The last guardian

By MarissaSmith105

3 0 0

In a world full of all mythical creatures hiding in the shadows of the world the main character Terra Caddel... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

2 0 0
By MarissaSmith105

         "Terra?" The sound of my name being called pulls me out of my trance. "Hm?" I respond remembering where I am and what's happening. "We we're discussing your living arrangements." The old women with no smile lines says to me with a grumpy tone. "Yeah what about it, I already told you I live in an apartment on the east side of the city and I go unnoticed by humans." I state.
          "That may be the case... for now but everyday your powers are growing and your 18th birthday is in 8 months yet you still haven't proven you can be trusted out of captivity." I groan and roll my eyes. "For Mother Earths sake you set a truck on fire that wasn't even running!" She shouts and slams her hand on the table. I sit up in my chair at the sudden outburst.
         "It was an accident." I state and glare back at her. "It was too close Terra and that's not the first time something like this has happened." She states. "What, are you seriously bring up when I was ten and flooded the building?" I asked taken aback a bit by this. "It's not just that Terra, it's the anger, the attitude, and you overall have no guidance." She states frowning. "You don't have to remind me that all of my family is dead." I say looking back down at my rings as I twist them around my fingers.
        "Your a Guardian Terra and your acting like the complete opposite." She states sitting back down groaning. "So before you can cut me off again let me tell you your options. You can either go to Winchester high, or go into captivity of the humans since they think your harmful." I scoff. "You want me to go to that hellhole of a school? I'll get torn apart in there and not to mention their annual brawl where all the students fight each other!" I shout in protest. "We'll than I guess I'll just tell them that you would rather be a lab rat for the humans." She says with a frustrated tone.
           I groan. "Fine I'll go to your stupid school but when you kill my species off don't blame me." I say throwing my hands up in disagreement. I stand up and go to leave. "Oh and Terra, if you prove that you can't control your powers they'll throw you right into the hands of the humans." She states as she puts her glasses back on and shews me off. I shut the door behind me and take a deep breath. Today was Sunday so school starts tomorrow for me.
It was already so much work trying to avoid people now I have to avoid other students too. I begin to walk home. The building from which I just had a talk with Reita is invisible to the human eye but it's basically the mythical creature headquarters it's where the council holds every meeting and where peoples fates are decided.
I live in a human apartment that is very tiny but affordable, I work at a coffee shop making just enough to get by. And I spent my free days smoking and trying to keep my powers under control which is hard to do when I either at high or have a cigarette in my hand. Humans are kinda useless but they make good things to calm you down. I pull a cigarette out of my coat pocket and my lighter out of the other and begin to smoke since I have another 15 minutes till I get to my apartment. I live alone obviously and I have many animals.
I'm able to understand animals and speak to them befriending them can benefit me in a number of ways. Snakes can solve any problems I have with enemies, mice can steal food for me. Cats are good listeners dogs can be like a guard the list goes on and on. I've been on my own since I can remember I never met any of my siblings or my parents they were all killed off before I could even crawl.
I guess some people couldn't get over the war ending in peace so they took out what was seen as one of the strongest breeds that are also the most peaceful. We were leaders because we are supposed to be tranquil and not able to be selfish but I guess I'm the first to not fit that standard. But a lot of others looked down on us because of what they consider surrendering to the humans during war. I think some other creatures helped the humans but I could never prove it.
It's so disgusting in the human world all they do is pollute and destroy. In what we cal the shadows everything is clean and it smells like fresh air. My thoughts are disrupted when I arrive home. I throw my cigarette bud away and head inside. I go up the stairs to level 3 and go to my room. On my doorstep is a brown bag and inside is supplies for school. A not on the top reads
You'll need this - Reita
I roll my eyes and take it inside. I throw it on my bed and head straight to my kitchen. My apartment had no rooms or walls besides the bathroom. So my bedroom was essentially my living room since I don't have guests like ever and I don't need a tv. We aren't aloud to use technology like cell phones so we have to have old ones that hang on the wall and read for entertainment. But we still break the rules and go to a theater every once and a while since it's a loophole in the system.
