MHA reacts to We're not Frien...

By Greyninja27

23.7K 582 597

This is a reaction fic to We're not Friends Kacchan! by WindsCarryFar. "Why do I have to explain anything to... More

Not at my Expense!
Hisashi Midoriya!


2.3K 50 57
By Greyninja27


(Midoriya House)

"Very well, let's talk," Hisashi said as he sat in front of them. "But first, Inko and Izuku, please take a seat as well. Judging by their expressions, I think that this conversation may take some time."

'Great,' Aizawa thought looking at the passive-aggressive tone that Hisashi was using.

After Inko and Izuku took their seats on either side of him, Hisashi smiled at the two U.A. teachers and pulled out his phone, placing it in the middle of the table with the recorder app on.

"What's this for?" All Might asked.

"Depending on how this conversation goes, I may need to contact my lawyers," Hisashi replied with a smile. "Well, now that that's out of the way, please continue."

"Sir, we don't think it's necessary to-"

"Please continue," Hisashi cut All Might off, still smiling.

Aizawa and All Might exchanged a brief glance before Aizawa took a deep breath and began. "Firstly, we would like to apologize for everything that you went through while under U.A.'s protection."

"Can you elaborate on what kind of things you are referring to, Mr.Aizawa?" Hisashi leaned forwards with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Aizawa sighed, searching for the right words. "Firstly, I must apologize for rigging your score on the Quirk Apprehension Test. On that day, I was planning to expel you regardless of your performance, due to your lack of control over your quirk and your connection with All Might."

"I see," Izuku nodded.

All Might tilted his head. "That's it? I thought you would be more surprised."

"Well, I already suspected that he had rigged the test," Izuku shrugged. "Although I was scared at the prospect of getting expelled on the very first day of school, I soon realized that I couldn't have done any worse than Mineta or Hagukare at that point. Besides, teachers have rigged my scores before, so I was just glad to have not been expelled."

"Izuku, you shouldn't be thinking like that," Hisashi placed a hand on his son's shoulder before turning to Aizawa with a glare. "And you, why do you think that my son having a connection with the No. 1 hero - which I will come back to later - is a bad thing?"

"I don't think it's a bad thing, but I was concerned that he might not put in the effort and instead ride on All Might's favor," Aizawa explained.

"And what led you to believe that?" Hisashi asked. "Did my son give you any reason to think that?"

"No, but the comments on his student files and my own personal biases led me to believe so," Aizawa replied.

"Great...just great," Hisashi shook his head in disappointment.

"Now, let's discuss the entire thing with Bakugo," Aizawa said, already wondering how he would defend himself. "First of all, on behalf of U.A., I apologize for all the trouble you have gone through because of our negligence towards Bakugo and his aggressive behavior."

"Bakugo...that name sounds familiar," Hisashi scratched his chin.

"He's the son of my friend Mitsuki, the loud, blonde one," Inko explained.

"Ah, the one who threatened to kill me if I ever hurt you," Hisashi remembered Mitsuki. Then, his expression turned serious. "What exactly did this Bakugo kid do to Izuku?" Aizawa began to speak, but Hisashi cut him off. "On second thought, Izuku, why don't you tell me what Bakugo did?"

Izuku hesitated for a moment but the look in his father's eyes convinced him to speak, "Apart from the daily verbal harassment, he attempted to attack me on the first day of school. During the Battle Trials on the second day, he launched a life-threatening attack on me, despite All Might's warning that it could kill me. Then, in our First Term Final Practical Exams, he struck me in the face. Lastly, he dragged me to a school gym, demanding answers, and initiated a fight with me when I tried to avoid the confrontation."

Hisashi's expression darkened as he listened to his son's account of the events. He turned to the two teachers standing before him and asked in a stern voice, "What action did U.A. take in response to these incidents? And, more importantly, was that boy expelled from the school?"

Aizawa shook his head in response. "No, he is still attending the school," he said, noticing Hisashi clenching his fist. "However, that is because of my misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Hisashi repeated, his tone incredulous. "What exactly is there to misunderstand here, Mr. Aizawa? From what Izuku has just told me, expulsion seems to be a justifiable consequence. Unless, of course, you're suggesting that my son is lying."

Aizawa shook his head in response. "No, I am not suggesting that your son is lying. It was a mistake on my part. I had misunderstood the dynamic between Midoriya and Bakugo," he explained, his tone apologetic.

Aizawa went on to explain how he believed Bakugo was the victim in their relationship and how Izuku had been the one taunting and provoking him to get a reaction. He had thought that Izuku was taking advantage of Bakugo's rash attitude to turn others against him while playing the hero in front of their eyes. As a result, he ignored Bakugo's mistakes on various occasions, thinking that Izuku was the instigator in all of them.

Meanwhile, Izuku who was sitting next to his father, listening to Aizawa's explanation with a stunned expression on his face. He couldn't believe that Aizawa had thought he was the one instigating the problems between him and Bakugo. He didn't understand how Aizawa had come to this conclusion when he was doing everything in his power to avoid even looking at the boy.

"Wow...just wow," Hisashi said with a stunned expression. He turned to his wife and said, "You know, Inko, when you told me a few months ago that U.A. might not be the best school for our son, I thought you were being overprotective. But after listening to all of this, I think you had a point back then."

"Mr. Midoriya, I urge you to consider all options before making any decisions regarding young Midoriya's future," All Might pleaded.

Hisashi turned to All Might and replied, "Very well, All Might. Please provide me with the options then," he said, before turning to Aizawa and asking, "Why don't you start by telling me what is going to happen to this Bakugo boy?"

Aizawa shook his head. "I cannot say for certain, as it will be decided after the meeting that Nezu is going to have with Bakugo's parents this afternoon," he explained. "But I can assure you that he won't go unpunished this time."

