The Outlaw

By somewherewithwords

26.4K 1.2K 128

You can't call them friends with benefits because they're not friends. Not enemies, either. Maybe almost stra... More

24 | Epilogue


1.2K 65 5
By somewherewithwords


Once I got to the bar, Oliver and Scarlett appeared to be bickering... again. I looked over their heads, my eyes locking with Cameron worriedly. He rolled his eyes annoyed, which had me stifling my laugh. Oliver and Scarlett were the equivalent to an old married couple and it was amusing as hell to watch.

"Why don't you go tell that to someone who cares?" Scarlett was saying, flicking her hand dismissingly, the disdain dripping in her voice. "I'm sure Jess would love to hear all about it."

"My God, woman, I thought we were over this. Jess is just a classmate." Oliver exasperated.

But my best friend was like a dog with a bone—once she got a hold of it, she couldn't let it go. "Please," Scarlett scoffed. "We all know how much you love redheads."

If Ollie were a cartoon right now, you'd be able to see the smoke coming out of his ears at this point. Even though he was scowling, his face fell a little with disappointment and his voice softened. "Yeah, on you, Scar, not anyone else,"

I knew she couldn't argue to that, so I turned away. Cameron slid my drink down the bar for me and I knocked it back within the next second.

"You're beautiful." Someone said in my ear. I turned, eyes locking with the stranger. With dusty blonde hair and hue brown eyes, he appeared vaguely familiar as someone I've seen in and around college.

I flashed him a smile, "Thanks. You're not too bad yourself."

"Can I buy you a drink?" He asked, and I pointedly looked at the one I'd sucked down. Chuckling, he said, "Or reimburse you for that one?"

I smiled wryly. "I'm good, thanks,"

Placing his forearm on the bar, he leaned into it, crossing his ankles and grinned good-naturedly. "How about a dance instead?"

I studied him, my gaze running down to his feet, admiring how his slim-build cut out in the white V-neck T-shirt he wore, and the way his jeans accentuated his lean hips. His crooked smile told me he caught it.

I shrugged casually. "Sure, why not? What's your name?"

"Craig." He held out his hand which I gladly took.

"Maddie. It's nice to meet you."

Kissing the back of my hand, he led the way into the mass of writhing bodies. I had to laugh at his gesture that contrasted with the perimeter of aggressive men we were surrounded by, amped up on testosterone.

"The pleasure's all mine, Maddie." He winked.

Craig, I'd learned, knew how to move, I had to give him that. Twirling me around, he aligned my body perfectly with his, his large hands on my hips and swayed with just the right speed. Eventually, his hands roamed restlessly but never dipped into dangerous territory, which I gave him brownie points for, considering the dress I'd worn left little to imagination.

Lowering his neck into my collarbone, Craig rasped, "I might just take you home with me tonight."

I smiled, turning around just as I heard the voice that made my toes curl, and heat rush down south with one word.

"Back off, this one's already taken."

Craig surrendered his hands, backing away as Travis gripped my elbow. "My bad, Trav. I didn't know she was your girl."

Ready to deny that assumption, Travis had other plans as he dragged me back to the bar, settling on a stool, indicating with the tip of his head to take the one next to him.

I snubbed, choosing to stand and crossed my arms. "That wasn't very nice."

Travis arched a darkly winged eyebrow. "You're leaving with me, not some douchebag that wouldn't know what to do with you even if he had you."

I matched it. "Is that so?"

"Uh-huh," Travis nodded his head. I gasped when he tugged on my hand and pulled me towards him. "Either you speak now or forever hold your peace."

Hesitating at first, I exhaled and then twined my arms around his neck, breathing in his masculine scent.

Even as Travis reached out more often than I did, if and when it happened relied on my terms. My say-so. Has been that way since the beginning. And I was grateful for that.

Pulling back, I asked without conscious thought, "What about Emily?"

Running his hands up and down my arms, he absently—but I knew he was keeping his wits about him—deflected. "What about her?"

My lips twitched. "I heard you guys were going on a date."

"Did you?" Travis cleverly diverted; a look in his eyes I couldn't quite decipher. "Then you've probably also heard that I don't date."

"Travis," I shot him a look.

"Maddie," he stressed in the same tone, and grabbed my hand. "I'm not even remotely interested in Emily. Harsh? Possibly," he continued when I would have chastised him, "but there's a reason why I purposely avoid getting into relationships."

I inwardly grimaced, willing him somehow telepathically to not tell me that very reason because if he did... if he did, I know for certain I'll begin to sympathize or worse—possibly even relate. And the moment that happened—when I felt a connection more than purely physical—it would be the end.

"You said yes, Travis. You should see how things go between the two of you," I dropped his hand, glancing away from him.

He leaned in close, his nose skimming the shell of my ear. "I like the way things are now. It works for me, like it works for you."

