Paranoia | Stiles Stilinski

By notdaisyloll

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โœง๐Ÿœธโœฐโœตโ˜†โ™ก๏ธŽ STILES STILINSKI /TEEN WOLF | SEASON TWO- SEASON SIX | Stiles stilinski x fem Started- 3/28/2022 Pu... More

i. omega
ii. shaped shifted
iii. ice pick
iv. abomination
v. venomous
vi. frenemy
vii. restraint
viii. raving
ix. party guessed
x. red door
xi. fury
xii. rage
xiii. battledfield
xiv. master plan
xv. tattoo
xvi. eloise
xvii. you and me
xviii. chaos raising
xix. firefiles
xx. unleashed
xxii. motel california
xxiii. currents
xxiv. the girl who knew to much
xxv. the overlooked
xxvi. alpha pact 'nd lunar eclipse
xxvii. transition
xxviii. hybrid
xxix. anchors
xxx. more bad than good
xxxi. galvanize
xxxii. illuminated
xxxiii. sliverfinger
xxxiv. riddled
xxxv. letharia vilpina
xxxvi. echo house
xxxvii. the fox and the wolf
xxxviii. de void
xxxix. insatiable
xl. the divine move
xli. the dark moon
xlii. 117
xliii. muted
xliv. the benefactor
xlv. I.E.D.
xlvi. orphaned
xlvii. weaponized
xlviii. time of death
xlix. perishable
l. monstrous
li. a promise to the dead
lii. smoke and mirrors
liii. creatures of the night
liv. parasomnia
lv. dreamcatchers
lvi. condition terminal
lvii. a novel approach
lviii. required reading
lix. strange frequencies
lx. ouroboros
lxi. lies of omission

xxi. frayed

719 19 0
By notdaisyloll

| 𝖿𝗋𝖺𝗒𝖾𝖽

Hayley couldn't even remember how she got into cross country— track but they she remembered someone by the name Stiles, who had wanted to be with her at all times and somehow convinced coach to let her on the team, so there she was sitting beside her boyfriend and best friend Scott in the back of the school bus.

Hayley's mind wondered off to the the previous night, there was already so much going through her mind. "Hey, yo, Scotty?" She turned to her left at the werewolf leaning against the window. "Still with me?"

Scott nods turning away from the window to Stiles. "Yeah, sorry, uh, what's the word."

"Anachronism." Stiles reads off his ipad.

"Something that exists out of its normal time." Scott gave the definition, Stiles hums in approval. "Nice, okay, best word— incongruous."

"Um, can you use it in a sentence?"

Stiles nods feeling his girlfriend head drop on his shoulder. "Yes, yes I can. It's completely incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now on our way to some stupid cross-country meet after what just happen— incongruous." Stiles says looking out to the front.

"Out of place, ridiculous, absurd."

"Perfect, okay next word, uh Darach—" Hayley lifted her head hearing the word. "Darach, it's a noun." Stiles says glancing between the two werewolves. "We have to talk about it sometime, okay? And we're gonna be stuck in this thing for like, five hours, so why not?"

Stiles stared at Scott face, Hayley could sense the uncomfortableness off Scott. "Stiles, next word please." She said choosing to chance the subject, Stiles sighs saying. "Intransigent."

"Stubborn, obstinate." Scott began to name when the school bus hit a speed bump causing the werewolf to winched and grab his side. "Oh buddy, are you okay?" Stiles asks, seeing the pain in his face. "We shouldn't have come."

"Yeah, Scott. Is it your side again." Hayley stood up straight looking pass Stiles to her friend. Scott shook his head. "No, we had too, there's safety in numbers."

"Yeah, well there's also death in numbers, okay? It's called a massacre—" Stiles said looking back down at the iPad screen. "... or bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, butchery, wow that's—" Scott groans which caught Stiles off.

"All right, Scott, I'm telling coach—"

"No, no, no I'm all right." Scott utters shaking his head. "Well, you don't look all right. Would you just let me see it?" Stiles leaned forward, Scott pulled his arm down quickly.

"I'm okay,"

"Just let me see it, okay?" Stiles says softly, he worry about what had his best friend in deep pain, Scott exhale lowly and nods, they watched the werewolf lift his shirt revealing a claw mark that hadn't healed.

"Scott.." Hayley gulps seeing the wound.

