(DISCONTINUED)Ultimate Comics...

By golabolac325

2.7K 64 59

A young Peter Parker/Spider-Man dies, only a few days after his birthday, from fighting the Sinister Five. He... More

Prologue: The Last Stance
Issue 1: Dead or Alive?
Issue 2: Restarting High School
Issue 4: Trauma
Issue 5: Examination
(VOL 2) Issue 6: Parker Luck
Issue 7: Odd Training Camp

Issue 3: Shocking Parallels

322 7 9
By golabolac325

The train rumbled, as it skidded along the tracks smoothly. Peter looked out the window to watch the buildings pass. There he saw 2 teens. One was a male and the other female was leaning on his shoulder. Peter smiled, but it faded slowly.

"Why does this world hate me...?" He grumbled softly.

The train slowed down, as Peter walked out.

He had told the U.A staff that were keeping an eye on him that he was trying to find his old stuff at Hosu City. They were initially suspicious, but after talking with the principal, they gifted Peter an ID card specially made for this occasion. 

He was told not to run away, hide, and especially get into trouble with law enforcement as after the Hosu City incident, they would be on high alert.

Peter knew this, and he did what he did best.

He nodded his head as he understood, but secretly had his invisible fingers crossed behind his back.

The New Yorker tried to relocate his things, but it was much more complicated than expected as police officers constantly chewed him out for being near a crime scene.

"You'll have to take another direction," The officer stated with his hands behind his back.

"Yes, but my stuff is somewhere close here," Peter reasoned.

The officer nodded but didn't move, "We'll let you know if we find your stuff, but it will take a while since we are busy cleaning up the destruction from last night."

Peter sighed and nodded, he couldn't blame them. Lots of locals probably were injured or killed by the destruction. Even if he was being blocked by the officer, he could see broken buildings and fallen cranes.

A bunch of paramedics raced past him with an injured hero on a stretcher.

The angsty teen sighed and guessed he should screw off now since law enforcement is busy.

He'd have to find another way to get his stuff.

His "stuff" was mere rubbish, but Peter still wanted to get it, so the U.A staff wouldn't be suspicious of Peter coming back empty-handed.

So he decided the next best thing was to find an alleyway, but it wasn't for dumpster diving this time.

Peter stripped off his clothes, revealing his bright red and blue costume. He pulled the mask over his face and wrapped his clothes in his webbing, creating a makeshift backpack. Throwing the bag over his shoulders, he started leaping from one wall to another.

Reaching the top, he took a giant leap to the other building.

"Where was it..?"

The New Yorker quickly leaped from building to building, surveying the damage done to the city. Every time Peter looked into an alleyway, he could only find rubble from damaged buildings or teenagers trespassing with phones out.

He ignored them and continued with his journey.

Alleyway after alleyway, as well as avoiding police, he found a giant dent in a building.

"Well, this place looks familiar..."

He zipped across another building before poking his head from the roof. Many police had plastered police tape, blocking individuals from getting in.

Many policemen were there, searching the alleyway.

Peter caught a glimpse of his familiar backpack, behind the dumpster. The policemen didn't seem to notice it yet.

He needed a plan to grab the backpack without getting caught or else he'd be in big trouble with U.A.

"Just need a plan..."

"All clear?" The policeman asked with his M16 rifle at his side.

"Yes, it seems so," A plump man wearing rubber gloves, adjusted his goggles as he replied.

"Good. Make sure we do another cleanup of this place, there might be--"

A loud bang came from the dumpster.

"W--What was that?" The plump man asked, turning his head around a full 360 degrees.

The officer held out his gun and slowly stepped closer to the dumpster. The other officers inspecting the area also got their weapons ready.

Something white reflected the sunlight. The officer glanced at it but ignored it thinking it was a cobweb.

"All clear for now...!" He yelled at the other officers, "Check the dumpster--"

A chorus of noise echoed through the alleyway behind them.

"We're all going to die!!" The plump man screamed cowering in fear.

The officers swerved around to find many glops of white webbing attached to the wall.

"Shit! Someone's here! Evacuate the bystanders!"

"We're all going to die!" The plump man ran out of the alley, screaming his head off.

"Sheesh didn't mean to do that," Peter scratched his head and continued to survey the area.

One of the officers wandered to the edge of the alleyway. 