I froze, turning to stare into his eyes. He returned my gaze unwaveringly, and it was then I'd realised Travis knew more about me than I'd let on, more than I'd wanted to—because deep down, he understood exactly why I needed to keep this impersonal and uncomplicated as it can be.

But there was something more. There was something simmering beneath the neurotic lust, waiting to surface.

Something on my face must have betrayed my lingering wariness because Travis deliberately lightened his tone when he said, "I've had this really huge urge to throw you over my shoulder and tie you to my bed since I got a good look at you in that dress." His voice low and husky, his breath fanned the column on my neck. "I can't wait any longer so please, come home with me, Maddie."

I hesitated, biting my lip in contemplation when he faked me out. "You're thinking about it too much. Just say yes, Maddie."

I blocked out the voice in the back of my head that warned me to be precautious. Throwing him a flirtatious smirk, I stood up and said, "Lead the way."


"Travis," I giggled against his lips as his sensual mouth attacked me roughly with kisses, "did you even lock your car?"

He stopped mid-step as we ascended the flight of stairs to his apartment. We could barely keep our hands off of each other on the ride here, frantic to get inside. "Shit," he muttered, "I don't even think I shut the door."

I laughed loudly when he shrugged and rushed the last couple of steps, pushing me up against his door while trying to get his key into the keyhole. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I groaned both in pleasure as he kissed, bit and suckled on my neck, and frustration for taking too long. "God, hurry up, Travis,"

He chuckled in a rasp that had me clenching my legs together. "Bossy," he said once we got in and he kicked the door shut. Clothes started coming off as soon as.

"You like it." I shot back, yanking his shirt above his head whilst he clumsily tried to make his way to his bedroom. It was dark so I barely just made out the small bruise blooming under Travis' skin on torso. I swallowed, asking him for millionth time again, "Travis, are you sure you're not hurt? Maybe we should-"

He bit my lip, interrupting me, "I'm fine, Maddie. I'll be even better if I could get you out of these clothes."

I squealed when he threw me onto his bed, not unlike a caveman. Lying down, I stretched my arms over my head and arched my back, enticing him further. He licked his lips, perusing the length of my body with heavy-lidded eyes and then loomed over me. Snaking his arms around my waist, he clutched my dress in both his hands and pulled, damn near ripping the material into two.

I gasped lightly from his sudden aggression. "I liked that dress," I spoke softly, drunk on pleasure as his hands roamed over my body.

Giving me one last kiss on my mouth, his face descended lower and lower, muttering between kisses, "You'll like this even more."


I woke up the next morning, disorientated and confused. As my brain started to wake up, I felt more... well-rested and relaxed. Starting with my feet, I stretched them, twisting the bones of my ankles. I felt the tingles running through me while the rest of my body caught up. Sunlight streamed through the window as I blinked rapidly, my surroundings sharpening. I stilled when I'd realised I wasn't in my bedroom. No, this was Travis' bedroom.

I jolted upright—a bit dramatic, I must admit—but this had never happened before. I've always left if it was four in the morning, or even in the middle of a damned thunderstorm.

When I turned to the empty space beside me, I shivered with remembered pleasure of the tantalizing memories that danced behind my eyes. And then his voice that begged me to stay, spooning me in his arms, as I burrowed into him without so much of a protest and... fell asleep. That wasn't the worst part, because the way my heart was beating as if it was going to burst out of my chest, told me that I liked it. My stomach fluttered with butterflies, and a small smile played on my lips.

Don't even go there. I'd come too far along now to make a rookie mistake. Shaking my head, I slipped out of the bed, treading over to where my dress lay on the floor—well, what was left of it. Huffing, I swivelled my head around and thought fast on my feet. My gaze zeroed in on Travis t-shirt, which I threw on after my underwear. I grimaced as I peered down at myself, wrinkling my nose at how cliché I looked.

Refreshing myself in his en-suite, I grabbed my heels and then stepped out into the hallway, hearing his mumbled voice, travelling from the kitchen. I stopped, wondering if there was someone else in the apartment with him, but judging from the one-sided conversation on his part, I figured he was talking on the phone.

Silently rounding the corner into his open-plan kitchen and living room, Travis sat at the breakfast bar, his bare back facing me—the evidence of last night clear to see with the nails marks I'd left in wake of the desire I'd felt.

Wearing nothing but a loose pair of sweatpants, he nursed a mug of coffee in his hands, and what I'd perceived to be a phone call; instead was a Skype chat on his laptop.

Yet to see me, Travis carried on with his conversation which I caught the end of. "I can't talk right now, Mom. I have a friend that—" My eyebrows rose. Mom?

"Hang on a sec, darling," a strong, breathy-like feminine voice interrupted, "Skylar wants to tell you something."

