I'm Still Waiting ✮ DeVante...

By Flyonland

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Navy Jones Is an high school student and a songwriter who keeps a diary everywhere she goes no one knows abou... More

First Chapter: The Beginning
Second Chapter: Band Diary
Third Chapter: Second Chances
New Title
Fourth Chapter: Can We Flo Tonight?
Fifth Chapter: Late Night Drive
Sixth Chapter: Earn Trust
Seventh Chapter: Opposition
Eight Chapter: Make It Like It Was
Ninth Chapter: I'm Still Waiting
Tenth Chapter: Let's Chill
Eleventh Chapter: Wanna Go Somewhere
Twelfth Chapter: Graduation Night
Thirteenth Chapter: Cry For You
Fourteenth Chapter: Back To Studio
Fifteenth Chapter: Midnite
Sixteenth Chapter: Hard Goodbye
Seventeenth Chapter: Birthday Bash
Eighteenth Chapter: Around
Nineteenth Chapter: Where I Wanna Be
Twentieth Chapter: U and I
Twenty-Second Chapter: Family
Twenty-Third Chapter: Have You Seen
Twenty-Fourth Chapter: Visiting New York
Twenty-Fifth Chapter: Find Out
Twenty-Sixth Chapter: Breaking Up
Twenty-Seventh Chapter: Four Years Later
Twenty-Eighth Chapter: Out Of Nowhere
Twenty-Ninth Chapter: Let Me Show You
Thirtieth Chapter: Don't Mess
Thirty-First Chapter: Gets Back Together
Thirty-Second Chapter: Spending Time
Thirty-Third Chapter: Tour
Thirty-Fourth Chapter: On My Way
Thirty-Fifth Chapter: Back Here Again
Thirty-Sixth Chapter: Wasn't What It Look Like
Thirty-Seventy Chapter: Block Party
Thirty-Ninth Chapter: The Show
Thoughts & Idea's
Fortieth Chapter: I Do Love You
Fortieth-First Chapter: My Phone

Thirty-Eighth Chapter: For The Drama

782 15 213
By Flyonland

Navy Jones
Charlotte, NC

Later that same day Navy came out her room to get her day started It's been two whole days now since she been dodging Devante after Courtney and her had themselves a talk and so It wasn't long when Mr. Dalvin had called her and went over some things with her on the phone and told her about it was him seeing them two women at the end of their tour.

So Devante was Innocent this whole time? Navy didn't know what to believe whether Dalvin was telling the truth or not It still won't change what happened at the hotel with her and Devante then Devante was such an jerk too her In Cali she was cool on him.

"Hey Navy what happened with you and Devante, Courtney told me you and him got Into It so?" Katrina asked while nosying Into her business.

Navy playfully rolled her eyes and turned around to see Katrina In the kitchen to ask her about none other than Devante. "Now I take back what I said now about you staying out of my business no offense" Navy said looking over at Katrina while she took a bottle of water out the fridge.

Katrina totally disagrees. "Oh see now you know I don't be In your business like that since she became an adult now."

"Yeah sure Katrina." Navy laughed after hearing that lie.

"I don't by the way why did you and De broke up?" Katrina said as Navy scoffed while being right about her sisters.

"Well De and me had shared a few words with one another It was really bad too and there it was so can we stop talking about me for once" Navy said before walking away to go back to her room.

"Navy wait come back here tell me the rest of the story come on don't leave without giving all the details!" Katrina said following her out of the kitchen.

Navy turned herself around to look at Katrina while part of her thought this was such a bad Idea telling her sisters about what happened everything was going so smoothly before that.

Navy shook her head while she walked off to go back upstairs while doing that she so happens to see her dad Inviting Devante on In the house.

She was fuming after that.

"Thanks Mr. Jones allowing me to see her" Devante says with a smirk.

"What's he doing here?" Navy said looking at Devante with this mean look.

Then Devante stared back at Angelo while they begin to leave out the room to give them two space to talk it out.

"Well Katrina hope you got started on dinner for our guest" Angelo said while leaving to go In the kitchen too help his daughters make dinner.

"Yes sir" Katrina said rolling her eyes too go help her dad make dinner.

Dinner for what guest Navy thought about what he meant but In the meantime she wanted answers to why Devante was there?

