Cross Tale

By KN-stories

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Izuku was a young boy and bless to be born with a powerful quirk but his parents felt like his quirk could be... More

Chapter 0: The birth of Cross
Chapter 1: Testing Class 1-A
Chapter 3: A Family Matter.
Chapter 4: The intership
Chapter 5: A forest clash
Chapter 6: Resucing the Twins
Chapter 7: a little horned girl
Chapter 8: A day With myself
Chapter 9: a talk With grandma nana
Chapter 10: the final battle...
Final Chapter: the battle of the AUs

Chapter 2: Endeavor's X-Event

2.4K 45 46
By KN-stories

We see Cross happily nibbling on his chocolate pretzels while he waits for the festival to begin. He would see midnight going on the stage. Then almost every male pro hero began to cheer. This annoyed Cross he wanted to enjoy his chocolate pretzels in peace. So he released a huge amount of killer intent to shut them up. Then Nagant slapped him in the back of the heads

Kaina: you need to control your anger.

Cross: they were annoyed. I wanted to enjoy my chocolate pretzels without hearing them scream over one person.

Kaina: just go back to eating your pretzels, please.

Cross: fine...

Cross would go back to eating his fifth pretzel.  Kaina would then apologize for cross. Because she knows he wasn't going to do it. Midnight then continued with starting the sports festival. She would then introduce the classes. Cross would then see all the students coming out. By the time they all came out cross finished the pretzel he was eating. He would look at each student carefully.

Kaina: hmm? Something wrong? I'm just analyzing them...

Kaina: why?

Cross: to see if they are true heroes or not.

Kaina: right. I forget you hate people who act like fakes.

Cross would nod his head.

Cross: before I forget remember me to go speak with the president later.

Kaina: umm sure?

Cross: thanks.

Cross would continue to analyze the students and see that a good handful of the students are sinful, but not enough to make them fakes in his eyes.

Cross: theirs some that need work...

Kaina: how much...?

Cross: I'll say like 30 of the students...

Kaina: what about the heroes here?

Cross would then do the same thing with the heroes he could see and make it obvious.

Cross: the other half of the stadium has... like 50 of what I could see.

Kaina: that much. Tch! They think they could be heroes.

Cross: if anyone said anything I'll personally handle it.

Kaina: just make sure they're alive.

Cross would nod his head. And then he would hear what the first event was about to begin. He would then see the students line up.

Cross: one of the todoroki will trap one.

Kaina: obviously. To get ahead it's best to trap your opponents.

Cross: true...

Then the siren went off telling the students to go. But then Shoto used his ice to trap the students but some managed to dodge it. He would see class 1-A being able to get through shoto ice. Cross would watch as the students make their way through the obstacle course.

Cross: I'm gonna go get a drink.

Kaina: okay.

Cross would then teleport to the hallway and find a vending machine. On his way to find vending machines, he would pass Toshi and Inko.

Inko: umm you meant to be taking part in the event.


Cross thought: did Nezu forget to tell his staff about me working here? *sigh*

Cross: I'm not a student... *pulls out his license*

Toshi: How can someone so young possess a hero license? *shocked*

Cross:... someone who works for the hero association directly... now you can leave me alone. I'll be on my way.

Cross then walked away from them to find a vending machine. The moment he was far enough he would punch the wall as hard as he can leaving an indent in the wall.

Cross:... fucking bastards...

Cross would then walk to find a vending machine. After a bit, he would find one. He would look inside and see they had chocolate milk.

Cross would buy two chocolate milk and start drinking them happily.

Cross would then make his way back to Nagant. Once he got back he saw that the students were almost done. He would then notice Mineta on Momo's back. So he would send a knife to cut the things stuck to Momo's back to make him fall. Lucky for him no one notices it. Cross would then teleport back to his seat. Nagant would ask me to tell him not to do what he did again.

Cross: so you notice.

Kaina: I'm your partner. Of course, I would.

Cross: well the grape had it coming.

Kaina: just don't do it again.

Cross:... no promises...