"Oh, dude—" Stiles mumbles.

"I know it's bad but it's because they're from an alpha." Scott pulled his shirt back down sighing. "It'll take longer to heal."

"How come Boyd, Isaac and Hayley are fine then?" Stiles question looking straight ahead at the werewolves seated a couple seats in front of them, he was sure they were listening into the conversation.

"I can't believe he's dead." Scott says sadly staring out the window, "I can't believe Derek's dead."


*•sixteen hours ago•*

"I know where they are." Scott and Hayley walked into Derek' loft where they found Boyd, Cora, Peter and along with owner of the building. "Same building as the Argents, we know." Derek says looking up from the table.

"Cora and I followed the twins." Boyd mentions to them as the two werewolves approach the table. Hayley cocked her head. "So they wanted you to know."

"Or, more likely they don't care." Peter says from beside Derek, Scott walked further when he spot some blueprints on the table. "What is this."

"Isn't it obvious?" Peter asks. "The schemers are scheming. Coming up with a coup de main, better known as a pre-emotive strike."

"You're going after them?" Scott asked, glancing between the two older werewolves.

"Tomorrow." Derek said crossing his arms over his chest, he glanced at Hayley meeting her uneasy eyes then back to Scott. "And you're gonna help us."

"They're a one floor above them in the penthouse. Right above Allison." Derek explains to them both. "So kill them first, that's the plan." Scott glanced between them.

"They won't even see it coming." Boyd adds, Hayley turned to him narrowing down her eyebrows. "Why is murder always in the plan, there should be a different way that doesn't involve killing." She says staring up at Derek.

Scott nods agreeing with her words. "You never get tried of being so blandly moral, do you?" Peter speaks up, Hayley tilted her head glaring at the man. "Well I'm sorry that my mind doesn't immediately think of murder, when making a plan."

Peter hums turning over to Derek. "Not that I'm disagreeing with her."

"I do." Cora speaks up glaring at the she-werewolf figure. "Why do we need this kid" Hayley turned to her and smiled politely ignoring her death stare. "This kid helped save your life." Derek comes to her defense, turning to Scott. "And you know we can't just sit back and wait for them to make the first move."

"You can't beat a pack of alphas." Scott mentions, he knew since he and Isaac both gotten into a small fight with Ethan and Aiden when they merged together making one big tall alpha.

"That's why we're going after Deucalion," Hayley and Scott turned to her. "And just him." Cora tells them.

"Cut off the head of the snake." Boyd speaks. "And the body dies."

"Only this isn't a snake, it's a hydra." Peter mentions taking their attention. "And like Scott says, they're all alphas."

"Deucalion' still the leader." Derek exclaims glancing at his uncle. "Let's hope because you know what happened when Hercules cut off one of the heads of the hydra." Peter tells him.

"Two more grow back in its place." Scott says which made Peter smugly smile and turn to him. "Somebody's been doing their summer reading."


"Two of you back in your seats!" Coach orders two teens, before he looked down to his right. "Jared, again, car sick? Every ti— how do you even get in the bus?" The boy grunts not meeting the coach' eyes. "Look at me— No, don't like at me look at the horizon. Keep your eyes— keep your eyes on the horizon."

"McCall, not you too." Scott opens his eyes upon hearing his name and clears his throat. "No, Coach, I'm good." Hayley turned away from the teacher to the werewolf shirt. "Scott, your bleeding."

Stiles moved around his seat. "Oh god, don't tell me that it's just taking longer to heal, okay? Because I'm pretty sure that's still bleeding, means not healing like at all."

Scott dazed off staring off into the distance. "He's listening." He says which cause them both to follow his gaze. "Is he gonna do something?" Stiles ask, wondering if the werewolves would break out into a fight in the bus.

"No way, there's to many people here." Hayley mentions, as she stared at Ethan. "Okay, what about the two ticking time bombs sitting right near him?" Stiles gestures to Boyd and Isaac.

"No they won't, not here." Scott says.

"Okay what if they do?" Stiles said as he looked at Scott. "Are you gonna stop 'em?" Scott turns to him then over at Hayley managing to smile. "Hayley can take 'em."

Hayley turns away from the werewolf smiling when she suddenly fell forward nearly smacking her head against the back seat, "Jesus man," she utters quietly, it want until she heard low growling come from the front, Boyd yellow eyes flaring.