"So why haven't you been returning my calls to talk about what happened I been blowing your ass up for two days so why didn't you get back with me?" Devante asked not knowing what else to say at the moment.

"Because you know what you did don't act like nothing is wrong when you the one flirted with some woman on the plane I mean what do you expect me to forgive just like that?" Navy said looking Into his dark colored eyes.

Devante nodded while trying to convince her It wasn't nothing going on with him and that girl. "Chill I didn't flirt with that woman all we did was talk on the plane that's It"

"No you and her did more than just talked stop lying!" Navy caused this scene and added on to that. "I was looking right at you."

Which Devante stop talking to let her go on and talk not knowing how long that was going to be.

"You don't know how bad you hurt my feelings too after that and you didn't have to bring up my sister in this mess either why did you call her a drug addict?!" Navy said as her eyes started to get watery as things started to build up.

Devante admitted he was in the wrong. "I was tripping and I'm so sorry that I hurt your feelings I didn't mean to say that I was just caught in the moment and I lashed out I didn't mean it baby." Devante said gripping her waist as he leaned his forehead up against her head.

Navy nodded her head and gave him another chance but she better not never see that side of him again or she will be done with him this time.

Just then Dalvin walked In the house after waiting in the car.

"Hey Is everything good?" Dalvin said after peaking around the corner to see the grossest shit ever.

Navy and Devante went on and Ignored at that time while they stood there tongue kissing for a good minute.

Dalvin didn't like the Idea of seeing all that.

Luckily someone came downstairs who happened to live there with Navy and that person was Courtney.

"What the hell Dalvin I knew you was stalking me but I didn't think you would go this overboard?" Courtney said staring over at her stalker.

"Girl what are you talking about I was coming in here to get Devante for your information besides ain't nobody here to see you!" Dalvin said looking so uncomfortable.

"Wait Devante is here excuse me" Courtney said walking away from him to go get her bat while coming back downstairs to get at Devante for breaking Navy heart for the third time.

Courtney walked over to them both and demanded attention with her bat standing near her.

"Oh hey Courtney what's going on I haven't seen you in a minute?" Devante said turning his head around to face Courtney.

Courtney didn't show no friendliness she went off in his face Navy wasn't expecting this from her at all.

"Certainly not joking but it's around that time for you to leave I don't want you here so bye and Navy I don't give a damn about your ass crying so stop the tears!" Courtney said going off for no reason with a bat in her hand.

"Who you talking to you talking to me are you ok?" Devante asked in surprise to hear her say that.

"Yeah I'm fine but pretty soon you ain't going to be If you stay here much longer so why you do us both a favor and leave and don't make me tell you twice" Courtney said hitting the floor as people backed away in shock.


Courtney remained holding the bat while making everyone scattered around but except Devante he wasn't scared of nobody.

"Oh what the hell is going on?" Katrina says hearing all this confusion In the kitchen.

Just then Navy came to Devante defense to defend him. "Courtney stop I can't let you do this"

She stood in the way to stop it from happening because she loved Devante. "Well you don't have a choice besides why would you want to be with someone like this after all he did to you over the years I'm just trying to protect you from men's like him in the world I don't know why you can't realize that?"

"And I appreciate it I really do Courtney but I'm grown now and can make my own decision about who I date so if anyone have a problem with that then you can come to me!" Navy said pointing with her fingers at her chest.

Courtney had stop to think about it she looked at everyone around the room she didn't know she was going to defend her sister like this.

She began to get embarrassed feeling like a fool.

"Alright I'm-" Courtney was about to apologize too when Navy came and gave her this hug.

"I know come here" Navy said hugging her sister.

Dalvin was ready to hang it up and go back home after what Courtney just did and he hope Devante would have enough sense to leave too.

"Uh De I'm going on you ready?" Dalvin said rushing him.

"Hold on I'm not done" Devante said looking at Dalvin.

"What you can't say what it is on the phone?" Dalvin said shaking his head.

Devante looked back at Dalvin wondering why his brother was rushing to go.

After Navy hugged her sister she turned around to see what Devante was going to do first before she helps her family with dinner.

"So do you and Dalvin want to stay for dinner tonight?" Navy saw the look appeared on both of their face which it told her something.

They looked at each other as they shrugged their shoulders as Devante said. "It don't matter"

"Well good you don't have to stay that long by the way Katrina can work the TV for y'all"

"I'm gone do what?" Katrina says hearing their conversation as she walks over.

