Ultraman Xenos

De Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta

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In the vast space, there's a planet called Earth. About seventeen years ago, monsters have start appearing on... Mais

Bio of Hiro & Xenos
Bio of Mamoru & Volance
Bio of Hiroshi & Ars
You Are Not Alone
Welcome to EDGE
Scorching Hot Weather
Behind the Mist
Monster of the Past
What Human Can Become
Crystal of Baradhi
Two Demons Return
What Bring The Darkness
Released With Cost
Inhereting the Darkness
The Monster Inside Of You
Accept Who You Are
You Choose Your Own Path
Rage of Tiger
The Ancient Ice Ruler
One Who Control Monsters

The Gentle Giant

172 6 14
De Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta

After seven years, the first man-made monster, Geozark, have return to Japan and cause another rampage that destroy certain part of Tokyo. Because of its return, Harumiya are sent to a hidden facility where his old friend and the creator of Geozark, Aratana Jidai, are held. Despite knowing that Jidai can't control Geozark from his prison cell. Xenos' new form allow him to end the reign of Geozark and bring peace those who suffered by it for seven years. However, Jidai got a visitor at the prison and give him an interesting offer.


Near the port area, a giant octopus like monster is heading toward the port.

《Oil Monster - Takkong》

The EDGE-Chester Alphas flies above Takkong, trying to distract it using the oil cans which is Takkong's food source. Takkong immediately get distracted and head for the oil cans instead of the port where more oil can be found.

Asuna: That's right, follow us.

When they get far enough from the port, Asuna drop the oil cans into the water, and Takkong went to grab it. Above Takkong, another EDGE-Chester Alpha get down a bit and capture Takkong with energy net, suprising the monster.

Okami: And off we go.

Hiro: To your new home!

The team head out toward where monsters that are captured will be placed at for a while before they can return to the wild.

One Week Later...


Right now, Xenos in Burning Blaze form is fighting against a familiar worm like monster.

《Subterranean Monster - Telesdon》

He throw some punch into Telesdon before slam it onto the ground. When Telesdon get up, it roars and shoot stream of flame at Xenos. But he absorb the flame into his stripes, before throwing a powerful punch into Telesdon and make it back away. Xenos hit his fists together engulf in flame before pull his arms back.

Xenos: Volcanix Burst!

He thrust his hands forward, shooting a heat ray at Telesdon, making it roar in pain and engulf in an explosion. Swirl of energy formed in the center and turn Telesdon into a crystal doll, sealed away. The crystal doll later taken back to the base by the team.

(Time Skip)
(Drazen Base)
(Command Room)

Okami: Gaaah... I'm tired...

Asuna: Yeah...

Hiro: *yawn* Sleepy...

The trio are filing a report about their success against capturing Telesdon. Though Telesdon was actually sealed than captured.

Okami: Why working as a Kaiju rescuer are so hard...?

Asuna: It can't be helped... Since we're trying to keep them alive...

Hiro: Let's just finish this up and get some sleep.

Okami/Asuna: Right...

They all sigh and try to finish up their work as fast as they can. Kikai watch from his seat and wonder about them.

Kikai: Human are suprisingly tough beings. This is worth to be placed in database.

(Next Day)

At a power plant...

At the power plant near the urban area, the workers are working like usual at their daily basis. They checking the system and the energy that are supplied throughout the area.

"Well, this is quite all right."

"Come on, let's get some snack."


The workers went out from the area to get to the rest area. But without they notice it, there's an alien like being in the area. It take out an item before absorb some of the energy from the power plant while trying not to get noticed.

(Drazen Base)
(Hiro's Room)

In his room, Hiro is sleeping well but his bed is a mess.

*emergency alarm rang*

But the sound doesn't even bother Hiro at all, as keep sleeping. It keep ringing until the door opened and reveal Okami.

Okami: Hey, Kamiki! Wake up, man! Hey!

Hiro: *groan* Ughh... Five minutes more...

Okami: No five minutes! Just get the hell up now!

He flip Hiro into the air and make him fall onto the floor. But Hiro still asleep, making Okami annoyed.

Okami: Hey, come on! Wake up! Wake up!!

(Command Room)

The whole team are there, before Okami entered the room.

Asuna: Kusanagi, where's Kamiki?

He point on the floor, making them look down. Hiro is still in his casual outfit and still asleep.

Sakuya: Member Kamiki is still asleep?

Okami: I try wake him up. Believe me, I tried. But he won't even budge!

Harumiya: Put him at his chair, we will begin our briefing now.

