The Alpha Supreme's Mate

By 9and10hellandheaven

3.2K 146 3

An ordinary human. The lycanthropy king. She has her whole life planned out. Her university, her major, her... More

1. Vivian
2. Caelum
3. Caelum
4. Vivian
6. Vivian
7. Caelum
8. Caelum
9. Vivian
10. Caelum
11. Vivian
12. Calisus
13. Vivian
14. Caelum (Part - 1)
14. Caelum (Part - 2)
15. Caelum
16. Vivian

5. Vivian

247 11 0
By 9and10hellandheaven

Vivian was seated at a cozy corner table in the cafeteria, affording her a view of the lush green grass outside and some distance from the bustling crowd. She really liked this spot.

Joining her at the table were her close friends: Sam, Clark, Levi, Brandon, Shea, Joy, Alex, Mark and Noah.

Clark, Levi, Brandon, Shea, and Joy were fellow Computer Science students, while Alex and Mark studied Architecture. Sam and Noah pursued Fashion Technology and Law, respectively. Despite having met at different points, they had grown to be bosom friends. Shea and Alex were even dating for more than an year.

Vivian loved her friends. Despite their occasional chaotic moments, they were still adorable.

For instance, Alex was caught red-handed stealing fries from Noah's plate, with Noah trying to shield his food while simultaneously attempting to swipe Alex's soda. In the end, Joy got doused in the soda, prompting peals of laughter from everyone.

Joy was always caught between when Alex and Noah fought.

The trio had an amazing friendship, even Vivian envied how casual and cool they were. Joy especially, according to Vivian, she had never seen him angry or even sad. He always had an easy going smile on his face.

As they finished their meal, Vivian checked her phone and saw a message from her professor about an upcoming exam. She groaned, knowing that she had a lot of studying to do.

But as she looked around at her friends, she felt grateful for their presence in her life. They always managed to make her laugh and forget about her worries, even if it was just for a little while.

"I don't know what I would do without you guys," she said, smiling at each of them.

"Same here, Viv," Clark replied, raising his fist for a fist bump. The rest of the group followed suit, and they all shared a moment of camaraderie.

"So who's coming to the library with me?", Vivian asked.

"I knew it! Whenever you say something sentimental, you ask about coming to the library," Levi laughed.

"Hey that's not true!", Vivian blushed a little but immediately protested.

"I'm up for it." Noah said, "I have to complete an assignment."

Alex snickered, "Of course, you do."

Noah punched him and grabbed Vivian's bag.

"Such gentleman," Levi followed up with the teasing.

Everyone dispersed.

Vivian and Noah went to the library, as it wasn't that far they walked there. As they walked they talked about music. Swapped recommendations for new artists or songs to check out. It was their thing. They had similar taste in music and often enjoyed each other's new recommendations.

They soon reached the library and spent the rest of the evening studying. Sometimes in between they would trade earphones and listen to the other's music. Vivian was quite satisfied with the study session as she felt like she completed a lot. Which meant that she could go out with Vincent without worrying about the upcoming test on Monday.

Around 8 o'clock they decided to have dinner together at the near by Chinese restaurant. Out of everyone only Noah and Joy shared her love for spicy food. Levi could take medium level but the others hated it.

So Vivian decided to call them over as well. But both of them were busy.

"It's just us then", she said.

"Don't say it like that, you make it sound like I'm boring," Noah grinned.


"Woah, I'm heartbroken, now to heal my heart you have to give me a fortune cookie." Noah clutched his heart and made a pained gesture.

"What if I don't want to heal your heart", she grinned back. Why was he so dramatic.

Noah gasped.

"Then I will ...." he trailed off not knowing what to do with her.

"Okay okay I'll get you one okay."

"I want two."

"Fine." She said as grumbled about how kiddish he was.

"That's why you're my favourite." Noah put his arm over her shoulder, his expression was soft when he said this, his eyes were even more gentle when Vivian wasn't looking.

Everyone knew he had a soft spot for Vivian except Vivian herself. But he could never bring himself to ask her out. He knew she didn't like him like that, and he didn't want to ruin their friendship. He was content for now.

Vivian never dated. Though everyone found it odd, he knew it was because she was much younger than her classmates and because she never found anyone she liked. Rather than saying she was picky, she was guarded. So he never said anything even when their friends felt he should.

Noah dropped her back after their dinner together.

The room was dark when Vivian went back, she guessed Sam wasn't back from wherever she went. So she took a quick shower and decided to sleep early.

