pretty when you cry ☆ {serj t...

By mamaslamp

6.8K 200 370

{1995, early soad} love is fickle. an x reader of sorts angst, but eventually it gets better, i promise dail... More

1.1K 28 142
By mamaslamp

{smut warning (theres a lot of it, im sorry.) and no, im not proud of myself for writing smut... but here i am. anyways, enjoy, this like like 7800 words long. also, theres a lot of grammatical errors help}


"I don't really feel like cooking, you wanna go somewhere to eat?" Serj stretched, rubbing his eyes with his fingertips, entangling his hands in my hair afterwards.

I sluggishly nodded, adrenaline still built up from the eventful night before. I didn't know how I felt about even getting out of bed, almost feeling sick with nerves. Being this close to Serj was never something I'd anticipated.

He lightly touched his lips to mine and pulled himself out of the bed. "I'm gonna shower, alright? You can take anything from my closet to wear."

Before I said anything, he slipped into the bathroom the door clicking when he closed it. I was left alone, lying in Serj's bed, not really knowing what to do with myself.

It felt weird to walk up to his closet and click on the overhead light, and flip through his shirts. I didn't really know what to wear, let alone anything that would fit me.

I ended up choosing a faded Cypress Hill shirt. I was surprised that was something he listened to. He, for some reason, had a pair of pants that were half the size of his regular ones (he really only wore pants that sagged lower than they should've) and so I wore those too.

I changed quicker than I'd ever had to before, out of fear that he'd exit the bathroom at any second and see me. I don't know why the idea being exposed in front of him was so frightening.

I looked quite silly, with pants that wouldn't stay up and a shirt that I almost drowned in, but I didn't pay too much mind.

Serj emerged from the bathroom, steam from the shower emitting, clothed in a pair of brown corduroy shorts and an orange and white striped shirt. His wet hair was plastered over his shoulders, dripping down the fabric.

His eyes skimmed my body, and I felt so embarrassed, standing there in his clothes.

"You pull off my clothes better than I do." he gave me a lopsided grin. "I have so many different products in the bathroom, if you wanted to use anything." he motioned me to come to the bathroom with him.

"Oh my god, I look disgusting." I stared at my reflection in the mirror and groaned at the sight of my eyes almost looking like a raccoon's, makeup smeared all over my eyelids. I looked homeless, with my hair everywhere. I took his hairbrush which sat on the counter and attempted to get the knots out of my hair.

"Not really." He paused, watching me struggle. "Here, I'll help." Serj took the brush from me and lathered some product through his fingers, carefully finger- combing it through my tangled hair. He then brushed it, being careful not to hurt me.

My heart was pounding in my chest. Small gestures such as these are what made me fall for him.

"There ya go." He smoothed out the bumps and patted my head, smiling at me in the mirror. I couldn't help but grin back at him.

He began on his own hair, putting various curl products through it. No wonder he had such healthy hair.

After I washed off my makeup, I noticed his cologne sitting next to the sink. I decided that maybe he wouldn't care if I used it. I probably smelt kind of gross, after all. I glanced at him and took the half empty bottle, spritzing some across my torso.

I heard him let out a small chuckle. "You're gonna smell like me, now."

And that was alright with me.

After eating at a cafe down the road, we headed to Daron's upon invitation to watch hockey. I wasn't much of a sports person, and as far as I knew neither was Serj. It was always fun to get together anyhow.

I found myself excusing myself to use the bathroom after I began overthinking anything and everything, not wanting to cause a scene. I had some nagging feeling that I was ruining a friendship, that I was pressuring Serj. We'd already crossed so many lines that friends shouldn't. Crossed lines that couldn't be uncrossed.

I wished that I could just forget about whatever we had and make things normal again. All I'd ever wanted was for him to want me like I wanted him, and now that I knew he did, I felt bad. Like I'd done something wrong. Like somehow I was a burden and he wanted to get rid of me.

There was a soft knock on the bathroom door. I let out a soft 'what' and Serj's voice could be heard from the outside, muffled and quiet. "Are you alright? You've been in there for like 15 minutes."

"Yeah." I sighed. I unlocked the door and slid past him. "I don't feel well, I'm gonna go home."

"You don't have your car though? Did you want me to drive you?"

"I'll get a cab." I replied, slipping my shoes on.

Daron watched the two of us go back and forth, his eyes flickering from the tv to us. His face read confused.

Serj looked hurt as I opened the front door to leave.

When I got home I realized I was in Serj's clothes, which was upsetting for me, who was already emotional. I didn't know why I was so upset.