Okami: Yes, sir.

He put Hiro on the chair, while still asleep. Kikai typing on the keyboard and screen appear, showing the map of Tokyo. It shows four points of areas are marked on the map.

Kikai: These are the areas where energy shortage occured for a month.

Okami: Energy shortage? But aren't that police work?

Asuna: I agree with Kusanagi in this.

Sakuya: It was a police work at first, but they decide to call help from us. Look at these.

She tapping at the tablet and the main screen shows several images that showing seems to be alien sightings.

Sakuya: These maybe source from the internet, but there are witnesses as well. It seems there's an alien seems to be stealing electricity from nearby power plant, power station.

Harumiya: I've sent a squad of investigators there and they have the similar suspiciouns. There might be an alien located there.

Okami: So that'e why we're taking this case?

Sakuya: Yes.

Asuna: Where is the recent location?

Sakuya: It in the residental area in Odaiba City.

Harumiya: I'd like you investigate the area in Odaiba and report immediately if you found anything.

Okami/Asuna: Yes, sir!

Hiro: *yawn* Aaah... That was a nice sleep... *look around* Huh? Why am I here?

Okami: You finally awake. We're done with our briefing.

Hiro: Briefing? *scratching his head* About the situation where there's energy shortage, alien sightings and it located at Odaiba?

Asuna: Eh? How did you know?

Hiro: I dunno... *rubbing his eyes* My sister complain because I overheard her speaking about things I shouldn't here because I was asleep. Even my teacher said I can hear things in my sleep which is weird...

Okami: Seriously?! You can hear when you were asleep?! Did you hear anything good from girls in your sleep?!

But he only get an EnerGun point at his head.

Hiro: You ask, I'll blow your head off.

Okami: *sweatdripping* O-kay...

Harumiya: Enough. Member Kamiki, put that gun away and change to your uniform. I want you three take the Hammerhead. Hachimitsu, you search through the area with Chester Alpha. Remember, take precaution because we don't know if the alien is a friend or foe. EDGE, move out.

Sakuya/Okami/Asuna: Yes, sir!

Hiro: *lazily salute* Yes, sir...

They grab their gears and head out, but wait for Hiro because he need to get back to his room to he put his uniform on before he grab his gear to join the others.


One EDGE-Chester Alpha fly above the city. At the city, it is functional like usual. On the road, it shows on truck like vehicle driving across the road with the EDGE emblem on it.


The truck is a specialize armored vehicles that can be use in anykind of terrain. The truck is like a mobile small base, and have a Raptor at the back. Okami is driving the truck, Hiro beside him, Asuna at the operation area at the back.

Okami: *whistle* I've never been to Odaiba before. This place is beautiful.

Hiro: *look down* Why can't I drive...? I didn't get to pilot the jet, can't drive the Blazer and can't drive this truck...

Okami: You're seventeen, not even allowed to drive yet. The Raptor is one thing because it's a motorcycle.

Hiro: It still unfair!

Okami: Just be quiet and sit there like a good boy.

Hiro: *annoyed expression* Don't treat me like a dog.

At the back, Asuna is using the radar to search for any sign of alien around the area. Hiro get to the back and look at the computers.

Hiro: Got anything?

Asuna: Nothing.

Hiro: Come on, we need to do a field search. Okami-senpai, I'll be taking the Raptor.

Okami: Seriously?! Right now?!

The back opened and the pad allow Raptor to move down to the road. Hiro ride on the Raptor and ride away.

Okami: I can't believe he just left like that.

Asuna: Except he did.



At the shore streets in Odaiba city, it shows a young man is walking around the area while enjoying the view. The man stops and turn toward the sky, and sees a slight of dark cloud before it disappear again.

???: It seems another will come out again.

???: Then I cannot let this aside again. That dark energy won't stop unless something is done.

(Time Skip)

The trio went to their own separate area to look for the alien, and even asked the people around if they know where it is. Okami drive around and Hiro riding around. Asuna is on foot and just look around, asking people in the area.

Asuna: Do you see anything weird lately?

"Not out of the ordinary, but I think I did. Few days ago, I saw this girl holding a container like thing. And then I saw her again this morning with that container."

Asuna: Really? Where I can find this girl?

"She live at an apartment not far from here. *point the direction* Just follow the path, that way."

Asuna: Thank you.

She head toward the direction the people gave her. Then she reach to a local apartment. Asuna take a deep breath before fix her helmet and contact the others.

Asuna: This is Kiyama. I've found that might be an alien hideout. Get to my location as soon as possible.