"No offense but I hope you understand that after what you just told us, Mr. Aizawa, your reassurance doesn't hold much weight," Hisashi said bluntly, and Aizawa silently nodded in agreement.

"Wait, a meeting?" Izuku asked, his confusion evident. "What kind of meeting are you talking about?"

All Might and Aizawa exchanged a quick look, silently communicating about what they had discussed earlier. "While we were looking into the situation between you and Bakugo, we also found some troubling things that happened between you two in middle school," Aizawa explained, noticing Izuku's eyes widen in surprise.

However, what Aizawa just said was just a cover-up to hide the fact that they had received a mysterious disk from a mysterious guy which mysteriously vanished this morning. First, They didn't want to scare Izuku by letting him know that everyone in Class 1A knows about his past with Bakugo, and they were also keeping the fact that One for All is now an open secret amongst his classmates. And second, they didn't want to look like idiots babbling nonsense, in front of the Midoriya family.

"What troubling things are you talking about?" Hisashi asked, turning towards his son. "And why am I hearing about this from outsiders instead of from you, Izuku?"

"Hisashi, I believe they're referring to the bullying that Izuku endured while he was at Aldera Middle School," Inko explained with a heavy voice.

"Miss Midoriya is right," Aizawa said, "we discovered several incidents of Bakugo bullying Midoriya and one incident of him suicide-bating him during their middle school."

"He did what?" Hisashi stood up from his seat and glared at Aizawa then he turned towards Inko and asked, "Did you know about this?"

"About bullying, yes I had a vague idea about that... b...but I didn't about that last part," Inko said with a shaky voice.

Hisashi then turned to his son and began to ask, "Izuku, why-"

"Dad, can we please talk about this later?" Izuku interrupted, hoping to avoid the conversation for now.

Hisashi wanted to argue but decided to let the issue go for the moment and sat down. Then he glared at Aizawa and spoke with a stern tone, "I hope Bakugo receives appropriate punishment for all the harm he's caused to my son. If not, you'll be hearing from the best lawyers I have."

Aizawa met Hisashi's gaze and assured him, "Don't worry, sir. Bakugo will be held accountable for his actions. And on top of that, we will ensure that as long as Midoriya is a student at U.A., Bakugo won't be interacting with him ever again."

"Good," Hisashi said, then turned towards All Might. "Now, would you please tell me what kind of relationship you have with my son? From the way you addressed him earlier, I can tell that you're pretty close for a student and teacher. Mr. Aizawa also mentioned that you had some sort of connection with Izuku before U.A. So what's going on here?"

"Actually Dad, All Might saw potential in me and trained me before-"

"Young Midoriya, it's alright," All Might said, "you can tell them the truth."

"What!?" Izuku asked with wide eyes. "But..." he subtly glanced at Aizawa, "is it really ok?"

"It's okay, trust me," All Might smiled at him reassuringly. "You don't need my permission to reveal the truth about your quirk, young Midoriya."

Feeling encouraged by All Might's support, Izuku nodded and quickly turned off the recorder app on his father's phone. Hisashi tried to ask him what was going on, but Izuku asked him to wait until he had a chance to explain everything.

Izuku took a deep breath and began to tell the story of how he was attacked by Sludge Villain, how All Might came to his rescue, how he clung to All Might's leg, and how he learned the truth about All Might's true form. He recounted how Bakugo was attacked by the same villain, how his legs moved on their own to save Bakugo, and how All Might was inspired by his actions. How All Might told him that he could be a hero, and eventually offered him the chance to become the ninth wielder of One for All.

Hisashi listened carefully, processing the information. "I see," he said finally. "Izuku, may I ask why you kept this a secret from your mother and me?"

Izuku looked down at his hands, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to keep it a secret. All Might made me promise not to tell anyone until the right time, and I didn't want to put you guys in danger by sharing something like that," he explained.

"I understand your concerns, kid," Hisashi said with a heavy sigh. "But you have to realize that keeping such a big secret from your parents is not okay. We are your family, and we are here to support you no matter what. You should never feel like you have to keep something as important as this from us. So from now on no more secrets, understand?"

"Ok," Izuku said, nodding in agreement.

"And All Might," Hisashi turned towards the former symbol of peace. "I appreciate everything you've done for my son, but..." he trailed off, searching for the right words. "As someone who's often away from home for work, I worry that one day I'll return home to find my wife in tears in front of our son's picture."

"That's why," Hisashi stood up and bowed in front of All Might, "as a father, I request you please protect my son."

Hisashi's words hung heavy in the air, and All Might's expression hardened with determination. "Mr. Midoriya, I assure you that I will do everything in my power to protect young Midoriya and keep him safe as long as I am alive," he said with conviction.

Hisashi nodded in gratitude, the weight of his fears lifted slightly by All Might's words.

"Well, I guess we're done here, so-" Aizawa began, but was interrupted by All Might.

"Wait a minute, Aizawa," All Might interjected. "Before we go, I'd like to speak with Midoriya in private, if you don't mind."

Hisashi sighed and looked at Izuku, who nodded in agreement. "Fine, you can talk in his room."

"Thank you," All Might said before following Izuku to his room.


As All Might entered Izuku's room, he noticed how empty it looked, with just a bed and a few pieces of furniture.

"It looks pretty bare in here," All Might commented.

"Yeah, most of my stuff is still back at the dorms," Izuku explained.

"Ah, that makes sense," All Might nodded.

"So you wanted to talk?" Izuku asked.

"Well, actually I wanted to say sorry to you, young Midoriya," All Might replied.

"Sorry? For what?" Izuku tilted his head in confusion.

