The Caseys, 2023: Family Life...

By OneChicagobyA

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Sequel to the Short-Story "The Caseys: Parenthood Begins" Matt and Gabby are now home with their sons. This i... More

Welcome Home
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Pregnancy + Butter + Sun = A Disaster in the Making
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Preparing for a Weekend of Romance
One Last Half-Hour of Girl Time
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Two
Romantic Getaway - Day One, Part Three
A Halstead Family Get Together, Part One
FLASHBACK: Jay & Alex's Romantic Night, Part One
FLASHBACK: Jay & Alex's Romantic Night, Part Two
Are You Okay Alex?
The Casey-Halstead Clinic for Mental Health
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Four
Romantic Getaway - Day One, Part Five: A Sunset Meal and Cuddle
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Six: Romantic Bath
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Seven
Chapter Twenty-Three
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Two
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD - Part One: Pre-Medication
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD - Part One: Post-Medication
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD, Part Two
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five Interrupted - Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five Interrupted - Part Two
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five: Interrupted
Romantic Getaway - Day Two, Part Six: The Cuddling Continues
GABBY DREAM: Father's Day 2019
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 7: Lunch Date
Romantic Getaway: Day 2, Pt. 7: Post-Lunch Cuddles
Romantic Getaway, Day 2 - Part 8: Revisiting RV Conversations
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 9: Ocean Fun Time
Romantic Getaway - Day Two, Part Ten
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 11: Pillow Talk and a Shower
Chapter Thirty-Six: Noah, Part One
Noah, Part Two
Welcome Home Noah
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
All's Good
Chapter Forty-Two, Part One
Chapter Forty-Two, Part Two
You, and The Boys are My Dream
Chapter Forty-Four, Part One
Chapter Forty-Four, Part Two
Strategy Sessions: Our Legal Strategy
Chapter Forty-Six
Post-Press Conference
MATT DREAM: Matt's Birthday 2020 with Emilia
Chapter Forty-Nine: Emilia and Andy
I Don't Want to Be Apart...I Want to Be in Your Arms
Do You Blame Me?
Relaxing and Conversing in the Living Room
A Secured Washroom Break-turned-Impromptu Press Conference
Welcome to California
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six, Part One
Chapter Fifty-Six, Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Seven
How Long are We Staying in California?
Leaving for the Beach
Beach Day, Part One
Beach Day, Part Two
Beach Day, Part Three
What Does This Mean for Us?
Celebrating the Deal, Part One
Celebrating the Deal, Part Two
Happy Birthday Gabby, Part One
Sharing the News, Part One
Sharing the News, Part Two
How to Balance
Our Living Situation: Jay & Alex
Our Living Situation: Will, Natalie, and PJ (1)
Our Living Situation: Will, Natalie, and PJ (2)
No E-mails Today, Part One
No E-mails Today, Part Two
All Together Now, Part One
All Together Now, Part Two