Hiro/Okami(Comms): Yes, sir.

Asuna walk to the apartment and use the scanner to check what is going there. She carefully to the upper side because there's an anomaly. She keep scanning until her scanner react near one of the apartment door. She knock the door few times. Then the door opened and it shows a teenage girl.

???: Yes? Can I help you, miss?

Asuna: Excuse me, but are you new here?

???: Not really, I just moved in half a year ago.

Asuna: What is your name?

Lina: I'm Lina.

Asuna: Hi, I'm Kiyama Asuna from EDGE. Ms. Lina, can you please let me in?

Lina: Wh-Why?

Asuna: There is something I need to inspect if you don't mind. My scanners seems to be reading something here.

Lina: O-Of course.

She opens the door, letting Asuna enter the place. When Asuna look around, the apartment look like a normal plain apartment. She look at her scanner and despite there's an abnormality, there's nothing there.

Asuna: I'm sorry if I bothering you. I think my scanner might need some fixing.

Lina: Don't worry, I understand.

Asuna leave the apartment and walk away, but she didn't get far. She went to hide behind the wall. When she gain access through the camera in the area, she able to watch through the camera and saw Lina is getting out of her apartment, along with a large bag. She contact others to check her location.

(Time Skip)

When it has reach dusk, a bit far from the city side, Lina arrives a port like area.

Lina: Nari! I'm here!

The water starts to wave around before a huge monster comes out.

《Space Monster - Eleking》

Eleking let out a light roar, as it feels happy to see Lina.

Lina: Hi, Nari! I bring some food again today!

She put the bag down and reveal a container like item. Inside the container, it have a lot of energy which have the same amount as a power plant.

???: I know it.

Lina starled and turn around, seeing Asuna again.

Asuna: You should at least come clean.

Lina: Wait, officer. This isn't what it looks like. Please, don't hurt Nari!

Asuna: Don't worry, EDGE won't attack Kaiju without reasons.

Lina: Eh?

Asuna: Mind explain to me about your situation?

As Eleking is eating the electricity from the container, Lina sat with Asuna explain everything to her. Lina is an Alien Pitt, which an alien race that consist only female, and they are scientists that travel and explore the universe. Lina was a young scientist and curious about Earth, so she decide to go there. But when she arrive, her ship crash landed and it was beyond repair. Lina stranded on Earth for half a year, and her only friend and pet, Nari the Eleking, grow quite fast despite the low amount of electricity showing that Eleking have faster growth rate on Earth.

Lina: And that's how I'm here now.

Asuna: I see. I guess you have a hard time when first come to Earth.

Lina: Many said that Earth is beautiful, and it is... But I'm scared. Because I know that most beings treat different who look different.

Asuna: You're not wrong. I would treat you differently if I like other human, but I didn't. Because I'm part of team EDGE.

Lina: Sorry to ask, but what is EDGE? I didn't really pay attention much.

Asuna: EDGE is this world's special defense team and several areas have their own team EDGE. Our task is not just to protect humanity, but Kaiju and other beings reside on Earth.

Lina: Eh?

Asuna: Which means there's a law where Kaiju cannot be attack without reasons. But about your Kaiju... I'm not really sure. Since it come from space.

Lina: You think you can apply that rule for Nari?

Asuna: I need to explain to the team captain about it first.

Lina: Thank you! Thank you very much!

Asuna: I'd do what I can.

After finish eating, Eleking roar happily and makes Lina smile when seeing it like that. Asuna contact Okami and Hiro, telling them that they won't need to worry about Eleking because it is under control. Suddenly, Eleking jolt upright and look around, trying to look for something that make it starled.

Lina: Nari, what is it?

Asuna: What's wrong?

Lina: Nari usually act like this when it sense danger!

Then swirl of dark clouds appear in the sky, and blast dark energy at Eleking.

Lina: Nari!!

Asuna: No way, that was...!

When the beam stops, Eleking stop moving. Its glowing mouth turn from yellow to red, as the yellow stripes on its body turn red as well, and its antenna turn from normal cresent to more sharper cresent style.

《Infected Space Monster - Beast Eleking》

Beast Eleking let out a roar and blast red lightning everywhere. Asuna pull Lina out of the way, as the lightning almost hit her.

Asuna: You're okay?!

Lina: Y-Yes... *look at Eleking* Nari, calm down! Please, don't rampage!

But Beast Eleking can't hear her in infected state as it start moving toward the city.

Asuna: Oh no, it's moving toward the city!