Peter took this chance and immediately webbed his feet to the ground. The officer didn't notice, tripped, and flopped onto the floor.


"Officer Logan needs assistance!" 

A bunch of cops raced forward to help the fallen officer, who kept cursing as they tried to get the webbing off of his feet.

There were still a couple of officers surveying the alley.

Peter shot a web line at an AC. He yanked on the string, swiftly pulling the AC and letting it plop noisily onto the ground.

The remaining officers swerved to where the noise was located and slowly approached the fallen AC.

"Well, that's taken care of."

Peter lowered himself down, hanging on his web line. He snagged the backpack in his left hand and attempted to pull himself upward using his right.

His progress what short-lived as one of the backpack straps got trapped under the dumpster lid somehow.

He pulled his fingers onto the lid and quietly pulled it open.


Claws slashed through his mask and pierced his skin. The feline held onto Peter's face tightly, hissing at the masked teen.

"Get off you stupid--!"

His arm slipped from his web line and he slammed his rib cage onto the dumpster's edge. His body toppled into the dumpster and the lid slammed shut. 

The stray cat scurried off into the dumpster, leaving Peter in complete darkness.

"What was that?"

Peter quickly realized that he made too much noise. He webbed the dumpster lid shut and tried to calm himself down.

The lid started to rattle as officers tried to pry open the dumpster. 

"Get out of there!" One of them angrily banged on the dumpster, probably the one Peter tripped with his webbing.

"Calm down Officer Logan! That could just be a homeless man!" A timid tone said.

"Near a crime scene? Use your brain!" A very gruff voice said, clearly not from Japan as he said it with an accent.

Peter finally found his bag and pulled it over his shoulders. He shoved his webbed clothes into the bag and uncovered part of his mask so his mouth was exposed, and tried hard not to inhale.

"Help! Help! I'm stuck in the dumpster!" Peter said in his best whiney voice possible, which wasn't that hard for him.

"Someone's trapped in the dumpster! What are they saying?"

"Like hell, I know, probably another language!"

"Right... Japenese gotta get used to that."

"I'm stuck! I'm stuck!" Peter yelled out again. The stink of the dumpster was getting to him, giving a desperate tone in his voice.

"Someone IS stuck! We need to get them out!"

"Well, how do we do that?!" The gruff voice replied.

"It seems that the dumpster lid is glued shut." Peter couldn't see them, but he could imagine the officer trying to pull open the dumpster.

"Well, what do you suggest?! Give me an answer already!"

"Call the other officers back, and we'll all lift the lid open. I'll stay here so I can keep tabs on the person."

"Can you hurry up? It's hard to breathe in here!" Peter yelled, and he meant it.

"Right, sir. Don't worry, help is on the way."

As soon as he heard the footsteps fade away, he kicked the dumpster. The lid flung open and the officer fell onto his back in surprise. Peter webbed the building and swung out of the alley.

"Thanks, officer!"

The New Yorker managed to get a good distance away from the alleyway. Though, he could hear police sirens wailing in the background. He zipped through alleyways and bounced off walls. It felt good to be free, away from the confinements of monologing to himself in his boring room. Web-swinging reminded him of being able to clear his thoughts. 

His mind paused for a moment. He had been ignoring it but... what brought him here? Why was he here? Was this a second chance at life? Maybe resurrection?

"Not a resurrection, I wouldn't be Spider-Man or even Peter Parker if I was resurrected. Plus I wouldn't have my memories of Peter Parker."

This was a whole different world, dimension, life or whatever you want to call it. Maybe it was a simulation. Peter hoped it was cause he wanted to go back.

He wanted to see MJ again, Gwen, Aunt May, and Nick Fury, hell he'd even take Flash. He just wanted one familiar face. Someone he could talk to. He didn't care if it was some guy who got pissed at him for property damage, he didn't care if it was someone who dissed him before,

He just wanted to go home.

Sirens blared in the distance, he could hear them get louder.

From the building Peter was standing on, a police car raced past. 

This one was different. It wasn't with the other police cars that chased from the alleyway. It was heading to another part of Hosu City.

Peter immediately followed it.

The police car drifted closer to the outskirts of Hosu. Peter was close behind it, trying not to be seen by civilians. His suit was now refreshed with a dumpster smell, his backpack felt heavier than usual as well. That didn't stop him from running across buildings and defying the laws of physics by jumping in the air. It was apparent to him that the police probably would've lost him by now or at least were far behind him. But, he looked over his shoulders sometimes just to be sure.