The Caseys Get Ready for a Swim
Jay & Alex Get Ready for a Swim
Birthday R&R: Cleaning Up
Birthday R&R: A Conversation with Ramon
The Name Game - Round Two: Brainstorming
The Name Game - Round Two: Grace Elizabeth Casey
Nap Time, Business Time
Birthday Family Cuddle Time, Part One
Birthday Family Cuddle Time, Part Two
Casey Police Work: Designing a Car
Post-Morning Sickness Shower
Post-Morning Sickness Snack
Fast Asleep
Taking it Easy for the Night
A Morning Walk on Playa San Juan Leighton
Getting Comfortable, Part One
Getting Comfortable, Part Two
How We'll Make It Work, Part One
How We'll Make It Work, Part Two
Taking it Easy, Part One: In the Shower
Taking it Easy, Part One: Getting Cozy in Bed
Pregnancy Diary #2: Grace Elizabeth Casey
Painting a Nursery?
Taking it Easy - Part Two: Lunch
Taking it Easy - Part Two: You Did What Now?
Taking it Easy: Not Rushing It
ELLA Apparel
One Baby Girl, Two Lovers, Three Nights, Four Seasons
Grace and Done?
Worrying News
Get Out of Here
Cedars-Sinai, Part One
Cedars-Sinai, Part Two
Change of Plans, after a Drama-Filled Day
No Sex, Please
A Night of Rest and Relaxation
Long Night
Congratulations Future Mom, Part One
Congratulations Future Mom, Part Two
Chapter One Hundred: Making Breakfast, Part One
Chapter One Hundred: Making Breakfast, Part Two
Breakfast in Bed, as Requested
Let the Cuddling Begin: Stripping Down
Let's Cuddle (and be Honest with Each Other)
Checking in with the New Parents (All of Them), Part One
Checking in with the New Parents (All of Them), Part Two
Daddy's Back, and Ready to Relax - Part One
Daddy's Back, and Ready to Relax - Part Two
You Okay?
FLASHBACK: Last Morning in Chicago
Lingerie Lunch in Bed with Matteo, Part One
Cuddling (and Eating) in Bed with Matteo, Part Two
Expertise and Regrets: The Expertise
Expertise and Regrets: The Regrets
Heart Stopping, Plan Changing News
Is This Really a Good Idea?
Comforting and Talking: Not Going
Comforting and Talking: Remind me Who I'm Married To?
Grace Casey
Kyle and Stephen Severide
A Toast to Fatherhood
Family Time, Bedtime - Part One
Family Time, Bed Time - Part Two
Pre-Business Meeting Shower
Pre-Business Meetings Cuddles
Reversal: Talking Business in Bed
Hi Beautiful, Hi Handsome
Postpartum Time
Office Conversations
Post-Breakfast Cuddles and Conversations
The Conversations Continue
A Walk on the Beach with the Boys
Home Sweet Home
Lunch Time Cuddles and Podcasts, Part One
Lunch Time Cuddles and Podcasts, Part Two
Time to Strip Down, and Relax in Bed - Part One
Time to Strip Down, and Relax in Bed - Part Two
Day Five
Hey, You're Okay - Part One
Hey, You're Okay - Part Two
Aloha Sexy Thing
Welcome Back to Hawaii: 25th Floor Penthouse
We Have Time
A Weekend Alone is Exactly What we Need - Part One
A Weekend Alone is Exactly What we Need - Part Two
Where is Our Forever Home
Matt Daydream - Part One
Matt Daydream - Part Two
Hawaii is Our Forever Home, Part One
Hawaii is Our Forever Home, Part Two
How are Jay, Alex, and the Twins? - Part One
How are Jay, Alex, and the Twins? - Part Two
A Night of Rest and Relaxation Only, Part One
A Night of Rest and Relaxation Only, Part Two
Time, Part One
Time, Part Two
Tripler Army Medical Center, Part One
Tripler Army Medical Center, Part Two
You Fell Asleep in My Arms
They Had to Restart your Heart
The Start of Part Two

