Demon Slayer: The Nature Hash...

By Wolvesnight1515

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Cover picture belongs to it's rightful owner, but the title and flower was created by me | Drawings used belo... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

14 0 0
By Wolvesnight1515

Hot flames lick my skin as I sit on the tatami mat floor. My green eyes flickered back and forth to the demons fighting just outside my home. Watching them fight through a giant hole in the wall the demon went through just seconds ago. Screams of agony and the war cry from the demons made my ears ring.

My lungs ached, and barely any air circulated from my screams. Screams of pain. Screams for them to stop. For my friend to stop. To prevent him from getting killed and run away. My eyes burned from the growing fire around me and the tears that wouldn't stop flowing.

"Please!" I screamed once again. "Sahi! Please! Run away!" I cried and cried.

"Kana, get out of there, or you'll burn!" He turned to look at me after a short break from fighting, his widened eyes filled with worry.

No matter how hard I tried to listen to his words, I couldn't move. My legs, arms, hands, and fingers shook with each ragged breath I took. With each gasp of air, I tried to take. It was so hard to breathe. Each short breath burns my lungs. Was it the fire? Or was it from my screaming for him to stop?

My eyes finally broke from the fight, looking at my surroundings. I realize how close the fire has gotten and how it has already enveloped my adoptive parents' corpses. I wanted to cry, seeing more people die around me.

This moment is proof of how unlucky I genuinely am. I already lost my actual family, and now I have lost another.

In a swift, quick movement, my sight was replaced with the outside of my home. The cold air brushes against my burned skin, making it sting. But I couldn't focus on that.

"S-Sahi?!" I blurt out. His blue arm wrapped around my waist tightly, his shallow breaths against my neck. He separated us just slightly to where he hasn't fully let me go, but we could see each other's faces. I look at his bright golden eyes, hands gently cupping his blue face. "Sahi...Please...Run away! Please...." Another tear has fallen, only to be wiped away by my friend.

He smiled at me. One of his kind smiles that always made my heart flutter with happiness. "Kana, run. Run as far away as you can." I wanted to. I tried to listen. But I couldn't. My hold on him has gotten tighter, afraid I'd lose my only family.

Oh, how I wish I had died in my home village.

My hands are empty as the other demon takes his body away from me. The demon who attacked the village in the dead of night. A demon who is far larger than Sahi, but he wouldn't stop fighting to protect the people of this small village.

I watch as he crushes Sahi's head in his giant hand. His blood splattered on the ground, and his body fell limp.

The demon now focused on me as he threw Sahi's body away. I was scared, but I knew Sahi was still alive. He's a demon, after all.

"Kana!" I hear my name being called, the giant demon coming closer at an agonizingly slow pace.



A large hand slaps my shoulder, my body jerking as my mind returns to reality. Blinking, I look around. A straw dummy standing before me, a wooden sword in my hands, trees surrounding me, and Uzui Tengen standing at my side.

"Are you finally awake?" He shakes his head, the stones hanging from his headpiece clacking together. He was annoyed, but the look in his eyes told a different story. "Lunch is ready." He says, turning around. I watch him walk to the three women setting up a picnic on the grass.

"Is she sleeping while standing again? She's been doing that lately." Makio speaks to no one in particular. She sets a large bento on the light blue colored blanket, opening the lid to show different assortments of food.

Suma looked around in a panic. "Has she been eating?!"

"Of course, she has! We're the ones making the food around here!" Makio bumps her on the head. The action would've made me laugh, but all sense of happiness has been lost from my brain at the moment.

"I think she's having trouble sleeping." Hinatsuru comments. The dark-haired woman sits on her knees by the food, setting up the plates and chopsticks.

Tengen's shoulders flinched at his wife's words. "What?! How did I not know this?" He turned to look at me from his sitting position, and I rolled my eyes. I set my wooden sword down on the engawa of our home. My butt is then placed last on the blanket next to Tengen. I grab my chopsticks and go to grab some food, but Tengen himself smacks my hand. "Geeze, what is with you today?" He scoffs.

I sigh, sitting correctly and putting my hands together. "Thank you for the food," I say, clear boredness laced in my voice.

