Joan Ascends

By KristenPham

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Season 3 of The Throwbacks The outlook for Throwbacks in Seattle - and across America - has never been bleake... More

Season List for The Throwbacks
Chapter 1: I'm no hero
Chapter 2: Lucky Me
Chapter 3: Little slice of Eden
Chapter 4: You forced us to be enemies
Chapter 5: I'm glad to be wrong
Chapter 6: I, too, have teeth
Chapter 7: Now the world can see the truth
Chapter 8: About damn time
Chapter 9: It ends sooner than you think
Chapter 10: Beginning of a legend
Chapter 11: As low as I'm willing to go
Chapter 12: Don't let them shut you out
Chapter 13: He really is a monster
Chapter 14: Break-in at the Bunker
Chapter 15: I can't lose you
Chapter 16: Remember your place
Chapter 17: We're all going to die
Chapter 18: Let no one stop you
Chapter 19: Down the wrong path
Chapter 20: I know what I'm getting into
Chapter 22: Rats in a cage
Chapter 23: Daring to buck the system
Chapter 24: Water torture
Chapter 25: Brought to heel
Chapter 26: Burn it all down
Chapter 27: Strand's evil clutches
Chapter 28: Have it your way
Chapter 29: Serving our evil overlords
Chapter 30: Don't scream
Chapter 31: Rage and loss
Chapter 32: It wasn't for nothing
Chapter 33: I don't want to be without you
Chapter 34: Under arrest
Chapter 35: No other choice
Chapter 36: The tiniest measure of hope
Chapter 37: Have faith
Chapter 38 Change is here
Epilogue - Ten Years Later

Chapter 21: A sycophantic sociopath with an inferiority complex

26 7 0
By KristenPham

I'm up at dawn the morning I'm going to turn myself in to Strand, adrenaline already pumping through my veins. As I make my way to Harriet's office, my fingers skim the back of my neck. Last night Marie inserted the Mind Manipulator, but the tiny wound is already fully healed, just as she said it would be.

Our interaction was almost exactly as it was in my vision, with one difference. Marie not only gave the manipulator the ability to connect to a cellular signal, but also found a way to ping it remotely, so that my team can send me images through my contact cameras. It's more than I ever hoped for, and just might give me the edge I need to keep my promises and make it out alive.

In her office, Harriet is absorbed with scrolling through blueprints of Strand and identifying parts of the campus that are still unmapped.

"Everything set for today?" I ask her, settling into my favorite chair by the window.

Harriet turns and looks me over, as if she's making sure I'm strong enough for what lies ahead. "Officer Ben and his team will be here at 10 to pick you up, and Lexi has agreed to a press conference outside of Strand."

Harriet had a stroke of genius at the last minute, and turned my entrance to Strand into a public event, with documented footage of me entering Strand's campus. With the rising popularity of the reality series, viewers all over the world will have questions if I never come out.

"I bet Lexi's thrilled to have me at her side on camera again," I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

Harriet sighs, and her whole body droops with fatigue. Her body now has to fight off H2IV every second of every day for the rest of her life, like me. My supply of the antidote is rapidly dwindling now that our entire team needs a dose every few days. Which is another reason why getting inside Strand can't wait. We need to steal their recipe for the antidote, or thousands of people are going to die.

"We were supposed to change the world together, Joan," Harriet says. "What if I screw everything up while you're gone?"

"Are you kidding? You've been steering this ship from the beginning. All I've ever done is knock us off course."

"Some days I want to take Mason and leave this city. Maybe find somewhere off the grid where we could be two people in love, instead of two Throwbacks under Strand's thumb," Harriet admits quietly. "But now, no matter how bad things get, I'm stuck. In the back of my mind, I always knew I could leave this rebellion in your hands, and you'd figure things out. But without you, I'm alone. There will be no running away from it all now."

There are no words of comfort or reassurance I can offer my friend. Harriet leads selflessly, so painting a picture of a future where she is celebrated for her success won't excite her. She may take on the task, but it will be out of duty, not for recognition or power.

"Come on, I want to review the blueprints with you one last time," Harriet says. "Knowing your way out of that building might save your life."

Together, we bend our heads over Harriet's tablet, collaborating one last time before I breach the gates of the enemy.


The ride to Strand in Officer Ben's squad car is largely silent. It's an older model with outdated nav software, so it drives a somewhat circuitous route around Seattle as we make our way to Strand.

When we finally pull up in front of the sprawling campus, Officer Ben leans forward, eyeing me through the bulletproof glass separating us.

"Ready for action?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

"As I'll ever be."

"Anything goes wrong in there, I'm one phone call away," he promises.

His words are kind, but naïve. He assumes that I'll be treated fairly by Strand as long as law enforcement is watching. But I know how differently the law is interpreted when it comes to Throwbacks, and only an Evolved would make the mistake of thinking that all I need is justice on my side to come out of this safely.

Still, I'm grateful for the support of the police—it's something that seemed like an impossibility only months ago when I was dodging the unhinged mood swings of Officer Boer.

I force a smile and Ben unlocks my side of the car so I can exit. On the lawn in front of the main entrance to Strand, a stage with a podium is set up. In front of the stage is a small crowd of reporters, and their cameras immediately fly over to hover near my head as I walk toward the group.

Unlike the media at the Showbox, no one shouts questions as I stride closer. Lexi is waiting next to the stage, and she gives me a wide, toothy smile and shakes my hand.

When Lexi walks to the podium, everyone falls silent. "I'd like to welcome the press today, as my partner and friend, Joan Fasces, joins us to embark on a new project that will usher in a new era of genetic innovation at Strand."