"I'm sorry about what happened on Friday," All Might sighed as he sat down on a nearby bed. "I should have been more considerate of your feelings instead of brushing them aside. At the time, I thought you were just overwhelmed by the fact that you were getting more quirks and weren't thinking straight. But now that I know the history between you and Bakugo, I can see why you wanted to cut him off from those meetings and maybe even from your life."

"It's okay, you had no-" Izuku started to reply, but All Might cut him off.

"Wait a minute, young Midoriya, let me finish," All Might said firmly. "I'm sorry for not calling Gran sooner to help you with One for All. I had no prior experience teaching someone, and my nerves got the better of me. You ended up paying the price for my fear."

"Then there's the First Term Final Exam," All Might grimaced at the memory. "I really should have held back. I know it was an exam and all, but I still caused too much damage to you and Bakugo."

"I'm also sorry for not interfering between you and Bakugo on the night of the License Exam," All Might looked down at the ground. "At the time, I thought it would be good for both of you to release your anger at each other. But in the end, Bakugo just shouted accusations at you while you had to endure it on top of the beating."

"And lastly," All Might stood up and placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "I'm sorry for telling you that you couldn't become a hero without a quirk. If you were to ask me now, I would surely tell you that you can be a hero with or without a quirk."

"A hero with a quirk..." Izuku said as he walked to the nearby window and stared outside, "You know, All Might, after facing villains like Muscular and Overhaul, I understand what you meant when you said that there are much more dangerous people out there who cannot be defeated without power. And despite that, yeah, I do believe that I could have become a hero without a quirk. Maybe not the number one hero... probably not even the official one, but surely someone who keeps the streets safe when others are too busy fighting country-level threats."

Turning back to face All Might, Izuku continued, "But I'm glad I accepted your offer, you know. It gave me so much more than just the power to fight villains. And while it would have been nice to become a hero without any power and prove everyone who doubted me wrong, what I have now allows me to save more people than I could have in that other scenario."

All Might chuckled at Izuku's words, "As optimistic as always, I see."

Izuku shrugged and stared out the window. "I'm just not a fan of dwelling on things that have already happened or are no longer possible," he said. "That's why, at some point, I gave up on seeking justice regarding what happened with Bakugo."

All Might's smile faded as Izuku continued. "At first, we tried complaining to the teachers, the principal, and any and all kinds of authorities, but none of them wanted to tarnish the record of their star student. To them, preserving the image of their golden boy was more important than the pleas of one quirkless boy. After the first few times, I stopped complaining about him. It's like banging your head against a rock; it only hurts you, not the rock."

"This is messed up," All Might clenched his fist. "You shouldn't have to deal with any of this."

"But I did, and there's no changing that," Izuku looked at All Might. "That's why I've got a favor to ask."

"What kind of favor, young Midoriya?" All Might asked.

"Can you handle the whole Bakugo thing without involving me or my family?" Izuku requested. "I promise I won't say a word, no matter how you decide to punish him. Just keep me out of it, please."

"Very well young Midoriya," All Might patted his shoulder, "I will make sure to handle this situation with Bakugo without involving you or your family. Besides, I don't think that will be a problem since his behavior in U.A. alone is enough to punish him."

Izuku suddenly hugged the man. After a few minutes, he stepped back with a small smile. "Thanks," he said. "I really appreciate it."

All Might smiled back warmly. "No problem, young Midoriya," he said. "You've been through a lot, and I want to make things right for you."

Afterward, they both left the room and All Might hurriedly departed from the Midoriya household with Aizawa. They had a meeting with Bakugos scheduled in less than an hour, and missing it was not an option.

After bidding farewell to All Might and Aizawa, Izuku turned to face his parents. "I'm sure you have questions," he said.

"We certainly do, son," Hisashi replied, but then he smiled. "But before that, I think I could go for that rich people coffee you were talking about."


(U.A. Principle's office.)

Mitsuki and Masaru were no strangers to visiting the principal's office. It wasn't exactly the most productive use of their time, though. The meetings usually involved the teachers and principal showering Katsuki with praises about how he's going to be the greatest hero ever. So when they got a call from Nezu asking them to come to school, they didn't think much of it. But now, sitting in his office, something felt off. Nezu hadn't said anything other than a basic greeting since they arrived. And the way his sharp eyes examined them sent sivers to their spines.

After a while, Mr. Aizawa, Katsuki's homeroom teacher, and All Might walked in the room. Finally, Katsuki himself was called to the office. He stormed in with a sour expression on his face and plopped down next to them without waiting for permission. Mitsuki wanted to smack some sense into the boy, but she held herself back since they had an audience around them.

Nezu cleared his throat and said, "Alright, now that we've got everyone we need here, let's get started with the meeting. But before we dive in, Mr. and Mrs. Bakugo, there's something you need to know. The outcome of this meeting will determine whether or not your son will continue studying at this school."

Mitsuki's eyes widened in shock as she heard Nezu's words. She turned to her son, expecting some kind of explanation, but to her surprise, he looked completely calm and focused on Nezu. She turned back to Nezu and asked, "Excuse me, sir, but I'm a bit confused. What exactly did my son do to deserve such a harsh punishment?"

"Look, Mrs. Bakugo, we're not heartless monsters here. We don't just kick students out for making a single mistake or breaking a rule. But in Bakugo's case, we're talking about multiple offenses on multiple occasions, and we're not even factoring in his past actions," Nezu explained.

Mitsuki was confused and about to ask Nezu what he meant by 'past actions,' but he spoke up first. "But more importantly Mrs. Bakugo, these offenses were all targeted towards one particular student: Izuku Midoriya."

"Oh, you mean Inko's kid?" Mitsuki asked, trying to place the name. She turned to her son and asked, "But aren't you two friends though?"

Bakugo scowled and said, "As if I'd ever want to be friends with that damn nerd."

