The Red Typhoons (Naruto Fanf...

By Ryushuu1412

24.8K 849 49

The Fourth Shinobi War is getting worst and the world is completely destroyed. Naruto is the only one left af... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 3

1.6K 55 2
By Ryushuu1412

Two years after Naruto landed into the past, he gain a reputation as bounty hunter. He goes by as red typhoon because he realize that when he use chakra, the colour also change from blue to red, probably the influent of turning into vampire and from getting access on Kyuubi chakra.

When he use wind chakra and a make typhoon, instead of usual wind, it become red. Thus people call him red typhoon. It also not help that since he can't stay by his true name anymore, he had change his identity. He took claim of Akai clan because of their trait as vampire and he goes by the name; Akai Natsuki. Since Akai means red, they use it by represented it as his new moniker.

Before, he was called a golden maelstrom because of Kyuubi chakra and the meaning of his given name, now it change, he felt sad at the memories.

Anyways, his reputation was going high rocket is because he defeat an S-rank missing-nin by his own and collect their bounty without scattered and thus why his reputation were up high and he was declared as S-rank bounty hunter. It even said that 'flight or die' in the page of his bingo book.

From the person that he collected the bounty are consistent with Hidan, Kakuzu, Sasori, Deidara and Kisame. All of them are high rank missing-nin and all of them are hard to defeat moreover kill them. When Naruto or Natsuki now, turn Hidan and Kakuzu bounty, the bounty receptionist look at their body in shock and disbelieve with the mix of horror. Natsuki can't blame them since those two was known as immortal and hard to die, so seeing some unclaimed shinobi defeated them without scattered in himself is baffled them.

Like right now, he walked to the receptionist to collect another bounty that he caught. The receptionist were looking at him and the bloody scroll on his hand nervously, giving a white haired man a nervous smile "Thank you for the patron as always Akai-san." Natsuki just nodded and still offering the bloody scroll to the receptionist.

The receptionist; Misaki, still with nervous smile accept the scroll with a heavy heart. She pay the price of the bounty and thanks Natsuki again for the patron. Natsuki nodded at her again and left.


Hatake Kakashi, Konoha's copycat Sharingan no Kakashi grit his teeth with obvious anxiousness and annoyance.

The mission had been a success, as Kakashi expected. It was not arrogance speaking for him, just the states and facts, and the confidence he had in his skills. He'd been prepared after all, as all good shinobi should be. He'd read his mission more than twenty times ans was even able to recite it by heart. He knew what he had to do, calculated the failure percentage as well as the risks and deducted that this should be a walk in the park for an ANBU in his calibre. Again, the figures were speaking, not his arrogance.

However, Kakashi wasn't yet a seer, and so couldn't have foreseen the unknown variable that were missing-nins crossing path.

Usually, it wouldn't have been such a problem if Kakashi had his team with him, or if the missing-nins were two or three – or at least Chunin level only. And of course, he had to go and jinx himself and stumble upon five, ranging from high Chunin to Jounin. Kakashi could boast all he wanted about his skills and ANBU rank, it didn't mean he couldn't see when he was screwed – or at the very least, in a complicated situation. And whoever thought he was downplaying it... Well, they should just shut up and let him worry about his own ass.

He'd been fighting the five of them all at once for a good ten minutes now, foregoing lethal grace for raw strength in the thin hope of being able to create an opening to escape. Unfortunately, the brawny missing-nins were working as a well-oiled unit, meeting him punch for punch and even drawing first blood. It didn't help that Kakashi was already spent his chakra from his mission and wanted to save his chakra for his escape or to summon his ninken for the battle.

As he was pushed to his last resorts, preparing to unleash one or two chidori, a huge burst of burning chakra exploded only a few hundred yards from the fighting shinobi – such a gigantic burst that the reddish chakra became visible and almost blinded Kakashi.

The energy tide washed them and Kakashi could feel a wave of it travelling through his coils, sending his already swaying body to the ground in a harsh thump. His limps were shaking uncontrollably as if the chakra was too much for his system to handle and if the anguished screams of his enemies were to be believed, he wasn't the only one suffering from this.

The screams slowly died after what could've been minutes or hours, and in the now deadly silence, unsteady steps could be heard, gravels crunching under the feet. Kakashi struggled to not lose consciousness, trying his hardest to roll onto his back or pull his head up, but his body wasn't responding. Two black boots feet stopped in his blurry vision field, and before he could say anything or react, darkness finally claimed him, leaving Kakashi to think that fuck, maybe it was arrogance speaking all along.

Time skip...

When he finally back to his consciousness, he realize that he was laying on the forest clearing with fire was set in front of him. Kakashi remembered what happened before he lost consciousness, he become tense and he consciously examine himself if he was being tied down but found he didn't and he can move both of his arms and legs freely.

He then look at himself and realize that he was bandaged all over and he can tell that the person that done this was pretty skilled on bandaging someone. "Oh good, you're awake." Someone spoke, makes him startled and turn to the source of speaking and he was met with a gorgeous man in front of him. He look to be a few age younger than him, probably two years apart and he don't know why but when he locked his grey eyes with the indigo one, he can't look away. Like he was enchanted by his eyes, so alluring and so beautiful.