"Oh Katrina can you show them how to work the TV please come on they're a guest show them some hospitality alright." Navy said.

"Alright y'all two come on" Katrina says talking to Devante and Dalvin as they followed her into the living room.

"Thanks and be nice" Navy said with a smirk on her face while she walked off to go in the kitchen to help out with dinner while Angelo started early on the food a couple hours ago.

At Navy's House

Devante walked with Dalvin and Navy's annoying older sister Katrina In the other room to watch TV for a little bit after the food get done Devante was planning on leaving out of there anyway Katrina grabbed the remote control In front of the Degrate brothers like It was an Issue.

Devante gave her a confused look on face thinking what did he do now right now all of them didn't care for him being with Navy.

"Uh what the both of you like to watch on TV?" Katrina huffs turning her head towards them to hear what that was.

"Oh any sports happens to be on right now" Dalvin stated coming at Katrina as it went silent for a minute.

Katrina gave him this annoyed look before speaking like how do you expect me to know all that I'm not a sports fan luckily Navy came back In the room to speak to tell them It was.

"It sure Is some teams playing right now so you two should watch It together" Navy says walking to the couch where Devante was seated at as she finds herself giving him a smooch. 

"You know what that doesn't sound like a bad Idea put the games on" Dalvin said sitting down comfortably.

"Isn't you and Devante singers?" Katrina said looking uneasily at the two members In the group of Jodeci.

"Yeah and why you said it like that?" Dalvin said eyeballing Katrina.

"Right what do that have to do with It?" Navy said Immediately being on Devante and Dalvin side. 

"I mean why not watch what you're known for and ESPN is about sports not music" Katrina says as she sounds genuine but they wasn't taking her serious.

"Do It really matter"

Navy didn't know what was her problem is and she didn't want to find out either. 

Navy snatched the remote out Katrina hand. "Here let me get these games on for you two." 

"Yeah fix that I'm going to the bathroom." Katrina said walking away to go do something but nobody didn't know what she was going to go do.

Navy watches her sister walk away to go In the bathroom while worrying what her sister might do since she had a long history of doing drugs in the past.

Devante saw her looking and that's when he grabbed her chin to make her look back at him. "Hey she's going to be good there's nothing to be worried about she been got rid of that addiction a long time ago"

"Pardon me?" Dalvin said looking his brother way.

"I ain't talking to you I was talking to Navy" Devante said turning his head around to look back at Navy.

Dalvin looks at him again and huffed while turning to look over at the TV.

"Oh" Dalvin said staring at the TV.

"Anyways now what was we talking about again?" Devante asked Navy.

"You was talking to me about Trina and you're right I should stop doing all this worrying It's probably nothing anyway" Navy said to him.

"Oh right I know and you shouldn't cause Katrina Is going to be alright" Devante said looking at Navy beauty.

"I sure hope so anyway I should go help with the food thanks for everything" Navy says giving him another kiss before she go. 

"You're welcome anytime." Devante said with this smile.

Navy didn't Ignore that smile It was the most beautiful smile she ever came across.

"Baby you so easy going bye be right back" Navy said walking away.

Devante nodded his head understanding as he watches the game on Television he heard someone behind them screaming In a bad situation.

"Help me I saw something It ran across my feet I think It was a rat a rat there It is!!" Katrina says while jumping at something to get away from the rat on the floor. 

"What?" Devante asked while watching Katrina trip.

"Oh shit let me go ahead and get Navy too get her sister" Dalvin said walking to the kitchen to get one of them as he left Katrina acting wild. 

"Yo Dalvin tell them to hurry up!" Devante says as something was telling him to get the hell out of there.

"I'm sorry who's that handsome man over there how you doing baby?" Katrina said having her eyes on Devante. 

Devante just sat there thinking what happen everything was cool at first. 

"Katrina stop the madness you're not seeing anything on this floor" Courtney said coming to get her sister out of the living room. "This girl"

"There It Is!!" Katrina said pointing down at nothing causing everyone to look down at the floor too. 

"Right Courtney come on stop playing around" Navy said grabbing her sister hand out the room with the guys while keeping her sister on the right path.

"Wait where we going?" Katrina says walking away with them.