Nezu pulled out a folder from his desk and said, "Okay, so now that we're all on the same page, let's play a little game. I'll read out all the stuff Bakugo's been up to, and he has to explain why he shouldn't be punished for it."

Mitsuki looked at her son and could see his expression turning more and more sour with each passing second. She knew this wasn't going to be pretty.

"Let's start with the first day of school when you launched an attack on Midoriya right after the Quirk Apprehension Test," Nezu said, "why is that?"

"Because that fucker-"

"Watch your language, Katsuki!" his mother interrupted, shooting him a warning glare. "You're in front of your teachers!"

"It's fine, Mrs. Bakugo," Nezu interjected. "Let him speak his mind."

"Because that fucker owed me answers," Bakugo said, "and first of all he wasn't even supposed to be here, that worthless pebble."

"And who decided that?" All Might asked, "Who decided that young Midoriya doesn't deserve to be here?"

"What's there to decide," Bakugo scoffed, "everyone knew that he was supposed to be a nobody. You guys are just blind because he has a quirk now."

Nezu exchanged a glance with the Bakugo's parents, who looked ashamed of their son's behavior.

"Next, on the second of school, During the Battle Trails you launched a lethal attack on Midoriya despite All Might warning you that it might take his life but despite that you still used that attack," Nezu said. 

Next to Bakugo, his parents looked horrified by what they just heard right now.

"So what?" Bakugo asked nonchalantly. "He dodged it, didn't he?"

"Bakugo we are not questioning Midoriya's reflexes here," Aizawa said. "We're questioning your actions. You knew that the attack could have killed him, but you still went ahead with it."

Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Look, he didn't die, so what's the big deal?"

Mitsuki was in utter disbelief. Her son's complete disregard for someone else's life had left her at a loss for words.

"Finally, during the First Term Final Exam, when you and Midoriya were paired against All Might," Nezu said, "you struck him in the face while he was trying to talk to you. What was that about?"

"He was just getting on my nerves," Bakugo replied.

"So, because he annoyed you, you thought it was okay to physically attack him?" Nezu asked, raising an eyebrow.

"And what was I supposed to do?" Bakugo retorted. "That coward was telling me to run away and like hell, I was going to run away from a fight."

"That's not the point, Bakugo," Nezu replied sternly. "The question is, why did you strike him when he was trying to talk to you? And just so you know, the person you're calling a coward is the same guy who dragged your unconscious body to the finish line."

"I didn't need his help," Bakugo snapped. "He should have just done what I told him to and ran to the finish line like I had asked that moron to do."

Nezu let out a sigh and shook his head in disappointment. Then he turned to Bakugo's parents. "In addition to these incidents, we have also received complaints about Bakugo disrespecting his fellow students, disrupting the class, and verbally harassing some students. As you can see, we've given him many chances, but with some recent discoveries, we can no longer tolerate his behavior."

"Are these recent discoveries related to the 'past actions' you mentioned earlier?" Mitsuki asked.

"Yes, they are, Mrs. Bakugo," Nezu replied. "In fact, they're related to his time at Aldera."

Mitsuki's eyes widened as she remembered that Izuku had attended the same school. "Can you please tell us more about these past incidents?"

"It would be easier just to show you," Nezu replied, turning his computer screen towards them.

The screen started showing sorted clips of Bakugo verbally harassing Izuku, as well as occasional physical assaults. Nezu had initially thought it would take a lot of time to go through all the footage of Midoriya and Bakugo's school years at Aldera. But fortunately for him, just looking through the footage of their last year at school provided enough evidence to present to Bakugo's parents, especially the clip playing on the screen right now.

("You wanna be a hero so bad? I have got an idea for you. Take the swan dive off the room and wish for the quirk in your next life.")

As soon as the video finished, the whole room went dead silent. The teachers were eagerly waiting for Bakugos to say something, but Mitsuki and Masaru were looking at their son with completely different expressions. Masaru seemed really let down by his son, while Mitsuki remained silent, staring at the ground with a mix of guilt and shame. She couldn't help but feel responsible for missing the warning signs that her son was turning into an arrogant and unfeeling person, blaming herself for his behavior.

"I will be honest with you Mr. and Mrs. Bakugo. Had Aldera been truthful and accurately recorded all of Bakugo's offenses, he would not have made it past the entrance exam," Nezu explained. Part of him couldn't help but think that if the teachers had fulfilled their responsibilities, Bakugo might have turned out differently - a kinder and more humble person - rather than the arrogant boy standing before them.

"Let's move on to discuss his punishment," Nezu said, his voice firm. "Firstly, all the incidents that took place on U.A. grounds will be added to his record. Unfortunately, we cannot take the same action for his Aldera record, as it is beyond our jurisdiction," Nezu explained. "In addition, he will also be required to issue a written apology to Midoriya-" 

"I'm not doing that," Bakugo interrupted sharply. "I'm not apologizing to that fucking Deku."

All eyes turned towards Bakugo, and apart from Nezu, everyone looked visibly taken aback by his words.

"Brat, what the hell are you-"

"I said I am not apologizing to that fucking Deku," Bakugo said in a firm voice.

"Are you absolutely certain about this, Bakugo?" Nezu pressed, giving him one last chance to reconsider.

"I'm not going to lower myself in front of that fucking nerd," Bakugo declared, locking eyes with Nezu.

"Very well," Nezu replied. "I had considered giving you one last chance by transferring you to 1B. However, that option is no longer on the table if you refuse to make amends for your actions."

Pausing for a moment, Nezu continued, "Therefore, effective immediately, you will be transferred to the General Education department-"

Before Nezu could finish, Bakugo interrupted him. "There's no need for all of this," he declared, shocking everyone in the room. "I'm withdrawing from this school."