Eight years ago, Uzui Tengen, the Sound Hashira, found my village in ruins. It was an hour away before morning when he arrived, but he managed to slay the demon before it got to me. Seeing my only family die before my eyes once again, I envied Tengen's power to slaying demons. Thoughts of what if's and possibilities ran through my mind as I thought of myself having the ability he had. What if I learned that before the demon got here? Would I be able to kill it? Could I save my family? Being eleven years old at the time, I knew what the answers were to my questions.

Even so, I ran to the man and begged him to train me. After a few hours of ignoring his disapproval, he reluctantly obliged my request. He took me in, and I became his Tsuguko. He's like a father to me, and his wives are like mothers to me. However, I am much closer to Tengen than his wives.

To this day, I have not spoken a word about Sahi, my demon friend. I know how much Tengen and the other Demon Slayers hate demons. Telling him I was friends with one will undoubtedly kick my butt out onto the streets again.

I've lived with Tengen for a long time, and never once have I thought of my past. The visions and nightmares have been coming more frequently, terrifying me to the core. Hinatsuru was right. Because of the nightmares, I really haven't been sleeping well. Of course, that's not something I talk about with others.


I blink, realizing I have been staring at Tengen the whole time I was thinking about my past and how I got to where I am now. My chopsticks stuck out of my mouth absentmindedly, and I pulled them out with a short, awkward cough. His wives were also staring at me, the atmosphere quiet once again.

"Seriously. Are you alright?" He asks me, eyes refraining to leave mine.

I look away, nonetheless. Seeing that look in his eyes scared me. Worry. As much of a father figure as he was, I couldn't stand how people worried about me. It wasn't an often look in his eyes, either.

Setting my chopsticks down on my empty plate, I clap my hands together, "Thank you for the food. It was delicious," and standing up to walk away.

"H-Huh! Where do you think you're going?!" Makio yells at me.

I wave at them as I walk past the gate. "To Kyojuro's."

— — — —

With the help of Tengen, my hard work has paid off, climbing each rank to the top. Over a year ago, I was confirmed to be the first-ever Nature Hashira. And during that meeting, I met all of the Hashiras besides Tengen.

Kyojuro Rengoku was the one who stood out to me like a sore thumb. His hair color was very unusual and unique, as was his personality. I was attracted to his fire-like hair, eyes, and overpowering sense of justice. His voice made my heart skip a beat. Never have I had that feeling before.

There were a few times we were partnered up for a mission. Honestly, we worked pretty well together. And soon, we became good friends. We would often train together, fire and fire. Although my breathing technique is Nature, the other Hashira's say they've mistaken my power for fire. They'd seen Kyojuro and I sparred before and were astonished at how equal we were.

I would visit Kyojuro's home to spar multiple times a week or just hang out. It was a long walk, but a long enough walk to calm my nerves from my recent flashback. I don't know what it is, but his bright smile makes me feel much better from the constant reminder of my past. As much as I wanted to tell my friend about it, I couldn't bring myself to do it. He knows something is troubling me, as well. But he's kind, giving me space and not pressuring me to tell him.

"I will always be here for you." He told me when nightmares of my past started to appear. I was in so much despair. So tired from the sleepless nights.

When I visited him at his home for our regular spar, his smile turned into a frown when he saw my face—the dark circles under my eyes and how dull my green eyes were.

"Kana? Are you alright?" He was worried. And it didn't help when I almost fainted right then and there, but his strong arms caught me just in time before I hit the ground. He sat me down on the engawa, sitting down right beside me. He had his hand on my shoulder to keep me up.

"I'm...sorry, Kyo." I say his nickname.

I remember when I first said his nickname, just blurting it out like it was expected, and seeing his shocked expression made me instantly apologize. But he let out a boisterous laugh, waving off my apology. He said he liked me calling him that name.

"I'm just so...tired." I yawned, slowly bringing myself onto the wooden floor. Instead, my head rests on his lap.

His body was tense at the abnormal contact. But the longer I lay there, the more relaxed he became. Soon enough, he had his hands in my ponytail, raking through my long, green-tinted, black locks. "Tell me, why are you so tired? I have never seen you like this."

