Biwizard Love Story

By AlyFandomLover128

209 14 2

Cho walked along Diagon Alley with ninety-five galleons in her pocket, and a heavy heart. She thought about h... More

Chapter 1-I'm a Sixth Year
Chapter 3-The Secret Room
Chapter 4- A Ring?
I'm... Back!
Chapter 5- Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Diggory?

Chapter 2-Her Vision

34 4 0
By AlyFandomLover128

While Cho and Marietta ate their steak and kidney pie with potatoes, they talked about you-know-who, until Professor Dumbledore started his speech about how you-know-who was back, and how they should protect themselves this year.

"Do you really think Dumbledore meant what he said?" Marietta asked skeptically.

"I think so," Cho said "how else would Cedric have died?"

They walked up the stairs to Ravenclaw tower and unpacked their trunks.

"'Night, Cho" Marietta said.

"Goodnight, Marietta" Cho said.

*****The Next Morning*****

Cho and Marietta walked together to breakfast. At the table, Cho saw pear tarts, Cedric's favorite breakfast food, and began to silently weep. She needed to forget him. But she didn't know how.

After breakfast, they had transfiguration. Cho was not looking forward to it.

"Dear child," Professor Trelawney said to Cho "you have sustained a terrible loss. I see..." Then she stopped.

She stared at Cho for a second and said "Class dismissed!"

Cho and Marietta started walking out when Professor Trelawney called out "Miss Chang! Please wait a second!"

Cho stopped hard in her tracks.

"I have seen..." she started "you. You will join Harry Potter's Defense Against the Dark Arts resistance group against our new teacher, Professor Umbridge. But you mustn't tell anyone about this. Understand?"

"Yes, professor," Cho said.

"What was that about?" Marietta asked.

"Er," Cho started "I'm not supposed to tell anyone."


What do you guys think? I am going to try and post everyday now, so does anyone have ideas? Please vote and comment.


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