"Katsuki, what are you saying?" Mitsuki asked with concern. "U.A. is your dream school, isn't it?"

"It was my dream school," Bakugo retorted. "But if they can't recognize that I am the future number one hero, then I don't need to attend such a school. Besides, there are other schools that will undoubtedly value me more than the people here, who are willing to let go of their best student for someone like Deku."

After a brief silence, Nezu spoke up, "Very well. Mr. and Mrs. Bakugo, please wait in the guest lounge while I prepare the necessary paperwork for Bakugo's withdrawal. Bakugo, you are officially no longer a student at U.A. High School. Please start packing your belongings, and we will arrange for a truck to transport everything from your dorm to your home."

With that, the Bakugo family left the principal's office, and the three teachers remained behind.


The teachers sat in stunned silence, processing what had just transpired. After a moment, Aizawa spoke up, breaking the tension. "I never expected Bakugo to go this far," he said. "I knew he had a temper, but I thought he would eventually come around and accept our terms."

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. Bakugo made his decision, and he will have to face the consequences," All Might remarked. "Hopefully, this will be a wake-up call for him to reflect on his behavior and make some changes."

"Let's hope so," Nezu sighed, shaking his head. "It's unfortunate that we've lost a talented student, but we cannot compromise on our principles and values as a school. Our priority is to ensure that every student feels safe and respected within our halls, regardless of their quirks or background."

"That reminds me," Nezu added, directing his attention toward the two teachers. "You both have also played a significant role in this entire situation. Aizawa, especially you."

"Are we getting fired, Nezu?" Aizawa asked bluntly, getting straight to the point.

"No, Aizawa, you are not," Nezu explained. "Besides, I couldn't have fired both of you even if I wanted to. Firing a former symbol of peace was never an option for me. Unless I have a very solid reason to do it, the public and commission would eat me alive. And as for you, Aizawa, aside from this whole mess, you are one of our most trusted allies. Your skills and quirk are one of our most valuable assets in times like this, so losing you is not something we can afford."

"But your actions did cause trouble for a student," Nezu continued, "Specially you Aizawa because All Might's mistakes can be attributed to his lack of experience in the teaching department. But you Aizawa had no such excuse, not only you showed favoritism toward one student but also tempered with scores, sacrificed the development of one student for another, and effectively shifted the blame of incidents on an innocent student and refused to acknowledge the truth to satisfy your own ego."

"That's why I have thought of some in-house restrictions as your punishment," Nezu concluded.

"First of all," Nezu said, turning to All Might. "Yagi, going forward, you are no longer permitted to teach heroics alone. You must always have an assistant teacher by your side, and you are required to run your lesson plans through them before each class. For the time being, a member of our staff will assist you. However, by the end of this school year, I will hire a dedicated assistant teacher for you."

Without any complaints, All Might simply nodded in agreement.

"As for you Aizawa," Nezu looked at the long-haired man, "you are no longer the homeroom teacher of Class 1A. I assume I don't need to say this but the 1A as a whole has lost their trust in you. Thirteen will replace you for the time being so hand over all the related documents to her. As for next year, you will no longer have the authority to expel students on the spot. If you want to expel someone you need to provide a valid reason for that. And I will be honest with you if Thirteen's methods of teaching turned out more effective than you, you might not get your position back, I hope you are ok with that."

Aizawa nodded in acceptance of his punishment.

"Well then, you may both take your leave. I have some work to attend to," Nezu said before he began working on Bakugo's withdrawal papers.


(1A dorm: Common Room)

"...and that's why I think we shouldn't tell Midoriya about the fact that we are aware of his past with Bakugo and about One for All," Momo explained to her classmates, who sat gathered around her. Even Kirishima was present, though he sat slightly apart from the group.

"I understand your perspective, Yaoyorozu, but wouldn't it be wrong to keep something as important as this from a friend?" Iida inquired.

"Well, let's put it this way. We all have personal matters that we prefer to keep to ourselves. Now, imagine how you would feel if the rest of your classmates learned about those matters without your consent," Momo explained, watching as a sense of realization spread across her classmates' faces.

"I mean, Yaoyorozu's got a point," Shoto said. "We all have stuff we'd rather keep to ourselves, but I think we should at least tell Midoriya that we know about his past with Bakugo and that we think what Bakugo did was really messed up."

"Yeah, and it wouldn't hurt to let him know that we're on his side," Ochako added. "He's been through a lot lately, and I'm sure it would mean a lot to him."

"I get what you guys are saying-" Momo was cut off by a loud bang as Bakugo stormed into the dorms and headed straight for his room without even acknowledging them.

"What's up with him?" Kaminari asked, confused.

"I don't know, and I don't really care," Mina replied in an uninterested tone.

Then as Bakugo stormed up the stairs, Kirishima immediately followed behind ignoring the glares and exasperated expressions of his classmates


(1A dorm: Bakugo's room)

Bakugo loudly swung open his bedroom door and began packing his things. He was still a bit surprised by the decision he had made, but what shocked him, even more, was that no one had tried to stop him. In the end, he just figured that they couldn't see his true worth and decided that he didn't need U.A. to achieve his goals in life.

A few minutes later, he heard his door open, and when he turned around, he saw Shitty Hair entering his room.

"What do you want Shitty Hair?" Bakugo asked without stopping his hands.

"What is going on here? Why are you packing your stuff?" Kirishima asked but Bakugo didn't answer him so Kirishima grabbed his shoulder and forcefully turned him around, "Bro, what the hell is going on?"

A tick appeared on Bakugo's forehead as he responded, "What does it look like to you, huh?"