I decided to smoke a bowl, to calm my nerves. Smoking alone for me was always depressing, but right now it was something to distract me, not something for my enjoyment.

I slumped down onto my bed and packed the bowl, lit it, held my finger to the choke, and inhaled until I couldn't anymore. I repeated this until I was satisfied. A small cloud of smoke filled the room's air, the smell of weed strong and undeniable, almost bothersome. I slid down to the floor, my back against the wall as I fixated on a certain point in the wall.

I felt dirty, felt wrong for feeling so passionately about my friend. I didn't know why these feelings were making their way back to the surface, crawling up my chest. I wanted to shove them back down again.

I found myself thinking back on the past few days, Serj and I smoking and getting high, shotgunning only when we were alone. I was definitely one to smoke, I did quite often, but there was something different about smoking with Serj. I liked having him that close to me.

I liked the feeling of his lips against mine, locked in a kiss.

I sighed to myself, the smell of Serj's cologne still lingering on my body, soon to be washed off if i showered. I wished I could admit to myself that the smell filled me with some type of emotion.

My phone rung from the other side of the room. I was almost hesitant to get up and answer, knowing that it was more than likely Serj, but I did anyway.


"Hey, I just wanted to talk."

So it was Serj.


"I was just... wondering if I did something to upset you. I guess I probably should've thought things through more?"

I was silent for a moment, trying to think of something to say.

"Serj, you did nothing wrong."

"I mean, you understand where I'm coming from though, right? You just kinda left."

"I... Yeah. I'm sorry..." I trailed off.

He might've noticed how my voice cracked, how I sounded like I could cry any second. I hoped not. I knew I was being sensitive.

"Don't worry about it. Do you want to be alone, or can I come over?"

I wanted to say yes, so bad. But I also felt horrible for acting like this. I almost said no, but gave in and said yes.

There was a soft knock at my front door and I rushed to answer it, knowing who it was.

As soon as I opened the door, he stepped inside and pulled me into a hug, squeezing me close to his body, pressing his lips to the top of my head.

What did I ever do to deserve him?

We ended up laying on my bed, just talking about anything and everything for almost two hours. It felt nice to feel so seen.

I eventually kissed Serj after debating on doing so for a while, his hands immediately moving to cup my cheek. I almost didn't notice how he moved his hands from my face to my abdomen, resting his hands above the hem of my pants before slipping them under my shirt but resting below my navel. His large warm hands sent shivers down my spine, I enjoyed the new feeling. His hands remained there, never moving, until I wrapped my legs around his waist.

We remained like that, our warm limbs tangled together as our lips moved against each others. I didn't know how long we'd been making out for, for how long we'd been kissing and almost grinding against each other, but I knew it'd been a while.

Serj pulled away and hazily smiled, quickly rejoining our lips again. He lightly pushed me against the pillows, moving so I was below him. I let out a small "hmf" at the feeling, Serj now above me.

Our lips were slotted together, moving as though we'd done this millions of times before. Serj's lips were soft, gentle, and sweet, but they also moved with eagerness and control.

I started to feel more confident. My smaller hands slid up his arms and his biceps, snaking loosely around his neck, pulling Serj closer. I kissed with want and disparity, our kiss messy and loud. But it didn't matter, why would it?

I savored the taste of his lips, the lack of weed was strong as opposed from the previous night, but it was good, better even.

We pulled away, Serj panting, moving back in as quick as he could. This time I was the one who rejoined the kiss, my trembling hands traveling through Serj's hair, my fingertips gently digging into his scalp.

Our tongues are quick to reappear in each other's mouthes, further deepening our kiss more than it already was. Our breathing grew heavier and harder with each passing second.

"Fuck, take this off." He whined, his hand tugging on the hem of my shirt.

I hated how easily I blushed, my face quickly heating up at the simple request. I listened, my trembling hands pulling my shirt and catching glimpse of Serj's hungry eyes as I began to lift it off, exposing my skin.

My face was beet red, looking away as I lazily tossed the shirt onto the floor next to the bed, my arms naturally sliding to my chest which was covered only by my bra, covering the most I could. I wasn't typically insecure about my body, but in front of Serj I sure as hell was. In an intimate moment like this, I felt nerves run through my veins, my muscles tightening.

Serj seemed to notice my discomfort, his soft yet concerned eyes staring at my body below him. He leaned down and planted a gentle kiss against my lips, the contact light and chaste. I blushed harder at the action, never meeting his eyes.

His thumb caressed my cheekbone, gentle and soft, his pupils blown wide and glued to my face. "It's okay." He whispered.

