Young justice x Sasuke Uchiha

By kxd106

41.7K 763 184

This story is based around Sasuke Uchiha in the young justice world. The Uchiha clan was the most powerful fa... More

Sasuke Uchiha origin
Sasuke meets Superman
What Now?
4 years later
Itachi Uchiha Of The Sharingan
Twin terror
Alpha Male
Injustice League
Sasuke meets Zatanna
Double Date??
The Genjutsu Master pt 1
The Genjutsu Master pt 2
The Unknown Partner
Usual Suspects
Auld Acquaintance
Battle of Brothers pt 2
Let's end this pt 3
Final Valley
Young Justice X Sasuke // Q&A
Happy New Year
World War 3 pt 1
Madara vs Hero Alliance
Itachi vs Sasuke Uchiha
It's all over
Salvage/The Truth

The Ghost of the Uchiha pt 1

692 14 1
By kxd106

The whole Justice League and all the members of the Young Justice Team sat round the large table in the Watchtower. Waiting to hear from Superman, the whole room went completely silent then he spoke...

Superman: I'll tell you all the truth...

Martian Manhunter: I'll set up a telepathic link with everyone. So we can all see, what you've seen.

Superman: Thank you J'onzz


Narrator Superman: You all already know this part of my story, minutes before Krypton- my home world exploded I was put on a pod as a baby by my biological parents, and sent to earth and where I landed in Smallville, I was then found and adopted by two wonderful parents.

Narrator Superman: I didn't know much about my planet but I noticed I wasn't the same as every other kid at school. I could do things that they couldn't, but of course I kept my secrets hidden from the world.

Kent Farm- 20 years ago

Jonathan and Martha Kent were in the Kitchen on an early Monday morning, while Clark there adoptive soon was getting changed for school in his bedroom

Martha Kent: Clark, Clark!

Clark: I'm coming ma!

A 14 Year old Clark Kent rushed downstairs wearing t shirt and Jeans, Jonathan Kent was sitting at the dinner table reading a newspaper, while Martha was making Clark breakfast

Jonathan Kent: Morning, sport

Clark: Good Morning pa

Martha: It would be a "good morning" if you woke up on time. Come on your gonna be late

Clark sat down on the table with his head down in his arms showing he couldn't be bothered for the day.

Clark: I don't get why I'm going

Martha: Because you need to be educated.

Clark: Uh huh

Jonathan: Come on son, don't you miss your friends?

Clark(Sadly): What friends? The other kids think I'm weird cause of the basketball "thing"

Narrator Superman: Back then I had a lot of trouble making friends, no matter how hard I tried I just didn't fit in

Jonathan: Now we told you not to overdo it when your playing with the other kids.

Clark: It's not my fault

Martha: Clark, you need to take responsibility for your actions. Now come on your gonna miss the bus.

Clark grabbed his backpack and a slice of toast, he then proceeded to walk to open the front door.

Martha: Love you. We'll see you after school

Clark: Love you both too.

Narrator Superman: So I left the house ready for school, I had so many doubts in my mind back then,  I didn't even want to go in that day and I guess fate would have it.

Clark: Wait, Wait!! Stop the bus

Kid's on the bus: Hahahaha

The bus driver saw Clark in his mirror and still zoomed off leaving behind the young boy. Once Clark realised he wasn't going to catch up by running he stopped

Clark:  Oh man.

Narrator Superman: I missed the bus that day but i knew i couldnt go back home because my mom and pa would've been pissed. So with no people around i used this as an opportunity to practise my flying. So that's what i did

Narrator Superman: I lifted myself off the ground and took flight above the clouds, it had been awhile since i flew so i was little excited, the plan was to get to school before the bus would. But like i said i was in a bad mood that morning so i decided to skip that day and deal with the punishment later

Narrator Superman: As i was flying around the city i noticed a small village that caught my eye, the village was poor and villagers appeared to be growing crops and fruits for each other. I noticed something else about them too. On every single one of their clothes they all had the same symbol.

Narrator Sasuke: The Uchiha crest

Narrator Superman: Yes. But back then it was my first time seeing it so i didn't understand what it meant. But i continued flying over the village. Until i saw a boy skipping stones in the lake by himself a little outside the village. The boy appeared to be the same age as me

Narrator Superman: I flew down behind him and landed in the bushes, he didn't realise I was even there.

Young boy: This time I'm gonna get it to reach the other side.

He said while throwing the stones, but before he could throw his last one.  A stone from behind him was thrown and it crossed the over to the other side of lake

The boy turned his head and saw Clark standing behind him

Clark: Just aim it little higher and be more gentle

???: I know it will get there, I just need to put my all into it. Who the hell are you anyway??

Clark: Right now. I'm your stone skipping rival. I'm Clark, Clark Kent. Oh uh..

