By takoyaki_donuts

244 14 22

Going all cliché, Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa, and Chaeyoung weren't exactly star students. Stupid teenagers do stupi... More

"Hm, I think I love you."

244 14 22
By takoyaki_donuts




-1- "Hm, I think I love you."

It was exciting. Thrilling even.

Their sore feet pulsing against their shoes that were beating on the pavement. 

Jisoo couldn't care. They wouldn't get caught. A smile stuck to her face as Chaeyoung continued holding her hand, dragging them. 

She's gonna have to keep running though. 

Jisoo looked at Jennie to her left, dragged along by Lisa, once she laughed. The adrenaline told her to do the same. She copied her. Then, Chaeyoung and Lisa soon followed them as they turned a corner.

The sounds of a few angry store owners yelling sank to silence, leaving the police siren alone. 

Jisoo heard the water splashing from tires running over them several feet behind them, but dressed in all black and blending in with the night, they couldn't be worried. Never caught before, tonight wasn't going to be the first one. 

It wasn't long before the four of them made it out of the car's sight, quickly running on a corner, then down an alley. The sirens became muffled as their heavy breathing filled each other's senses and the faint moonlight finally coloring their faces. Lisa guided them through the dark alley, looking back at the three every other second. They hide behind some building, resting in the space between a wire fence wall that was on top of a small stone wall and the building. 

Chaeyoung and Jisoo hid besides some dumpster, whilst Jennie and Lisa hid themselves with a bunch of boxes. 

Jennie peeked her head out of their box fort and look at the others' position. She pointed and them and silently laughed, mocking them, which Lisa joined for a moment. The other scoffed and rolled their eyes in good nature. A better hiding place would have been inside the dumpster, though it's self-explanatory why she didn't take that. 

The four of them stayed there for a few more moments before the sirens fully left their area and wasn't mistaken for the buzzing in their ears. 

Once the coast was safe enough, they still stayed quiet. Jennie and Lisa peeked their heads out, Jisoo and Chaeyoung leaning to the side. 

Then the duos looked at each other. 

Slowly making their ways out of their hiding spots, they started laughing. 

Jisoo grabbed her stomach as she leaned against the cold brick wall, Jennie against Lisa as she cackled, with Chaeyoung mimicking Jisoo but against the fence. 

"Oh so funny!" Chaeyoung said, catching her breath then readjusted her backpack. 

"That wasn't funny, we almost got arrested because of this big loaf.." Jennie pulled Lisa by her backpack, then smacked her arm.

"Oww, what are you blaming me for? I didn't do anything! You're the reason why we had cops on us in the first place.." she mumbled. 

"Oh yeah, sure, that's my fault. Mind you, I'm not the idiot who made us take wayy longer than it needed to be done." 

Jisoo shook her head at the knuckleheads arguing and walked her way over to Chaeyoung. Now, she did agree with Lisa making them slow down, however– 

"I wanted pictures and you gladly took them for me. It was a two woman job Jennie.." 

"We need popcorn for this," Chaeyoung whispered in Jisoo's ears, the two off in the side, watching in amusement for another blame game between the two idiots. She nodded and hummed in response. 

"Oh come on Nini, what we did was a work of art, and I wanted to get a vintage, limited edition version of the product before it got released to the public.." 

Now, you're probably wondering exactly what they did to get chased by the cops. Oh nothing, your average group of four girls, all seventeen, in their last week of junior year exposing their terrible principal, which involved breaking into their school, and they also TP'd his house before that. Another successful prank, just classic high school shenanigans. 

Their principal deserved it and had it coming. They made his karma come faster. 

Lisa proposed the idea, Jennie encouraged her along, and Chaeyoung went with the flow. Jisoo was a bit bored and it was in good favor for the man's wife and his mistress, so she agreed as well. Luckily for them, Lisa is pretty good at pick-pocketing and Jennie with computers, where they gained these skills from, Chaeyoung and Jisoo don't know. A few hours later, with several keyboard taps, and a couple of text messages expose their principal's affair. 

"I guess so.. It was your idea, I get that.." Jennie rolled her eyes, but shown to be secretly enjoying the hug Lisa was giving her. 

Jisoo felt herself gravitating toward Chaeyoung's shoulder as she watched them, both focused on Chaeyoung's warmth and wondering when the fuck Jennie was going to confess. 

"I don't blame her," Chaeyoung shrugged, "we did ruin the statue of himself by graffiting it, put underwear on the thing, which that reminds me, Jennie I still can't believe you stuck a toy on it. Then, exposed him with that sign on top, and the pictures inside the school.." 

Jennie looked off to the side before she smirked, looking proud of herself. 

"The sign was the cherry on top Jisoo." Jennie tried her best to throw up jazz hands, but Lisa's tight grip refused the action. 

Jisoo threw her hands up in a dazzling way, a showboat, as she took a couple of steps then twirled for the three. 

"Like I was the one who hacked into his phone Jendeukie. All I did was copy the photos and fill the trophy case with water." She took out the pictures and trophies and hid them in a closet, they'd be fine, their principal wouldn't. 

Instead of the case showcasing the school's accomplishments, a principal's pride for his school, which was none in this case, he didn't care for them, so she can't feel bad here. Their case was now going to expose his shame, his dirty secret, photos of his infidelity planted right there and then in front of the whole school, and hopefully spreads to his wife. 

Back to the graffitied statue, there was also a sign on it that said, Stick your dick somewhere else!, while the other side had a photo of their principal on a date with another woman. Of course, the woman's face was blurred out, even though the woman said she didn't care. 

The four of them accidentally ran into her right before the picture was taken, she was obviously skeptical of young teenagers taking her photo, but they explained themselves and the man's situation. Alas, she was sad, yet let them take the photo as she practically posed for it, then left him in the restaurant. 

Jisoo smiles at the memory, but brought back to reality once she heard Chaeyoung's voice. 

"Hello? Echo echo.. you there?" 

She looked back at Chaeyoung as the blonde gently tugged her hand to bring Jisoo by her side, the two of them watching Jennie and Lisa for a moment before looking back at each other. 

Chaeyoung smiled at her. The comfort from her bouncing off to Jisoo, making her relax shoulders she didn't know were tense. Jisoo quietly sighed as the moon rose, in her sight, it hovered above Chaeyoung. 


She had the look of an angel with the lovely voice of a siren. Jisoo wouldn't mind hearing the enchanting song as it'd lure her in even deeper into the waters of Park Chaeyoung. 

"What are you off to in the summer?" 

That Aussie accent reeled her back to the surface once more. Jisoo shook her head then smiled back, despite the sadness creeping up on her. Chaeyoung was asking her this because she's headed to a trip back in Australia for the entire summer. She knows she'll be back for their senior year, but for a reason Jisoo hadn't put a label on yet, she was hurt by it, extremely. Not hurt for Chaeyoung leaving, of course, but her best friend's gonna be gone, there'll be that small, empty patch inside that becomes a void when Chaeyoung's this far away for this long. 

Jisoo shrugged as she leaned against the fence, "Same old, same old.." She'll probably hang out with Jennie and Lisa or learn to drive at some point. It's better than running anyway, but their license plate could get caught by a cop. 

Chaeyoung let out a dreamy sigh, "At the very peak of Mount Jisoo, I climb up and up, she's this beautiful girl yet boring as hell– Ow! Fucking hell.." Jisoo drove her elbow into Chaeyoung's stomach. 

