Another Day In The Fictional...

By Storytellingdude871

1.1K 341 1.5K

Here is another short story collection, filled with all kinds of twisty adventures, with quirky characters, u... More

She Sure Was Fooled
Going To A Friend's House
Steven Got Pranked! 😂😂😂
Storm Threat Later! 🌩🌩🌩
Forgetfulness Got Pranked!
Can That Man Dance Or What?
Not An Update
Steven Now Wants To Go To Mississippi
Just Weird
Emma Is Coming Home On Friday!
Melissa Speaks German
Thomas Stop Asking People For Money
Steven Hates Potato Salad
Going To Massachusetts Tomorrow!
List Of New Characters
Brad Please Share Your Chips!
Squeezing Javon's Lips
Going To Massachusetts Today!
On Our Way To Massachusetts!!!
Fun Times At The Basketball Hall Of Fame
Eating At KFC In Massachusetts
Road Trips Are Supposed To Be Fun Steven! 😅😅😅
Steven Its Totally Okay
Steven Gets A Flash Drive
Rosie Playing Violin
Emma Is Coming Home Tomorrow!
New 5 Guys Coming To Middletown!
Forgetfulness Is A Nutjob
Waiting At The Airport For Emma
Its Great To See Emma Again!
Going To The Carnival Tomorrow!
What Can Ya Do Brandon?
At The Carnival
How Low Can People Get?
Forgetfulness Needs To Learn How To Ignore People
Corn Bread And Mac And Cheese For Easter Dinner
Emma Leaves For Washington State Tonight
Taking Emma To The Airport
Steven Never Learns
A Cloned Emma
Melissa Is So Silly! 😂😂😂
Hotel Inconvenience
Some People Are Dumb
Forgetfulness Can't Handle Negative People
Steven Thinks About 2025
Iris Sees Brian!
Listening To Music From 2000
I Can Whistle If I Want To Steven! 😙😙😙
She Died With A Smile On Her Face 😊
Sad News.......
Forgetfulness Is So Malicious!
Emma Will Be Missed 💔
Steven Wears Jeans In The Hot Weather
Jason Plays Piano With Melissa
Forgetfulness Better Shut His Mouth
Gonna Be Very Hot Today! 🔥
Steven Cannot Deal With Crowds At 5 Guys
Steven Fools Around Way Too Much
Funeral Arrangements Have Been Made For Emma
Brandon Talks To Bob About Emma At 5 Guys
Let Walter Eat! 😅😅😅😅
Steven Did A Very Bad Thing!
Dealing With Some Drizzle 🌧
Iris Better Get Her Car Back From Walter
Steven Tries To Avoid Getting Beat Up
Can This Get Any Weirder?
Seth Has Sensitivity To Certain Sounds
Melissa Turned Into Chris Rock
Out Of Diesel
Arthur Falls In Love With Jasmine ❤
Unbelievable How Some People Act
Jasmine Doesn't Play
Steven Its Just A Cartoon!
Steven In The Time Out Room
On The Way To Emma's Funeral
Emma's Funeral
Dead Alligator In The Cafeteria
Silly Lady At McDonald's
Kyle Please!
Steven What's Wrong With 1995? 😅😅😅😅
Iris You Got To Learn How To Control Your Emotions!
Tomorrow Is Jason's 23rd Birthday!
Steven Left The Water Running In The Kitchen Sink
Happy 23rd Birthday Jason!!!!
Steven Better Behave Himself At Joe's Pizza Party Tomorrow
Steven That Snack Is For The Party!
Steven Eats Brandon's Food
April Won't Stick Around Forever
Steven On His Way To Joe's Apartment
Forgetfulness Drinks Water And Pours It Out
Had Some Thunder Last Night! 🌩🌩🌩
Steven Eats At Lillianos Before Work
Steven Is Unconscious And Gets Beaten Up
Steven's Facebook Page Is Dead
Steven Talks To A Lady On The Phone
Steven Eats Bob's Sub On Purpose
The Consequences Of Overeating
Bob Will Be Going Down To Virginia In June
Some People Are Just Odd!
Melissa Locked In The Bathroom! 😅😅😅😅
Elena Gets Pranked Called By Richard
Kyle That's Enough! 😅😅😅
Iris That's Too Many Quarter Pounders!
Not An Update
Kyle Needs To Stop
Mary Helps Steven Edit His Work
Andrea Ditched Her Classes!
Andrea Is Punished For What Happened Earlier
Steven Cracks Weak Jokes
Forgetfulness Is Too Nosy
Tomorrow Is Arlene's Birthday
Iris Really Pushed Her Luck That Time!
Kyle Come On! 🙄
Whipped Cream On Chicken
Happy 29th Birthday Arlene!
Steven Makes A Contract
That's All Folks!

How Can Arlene Choose A Bologna Sandwich Over Pizza???

5 1 10
By Storytellingdude871

Paul: *brings in pizzas from Empire Pizza*

Me: *eats some cheese pizza*

Paul: Arlene, you want some pizza? *eats some pepperoni pizza*

Arlene: I'm making a bologna sandwich. *opens the fridge, and gets some Oscar Myer bologna, and puts it on wheat bread* Where's the Miracle Whip?

Paul: Ken ran out. He has to get some more from the supermarket.

Arlene: Oh. *eats her bologna sandwich*

Paul: You don't want any pizza, Arlene?

Arlene: No. *still eating her sandwich* Got any hot sauce?

Paul: It's right there.

Arlene: Thanks. *gets the Texas Pete hot sauce, and puts some in her eye, and yelps in stinging pain* My eye!!!!

Paul: Arlene, are you crazy?! You purposely put hot sauce in your eye!

Arlene: I substituted it for eye drops!

Paul: Hot sauce burns your eyes! You can go blind!

Arlene: Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. *melts*

Paul: Unbelievable!

Me: Exactly!

Arlene: *melted like ice cream*

This story was written on Thursday, April 27th, 2023.

A/N Arlene decided to make a bologna sandwich over pizza! 😳 How bizarre! And she's stupid to put hot sauce in her eye, as it can do damage to her retina! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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