"To Dad he want to talk to you let's go" Navy said walking off with her sisters. 


"Man what the hell was that about look we need to get out of here De" Dalvin said to his brother.

"Uh...let me think" 

"No your thinking Is why we're here In the first place I told you let's go but you didn't want to now we stuck here with them two wacko's sisters" Dalvin said ranting while pointing towards the kitchen door.

"What this my fault you the one who told me to come over here and talk things out with Navy If you wouldn't told me that I would not be here right now!" Devante yelled.

"Okay I did but you didn't tell me this family was going through something"

"Look her sister Is on drugs okay she's not crazy she's not doing any of this she can't process her emotions right now" Devante says fixing back the pillows on the couch. 

"Wait you call that drugs Devante? I don't think that's what it is that girl is crazy as hell just like her other sister coming at you with that baseball bat are you thinking this stuff is normal?"

Before Devante could say anything Navy came back In the room with her other sister Courtney while Katrina stayed In the kitchen with her father.

"We're so sorry about this we hope you two understand what happen you see Katrina has relapsed on the drugs again so this stuff all very new to us too" Navy explained to Devante and Dalvin the best way she could

"Sorry to hear that will she be okay?" Devante asked bringing his head back up to look at Navy.

"Yes she'll be fine but we're going to take her back to rehab soon and get herself some help this time, also we came to tell you both dinner Is about to get served so you still hungry?" Navy says to the brothers.

"Yeah sure" Devante said with an half of smile while grabbing her hands to walk with her.

Courtney gave Dalvin this displeasing look

"I don't know what you looking like that for we're not about too hold hands" Courtney says walking away.

"Courtney I would rather not sit by you either hater!" Dalvin says sitting by their dad since the other seat over there was taken over there where Devante was at.

Navy started laughing while she couldn't believe them two still hated each other this beef been going on since high school.

"Oh hell nah how you going to call me a hater after I done been In the kitchen cooking for you" Courtney responds.

Katrina just takes herself a sip of her water while looking at Courtney and Dalvin be socially awkward at the table.

"So can I ask why the woman In y'all other video looked familiar? I mean It is what it is ain't nothing I can do about It now" Courtney asked while starting some more drama with this Kci and Myla thing.

Navy looked up at her sister wishing Courtney would shut the hell up about K-ci dropping her like a bad habit.

"Wait what happen? you said they had a women in they video, when was this?" Katrina said looking in Dalvin direction because she knew he was going to answer first.

"Uh yeah Kci wanted Myla in our video to play his love Interest" Dalvin said speaking to everyone at the table since Devante seems preoccupied enjoying his food. "Anyway we didn't use none of our girlfriends to play our love Interest"

"Oh I wonder why didn't you however my sisters would've been good for It too" Katrina said putting her hands around Navy's shoulders while sitting at the table.

"Oh that would've been nice" Navy said turning her head to look at her dad knowing there was nothing he could've did about it If he was feeling some kind of way but he wasn't feeling no type of way Instead he thought it would've been a great Idea.

"Right why y'all didn't tell nobody before y'all did the music video that didn't sound like a bad Idea" Angelo said as Devante was shocked to hear his reaction.

Devante looked at Navy and said "Well It ain't never too late to do one by the way I was going to call you but I figure you was busy taking care of your dad."

"Um Devante are you ready I can't stay too long" Dalvin said getting up to make a exit.

"Yeah In a minute just chill out what do you got to do so Important?" Devante asked his brother while he was rushing him to go.

"Cause we been here for over two hours Devante and I'm ready to go" Dalvin said ready to cause this scene and that's when Devante knew It was time to go.

Devante couldn't stay after that since Dalvin was tripping so he did what was right and decided to go before things got worse.

"Alright thanks for dinner It was so fulfilling" Devante told Navy family.

"Oh you both welcome thanks for stopping bye" Angelo said getting up to hug as the rest of them did the same.

"Bye y'all be safe out there" Katrina said showing a smile.

"We will bye" Devante said hugging Navy before he leave.

"Bye" Navy said waving to them both as they walked out the door.

To Be Continued...

What do y'all think about Courtney taking up for her sister? Was she In the wrong or was she suppose to do that?

Thoughts on Dalvin bringing Devante over the house to see Navy?

How do y'all feel about Navy forgiving Devante?

Thoughts on Katrina relapsing?

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