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Par LoveTNv

582 47 7

Once upon a time... there was a town, full of all childhood fantasies and stories. It is not until the great... Plus

skull and crossbones


137 9 1
Par LoveTNv

i. my jolly sailor bold

enchanted forest !

SHOUTS AND HEAVY footsteps of rushing guards followed her in the hustle and bustle of the chase.

The hood of her robe covered her face from curious eyes that turned to watch the commotion caused by the wave of guards chasing a hooded figure that jumped from rooftop to rooftop right above their heads.

But, soon, the rooftops were beginning to run out, and the path was becoming more unpredictable. She was running out of options, and she still couldn't get rid of those pesky guards.

"Blimey!..." she muttered in a sigh as she reached the edge of the last roof.

After that, the harbour stretched out its length, and the ocean greeted her with the murmur of its waves and the squawking of seagulls.

"I gatcha, pirate," someone said behind her, two guards had climbed onto the roof and were now approaching her with swords in hand.

She smiled sideways, pulling down the hood of her tunic and turning as the wind ruffled the hairs that fell out of her braid.

"Oops! Sorry, boys, but I won't be able to stay."
"Stop this nonsense. You're under arrest for property theft, turn yourself in, or-"
"As I said, I can't stay, I'm afraid this will not be the day you catch Scylla Sparrow," and with those condescending words, she didn't think twice about it.

Scylla jumped off the roof.


storybrooke !

She landed on her feet, causing a crash that woke the sleeping man in the chair with a start.

"For heaven's...sake!" The man stood up so fast, that as soon as he was on his feet he staggered dizzily.

Sylvie laughed as she cocked an eyebrow and shook her head, watching her father tap his head lightly to wake himself up.

"Did you fall asleep again?"
"No," he denied with the sass that only Joel Sage possessed.
"Dad," Sylvie raised an accusatory eyebrow.
"I just closed my eyes for a second and that was it," the man waved his hand in the air as if he were a child being scolded for something silly, and not the father.

Sylvie laughed again and opened the door to her home, looking over her shoulder at her father.

"Can you get in the ladder? I'm late for work."
"How are you late for a job where you're the boss?"
"Just like you're already 20 minutes late for yours."

The man seemed to remember he had a job at all and cursed loudly, then apologised to his daughter for his language and hurried into the house. Sylvie laughed to herself, knowing full well that that ladder would stay outside until she got home from work or her father tripped over it.

Both Sages left the house to head off to their jobs, Sylvie giving her father a peck on the cheek before turning away from the docks and towards the bar. Joel promised to visit his daughter between shifts, and Sylvie didn't doubt that, of course, Joel Sage used to always say how perfect it was to have the two things he loved most in one place: his daughter and rum.

She had to really hurry up, since she was late to opening the bar, and besides, had to be elsewhere as well, to where she was already spectacularly late.

Sylvie was never one to sit still. Never, her father had stressed that several times. She didn't like to sit at home and do nothing. So in the mornings she would go for a run before opening her bar or fix something in her house that needed fixing, and in the afternoons, before the really busy hours at the Ahoy! She worked helping out in the Garden Centre, until the sky turned dark and night set its stars onto the town, that was the time when everyone came after a hard day's work for a drink, where they went out on dates and meetings and parties, that was the time Ahoy! gets crowded and in need of her attention.

"You're finally here! I was beginning to think you'd forgotten you had another job."

Sylvie laughed and rolled her eyes, the beautiful nursery smiled in the morning sunshine, the sun nourishing the plants that temporarily inhabited it.

"How could I ever forget? You left me at least 10 missed calls."

Margot Bauer, the nursery owner, handed her an apron with a grimace that signalled her displeasure. While Sylvie just laughed again, and planted a kiss on the woman's cheek with amusement, to which the the dark skinned pulled away and made a disgruntled little sound, waving her hands and telling her to "get to work."

For as long as she could remember, Margot and Sylvie have been friends. Despite her fathers' long-standing squabbles over who was the better fisherman. Margot wasn't the most affectionate person in all of Storybrook, but she made up for it with her incredible protective instincts. As many said, Sylvie Sage and Margot Bauer were the perfect combination of polar opposites.