"We got a robbery at a bank near Daichi's furniture store on Hurmen Street! Need backup! Over!" The police officer yelled into her radio. She ducked his head as a loud squeal rang in her ear.

"You all better move before I kill all of you!" A loud voice screamed.

Gunshots were fired. Another loud squeal rang. Glass was shattered. Debris fell. Officers desperately communicated for help.

The officer breathed heavily into her radio as she attempted to communicate into her radio again.

"Hey, what's going on?"

She looked up. Suddenly someone in a red and blue suit landed in front of her. By the looks of the costumed person, she could tell it was a sort of her outfit. Though it did puzzle her why they were wearing a backpack, that didn't matter at the moment though.

"Freak robbed a bank and is making a commotion, I tried to get heroes to get here but--"

"They're all in the hospital or are recovering from the incident before?" The masked person cut off and understood the situation.

The officer nodded, "I'm trying to get units here, but they are having a hard time getting through from the destruction of the city."

More glass shattered behind the car they were hiding behind. A couple of screams and shouts were heard.

"How many civilians have you evacuated?"

"Most of them, maybe some were unfortunate enough to get caught up in that freak's mess." The officer replied grimly, "We got him surrounded in the parking lot, where he's now using his Quirk to remove our defences."

The hero nodded, "I'll dance with the crazy monkey while you guys try to find the civilians," without a second's thought, Spider-Man leaped into action.

Peter landed on top of a car. "Hey, buddy! You wanna share some of your awesome, crazy, wacko powers or are you just going to let me mess your pants up!"

"A hero?! Already!" The man groaned but didn't surrender, most goons never do. He raised his fists, which were covered in silver metal.

Peter's spider-sense flared as the metal fists glowed and squealed, and instinctively zipped to the side as a burst of vibrations whizzed past him. The energy hit the empty car and was flung into Daichi's furniture store.

Peter shot a web out and swung off of a light pole and kicked the super-powered thug in the chest, giving a good view of what he looked like.

He was also wearing a costume. A faded yellow checkered pattern surrounded most of his body, as well as some brown shorts, vest, and boots. There were several metal pieces on his hands, legs, and chest, looking like some protection. His face was covered in a ski mask with the same faded yellow checkered pattern. In his hands was a bag, presumed to have the cash he had stolen.

"Nice costume, but that won't get you out of a life sentence in jail--!" He was blasted with another burst of vibrations. Peter slammed his back onto the hard concrete and tumbled backwards.

The man got up coughing, "Stupid hero!" He raised his fist again but realized he dropped the bag of money and went searching for it.

"Yoohoo! Looking for this?"

Peter wagged the bag in front of the criminal's face.

The villain sucked the air into his mouth, "Give that back to me you, stupid hero!"

"Y'know, you kind of remind me of another stupid idiot I know, who had the same sense of poor career choices!" Peter taunted as he webbed the bag of money on a light pole nearby.

The man shot more bursts of vibrations toward Peter, who evaded them from swinging off of the light pole, "But your costume is WAY cooler than Herman's, like seriously, be a costume designer. I would be a daily customer!"

Peter let go of the light pole and flung himself close enough to send a barrage of web pellets. The man panicked as he saw this and covered his eyes. A yellow sphere surrounded his body, blocking the web bullets from touching him.

"Oh c'mon, why do I not get cool toys?!" Peter yelped as he tried to figure out how the man's Quirk worked. It was starting to be safe to assume that this man did NOT make his equipment

"So... what else can that piece of scrap do? Other than make you look like a clown, y'know." Peter quipped.

"It can do a lot more than that!" The man screamed. He raised his fist again, Peter assumed he was going to shoot another blast of vibrations.

Instead, the gauntlet acted like a vacuum cleaner and pulled Peter closer. Peter was only inches away from the gauntlet, giving a small chance for Peter to examine the metal braces on his chest and his legs. 

The man raised his other fist. Peter saw an electric spark from it.

"Oh boy..."

The man slammed his fist into Peter's chest, pain filled his body. He screamed as the electricity burned his body. Peter fell onto the concrete, his body having smoke curling off of it. His backpack cushioned the fall a little bit, but it didn't help him get up.