They quickly try to chase after the infected monster. Near the bridge, Okami and Hiro with the police force are helping the people evacuate as EDGE-Chester Alpha is shooting at Beast Eleking, trying to hold it off. Beast Eleking keep moving and getting closer to the bridge.

Okami: Deputy captain!

Sakuya(Comms): No good! I can't stop it!

Okami: Damn it... *turn to Hiro* Hey, handle the evacuation! I'm helping the deputy captain!

Hiro: Okay!

Okami quickly head to Hammerhead and activate its weaponary. The upper side and each side open, as laser cannon and missiles are revealed. Okami press the trigger and shoot everything at Beast Eleking, trying to hold it off. As Beast Eleking is occupied, Hiro continue to evacuate the people as fast as he can but there's too many of them.

Hiro: That won't do!

He run ahead and find a place to hide, before taking out the Nova Evolver and insert the silver crystal.


Hiro: Shine brightly, star of evolution! *raise the Nova Evolver* Ultraman Xenos!

He press the trigger.


Ultraman Xenos - Silver Spirit!

He enter his rise sequence and fly ahead, before appearing in front of Beast Eleking, making it halt its advance. Asuna and Lina just arrive at the bridge and saw him.

Asuna: Thank goodness, he came...

Lina: That's... Ultraman Xenos.

Xenos enter his fighting stance as Beast Eleking roar before it rush toward him. Xenos move to the side and dodge, before he throw a kick into Beast Eleking which make it back away. Then Xenos grab hold onto the infected monster before start pushing it away from the bridge. But because they made contact, Beast Eleking unleash some electricity which shock Xenos, making him let go of Beast Eleking.

Xenos: *slightly shaken* O-Oww... That was shocking...

Beast Eleking unleash red lighting from its body, making Xenos move around to dodge all of the blast. But then Beast Eleking lash its tail ahead and capture Xenos with it.

Xenos: Crap!

Beast Eleking start shocking Xenos with electricity attack, making the Ultra scream in pain. In the inner space, Hiro quickly insert the blue crystal into the Nova Evolver.


Hiro: Rushing ahead, the force of storm! *press the trigger* Ultraman Xenos!


Ultraman Xenos - Aerial Attacker!

Xenos covered in wind energy before he change into his blue form, and escape from bind. Beast Eleking roar before blast another barrage of red lightning blast, but Xenos able to dodge them by moving swiftly. Seeing Asuna and Lina on the bridge, he land in the water before create an energy barrier and block the red lightning.

Asuna: Ultraman!

Xenos push the red lightning back at Beast Eleking, while it not damage by its own attack, it strong enough to stun it. Xenos clap his hands together and create air sphere between his palms, and thrust it at Beast Eleking before the sphere expend and trap the infected monster inside. Xenos raise his right arm in the air and gather wind energy before lash it to the side and pull back, and about to punch the finisher.

Lina: Wait, Ultraman!

Xenos stopped and turn around.

Lina: Please, save her! She's not bad, but that energy turn her into that! Don't destroy her, please!

Feeling hesitate and look between Lina and Beast Eleking, Xenos drop his right arm and stop. While he can seal an enemy into crystal doll, when Lina plead like that, Xenos couldn't bring himself to hurt the infected monster more. At the same time, the same man from before look from distance.

???: It seem its our turn. Let's do this.

???: Yeah.

The man raise his right hand and a brace appear. He pull the lower part and reveal a blue crystal in the center before pressing it.


He pull his right hand back before raise it up in the air.

???: Volaaance!

The brace unleash blue lightning before he enter his Ultra rising sequence.

Ultraman Volance!

He shine in blue light and flies away. Few minutes later, Beast Eleking break free from the air sphere. But before it can rampage again, blinding blue light appear in the sky. A humanoid figure slowly descend down and land in the water, before the light does down and reveal a blue Ultraman. The Ultra resemble Cosmos's Space Corona form but different. Volance have an iron-clad like chest armor and shoulder armor, with his round Color Timer on his chest. His Voltex Brace is at his right hand. He have silver and sky blue stripes on his body.

《Ultraman Volance》

His appearance suprises everyone there.

Xenos: Wh-What?

Asuna: Another... Ultraman?

Lina: No way... That...

Volance whirl his arms around and enter his fighting stance.

Lina: ...Ultraman Volance!

Asuna: *turn to Lina* Ultraman Volance?

Beast Eleking roar angrily, as Volance glance back at Xenos.

Volance: Ultraman Xenos, was it?

Xenos: You are...?

