The legendary Izuku

By JimmyNelson7

347K 6.6K 1.6K

Izuku is a saiyan that was sent to a planet called earth were the women have superpowers called quirks. How w... More

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981 18 3
By JimmyNelson7

Mina didn't know what to say, she found herself in stunned silence by the sight of Nail. This was the first time Mina had seen an alien, not knowing about Izuku of course. Being a lover of the Alien movie franchise this was a dream come true for her. Mina couldn't help but see though that her first Alien somewhat fits the classic depiction of the little green man with antennas on his head. The difference though being the little part.
Mina then heard Izuku call out to the alien, who was floating in the air, like they knew each other. So Mina leaned closer to Izuku. As she did Mina watched the Alien slowly began to float down and land on the ground in front of them.

Mina:(whisper) do you know him?

Izuku:(whisper) yeah. He was getting beat pretty bad by Cooler so I grabbed him and got him to safety. Although I can't remember if he told me his name or not. This is going to be really awkward if he did and I didn't remember it.

Nail: it's fine.

This got both Mina and Izuku's attention.

Mina: what?

Nail: it's fine that my name wasn't remembered.

Izuku began to scratch the back of his head and started nervously laughing.

Izuku: sorry about that but it's kind been a long day.

Nail: there is no need for apologies.

Mina: how did you know we were talking about you?

Before Nail could answer Mina gasped sharply and quickly put both hands on her head.

Mina: can you read minds.

Nail: while I do know that technique, I actually just overheard you.

Nail then pointed up at the second deference between him and the earths classic depiction of aliens, his ears.

Nail: unlike some other beings in the galaxy, we Namekian's have great hearing.

Mina: oh.

Mina slowly brought her hands down and put them by her side again while feeling slightly embarrassed by her outburst.

Izuku: so why're you here?

Nail: I came to check and see if the wishes had been granted.

At the word wishes Nail full gained the attention of everyone there.

Turles: wishes? What do you mean by wishes?

Nail: I mean exactly what I said?

Shallot: perhaps you could go into more detail so we fully understand.

Izuku: I thank that's smart because I'm all kinds of confused.

Turles: when are you not?

Izuku didn't even flinch at Turles rude and sarcastic question. Mina on the other hand didn't hesitate to send Turles a death glare. This death glare was so good that Turles, caught off guard by it, took a small step back away from her. Shallot who saw this couldn't help but chuckle.
After a second Mina stopped trying to kill Turles with her eyes and went back paying attention to Nail. Turles who was slightly embarrassed by the whole situation did the same. Shallot who had watched the whole thing decided to help get them back on track.

Shallot: perhaps you could explain the whole wishes thing.

Nail: of course. It just now occurred to me that wishes might be a thing that is unique to Namek do to are possession of the dragon balls.

Mina: your what?

Nail then began to tell the story of how the dragon balls came to be. He then began to explain to the group exactly what they could do. Lastly Nail began to explain the specific three wishes that he had asked from the dragon.

Izuku: so when you bring all seven dragon balls together you can call this dragon that will grant you three wishes.

Mina: and it was because of one of these wishes that I'm here?

Shallot: and we're alive again?

Nail: yes.

Turles: if you guys had these dragon balls the whole time why didn't you use them to get rid of Cooler?

Nail: there is only so much that the great dragon can do and with so much needed to be set right we decided to put are hope in Izuku when it came to stopping Cooler.

Mina: but how did me coming here help fix anything?

Nail: during his fight with Cooler Izuku lost control of his power. Originally we asked the great Porunga to help him regain control. The dragon could not do this but he could summon someone to are world that could. So out of all the beings in the galaxy Porunga thought you had the best chance to calm Izuku down.

Mina didn't know what to say, all she could think about was the last time she saw Izuku lose control. When it happened it was Ms.Aizawa who helped calm him down. Now it was her who was close enough to him to do it. This made Mina smile and blush though she tried to hide it.

Turles: so these dragon balls have a limit to what they can do?

Nail: yes.

Turles: but bringing people back from the dead and transporting them from one end of the galaxy to the other is possible?

Nail nodded his head suspiciously at the question.

Nail: yes?

Turles then somewhat pulled back and began thinking to himself.

Turles mind: I wonder what other limits the dragon has? If I could just get my hands on those dragon balls then I.........

Turles couldn't finish his train of thought because before he knew it Shallot was behind him and proceeded to plant a fist into the top of his skull.

Shallot: don't even think about it.

Turles: what the hell was that for!?

Shallot: I know what you were thinking.

Turles: oh you do, do you!?