He lowered his head, placing small kisses down the centre of my neck, reaching my collarbone. His lips continued trailing down, gently. I eventually moved my arms away from my chest, hesitant but trusting him. I moved upwards slightly so I could unclip the only item of clothing left on my torso, throwing the bra to the side. I could feel him smile as he stopped leaving kisses against my skin, gazing down at my body. My heart fluttered at his simple actions.

"Just you and me." He assured me.

I nodded, emotions rising within me as Serj continued to trail kisses all over my abdomen, leaving nothing behind but goosebumps on my skin and melting heart.

Serj's simple yet loving actions seemed to work, the doubtful thoughts and small insecure feelings present within me dissipating after each kiss. There were so many feelings flowing through me, it was hard to tell what they were at times, the emotions blending together like a mosaic. However, that being said, a particular feeling stood out and it terrified me, yet somehow Serj's presence and reassuring words were somehow able to calm me down.

No way I was in love, right?

It was terrifying, the feeling strong in my chest, I could barely contain it. I didn't know how it was supposed to feel but maybe my constant racing heart, my need to be around Serj and touch him in one way or the other was it. Maybe how I always felt happier when I was around him, my mood immediately increasing, my problems and troubles seeming to disappear.

No way I was in love... right?

Serj's kisses began to trail up my torso, as I drank in the gentle feeling of his soft lips against my skin, craving more, for Serj to sink his teeth down and suck and leave behind marks in the shape of his mouth.

I looked up at him, my eyes pooling with desire for more, obsessed with the way he touched me, held me, and kissed me. I couldn't stop my racing heart, my chest bursting with emotions.

My lips found their way back to Serj's, our eyes meeting for a brief moment before we closed them, joining our lips back again for another breathtaking kiss. I softly sighed into his mouth, our bodies melting into the kiss. My arms wrapped around his neck, Serj had one hand on my breast and one on my face.

"You're perfect." He mumbled against my lips. I blushed at the comment, opening my eyes.

My eyes were half lidded, in a daze, moving my hands and slowly snaking them away from his neck and trailing them down his torso, the contact light.

My hands were slow as I slipped them under Serj's striped shirt, touching the soft yet firm skin, gaining more confidence in my movement little by little. When I realized I wanted more, I tugged on the hem in an attempt to pull it off but too distracted with kissing Serj to get it done.

Serj took the hint and and temporarily disconnected our lips, pulling off his shirt in one swift movement and tossing it on the floor, unbothered. I didn't realize I was staring, nearly drooling at the sight before me.

Serj's left hand slid to my waist, gripping it before he leaned back in and brushed my lips, teasing me with light touches and ghostly breaths. He smirked when he saw my cheeks flush at the simple action.

I couldn't focus on anything but Serj. I tried to ignore the heat in my pants. It was stupid, but my thought process was that if I didn't notice it, neither would Serj. How could he notice, anyways?

It was a little embarrassing how easily I got riled up. The ghostly touches, the gentle kisses on my body, the intense kiss we shared, Serj's sweet words had me blushing way more than I should've. It all got me so worked up, minimal effort required to get me here, growing hotter and more desperate as each second passed.

I'd never felt so strongly towards someone before, these emotions were all kind of new to me. It was all kind of weird in a way, looking back at past relationships and partners and the difference of emotions I felt there. Of course, I had romantic feelings for partners at the time I had them, and obviously I was happy with them, but it was no where near anything like this, where every little thing Serj did had me breathless.

It was slightly frightening, but also comforting in some way. It was Serj, someone who seemed to understand me on a level that no one else did. I shouldn't have dwelled on the negative thoughts that liked to enter my mind, shouldn't even entertain them. I didn't need to.

I sucked in my breath and gasped as I felt Serj's hand lightly brush my crotch through my pants, almost seeming like he did so on purpose. I bit my lower lip, turning my head to the side and looking away, feeling a spark of arousal.

Serj let out a low chuckle, his hand resting atop the spot he'd brushed before but no longer moving it, the contact still leaving me speechless. I bit my fingers, embarrassed for how easily that seemed to turn me on, wanting more contact but resisting moving my hips.

"What's wrong?" Serj teased.

I glared at him. "You're an idiot." I mumbled back, refusing to meet his eyes, mostly out of embarrassment.

"Oh, come on, don't think I didn't notice how restless you were getting." He continued, his tone lighthearted.

I wanted Serj to touch me again, his hand lightly pressing light pressure between my legs. His other hand rested on my chest, slightly kneading my skin.