???: First names, Madara

Clark: Madara huh. It's nice to meet you

Narrator Superman: And that was my first encounter with Madara Uchiha

Madara: All right Clark, watch this. He says confidently

Madara threw one of his stones into the lake although it didn't skip across like he expected it too, instead it dropped in the water.

Clark: Erm...??

Madara: That was your fault you stood behind me. I'm so sensitive I can't even pee when someone stands behind me!!

Clark(laughs): Haha, your a funny guy Madara.

Madara(jokingly): Says you with those dorky glasses.

Clark: How about you try putting more power into it

Madara(Sigh): Fine. Watch this

Madara attempted to throw the stone again only this time you put all his strength into it, which made a difference the stone skipped much further

Clark(thoughts): That much force is he one of those meta humans I see on TV?

Madara(Happy): Oh yeah, how was that Clark?

Clark: Not bad. Watch this though

Clark threw his own stone across the lake and it went even further than Madara's stone

Madara(thoughts): Huh, is he a meta human too?

Madara: I must admit your a lot stronger than you look.

Clark: Thanks. You too

Madara: Your not from the village are you ?

Clark: The Village? No I'm from the City— Smallvile

Madara: Yeah I could tell, your clothes look brand new.

Clark: What's with the logo's on the back of all your clothes?

Madara: Well — Uh I guess you could just say we're all from one big family

Clark(thoughts): One big family?

Madara: Well I better get back to the village. He said while taking a few steps backwards

Clark: Yeah me too. Later Uhh...

Madara: It's Madara

Clark: Madara right. See ya

Narrator Superman: Our personalities differed and yet there was something different about him. He wasn't like the other kids in school. He was the first person who I thought was like me.

Narrator Superman: After that I went back home to the farm. Of course Ma and Pa weren't happy that I missed school

Martha: Clark Joseph Kent, why did we get a call from school saying you missed class?

Clark: Well —Uh

Jonathan: Tell us the truth Clark

Clark: Because I did skip school.

Jonathan: This isn't like you son, your better than that.

Martha: Well where did you go?

Clark: I was with a new friend

Jonathan+Martha: A friend?

Clark: Yeah

Martha: This new friend of yours is he telling you to skip school?

Clark: Nooo, I just met him today.

Jonathan: Alright well that will be the end of it tomorrow your going school and I'll personally drop you off.

Clark: Yes pa.

Narrator Superman: And that's what happened I had to go school, I didn't want to make them upset anymore so I agreed but in the morning before school I went back to the lake to think alone.

A young Clark Kent sits at the lake alone reflecting on the things that troubled him, until he was interrupted by the boy from yesterday.

Madara: Your here early, didn't think I would see you again.

Clark didn't respond he just sat on the ground stuck in his own thoughts .

Madara: What's up with you ?

Clark: Oh it's nothing

Madara: Yeah right, liar. Come on say it, i promise I'll listen

Clark(Sigh): You ever just feel like you don't fit in? Like home isn't really home

Madara: I don't understand

Clark: Well my parents want me to go school but the people their just don't get me, sometime my own family don't.

Madara: Is it because your a meta?

Clark(shocked): Umm. Yeah I guess you could say that

Narrator Superman: Of course I couldn't tell him the truth. That I was an alien sent to earth so I thought saying I was a meta human was better.

Madara: I know how you feel, for people to look at you differently because your different. I've lost two of my brothers because of the cruelty of this world

Clark: I'm sorry, to hear that. Is it because your a meta human too?

Madara(small smile): So you figured it out. Your a pretty smart guy.

Clark: What happened to your brothers?

Madara: You see all those people from that village over there. We all family, all part of one family— the Uchiha clan. We all possess special eyes called the Sharingan, this was obviously valuable to the outside world. Soldiers and gangs would come after our village and take as many of us they can, some would get taken and some would get killed.

Clark gasped when hearing Madara story, he sat there and listed to everything Madara had to say.

Madara: Everyday here we don't know if it could be our last. My two brothers got killed because of them. We are meta human's after all we never know when we might die.

Madara: Every time I come to the lake, I make a wish that one day I'll get strong enough to put a stop to it and protect my clan with my own power. To stop all the suffering my clan has gone through all these generations.

Narrator Superman: In all honesty I was shocked that there was someone out there who knew how I felt, someone who was also from another world like me. There was another kid who thought as I did, and wanted to change the lives of people who were "different"

Madara: But if I'm ever gonna change that I'm gonna have to get stronger. To me peace means having the bigger stick than the other guy.

Clark(Smiles): I guess were both gonna have to get stronger together.

Narrator Superman: We didn't agree on everything but we both had the same dreams.
After that we started meeting up together every now and again, straight after school I would come to the lake where we would talk or we would train.

Narrator Superman: Still without him knowing were I was really from and without me knowing what his powers were. We would train together and get stronger

Clark: Ahh, I'm exhausted

Madara: (Chuckles) Come on training wasn't that bad

Clark: Hey Madara. The question is how do we bring about real change for the Uchiha in the village and the meta human's around the world?