"R--Really, a taser...?" Peter croaked.

"Came with the deal!" The man smirked under the mask as he thought he got the hero pinned.

But really, he just gave away some details that Peter noted. The man stood over Peter trying to act intimidating for everyone to see him.

"Now, everyone will recognize me as the Vibrator! The villain who beat a hero!"

"W--Wait... your name is Vibrator? Seriously?!"

Peter kicked Vibrator in the face, "News flash dude, your not the only villain who beat a hero before!"

Peter jumped back on his feet and landed a hard punch on Vibrator's chest, specifically on the metal pieces on his chest.

"If I knew your name was the Vibrator, I would've called you funnier things! Can we do a retake?"

Vibrator grunted and began to charge up his gauntlets again, "You're gonna pay for--"

"What if I just name you Shocker?" Peter raised his hands in suggestion, "I mean, you DID shock me, with your lack of knowledge of naming."

Shocker just roared and began to shoot a concentrated beam of vibrations. Peter sidestepped the beam with ease, as Shocker had a very hard time aiming from the force of the beam. He lost his balance and slipped, the beam went upwards and made an impact with the furniture store.

A giant hole was created in front of Daichi's furniture store, and Peter could hear someone screaming.

Peter looked back to see Shocker on the floor, a bit dazed from the beam. 

"Hang on! I'm coming!" Peter sprinted towards the wrecked furniture store.

"Hello is anyone--!"

"Get out of the way!" A teen pushed past him carrying a flatscreen TV.

Peter looked through the dust to find some teens stealing laptops and other furniture. An older gentleman was trapped under a large shelf. He yelled at the teenagers, who were stealing his stuff. The teens laughed and hurriedly left when they saw Peter.

Peter kneeled next to the owner, "I'll get you up. Are you injured?"

"Oh great, now YOU'RE going to steal my stuff."

Peter cleared his throat as he lifted the heavy shelf off of the owner, who started to chastise Peter for not stopping the teens, "I think the proper words you should be saying are Thank You?"

"Thank you? You let those teens steal my stuff! You don't even look like a hero! You look like a--!" Peter webbed his mouth.

"You're welcome. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a crazy maniac to put in prison," Peter walked out of the store...

...and another beam of vibrations sent him backwards, shoving him into the customer support section.

Peter's head spun, he should be used to this kind of thing by now. He slowly stood up and took a shaky breath. By now, more police cars should've arrived. He can wait it out, right? 

As if on cue he could hear teens scream, presumably the ones that stole the TVs and other things from the furniture store. Now, they were in trouble, and he knew that the police wouldn't interfere if Shocker had hostages.

Peter shook his head and decided to look into his backpack. 


The same feline from before leaped out of the backpack and hissed at Peter, before wandering off and investigating the damaged furniture store. He had a torn blanket and smelly clothes. He also had a wrinkled 1,000 yen.

The stench of everything was irritating and was getting to him. He put everything back into his backpack and threw it over his shoulder.

The store owner came up to him again, "You know how much those things cost! You're supposed to be a hero! Clean up the mess, not make one!"

Peter sighed and webbed the 1,000 yen on the owner's chest.

"1,000 yen?! That's it?!" He screamed, somehow getting the webbing off of his mouth.

Peter groaned and quickly picked up the stray cat and threw him in the arms of the owner, "Have a cat. She's uh... her name is Felica. Now will you stop bothering me?"

The owner was about to say something else but Peter left, his hands covered in cat fur.

Just as he thought, Shocker had his fist near one teenager's head. He saw traces of more, but he guessed they ran away in fear, judging by the dropped TV and electronics.

"If anyone comes close to me, I'll blow this idiot's brains out!" Shocker yelled out loud. The teen stayed silent and didn't move, but he had a terrified expression on his face.

Then Shocker turned and saw Peter, "Don't come closer! Just give me the money and I'll let him go!" He said with his voice quivering.

"Alright..." Peter said putting his hands up.

Shocker eyed the bag, motioning Peter to give the money. Peter climbed the light pole and detached the bag from the pole and held it out in front of him.

"Please..." The teen pleaded.

"Shut up!" Shocker said. The teen shut up, closing his eyes.

"Okay... I'll throw you the bag and you'll let go of the kid." Peter tried to say in a calming voice.