My mind spiraled and I found myself overflowing with thoughts and emotions, wanting to hide away under the bedsheets until the bed swallowed me whole, embarrassed with the way I so easily got riled up by someone who was supposed to just be my friend. There was anxiety bubbling in my chest, terrified of how my mind drifted into the realm of going further.

I had this small inkling of hope in the back of my mind that maybe we don't have to just make out in bed tonight. Our bare chests were already almost pressed against each other's, after all. The thought caused my face to redden, barely able to imagine it.

I swallowed harshly, biting my bottom lip while my heart raced against my chest, my body hot, feeling hands that belonged to Serj swim around my body while the other teasingly rested on my crotch. I wanted to cover my face, the thought of rejection growing louder and louder in my mind, embarrassment flowing through my veins.

I was only half experienced, a handful of sexual experiences that tiptoed the grey line between full on sex and casual oral, mostly being on the receiving end and occasionally on the giving end.

I felt the familiar pressure, my eyes shooting back to look at the man on top of me, a sheepish grin on Serj's face. I never admitted that I wanted more contact.

Serj kissed me once again as I matched his quick desperate pace.

Serj's fingers were quick and agile, effortlessly unbuttoning my pants and slipping them halfway off with one hand, feeling my exposed thighs, his hand resting in between and holding them. He stared, his face filled with awe. I had to only hold in a whine.

Our lips continued to push back and forth, heat being exchanged between us, me being drowned in the smell of whatever body wash Serj used mixed with his cologne. It was enough to make me weak.

The comforting heat emitting from Serj's hands to my thighs crept away as he began to steadily move them away, his hands sliding up to my panties and resting above the waistband. The thought of him sliding them inside clouded my mind.

"Can I?" Serj mumbled against my lips, my eyes flickering open, nodding before whispering a quiet 'yes.'

Serj smiled at me, one of his genuine ones where his eyes crinkled up. It was enough to make me lose my breath. That, and the way Serj rejoins our lips as he slips his hands into my panties. The slow movement has my stomach filled with butterflies as I anticipated his next move, our kiss becoming messy and sloppy, unable to focus properly.

I felt the slick build up between my legs, Serj's hands deliberate, almost teasing. It was enough to make me crumble. His movements seemed calculated, his fingers barely hovering over my clit, light brushes teasing me once more. This time though, there was no fabric separating us.

My hands gripping Serj's back, my breathing growing harder as he slowly slid his fingers inside of me, thrusting them a few times and pulling them out, not giving me much more. I disconnected our kiss, letting out a quick breathy moan, my body tensing.

Serj didn't give me much relief, his hand barely moving, his hand lightly teasing me with a bit of soft contact. I closed my eyes, bringing my hands up to my face and covering it. I could feel his piercing gaze and his stupidly attractive smile.


"Something wrong?" He asked with a playful tone in his voice.

I brought my hands down my face halfway, my red face peaking through, my eyes pleading and my breathing ragged. I shouldn't have felt so embarrassed but I did, especially when I was trying to voice what I wanted.

"Quit teasing." My voice was barely a whisper.

Serj nodded in understanding. "Oh, so you want me to touch you, or?"

I didn't want to say the words, my face was already crimson. The wet slick built up under Serj's fingers should've been enough of an indicator, but apparently not.

It seemed as though he liked to tease me and it was hell. It wasn't really that bad, but I was too flustered to go with it. I imagined that my reactions were exactly what he wanted.

"Yeah." I breathed out, my legs twitching.

I covered my face with my hands once again, mostly to hide my flustered face from Serj's words and light touching. I held down any noise I wanted to make, only quiet whimpers that I would later deny.

A smirk flashed across his face at my reaction, his fingers finally fully touching me, circling my clit, a small sense of relief for me.

He used the wetness built up to be able to move his fingers in and out, making it harder for me to hold in any of the sounds I wanted to make.

It was relieving now that he'd stopped teasing, but the bliss wasn't what I was aching for. I didn't want to come yet.

I let out a small moan. "Don't want to come like this." I barely whispered, trying to keep my composure.

If our bodies weren't so close, Serj probably wouldn't have been able to even hear me say those words, practically moaning them out.

Serj slowed his movements.

"How do you wanna come?"

I didn't want to say it out loud, embarrassed to even utter out the answer, although Serj's question was genuine and there was no joking tone to his voice. His fingers continued to work their way inside of me, but much slower and the pressure lighter.