I grab my spritzer for the plants and begin to water all 12 of them. I decide to pick out an outfit for tomorrow so I don't show up looking like a bum. I pull out a long black maxi skirt. A cropped sleeveless tan tube top and I'll just wear the dark brown jacket I'm wearing right now although it reeks of cigarettes I'll just wash it. I'll just wear my hair down. It was long and wavy and extremely hard to deal with.
And I'll pick out jewelry in the morning. I practically sleep with my necklace on. It's a symbol on a black string passed down each generation of the leaders of the guardians and it means strength and tranquility, and my family was just that, I would've basically been a queen but ya know there's no one left to rule. So instead of being filthy rich I'm dirt poor. It's so strange how the first parts of those words of those phrases can sound the same but the last words make them completely different.
I lay back in my bed and exhale deeply. I stare up at my ceiling and think of how I could spend my last day of freedom. I could just lay here or go to my spot and practice so if for some reason I have to show my powers tomorrow I don't look like a goof.
I get up and head for the door. The place is ok the other side of town close to the border of our worlds so I'll have to take the bus it's only a 20 minute bus ride but it's an hour walk. Don't ask me how that works. I grab my keys and lock the door after making sure I have money for the bus. I leave the building and walk the 3 minute walk to the bus stop. It was still early in the day so I had a couple of hours before work.
The bus pulls up and I get on with no hesitation. I hand the two dollars to the driver and he smiles. I nod and head to an open seat. I sit as far away from everyone as possible. I lean my head against the cold window and watch the cars driving by. I listen to the chatter of everyone on the bus as I keep my head pressed against the window and put my hood up. I remember I have an mp3 player in my jacket with earbuds and I take it out and plug them in. I swear it's like the council just wants us to live in the past.
This was another loophole that was though of by yours truly so I technically can't get in trouble. I listen to the lyrics and the background instruments in each song. Other than weed and nicotine humans can create great music, although nothing beast a vampires voice or a siren and or mermaids voice as well. I heard a vampire sing once and her voice felt like velvet when it hit my ears. And a mermaid feels like an angel touches your soul.
I'm not much of a singer myself but I hear stories that my mother was a beautiful singer and could easily be mistaken as a mermaid. The bus comes to a stop and I make my way through the crowd and get out. I walk another 5 minutes to get to the forest. The wall bordering our world also known as "The Shadows" was about 20 minutes deep into the forest so I need to go about 15 minutes in. I take my earbuds out and put them away.
I reach my spot in no time it's a glade with a small creak that I can use to practice. I pull my hair up and take my jacket off and the cool air hits my arms, I shiver and get down to business.
Time passes and I'm still stuck on the same trick. I'm trying to use all the elements at once. But I can't balance it enough. I go to check the time by grabbing my watch. It reads 3pm.
"Oh shit!" I shout as I grab my jacket and run out of the forest. The bus leaves at 3:15 and I glance at my watch once more once I'm out of the forest and it says 3:13, I continue to sprint and curse myself under my breath. I make it perfectly on time. I hand him the money and take my seat. My work was next to my apartment so I don't think I'll be too late.
The bus ride back is quick and I rush inside my apartment. I scramble to get my keys out of my pocket and quickly unlock my door. I burst in and quickly change into plain blue jeans and a black turtleneck. I grab my apron and name tag and my keys and wallet. I shut my door, lock it and head to work.
It's a cute little cafe but it's really run down. It's where most teenagers come after school which is around now to terrorize strangers so I spend about an hour arguing with kids younger than me or kids my age. I walk in the door and the bell rings. "Terra your late again." Lisa my boss says. "Sorry I was caught up at the bus stop." I state as I put my hair in a quick bun and go behind the counter. I clock in and go to see where she wants me.
"Your on front with Tyler." She says and I smile. Tyler was my one friend I actually had. He stops taking an order and smiles at me. I wave back and start taking orders at the second register. I take four orders straight of a large black coffee from grumpy old men that tell me to smile more or speak quieter. Then he steps up to the register. He's clearly a vampire his dark hair, dark eyes, pale skin, and voice. I groan. He comes in every week day with his goon squad and orders the same thing every time. "A large black coffee 2 sugars 1 cream." I state not even looking at him and he just chuckles. His chuckle is unsettling.