Shocker thought for a moment, "Fine... just give me the money."

"I know, I know. On three."




Peter through the bag into the air. Shocker let go of the teen and opened his hands for the bag of money.

Peter webbed the teen and pulled him into his arms, "Now run! And don't look back!"

The teen sprinted as fast as he could out of the parking lot.

Peter turned back to Shocker with his bag of money. He raised a fist at Peter, "Pleasure doing business with you, but now you--!"


Peter tilted his head as Shocker started to sniff his nose, "Augh, what the-- ACHOO!"

"The cat fur..." Peter thought, looking at his hands. He looked at the bag of money, realizing some cat fur had rubbed off of his hand and on the bag.

He instantly took this opportunity to web closer to Shocker. He landed a hard punch on his face and continued with a blow to the knee.

Shocker sprang back and raised his fist, only for his sneeze to cause him to raise his fist down. Peter kept slamming his knuckle into his face, getting the fur stuck to his costume.

"Damn you--ACHOO!--you...you..."

Shocker could survive one hell of a beat down, but Peter wasn't planning that. He webbed the remaining pieces of metal off his chest. Just in time for Shocker to raise his fist one more time.

"I'll send you to--ACHOO!"

He sent out another burst of vibrations, only this time...

"What the--?!"

He was sent backwards from the force of it. Shocker scraped across the ground in a dazed confusion, "Wha..."

"Figured it out. The metal armour was protecting you from the force of the vibrations, so I decided to strip them from your costume."

Shocker tried to say something, but the ringing in his ear couldn't handle staying conscious. After all, he was just a regular human being.

Peter flicked the rubble of his chest, just as police arrived. Peter took his cue and swung away, not taking the chance of getting arrested by the cops.

A man in black crossed his arms as Peter sat on his bed, "We placed a tracker while you weren't looking." He stated, his eyes glowing red and his scarf was defying the laws of physics.

"Wow... you must have geniuses in this building. Does Reed Richards work here?"

The man used his scarf and pulled Peter closer, only inches from his face, "You know the trouble you've caused by doing this?"

Peter shook his head, the man's voice wasn't loud but stern. 

"You've caused property damage to the furniture store and refused our orders."

"That's kind of my job--"

"Do you think this is some kind of joke?" The man's red eyes stared through Peter's eye sockets. It felt like he was starting into his soul.

"I think you should go easier on Peter, Mr. Aizawa." A voice said, walking into the room.

"Principal Nezu," Aizawa let go of Peter and dabbed his eye with eyedrops, "The consequences of Parker's actions are outrageous."

"I understand that the press might start coming to our school again. But that does not matter as of now." 

Nezu turned towards Peter, "I have viewed the camera footage from cameras and I must say, your skills are above my expectation as well as your quick thinking!"

"Thanks, can I go now?"

"But even so, I can't allow you to run free, you've caused trouble, U.A must reveal your identity to law enforcement and the public. You will also have to be punished in a way."

Peter's eyes went wide open, "Isn't revealing my identity to the public a punishment already?"

"In your thought process, but keep in mind you've disobeyed our rules when we gave you an ID card, you've tripped a police officer, you've caused property damage mid-fight used your Quirk without a license, and on top of that you've made yourself know to heroes and villains alike."

"I mean... I paid the owner and got the bad guy arrested."

"But you've caused quite a stir for the public and law enforcement, which is why you are under strict supervision. You may only go out after your presence dies down."

Peter threw his head back. He was itching to get back out there, but now he was under house arrest, "This isn't fair--"

"Talk about fair..." Mr. Aizawa mumbled, eyeing Peter.

"Okay... but something good came out of it!" Peter said throwing his hands in the air, "I caught the bad guy!"

"Peter," Nezu stated, "I do admire your determination, as well as your spirit of helping people. Not to mention your intellect, but you have to understand that the law is important for keeping our society safe and organized."

Peter was about to say something but decided to shut up. Nothing will change even if he kept yelling at the mouse man.

"How will I get food?"

"The cafeteria is open to you."

"What if I need new clothes?"

"The school will provide them for you as of now."

"Are you going to make me hang up the suit?"

"No, but you're not allowed to go out and fight crime in it."

Then Nezu put his paw on his chin, "Actually, after I saw the web shooters you've made, I was considering putting you in the support course, during the time your classmates are learning English."