Suddenly, Kirishima's eyes widened, "They expelled you from the school!" he exclaimed. "Wait, maybe we can try to convince them-"

"No, idiot. I withdrew from the school," Bakugo clarified as he continued to pack his belongings. "Those bastards wanted me to apologize to Deku, and there was no way in hell I was going to do that."

Kirishima stood there with a stunned expression as he processed Bakugo's words. "So you're saying you gave up your chance of becoming a hero because you refuse to apologize to Midoriya?" he asked incredulously. "Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?"

Bakugo rolled his eyes and snorted derisively. "Of course, you would think it's ridiculous, after all, you are not destined to be number one like I am," he retorted dismissively.

"Bakugo, do you even hear yourself? You sound like a child," Kirishima said, exasperated.

Bakugo's anger boiled over and he snapped at Kirishima. "What the fuck are you even doing here? If you're just going to annoy me, then get the hell out of this room."

"I'm only trying to help," Kirishima insisted.

"I already told you, I don't need your damn help," Bakugo growled, his voice low and menacing. "That's what gets on my nerves about you and Deku. You're always acting like I'm some kind of weakling who needs your help."

"Looking down on you? Seriously?" Kirishima asked in disbelief. "Since the U.S.J incident, I've looked up to you."

'Kacchan, ever since we were kids, I've always looked up to you.'

Bakugo gritted his teeth as the memories of his second fight with Deku flooded his mind.

"That's why, Bakugo, please don't throw away your future like that. Let me help you," Kirishima pleaded. "I don't want you to end up like Kanna--"

"Don't compare me to that damn quirkless weakling," Bakugo spat, the anger palpable in his voice. The room fell silent as Kirishima stared at him in shock.

"You think I would throw away everything just because U.A. couldn't see who's more valuable between me and Deku? Hell no!" Bakugo continued. "Suicide is for pathetic losers who can't handle the pressure. I'm not like them. I'm a winner, and I'll prove it, no matter what it takes."

"You're crossing a line, Bakugo," Kirishima gritted his teeth. "Don't talk about Kanna like that."

"Then stop comparing me to that damn loser," Bakugo retorted with a scoff. "And stop bothering me. I have a lot of things to do," he added, clearly dismissing Kirishima.

"You are right Bakugo, I will get out of your hair," Kirishima said and walked towards the door. Then when he was about exit he stopped and said, "You know Bakugo, when everyone was against you, ready to shun you, I was there standing right next to you, and now because of that I don't even have friends to go back to."

"Stop being a damn drama queen," Bakugo rolled his eyes. "And no one asked you to take my side."

"You're right. It was my mistake," Kirishima said quietly. He turned to leave the room, his eyes brimming with tears. "And now I'm paying the price for it," he added, his voice barely above a whisper.

Later that evening, the students watched in shock as a group of men arrived and loaded Bakugo's belongings onto a truck. A few minutes later, Bakugo appeared with two bags in his hands, ignoring the stunned looks from his classmates as he left without saying a word to anyone.

"What is going on here?" Toru asked and as if right on cue, Nezu arrived there riding on All Might's shoulder.

"Listen up, students," Nezu announced, his tone grave. "Bakugo Katsuki has withdrawn from U.A. High School and is no longer a student here." He gave no further explanation and left the dorm, leaving the students stunned and confused.


(Midoriya House)

*7 P.M*

"...I see, thank you for informing me All Might," Izuku said as he hung up the phone and joined his family at the dinner table. "It seems Bakugo withdrew from school because he was asked to apologize to me."

"It's great, isn't it?" Hisashi asked with a smile. "Now he won't be there to bother you anymore, and the whole thing solved itself without any more drama."

"I guess you're right, but..." Izuku trailed off, staring at the ground. "Part of me still hates the fact that someone had to give up on their dream because of me."

"You shouldn't," Hisashi said firmly. "Bakugo made his decision, and now he'll have to live with the consequences, good or bad. It's entirely on him."

"I know, Dad. I shouldn't feel bad for Bakugo, but I can't help it. It's just who I am," Izuku replied with a sad smile.

"And I'm proud of you for being such a kind person, but you need to understand that not everyone deserves your kindness," Hisashi said. "Not everyone is asking for it. I know you believe that 'meddling when you don't need to is the essence of being a hero,' but you also need to learn to distinguish between someone who cannot ask for help or is afraid to do so and someone who doesn't need or deserve your help. In the latter scenario, you could actually make things worse by trying to help them."

"Thank you, Dad, I will keep that in mind," Izuku replied with a smile.

As the dinner continued, Hisashi brought up a different topic. "Izuku, do you really have to go back to U.A.?" he asked.

"Huh!?" Izuku looked at his father with a surprised expression. "Where did that come from?"

"Well," Hisashi began, "after you told us about your experiences at that school, your mother and I were wondering if it's really the best school for you."

"Izuku, please don't take it the wrong way, okay? We're just worried about you," Inko said.

"It's okay, Mom, I understand where you're coming from," Izuku smiled at his mother. "But it's not U.A.'s fault that All for One and the League of Villains decided to make their move the same year I started attending the school, right? Nor is it their fault that All Might and I struggled with mastering One for All, which caused damage to my hands. And besides, there's another important reason why I can't leave U.A."

"And what is that reason?" Hisashi asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I genuinely enjoy attending U.A.," Izuku replied with a chuckle. "Despite everything that's happened, I still feel like I belong there. It's a feeling that I never had while attending Aldera. And then there are my friends - Uraraka, Todoroki, Iida, Tsu, Yaoyorozu - and everyone in our class who treat me like one of them. It's a stark contrast to my time at Aldera where I always felt alone in a classroom full of students," Izuku reminisced. "But most importantly, attending U.A. has always been my dream, and I am not willing to give up on my dreams due to outside circumstances."