Kaina would sigh at cross. Cross would then ask who can in first. She would say it was Izumi.

Cross: hmm... seems she trying to prove herself.

Kaina: prove herself?

Cross: to probably become a hero great for both me and her.

Kaina: well if isn't that sweet.


Kaina: when do you plan to... you know.

Cross: soon actually...

Kaina: and how soon is soon?

Cross would side-eye Nagant.

Cross: When the X-event for a certain someone starts.

Kaina: *sigh* endeavor really pissed you off. You don't normally don't do the "X-Event" unless it's on someone who is either unredeemable or has pissed you off.

Cross: he's already unredeemable and after what I saw what he was about to do. He's sealed his fate. It will only be a miracle if he gets out will only his life.

Kaina: *sigh* can we just watch the sports festival before you go and do something.

Cross: fine...

For the rest of the day, cross would watch the sports festival and see watch the students go through the events. He would question why the girls from class 1-A were in cheerleading outfits. Nagant would then think about asking for one similar. Cross would then watch the tournament between the students and see some of the students do well. One of them getting used is a walking experiment for a girl's tools. And would watch her sister do her best but would notice she possessed another quirk. He would read her stats and see that she does possess another one.

Cross though: What is... One for all...?

Cross would then need to have a conversation with her once she finds out about him. He would then watch the match between his sister and Shoto. Watch the match closely so he could see if he could understand this OFA. That his sisters have been using. So far would notice that it's not harming her in any way. But he would notice their other aspects of OFA that are locked away. He would then watch as his sister would lose against Shoto. But he was proud of his sister for getting this far in. To the rest of the matches, they didn't interest Cross. He would go back to eating his pretzels. After the matches were over cross and Kaina would begin to leave. But Cross would go buy some more pretzels so he could have more later.

Kaina: do you really need more...

Cross: *nods*

Kaina: *sigh* fine but only 10 and that's it. I'm not carrying over 6 bags of chocolate pretzels.

Cross would happily walk back to the Chocolate pretzel stand and buy 10 more pretzels to bring back home. When they got back to their dorm they would take a bit to relax. Over the next few days cross would notice Shoka covered herself more and more. And sometimes he would notice she had bandages on. Whenever he tried to help her she would back away from him. But Cross would teleport into a hug so she couldn't leave. She tried to get out but he wouldn't let go. She would begin to cry and say she just wanted to live a normal life. Cross would comfort her the best he would and bring her to the hero association to keep her safe from going to endeavor. Then Cross decided would head to the madam president.

madam president: hmmm? How may I help you cross?

Cross: I came to ask if I'm allowed to punish endeavor.

madam president: can I ask why?

Cross would then explain the actions endeavor had done over the few years. And what he has done to Shoka Todoroki.

madam president: hmm... you know there will be repercussions if you do it right? And what of the girl?

Cross: I know... but if we share the information then those repercussions will be less. Also, I plan to do something else. To bring something into the light. And for her, she's currently resting in my room.

Madam President: *sigh* fine... but you mustn't bring innocent people into your fight. is going to be...An X-Event.

Madam President: he managed to piss off that much... fine. Just be sure to not get other people are getting involved.

Cross: got it.

Cross would then make his way to find endeavor. After a bit of searching, he would find his location. He would see him walking through the streets. Would then walk up to him and punch him square in the gut.

That made him fall to the ground. Everyone then began to run away.

Endeavor: you bastard!

Cross would look down at endeavor.

Cross: I warned you... and you didn't listen.

Cross would then kick endeavor into a car.

Cross: now it's time for you.... to experience the X-Event!

Cross then made a knife appear in his hand and walked towards Endeavor while whistling a bone-chilling song.

Endeavor would see Cross walking towards him. He would then shoot fire toward Cross but Cross would just block the fire with his knife instead of teleporting away.

Endeavor: Burn in Hell!

Endeavor then stops shooting his fire. He would then think Cross was killed and walk away. But Cross would throw his knife at Endeavor and cut his arm.