He remembered the story about meeting their soulmate; their centre for the first time from his father. When you locked eyes, you just... know. Kakashi inwardly gasped and look at the man in front of him in bewilderment and then groan in annoyance. Well shit! His centre is foreigners shinobi, just his luck.

"Hello! Anyone in there?" Kakashi break from his though when a hand was waving in front of him casually and he froze when he realize how close their face is. Kakashi hide his blush and back away a little awkwardly. "A-Ah, Y-Yeah! Sorry." Stutter him and inwardly groan in embarrassment.

The man raise his white eyebrow in confusion and concern, "Are you okay? Did you hurt somewhere else? Do you want me to look into it?" he asked genuinely concern. Kakashi saw his centre hands glow green and he recognize as iryou jutsu and flinch when his hands was close to his body. Expecting some pain coming but it's never came, instead the chakra that he felt through his coil feel warm and soothing. He never felt this before and it's make him interest in this guy.

"Hmm, there wasn't anything wrong with you. The wound that inflected you before already healed and were slowly closing but don't move to much since it would reopen again. So, don't make my hard work go in vain and take a rest until your injured were completely healed, you hear me? Hatake Kakashi."

When he heard name was spoken, Kakashi was on alert. So, this person knew who he is and know he is shinobi. Before he decide to jump away from the white haired man, the man hold up his hand in surrender. "Chill Hatake. If I want to bring harm to you, I would have done so when you were unconscious, not other way around. Besides, the Hokage would be sad if he lost his top shinobi like you, so I'm doing this as his favour."

Kakashi eyes widened and mind reeling, what did he mean by that? Do a favour? For Hokage? Does that mean this person is Konoha shinobi? But he never seen him before! He know every single shinobi in the village, so hearing this from someone that he never met and suppose to be his centre is quite baffled him.

"I never seen you before?" he questioned in suspicious. The white haired crossed his arms, his indigo eyes didn't even break an eyes with him. "It because I was kept hidden, that's why!" respond him without intact. Piqued and interest, he asked again narrowly "Heh! And why is that?"

The three tone haired man rolled his eyes and smirk, "It's classified. Ask Hokage when you got back, if he want to tell... that is." said him in humour.

Kakashi scowled at that and then sigh, "Can you at least give me your name? I want to know the name of my saviour." The white haired blinked, "Oh, sorry about that. Akai Natsuki, pleasure to meet you. Sharingan no Kakashi."

Kakashi eyes widened when the indigo eyes introduced himself. He know that name, moreover, he know his moniker. The red typhoon, he was known as strongest bounty hunter that ever live in this nation (despite just coming out for about two years). It said that the man manages to defeat and kill two immortal S-class missing-nin and can give Orochimaru; the Snake sennin run for his money.

If the three tone head didn't said that he was allies with Konoha, Kakashi would do whatever he can to bring Natsuki into the village and have him in Konoha side. And he have a reason why he want Natsuki company, the indigo eyes is his center; his soulmate. He can't let him go.

If Natsuki really part of Konoha, he would be relief for having his centre in the same village and the same side. "You said that you part of Konoha right! What rank are you?" he asked curiously.

Natsuki blinked and wave his hand off, "I wasn't part in Konoha shinobi rank, if you want to know. I requested for Hokage-sama that I don't want to be tied in the village." Kakashi hearing this, stilled for unknown reason, "Why?" he asked again desperately.

Natsuki look at him in wonder and then hummed, "Well, for one. I have something I need to do and staying in the village with hinder my plan. Secondly, I don't want the council butted in onto my life mostly the civilian council. It was enough that they tried to butted into our jinchuriki life and turned his life into a living hell, I don't want that to happened to me. It's also not helping when Danzo is still around, that sneaky old rat is a bad news."

Kakashi looked down, his silver hair covering both of his eyes. He kind of understand that the reason Natsuki don't want to be tied in the village, it was because the white head want to have his freedom. And he can't help but felt sad for that. He thought he can have his centre by his side but it's look like luck wasn't on his side.

"I see."

Natsuki look at him oddly, "Anyway, it's getting late. Take some rest, I will be near if you need something. Don't worry about our surrounding, I already put a barrier seal to keep us protected. So, if someone approaching, it would alert me when it comes." The indigo eyes state and gently lay Kakashi onto his sleeping bag and put a cover for him and Kakashi just let his centre do what he want.

When Natsuki stood up and walked away from him, Kakashi turned his head to look at his centre with longing in his eyes. Clenching his eyes tight, Kakashi tried to drift himself to sleep.

Meanwhile on Natsuki side,

The white haired gasped in pained breath after he fall himself in his sleeping bag. He had been tries hard to keep his vampire instinct from taking control and tried not to suck the silver haired blood.

Kakashi blood smell good and sweet, so alluring and so appetizing. He been trying to holding back his fangs from sinking it on the Hatake skin when he clean the dog summoner wound. When they get close with each other earlier, Natsuki had been trying so hard not to exhaled the Hatake scent so he won't attack him there and there.

The two curled themselves under their covers, each of them felt this isolation and longing. Making their heart ache so much while they just be a couple inch from each other, the two couldn't help feeling completely lonely for not being with each other.


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