Madara: The first step is to not give up on our ideals, and we're gonna have to get stronger too, a couple of weak kids barking isn't going to change anything.

Clark: I don't think I'll become that strong or special.

Madara: Come on, don't think like that we have to believe in each other otherwise we won't go anywhere. If we get so strong the adults won't have a choice but to listen to us.

Clark: I guess your right.

Madara stepped off down and walked away.

Madara: Hold up I'm gonna go take a leak. He says while walking over to the lake.

Madara pisses in the lake


Clark: Haha

Madara: I told you not to stand behind me!!!!

Clark: I guess i found your weakness(Laughs)

Madara: How about I through you in the water I just pissed in!

He then chases Clark around the forest attempting to grab him and through him into the lake

Clark: Stay away that's disgusting!

Madara(Laughs): Its my water powers. HAHA

Narrator Superman: Every time we met we became closer, he was the first friend I ever made. My life at home got better and the bullies at school no longer bothered me, because for the first time I actually had a friend. 


Clark ran towards the lake excitedly to go and talk to his friend

Clark: Madaraaa, I've come up with an amazing power.

Madara: Really? What

Clark: Yeah, You know how you do that thing were you breathe fire out of your mouth?

Madara: Uh yeah.

Clark: Well look at this.

He took a deep breath and inhaled, then quickly breathed out releasing small amounts of ice from his breath.

Madara(excitedly): Woah. Not bad

Clark(Excitedly): Yeah its just like your fireball except you know ice. I'll call it my ice ball.

Madara(Chuckles): That's so lame, how about.... Freeze breathe

Clark: That's so much cooler!!! Your really good at naming stuff

Narrator Superman: It was because of Madara, I got as strong as i am today and perfected a lot of my powers, his powers inspired my own.

Madara: Alright Clark, today were practising our flying by climbing up that cliff.

Clark: But how does that help with our flying?

Madara: Easy it helps us with our control and balance which i noticed you struggle with. Just run up the cliff without falling and the first one to make it to the top wins.

Clark: I don't know it sounds kinda dangerous and well....

Clark caught Madara by surprise and started running up the mountain before Madara could have a chance to react. Madara then quickly ran up, after him.

Madara(annoyed): Heyyyy, that's cheating!!

Clark: Sorryyy i can't hear you from first place!! hahaha.

They both finally reach the top of the cliff, both exhausted and out of breath. The collapsed on the mountain and sat at the edge of the cliff.

Clark(Laughs): I win

Madara: Of course you did, you had a head start

They looked at the view from were they were sitting and could see the entire forest.

Clark: Wow, what a view.

Madara: Yeah you can see really far from here. Speaking of eyesight I bet that you can't beat me.

Clark: No way I can see my house from here.

Madara(laughs): Your house. What you got X ray vision or something, nice try. Because I've got the Sharingan (Confidently).

Clark: Well technically not yet you haven't.

Madara: I will soon though, but i got other powers too, I have the power to steal--.... I mean I can just unlock some powers sometimes

Clark(quietly): Unlock powers??

Madara then goes silent and doesn't say another word

Clark: What's wrong?

Madara: Huh, nothing its fine

Clark: Come on you can tell me

Madara: I just need to get stronger no matter where that power comes from. I've lost two brothers and my mom but I've got one younger brother left. I have to protect him no matter what.

Clark(quietly): Madara...

Madara: What about you?

Clark: Well uh-- I'm the only child, my real parents died after I was born, I got adopted by two nice people in Smallvile. I just got a good idea sometimes you should come over to the farm. Ma and Pa will like you and then who knows maybe you could stay with us.

Madara(smiles): I- I cant leave my brother and my dad after the soldiers killed my mom and my brothers there the only family i have left. Our village is poor people die everyday from starvation and war with the humans.

Narrator Superman: After hearing that i realised his story was so similar to mine, from then on I didn't just see him as my best friend but also like a brother and then it hit me...

Clark(excitedly): I've decided. That forest over there we'll get rid of all the trees and create space and build our settlement right here

Clark: For your family-- the Uchiha's will have a new home and not just them we'll make it a home for all meta humans from around the world regardless of who they are or where they come from. They'll feel safe and protected and they'll be food, houses and they will get to practise there skills and powers. The new village will have a school for meta humans and mutants everywhere.

Madara(smiles): That would mean i could protect my brother here and all the Uchiha's

Clark: Yeah, no one will ever bother meta humans again, they wont have to fight anymore or die. And we'll also create a team of heroes charged with protecting people not just meta humans but humans too, a league of superheroes.

Clark: We'll call them the "Super friends", or "The league of meta's" or the "Justice Team"

Madara: Lame!, defiantly not. How about....the "Justice League"

Narrator Superman: And that was how we got the inspiration to create the Justice League. It was Madara who named the league and gave me the idea, I made a promise that day for our dream to come true...

To be continued in part 2...

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