Cross: ...Disgusting

Endeavor would see Cross is completely fine.

Endeavor: How are you alive?!

Cross: do you truly believe that your sorry excuse of fire will even hurt me... well I've trained my body to withstand high temperatures and low. So you're going to need to try better than that to even hurt me.. let alone kill me...

Endeavor was getting mad. He would then surround Cross with webs made of flames.

Endeavor: Hell spider!

Cross then made a knife appear and before the treads made could touch him cut them all. Which surprised endeavor.

Endeavor: How did you!? That knife of yours should have melted!

Cross: my knives can't be melted by your flames endeavors. Try as you might... you'll never melt them.

Endeavor: Well see about that!

Endeavor would send a powerful wave of fire at cross. But Cross would counter with a slash strong enough to go through but not enough to damage the buildings. Endeavor would dodge the attack and try to call for help. But his phone would get destroyed by a knife sent by cross.

Cross: you aren't going to get any help.

Cross would then slam his foot down and cause bones to come out of the ground hitting endeavor sending him down the road. Cross would then walk after him. Endeavor would get up and hear Cross whistling again.

Endeavor: Why are you whistling?!

Cross: oh... it's the last song you're going to hear before you die. Because I'm your death straight up.

Endeavor: Like hell, you'll kill me! Once the other pros get here you're done for!

Cross: they won't be much help to you they just slow the inevitable.

Endeavor: your not going to be keeping that attitude when the others get here.

Cross: oh like how you're trying to surpass all might with your kids?

Endeavor: how...

Cross: simple... I might have not heard your full conversation with your kids but I heard a few things here and there.

Endeavor was surprised.

Cross: and you want to surpass all might when he's just like you...

Cross would then hear a helicopter flying overhead. He would see a news crew on the helicopter.

Cross: ah perfect...

He would then teleport onto the helicopter.

Cross: are you live perchance?

Reporter: Y-Yes!

Cross: good I want this to be heard loud and clear so make sure you catch it all.

The reporters would nodded their heads. Cross would then teleport back down in front of endeavor.

Cross: ... as I was saying before... you want to surpass all might but he's just like you a terrible father. He simply hand over his son to a group of corrupt people and allowed him to be experimented on for years. Not once checking on his son to see if he's doing fine. That can be said for his wife too. I believe the young boy's name was... izuku Yagi...

Endeavor: how do you know all this?!

Cross: simple... I am Izuku Yagi!

Everyone who was watching was shocked.

Endeavor: your... that brat... Shoka was crying about...

Cross: yes... I am...

Cross then teleported in front of Endeavor and got in his face.

Cross: and I'm the guy who's here to kill you.

  Cross then lifted endeavor with his telekinesis and throw him. And walk towards him.

Endeavor: what are you...?

Cross then pulled Endeavor towards him and lifted his knife.

Cross: I am the X-Event!

Before Cross would kill endeavor he felt a strong wind push. He would then see all might.

Cross: well if it isn't the all and great symbol of peace...

All might: Son please stop this!

Cross: I'm not your son anymore after you left me in those bastard's hands.

All might: I'm sorry I didn't know!

Cross: of course, you didn't. Just like you don't know their deaths are on your hands.

All might: what do you mean?!

Cross: simple... if you didn't hand me over to them they probably would have lived longer lives...

All might: You didn't... izuku...

Cross: my name isn't izuku it's cross. I threw out that name.

All might: then I'll stop you!

All might then dash at cross. But Cross felt something coming so he would throw endeavor at all might and teleport from where he is. He would see the ground break and a girl who looks like a bunny.

Cross: if it isn't the bunny hero: Mirko.

Rumi: tch! I missed!

Cross: even with your speed you'll never hit me.

Cross then saw a shadow over him and dodge from where he was standing. And he would see a dragon try and hit him. But he would teleport to where he kicked Endeavor previously.

Cross: well the dragon hero: Ryukyu. Also seems to want to join in.

Ryukyu: he's fast!

Cross: you know not even with all of you. You wouldn't be able to beat me...