I knew I shouldn't have been afraid, shouldn't be so embarrassed. I was so used to hearing horror stories from my friends about their sexual experiences, ones that made me rethink my choices. Ones that made me dislike men all together. That, and the slight insecurity creeping throughout me that I barely realized was present.

"Words, baby."

"Fuck, I..."

Serj waited patiently, not one look of annoyance on his face.

"I want you to fuck me." I revealed, my voice frail, filled with nerves, only catching a quick glimpse of Serj's face, which didn't change even after I uttered those words.

My heart was racing, anxiety bubbling in my chest at the silence between us, the man on top of me never uttering a word and only stopping his movements completely.

The stillness between us was causing me to overthink, my mind filled with thoughts of rejection. My own mind betrayed me, trying to make myself feel better about the possible rejection by saying that maybe I was rushing into things anyway, that it was better if Serj said no.

"Fuck," Serj whispered, his voice hushed. "Are you sure, baby?" He asked, the pet name making my heart flutter, his free hand gripping my waist.

My eyes perked up, looking at him, mindlessly playing with my nails as I looked at the man on top of me, my breath hitching. "Yeah."

"You really want to?" Serj questioned again as I nodded. "Okay." He whispered.

He slid his hands out of my almost soaked underwear and crept them up to my neck, one hand around my neck and the other on my cheek.

Everything felt different, the room's atmosphere changing, focusing solely on the two of us. It felt like we were the only two people in the world. The only two who really mattered.

"God, you're so perfect." Serj mumbled, kissing me before I could respond.

The kiss wasn't as forceful as before, but still filled with desire and hidden lust, the pace slightly slower but still quick. I lost my breath with each coming second. I was so fucked.

Serj adjusted his position, my thigh in between his two legs and my arm wrapped around him, Serj still holding me by my jaw.

I felt it when Serj shifted his body. Resting on my thigh was his erection, almost hidden by his baggy shorts, but still very much there. I quietly whined into the kiss, unable to hold it back. It excited me, but also confirmed that Serj wanted this as much as I did.

I never wanted to take off his pants as much as I did now, wishing Serj would just rip them off, but he didn't. I didn't dare ask. My hands ran down his bare back, Serj shuddering.

Serj pulled away, disconnecting our lips to lean down and kiss the skin above my collarbone. I quietly moaned as Serj sucked down on a particular spot, slightly biting down and digging in his teeth. It seemed his goal was to leave a mark, and by the feeling of it, he did. He repeated this down the side of my neck.

It was hard for me to focus, breathily moaning into Serj's ears, overwhelmed with multiple sensations. I tried to focus back on my main task, my hands continually traveling down his body until they landed on his waistband, wanting to pull Serj's pants off but also nervous to do so. I also wanted to make sure it was okay with him.

It took me a while to find the words, distracted by the feeling of Serj's lips trailing my skin that he seemed to determined to mark.

"Can I take these off?"

Serj disconnected his lips from my skin, glancing at a spot just above my breasts that his lips were just on, that was already starting to bruise.

"Of course, love."

My heart swoll, my body feeling as though it were levitating, butterflies filling my stomach at the simple pet name. I knew it probably wasn't a big deal, but I felt as though I could explode.

I managed to calm down, but it didn't stop my heart from rapidly beating at the word 'love.' My fingers were frigid, slightly trembling as I gripped the waistband of his shorts and began to slowly pull down, exposing his boxers. I pulled down until I couldn't reach anymore, only one layer of clothing between his erect dick and my leg.

My hands trailed up to his sides, touching any part of him I could, wanting to know every inch of him.

It was enough to catch his attention, disconnecting his lips from my once clear skin and meeting my eyes. "You're so cute." He uttered as he did before, smiling at my reaction, his eyes growing wide for a split second.

I laid there, unable to peel my eyes from Serj no matter how hard I tried. I finally managed to look away and my eyes landed on the bulge that stuck through Serj's boxers, poking through the fabric. It caught me off guard, my face growing hot at the realization. I knew my face was probably red but I couldn't help it, feeling as though I shouldn't have been looking despite what the two of us were already doing.

I began to feel desperate for Serj to do anything. My panties still clung around my waist and my pants were only half down. I tried to slip both off, but my mind was too focused on Serj's body to get the job done. A light chuckle escaped the man atop me and I felt a warm pair of hands gently replace my own as they removed the clothing for me, Serj throwing them to the floor.

I was completely exposed but I surprisingly wasn't so terrified. Maybe it was the gentle smile Serj carried, or his soft eyes looking at me with so much affection. Maybe it was because I felt safe with him, trusting him endlessly.