She clutched her side, "All I'm saying is that you should take up new routines every once in a while.." she whined, pouting at Jisoo. "Like me, for example.." 

Jisoo raised an eyebrow, "Is that the real reason why? A change in routine?" 

"I want a little bit of modesty for some time.. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't find fun in the pranks, I do, but just a little vacation from the constant excitement and running, ya' know?" Chaeyoung pressed her lips together. 

She took her words in but nodded in the end, understanding, Chaeyoung just wanted a few peaceful moments in highschool, especially before graduation sneaked up on them. Their highschool lives couldn't just be full of exhilaration moments, at some points they needed to slow down because life requires it sometimes, and they should get used to the peace before adulthood kicked them in the shin. Though, it doesn't mean they'll stop for this year, only when they have time. They won't be throwing pranks forever just when they feel like because they're on the borderline between a legal adult and being a young teenager. It'll just them trying to come to terms with early adulthood. 

"That's completely fine Pasta, totally understand that." 

Chaeyoung let out a breath of relief, "Thought you were gonna be mad or something–" 

"Oh my god!" Jennie shrieked. 

Interrupting Chaeyoung, bringing their attention back to the other small brunette. Lisa had her hands up, backed away from Jennie as she stared at the latter in bafflement. 

Jennie had her eyes shut closed and her mouth opened, face fixed in a disgusted disbelief, before whispering, "I saw a bug.."

Lisa immediately picked her off the ground, in bridal-style, as Jennie clung to her neck. Chaeyoung and Jisoo sharing a look. It was frustrating to see these two be idiots and decide to be oblivious to their feelings, they both know they're in love yet they don't do anything about it. 

It's stupid, but she loves watching them be idiots. They'd be a sweet couple! 

Lisa has said she's too shy to ask her out, and she'll wait for Jennie to confess first, which Chaeyoung didn't buy and still pushes her to confess, whilst Jisoo took it and pushes Jennie to confess. Yet, the two of them are hopeless, Jennie keeps repeating she's gonna do it one day just to back out at the last second, and Lisa has a breakdown over the thought of Jennie being her girlfriend.

Turning back to Chaeyoung, Jisoo took a moment to remember her last words. 

"Wait, why'd you think I'd be mad?" 

Chaeyoung shrugged, not really giving a proper answer afterward, mumbling, I don't know, before Lisa adjusted the dark-colored backpack on her shoulders, she checked her phone for the time, then widened her eyes. 

"Eww, I have to get home like.. now, or else my parents will get suspicious.." 

Lisa scowled into the night for a split second before recovered. Jennie, now out of Lisa's arms, frowned, though turned surprised as Lisa leaned in, taking her time to kiss her cheek. She pulled back, giving a smile toward Chaeyoung and Jisoo. 

Lisa started climbing the fence, "Byebye dumb, dumber, and dumbest!" she said, hopping on the other side. Sending one last wave over her shoulder before running across the grass field. 

Chaeyoung and Jisoo yelled their goodbyes as Jennie stood frozen. She looked over at them, the two already giving knowing looks and smirks. 

Then it hit her, and Jennie freaked out and starting jumping. "She kissed me. Oh my god, she kissed my cheek.." Which Chaeyoung and Jisoo laughed, but not without encouragements and cheers. 

Though her excitement was short-lived, Jennie realized she should get home as well before her parents think she's been arrested and start raiding all the police stations in town. 

Jennie's parents know what Jennie and them do, they're super chill about it, just as long as any one of them don't take stuff too far and go against morals. 

Jennie hugs the two one last time and waves goodbye, climbing the fence afterward, then heading over to her house, making sure to give her parents a call on the way. 

With those two gone, it was Chaeyoung and Jisoo left. 

It made Jisoo nervous, she rocked back and forth on her feet as Chaeyoung smiled again. Was there anything this girl wasn't happy about? Jisoo loved her smiles. Chaeyoung's chipmunk cheeks were red and rosy, the blush glowing as stars appeared, one by one, as if they were meant to make Chaeyoung shine more. Like each one was a spotlight for her, the blanket of spread stars reflecting in her brown eyes. 

"I'll.. really miss you over the summer.." 

"Aww Chu.." Chaeyoung cooed. She nudged Jisoo's side, saying, "I'll miss you too and Jenlisa. Don't worry, once I return, it'll be like I never left. Plus, I won't go through some drastic change or something like that.." 

"But that's completely fine! Neither Jennie nor Lisa, and me, would mind it at all." 

Chaeyoung placed a hand on Jisoo's shoulder, still smiling at her, "Thanks.." she leaned in, pressing a kiss against her cheek. Jisoo's smile grew wider at each passing second, warmth seeping into her heart. 

She pulled back, matching Jisoo's grin and slowly stepped away. The hand on Jisoo's shoulder slipping off the slowest, Chaeyoung didn't want to leave the sensation, regardless of Jisoo's jacket and Chaeyoung's fingerless glove somewhat in the way, electricity prickled on her palm at the contact. Shooting straight into Chaeyoung's heart as it sped up, lingering in the feeling before her arm fell away from Jisoo. 

Chaeyoung turned on her heel, climbing over the fence as Jisoo just watched her, though, when Chaeyoung landed on the grass, she stopped. She turned away to stare at Jisoo. Jisoo tilts her head, moving up to her, grabbing on to the fence before she asked if anything was wrong. 

Chaeyoung shakes her head. 

"I just wanna look at you for a moment.." 

Jisoo isn't surprised, not because she thinks her face is a piece of art to look at, but because she just gets the feeling. She has the same one several times a day for Chaeyoung as well. 

Chaeyoung's eyes lit up under those emotions passing through her eyes that were calm. A euphoric-like wonder replacing any tension in Jisoo, fixing her gaze on her as she leaned her cheek against her hand. Blushes on their faces as they bask in their small bubble, allowing the sounds of the night to serve in the background. 

Park Chaeyoung was her best friend. So was this feeling. She felt like a dream, something unreal that came to Jisoo's life all those years ago. Chaeyoung also appeared in a happy state, like she wakes up in a bed full of puppies and eats from bowls of happiness in its actual form. Jisoo basically had a giant ball of sunshine walking by her side. The girl even smelled like sunflowers. This small warmth turning passionate, the feeling igniting only around Park Chaeyoung, because they were also best friends.

Chaeyoung's expression soften then walked backwards. 

"See ya' later Chu.." 

She blew a kiss goodbye. Jisoo caught it, placing it over her chest. 

"Yeah.. see you tomorrow.." 

A week passed by, Junior year is over, and summer has started, but for now, Chaeyoung, Jisoo, Lisa, and Jennie were all bunched up in Chaeyoung's parents' car. Obviously, her parents up front driving, Jennie and Lisa in the back with Jisoo clinging to Chaeyoung in the middle of them. The car was filled with music and noise from their mouths, Chaeyoung's parents were very social people and they were the absolute sweetest, especially with them, so it didn't take long for them to tease Jisoo about her behavior. 

She hadn't talked much on their way to the airport, just glued to Chaeyoung's side and slumped against her shoulders, letting out whines and groans as answers to questions for her. Jennie and Lisa jumped at the opportunity to join them, but Chaeyoung didn't say anything, she squeezed Jisoo's hand and let her cling for the rest of the ride. She didn't want to think about her leaving, all she needs is Chaeyoung like this, providing her this coziness and stirring the entrancing feeling in her chest. Jisoo closes her eyes, making herself comfortable on Chaeyoung's shoulder, wanting to sleep into the dream Chaeyoung was. 