I almost stepped out to give him some privacy, but my ears perked up when I heard a voice that belonged to a young girl derive through the speakers. "Hi, Travis!" She sang brightly.

Hiding behind the wall, I stuck my head out, meticulously eavesdropping. "If it isn't my baby sister," I smiled at the change in Travis' tone—one I hadn't heard before. Soft, smooth and protective, a silly warmth spread over me from head to toe. "What is it you need to tell me, Skye?"

"Well," she started, "yesterday at school Jamie Hanson tried to kiss me." She said, with the utmost confidence.

"He did?" Travis sounded shocked, and then he begrudgingly muttered to himself, "Seven-year-olds are getting too ahead of themselves." I had to slap my hand over my mouth to stop from laughing outwardly. "And what did you do?"

Travis' little sister cleared her throat. "I told him that if my big brother was here, he'd beat your butt six ways from Sunday."

Travis nodded, surely. "Damn right I would." I giggled at the sincerity in his voice. He abruptly levelled in his seat, "I'm glad you set him straight, Skye, but I need to go—"

"Wait!" The one word exploded through the screen. I tried to get a good look at his sister but Travis blocked the view, so I imagined her in my head. Maybe she had similar, smooth, dark hair, and twinkling green eyes as Travis did—I wasn't sure. Skylar continued, "Then Jamie said, 'But your brother isn't here right now, is he?'"

I bit my lip, stifling my laugh when Travis shoved a hand through his hair and mumbled under his breath, "Cocky little shi—"

"So I kicked him where the sun don't shine," Skylar carried on, concluding her story, "and told him if he ever tried that again, next time I'd kick him twice as hard."

Travis threw his head back, his dark velvet laugh rumbling out of him. Facing the screen again, he wiped at his eyes. "Atta girl. I taught you well."

"This isn't funny, Trav. She got sent home for the day with a note." His mother chastised off-screen.

"She shouldn't take shit from no one, Mom." I could just imagine Travis grinning, working his charm.

"She's seven-years-old, and please, watch your language." His mother replied.

"Anyway, Daddy's taking me to figurine skating, Travis. I have to go. Love you!" Her voice travelled a distance away so I guessed she scurried off.

"Figurine skating? Seriously, Mom?" Travis' voice was laced with disbelief. "She throws a ball better than any other seven-year-old out there, boys included, and you're taking her to figurine skating?"

I shook my head, amused, even though he couldn't see me. It felt weird to experience this side of him, having seeing him so aggressive last night, so emotionless. Around college, Travis Ortiz was the heartbreaker, a ladies man, an untameable beast. But here, right now, Travis was just a regular person, with love for his mother and sister. The thought that presumably I was the only one to see him that way—relaxed, affectionate and comfortable—made me smile.

Smoothing out my appearance, I decided then to make my entrance. Upon walking into the kitchen, Travis must have sensed or heard me because he swivelled his head, his face breaking out in a small grin after his gaze drank me in. That smile hit me like a blow to the chest—it was intimate, friendly and it hurt like hell.

He immediately turned back round, "Talk to you later, Mom. Tell Henry I said hi." Then he hurriedly slammed his laptop closed before getting a reply.

Okay, then.

His mouth curved, "Good morning."

Pretending as if I hadn't eavesdropped, and received a little insight of Travis with his guard down, I let out a shaky breath. "I know how cliché this is," I said, pinching the hem of his T-shirt, "but you literally ripped my dress into pieces last night."

"Don't sweat it," he stood up, placing his mug on the counter, advancing toward me.

"Just letting you know I'm not some broad that'll be clinging to your bedsheets." I winked casually, although between the lines I tried to tell him that I knew I shouldn't settle in for long.

"Thank God," Travis smirked, his tone playful, "I already have my fair share."

I laughed. "I'm sure you do."

"Besides, I think I like the look on you. It's sexy," He winked, pulling me into his body, his head dipping low, taking my mouth in a short, sweet kiss. Travis raked me from head to toe, again. "Very sexy, indeed."

Glancing downwards, I hid the deep blush that threatened to show. "I should get going."

Travis squeezed my hips, straightening to face me. "Why don't you stay for breakfast?"

My head snapped up at the suggestion. Registering nothing but candour in his eyes, I quickly shook my head and took a step back. Then I mustered a deep breath, admitting, "I shouldn't have even stayed, Trav."

His head fell back as he groaned. "It's just breakfast, Maddie, I didn't ask for a life-time commitment. And don't weigh in over your head about staying over. It's not a big deal."

I arched an eyebrow, crossing my arms. "Do all your one-night-stands stay over?"

He opened his mouth, and then closed it. "No, they don't." He sputtered, shaking his head. "But you aren't a one-night-stand, remember?"

I stubbornly stood my ground. Rubbing my eye with the heel of my hand, I grounded out, "This isn't what I signed up for, Travis. This is just sex. I don't want this to become"—something I know I won't survive—"...complicated." I finished lamely.