Serj's eyes were fixated on my thighs, not hesitating to place his hands on my small thighs and gripping them.

"Fuck, look at you. You're so perfect."

There he went again, calling me perfect for probably the 100th time that night, his words sounding genuine, a lustful undertone in his voice. It always threw me off. I never expected it and never knew what to say in response.

Serj began climbing lower until his face reached my naval, a small pause in his movement. I curiously watched, almost dazed. I didn't know exactly what to expect, the beating of my heart loud in my chest.

I was fixated on the scene before me, watching the way Serj continually traveled down my body, his lips close to my skin but never making contact. He moved low enough and kissed the inside of my thigh, leaving a small trail of kisses, moving slow and gentle.

His lips were soft against my flesh, arousal pooling in my stomach at the feeling, soft nibbles on my skin catching me by surprise, enough to make me quietly gasp. I never would've thought my thighs would be that sensitive. Serj was quick to notice, placing small pecks on my skin at first until he slowly introduced his teeth. I was almost squirming.

Despite the obvious arousal and pleasure the simple kiss granted me, the action and thought alone were enough to make me want to cry, never experiencing something so soft, something so loving and gentle. I felt a whirlpool within me, never allowing myself to let any of these feelings escape. I shakily breathed in, watching in awe as Serj slithered his way back up, meeting me face to face.

I was, once again, left speechless, wanting to break our comfortable silence and say anything. My mind felt empty, though. I could only focus on my heart bursting in my chest, mimicking fireworks. I once again met Serj's dark eyes. I could've gotten lost in them, but maybe that was because I was absolutely whipped.

My arousal made my mind feel cloudy, everything around me moving in slow motion as I felt a combination of emotions flow in and out of my body, the negative thoughts loud in my mind.

Maybe I was being stupid, but given how I had never had a sexual experience this intimate, with someone I cared about so deeply, my body was riddled with anxiety. I knew it shouldn't have been such a big deal, but I was worried about my performance, simply wanting it to be a good experience for Serj.

The bed lightly creaked beneath us, feeling some shuffling around the sheets, my eyes floating up to meet Serj's for only a brief moment before he brought his attention back to whatever it was he was focused on.

The worrying thoughts fled my mind, temporarily being forgotten as I watched Serj strip off his last remaining piece of clothing, his boxers. The way his hands gripped the fabric on his body, diligently pulling them down had him moving in a way where the build up was driving me crazy. Serj never seemed to notice my intense gaze.

I shamelessly watched the way his hard cock bounced out of its tight constraints, finally being freed as he lazily pulled down the rest of the fabric, my eyes following his hand movements until pausing at a certain length, looking up at Serj's face for a moment before looking back down, watching as he stripped himself bare.

Large, erect, and intimidating were the best words to describe his dick. It looked painfully hard and it was a lot larger than I was used to, than what I was initially expecting. The realization of how real this was hit me like a freight train, almost shocking me.

Those loud anxious thoughts that liked to swim through my brain never returned, being replaced with desire and excitement, an intense want for Serj present within me. I wanted to touch him, feel him, kiss him. I wanted to feel him inside of me, to feel that pressure and fullness I craved, to be held down under him as he moved inside of me. I wanted Serj.

"You, uh, have condoms by chance?" Serj asked me.

I shook my head. "No, but maybe there are some in the guest bedroom from back when Daron used to stay here?" I recalled, remembering that some of his things were still there from the previous month when Daron was being threatened with eviction.

Serj furrowed his brows. "Man, I know Daron hasn't been fucking anybody."

"You sure?"

"Daron is fuckin' and no one told me? Nah, I know he ain't."

"Right, my bad." I giggled.

We both broke out laughing, Serj's eyes crinkled and his smile wide. It was weird how we were able to laugh together, to understand each other so well. Our laughter began to die down, slowly easing until our light giggles come down to a stop, our faces mere inches apart. I didn't even think twice before I pulled Serj's face to mine, pressing my lips up to his. The kiss was short and sweet, but it was clear that it was filled with desire.

"So you're alright with no condoms?" I asked, nerves present in my voice.

He quietly nodded. "Yes."

We shared a small smile, my stomach flooding with those dumb familiar butterflies, fluttering around, swirling. Serj always had a way of doing that.

"Okay," Serj started. "I'm gonna-"

I eagerly nodded. He smiled at me before he hooked his arms around my legs and lightly pulled me closer. I felt breathless, watching Serj open up my lifted legs and lift my lower back. He placed a small pillow below my back. I was gushing, appreciating that he thought of my comfort.