Welcome Back to Hawaii: 21st Floor, CEO's Office

17 1 0
By OneChicagobyA

Hi Readers: I want to first apologize for having just posted two chapters yesterday, but I got a bit stumped when it came to what I wanted to write; but one thing that I did know, was that I wanted to go back to Hawaii. With all the new stress that has come in Los Angeles, I thought that this would be the perfect time to bring everybody back to Hawaii; especially since we all know that it will help some of the fathers' mental health. I hope you guys understand and are still enjoying the story to this day. Now, what do you say we get started with this new chapter in our story? This will take place two weeks after the previous chapter. Thanks again for reading my story.

November 1, 2019 – Casey Headquarters, Honolulu
To say that the CEO was happy to be back in Hawaii was an understatement, as he was already much happier (and back in the office); yes, you heard that right. Even though he and Gabby just got back to Hawaii, he's already back at work; and there was a reason for that, a reason that Gabby already agreed about. And that was because he needed to speak to some specific people before they could really settle in after getting here yesterday, and that was the security set up. And for now, they are going to be staying in their office penthouse as it was the easiest place for security to set up so easily and keep them safe. But eventually, they would move back to the big house; and yes, they were going to be spending some time there on the weekends. But that was due to the fact that they had to get their home set up for them again. And they would soon transition back over to the big house, ahead of Gabby giving birth. But they were happy for now, and just happy to be back in Hawaii; because they finally realized something, on the plane ride here.

They finally realized where they truly feel at home at, and that was Hawaii; when they say the word home, they both automatically think of Hawaii. And that was based on how he feels, how he is when it comes to his PTSD; and that was relaxed, and much more comfortable. And that was why they were back, and ready to live their life here; and after this weekend, they would be ready to get back to work. But this morning, Matt was just doing something quick; and that was have a quick meeting with their security team, before going to spend some time with Gabby and the kids upstairs. And to say that Gabby was ready for him to just spend the weekend as a family, with him not working; well, that was paradise. But first, Matt needs to finish doing something. He needs to finish this meeting, and make sure that they were safe; and that their head of security could get back up to speed, and just get everything set up for them. And his head of security was most definitely ready to do just that, or at least he will be as soon as he gets the order.

But that was not the only security setup that they had to get ready once again, because he also had to get Jay and Alex's security set up at their home too; because they were back in Hawaii too, because Jay felt the same way as him. He felt like this was where they both needed to be, for the sake of their PTSD; and for Jay and Alex, so that they can relax for the sake of their children (who are still in the NICU...and are going to be in the NICU for another month). And that was actually what Matt was in the midst of talking to Jay about, on the phone, before his meeting with the security team. "So, are the kids okay? And the transport..." Jay agreed with Matt as he asked him whether the transport went okay, and that they're all okay here in the hospital. "They're all okay Matt, and I really want to thank you for everything that you've done. You have no idea just how nice this is, to be back in Hawaii." Matt agreed with Jay as he said that, smiling as he could hear hope in the father's voice. "I'm glad, because I can hear the hope in your voice once again."

Jay laughed, agreeing with Matt as he said that. "I think that's due to the fact that the doctors are really nice here, and there are some here that are veterans themselves; and they most definitely are making sure that I'm at ease, and that I'm just taking it easy. And they are speaking to me perfectly." Matt agreed with Jay as he said that, still loving everything that he was hearing right now. "Listen, I just want to let you guys know that I am not going back on my word." Jay laughed. "Don't worry Matt, I will pay..." Matt stopped them. "Jay, you are my employee, you are my friend, and you are a fellow PTSD patient; I am not letting you pay for this, when I know what it's like to have a kid in the PTSD. You're going to concentrate on making sure that your wife and kids are okay, and I'm going to take care of the bills." Alex then decided to get her husband to stand down. "Jay, stand down and just accept Matt's offer. We both know that he's doing it because he wants to pay us back." Matt laughed. "And because you shouldn't have to pay, when your dad did it."

Alex agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware of what he was talking about; he was talking about the fact that her father, Hank Voight, was the one who caused all of this. He caused her to go into premature labor, and then led her to having all of these problems; but now, they're in Hawaii...and things are much better. "Jay, I agree with Matt. We shouldn't have to pay when he did this to us." Matt agreed with Alex as she said that. "Jay, just listen to your wife. And Alex, he's going to pay me back; and you're going to make sure that happens." Alex was confused as she heard Matt say that. "How?" Matt laughed. "Because you're going to make sure that the intelligence unit orders from Casey Police." Alex agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was something that she had the ability to do; even from her hospital bed, where she was currently staying with Jay and their kids. "Of course, I promise Matt. Now listen, I'm going to let you go so that you can get to work." Matt laughed. "I just have a quick meeting with security, then I'm done."

