I Don't Smoke (bsdxmha)

By Tinfoilhatter

81.4K 3.7K 2.2K

"You will both be undertaking long term stealth missions elsewhere, but you won't be operating together for t... More

Home is a fickle word
Robots and exams do not mix well
An unexpected meeting
A normal teenager criteria
Seafood is meant to stay in the sea
Warehouses are not meant for children
Orientation (Or not)
Bottled love
This could be a costume party
Weather only fit for scarves
His name
Torn, bloody bandages
Utterly alone
Race to the finish line
The shame of losing
Bloody cigarettes
My house is not your hotel
Hop, skip and a jump
Must I wake?
Dinner with a demon
The setting sun
Detective work
Evil lairs
Those stars in the sky
That dented handgun
Smoking hunks of metal
You can't stay hidden forever
I am human
Bruises can be from many things
Exams will never be fun
The dog and the hat
The Immortal, the Mafia and the City
A hero or a liar?
Calico cats and dead insects
Dire deceits
The clock nears its end
Next stop: The city of the quirkless
Your past and mine
A world of violent rage
A moonstruck room
A promise is made
Silent summer night
Your dangerous concern
Glass, shattered and torn
Tsushima Shuuji
The Artist's Illusion
The servant
Violent sea
Cry for you
The experiment

A subtle interrogation, by a student

1.2K 59 19
By Tinfoilhatter

Dazai waits at his desk, reading his guide to suicide under the pretence of being occupied. Instead, he's going through possibilities of how Aizawa will react when he gets back from wherever he left to after he saw Dazai with a bandage around his right eye. He obviously recognised Dazai from a past experience where he was unaware of his identity before today.

The bandages around his eye are the only differing feature between his time at UA and his time with the Port Mafia. Since they've only met once out of UA, he found Dazai to be a striking resemblance to whoever he met on that rooftop (Since, y'know, they're the same person...) It must have been much too dark to make out any defining features of his, minus the stark whiteness covering half of his face, so it makes sense for him to only realise it today.

He wears the bandage around his eye as much as he can. After an accident when he was ten, he's mostly blind in his right eye. That's what Mori tells him. Dazai is still unsure of what really happened. Since it reflects light in an odd way, he prefers to keep it wrapped up. It also generally unsettles him for some odd reason. His right eye is always worse to look at than his left.

He covers it at every opportunity. UA is the only place he doesn't wear any bandages over his face; It draws too much attention. It's a similar situation with his uniform. If someone were to alert UA about the bandages, it would be bothersome to explain. There have been some circumstances where he takes them off during the day when he's by himself, but it's rare.

So earlier today was the first time Aizawa saw him with a bandage around his eye. It's reassuring to know that at least he hasn't been seen out of school by any teachers besides those few encounters he's aware of. Dazai's surprised the man didn't get it earlier, though. Not many people walk around covered in bandages.

During that encounter, there were no signs that he was connected to the Port Mafia. So he may be a crazy criminal in Aizawa's eyes, but he shouldn't be from Yokohama. So why is he did he so panicked? Surely the smoking wasn't that big of a deal. Maybe it is... but it still doesn't feel like something he would immediately run off about. Aizawa is mostly rational, if he just had a gun, he'd confront him about it in the moment. Dazai just can't figure out what he's missing. It could be one of the many times he'd had to take on a job outside of Yokohama, but what one?

All he can do is try to narrow it down. During the time around his jobs, he's had interactions with heroes twice that Aizawa would know of:

Once was when he met Best Jeanist after he had to take care of a few people who had violated one of their contracts with the Port Mafia. It was an easy job and since it was during the night, he doesn't think the hero would be able to give a good description of him. He may not have even reported Dazai, considering there was no proof of crime at that moment. Sort of... minus the blood. There were no witnesses though, minus the Pro Hero himself.

The other, while not directly, was during that raid in Hosu. He met Midnight earlier that day and was seen with Chuuya, who had a good chance of being recognised at the warehouse. It's fair of her to assume he would be an accomplice. There were also many witnesses during that raid- the children saw him up close. A captured accomplice also could have blabbed about his appearance.

