Water-Lightning Dragon Slayer...

By hikari46

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Aria Dreyar the grand daughter of Makarov Dreyar and the younger sister of Laxus Dreyar. she's also the close... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

866 26 5
By hikari46

*Aria P.O.V*

I wake up and sense the lullaby

"the lullaby should be awakening at night" I stated in a low tone

"Ria?" I look at Gray in a serious expression

"we must destroy the lullaby, I could sense the darkness" I close my eyes and lean on his shoulder

Gray knows that I could sense evil presence. I sense that our ride became slower than before

"Natsu!" I hear Lucy scream Natsu's name

"you guys are late! it's already over" we hear Natsu voice

I rub my eyes and notice that I'm still sitting on Gray's lap! I blushed furiously. we get out of the ride and smile at Natsu

"I knew it" I chuckled "I could count on you, Natsu to defeat Erigor" I smile

"you change your mind about the battle?" he ask

"ie" I answer "defeat Erza first before me" I smile

"you actually had trouble with this guy?" Gray ask

"trouble?" Natsu ask in angry tone "it was a cinch! easy!" I sweat dropped

"it was pretty touch and go there" Happy stated

"and besides, your gonna attract weirdos with your bare chested muffler look" Gray stated

"I don't wanna hear that from you" Natsu stated

"says the person that you two are bare chested no shirt or vest" I butt in their conversation

"Aria, give me your clothes" I slap his face

"aho! why me!?" in angry tone

"anyway, splendid wok, Natsu" Erza compliment him "we've protected the Guild masters" we nod in agreement

"let's go to the meeting hall" I stated "we'll report what happened and let the masters dispose of the flute" I explain

Happy said "Clover's not far from here"

"yeah and Alice is waiting for us since she go on ahead and inform ojisan about this" I smile

I sense something then froze

"everyone dodge!" I shout

all of us are dodging and notice that Kage grab the flute including our ride

"Kage!" Erza scream his name

Gray said "that's dangerous!"

Kage said "I've got the lullaby. you let your guard down, flies!" I clench my hands into fist

"water-lightning dragon whip!" Kage dodge my attack

"that bastard!" Natsu shout

"what the hell? and we save him!" Lucy shout

"after him!" I shout

"how?" Happy ask

"Happy is still weak of what happened, Erza's still weak of what happened" I analyze my friends

"any ideas?" Erza ask

not just they call me mermaid warrior, they even call me genius since I'm good at planning not destroying the place like them.

"I can fly to go on ahead, Gray you'll drive and let Erza rest. Lucy watch Natsu, knowing that he'll get sick so here" I give her white flower liquid "let him smell it and he'll get better" I summoned a car

the a car fuel is water and that would conserve our magic power

"how can you fly, Aria?" Lucy ask

"I have my ways" I smile while answer her question

"what do you mean?" looking at me confuse

"water dragon slayer secret technique: ice wings!" the wings appear

"sugoi!" Lucy compliment me

"I'll go on ahead" I waved at them

I fly at full power. onegai, I have to get there in time


the ice wings disappear and look at ojisan. where is he?

"Aria-chan?" when I turned around it's master Bob

"master Bob" I sigh in relief "did you see ojisan?" I ask

"ie, naze?" he ask

"I have to speak with him, onegai" I bow down politely at him

"I'll lead you where Makarov is Aria-chan" in a cheerful tone

master Bob lead me where ojisan is until we bump them.

"shh" Natsu, Gray and Lucy look surprise to see me and master Bob

"we're just getting to the good part. now watch" master Bob stated

"and wow, you all are just so cute!" I sweat dropped while Natsu and Gray look at master Bob fearfully "totally my type" I see heart background on him

I laugh nervously seeing that master Bob is flirting with them. I see that Alice is flying beside me

"I feel sorry for them" I nod in agreement

"since master Bob is attracted to men" I stated "did you tell ojisan about this?" I ask

"hai and he knows what to do" Alice answer

me, Erza, Gray and Natsu look surprise to see Kage is about to play flute!

"we can't let him!" Erza stated

"we said, keep quite and watch. this is the good part" master Goldmine stated

"it's the master of Quatro Cerberus" Lucy stated in a surprise tone

"master Goldmine!" Erza look at him surprise

I shiver and feel the presence of the lullaby while watching them

"ie" I whispered

"what's wrong, Aria-chan?" master Bob look at me worriedly

"the lullaby, he's going to awake in any minute" I answer and look at him worriedly

"it won't Aria-chan" he pat my head "have faith in your ojisan ne?" he ask

"hai" I smile

"nothing will change" we hear ojisan voice as all of us look at him and Kage "weak humans will always be weak, no matter how long you wait. but weakness is not always a bad thing" I smile at his statement "humans are weak creatures from the start. uneasy by ourselves, we form guilds. where we have allies and friends! in order to thrive, we bind together and progress ahead. these awkward awkward combinations might run into more walls than would a single person.. and we might take a long time to get where we're going. but, as long as we believe in tomorrow and place one foot in front of the other, we will be filled with power from within. living a strong life means being able to smile and not relying on something like that flute" we smile

Kage let go of the flute and kneel on ojisan

"I surrender" we hear him

me, Erza, Alice, Lucy, Gray, Happy and Natsu approach him

"ojisan!" I called him




I hug ojisan as he hug me back

"I miss you. ojisan" I smile

"me too, my grand daughter" he kiss me on the forehead

we pull away each other and smile

"why are you here?" ojisan ask us

"excellent as always" Erza compliment him and hug ojisan as I wince seeing them "those words were so moving"

"that's gonna bruise!" he shout

"and that settles that" Gray stated

"yeah" I smile

I sense that the lullaby is awakening! I look at the flute surprise

"a bunch of cowardly wizards, every last one of you!" it stated

we look at the flute fearfully

"something coming out!" Happy shout

"I can't stand it anymore! I'll devour them myself" Lullaby stated

it transform into a huge monster!