Jay agreed with Matt as he said that. "Can you make sure that..." Matt agreed with Jay, well aware of what he was about to ask him; and that was why he was already going to set that up. "Jay, I already have him on the order; and we aren't going to let him get close to your family ever again. Just take it easy and relax brother." Jay agreed with Matt as he said that, glad that was the case. "Thanks Matt. And thanks for all your help getting us back here." Matt agreed with Jay as he said that, before hearing a knock on the door. Looking up, Matt saw that Jacob was at the door. "Boss?" Matt then proceeded to speak to Jay again. "Jay, I need to let you go. I have meetings here at the office today." Jay agreed with Matt as he said that. "Of course, Matt, have a good day; and a good weekend." Matt agreed with Jay as he said that. "We'll come visit soon." Jay agreed with Matt as he said that, before hanging up; doing the same, Matt smiled due to the fact that he was ready to get this meeting out of the way; then, he would be able to go home and be with his family.


Walking up to their boss shortly after making their way into his office, Head of Security for the Casey Family Mike Davidson, and Head of Security for Jay & Alex Halstead Ned Conrad both smiled as they went to shake his hand; that way, they could welcome him back home to Hawaii. "Pleasure to see you again Mr. Casey." Matt smiled as he shook Mike's hand, before walking over to Ned and shaking his hand too. "Thank you so much for coming here this morning." Mike and Ned agreed with the CEO as he said that, well aware that they didn't really have a choice when it came to them coming here. "Not that we had a choice." Matt looked at Ned as he said that, not happy that he just said that. "Ned, do you like having access to a free gym, a good salary, and plenty of free beach time?" Ned looked at his boss as he said that, before sitting down on one of the chairs. "Then I would be careful in what you say, especially based on your position; as you are a member of the security team, and that means that I place my family's security in your hands."

Mike and Ned both agreed with the CEO as he said that, well aware that was the case; after all, that was something that they were both in charge of. The health and safety of everybody here at the office, especially the Casey Family. "Okay, so let's just get this done; because I would really like to spend time with my wife, and just take it easy." The two security guards agreed with the CEO as they took their seats, before taking their notepads out. "Now, before we begin; I want to just review how things have been here. I know the last time she spoke Mike, you said that everything has died down; and I am very grateful that you have done that, and that you are keeping the office safe." Mike Davidson agreed with the CEO as he said that, feeling the same way. "I have been trying my best to make sure that things were safe, as we didn't know when you were going to come back." Matt agreed with him as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Well, I am happy to say that we're back; and that we're just going to take it easy for a bit." Mike agreed, smiling.

"Now, down to business so that I can go help my wife out; we need to unpack, before I get back to work on Monday." Mike agreed with Matt as he said that, ready to take some notes. "First things first, Mike; I want you to re-establish the security that you had at our family home away from the office, and I want that done by next weekend. As of next weekend, we will be resuming our previous schedule of staying there from Friday night to Monday morning; and then staying here, at the office from Monday night to Friday afternoon." Mike agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Of course, sir, and would that be the case for all of the executives that are here at the office right now?" Matt agreed. "Yes, that will be what we do Mike for everything." After which, Mike turned his head to look at Ned. "Except for you Ned, as you are going to do something else." Ned agreed with Matt as he said that. "I want you to co-ordinate with Customs and make sure they tell you when Mr. Hank Voight is in Hawaii." Ned nodded.

"Mr. Halstead has already sent me an e-mail, with a copy of the restraining order that he has for both California; and just recently, he's gotten one here in Hawaii. And that means that I need to take care of that, and I have police on speed dial in case I need to deal with that." Matt agreed with Ned as he said that, glad that was the case. "Thank you so much, and I am glad that you guys are going to do that. Now Mike, I want you to also talk to Lindsay Cambridge; and you can get her to help out too, as I do not believe that we're going to be travelling anytime soon. We can reassign her here too, and we can make sure that she does stuff that can help us." Mike agreed with the CEO as he said that, glad that was the case. "Now, what are we going to do when it comes to security for your family; are we going to just stay in the lobby?" Matt took a breath. "I think that's okay because we're here at the office. But I said, it's because we need to still figure everything out; and we aren't sure just what happens from here." Both of the security team members agreed.