"Yeah but I also want to try a bagel." He says leaning on the counter. I mentally cuss him out. Because if they get food and they're at a table that means I have to bring it to him. "Ok that's gonna bring your total up to 4.46" I say looking up at him. He had short hair worn in a basic cut with a beanie (to hide his ears). He smiles and reaches into his pants for his wallet.
He pulls out a thick wad of cash and gives me a ten. "Here." He says with that disgusting grin on his face. "Your change is 7.14 and here's your receipt, that'll be out in a moment." I say and walk away. I here him whistle and I groan. I make the coffee and debate spitting in it. But I have a fear that he's not afraid to expose himself and will start something if he sees me do it. I warm up the bagel and put it on a tray. I walk the tray behind the counter and look for their table. It's all the way in the back in the corner. Typical.
I walk over there and plop the tray down. They all look the same and stare at me the same except the one in the middle. He's the only one with long hair that touches his shoulders and he looks at me and then looks back down at the table. "Here you go." I state and go to turn away. "Wait, there's something else you could do for me." He says. "What?" I ask annoyed. Write your number right here on the receipt. I go to say no but I decide to play along. "Ok sure." I say with a fake smile. I hear a bunch of ohs and no way bro. I write down the perfect thing and then smile.
"Oh and here take this as a tip." He says as he hands me a dollar. This tips me over the edge. I snag the dollar and laugh. "Oh thank you kind sir for your dollar!" I say loudly with a fake plead. "Shall I kiss your hand too?" I ask as I reach out. It goes silent but a chuckle from the quiet on in the middle. "Didn't think so, go fuck yourselves." I say and smile as I walk away.
I definitely just fucked up. I walk behind the counter. "Seems like you have a friend." Tyler says. I raise my eyebrow and he points behind the counter. I turn and him and every other one of his friends are standing there huffing and puffing. "You think this is a joke bitch?" He asks. "That depends was it funny?" I ask as I laugh sarcastically. "You think this is funny?" He asks as he holds up the receipt. "Hope you and your friends clean up after yourself after your big orgy." Tyler reads aloud and coughs trying to cover up his laugh.
"What you think this is funny too?" He asks Tyler and Tyler shakes his head. "Leave him out if I'm the one who wrote it, sorry you didn't find it funny." I say with a shrug. "Why you little-" he begins to say but is cut off by his quiet friend. "Finn, enough." He says as he gestures to the door. "This isn't over skank." He says as he busts out of here. "God what a joke." Tyler says and I laugh along with him. Good thing I'm going to school on the west side or else I'm sure I would run into them there.
I'm closing by myself tonight and the rest of my shift flies by. I only have to deal with a few more rude customers but no one tops him. Tyler leaves and then it's just me. The shop closes at 10 and it's 9:30 all I have left is to clean. I begin sweeping. I hum my favorite song and glide with the broom. I sense someone with me so I peak behind me. The one with the long hair is standing by the door.
"Oh it's you, where are you friends?" I ask and he just creeps closer to me. "It's just me." He states getting closer till we're only about a foot apart. "Please don't tell me your ordering something because we close at 10 and it's only 15 minutes till close-" I begin to explain but he cuts me off. "Watch your back." He says and I'm taken aback. "Excuse me." I say as I shift the broom to wear it's in front of me and my hand is resting on top of it.
"Watch your back, you don't know who your messing with. You mess with one of us you mess with the whole group." He says looking down at me. His calm face chills me to the bone but I still glare at him. "Oh please I can take care of myself you don't know anything about me." I say and he starts laughing. His laugh was different from the others. It was smoother. "What are you gonna use? The broom?" He asks, still laughing. "If I have to." I say and I slide my hand down it and feel a sharp pinch on my finger. "Shit." I state and throw the broom down. I look at my finger and there's a cut on it from a piece of wood that was sticking out of the broom.
Blood slowly truckles down my finger. I look at him scared. "Just watch yourself girl." He says and when I look back up he's gone. I'll definitely be taking the short way home tonight. I get home without another encounter with the Dracula's and I scavenge the fridge for something to eat. I find some leftover pasta and I eat it. It was vegan since I don't eat any animal products. I finish my bowl and wash it. I change into pajamas and go to bed. I was gonna go over my schedule but that sounds like a problem for tomorrow.
I slowly start to fade into sleep thinking about what that guy said. "Watch your back girl.".

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