Jisoo woke up by Chaeyoung stroking her hair, soft whispers of warm air brushing her ears, telling her they've arrived. She opened her eyes. An angelic sight to behold, waking up to Chaeyoung's smile, it wasn't the first time she's been blessed with this, but she'll never get tired of it. Jisoo lifted her head off Chaeyoung, rubbing her eyes as Chaeyoung began running her hand across the soft fabric of her shirt. It was a nice feeling, she almost fell back asleep from it, but the sounds of doors opening and Lisa's loud voice, telling her to move out of the way, got Jisoo wide awake. The two of them moved out of the way, along with the rest of them, all cracking jokes and talking about Australia as they help Chaeyoung and her parents with their bags. 

Jennie and Lisa messing with each other with a pillow fight, using Chaeyoung's travel pillows, Jisoo joined in despite the glare spent by Chaeyoung. Then the scolding came in, they stopped for a moment, looked at each other, and continued right after. Chaeyoung watched them like an embarrassed mom with her three children, but looked at her parents giving her friends weird looks, which ultimately made Chaeyoung join in out of spite. 

Her parents don't get to look at her weird friends weirdly, only she gets to! 

After a bunch of laughter from the four teens, Chaeyoung's parents tried their hardest to calm their chaos down. They didn't care about the attention, but they were set for a ten-hour flight. They needed their energy low to sleep through it, and their daughter, high on energy, they just knew she'd do the most to keep it up, and talk the whole way. 

Later on, the Park family checked in for their flights. Jennie, Jisoo, and Lisa follow behind as they cover for them, going through security gates, and finding Chaeyoung's boarding gate. 

Keeping things regular with them, Chaeyoung and them, continued talking and messing around the place. Playing in a high paced version of Tag, including knocking over other people's bags, which Jisoo made Chaeyoung and Lisa apologize for, despite running for their lives from Jennie. They had a rule, whoever is tagged last has to do a dare. Last time, Lisa had to confess to wetting her bed until she was fourteen, before that, Jennie had to use mayo for shampoo, and before her, Chaeyoung had to bark like a dog in school for a day. Funny, humiliating, but embarrassing to watch. 

The four of them keep company for the rest of the remaining hours, Jisoo stepped back from them a bit, just watching them with a smile. Chaeyoung noticed how quiet she's been this entire time. She was about to say something, but then her flight was called. 

Slowing down and stopping, Jennie, Jisoo, and Lisa looked at one another, then at Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung's eyes widened for a second before relaxing, sighing to herself as she prepared. 

Jennie and Lisa ran at her, jumping into the girl's arms whilst tackling her side. Both of them squeezing her to death, ignoring Chaeyoung's cries of protests. 

The two girls smother Chaeyoung's hearing with their hysterical wails and goodbyes, misses, etc. Chaeyoung could be suffocating under them, but as long as Jennie didn't get as clingy with her as she does for Lisa when she leaves for Thailand, she'll have trouble breathing all she wants. Even with the constant tapping on their shoulders, Jennie and Lisa knew Chaeyoung was secretly enjoying this. The smile on her face wasn't hard to spot. 

Jisoo crossed her arms as she watched the two, her eyes crossing Chaeyoung's parents in the background, the two also watching with smiles, but turned into grins when they spotted Jisoo. Silently communicating with each other, her parents shot Jisoo a pair of thumbs up, which Jisoo appreciated, but she thought she was much more sneaky than to be read this easy. She sighed. 

Lisa and Jennie got off Chaeyoung, throwing quick glances between them, and walked over to Chaeyoung's parents. 

Chayeoung heaved out a breath, then looked over to Jisoo, meeting her eyes. 

She had a tip-lipped smiled. "So.. this is it for now..?" Chaeyoung stepped closed, "I-I'll see you later Chu.. I promise to call you when I get lonely." 

There's a light lift at the corner of her lip, she shrugged at the end of her sentence, anyone would see Chaeyoung was at peace. But that's the problem, Jisoo wasn't anyone, it was clear to her despite the joking tone in her words, she was uneasy, nervous, hesitant even. 

Jisoo attempted to smile back, "Got it.. I'll always be available for that," she winked, "just.. stay out of harm's way and come back to us." 


They stared at each other, silent, Jisoo wanted to say so much but wouldn't have enough time. She could practically see the disappointed looks on Jennie and Lisa, she scowled at the image. 

Then Chaeyoung groaned, letting out a cry before she opens up her arms. 

"Just come over here ya' idiot.." 

Jisoo ran into her arms, crying as well, she wrapped herself in the familiar warmth of Chaeyoung. She took in a deep breath of her sweet perfume, grasping on the smell surrounding her as she snuggled further. 

"You're so dr-dramatic.. why are you crying?" Chaeyoung sniffled, her words broken as well as her voice. Jisoo tries laughing. 

They stay like this for a couple of moments, then pulled back, smiles thrown at one another as Chaeyoung wiped Jisoo's tears and vice versa. Chaeyoung leaned in closer, pressing a kiss with her soft lips on Jisoo's nose, then whispered just for her ears. 

"I'll see you again, I promise you my Chu.." she pressed their foreheads together, smiling, "you're my other half, how could I not come back?" 

Later on, Jisoo, Lisa, and Jennie were all pressed up against the giant glass, watching Chaeyoung's plane take flight. Lisa made a noise then sighed. "Well.. there goes the love of your life.. Thousands of miles away... and the rest of your love life– Ow!" 

An elbow to her stomach. 

"Lili be nice for once!" 

"Okay fine– ..What was that one for?" Another elbow to Lisa's side. Lisa turned to look at Jisoo. Her poor poor ribs. 

"Nothing that time." Jisoo replies, smiling innocently at the taller girl. Lisa stared at her weirdly, though with no real malice behind it. She rolled her eyes as she looked over at Jennie, talking to the cat-eyed girl. 

Jisoo drowned out the conversation, Chaeyoung's plane disappearing into the clouds, and she squinted her eyes, moving more to the left to catch more of it before it vanished. She didn't feel as much of a loss she thought she would. A sigh came out, she's noticed the tightness releasing when she watched the plane. She was numb to the coldness from the window against her fingers, ignoring every other sense except sight to continue seeing Chaeyoung, contain the beautiful image in her head. 

Her heart counteracted the chills blasted throughout the airport due to the warming weather. Jisoo closed her eyes. Chaeyoung will keep her promise, she always does.                                                

—— {      ・   ゚        🪐  。   ・   ・   ゚      } ——

"I'm bored!" 

Jisoo was picking at her food before she looked up at the annoying couple, Jennie feeding Lisa with hearts in her eyes as the two looked at each other like lovesick puppies. Ugh, it was annoyingly cute. 

She rolled her eyes, roaming her eyes across the cafeteria, already fed up with the school, not with the other students, more like the environment and building. Senior year was kicking Jisoo's ass. 

Jisoo took a spoonful of her mashed potatoes before pushing her tray aside, then laid her head in her arms. The table they sat on was cool against her skin, sort of calming Jisoo down. But, the peace was soon disrupted by the small giggles and squeals from Jennie and Lisa. 