Cross then saw something coming at him and begin to dodge and block them with his bones. Cross would then see they are feathers and look up at a nearby building.

Cross: well wing hero: hawks. Do you truly think you can beat me as well?

Hawk: maybe with the help of the others.

All might: Izuku! Please give up your outnumber!

Cross would begin to laugh. Which made the 4 pro heroes confused.

Cross: I told ya already... my name isn't Izuku!

Cross then blitz towards all might kicking him down the road. This surprised the other three with how fast he was. Hawk would see Cross swing his arm back and tell Mirko and Ryukyu to move. They would listen and move out of the way. They would see Cross unleash a slash going towards all might.

Hawk: All might Dodge!

All might: Huh?!

All might then saw a powerful slash coming towards him and fast. He would be able to dodge it. He would see what would happen if the slash would hit him from the road.

Ryukyu: he destroyed 5 miles of road. With that one attack.

Hawk: I can tell you know that's not all he can do.

This surprised the other 3.

Rumi: what do you mean?! That he's not even taking this fight seriously!?

Hawk: no he's only using two of his abilities. But theirs one thing I can say if you see his knife go red don't let him hit you.

Cross: now why would you go and tell them that... Hawks...

Before the hero could react cross kicked hawks into a building.

Ryukyu: Hawks!

Mirko then tried and attack Cross.

Cross: I'll admit you're pretty attractive... but that won't give you a pass with me.

Rumi: flattery won't get you anywhere!

She would then try and attack him but all her attacks would be dodged.

Rumi: Stand still!

Cross: like I said before even with your speed it won't be enough.

Cross then kicks Mirko into a building. He would see a large piece of the building about to land on her so he would cut it in half with a slash. He would then see Ryukyu trying to attack him. So he would teleport above her and land over her and had his hack knife in his hand.

Ryukyu: Shit!

Cross: help with the X-Event.

Before he could stab her all might punch him off of Ryukyu. And cross would slide down the road a bit.

Ryukyu: nice safe!

All might: no problem!

Ryukyu: we need to sudo him.

Rumi: easier said than done.

Cross: if you simply let me kill endeavor. Then you won't have to fight me...

All might: we aren't going to let you get you do that Izuku!

Cross: when will you get it through your thick skull... my name is Cross!

Cross would then stab his hack knife into the ground and the ground around them turned red.

(Imagine it's him and it's red)

He would then charge at them while dragging his knife to the ground and then hop off red-shaped cubes and then slam into the ground. Causing a shockwave sending the heroes flying.

Rumi: ugh! He's strong!

Ryukyu: you're not joking.

Hawks: I warned you...

Rumi: you didn't do anything!

Hawks: you have a few of your ribs break from one kick. And see how you feel.

The hero would see cross coming towards them. And.

Cross: this will be your final warning... leave and let me kill endeavor... or die!

Cross would then see all might stand up.

All might: I will not allow one of my comrades to die...

Cross: then you've chosen your fate...

All Might would throw a full-power smash but Cross would just block it with his knife and not even move a muscle. This surprise all might.

All might: How..?

Cross: simple I was holding back...

Cross would then make his knife a normal one and slash at all might.

Pro heroes: All might!

This shocked everyone who was watching that he just slash all might without any hesitation.


Cross would then watch him fall to the ground. He would then point his knife at his neck. He would then lift his arm ready to kill him. Before he made contact someone called out to him.

???: Stop!

Cross then stop before he made contact. He would then turn to see Shoka and Nagant.


Shoka: please izuku... stop...


Cross would lift his knife from all might.

Cross: I guess you live another day... you all do... *looks at the pro heroes* even you. * looks at an injured endeavor*

Cross would then walk towards Shoka and Nagant.

Cross: it'll be best if you call the medical team.

Nagant: I already did.

Cross: good... I have a feeling I'm going to have to deal with a lot from the Madam President...

Nagant: most likely...

Cross: let's go get this over with...

Cross was about to leave for the Hero Association building but was stopped by Shoka grabbing his cap. Cross would then turn to face Shoka.