He lazily took hold of his dick, shifting closer and lining it up between my legs, the buildup driving me insane. He took a quick glimpse of me before he refocused. He tightly gripped my hips, slowly pushing himself in.

My legs immediately tensed up, my body not knowing how to react to Serj's large member that was in no way compared to his fingers. I gasped at the feeling and cupped my mouth with my hand.

He pushed until he was all the way in. My breaths were ragged, my chest quickly moving up and down and adjusting to the overwhelming size and sensation.

"You okay? We don't have to d-"

"I'm alright, just getting used to it." I gave myself a few seconds to breath. "Okay, I'm, uh, good. Please move."

He didn't say anything, leaning forward into me just to be closer. I lifted my legs higher for better access and Serj held one as he began to slowly move his hips.

He was slow as his pulled his hips away but quick to thrust them back in. The simple thrust of hips causing a pressure within me, unable to speak as I felt my words and breath get taken away, the air getting knocked out of me by how deep he was inside of me.

I tried to hold back the sounds that tried to escape, the sounds that were getting pushed out of me by the slow thrust of Serj's hips. I felt a bursting pleasure within me with the feeling of his cock sliding out and quickly back in again, deeper every time.

It felt so good, an overwhelming bliss washing over me at each contact. It topped every experience I'd ever had, nothing ever coming close to what I'd felt in that very moment, an electrifying current running through my veins. It was amazing.

It felt like we were moving in perfect sync, moving in such a way that made it seem like we'd done this millions of times before. It was obvious that we were able to easily understand each other's desires and current feelings, both of us needing minimal words to convey what we wanted. It was cheesy, cliché even, but it didn't matter.

Serj never stopped moving, continually thrusting into me with that same quick speed and strong force that I so desired, our bodies pressed tightly together as Serj moved in and out. I found it increasingly harder to keep quiet, small moans and whines threatening to escape my lips every time his hips met my ass, the simple thrusts making me lose self control.

It was especially harder with the way he looked at me, his eyes glued onto me. It was harder with the way his hand tightly gripped my hip, hard enough to leave behind bruises, pushing in and out at that aching pace, not slow but not nearly as fast as he could go. It left me wanting more.

"C'mon, baby, I wanna hear you. You can be louder." Serj whispered in between contained groans.

I reached up my hand to cover my mouth, muffling any of the sounds that were pushed out of me. I shook my head at him, biting down on my fingers.

I writhed under him, my nails digging into his skin. This only made him increase his pace, his speed exponentially increasing from only just a few seconds ago.

"Fuck, harder, please." I quietly pleaded, trying to contain my moans.

He listened, didn't even seem to think twice as he slammed deeper into me, the force of his thrusts harder, rougher, the movement causing the headboard of the bed to lightly bang against the wall as the bed creaked.

I threw my head back, my hair falling into my eyes as my body moved with the bed. I was barely able to contain myself, pleasure searing throughout my body. It felt so good that I never wanted it to stop. I let out breathy moans that grew louder in volume, my hand clenching the sheets.

I was trying to contain my sounds, to keep the volume of my moans down in fear that the neighboring apartments could hear. I didn't want to have to deal with that horrible embarrassment, but the task grew increasingly difficult with each thrust.

Serj leaned down, his body pressed against mine as he moved his hips in a rapid pace, face buried into my neck. There was so much warmth between us, our bodies growing moist as a result. My arms wrapped around him, my nails digging into his skin.

With the way our bodies were pressed so tightly together, I was able to feel Serj's beating heart against my skin, the feeling faint but still there. It mocked my own, our hearts beating almost in sync, racing against our chests. It felt raw, real, and weird. I loved it. It comforted me in a way; knowing I wasn't alone in my emotions.

I could feel Serj's lips move against my neck, the slight vibration of his voice and the stubble on his face tickling my neck, murmuring words I was unable to decipher. I was only able to hear every other word, most of them being 'pretty' 'baby' and 'want.' This was followed by light kisses on my skin as he continued to thrust into me.

I was unable to say anything besides moan, unintentionally louder than my previous ones. They weren't terribly loud, but being as I was trying to keep quiet, they were vocal and lewd.

Serj lifted his face from my neck, revealing his lovesick expression and dazed eyes which were only a few mere inches from my own. He slammed deeper into me, his thrusts rougher and louder, the sound of skin hitting skin and muffled moaning filling the otherwise quiet room.

"Don't cover your mouth, I wanna hear you."

I had no words, wanting to respond and say something. I was unable to, too overwhelmed with pleasure, attempting to keep down my moans.