It took months of endless encouragement speeches about facing her fears, how she's going to regret this for life, and how Lisa looks at her like Jennie created the sun, giving her the biggest star she's ever seen, as if it was made for her. Jennie finally gave in, and now, three months later, Jennie walked up to Jisoo holding hands with Lisa, so simply, they were dating. Then Jisoo did a little happy dace, and by little she means a whole choreography. 

Jisoo sat back up. She continued watching them, but as soon as Lisa turned toward her, her eyes widened, looking at something behind. 

"Hm? Love, what's wro–" 

Jennie looked to see in Lisa's direction and dropped her fork. 

Jisoo's eyebrows furrowed as she stared at their weird behavior, taking another bite of her chicken sandwich, then raising a brow, "What's wrong–"

Then her vision slowly went black as something covered her eyes. 

"Did ya' miss me?"

Jisoo gasped, quickly moving her hands out of the way, then turning to the voice. Her eyes widened, heart picking up in her ears. 


Chaeyoung made a show of throwing out some jazz hands, "Are ya' gonna sit there and continue my favorite activity or hug me?!" 

Jisoo reacted immediately, jumping out of her seat and into Chaeyoung's arms once again, that familiar feeling returning as well with the missing scent of home from Chaeyoung. 

Chaeyoung hugged her even tighter before the two settled down, then met with yells of greeting from Jennie and Lisa, the two scolding her for showing up way later than expected. Chaeyoung ignored it, saying that she was at least back before it was too late. Jisoo and her went to sit, but Jisoo made Chaeyoung sit in her spot once she saw her trying to eat her food with her right hand, so she clung on her right arm instead of her left. 

They start talking about Chaeyoung's vacation, which she answers any question that pops up, but her confusion becomes more inevitable with her eyes squinting at Jennie and Lisa's closeness. By a quick whisper from Jisoo, her eyes brighten at the revelation that her stupid best friends in love became a couple. Chaeyoung congratulated them and thanked Jisoo for getting some sense into Jennie, also squealing about Jennie's confession. The two were on a swing set, and Jennie was too nervous to say anything, so she slipped Lisa a love letter in her hand. 

Like Chaeyoung said, it was like she never left, she meshed well back into the group and they continued to be a complete set of four for the rest of lunchtime. 

Though, as Jisoo held her backpack's straps, calmly walking through the hallways of chatter noise and lockers slamming, she could hear a pair of footsteps catching to her. 


She stopped, turning around in time to Chaeyoung's hand slipping in hers. Chaeyoung grinned brightly at the girl, "Let's go?" Jisoo squeezed her hand, allowing Chaeyoung to carry them through the school and out. 

Several more minutes of passing through crowds of students, they hit the sidewalk, quiet on both sides as they walked to their houses. The silence was not a stranger between any of the four of them, but mostly uncommon to Jisoo when she was with Chaeyoung. 

"What are you doing after graduation?" 

Chaeyoung looked to the ground, kicking a rock to the side, her eyes following it as she eyed the cars driving down the road, before looking back at Jisoo. 

The latter shrugged, not really having a plan, but has an idea for her major and a start. 

"College, maybe major psychology.."

Chaeyoung hummed, nodding as if she's expected it. 

"I wanna become a veterinarian." 

Jisoo looked up to the sky as she smiled, humming, she expected that one. They stayed quiet once more, but Chaeyoung had another thought. 

"..Are we all going to the same college?" 

"If we all want to," Jisoo looked back at her, "we'll stay in contact if that's not the case though.." Her words didn't put Chaeyoung on ease, the girl squirming instead, and making Jisoo worry. 

"I really don't want us to grow apart.. Ya' know?" Chaeyoung stopped walking.

"And we won't, we'll make sure of it Chaengie.." 

"Yeah.. but with our different majors and the varying years we'll study for.. A lot can happen. I don't wanna lose the connection we have with each other, you guys are my best people.." 

"I swear to god Chaengie, I'll make us stay together, forever, even if it's all FaceTime calls, text messages, down to written letters– Hell! Even if we have to deliver by pigeon mail!" 

Chaeyoung laughs, feeling a bit better at the situation, a weight lifting off her shoulders and leaving her as the light feeling of laughter replaced her nerves. 

"Forever.." she repeated, then smiled more as she continued repeating Jisoo's words. Chaeyoung hugged her from behind. 

"Together forever Chu."                                                                                                                                                                            

—— {      ・    ゚        🪐  。   ・   ・      ゚   ☆    } ——   

"Okay okay, just please one more photo." 

Jennie complained, holding Lisa close to her, taking photo after photo with one another, Lisa planting a kiss on her lips in the last one. She shined her gummy smile at the girl as she reviewed those photos. Diplomas in hands, dressed in yellow graduation gowns and caps, and wide smiles for Jennie's camera. 

"Ohh, that's a good one," Lisa pointed out the photo where they kissed, "post this one." 

"No, it's mine.. As much as I love to make losers jealous of our relationship, I wanna keep this one.. For myself.. is that okay Lili?" She pouted, Lisa immediately agreeing with her whilst Jisoo off to the side, on her phone, yelled at her for being weak. 

"I'm the weak one? You can't even confess to Chaeyoung." 

"Woah woah.." Jisoo stared at her, "let's get shit straight here, I don't... like Chaeyoung like t-that.." 

A blush painted her cheeks. 

"Ha! You totally do, Jennie, wouldn't you agree?" 

"Oh yeah, you got a crush on that woman, and I'm surprised you haven't realized it." 

Jisoo rolled her eyes, yet never denied them more, and went back to her phone but not before she flipped them off. They laughed at Jisoo, clearly unaffected as her actions further feed their suspicions. 

Distracted by her phone, this time, she couldn't hear Chaeyoung sneaking up on her until her phone was snatched and is dangled away. Jisoo, ready to murder Lisa, calmed as she heard Chaeyoung's voice by her ear, and her head on her shoulder. 

"Such a useless thing to keep when I'm around you.." She faked whined, hugging Jisoo. 

"Shush Pasta shush, you're only here now!" Jisoo turned around, still in the hug, smiling up at the girl. 

"Jisoooo.. Look at yourself, you're so pretty in yellow." Chaeyoung swiftly changed the topic, gushing over Jisoo always earned a blush from the raven-haired girl. 

"You're too nice, have you seen yourself?" Jisoo winked, which Chaeyoung laughed off. 

"So, when did you guys start dating?" Jennie interrupted. 

Chaeyoung blushed, making Jisoo a bit surprised, as the girl turned shy, normally in the past as they would pass each other dating comments beforehand and deny, now Chaeyoung just stared at them. She waited for the denial to come but it never happened, so Jisoo had to step in. 

"W-We're not dating..." 

"Oh woopies, could have fooled everybody else watching you guys." Lisa rolled her eyes. 

"A-Anyway," Chaeyoung turned back to Jisoo, "we're all going to the same college, right?" 

"Oh yeah, definitely."

"All board on S.S College YG!" 

Both Jennie and Lisa overheard, they were quick to reassure Chaeyoung on the matter. 

Jisoo lets out a breath of relief, then her attention was brought back to Chaeyoung, who was currently looking at her with an unidentified emotion, it felt familiar to Jisoo though. She leaned closer to Jisoo, the girl prepared for another cheek kiss, but this one left tingles all over her body.

Chaeyoung gave her a kiss on the corner of Jisoo's lips, Jisoo stunned as she focused on the buzzing feeling it left and her erratic heartbeat. Then she smiled at Jisoo's reaction. 