Shoka: is that really you?

Cross: *sigh* a lot has changed Shoka... I'm not the same person you remember...

Shoka: that doesn't matter to me! I want to know if are you truly izuku!

Cross: yes... I am...

Shoka: prove it!

Cross: when we were kids I would notice you only like to eat warm soba while your brother liked it cold.

Shoka:... *cries*...

Shoka would then hug cross. He would hug her back for a while. After a bit, he notice he cried herself to sleep. So he would carry her back to the hero association building. Once they got they cross put her in his room and immediately went to the Madam President.

Madam President:... you know the amount of damage you caused...

Cross: yes...

Madam President: then why did you do it...? And before you say anything thinks before you say it...


Madam President: I can probably guess what you were going to say... it was "If those other pros never interfere with me then it wouldn't have happened." Am I right?

Cross would nod his head.

Madam President: look cross. I can understand your point of view but you can't go around almost killing Pro heroes. let alone one in the Top 10! I let the one with endeavor slide because of the information given about him.


Madam President: *sigh* theirs going to be an uproar... this is going to take a while to fix... now...


Madam President: what do you plan to do with the girl?

Cross: I plan to keep her here for the night or take her back to her house...

Madam President: just... don't cause any more problems... this one might be your biggest one yet. You are free to go...

Cross would then head back to his dorm and see Kaina. Cross would then explain what the Madam President told him. She wasn't really surprised. Kaina would then ask Izuku a question.

Kaina: so... I ask did you have feelings for the Todoroki girl before you came here?

Cross:... I did...

Kaina: well *walks over to him* I don't mind sharing. *kisses him* as long you know I'm the alpha.

Cross: *scoffs* sure Kaina. Is she still asleep?

Kaina: I believe she hasn't left the room you put her in.

Cross: I'm going to go check on her. You're free to come along.

Cross and Nagant then made their way to Cross's room. To see Shoka starting to wake up.

Cross: oh how convenient you just woke up.

Shoka: izuku...*a bit asleep*

Cross: yes?

Shoka would then get up and walk over to Izuku
(I should say Shoka is taller than Cross she's 5'8 while he's 5'4)

Shoka then grabbed Cross's face.

Shoka: I've missed you so much.

She then kissed him

Cross wouldn't be surprised. But would kiss back. Once they stopped Shoka would look at Cross and then realize what she did.

Shoka: *blushing and fully awake* oh my god! izuku I'm so sorry I don't mean to!

Cross: Shoka it's fine...

Shoka: but!

Cross: if I say it's fine it's fine.

Shoka: mmm... but don't you have a girlfriend!

Cross: I do. She's standing right behind me.

Shoka would then see Nagant standing there.

Shoka: I kissed you in front of your girlfriend!

Kaina: it's fine! I don't mind sharing it with you.

Shoka: that's not the!.... Wait what?

Kaina: I said I don't mind sharing with you and some others.

Shoka:... Are... you being serious about this? You'll allow me to also be with him.

Kaina: yes. As long as you remember I'm the alpha in this relationship.

Shoka: I'm fine with that... but I know one person might try and fight you for it.

Kaina: they can try but I'll always be the alpha.

Cross would then look at the time and see if it was time to go to bed.

Cross: I believe it's time for bed.

Shoka: but I haven't taken a shower yet!

Cross: then go take one?

Kaina: cross she doesn't have anything to wear underneath. And I don't know if she can fit my size.

Cross:... should I teleport her home?

Kaina: don't you need to know the location of her house?

Cross: I know it. Just the outside of it. But I know it.

Kaina: fine! Let me grab a change of clothes.

Cross: why?

Kaina: we're going to go spend the night there.

Cross: you do know I don't own any sleeping clothes right? I own this and different outfits to this.

Kaina: I keep forgetting to buy you clothes to sleep in...

Shoka: I'm sure you can wear some of Shoto's clothes.

Cross would look at Shoka with a blank look.

Shoka: what?

Cross: he's taller than me...

Shoka: so?