Hisashi and Inko exchanged a tired glance and let out a weary sigh. "Okay, but let us ask you one final time. Are you absolutely certain that you want to continue studying at U.A.?" Hisashi asked gravely. "Just keep in mind that U.A. isn't the only top-notch hero school out there. I could get you into Xavier's School if you want. They'd never turn down a Gifted Youngster like you."

"Don't worry Dad, I am happy where I am right now," Izuku replied, a genuinely happy smile spreading across his face.


(U.A. High School)

*9 P.M*

As night fell, a taxi pulled up outside the school. Within its confines, Midoriya father and son exchanged their final goodbyes.

"Izuku, stay safe, okay? We don't want your mom to flood Japan with her tears," Hisashi joked with a cheeky smile.

"We definitely don't," Izuku responded with a chuckle. He grew quiet and looked down. "I'll miss you, Dad."

"I'll miss you too, kiddo," Hisashi replied, embracing his son. "But we agreed, no tearful goodbyes, right?"

"Right, no tears," Izuku said, wiping his eyes. "Well then, Dad, see you soon."

"Take care, son," Hisashi replied, watching as the taxi drove away toward the airport, leaving Izuku behind.

"You too, Dad," Izuku said, watching the taxi disappear into the night.


(1A dorms)

Upon arriving at the dorms, Izuku spotted all of his classmates gathered in the living room, except for Kirishima, deep in conversation about something.

Uraraka's gaze fell upon him and her entire face lit up as she sprang up from the couch. "Izuku!" she exclaimed, capturing the attention of their classmates. "You're back!"

Uraraka rushed toward him, but before she could reach him, he was suddenly enveloped in a hug by their resident Acid Queen.

"I'm sorry, Midoriya. I'm so sorry," Mina said, her voice shaking as if she was on the verge of tears.

Meanwhile, Izuku was completely lost and confused. He looked to his classmates for answers, but all they offered were forced smiles and grimaces.

After a few minutes, Mina calmed down and released him from her embrace. "Sorry for clinging to you like that," Mina said, her cheeks faintly flushed.

"It's okay," Izuku replied, scratching his cheek. "But what was that all about? And why are you apologizing to me?"

Mina paused, searching for the right words to answer his question. When she couldn't find them, she turned to Momo for help.

Momo let out a sigh and stepped forward, taking charge of the explanation. "Midoriya, due to some...circumstances, we and some of our teachers have learned about your past with Bakugo," she said.

"Oh... I see," Izuku replied calmly, without a change in expression. 

"Wow dude, we thought you would be freaking out right now," Kaminari said.

To be honest, even Izuku himself was surprised at how unfazed he was by the revelation. Just two days ago, the news would have caused him to be on the verge of a heart attack. However, he felt unaffected now, as he knew he wasn't in the wrong. It suddenly dawned on him that all this time, he had been afraid of how Kac-Bakugo would feel and what he would do if he told anyone about their past. With Bakugo gone, Izuku felt truly free for the first time in his life.

Izuku shrugged and turned to Mina. "I still don't understand why you were apologizing to me," he said.

"The thing is," Mina began, before going on to explain how guilty she felt for putting Bakugo on a pedestal, downplaying his aggressive behavior, and most importantly, thinking that Izuku was somehow part of the problem that caused Bakugo to act the way he did. "That's why I'm sorry," Mina sobbed, clearly overwhelmed with emotion.

"It's okay, Mina," Izuku said, reassuringly. "You understand your mistake, and that's enough for me."

"Really?" Mina asked, her eyes teary with emotion. "You're not angry with me?"

"Really!" Izuku replied with a reassuring smile. "And please, don't cry. I'd rather not see a beautiful girl like you in tears."

"O-okay," Mina stuttered, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Deciding to change the topic, Izuku asked, "By the way, did I miss anything while I wasn't here?" He noticed his classmates sharing glances with each other before they all turned to look at him.

"Nothing happened... nothing at all!" they replied in unison, with a slightly too enthusiastic tone that made Izuku wonder what they were hiding. However, he eventually decided to shrug it off and not bother himself with it.


And so after that little three-day incident, life continued on as usual for Class 1A. Initially, it took them a little time to get accustomed to their new homeroom teacher, Thirteen, but slowly they grew used to her and her teaching methods, just as they had grown accustomed to not having Bakugo in their class.

After that day, the entire class avoided talking about Bakugo. They had unintentionally decided to treat him as a forgotten chapter of their lives. Even Kirishima, who had gone silent for a month or so, eventually started mingling with the class again. Of course, nobody tried to isolate him, but his connection with Mina had been damaged. This was evident from the tension that always seemed to be present when they spoke to each other, especially since Mina had stopped hanging out with their old group and joined Izuku's friend group.

A few months later, Class 1A became Class 2A, and as the year changed, so did the lucky stars. But it was not the stars of the students that changed, rather it was the stars of the villains.

It all began with Shigaraki, who one day decided to visit the mall. For reasons unknown, something in him snapped, and he murdered a civilian, causing panic to spread throughout the mall. Shigaraki saw an opportunity to escape in the chaos, but his plan was foiled when Edgeshot happened to be nearby. The hero apprehended the current leader of the League of Villains, resulting in his arrest. This incident marked the beginning of the league's fall.

Following Shigaraki's arrest, Dabi and Twice fell into a trap set by Hawks, leading to their arrest by other heroes. Later, Toga attempted to infiltrate Tartarus to rescue Twice but was caught in the act and also apprehended. 

Lastly, Spinner surrendered to the authorities after all of his team was arrested and decided to cooperate with the heroes by sharing valuable information, which proved to be a big breakthrough for the heroes.

