see you eating, my dear" she said lovingly towards me. I smiled at her, "there is nothing like your cooking, mum" I said truthfully. She smiled back.

The door opened and George and Angelina walked in. "Oh, is that mum's pancakes?" George asked, walking over and grabbing one. "Hey they are mine" I said, snapping it back from him and taking a bite of it. "Don't be rude, you can share, there are plenty for me too" George said, taking another pancake from the plate. "Boys, boys," mum said from her seat. "Good morning Mrs Weasley," Angelina said, "Molly," she corrected her. "Molly," she said. "Morning mum," George said with a mouthful of pancakes. "George I raised you better than to talk with your mouth full of food" she said warningly. George took another big piece of pancake before speaking "Sorry to disappoint you mum, but obviously not" he said, that made all of us laugh.

The next few days all looked the same, I woke up to breakfast from mum. George and Angelina always arrived before I could finish my breakfast, but mum had made extra so George wouldn't have to knick mine anymore. Then we would get visitors from friends and family, everyone brought flowers, cards and my favorite, sweets. Me and George almost always finished every piece of sweet before they brought more the next day. So the days went on, still no improvement on [Y/N], Anthony assured me this was normal and that he was not worried at all. But after the fifth day at St Mungos I had started to doubt him.

"Hey, it's fine mate" George said as he saw my face drop as we played a game of chess. Angelina had gone home a bit earlier, having made plans with Lee, Hermione and Ron. "I'm starting to feel like she's never gonna wake up, I'm scared and I don't know what to do anymore" I said honestly. "You heard the healer, it's normal. Just give it some time, remember all the injuries we have gotten over the years, some healed fast and some took a long time. This is just like that, only her body reacts by shutting down, to heal. It's fine, just give it time" George answered. I nodded, he was right. Just needed to believe she was gonna be okay, have faith.

"Now checkmate," George said, smiling at me. "Fine you win" I said, leaning my head back upon the sofa. "Is that the time, I have to go, sure you don't want to come? She's not gonna wake up while you're away," George said. "No, you go, it's fine. I don't feel like hanging out with anyone right now anyways, I feel like I need to sleep." George nodded, "If you change your mind you know where to find us," George said. He walked out the door without uttering a single word.

Of course it would be fun to go hang out with my friends at home and have a laugh, but I couldn't just leave. I had been here so long that I couldn't remember a life outside of the hospital. It felt like months ago I had heard her laugh and felt her hug me, but in reality it was less than a week ago. I could feel myself getting tired. I layed down on the sofa and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

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