I couldn't stay for breakfast, especially after what I'd just witnessed and especially after we spooned. It was becoming too relationship-like and that didn't bode well with me. I needed to keep Travis separate from social life, and that was that.

"We also agreed that we'd play this by ear. Do what feels natural. And I think—"

"—Say I did stay," I spoke over him as he argued, "and what then? We'll just have a mute breakfast where neither of us talk? That sounds exciting." I shot him a look.

We stood in a stare-off, neither of us backing down. I refused to wonder why Travis asked me to prolong my stay longer than I'd already had. Maybe in gratitude for last night, or making up for Emily, I wasn't sure, but I declined to believe it could be more than that.

"Fine, then," Travis stepped away, nothing I could read in his expression.

That had me frowning, "I'll, uh, call a cab."

"While wearing nothing but my shirt and a pair of heels? You must be nuts." Travis shook his head. "I'm driving you."

Oh yeah... I blushed, "Thank you."

Travis lent me a pair of sweatpants to borrow which I rolled up at the ankles, and as for shoes went, I had to barefoot it. During the ride to my apartment, I thought back to what I'd heard this morning, and it took a conscious exertion of will to mind my damn business.

I busied myself looking out the window, taking in the city that never failed to amaze me. Leaning my head against the window, I closed my eyes, a great sense of appreciation washing over me as I reminded myself what I had here, in comparison to all the hardship I'd faced just a couple of years ago.

Travis set his hand on my thigh, breaking my train of thoughts. I pivoted in my seat to look at him, drinking in the sight of him driving, the muscles in his arms flexing as he drove effortlessly, steering the wheel with a firm grip. Jesus... he was sexy as hell. My chest squeezed with that all too familiar urgency of lust.

With his gaze on the road, he said, "I've been thinking... I might cancel that date with Emily. I don't want to go, anyway."

I ignored the way my heart leaped at that. What the hell? Before I could analyse my reaction, Travis continued, "I'd only said yes because she was insistent. In any case, I'm not a wine-and-dine kinda guy, you know?"

My head fell back on the headrest. "No," I exhaled in a rush, "I don't know."

Travis spared me a quick glance before his lips formed into a grim line. "Right, you don't."

I closed my eyes for a second, wishing I wasn't so fucked up in the head. "If you're doing it for my sake," I stared at my hands, "I don't see the harm in it. And if the time comes where this"—I gestured between us—"is going to hinder you moving forward, I'll have no objections to ending it." I sighed, peering out the window again. "We're not exclusive, Trav. It's not what we agreed."

I didn't mention that since our arrangement started, I hadn't been with anyone else. That the non-exclusivity part only regarded him. Because it'd be unfair to ask him to be at my service whenever I needed, and then only for me too. Besides, I wasn't a "slut" like Scarlett would say that I needed multiple partners.

A stretch of silence followed where it became so fraught with tension; I slowly twisted my head to face him. His jaw twitched as he paused for so long I thought he wouldn't reply, and then, "What if I wanted that? Us to be exclusive?"

My eyes widened a fraction. Something twisted in my chest, a mixture of exhilaration and unease. "What do you mean?"

He glanced at me, his expression hardening. He swallowed, his apple bobbing attractively. I really wanted to kiss that throat. "When I saw you dancing with that guy last night, it made me... it felt..." he stammered, trying to find his words but in the end he murmured, "I don't like to share, Madeline."

My mind screamed at me to run, but my body softened, relishing in the way possessiveness laced his words, with a hint of adoration. "I'm not yours to share, Travis."

His jaw ticked, eyes closing for a brief second. "I know that," he ground out. "But maybe we should add another clause to our arrangement."

I found myself giving in. "And what might that be?"

Travis' mouth curved slightly. "No one else touches you while you're with me."

It circled restlessly in my head for a long while, weighing out the pros and cons. Turned out there were more cons than pros, and that ought to have told me something.

And yet, I said, "Okay then, we'll agree to not sleep with other people while we're sleeping with each other. Everything else still stands—we don't ask personal questions we don't want to answer."

Travis squeezed my thigh. "That's fine with me."

"Do you have a time period?"

Travis' eyebrows furrowed, his lips forming a small frown. "We never had one before."

I lifted one shoulder in an awkward shrug. "It has to end some time."

A flash of annoyance flickered over Travis' face but he quickly banked it. Nodding brusquely, he suggested, "How about until it doesn't work out anymore?"

I smirked. "Is that code for saying until you get bored of me, Ortiz?"

"Maddie," he locked eyes with me, his green irises darkening with such intense, it caught my breath. "I don't think I'll ever get bored of you."

A/N: Yay to the story finally getting started! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and drop a comment, I'd like to know what you thought! Thank you for reading.

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