That raises the question: Where did Aizawa leave to? The obvious choice is the principal's office. If Aizawa figured something out, he'd definitely go to Nezu. The less likely options include: He ran off to talk to one of his friends, he ran out to process whatever he discovered about Dazai, he called the police or he needed to take a massive shit.

He flips another page and glances at the door. He still isn't back yet. It's been over ten minutes since Aizawa stormed out. The sun filters through the window onto his page. Death by starvation? Way too painful. It would take too long as well. Death by a really long needle by poking it into his lungs and deflating them? He's sure he could find a needle somewhere. Ugh, but it'll take too long to heal if he survives.

So he'll have to wait for Aizawa to hopefully come back to 1-A so he can gauge his reaction. Perhaps he can threaten the man into submission? Knowing Nezu, he's probably making some sort of plan. From what he can gather, the animal likes to plan from all angles. Now Dazai can't tell if he wants to talk to Nezu or avoid him like the plague.

Light footsteps resound outside the classroom. Dazai's gaze sharpens, turning his head the moment Aizawa steps in. He thinks there is a hint of bewilderment at Dazai's presence in the room, so he must have been thinking about him. That crosses off a few scenarios.
"Dazai." Aizawa sighs heavily. "What are you doing here? I told you to have lunch, and it definitely seems like you have not had enough time to eat."

So he starts off with an accusation right off the bat. It deflects why he came to the classroom rather than the staffroom and opens up a conversation to another topic. It's irrelevant if he's even eaten or not. It's not like Aizawa is his parent. The thought sends shivers down his spine when he thinks of his own.

"Ah, I was just worried about you, Aizawa-sensei." Dazai smiles as he does with his victims when he's about to interrogate a traitor to the mafia. "You ran off pretty quickly all of a sudden." He doesn't bother gracing the man with a response to his question.

Aizawa's eyes shift. He's feeling guilty. Aizawa is thinking about something to do with Dazai, which can never be good.

"Yeah, well I had just remembered that Nezu was going to make me teach a class in my free period after lunch." Aizawa scowls.

Checkmate. Aizawa shouldn't have even mentioned Nezu. If a person is suspicious of another, they shouldn't mention anything related to the truth unless that person can provide some sort of proof or alibi. If they can't, the other person immediately starts thinking about it, and will potentially draw their own conclusions that have a larger chance to be correct.

Dazai's most likely theory stands true: Aizawa figured out that either Dazai has broken the law by illegally possessing a gun and smoking underage, or from the Port Mafia (Which also includes the former option). He can figure it out by investigating those run-ins he had with heroes. If he looks hard enough, Dazai's sure he can confirm if Aizawa found out.

"I see. You were at the principal's office." He tilts his head to one side, bandages still covering the right side of it. "I assume it didn't have anything to do with me?"

Aizawa denies it, obviously. Not even a fool would agree with that statement. Dazai is just looking out for his answer. He's a good liar, Dazai will give him that. But he deflects again, by asking a question. By insulting Dazai in order to get him to defend himself and lose interest. But Dazai is not an average stupid child, but he has to pretend to be, so he half replies to the insult and wraps up the conversation. He's got what he needed.

Then, he skips away to where nobody can see him. He deserves a smoke break after that. Even though Aizawa's probably going to be watching him closely, it just makes it more fun. Maybe he should act like a traumatized victim. Iida style, but less obvious. He's getting excited about the ways he can mess with him!

Dazai finds himself sitting down, leaning against the brick that he often finds Hishiro nearby. No such luck today, but maybe if he hangs around for a bit longer, she'll appear. Like magic. She's rather elusive, he has to say. It's not really his business though. Dazai lets the smoke from his cigarette waft upwards until it dissipates into the air. It's wispy, and nice to look at. He could stare at it all day. He's exhausted.