"Together forever.."                                                                                                                                                                               

—— {    ☆   ・    ゚    ✧    🪐    。  ・   ・      ゚    ☆    } ——

They were running. 

Jisoo can't believe the first thing she does, back in this town, is run, as if they were teenagers again. At the striking age of twenty-two, four years deep into college, now on Spring Break, Chaeyoung, Lisa, Jennie, and Jisoo still hadn't changed their behavior in this town. 

But luckily, and unfortunate for Jisoo's stamina, they weren't running from cops or angry store owners this time. 

"Chaeyoung, where the hell are we going?!" Jennie yelled at the girl, scowling at Lisa forcing her to follow the group, yet Chaeyoung stayed quiet as she dragged Jisoo once again. 

They were headed toward a familiar direction, and Jisoo's brain hadn't quite racked up the answer before Lisa spoke up. 

"Chaeyoung-ah, are we really going back to highschool?" 

Then it hit her. 

They turned the corner and now looking forward to seeing their school's statue, the one they graffitied all those years ago, only to be confused. It was nowhere in sight. Yay. Win for them.

After a few talks to the other adults of this town who recognized them, it was revealed there was a nice principal in place and the statue was torn down a week after he left. Well, Jisoo's glad to hear it and his wife leaving him some years ago, she can't help but not feel bad for the man, instead she laughed, all of them snickered at it. 

As the day went by, they kept each other's company, and Jisoo had a sense of nostalgia. The longing feeling in the past as kids, things seemed better, they were more free, had a ton of fun as life was easy. Even as adults, being back in their home time subconsciously brought back old habits for the four of them. Lisa's habit of cracking her neck to the side returned, like she was nervous every other second, and digressed to her teenager brain. The movement appeared when she started crushing on Jennie. 

Jennie came with them wearing glasses, Jisoo hadn't seen them since they all first met. She remembers Jennie fixing them constantly around Lisa, eventually gone to be wearing contacts later on. Jennie looked nice in them. Guess she wanted to connect back to a younger part of herself, while visiting a place old to her heart. Yet, Chaeyoung acted the same as always, though her clothes didn't say the same. These days, Chaeyoung would dress more sophisticated or go oversized shirts and baggy pants for more comfortable stuff. Now, she agreed with teen Chaeyoung, having a different say and wearing her old retro and streetwear style. 

But, Jisoo merely just felt the wave of crashing memories wash over her, she could look down some random street and practically see their teenager versions like a vision. They'd probably be doing something stupid or just hanging out. There was a childlike glow within these memories, but washed out with their sharper, more mature glint of life. 

It's been around four years. Damn, how different their lives were now. 

Fucking hell, when did they grow up? 

The four of them hang out until the sun starts setting, basking the town in orange. They pass by an old convenience store that Lisa remembers them visiting a lot. All of them hungry for the first snack they see, they went for a quick stop at the store, though Jisoo recognized the owner immediately. Eyes wide, awkward smile, Jisoo and the store owner had a bit of a stare down, as the other three roamed the store, yet to remember the guy. They had a little history with this owner in particular, all she remembers is running away from his angry shouts and threats of banning them for life. The usual for teenage them. 

Lisa joined her, taking a few minutes to remember him, as well as Jennie, and Chaeyoung remember as quick as Jisoo. Jennie grimaced, while the other two tried smiling. The owner definitely remembered them. He's had his arms crossed and a stone face the moment they walked inside. 

A few more awkward greetings from Chaeyoung and Lisa, the owner sighed, face scrunching up, as if he was tired of them already. He reassures them that the past is the past and that they were dumb children doing dumb teenager stuff. They visibly relaxed at that, then warm up to the guy as they spent their time there. 

They grab their snacks, Chaeyoung asking if the owner has some sort of microwave in the back because she bought a bag of popcorn, and instead of shouts, they left with a warm smile and a kind wave from the owner. 

Jennie and Jisoo walked in front this time, Chaeyoung and Lisa sharing some conversation about something behind them. Probably a new video game Lisa found or wanting a new tattoo. 

Down the sidewalk, they turned a corner with a familiar feel, a weird shift happening in Jisoo but she didn't show it. A couple of moments later, Jennie stopped, sizing up an alleyway. Jisoo shot her eyebrows up, confused, but also causing the taller half of their group to bump into them. She ignored their groans and followed Jennie's eyes, scanning the dark alley, yet her brain lit up with every remembering detail about the place. 

Jisoo looks at her, and she looks back. Then they start walking down. Chaeyoung blinks a few times, staring the place down before she followed them. Lisa raised an eyebrow at the three, and followed them regardless, she didn't know why exactly but still followed them. 

"This is so dirty.." Lisa fake gagged. 

"Eww, the smell is terrible!" Chaeyoung whined.

"Weak bitches.." Jennie shook her head.

"Of course it is, it's an alley, but mind you, you weren't complaining six years ago.." Jisoo turned back for a second, rolling her eyes at them. 

The two of them ignored the continued complaints as they were busy enough dodging the small puddles of water, and anything against the walls that could dirty up their clothing. 

It didn't take long to see that same fence and stone wall, stacked up on one another; the fence wore down and new with the holes in it, and the wall growing grass that looked to be dying. The place hadn't changed drastically, which she expected, it just aged. Ha, you could say the same for them. 

Chaeyoung pointed out every difference as she looked over the small place, playing a game of spot the difference and comparing from her young eighteen-year-old memory. 

Lisa and Jennie climbed over the fence after Chaeyoung was done for a bit. Jennie said something about wanting to visit the park where she confessed. Jisoo let out a breath that mimicked a laugh, not that it was funny, the idea is just very adorable. She sometimes wishes she had a memorable place here like theirs, though, maybe Jisoo still could. It's possible. 

Chaeyoung and her waved them off, then the two looked at each other. 

They were left alone. 

Jisoo moves over to lean against the stone, moving a few pieces of dried leaves out of the way as she settled against the fence. Chaeyoung followed her actions. 

Old habits tend to die the slowest, yet it never turned old with Chaeyoung. Jisoo keeps catching Chaeyoung just randomly stare at her with this fond look. It made her feel content, warm, Jisoo loved whenever Chaeyoung's eyes looked like that. 

Her eyes were blurry, an ocean, a body of water yet filled with emotion. Jisoo dived deep into Chaeyoung's eyes, feeling the weight sink into her limbs, as her mind swam around the new swirling emotions lighting inside her body. She saw herself close her eyes, breathing in the water, expecting her nose to burn or smell the saltiness of the sea, instead, Jisoo only felt elevated. There was an unidentified emotion in Chaeyoung, which was responsible for this feeling, she's seen it in other people. She has it on the tip of her tongue. 

What was it? 

The eyes are the window of the soul, as they say. Happiness, awe, confliction, smugness, nervousness, etc. Jisoo saw it in all those chocolate brown eyes. 

As a late-afternoon sun hit, the sky from a clear blue to yellowish-blue. Its shining yellow dancing off the blonde's face, making a new, unique glow meant for Park Chaeyoung. 

There's no one like her, Jisoo thought. 

Yet, the vision broke once Chaeyoung looked away, her gasp catching her attention, saying she's almost forgotten about something. Jisoo blinked a few times, then quirked a brow, tilting her head in the process. 

Chaeyoung stood up for a moment before taking out a bag of popcorn from her jacket, well, now two bags of popcorn. 