Volance: My name is Ultraman Volance, a pleasure to meet you. If you please, leave this to me.

(A/N: I choose this ost because while Volance is a different Ultra, he fight in gentle ways like Cosmos Luna form.)

He look ahead again, as Beast Eleking rush toward him. Volance himself run toward Beast Eleking. When get close, Volance throw several light hits into Beast Eleking, making it back away slightly. Beast Eleking lash its tail at Volance, but he deflect it away before land a palm strike into Beast Eleking which make it fall into the water.

Lina: He was rumored to be a violent being, but... He's nothing like what the rumor said. The way he fight is... skillful and gentle.

Beast Eleking rush toward Volance again, trying to hit him with its arms and tail but all of those attack are dodged like nothing. When Beast Eleking charge energy, Volance create several energy orb and sent it near Beast Eleking. The infected monster unleash red lightning, but the orbs absorb all of the lightning before it stops. Beast Eleking become exhausted after all discharging energy, as orbs pop like bubbles in the air.

Volance: Time to put an end to your suffering.

He bring his arms into the air, as shining aura appears before bring his arms down to his chest.

Volance: Moonlight Purify.

He put his left arm aside and slow push his right hand forward, releasing light particles at Beast Eleking. The light particle covered Eleking's body, and expel all the dark energy from Beast Virus. When the light dies down, Eleking have return to normal and docile once again.

Lina: Nari! You're okay!

She and Asuna hug each other, happy seeing that Eleking have been healed. Volance turn around, as he and Xenos look at each other before they disappear in particles.

(Time Skip)

After the battle, Hiro meet with the young man who become Volance.

Hiro: So you're Volance?

Mamoru: Not directly, but I'm his human host. The name's Kouki Mamoru. Nice to meet ya!

Hiro: Human host?

Mamoru: You didn't know? Well, maybe because you still new in Ultraman stuff. Right, Volance?

The Voltex Brace appear, before Volance hologram appears.

Volance: Indeed. We, Ultras, can fuse with human because the Earth atmosphere is natural filter so Ultra have short time to maintain their form.

Hiro: But I'm just fine.

Volance: That because Ultras are born different, and many universes have their own Ultras. Believe it or not, there are other Ultras out there.

Hiro: I see. To be honest, I'm glad to hear that... Feeling weird if I was the only one who existed. What bring you here?

Volance: I was appointed to help you watch over this planet, by the Space Garrison. I also from this universe, far away from this planet. Ultraman Xenos... You still have more to learn. What is happening here, is just the beginning.

Hiro: I... see.

Mamoru: We can't stay here too long and seen with you like this. Let's talk some other time. Time to go, Volance.

Volance: Until we meet again.

His hologram disappear before Mamoru wave at Hiro and walk away from there.

(Next Day)

Because Nari the Eleking did nothing wrong and only rampage because get infected by Beast Virus, the monster protection law is active for Eleking and Lina won't be charge with anything because she willingly cooperate. And because she have vast knowledge, through WPA and EDGE HQ, Lina is allowed to work at the Monster Preservation Center in Japan area.

At Monster Preservation Center, Tate Island...

This island is where rescued monsters are placed to protect them before they can be released into the wild. This island have an invisible energy barrier that cover the whole area so nothing can get in or out. At the forest side, near the lake, Lina and Asuna are watching Eleking is trying to become friends with Takkong.

Lina: I'm so happy Nari is trying to make friends.

Asuna: I'm glad you take the offer to work here.

Lina: Since they give me a chance to live here, I'll take it. And this is for Nari's sake, too.

Then it shows Eleking is chasing after Takkong.

Lina: Asuna-san, thank you. For being considerate when you first met me. I thought you might try to kill me or something.

Asuna: That was my first thought.

Lina: Eh?!

Asuna: But I came to EDGE to bring change. And if you want to thank you someone, thank you.

She point at Hiro is on the hill, checking the condition of a pair of Litra at their nest.

Asuna: That boy is doing his best trying to make Earth a place for human, Kaiju and alien.

Lina: Really? Sounds like an impossible dream.

Asuna: But he won't give up. I'm sure that he'll reach his dream someday.

They continue to observe Eleking as it trying its best to make friends with Takkong. Lina and Eleking now under the protection of EDGE so they will not be bothered by anyone that will try to harm them.

To be continued...


"There's more of these guys."

"Is that a portal?"

"I've been waiting for so long to meet you."

"I shall lend you a hand."

Next time on Ultraman Xenos: "Reunion."

"You're not alone, so don't give up!"

Continue lendo

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