"your pitiful souls, that is" the voice of the lullaby is girl and boy

"that's way too big!" Lucy shout

"so that's what you complain about!?" Alice and Happy ask Lucy

"what is this thing?" Kage ask "I had no idea about this!" he exclaimed

"that's the true transformation of the lullaby. in other words one of the demon book of Zeref" I answer

"why did the flute turn into a monster?" Lucy ask

"that's it true form" I answer "listen of what I say for once" in a stern tone

Lucy yelped and laugh nervously at me. I guess she is surprise to see me like this

"of what Aria says is true" master Goldmine stated "in other words, it's living magic, that's Zeref's magic" in a serious tone

"living magic?" Erza ask

"Zeref? isn't he ancient history?" Gray ask

"the black wizard Zeref was the most evil wizard in the history of the magical world!" master Bob answer "to think that a part of his legacy would appear before us after all these centuries" in a surprise tone

"so then, which one of your souls should I partake of first?" Lullaby ask

"say what!?" Natsu ask "are souls tasty, anyway?" he ask

"how should I know? and don't ask me!" Gray answer with an angry mark appear

"Natsu, Gray, move away from everyone" Erza order them

"how bossy" Natsu stated

"don't order me around" Gray stated

"I'm counting on you!" Erza stated in a stern tone

"aye, sir!" Natsu and Gray agree then left

Lullaby look at the side and I look at it serious

"back off, small fry!" Lullaby shout

when the lullaby is about to shoot

"ALICE!" I scream her name

"hai!" she hold me while flying


I stop the attack as the ice disappear as the Lullaby look at me with a smirk

"okay, I've decided! I'm going to eat all of your souls, you pitiful wizards! starting from you!" it try attack me

we dodge the attack as Alice put me on the ground safely

"sounds like fun! go ahead and try it!" Natsu shout

Lullaby release it power while the others cover their ears because of the horrible sound. I summon my sword

"let's go!" Erza ordered

"hai!" I agree

me, Erza, Gray and Natsu are battling the lullaby. Erza slice the monster, Gray is attacking using the ice lance. lastly, Natsu is punching the lullaby

"NOW!" Erza shout at me

"Alisha and Raisen! lend me your strength! WATER-LIGHTNING DRAGON SLAYER SECRET TECHNIQUE: TRIPLE SLASH!" I hit the lullaby powerfully

the lullaby is absorbing the life of nature

"I'll be dining on your souls!" it stated

it about to attack us. it failed and the sound is suck

"what the heck" I muttered and sweat dropped at the lullaby

"I think I know why, Aria.. it's because the lullaby has hole and failed to attack us using the sound" Alice explain

I sweat dropped more and nod in agreement. who knew that the lullaby didn't notice that it has damage because of our attacks?

"what's with this sound? what happened to my beautiful sound!?" it ask us

Alice put me down on the ground safely as I stand next to Gray

"you okay, Ria?" he ask me in a worried tone

I chuckled and smile at him

"don't worry about me Gray, I'm not injured at all" I reassured him

he sigh and pat my head then whisper at my ear

"let your hair down sometime, Ria" he stated

I smile and the lullaby snapped and kick. the lullaby's eyes glowed as Gray approach the guild master to protect them

"Natsu, eat those flame" I command him

"aye!" Natsu agreed

Natsu eat all of those flame as it disappeared

"Alice!" I call her

"hai!" she answer

Alice summoned her wings to fly us up. Erza and I slice the lullaby's on it's cheek

"Natsu!" Erza call him

"now!" I shout at him

Natsu create a huge flame and attack on the lullaby direct hit. it glowed and shoot at the skies as it turned into dust.

Aria put me down gently and high five her

"good job" I compliment her

"arigatou, Aria" she thank me

"it seems like we pretty make a good team" I look at Natsu, Gray and Erza

"we did!" she exclaimed

I hug Alice then ojisan, Happy and Lucy approach us

"great going, everyone!" Lucy stated in cheerful tone

"he wasn't nothing too special, was he?" Natsu ask

"a pushover.." Gray stated

"it's because of our team work, without it.. the lullaby will be hard to defeat if only one person can defeat it" I stated and smile

"my lovely grand daughter, are you going on a mission again?" ojisan ask me

I shook my head slightly and smile

"I've been far away from you and everyone ojisan, I deserve to stay here and spent time with you guys" in a gentle tone

ojisan cried in tears of joy and hug me on the legs since he's short like a toodler

"my Aria, is too kind and loving grand daughter I'd ever had" I sweat dropped and hug him awkwardly

I look at behind and my eyes are wide opened

"they went overboard!" the guild master exclaimed

"this is what happens when we team work, it will cause huge damage and the hall is gone... ojisan will be so dead for this" I whispered the last part

ojisan eyes are big as saucer and his jaw dropped seeing it

"where'd the regular meeting hall go?" Lucy ask

"aye! a mountain or two are gone!" Happy exclaimed

"master!" she scream

"something flew out.." in a surprise tone

I notice that his soul come out

"we broke him, Alice" I look at her

"I agree with you, Aria" she nod and sweat dropped

Natsu laugh and smile widely

"we really did a number on it!" in a cheerful tone

"this is no laughing matter! somebody capture them" the guild master stated in angry tone as the angry mark appear on their head

I sweat dropped more and sigh in disappointed

"okay then, I'll capture them!" Natsu exclaimed

"your the one we're trying to capture!" they shout

"this is the time we escape from this mess" I muttered

"I agree with you, Aira" Alice agree

Erza carry ojisan in piggy back as me, Aria, Gray, Lucy, Natsu and Happy are escaping

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