"Cha-cha! Popcorn for us." She grinned at Jisoo, which she always returned, then stepped closer, "..There's.. a lot I wanted to say when I was last here.. In highschool especially," she looked to the sky. Jisoo hummed, though confused, she let Chaeyoung continue talking. 

"There's one thing I regret not doing in this town, but, maybe I could reverse that mistake.. now." she looked back at Jisoo, eyes seeming to be heavy with something, not with tears, but something. 

"It's the perfect time to get everything off my chest.."

Chaeyoung took a moment to compose herself, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. 

"So, there's a game I came up with..."

"Do tell?" 

"Okay.. Um, so basically.. we both have bags of popcorn, right? Then go back and forth con.. c-confessing," Chaeyoung blushed, "to anything while throwing a piece of popcorn to the other.." 


"I know! It's a stupid idea–"

"I didn't say anything of the sort. I think it's a cute idea, I like it." Jisoo smiled, immediately calming her. 

Chaeyoug nodded frantically, "Okay.. Alright then.." She hands Jisoo the popcorn and gives a few feet between them. 

"Chaeyoung, you wanna go first? I can go unless you do." 

She mumbled out an agreement, fidgeting with the bag before looking at the sky, thinking long with a hum. 

"Hmm, let's see.. I've told you a lot of my secrets, I don't know if I have much left..." she paused for a moment, then exclaimed, "wait! I was the one who broke my grandmother's vase when I was six.." 

Jisoo laughed at her, the memory played through her mind as soon as the words left. 

"Pfft, hahaha! You blamed that on her cat." 

"I was a child! I was too self-aware to get punished!" 

"Yet that didn't stop you from pulling pranks in high school.." Jisoo mumbled, getting hit by a piece of popcorn in response. Chaeyoung grabbed another piece. 

"Can you catch one from this far?"

Jisoo nodded. "I can do lots of things with my mouth," she looked off to the side. The slight smile showing off her awareness behind the implication of her sentence. 

Chaeyoung blinked, frozen for a good three seconds, shook her head, then was back to throwing the piece and Jisoo catching it in her mouth. 

"Okay.. my turn, I guess.." 

Jisoo wasn't a very open person, though, she wasn't one with many secrets too. Which is what she thinks. 

She doesn't know her own secret, like it's hiding itself from Jisoo. It's been peeking out, subtlety, that anyone but Jisoo wouldn't have noticed. She's not that dumb of a person, she's aware of how her body reacts to Chaeyoung. Jisoo didn't know what to do. At first, she thought she was sick, then thought something was wrong with herself spiritually, as if she was possessed, but only found Chaeyoung to be the cause. 

Jisoo asked Jennie about it one time, and she smacked her head. The tables turned, instead of Jisoo scolding Jennie on her dumbness about her crush on Lisa, it became Jennie yelling at her that she's in love. 

Love. It was strange to Jisoo. Not strange for her to express to someone like Jennie or Lisa, but in the way Jennie was talking about. 

Was that it? Is this what she's been feeling as a teen for Chaeyoung?

Then a warmth cherished her heart, there wasn't a rush or tendency to slow down to annoy her, just comfortably placing itself in their appropriate spot. Jisoo focused on it, really focused, until it hit her to her core. It all points back to Chaeyoung.


Well, she'll be damned. 

No wonder why she never had a name for the emotion. Jisoo's never had this for anyone but her, realizing this now, it's always been Chaeyoung. 

Memories of her and Chaeyoung ran through her mind within seconds, the warmth spreading out at a nice pace at every smile she saw, or every time they held hands. It was so obvious, Jisoo just didn't know, until now that is. 

She looked back at her once more, and a blush rushed to Jisoo's cheeks.

Now, Jisoo knew the secret that was hidden from herself. 

And Chaeyoung should know too. 

"Hm, I think I love you.." 

"...Huh..?" Chaeyoung's eyes widened. Jisoo threw a piece at her, the girl letting it bounce off her jacket due to her shocked state.

"Pasta, like I said... pretty sure I'm in love with you." 

"W-Well.. Like romantically? ...I just need a confirmation–" 

"Yes, like romantically. Like, in a way where... I don't want to spend a single morning where I don't wake up with you, type of way.." 


Chaeyoung didn't leave a trace of emotion on her face nor tone. Jisoo shuffled on her feet a bit, doubts now rushing to her head, but stayed grounded. 

Looking off to the side, Jisoo gulped. Maybe Chaeyoung did like her back, though, despite Jisoo's bluntness, she wasn't that confident in confessing weird and complex feelings like these. Yes, they talk to each other about anything, including their feelings, but not love. Neither of them brought up any crushes in the past, not even now. 

"Guess I need to confess as well.." 

She looked back. Chaeyoung took a deep breath as red colored her cheeks. The girl was adorable. Whenever Chaeyoung tries to tackle difficult situations that make her hesitate to talk, she'll copy Jisoo's stature and follow through with the same bluntness, which she thinks Jisoo would. Over the years, many of their own habits passed to the other. Jisoo hadn't noticed until now. 

"I.." another breath, "badly wanna kiss you."

"Hm." Jisoo said, nodding to herself. 

Chaeyoung shot her a look, the gears still turning in Jisoo's brain as the words tried their best to process it for her. 

A beat passed or two, then she realized.

"Oh.. oh-"

It kicked Jisoo in the best way possible, kick-starting her heart at a rapid pace, each beat sending shockwaves to her body that shattered her once calm state. The realization came too late and hard. Jisoo was sent into a frenzy. 

"O-Oh! You.. I-I.. you.. wanna.." she trailed off. The amount of desperation that would have entered her words burned her cheeks with embarrassment. 

Chaeyoung burst out laughing. 

"It's so weird.. to see you.. like this... You rarely freak out!" She spoke between laughs, forgetting about her popcorn as she clutched her stomach. 

Jisoo glared for a few seconds, quick to know it wasn't working, she crossed her arms, pouting to the ground. The laughs turned into small giggles, meaning that even her pouting didn't work. It worked the other million times, but this one time when she confesses, and its magic is gone? 

Jisoo scowled. The audacity of Chaeyoung to not fall for it. 

But her scowl melted away at the glow Chaeyoung produced once she was done laughing, just looking at Jisoo, a grin across her lips as her eyes went soft all over again. It was that same look every time.

Jisoo smirked. 

"You really do.. Huh.. Okay then," she walked slowly over to Chaeyoung, the latter mirroring the look on her face. Chaeyoung's face gradually dropping in surprise the closer Jisoo got. 

Then Jisoo grabbed her collar, dragging her down, their noses touches, lips a second away from leaning in to close in the electrifying gap. Breath hitting Chaeyoung's lips, the blonde subconsciously lowering her jaw, then Jisoo placed a piece of popcorn in her mouth. She smiled. 

"I badly want you to kiss me Chaeyoung.." 

Jisoo gently held her jaw, and Chaeyoung ate the popcorn, slowly, careful to not break the connection between them. 

Jisoo's breathing got heavier, barely able to contain herself from claiming those lips and salvaging her sweet taste she's spent all this time imagining. Chaeyoung's eyes flickered from her own, down to her lips, stuck in a trance as her eyes grew hazy and distracted. Jisoo is sure she looks the same and licked her lips, gulping as Chaeyoung let out a shaky breath. 

Then, she heard a bag drop. Though, before Jisoo could check the noise out, Chaeyoung leaned in. 