Out of all the days Aizawa had to figure it out, it had to be today, didn't it? What terrible luck! He's meeting with the people he requested help from to track his prime suspects later on. One alerted him that they had a lead, but Dazai doesn't want to talk over the phone. He can read people's expressions better in person. And, he needs to make sure that they all have the incentive to tell the truth. What a big night it'll be...

Obviously stalking his classmates to find the traitor was out of the question. He doesn't have enough time to do a full investigation and stake out for each one. He has more fun in high-risk missions with a short time frame. Infiltration is occasionally fun. It's fun to not be totally feared for whatever he does. He likes acting like he isn't himself, and he likes seeing the betrayal on his target's faces before they die. Not for long-term assignments though. Being at UA is like being in hell.

To top it off, Dazai knows he still has to attend hero training, even if he's not actually participating. He finishes his cigarette and puts it out on the clean bandages on his arm. The warmth of the fire is somewhat pleasant and stings a bit in a way fire sometimes does. He slides the stub into his pocket. To his utter inconvenience, he has to pick up his trash at UA. If Nezu were to figure out the blind spot that this place is, he'd patch that fault easily.

Aizawa glares at him. "You're late."

He's already demonstrating some sort of self-defence technique that Dazai is vaguely aware of. The rest of the class gathers around him. Midoriya is mumbling and scribbling down notes on a tiny notepad. Ashido and Kaminari are playing rock-paper-scissors.

For a second, he realises the distance between all of them. How they all take comfort in each other and laugh like its second nature. Your happiness will never come. It speaks to him, and he wonders if it's his own voice or the doctor's. Because even if he's a part of this class, he's just a rotten actor doing his job. Does the mole for the League feel guilty? Dazai finds that he doesn't, only a strange type of longing and loneliness. He's just not meant for people. But it's only in a lone second, so he discards the thought as quickly as it comes, and proceeds with his act.

"Better late than never!" Dazai winks and sets his bag down. A few classmates wince at the death stare their teacher directs towards him, but he doesn't flinch. An angry hero is nothing out of the ordinary.

"You will be writing that essay I assigned earlier today. And another one, if you don't stop disrupting my class." Aizawa threatens him.

Dazai says nothing as he makes himself scarce in a lone corner of the gym. He wonders why Aizawa hasn't expelled him yet. Wouldn't it make everything easier?

Dazai sighs. Maybe he'll just plagiarise an essay. That sounds better than whatever alternative there is. He copies a bunch of random information into a document on his laptop (He's pretty sure they're supposed to turn in a written essay, but Aizawa will have to make due...) and arranges them semi-neatly. He doesn't care particularly if his teacher finds out, but he changes a few things around. He curls up and rests his head on his knees after finishing. His mind drifts back to suicide methods for this afternoon, then unwillingly to his least favourite boss.

Mori never gave him that lethal poison he promised. It's been promised to him for years, sedated with 'just one more job' until he forgets about it. Mori is a scoundrel. But unlike Dazai though, that man somehow has more than a semblance of selflessness in him. Killing Mori would be a hassle. Regardless of how much he hates his guts, Mori dedicates everything he does to the Port Mafia, and in extension, Yokohama. Maybe it's a hobby for him or he likes the control, but all he wants is the best for Yokohama. So if he is killed, chaos would emerge and criminals would go crazy with no one to reign them in. Guess he's more of an asset to the mafia alive rather than dead.

Now the Port Mafia isn't innocent by any means. It's a corrupt organisation filled with maniacs or people forced into it. Dazai recons nobody in the mafia is completely right in the head. But even though the bad outweighs the good, without the Port Mafia, Yokohama could be much worse. Yokohama's lack of supernatural powers would surely be overrun without them. Mori also keeps Arahabaki in line, nowadays.

Speaking of Chuuya... he hasn't seen him in forever. Ah! But he does have a little task for his favourite ginger to help him out with. After exams, though. They're only three days away. It feels like he's always busy these days.

"Dazai," Aizawa asks, firmly and projected across the gym. "Stay back after class."

