Guilty Pleasure

By pinecestshipper

278K 5.1K 3.5K

~PINECEST STORY!~ Dipper and Mabel notice their feelings in sophomore year but they notice its a bad choice... More

Chapter 1, Part 1: The Beginning
Chapter 1, Part 2: Realization
Chapter 1, Part 3: Decisions
Chapter 2, Part 1: Morning Sunshine
Chapter 2, Part 2: Get me out of here
Chapter 2, Part 3: Time and Mind Reliever
Chapter 2, Part 4: New Friends
Chapter 3, Part 1: Insecurities
Chapter 3, Part 2: Girl From Biology
Chapter 3, Part 3: Deep Slumber
Chapter 3, Part 4: The Ruined Perfect Morning
Chapter 4, Part 1: The Text
Chapter 4, Part 2: Cover up
Chapter 4, Part 3: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 5, Part 1: Mistakes
Chapter 5, Part 2: Midnight Conversations
Chapter 5, Part 3: Jealousy
Chapter 5, Part 4: Weary Eyes
Chapter 6 Part 1: You'll Be Okay
Chapter 6, Part 2: The Dance
Chapter 6, Part 3: Lost
Chapter 6, Part 4: A little Bit of Happiness
Chapter 7, Part 1: Numb
Chapter 7, Part 2: Safe and Sound
Chapter 7, Part 3: Clueless
Chapter 8, Part 1: What?
Chapter 8, Part 2: Isaac
Chapter 8, Part 3: Don't Get Hurt
Chapter 9, Part 1: Confusion
Chapter 9, Part 2: Hold On
Chapter 10, Part 1: Alive?
Chapter 10, Part 2: Deep Red
Chapter 10, Part 3: Home
Chapter 11, Part 1: Fruit Punch
Chapter 11, Part 2: Flannel
author's note
authors note#2
Chapter 11, Part 3: All Over Now

Chapter 9, Part 3: 4th Degree Burn

3.7K 86 62
By pinecestshipper

(Dipper's POV:)

 What did I just do..? Oh, no. No, no, no. My heart sunk to the deep depths of Hell, pulling me down, making me get heat flash. A wave of regret and nervousness did a giant splash over my body, taking me in, drowning me. I looked up at Mabel, she is blushing. She took her soft hands and slowly touched her lips with her fingers, then smacked my face with a soft, but powerful force. I rubbed my face and stood in shock. It hurt, not the hit, but why she did it, like a burn.

"D-Dipper...?" She starts to back away slowly.

"Mabel, please... I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to." I follow her as shes backing up to the door.

"Stay away from me!" She says, as she slams her back into the cold door.

"Mabel, please! I didn't mean to, it was a accident! Please believe me!"

"W-Why did you do it..?" She says calmly looking down, twiddling her thumbs. I took a giant gulp.

"Mabel, I need to talk to you about something, something very serious. Will you please come to my room?"

"No. Tell me here, tell me now."

"Can we at least sit down..? I walked over to the couch and plopped down, she gingerly walked to the other couch and stared at me with wide eyes. Okay, shes totally freaked out. I don't know how I'm going to do this.

"Mabel.." I took a big breath.

"I don't know how I'm going to tell you this.. It might be to much for you, I don't know if I can."

"T-Tell me what? What are you talking about, Dipper? What the fluff is going on? You're making my brain hurt."

"It's making my hurt too."

"Can you please just tell me?" I took another deep breath and a big gulp.

"I-I really don't know where to start, things happened so fast. It started with you and me. It all started with a game, a spill, and our eyes." She kept her eyes on me, even though I was looking down. My heart beats faster knowing shes just waiting for me to tell the whole thing.

"Mabel, you and I, we had a thing. We kissed, we fell in love with each other. It wasn't just any love, this love was so powerful, it was something new, more than love. When it first happened we were scared, we didn't know what to do. We were shocked that we were in love with our twin. You realized that you wanted us so bad, I did too, but I was the most nervous one, you know how I am. I told you that we couldn't be together, but I continued to tease you, lead you on, I just couldn't help myself, I needed you, you're my guilty pleasure, what else am I going to do? You were so sad about my thing with Makayla, you wanted to be my girl not her, and I wanted it too. I told you that being with her was the right thing to do, that we had to do what ever it takes to make it not look like we're in love. We decided to let go a little bit, and then I went off to a date with Makayla, it went good, but then I came home. You ran into my arms, telling me how much you missed me, but then you told me about how you got a text from Harmoney about meeting some guy so that you wouldn't be single anymore. That's when jealousy hit me and we started to fight. I know, it was unfair of me to get to be with some one else and not you, I just didn't wanna see you in another guys arms." Tears started to flow out of my eyes, I looked at her for a split second and it looked like she was going to cry too.

"When you told me about this guy I said that I didn't care, but I really did, Mabel. I hated the idea, I still do. Anyways, you asked me what happened to me, why I was so 'negative'. I told you that you were the reason for all my problems and all my pain. You freaked out, saying how all I did was tell you that I wanted you more than a sister, but then call it off the next second.. The sad part is that you were right.. You ran out of the house into the woods, I chased after you. You were crying, and had blurry eyes from it, you tripped or something then you fell. You ended up hitting your head off of a rock, and that's how you lost your memory. I'm the only one who knows the real story of course, I would never tell anyone the real story. Mabel, I'm so fucking sorry, I messed everything up, all from my selfishness. You are that dream girl I lost, the one before Makayla. I ruined everything between us, I lost that you forever. I love you and I'm sorry." I started to bawl, then quickly tried to wipe all the tears off.

I put my hands over my eyes and just cried. It was quiet for a few moments, the silence was killing me slower. I heard Mabel get off the couch and walk over to me, I could see her black flats in front of me threw the cracks of my fingers. She knelt down in front my knees and peeked under my face. She removed my hands slowly.

"D-Dipper... I-I remember.."

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