Under the cherry blossom tree...


42 6 0

Summary: Their love started at that cherry blossom and ended at that same place This Au where all of them are... More

Chapter 1 - Confessions and Goodbye

Chapter 2 - "Who are you?"

22 3 0

Author's Notes:
Yoo I'm back from the dead
(Umiyak sa exams/Hj)

5 years after leaving japan for some time the three—Mafuyu, Emu and Tsukasa— Have all become fairly popular figures with all of their personality as a group making fans love them.
Mafuyu who was Not that much expressive and quiet,
Emu The groups own energetic person, The one who will always light things up for them, Tsukasa Someone who speaks but now not that much he also has a hard time expressing himself. Their songs are all about their experience, feelings and friendship. Most of their fans would fangirl/boy when Emu and Mafuyu interact, They all loved their interaction they thought of them as Sun and Moon shipping them everytime. Not knowing that yes they were actually in a relationship! Tsukasa was the first to know this and soon their manager and....parents. They talked—Forced— Mafuyu's mom into letting Mafuyu go and live for herself and she actually agreed.

"Wahh!! We're going back to Japan!!!!" Emu Squealed happily while grabbing her lovers hand "Yes Emu were going back" Mafuyu said smiling and giggling —After being free from her mom she now can express her true emotions— "Eh....Wait we might see Rui-San tho-" Emu said with a worried expression matching Mafuyu's. Mafuyu knew about what Tsukasa and Rui had Tsukasa told it to her he said that He only trust her and Emu—This made her heart feel warm and happy since someone was trusting her— "Ehh?? What are you talking about Emu?? Who is he??" Tsukasa asked with a face filled of curiosity, "Oh....Right... No one Tsukasa-Kun" Mafuyu replied smiling at Tsukasa. Right he forgot he has forgotten about him the time they've spent everything and even his face....  An accident cause Tsukasa to lose some of his memories, No not some rather Memories including Rui....


It happened the day they first had their concert people were cheering purple, cyan, orange, and yellow lights appeared from below. All of them were happy fans cheering this made Tsukasas heart melt, As they've finished singing slight cracks were heard. Tsukasa looked at the source of sound before shoutung "RUN!" To Mafuyu who was standing, Mafuyu already accepted her fate not until she saw Emus worried eyes and somewhat find a person she wants to live for. At that stunned moment Tsukasa pushed Mafuyu away taking the impact of the falling Pillar on his body all of them were screaming Help and his name blood was oozing from his head, His vision slowly getting darker and darker.
"Tsukasa-Kun/san" Both Emu and Mafuyu exclaimed worriedly, Tsukasa was processing everything before asking "Where are we?" Both of them at first was shocked but realized what the doctor said 'The patient might have some side effects from this it might be bad or good depending on their situations'. They were both questioning themselves on what might have the side effects been but they were happy since Tsukasa didn't forgot about them.

Present time

They've found out about him forgetting only Rui when he opened his phone and asked the both of them about him.
They didn't answer and said it might be a spam, They didn't want Tsukasa to experience that feeling again experience the way he was hurt, Abandoned and replaced. "Wow! Yehey! We are back again in Japan!~" Emu sang happily with Mafuyu humming at her tunes, "Wow Look at the lovebirds~" Tsukasa said teasing both of them, They both blushes and stuttered at this. They booked an hotel for them to stay before they go home since, Tsukasa now at the aged of 22 bought them a house to live on! A house for The three of them and Saki and her friends..... "Guys! Guys! Let's go back to our old School! Maybe it changed!" Tsukasa said before realizing they don't share the same school, A loud silence was then heard. "Umm...can you two join me on going to MY old school?..." Tsukasa asked embarrassed, The two laugh and nodded their head.

While they were walking they saw countless old friend.
Ena who was now a popular Artist and model she also had a great singing voice but she's not that popular outside Japan.
Shizuku Tsukasa's childhood friend, She was once an popular Idol but She retired to focus more on her little sister, Now she has become a singer since she wanted to follow her dreams. Nene Now was a popular gamer or streamer rather she has countless subscriber Almost up to millions!.
After the long walk they have arrived at Tsukasa's school, Tsukasa being respectful talked to the guard asking them to let them go inside and the said guard was a fan of them and agreed to it, saying 'you can enter but please greet the teachers especially our science teacher he's the schools face!' They said proudly as they let them in and waved a goodbye at them. Tsukasa Looked at every rooms surprised that most of the student knew them heck even the teachers. Going room by room was fun for Tsukasa he saw countless familiar and unfamiliar faces and he even got to talk with his fans and give them signature. Before they reached a certain door it was the science class or Laboratory rather —we call it that at our school— A purple hair with Cyan streaks was seen, Hair longer than before, Seeing this Emu and Mafuyu instinctly Covered Tsukasa but the said person has already saw him. The guys voice was shaky at first and he finally said something "Tsu...Tsukasa-Kun?" "H-How are you? Are you ok?" Questions flowed out from his mouth not even Emu and Mafuyu can answer him from how fast he was talking. "Ha....I-Im really sorry Tsukasa-kun....You know Mizuki right ha... we broke up, They found their true love....An...She was the person who helped them at their darkest times......"He said looking pained. Emu and Mafuyu pitied him and tried to comfort him "Rui-san it's ok" They both said, Tsukasa was there stunned and confuse until he finally said "Who are you?"

Author's note:

Continue Reading

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