"Scotty." Scott turned to Hayley but she wasn't looking at him but at Boyd, he pushed up from his seat. "Look at his hands."

Stiles helped Scott moved pass them to go speak with Boyd, to stop him from doing something he would regret, Hayley cocked her head watching their mouths move as they spoke to one another, "can you tell me what their saying?" Stiles whispers in Hayley' ear.

"Boyd wants to kill Ethan." Hayley says quietly watching Scott struggle to hold himself up, his side was full bleeding which both Isaac and Boyd notice, which made Boyd relax and sit back down.

"Crisis Avarted?" Stiles says when Scott approached them stumbling back into his seat and hums to his questions, exhaling when he sat down. "Okay good, cause we got another problem. Ethan keeps checking his phone like every five minutes, it's like he's waiting for something, like a message or a signal of some kind. I don't know, something evil, though I can tell. I have a very perceptive eye for evil but you know that." Stiles says eyeing the alpha

"I don't like him sitting with Danny." Scott mutters quietly observing the pair, Hayley nods agreeing with him. "Neither do I." Stiles pulls out his phone saying. "I'm see what's he's waiting for."

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm gonna ask." Stiles say typing down on the screen, Hayley looked down his shoulder reading the message. "Seriously?" She scoffs lightly and they hear Danny' phone chime.

Danny looked back at them, Stiles holds up his phone smiling. Danny shook his head rapidly mouthing a "no." Stiles huffs glancing down at his phone, texting Danny with a just do it!

Danny instantly replies with another no. "Stiles he ain't gonna do it." Hayley tells him quietly, Stiles refuses to back down when he texted Danny but the boy replies with saying that he liked Ethan and didn't what to ruin that.

"Stiles, stop it." Hayley hissed watching Stiles spam Danny' phone with many pleases, she looked over to Danny who grew annoyed at the spamming, Ethan turned it the human asking "Something wrong?"

"Actually I was.. wondering the same thing about you." Danny gave in, Stiles grins slapping the back of the seat, Hayley shook her head pushing her hair back, when Ethan turned back to them, making the three best friends hide quickly.

"Well, that wasn't very subtle." Stiles murmured, when Ethan turned away from them and Stiles phone chimed, "Someone close to him is sick. Might not make it though the night." Stiles read off and Hayley thought of the other alphas.

"Ennis?" Scott utters.

"Okay so does that mean uh—"

Scott shakes his head. "He's not dead."

"Jared, I'm warning you." It's been too long since they bus stopped moving, her head started spinning from staring at the ceiling and being in small space for to long. "I'm a empathetic vomiter, you throw up, I'm gonna throw up right back on you. And it will be profoundly disgusting."

"Please don't talk about throwing up." Jered tells him shaking his head, a beam of sweat falling down his brow. "It's not good."

"I might throw up on you just to make a point, Jared." Coach says shrugging. "It's not good, it's not good." Jared repeats scrunching his face, Coach tsk turning away. "Now the rest of you, don't think we're gonna miss this meet because of a slight traffic jam. A-a minor tornado warning—Jared." Coach adds the boy to the list.

"—we're gonna make this thing, nothing is gonna stop us!" Coach exclaims, noticing a hand in the air. "Stilinski, put your hand down."

"You know there's a food exit about half a mile up I don't know if we stop and then maybe—" Stiles was interrupted by Coach. "We're not gonna stop."

"Okay, but if we stop—" Coach blows the whistle cutting the boy off. "Stilinski! Shut it! Seriously! It's a little bus!" He declares. "Stop asking me questions!"

Stiles exhaled leaning back mumbling. "I hate him." Hayley hums softly. "Did you call Deaton." He glanced down at his girlfriend. "Yeah, but it goes straight to voicemail." Hayley mentions putting her phone away.

Stiles tsk his teeth, taking out his phone. "That's it, I'm calling Lydia and Allison." Scott furrows straighten up. "How are they gonna help back in Beacon Hills?"

"They're not, they've been following use for hours." Stiles says glancing back pressing on Allison' contact name, "pathetic." He mumbles as she answered. The conversation went by pretty quickly, now Stiles had to find a way to convince Coach to take the near exit.