There is polite applause from the reporters. As I scan their badges, I see that it is mostly conservative Evolved media outlets who are in attendance.

"As a Genetic Replicant myself, I'll be the first to admit the limitations of those whose genetic code has not had the advantage of evolving over time. Replicants typically thrive when working on specific tasks suited to the temperament of their clone type, and flounder when they are pulled from their natural habitat. That's one reason why I'm so reliant on the guidance of my Evolved board of directors here at Strand.

"However, history has left some gems for us along the way, and it is our mission at Strand to bring the best of the past forward, even while we leave the outdated behind us. Recently, our Evolved scientists have discovered genetic mutations in the DNA of some of history's most influential figures.

"What looked like talent or even magic centuries ago was, in fact, an anomaly that we now recognize as a genetic mutation that resulted in expanded brain function. Think of Beethoven's genius for music, Galileo's ability to decipher the laws of physics, or, even Joan of Arc's visions of how to save France."

Lexi pauses, allowing the nickel to drop. The eyes of everyone in the audience swing to me, and murmuring breaks out within the small group. Lexi raises her hands for silence.

"I'm sure you have many questions, but right now we don't have answers. However, Joan Fasces has agreed to work with us to see what secrets might lie hidden in her genetic code. Over the coming weeks you'll hear from Joan and our top scientists as we begin unlocking the potential of the human brain. Our work starts with our historical replicants, with the goal of applying the science to our Evolved population, so we can all harness abilities that once seemed like magic."

Lexi leaves the stage, ignoring the storm of questions shouted by the reporters. Four Throwbacks of the Dean clone type close in around her and I, and they hustle us toward the entrance to Strand's main building, a sleek modern skyscraper.

I expect to be taken straight down to Dr. Rodriguez's lab to begin my torture, but instead we take the elevator to the very top, which is entirely taken up by Lexi's plush office.

The Deans follow us inside, likely for Lexi's protection in case I attack her.

"Scan her for anything she's hidden on her clothing. She's recorded me without my knowledge before," Lexi says without looking at me.

One of the Deans shoves me to a pod in a corner of the room, where a blue light scans my body. I hold my breath, terrified that the mind manipulator or contact cameras will be exposed. When no alerts sound, I release a breath of relief.

The Dean yanks me over to one of Lexi's couches, and then snaps handcuffs on my wrists.

"I thought the torture happened underground," I quip to hide my fear of what's coming next.

Lexi ignores me, and a second Dean puts on a blood pressure cuff as well as sensors on my fingertips and temples. Behind Lexi's desk, one of her screens monitors my heartbeat, blood pressure, and how much I'm breathing and sweating.

"You understand that no one here would ever trust a word out of your mouth," Lexi says, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

"So this is..."

"A lie detector."

I nod, trying to steady my breathing, but there's nothing I can do about my racing heart. "If you wanted to know what I think about you, you could have just asked. I would have happily told you that I think you're a sycophantic sociopath with an inferiority complex."

"Leave us," Lexi commands the Deans.

They nod and step out of the room, but I have no doubt they could be back in seconds if Lexi shouts for them.

"Do you know why I agreed to your terms and allowed you to make a spectacle of your entrance to Strand?"

"Because you love the spotlight? You'd probably say that it's a hallmark of the Marilyn clone type."

A muscle moves in Lexi's jaw as she clenches her teeth. "I am the Darwin of Strand, and you'll address me with respect."

I don't hide my smile, even when Lexi comes closer and stands over me.

"You're cute when you're angry," I taunt.

"You are going to speak to me with respect and do every last thing that I ask of you, including undergoing whatever medical treatment Dr. Rodriguez orders to test your abilities. You will regularly tell the press what an incredible institution this is, and how happy you are to be a part of the greatest advances in science in this century. You'll do it all with a smile on your face and a willing heart. Do you know why?"

Lexi's rage is morphing into something else, something smug.


"Because I have something you dearly want to protect," she says. "Did you think we wouldn't discover the lamb you sent to mingle with Strand's wolves?"

My heart rate skyrockets as my mind struggles to keep up with Lexi's reasoning. I wrack my brain trying to think of a way to use the mind manipulator to take back my power in this situation, but everything is happening too fast.

"Bring out the Molly!" Lexi shouts.

Two Deans drag out an unconscious Throwback with the trademark red hair of the Molly clone type. Lexi walks over and tips up her face, and I immediately recognize every wrinkle and dimple. It's Addie.

I swallow down the scream that wants to make its way out of my throat and hold myself back from lurching forward and yanking Addie out of the arms of the Deans. They'll only hurt her more if they know how much she means to me.

"Who is this woman? I've seen a thousand Mollys. This one doesn't stand out," I say with as much conviction as I can muster.

But Lexi isn't watching my performance. Her eyes are on the monitor tracking my body's responses.

"Lie," she says, her voice low and fierce. "Who is this woman to you? A member of your rebellion?"

"Maybe. She looks familiar but I can't be sure."

"Lie. Someone closer to you then?"

Lexi doesn't need me to answer. My body's responses are giving everything away.

Her smile widens. "Someone very close then. A friend? Family?"


"Yes," Lexi's smile is in full force now, and it's all I can do not to throw up on my shoes. "This woman is even more than I hoped. She is family to you, and you will do everything we ask and more, or we will force you to watch her suffer. Lie to me again, and I'll start by breaking every single one of her fingers. Understand?"

Everything inside of me goes still. Even the frantic beating of my heart slows. The time for lying and negotiating are over before they ever begin.

"I'm yours. Do with me what you will."

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