"Am I allowed to make my gadgets in the support course?" Peter asked curiously, genuinely liking the idea.

"As long as you don't use many of them in competitions or events." 

Peter started getting his hope back, it's been a while since he created something, "Can I have a chemistry set too?"

Nezu smiled, "That can be arrangeable."

Peter stayed in his room during the announcement to the public about Peter's existence. The press came back to U.A, asking for an interview with Peter, but U.A refused.

Peter made himself comfortable the next day. 

"Did you sneak out yesterday?" Kirishima asked, holding his cell phone and shoving it into Peter's face.


"Did you get into trouble?" Mineata asked trying to catch Peter's attention.


"I saw you caught the bad guy on the news! You were so cool!" Kaminari complimented, clapping Peter on the back.

"You must've gotten on the principal's good side, he could've expelled you," Ojiro commented.

More and more classmates came up to him asking what happened.

Iida and Yaoyorozu said that it wasn't a very smart decision as U.A students.

While others wanted to hear his fight and punishment.

It occurred to Peter that his classmates never fought a villain as he does daily. Everyone stopped asking questions as soon as Mr. Aizawa came in. Peter got scolded for being the centre of attention from Aizawa. It also dawned on Peter that Mr. Aizawa believes that he should get a bigger punishment.

Peter was able to leave the red-rimed teacher during his Support Class. He walked down the hall getting suspicious and wary glares from U.A staff and students. He finally made it to the giant metal door.

"Not surprised if I find a young Doc Ock in here," Peter cracked to himself. 

He slid the metal door open with ease.


Peter rolled to the side, dodging a metal claw coming towards him. He looked up seeing a robot, having 4 mechanical claws on its side.

"I was joking!"

The robot didn't attack Peter, it suddenly lost one of its tentacles and malfunctioned. Dropping to the ground with smoke curling everywhere.

"Hatsume! What are you doing? You're going to get our student killed!" A loud voice boomed from behind the smoke.

"It's just a little malfunction, no biggie, I can fix it faster than anyone else here!" Another voice boasted.

The smoke cleared and a giant hand pulled him to the crazy mechanic's girl.

"Sorry about that, Hatsume can be... difficult."

"Not difficult! Intelligent!" Hatsume exclaimed as she cleaned up the all--too--familiar--looking robot.

The man sighed, Peter presumed he was the Support Class teacher, "I'm Power Loader, the Support Class teacher. I'm guessing you're the loose cannon, Peter Parker?"

"Loose cannon?" Peter said raising an eyebrow, "Did Aizawa tell you?"

Power Loader shrugged, "How'd you know?"

"He doesn't like me very much," Peter replied as he turned to take in the room, "What's with the pile of junk?"

"Oh, that? That's what Hatsume has made since the start of the year," Power Loader replied, "It's honestly impressive at the rate she works at."

Peter nodded, a tiny bit impressed, "Cool, but uh, where are the other students?"

"They're outside testing their projects," Power Loader replied sitting down on a chair and gesturing to Hatusme, "But Hatsume insisted on finishing her project."

Hatsume hummed her way to the table and spread the robot onto it, and started to deconstruct it.

"Right... so do I get my table or booth?"

Power Loader shrugged, "There is an empty booth over there if you want to use it. Why?"

"Just curious..." Peter said slyly, "Anyways, am I allowed to make... whatever?"

"Only if I deem it safe," Power Loader replied, "Otherwise, go crazy. Just don't blow up the room."

"Gotcha," Peter slipped into the booth and took out a chemistry set that Principal Nezu fished out.

He also took out something else, some pieces of metal that Shocker (Or Vibrator, but that was a terrible name) was using.

Throwing them onto the table, he slipped off his web shooters. His web fluid was running low. He was barely able to make some more time in his room. Now, he was staying in a booth, alone, to do whatever he pleased.

He looked to the side to find a box labelled, 'Peter Parker.'

Peter opened the box from Nezu seeing the electronics and other pieces of metal that lay inside. He rummaged through everything, being pleased with the stuff he was able to work with. He snagged his web shooters and unloaded the cartridges.

He found another box labelled under his name on the table. It rattled as he laid it on the table. Inside the box were glass tubes, filled with chemicals. Enough to make more web fluid.

"I owe you one Nezu."

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