Cross: his clothes will be bigger on me...

Shoka:... Ohhh...

Cross: I mean we can try...

Cross would walk over to his closet.

Cross: which of these should I bring to change into?

(He has a spare to his original)

Kaina would then pick the fourth one. So Cross then took that and put them in a bag for him to change in the morning. Once they got their clothes. Cross told the girls to grab onto him and he then teleported to the Todoroki house. Shoka then knocked on the front door and hear someone come to the front.

Fuyumi: how may I... Help... you... Shoka!?

Shoka: hey...

Fuyumi: I'm so glad you're okay!

Fuyumi then notices Cross and Nagant standing behind Shoka.

Fuyumi: is that you... izuku...

Cross: I guess you saw the news... can we go inside I'll explain everything inside.

Fuyumi: s-sure.

They would make their way into the living room where Shoto and Natsuo were at.

Fuyumi: Guys!

Shoto: hmm?* eating cold soba*

Natsuo: what's up sis?

Fuyumi: we got some guests.

Shoka then walked into the room.

Natsuo: Shoka! I'm so glad you're safe!

Shoto: good to see you safe.

Fuyumi: that's not all.

The boys were confused.

Fuyumi: you can come in now.

Cross and Nagant then walk into the room. Shoto then put his soba bowl down and walked over to cross.

Shoto: I-izuku...

Cross: Shoto...

Shoto: y-your alive...

Cross: always have been...

Shoto then hugged Cross.



He would then hug back. After a few mins, they would let go.

Shoto: it's good to see you again... also... you smell of burning ash.

Cross: oh right I forgot to take a shower... I know I was forgetting about something.

Everyone then looks at Cross with a come-on looks

Cross: umm? Can I borrow some clothes I don't own any sleepwear.

Shoto: I don't know if they'll fit but sure.

Cross: thanks.

Shoto would show Cross where the bathroom is and would give him so clothes that he thinks might fit him. After Cross was done taking a shower to remove the smell of ash of him he would head back to others. After a bit, Shoka and Nagant would decide to take a shower together so they can talk. They would talk to the other girl who has to feel for Cross. And others. Once they were done Shoka and Nagant got into some sleepwear and would tell Cross they were going to bed. Cross would then ask Shoto if they had any spare room he could use. He said yes and took him to one. He would then go to head to bed.

Once he would woke up. He would feel weight on his chest. He would then see Shoka and Nagant cuddling up on him. Cross would think about teleporting out of the bed but decided against it because they would just drag him back. After a few mins, cross wanted to get up and change.

Cross: don't we need to go to UA...

The girls then began to wake up.

Shoka:... I don't want a go...

Cross: sho we need to go it's required for you to be a hero.

Shoka would groan and get up and look down at Cross.

Cross:... you know your bedhead is kinda cute...

Shoka would then feel her hair and see that it was all over the place. She would then blush in embarrassment and hide her face in crosses chest.

Cross: I'm only teasing but you get up so I can get ready... that does with you as well Kaina... I know you're awake.

Kaina: your no fun...

Cross: I would like to change out of these clothes and get ready.

Kaina: fine...

Kaina would then kiss cross the cheek and go get ready for the day. Shoka would do the same and go get ready for school. Cross would then get up and go change into the clothes he brought.

He would then see Shoto waiting.

Shoto: you're wearing a different outfit.

Cross: I decided to change my outfit.

Shoto: huh... how long are they going to take?

Cross: I don't know... I hope not long...

Cross and Shoto then saw Nagant and Shoka ready to go and they would make their way to the school. Cross would leave his hood on so no one can see his face. Once they got to the school. They made their way to Class 1-A. Once they got there Cross would sit on Aizawa's desk. The students then took notice to cross and keep quiet. It wasn't until Izumi and the Bakugo twins came in. Cross would then look at Izumi.

Izumi: I-Izuku...

Cross:... hey... Izumi... How have you been...

Next chapter: A family matter.

should I make Cross's Quirk Evolve an be able to use X-Chara's Ability to Overwrite?

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