"Don't want the neighbors to hear me." I whispered, struggling to get the words out.

Serj thrusted harder than before, making me let out a small 'hah!' at the feeling.

He licked his lips, his hungry eyes piercing  through me while he held tightly onto my hips. I tried to close my mouth but instead covered it with a hand, muffling my moans while my face twisted into pleasure.

"You don't want them to hear you?" he asked, slamming into me. "Don't want them to hear how pretty you sound under me?"

That sentence alone knocked the wind out of me, the rough thrust of his hips and seductive words he'd spoken being enough to make me lose all sense of reality. I bit down on my fingers, quietly whimpering.

I could barely look at him, unable to meet his eyes that watched me so intently. My mind was clouded. Could you really blame me? How was I supposed to think when I was pressed against my bed getting the life fucked out of me?

I was grateful when Serj reached down and kissed me, stopping me from having to speak at all. It was sloppy, sweet, and too short for my liking. I swore I could never get sick of Serj's lips.

Serj briefly slowed his movements almost to a full stop, leaving me aching for more. I tried to push back against him to give myself some sort of relief, but his tight grip on my hips prevented me from ever moving.

My breathing was heavy, my chest rapidly moving up and down as I attempted to catch my breath and calm my heart rate.

Serj slightly lifted my lower back, readjusting my hips position before pulling back and slamming back in, my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Ah! Fuck, Serj-"

My eyes widened, my head thrown back as I gasped loudly at the sudden euphoric feeling washing over me. I arched my back, my body almost spasming in reaction as I clenched the white sheets below me, choking back small moans I couldn't hold back anymore.

I felt electricity run through my veins, my stomach coiling in pleasure as Serj repeatedly slammed into me, constantly hitting that sweet spot.

I was close, approaching that orgasm I desperately craved, the pressure in my stomach rising each passing second. I was writhing under Serj's body, my hands pulling at the sheets above my head.

It probably wasn't hard to tell, not with the way my body twisted, my uncontrollable moaning growing louder in volume as Serj thrusted over and over again.

"You close, baby?"

I wanted to respond, but no words ever left my mouth. I was too overwhelmed to properly think of a coherent sentence. It wasn't like it was needed, anyways. Serj seemed to know. He smiled at me, the simple tug of his lips warm and loving before it twisted into a sly smirk.

Serj loudly groaned in between thrusts, and that was enough for me. I finally released, coming and reaching that blissful climax I so desperately craved. My back arched in reaction, my nails digging into Serj's back, my muscles tensing as I felt Serj continue to move inside of me, my mind cloudy, indulging in the high that was produced from my orgasm.

Serj groaned once more, seeming enthralled with the way my body reacted. It was clear that he was close too, evident with the way his thrusts grew sloppy and sporadic, no longer in a consistent rhythm.

"Come in me." I whispered, which seemed to catch him by surprise, a grin rising on his face.

"Fuck." he rasped, slamming in one last time.

He released, spilling inside of me with small lazy thrusts, groaning at the sweet release. His hands were glued to my body.

Our breathing finally started to slow, both of us trying to catch our breath, my speeding heart slowing down. Serj almost collapsed on top of me, our bodies pressed tight against each other, his dick still inside. It took him a second to lift himself up and slowly pull out, making me huff at the feeling.

I closed my eyes, my breathing steadying. Serj reached over, his hand pulling my hair out of my face and gently kissing my cheek. His lips lingered for a second before pulling away, smiling.

His movements were haste yet careful as he climbed out of bed, leaving me behind, my eyes still closed.

I assumed what was happening when I heard the bathroom door opening, the light shining through. The sound of running water was all that could be heard for a few second before Serj returned, a red washcloth in his hand.

I would've moved closer, but I was so tired and worn out that I was barely able to keep my eyes open. It didn't seem to matter, though, watching Serj lean down and press a careful kiss the nape of my neck before snaking down to clean up the small mess we'd made.

My body almost jumped at the sudden contact but the warmth eased me in, the gentle washcloth scraping my skin and wiping away whatever was left of Serj's cum. Best to do this now rather than later when it was horribly dry and gross later on.

My heart swooned, appreciating the small cleanup and caring actions, unable to hide my lovesick expression. My droopy eyes focused on Serj, who was still butt ass naked, walking back to the bathroom to rinse the washcloth.

When he returned, all we did was hold each other, our sticky bare skin pressed up against each other's.


{AGH!! hope u enjoyed, that took me so long to write lmao😭😭mightve gotten a little carried away with the acute details and the amount of words.}

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