With those two begging a full scale argument Nail, Mina, and Izuku went back to talking amongst themselves. Mina mostly asked questions about the Namekians and weather they did some of the things she's seen in movies. To her slight disappointment she discovered that the Namekians were a mostly peaceful race. They only had warrior Namekians for protection and nothing else.
When it came to Izuku though he asked a lot of questions about the dragon balls. As he was asking the questions though Nail never once got the sense that he wanted to even use them for non nefarious reasons let alone at all. All Nail got from Izuku was a sense of curiosity in their mystic artifacts. That curiosity did eventually change when the warrior Namekians were brought up. Now he just wants to know how strong they are and if he could have a chance to spare with them.

Nail: I'm afraid that none of are warriors would stand a chance against you or your friends.

Nail said this as he gestured to both Turles and Shallot who were still arguing, only quietly now. There yelling had stopped.

Nail: if you went up against are Namekian warriors you three would have to hold back quite a bit.

Izuku: I see.

Izuku looked cartoonishly let down. Mina didn't notice though as she had another question of her own. It wasn't necessarily directed at anyone.

Mina: this is great! I mean coming here's got to be one of the coolest things I'll ever do in my life! But I do need to eventually get home! How am I going to do that?

It was here that Shallot and Turles entered back into the conversation.

Izuku: well if are ship is still in one piece we can get you back to earth.

Turles: wow, wow, wow what's with this we stuff. It's my ship and I decided who gets on it and where it goes.

Shallot: you're the one who brought us here.

Turles: and someone else can take you back.

Turles began to walk away.

Turles: with Cooler finally gone I have a lot of work to do. There's no time to waste on you losers.

Turles began to laugh as he shot up into the air and rocketed towards his ship. As he did Shallot watched, seething with anger. He couldn't believe what just happened.

Shallot: that son of a.......

Shallot didn't finish what he was going to say do to interrupting himself by letting out a primal growl of anger. Only when he was done growling did he speak again. But when he spoke he did so though gritted teeth.

Shallot: I'm going to kill him!

Shallot was about to go after him but was stopped.

Nail: there's no need to chase after him.

Shallot: oh yeah and why not!

Shallot wasn't mad at Nail and Nail knew that so he didn't let the Saiyans angry tone of voice get to him.

Nail: if it's a ship you need then we can provide one for you.

Mina: you guys have space ships too?

Nail nodded his head yes.

Nail: most of us Namekian's are happy with are planets and see no need to leave. But we do know how to build ships which are used by those who do wish to leave Namek, or a forced to go. You can use one of these ships to get home.

Relief washed over Mina at the news that the Namekian's could build a ship to get them home. By the way Mina heard Shallot and Turles talking she thought Turles's ship was there only way back. But now that's not the case and she can enjoy the fact that she gets to fly in an Alien space ship. Mina was so excited that she turned to Izuku to share the excitement only to see him in deep thought.

Mina: what is it? Izuku what wrong?

Izuku turned and looked at Mina with a serious face.

Izuku: I don't think I'm going back to earth, at least not yet.

Mina: what?

Izuku: Mina the universe is huge with loads of strong opponents out there.

Mina was stunned in disbelief.

Mina: so you're never coming home because you want to fight.

Izuku: not never, just not yet. There's probably loads of opportunities out there to fight strong guys and I want to take this chance to do so.

Mina didn't know what to say. She already hadn't seen Izuku for a while because of him coming here and now she may not see him for an even longer period of time. All because he wants to fight someone strong.

Shallot: well I'm going with you.

Izuku: really?

Shallot: of course. This is the perfect opportunity to finally surpass you.

Nail: so two ships then?

Mina: no just one because I'm going with you too.

Izuku: you don't have to come with us we.........

Izuku was cut off from what he was saying when Mina pulled him in and kissed him on the lips. The kiss lasted for only a second before they broke apart.

Mina: if you think you're getting away from me that easily then thank again Tarzan.

Shallot: great.

Shallot didn't sound none to happy about Mina tagging along but he didn't argue over it either. Mina and Izuku on the other hand looked ecstatic that they would be spending more time together. Nail watched the group smiling as well.

Nail: so one ship to explore the universe.

Izuku: yeah!

With a smile on his face Izuku takes his first steps onto the path of a new adventure. Much like when he finally left home for the first time only now with good friends by his side. But with the knowledge that fun and adventure await the young Saiyan we end the story of The Legendary Izuku. But if trouble ever rears its ugly head again, just know that there's at least one who is brave enough to challenge and fight for what is right.

Izuku: until next time guys! Bye!

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