Just before she slept she thought about Vincent. She was kinda excited about their date though she didn't want to admit it. But she was also a little scared. He seemed too good. She quickly decided not to think too much. She would just go with the flow.


Today was their date.

They decided that Vincent would pick her up at 6 o'clock and they would head to the Waterfire.

Vivian decided to go simple, she wore black faded jeans and a light blue ripped top along with her regular white sketchers.

"Where are you going," Sam asked.

"You startled me!" Vivian jumped.


"Maybe on a date or just to the grocery," Vivian blushed as she said.

"What! With who? How come you never told me about this! I want all details." Sam was very excited for Vivian.

Vivian rarely ever went on dates. Maybe two or three her entire university life. The number of dates Sam went on a week were than the number of dates Vivian went to in her entire lifetime.

"Vincent", Vivian said, "We are going to the Waterfire."

"Woah. Clark's super hot cousin? The one we met at Carlton's?"

"Yeah, so how do I look?"

"Normal, just ditch the jeans and wear your black skirt and boots." Sam suggested.

"But it would be cold," Vivian said.

"Then put on stockings."

Vivian thought about it a little and agreed. It wasn't that cold yet anyway.

"There's a black car, is that him?" Sam asked.

"I don't think so, it's only 5:37, it's too early."

She checked her phone though just in case it was him.

She was stunned to see his text.

I'm waiting downstairs. Take your time and come when you are ready.

"It is him, quick how do I look?" Vivian asked Sam.

"You look amazing! And I'm very happy you met someone who likes being half an hour early just as you do."

"Not half an hour, just fifteen minutes." Vivian defended her quirk. "And being early is a good thing."

"I didn't say it wasn't."

"But you were teasing me," Vivian pouted.

"Why are you so cute," Sam pinched Vivian's cheeks. Amazed at how soft they were.

She quickly waved good bye to Sam and went downstairs.

She didn't believe a guy had to wait to prove that he liked her. As long as he wasn't late and respected her time it was good enough.

Only when she came down did she realize that the car looked a little fancy.

Although Vivian didn't know much about cars, she knew a expensive one when she saw one.

When Vincent noticed her he got down the car and walked over to her.

"You look beautiful," he complimented.

"You look great as well."

Vincent went and opened the door.

"What a gentleman,"Vivian thought to herself, gushing internally. Being so perfect should be illegal.

They made small talk as Vincent drove to the Waterfire. They shared about their week and work. And Vivian talked a little about her friends. And Vincent talked about Russia.

Vivian felt if she had a chance she would go there for vacation. It sounded exotic. She was especially intrigued by his account of the Matryoshka dolls, which represented a mother carrying a child within her and symbolized the legacy of mothers passing on their family traditions through their offspring. Additionally, the dolls illustrated the unity of body, soul, mind, heart, and spirit.

Vivian made a mental note to add visiting Russia and seeing the Matryoshka dolls in person to her bucket list.

After a while, they finally arrived at the Waterfire. Fortunately, they were able to find a parking spot despite the crowds.

As they walked towards the Waterfire, the warm glow of the flames reflecting off the river caught their eyes. Vivian couldn't help but feel mesmerized by the beautiful display.

Vincent took her hand and led her towards the vendors, where they could get some food and drinks. They grabbed a few snacks and sat down on a bench to enjoy the view.

As they chatted, Vivian found herself feeling more comfortable and at ease with Vincent. She laughed at his jokes and even shared a few stories of her own.

Suddenly, the music changed and people started to gather around the performers. Vincent stood up and offered his hand to Vivian, asking her to dance.

Vivian was hesitant at first, but she couldn't resist Vincent's charm. They swayed to the music, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. It was as if they had known each other for years.

As the night went on, they continued to explore the Waterfire together, taking in the sights and sounds. Vivian felt a spark between them, a connection that she had never felt before.

As they finally made their way back to the car, Vincent turned to Vivian with a smile on his face. "I had a wonderful time tonight," he said, his eyes sparkling.

Vivian felt her heart skip a beat. "Me too," she replied, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. She was unfamiliar with such a feeling. She felt like she could trust him with everything.

As Vincent walked her to her door, he leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Vivian blushed furiously. She hoped he didn't notice. But alas the street lights were bright. Vincent chuckled when saw her blush.

Vivian punched his arm, trying to control her blush.

"Goodnight, Vivian," he whispered, before turning and walking away.

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