"It's okay, right?"

The faintest of nods from Jisoo might have been one of the best decisions of her life because the amount of softness attacking her system. Chaeyoung kissed her. She's kissing her. 

Oh my god. 

She should have done this a long time ago, what the hell was up with her? There was a delicious rush of feelings crashing into her, shattering any type of resolve and reason, to only focus on Chaeyoung and her lips. 

Jisoo melted into Chaeyoung, feeling all of her desire, worship, love, the smacking of their lips making Jisoo's heart flutter in a yearning for the girl. Her heart wanted to rip itself out of her chest and reach for Chaeyoung's, wanting to connect themselves into one. She wanted it too, for them to be together. Euphoria pumped her entire being with love. 

That's what this was, just love. 

Chaeyoung's nose brushed hers and left goosebumps, deeply rooted in the adoration she had for this girl, each rose with a new-found purpose. Jisoo needed to make Chaeyoung the happiest girl alive, it felt like her job as her future girlfriend. God, she hopes she'll do well. 

Chaeyoung pulled back, but Jisoo chased her down for a second kiss. 

It was much slower, yet oh so delightful. Chaeyoung breathed in Jisoo, a hint of strawberry mixed in with lavender, making her mind spin as it consumed Chaeyoung. She wanted it to, she wanted everything she smelled, tasted, and saw to be Jisoo.

Chaeyoung thought she was going crazy, addicted, obsessed even, with this kiss.

But, it wasn't only this, it was just Jisoo, her best friend, her number one, someone who is always there for her. 

Jisoo was always here loving her. 

How dense could she be? 

They slowly pulled back, a string of saliva left between them before it dropped into nothingness, matching swollen lips as the only evidence of their desire as they stared at each other. 

Jisoo looked back into her eyes. Those brown eyes of wonder staring back at with love. Now she doesn't know this was the first time, she's seen it a billion times in the past, and maybe she shared the same one back then. She blinked a few times, an urge to get her vision crystal clear to make sure she wasn't hallucinating or anything. Though, Chaeyoung's chuckle broke the false sense of an illusion never there. Jisoo grinned, her heart full and happy, and she dived back into Chaeyoung's eyes once more. 

This ocean of emotions, continued weighing on her, infusing itself with Jisoo, comforting to the girl. She looked up, sunshine coming through the surface of the water, making her squint her eyes. Jisoo didn't want to get out and was smiling, she'll gladly drown here. 

It'll be her new home. 

She took in a breath, feeling her heart burn in a fire underwater, though reason didn't matter when it came to her love. 

Jisoo now knew the unidentified emotion from earlier. It fueled her. Practically breathing in Chaeyoung's love, and boy did she feel like walking on air. 

Chaeyoung loves her. 

And Jisoo loves her back.                                                                                                                                                                

—— {    ☆  ・      ゚    ✧    🪐  。   ・   ・      ゚   ☆    } ——

"Oh my god– Jennie.. Jennie! I can't even–"

"Calm down, you'll be fine." 

"–calm down, easy for you to say! You only have Lisa, I got Chaeyoung." Jisoo huffed. 

"Excuse me?!" Jennie raised an eyebrow as she turned away from the mirror.

"Ohhh, what if she tries to run?" Jisoo paced back and forth, breaths coming out fast and panicked. Jennie rolled her eyes, turning back to the mirror, lightly touching up on her makeup. 

"She won't, trust me, I'll kill her if she does and she knows I'll do that. Have you seen how beautiful you look in your– Why is this off? This wing is smaller than the other. Fix it. Now." Jennie said to the women panicking by her sides, referencing to her eye makeup. 

Jisoo let out a loud groan, both at the loud thoughts in her head and Jennie's perfectionist kicking in, "Jendeukieeee," she whined, "she's gonna run awayyy.." 

"...If you don't shut the fu–" 

"Waaahhh.. All this money spent for nothing.." Jisoo faked cried. She dragged herself over to a random chair, flopping into it. 

Jennie smiled, talking to herself, "Peace and quiet.." 

Jennie's peacefulness only lasted a few more minutes as the door opened. Neither of the Kims paying much attention to it, which they should have because Jisoo almost had a heart attack due to hearing her voice. 

"Love, you there? I heard you were super nervous.." 

"Wait, Chaengie you're not– Oh.." Jennie calmed down, but widened her eyes at the person next to her.

"Chaeyoung!" Jisoo shot up, "Y-You aren't sup– Don't look at me!" 

She tried covering up her dress with some blanket before looking back at Chaeyoung due to her chuckling. "I really can't see you though.."

Jisoo let out a breath of relief, "..Don't do that without warning.. Please?" 

Chaeyoung had a blindfold on, and regular clothes that looked like she rushed to put on. Thank god there'd be no bad luck on this day, they were an hour away from getting married, this couldn't have happened now. 

"Nini!" Lisa popped out from behind Chaeyoung, also wearing a blindfold and a similar look to her sweatpants and hoodie, trying to wave at her fiancée, though, in reality, greeted the wall. Guess Jennie was a wall now. 

"Lili.." Jennie cooed. 

Jennie's parents were right behind the two, guiding them inside the room, staring at the Kims' fiancées like they know what's going on. Rolling their eyes and brushing off the whole goofiness of this situation. 

Jennie shooed the woman doing her makeup quickly, jumping out of her seat and into Lisa's arms, Jennie's worries coming out of her mouth like a stream of water. Jisoo smirked slightly. She knew she wasn't truly calm, Jennie was freaking out about as much as she was. But of course, Lisa's presence is all that's needed to make Jennie show her true self. Lisa shushed her as she rubbed her back, whispering sweet nothings the more Jennie continued to worry. 

"Jichu, where are youuu? I know you're nervous, but no worries, I'm here now! I haven't run away.." Chaeyoung opened up her arms as she was guided further in the room. 

Jisoo stared at Chaeyoung, her beating heart slowing down due to her words. She wanted to cry. 

She took her time and strolled over to Chaeyoung, pausing for a moment, before she melted into her arms.

"Mmm, there's my beautiful human... It'll be okay popcorn.." 

Jisoo sniffled, trying to blink away the tears incoming, and ignoring Jennie's stifled laugh. 

"How cliché.." Lisa mumbled. 

"You call Jennie bae," Chaeyoung said with disgust, "don't come after my nickname." 

"You understand me.." Jennie nodded to Chaeyoung. 

"Wait, I thought you liked it!" Lisa whined, pouting at Jennie. 

The shorter girl stuttered before getting something out, "W-Well.. You wanted to call me that, so why would I stop you?" 

"Because you hate it, that's why.." 

"Whipped." Jisoo said.

Chaeyoung shook her head with a smile, hugging Jisoo closer, taking in a deep breath. "I bet you look marvelous right now.. I wish I could see you right now, but I can't see my bride's dress this early.. Sucks.." 

"Just wait for me." 

"Always. I'm here for you forever, I love you."

Jisoo gave her a quick kiss, "I love you too." 

The four of them continued to talk, Jennie and Jisoo still amused at the blindfolds and the constant bumping into objects by the other two. Somehow, none of them touched the topic of the elephant in the room. Fiancées in the same room before their wedding started, and never talked about this day or even hinted at it. 

It eased Jisoo's nerves tenfold. It felt like a day when one of them could be having a bad day, and the other three would pick up on it, buying their favorite snacks, talking about everything and anything, and making them smile. Those sleepovers were the best, and they still had them. Jisoo is so glad some things hadn't changed. 