"We're twice as grumpy today, I see."
" I can't take it any long, I'm going to move, this time I mean it, I swear I will. If I have to listen to my father sing one more verse of "My Jolly Sailor Bold" in the mornings like he's the jolliest of sailor, I'm going to cut off my ears."
"Oh, I love that song! My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold, there is nothing can console me, but my jo- ah!" Sylvie fell down before she could finish singing among some plants, having been pushed by Margot.

The brunette walked away with a smile on her face as she rolled her eyes and let Sylvie get up to serve the first customer with a little laugh.

How she loved her dearest Margot.


enchanted forest !

How she disliked that damned Moira.

Scylla Sparrow wasn't a woman who held grudges very often, yes she was a pirate and all that, but she reckoned that anything stolen from her would be stolen back multiplied, or well, anything stolen from her she would steal back multiplied, to be more specific.

But that was fair, wasn't it? Or so her father had taught her.

Oh, her father, who would be angry with her when she didn't arrive on time for dinner today.

Her father, to whom she would have to explain that Moira Barbossa had kidnapped her, again.

"Aren't you tired of this, Moira?"
"No, not really, considering I'm winning," she smiled so cynically, Scylla felt like hitting the woman's head with a glass bottle.
"Please, can we skip to the part where I escape, we fight, and then I run away? I have things to do," she rolled her eyes, with a bored sigh.
"As condescending as ever, my dear Scylla, but no, I'm afraid that won't be the case this time."
"So what is it you want?" She asked intrigued, cocking her head slightly to one side and analyzing the crooked smile of the pirate in front of her.

The dark alley where she had been surprised had not a soul around, only Scylla, Moira and her two cronies occupied the wide dark length with their voices echoing around them.

"Do you know the story of Scylla, you know, the sea monster that gave you your name?" Scylla snorted, incredulous and offended.
"What, is your next question going to be if can I sail a ship?"
"I'll take that as a yes," with all her might, Moira sighed to keep from punching her in the face, and only made Scylla smile sideways. "Then you'll know the story of her medallion."

Oh. Oh.

Scylla got an idea of where this conversation was going, and she did not like it at all. She didn't show it, of course, and simply adopted her condescending attitude to perfection.

"You wouldn't happen to have a form I could fill out with your questions? I think that would make everything easier and quicker for us, considering that your dramatic effect only makes every word out of your mouth sound stupider than the last."

This time, Moira's fist did slam into her cheek.
Since she was being held by two of Moira's men, she didn't fall to the ground from the blow. But she did feel the blood rushing from her cheekbone, she smiled sideways again as she lifted her face to look at the pirate.

"One more word, and the next one will leave a scar."

Scylla was extremely tempted to answer, but just as she was impertinent, she was curious, and Moira had caught her attention with the mention of Scylla's medallion.

"Good choice. Now, back to what's important; how you're going to finally make yourself useful to me and steal that medallion."

This time, Scylla couldn't keep her mouth shut and burst out laughing at the stupid idea. A few seconds passed where the eco of her mocking laughter flooded the lonely alley until she finally ceased.

"Yeah, uh, no. That's definitely not going to happen. What do you want Scylla's medallion for, anyway?"
"I think you're missing the point, you're going to help me steal that medallion, not only because I currently have your life under my command, but because it benefits you as well."

The blonde raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Aha, and how, exactly, is risking my life by going through The Canal going to benefit me as well?"
"Do you know what that medallion does, Scylla? Do you know the power it possesses?" Oh, of course she knew it, everyone knew it. The Medallion of Scylla was an ancient pirate legend that every sailor grew up hearing about.
"Then I guess my question should be, why do you want to open the portal to Atlanta?"

Moira smiled sideways, a devious smile she had definitely inherited from her father. She smiled as if Scylla had finally asked the right question, and if she hadn't been angry at being held by two pathetic pirates and captured by her greatest enemy, she might have run and trembled in fear from the thought of getting even near that city.