First, he reassured them that they didn't need to worry about Mr. Compress since he had left their group right after Shigaraki's arrest. Spinner also revealed that Mr. Compress had been planning to leave the country and start anew somewhere else

Secondly, he informed them about the MLA. He explained that Shigaraki had been planning to meet with them for a corporation, but he was arrested before the meeting could take place. He also warned them that there were some heroes among the MLA's ranks.

Finally, Spinner shared the biggest piece of information they could ask for, the identity of the man who had created the Nomus for the League. Though he didn't know the man's name or location, Spinner provided them with an image of the man he had seen in his memories. With that image, they were able to quickly match him in a database, and within two months, they had caught the doctor and destroyed his research on the Nomus.

The war against the MLA presented some challenges at the beginning, as it took the heroes some time to identify and root out the MLA agents among their ranks. However, once they were able to do so, the heroes launched a straightforward assault that resulted in significant casualties but ultimately ended in their victory over the MLA.

The only positive thing that happened was the fact that students were kept out of all of this which led to them gliding through their second year without any more trauma and finally, they were able to begin their third and final year of hero school.

Now let's turn our attention back to the two individuals around whom this entire story revolved, Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya.

After arrogantly quitting U.A., Bakugo was convinced that any other school would be eager to have him. However, his delusion was shattered when he started receiving rejections without even being given a chance to showcase his talents. It turned out that quitting U.A. had damaged his reputation rather than enhancing it.

While some schools were not concerned with U.A.'s reputation, they still rejected Bakugo upon discovering the incident reports on his file. Others were hesitant to accept him due to the fear that Bakugo's presence could potentially attract villains to their campus.

Although some schools were willing to accept Bakugo, they demanded a fee three times higher than any private academy. In all honesty, these schools were not even worth the single yen they were demanding.

The cycle of rejection continued for a year, and as each day passed, Bakugo became increasingly withdrawn and despondent. Concerned for their son's well-being, his parents made a difficult decision to leave the country and settle somewhere new, in the hope that Bakugo would find a new passion and purpose. Several months later, the family left Japan and no one has heard from them since.

In contrast, Izuku's life continued on as normally as possible after that day. He attended school, went to his classes, trained, and carried on with his daily routine without any significant changes.

Without the looming threat of a major war in this timeline, Izuku's growth was steady and his body gradually became accustomed to One for All and the additional quirks that came with it.

Izuku's social circle expanded, and the entire Class 1-A became a tight-knit group, envied by many other students in the school. He also made friends with students from their sister class as well as from different departments in the school.

Izuku's love life took a different turn as it became clear that he and Ochako were not as well-matched as they had initially thought. However, both of them gracefully accepted this fact and remained best friends to this day. Surprisingly, this realization did not affect their bond negatively; instead, it only strengthened it even more. Whenever someone asked how they managed to do that, they would just look at each other and burst into spontaneous laughter.

Despite his life going great and only one year away from graduating, sometimes Izuku still wonders what if things had gone differently. What if there was a way to help him? but he quickly dispels those thoughts. After all, soon he will become an official hero, ready to save everyone with a smile on his face.


Story by:- WindsCarryFar. (Ao3 tag)

Reaction by:- Greyninja27


*Post-credits scene*

*10 years later*

(The Golden Daggers Club, Macau, China)

In one of the locker rooms of the Golden Daggers Club, Katsuki Bakugo, now much taller, more muscular, and intimidating than before, was seen icing his wounds and cursing at something.

"Katsuki, my man," a funky-looking Chinese man approached him, "you really got your ass handed to you," the man laughed at face.

"Shut the fuck up Jon," Bakugo grumbled, "and how was I supposed to know that quirkless bitch could move like that."

"You really underestimated Helen, bro," Jon laughed. "She's a former Black Widow. She could take on you and many others here on her own."

"Bullshit," Bakugo scoffed. "She just got lucky, that's it!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy," Jon said and placed a stack of cash on the table, "your cut, enjoy the rest of the night," he said and left the locker room.

Bakugo sighed as he counted the money and packed his things. Money was not bad but he didn't know what to do with this deep frustration that still lingered in his heart.

Suddenly, a woman wearing a black coat entered the locker room and sat down in front of him.

"Who the fuck-" he started to say, but the woman cut him off.

"Katsuki Bakugo, ex-U.A. student," she said, "had to quit school due to several incidents with another student who also happened to be your childhood friend. Then you tried to get into another hero school but couldn't because of the incident reports that U.A. wrote on your file. Then your family moved to America, and you completed your high school education at a no-name school. Once you turned eighteen, you came here upon hearing about a fight club that pays well. And for the last seven years, you've been climbing the ranks here, trying to get to the central cage," Bakugo was stunned. This random woman had just told him his entire history, which should have been unknown to everyone here, in a matter of seconds.

"W...who are you?" Bakugo asked in a trembling voice.

Ignoring Bakugo's question, the woman continued speaking. "We have read your file and have been observing your skills," she said, "and let me tell you, you have become very, very valuable to certain people. I personally think that leaving U.A. was the second best choice you've made in your life."

Leaning forward, the woman looked directly into Bakugo's eyes. "Oh, and you want to know what the first best choice was?" she said, her voice low and intense. "Picking up the phone when I call you."

With that, she handed him a card and swiftly left the locker room, leaving Bakugo alone with his thoughts and a growing sense of dread.

Bakugo picked up the card and saw a single name inscribed on it: 'Valentina Allegra de Fontaine.'


The End.


Thank you so much for reading this fic and making it to the end with me.

Also, Thank you WindsCarryFar for allowing me to do this fic. This has always been one of my favorite Bakugo X consequences fic. But what I love about this fic is how Izuku and all the other characters are portrayed in it. That's why I decided to do a reaction fic on it which I hope you enjoyed.

Please check out my other works.

Good Bye! See you in the next one.

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