Lisa's loud laugh rang out, followed by Jennie and Chaeyoung. Jisoo watched the scene. A smile of her own slacking its way to her face. 

She was in bliss, there was something mellow in the air, creating a calm and light atmosphere. Jisoo loves this. She loves her friends, and she loves Chaeyoung. She can't believe she's marrying her. 

Her shoulders relaxed. Everything about this was satisfying, peaceful at this moment. 

She closed her eyes as she heard Chaeyoung's voice, basking in the natural, warm tone. Jisoo sighed, she could sleep, but she had a wedding to get to later.. If only time travel existed, maybe she could just skip right to their kiss, and be married within the blink of an eye. 

Jisoo opened her eyes from feeling Chaeyoung trying to land her hand on her shoulder. She giggled at her, grabbing her hand and leading her arm around her shoulders. Jisoo closed her eyes once more, resting on Chaeyoung's shoulder. 

Chaeyoung snuggled into her, "You're so cozy." Jisoo hummed. She leaned in closer, now whispering, "I can't wait to get married.."

Several more minutes later, Chaeyoung and Lisa, sadly, had to go. Though, as Lisa was guided out, she, not so secretly, runs her hands down her face while letting out a yawn. Pulling one hand down, she pulled the blindfold down just enough for one of her eyes to peek out, then winked at Jennie when she made eye contact. 

"Lisa you dumbass!" Jennie tried hiding her dress behind a chair and a blanket. 

Lisa laughed as she pulled it back up. 

Jennie groaned once more, "I swear if anything goes wrong today, I'm dumping her in the ocean in a box.." 

"Aww, what's wrong bae?" 

"Shut up." 

The two continued talking as they finished getting ready, the time for them to walk down getting closer and closer. Nerves were gone at this point, they vanished completely as she looked at the clock. Ten minutes before Chaeyoung and Lisa would walk, Jennie'd follow soon after, then it'll be her turn. 

Jennie and Jisoo stood by each other, both holding their bouquet of flowers, veils over their heads, white dressing them from head to toe. Jisoo felt her heart pound, but it didn't alarm her. She just listened to it, slightly expecting for her heart to start shouting out her emotions. 

There were many things she heard, despite the stillness in the roam. Jennie's deep breathing, the faint shuffling of someone's feet, the heartbeat in her ears, etc. 

The flowers in her hands were slightly shaking. She couldn't tell if she was nervous, but Jisoo damn well knew she was happy. Very. It was a level of happiness she thought only existed in another dimension. Happiness, ignoring the amount of mixed emotions buzzing her head, it's the only thing she knew she was right now. 


Jisoo looked over and Jennie stared back with a confident look, a smirk on her face. 

"Let's go out there and make our women the luckiest people alive."

"I'm the luckiest person alive!" 

Lisa exclaimed, hands up in the air, earning a couple of laughs from some people in the audience. 

"Lisa.." Chaeyoung warned in a hushed tone, smoothing down her dress as she watched the end of the aisle in anticipation. 

They stood back to back, already done with their walks, now waiting for their brides, Lisa can't contain her excitement while Chaeyoung's trying to calm the woman down. Lisa was very jittery today. She kept cracking her neck side to side, shaking out her feet, moving her arms or hands in any way, etc. Chaeyoung couldn't blame her, she felt the very same, how she could not, it's the most important day of their lives. 

Chaeyoung's marrying Jisoo for Christ's sake. The girl she's been in love with since she was eighteen. 

"Wait, Chaengie, would it be weird if I stood like this or–" 

"Just stand normally," Chaeyoung glanced over, "you're fine like that, Jennie wouldn't care–"

They froze, music started playing as their eyes shot down to the aisle where Jennie was now standing. "Oh my god.." she heard Lisa whisper. Chaeyoung's heart leaped, Jisoo was soon after and she started to mentally prepare herself. 

Looking over at Lisa once more, the girl's face full of unshed tears as they watched Jennie's father walk Jennie down. Lisa kept blinking, failing to keep tears at bay as Jennie got closer, a gummy smile underneath her veil. She was beautiful, Jennie's always been a terrifically beautiful person. Then Lisa spotted a necklace on Jennie, her smile grew, it was a gift she gave when they first got together. A few more steps and Jennie was in front of Lisa. 

Chaeyoung listened to them whisper, and heard Jisoo's name, then swallowed. Her heart thick in her throat. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It was any moment now that she'd see Jisoo. 

Holy shit, this was actually happening.

Chaeyoung opened her eyes, her jaw slowly dropping as her eyes went wide, tears threatening the dam inside of her to break and flood over her makeup and cheeks. 

It's Jisoo's time to walk. Jisoo and Jennie had similar dresses, and it was a beautiful dress. White long see-through sleeves, a strapless sweetheart tulle lace, with an appliquéing of flowers decorating it throughout. She could see that Jisoo was wearing a white flower crown, and sparkly diamond earrings, yet the brightness of her smile outshines them quickly. 

Chaeyoung's heart burst out in pride, the organ playing in the background mixed with the look Jisoo's eyes, she could hear Jisoo asking Chaeyoung how she looks. Chaeyoung cried. One tear followed the other, dropping easy, showcasing all of her emotion for Jisoo. She smiled back, attempting to laugh but more tears came out. Her love for Jisoo exceeded words to explain it in, any type of gift Chaeyoung can think of, or the many kisses and cuddles she'll be happy to provide. Jisoo can tell her she loves her a million times a day, and Chaeyoung would never get tired of it. 

She loves Jisoo so much. 

Chaeyoung watched her as her flowers were taken by a bridesmaid, then Jisoo was in front of her. 

Jisoo's grin never left. Then Chaeyoung lifted her veil.


Her soft voice echoed in Chaeyoung's head. 

"Hey there.." Chaeyoung's words shake as she fails to remain stable. 

Chaeyoung breathed and took in this astonishing person in front of her, then tugged Jisoo's hand, bringing them closer together. She pressed their foreheads together, the warmness in the air and the love shared infusing into their hearts. 

Moments away from another magical moment in their lives, Jisoo was sure this was one of the best moments in her entire life. This had to be the first, seeing Chaeyoung get down on one knee and propose, was second, and them getting together and her confessing to Chaeyoung were tied for third. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too." 

Every passing moment felt like a fever dream to Chaeyoung. Her head was buzzing as the wedding went on, the priest guiding them throughout as they began to say their vows. Chaeyoung cried again hearing Jisoo's. Hearing her words of the lifetime promise she's going to keep. Even in death, and out into the afterlife. Meaningful and personal, each word said from Jisoo was filling her heart to the max. 

It wasn't long before each couple went through their I do's, Lisa pretending to hum in thought but quickly stopped when Jennie shot her the most deadly and serious face anyone has seen. 

Then they exchanged their rings, repeating after the priest as they slipped them on. 

The priest asked each couple to join hands, and declares, "By the virtue of the authority vested in me under the laws of the province of Jeju-do, I now pronounce you two couples, wife and wife. You may kiss your brides." 

Lisa and Jennie wasted no time, immediately kissing each other, which was met by a loud applause and cheers. 

Jisoo breathed out a laugh, then slowly wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung's neck. Chaeyoung smiled, saying, "We should live as the happiest girls alive.." and finally kissed Jisoo. 

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