"Coach, it's five minutes for a bathroom break, okay?" Stiles stood up from his seat and how held onto the seats as he spoke to Coach. "We've been on this thing for like three hours—"


Stiles exhales. "It's sixty miles to the next rest stop—"


"Being cooped up for hours is not good—"


"You know our bladders aren't exactly—"




"Can yo—"




"Let me talk! I'm—"


"Every time—" Coach blows the whistle longer then a second. "Get back to your seat, Stilinski!"

"Okay!" Stiles shouts back turning back around to seat back down when he stopped. "Jared, keep your eyes in the horizon." Stiles raised a brow moving back over and sat by Jared, "Hey Jared, how you doing?" A mischievous grin in his face.

"Jared, you suck!"Coach yells from inside the bus, sticking his head out the window as he sprayed febreze. "Hey, somebody grab some towels or a mop or... a new bus!"

Hayley and Stiles both helped Scott down from the bus and were heading towards the public bathrooms, once they reached the bathroom Allison closed the door as Hayley placed Scott down between the two sinks.

Hayley kneeled down lifting the werewolves shirt, she swallows seeing now the blood turned black and veins spread out across his chest, "why didn't you tell us?" Allison said from above Hayley, peering down at his wound.

"I'm sorry." He utters weakly with a groan, Hayley pulls down his shirt patting his cheek lightly. "Don't fall asleep on me, okay?" She stood up moving away from him, back to the other three.

"This shouldn't be happening." Allison says passing a hand through her hair. "I've seen him heal from worse than this."

"Okay, what do we do then?" Stiles ask glancing between the three girls then down to Scott, "do we just call an ambulance?"

"What if it's too late?" Allison begins to say, feeling her heart pound at the thought of losing him. "What if they can't help?"

"We gotta do something?" Stiles says.

"You know, it could be psychological." Lydia tells them, Hayley quirks a brow glancing briefly over at Scott. "What do you mean, like psychosomatic?"

"Somatoformic." Lydia tilts hear head, Allison sighs glancing over at Hayley. "A physical illness from a psychogenic cause," Lydia paused looking back at Scott. "Yes, it's all in his head."

"All in his head?" Stiles stared down at his best friend. "Because of Derek, he's not letting himself heal cause Derek died."

Lydia decided it was best to stitch up the werewolf so that he wasn't in pain or bleeding out more then he already was, Stiles went to get Scott' bag off the bus for a new shirt while Lydia and Hayley distracted coach from dismissing everyone to get on the bus and leave.


*•twelve hours ago•*

It was the late in the night when Hayley walked into the McCall home, Scott and Hayley didn't want a bloodbath with the Alphas and with Derek's plan it was going to end that way so, the two young werewolves decided to have a civilize conversation with Deucalion.

"Scotty, you ready?" Hayley entered his bedroom just as he picked up his jacket and slid it on, Scott turned around gasping when he saw both, his best friend and the werewolf who had been crashing at his place after Derek kicked him out.

"Where are you going?" Isaac asks leading against the doorway, Hayley whips around to the voice, had Scott told Isaac about the plan, Isaac turned to the girl. "Hayley, didn't know were gonna stop by."

Hayley hums nodding, "yeah, uh. We're gonna get something to eat." Scott smiles and nods grabbing his helmet off his bed.

"Oh, cool. I'll come with you." Isaac tells them, Scott shakes his head nervously laughing. "Nah, dude, it's okay, we-we can eat alone." Scott reassured.

"What are you getting?" Isaac asked.

Scott chambered his mouth shut turning over to Hayley. Why was it so hard for them to lie to Isaac, then again the werewolf could hear their heartbeats. "Uh, we were thinking... Mexican."

"Dude, I love Mexican..." Isaac murmurs pushing off the doorway wall, Scott grabbed his arm forcing him back. "Isaac. We can eat alone, it's okay." He says calmly.

Isaac glanced over at Hayley seeing the small nod of her head then he turned back to Scott. "You're not going alone, come on."

The two werewolves had no choice but to lead the way to the "Mexican restaurant" they soon arrived at the place they were meeting Deucalion. "We're just gonna talk to him, try to reason with him. That's it." Scott says placing his helmet down on the bike.

Hayley looked back to Isaac, he stared at them probably unsure about his choice coming with them. "What?" She asked him.

"Nothing, it's just that uh, I'm actually kind of hungry now." Isaac admits shrugging, Hayley scoffs smiling shaking her head, Scott parts his back. "So I am."