Resting my eyes, but not yet fully asleep, I tried to think of an answer. "Nightmares..." I responded, tiredness taking over as his hands in my hair lulled me to sleep.

I was embarrassed after waking up that day. I got there in the morning and slept on his lap till sundown. My voice went raw from profusely apologizing to him. All he had was a big smile on his face. He said he didn't mind me sleeping as long as I got some sleep.

That was the best sleep I have gotten in a long time. And I wish I could get more of that good sleep. Sadly, my wish has not been granted. Would I have to sleep with Kyojuro for me to get good sleep? My face burned at the thought, quickly shook them away.

Finally arriving at his home, I peek past the gate to find Kyujuro standing proudly in his uniform as he watches over his younger brother, Senjuro. Senjuro swung his wooden sword down repeatedly, and his expression was focused on his training.

I smiled, walking up to them as quietly as possible to not disturb his training. I tried, but Kyojuro locking eyes with me and greeting me made Senjuro stop. Both pairs of fire-glazed eyes stare at me.

"Miss Kana!" Senjuro calls, a smile on his face. He dropped the wooden sword, wrapping his tiny arms around my waist.

I rub his back in return. "Hey there, Senjuro! I see you have been training! Your posture is great!"

He looked up with a cheerful laugh. "Really? Thanks! I've been working hard on it!"

"Hmm." Kyojuro hums in agreement. "Senjuro, why don't you take a short break?" With those words, Senjuro nods and heads inside their home. Turning to me, he rests his arms by his sides. "Kana. How have you been? Getting any sleep?"

I shrug my shoulders, picking up the wooden sword and handing it to my friend. "I suppose so. Thank you for worrying, but I'm alright." Seeing his sudden serious frown made my shoulders slump. "I promise," I reassure him with an added smile.

Taking the sword from my hands, he smiles again and walks to the engawa. I follow suit, sitting by his side. "So, how has Senjuro been doing?" I ask him, referring to the training.

"Ah, a fine swordsman he will be!" He announces proudly. "It will take some time, but he will get there!"

I giggle at his confidence. "That's good to hear."

My body tenses to the sudden calling of my kasugai crow. The bird lands on my knee, echoing another caw. "Kana! The Master has asked for your presence!" She announces. "The Master has asked for your presence!"

I sigh, standing up. "Right now? I wish I could stay longer..." Getting a mission isn't necessarily a good thing. It means more demons are in this world, and it will never end. That is to be said, but I am sure there is a way to destroy them all.

I was a nervous wreck on my first mission. My strong will to protect people overpowered the fear, though. I wished for Tengen to come with me, and he refused immediately. I knew why, of course. It was my first one, and I had to do it alone. Pushing myself forward was the last step to protecting the people I cared about. As scary as it was, it wasn't as bad as The Final Selection. I thought I'd die just from fear the first time I ever killed a demon. Not to mention, I had to keep pulling myself out of depression. My mind somehow brought memories of my dead family, thinking no one was waiting for me back home.

When I got home, tears spilled out my eyes like heavy waterfalls. Tengen and his wives hugged me tightly in relief. They were proud of me. A proud father and mother. Something I have longed for.

A family was waiting for my return.

"Chin up!" Kyujuro smiles. "I will see you again soon!"

Hearing those words made me smile. I wave him goodbye as I head to the mansion.

— — — —

" child...It is good to see you." His gentle voice gives me warmth, despite the chilly winds. "How have you been? You sound tired."

I flinched at him, noticing so quickly. How did he know? Did he notice by the sound of my voice? For a blind man, he was good. When I first met the Master, I almost cried hearing his kind and gentle voice. His voice reminded me of my family. His kind words and his care for all of us. He thought of us as his children, no matter how old or young we were.

My head lifts to look at him. "It is good to see you as well, Master. I'm doing alright. Thank you for worrying."

His eyes squint just barely in kindness. "Hm. I have a mission for you. In Mt. Sagashi, a demon is tormenting the little village there."

I nod, bowing my head once again. "Yes, Master. I will be sure to kill that demon and protect the village."

"I pray for your health and return."

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