Atlanta was a place of both dreams and nightmares. With riches beyond any world and beauties beyond compare. That description was persuasive to pirate ears, but few got to hear the rest before they fell to a horrible death.
Atlanta was beautiful and rich and exotic, just as it was also home to the most hideous, ruthless and dark sea monsters, as well as gods mightier than the Dark One himself and nightmares banished to the depths of the sea.

Yes, definitely no promise of riches or beauties or divine favors would convince her to go there.

Moira opened her mouth to say something, but was unexpectedly cut off by an arrow through the heart of one of the men holding Scylla still.

Everything happened so fast that Scylla didn't even have time to think before she was slammed into the wall with such force that she was left without air, and the huge body of the man who was still alive covered her as if he was protecting her. Well, his captain's prisoner, at least.

"Show yourself!" Moira shouted, her sword gleaming in the moonlight.

The owner of the arrow sticking out of the dead man beside her made no sound. The only thing that could be heard was the arrow that ended up in the forehead of the man in front of her travelling at an unstoppable speed through the air.

Scylla, who was coughing trying to recover from the blow, felt a few drops of blood fall on her face, but paid no attention to it as she escaped being crushed by the body that fell seconds after the arrow shot.

Without enough air in her lungs to breathe normally, she crawled into the darkness while Moira was distracted.

"Please hit her in the eye, please her him in the eye."

Once she was covered in mist and darkness, she pulled herself off the ground with the help of the wall, just in time as Moira noticed her escape and called out her name. Scylla started running and didn't stop even when she began to see the light.

She turned back for just a second, to make sure Moira wasn't following her, and a second was enough to bump into someone's chest on the other side of the darkness.

She let out a small cry of surprise, waiting for the blow that never came. Thanks to the arms that held her with the strength of a friend, Scylla waited for them to gag her, to try to attack her again, ready to defend herself and flee as quickly as possible, but nothing of the sort happened. She looked up, then, meeting a blue gaze and a sly smile she hadn't seen in years, her heart never so relieved to see the white wolf waiting patiently behind the man holding her.

"You," she breathe in surprise.
"You ought be more careful, don't you think?"


storybrooke !

Sylvie wasn't the most attentive person in the world, so it was nothing strange when she didn't see the person who had been standing in front of the entrance to Ahoy! when she walked through the door of her wide-awake bar.

"You should be more careful."

Sylvie rolled her eyes as she slipped out of Graham's grip and continued on her way to the bar.

"Hello, you."
"I save you from a terrible fall and this is how you repay me?" The Sheriff pretended to be offended, placing a hand on his chest as he followed Sylvie to the bar.
"Oh, thank you very much, my brave hero."

Graham let out a chuckle, and sat down on one of the high wooden seats while Sylvie organized her things in the back of the bar and said hello to her staff.
When she returned to Graham, she found him talking to Hudson Taylor with a stern face.

"You again?"

The boy removed his smile when he saw her enter with an accusatory look, Graham smiled sideways and took his drink, looking at Sylvie as if to say "I'll leave it in your hands".

"Sylvie, please, just for tonight, okay? I have a date!"
"Then have it at Granny's! If your mother comes in and sees you here, she'll kill me. You're not even 21 yet."
"But almost! And my mother won't know it, please please please please please please," he clasped his hands together in prayer, and Sylvie sighed deeply.
"One of these days you're going to get me into a lot of trouble, young man. And if you think I'm going to sell you a drop of booze-"
"I know, I know," the brunette rolled his eyes, and she laughed, throwing the towel slung over her shoulder in his face.

Graham approached them again, his face, so usually impassive and relaxed, now contorted into a grimace.

"Graham? What is it?"
"Regina called," the man held out his mobile phone, still too serious for Sylvie's like.

Sylvie glanced at the boy sitting across from her. Hudson nodded to both and left immediately, leaving them relatively alone.

"Okay, can you stop being so mysterious? You're scaring me."

Graham sighed and ran his hand over his face, tired. Sylvie furrowed her eyebrows, slightly worried.

"Henry's gone".

I promise this gets better, it's only the first chapter jxkekdj

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