The three werewolves made their way through the abandoned building, she hadn't met this person called Deucalion. There he was standing on top of the broken escalator, a white cane in hand at he leaned against it, red glasses on his face. "You didn't come alone." He speaks in a deep accent.

"Yeah, this is Isaac and—"

"Hayley, I presume." Deucalion interrupted, Scott furrows not recalling he ever mentioning the she-werewolf, Hayley shoves her hands into her jacket staring up at the man. "You know me?"

Deucalion only stared into her eyes, scanning her entire face. "I've heard the stories that is your family— sorry... you're real family." Hayley lips parted slightly narrowing her eyes up at him, refusing to look away, she wondered how much he knew about her and her biological family.

"I see you brought more friends."

The three werewolves looked back seeing not only Derek but Boyd and Cora. "You knew I would do this?" Scott asks him but the older werewolf ignored him glaring at Deucalion. "Derek, don't. You can't do this so no one gets hurt. If someone else dies—"

"Him." Derek points out. "Just him."

"Just me?" Deucalion says in a questionable manner. "Now, how's a blind man find his way into a place like this all on his own?" Hayley scanned the building for more of his Alpha friends to show up.

And one of them appeared, Kali came down bare feet, claw's scratching down the stone pillar she came down from, another came up from behind the trio, Ennis passed then barring his teeth, red glowing eyes on display. The twins walking out from above the second floor.


Hayley didn't know how it happened, one minute she's speaking with Danny then the next Isaac and Ethan were talking almost like they were arguing until the beta pushed down the alpha down to the ground and starting punching him repeatedly.

"ISAAC!" Scott yells loudly enough to make her ears ring, Isaac retrieve his bloody hand away from Ethan making the alpha fall back on to the ground, Danny immediately went to check on him.


Derek roars running forward when Kali jumped up clawing his face with her foot, then a loud thump back from behind Scott, Isaac and Hayley making them turned back. Ethan and Aiden merged together making themselves into one big alpha.

Hayley growls flashing her yellow eyes, Isaac was the first to jump into action soon being followed by Scott, she went to fight the merged twins, she was suddenly brought back when Kali clawed the back of her neck and through the girl back into a stone wall.

Hayley choked at the impact, the air leaving her lungs, Kali growls hastily towards the teen wolf when until a hand wrapped around her neck slamming her down to the ground, Hayley rolled onto her back, flipping forward grunting her teeth.

Kali strikes Derek over his face making the werewolf stumble back, Hayley took the opportunity and kicked Kali across her face smirking when she heard her jaw crack, Ennis came from behind the young teen yanking her head back grasping her neck with his claws making her cry in pain.

Kali pressed her food down on Cora's chest, holding her down. "Kill him." Deucalion orders Derek. Hayley swallows seeing Isaac and Scott being held by the back of their necks. "The others can go, you're beaten. Do it, Derek. Take the first step." Deucalion slowly came down.

"Are you serious with this kid?" Kali spoke up from behind them, "look at him." Derek turned back hearing her voice. "He's an Alpha? To what? A couple of useless teenagers."

"Some have more promise than others." Deucalion said glancing down at Scott then to Hayley, the girl grasped Ennis arm trying to pry him off. "Let him rise to the occasion then, what'll it be Derek? Pack or family." Kali pressed more pressure on Cora throat.

Derek glanced to Boyd, not sure what he was meant to do, Cora was his family but she was also apart of his pack as much as Boyd was, that wasn't until an arrow shot came from above, Allison, Hayley shut her eyes quickly as it blinded the rest of the Alphas.

"Your eyes! Cover your eyes!"

Ennis lost hums grip on her, she moved away from him and went over to Cora, helping her off the ground. "Come on, go get Boyd out of here." Hayley ushered the girl away with Boyd hanging off her arm.

"Good luck." Cora says running away with boyd, Hayley exhales turning back to her friends, Scott roared staring at Ennis from across the room, they charged off towards each other slamming into each other' chest, Scott struggled away sliding across the ground but when he looked up his eyes were yellow but Red, she saw it disappeared like it was never there.

Derek came from behind Ennis and turned his focus away from Scott, two alphas standing over the edge of the building. Hayley eyes widen when they began to tip over. "Derek!"

The girl ran forward gasping peering down over the ledge, their bodies smacked with a loud sound echoing through out the entire building.

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