He nods. Dazai wonders if instead of confronting him about the Port Mafia earlier on, he and Nezu made the decision to corner him after school instead. Maybe even dispose of him? He doesn't know how far their morals stretch, but what he does know is that most people want him dead.

Dazai watches as each member of his class walks into the changerooms and walks back out. He's almost giddy with excitement at the prospect of fighting Aizawa. He counts thirteen of his classmates leave before Asui appears before him. Once she gets his attention, she talks.

"Did Iida and you have an argument?" Asui inquires and observes his face. "He refuses to make eye contact with you, kero." Her words don't hold any animosity, but she's curious. And quite observant to make that judgment.

"Not exactly..." Dazai grimaces. "I heard him singing a show tune in the bathrooms. Iida was so embarrassed by it that he ran out of the bathroom using his quirk..." Dazai trails off before leaning closer to her, talking in a playful tone. "Don't mention it to him though. He'd have a heart attack if someone else found out!" The lie is smooth on his tongue, effortless and practised.

"Sure. I hope your eye is doing better." Asui replies, almost pensive. He doesn't have time to thank her before she walks off.

Dazai looks back to his computer, then to Aizawa. He's focused on something on his phone. At least he's not still glaring at Dazai. Nezu could be on the other end of the phone.

Uraraka hurries out of the changerooms, late to something, evident by the rush she's in. A part-time job, or a meeting with the League? Hmm... Guess he'll find out later today. Iida stops to ask him if his head is ok, and Midoriya nods along to Iida's ramble about safety. Boring...

Once all nineteen are left and the room is silent, Aizawa makes his way toward Dazai. He drops to Dazai's sitting level.

"I'd like you to attend counselling with Hound Dog, at least once a week."

Dazai blanches. Him?! If that isn't surprising, Dazai doesn't know what is! He expects Aizawa to fight at him, maybe start an interrogation, but not tell him to talk to a shrink.

"Counselling?" He echoes the man.

"Yes. I'm concerned about your mental state." Aizawa plainly states, scratching at the scar under his eye. "There are other options available to you, though not as reliable. At least three sessions are mandatory."

"I'd rather get eaten by sharks. Or get torn apart by a rabid ginger." Dazai announces. "There's no way."

He shakes his head just to make a point, even though it feels like his skull is rattling inside his skull when he does. The idea of it all is absurd.

"Dazai..." Aizawa's eyes just barely soften. It's odd to see, considering the wariness that matches it. "It's ok to need help. We can help you." And it's not the first time Aizawa has used that statement. This time, he can't tell what he's really talking about. Why would he need help from the Port Mafia, anyways? He could leave if he wanted to, but there's really no home for him besides Mori. Where his mafia black blood just blends in with the rest of them.

"No thanks." He states, firmly and resolutely. His nose wrinkles up at the idea.

"If you don't go, the school will be obliged to contact your guardian."

As if Mori would care! He'd answer the phone with one of his practised smiles, and say 'Dazai-kun is up to trouble again? This won't do. I'll talk to him for you all, and I do apologise for all the concern he has stirred up!'. But having Mori in his business is troublesome. Maybe he'd teach him a lesson with his scalpels, or maybe he'd laugh it off fondly.

"Hmm... I guess I'll consider it. Even though all of this is just a big misunderstanding!" He grins wide, showing off his teeth. He's referring to whatever Aizawa's implying in that statement, regardless if he means the mafia or himself. He hopes to get the message across, at least.

"I'm putting you in for your first session the week after exams are over. Is that alright?" Aizawa acts like

"Sure, sure, whatever. Not like you're forcing me into them or anything, or threatening me into compliance." Dazai complains as he deflates into the wall of the gym. Aizawa now looks slightly guilty. Yeah, as he should.

"That's not-"

"OMG... I've lost track of time..." Dazai gasps as he looks at the time on his phone. "I have to get to my swim meet!" He's talking about the river he decides to drown himself in after he meets up with his informants, but Aizawa doesn't have to know that. "Toodaloo!" Dazai waves cheerily as he skips away. He doesn't let Aizawa get a word in.

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