Turning his head, Matt saw that he just got an e-mail; after which, he smiled when he saw that it was an alert from his legal team that they are all set up once again here in Hawaii (which was exactly what he wanted). "Okay, so onto other matters while we're here; because like I said, I would like to make sure that we do this property. Now, we are going to need to make sure that everything is ok." Both of the security officers smiled as he said that, before looking at the CEO. "And we also need to keep things calm for your wife, correct?" Matt laughed as he heard Mike say that, as that most definitely is the truth. "Yes, we do. Thank you so much for all of your help when it comes to that." Mike agreed with the CEO, smiling at him. "And I promise that you guys are safe here; I know that things were hard before you left, but we're dedicated to keeping you all safe." Matt agreed with Mike as he said that, glad that was the case. "And I appreciate that more than you'll ever know." Mike and Ned both agreed, smiling at the CEO as they could tell he was happy.

"What's the gender?" Looking up at Mike, Matt smiled as he has yet to tell him. "We're having a daughter. Oh, that reminds me. Please allow ELLA Apparel employees up to our penthouse if they request to do so, as Gabby has decided that she's going to work from home; and that may mean that she has to get prototypes, etc. in our home." Mike agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Good, I'm glad that makes things easy." Matt laughed, before going to look at his computer; after which, he smiled due to the fact that he was happy that he just got the next e-mail.


From: Casey, Gabriela
To: Casey, Matthew
Subject: FW: Daycare Interview

Hello Mr. and Ms. Casey:
I want to let you know that we're thrilled that you are back in Hawaii. I know in the past; we have previously spoken about whether you wanted to put your children in our daycare: Island Adventures Child & Family Center. We have an opening this Monday at 10:30 for an interview, if you would like to visit. Please let me know. Thank you very much.

Anna Jacobs
Founder, Island Adventures C&FC
814 Founders St, Unit A
(808) 475-2383


After reading the e-mail, Matt proceeded to grab his phone so that he can text Gabby. 'Just got your e-mail. In the calendar. Be there.' Matt then went ahead and opened his calendar so that he could put it in, even though his security team was still there. "Sorry, I just need to do something for a moment. Family appointment has just been booked, and I need to put it in my calendar." Mike and Ned both agreed as he said that, well aware that he had to do some things at times. "It's okay sir, we understand that they are times where you need to take a moment away." Matt took a breath. "We're getting the boys in daycare, which means that we're going to be staying here for the long run." The entire security team agreed with the CEO when he said that, glad that was the case. "Well, I'm happy that you guys are going to be staying here; especially since you guys are pregnant, as I know that you guys need to just take it easy." Matt agreed with Ned, smiling as he said that. "Thank you Ned, and I am so glad that this is what we're doing right now." Mike agreed.

"Now, is there anything else that you want to talk about?" Matt sighed, before turning to look at Mike. "Okay, now I need you to do something for me. You're ex-HPD right?" Mike agreed. "Yes, investigator." Matt smiled as he went to grab a post-it note, before grabbing a pen to write a name down. 'Anna Jacobs'. After which, he proceeded to give it to Mike. "I want a background check on this woman, and I want to make sure that my kids would be safe." Going to grab the post-it note, Mike agreed with his boss as he said that; after which, Matt smiled due to the fact that he was quite happy right now. He knew that this was going to be something that he needs to do, and he just needs to relax and take it easy. "Thank you so much. But please make sure that this stays in between us, as I do not want to worry my wife." Mike just looked at Matt as he said that. "Mr. Casey, are you sure that it's a good idea to keep this from your wife? Who's pregnant with your child?" Matt agreed with Mike as he said that, before taking a breath.

"Maybe I should tell Gabby, but I will think about it." Mike smiled as Matt said that, glad that was the case; after all, he is a father too. And he knows better than anybody, that you do not keep secrets from your pregnant wife; especially not when it could put your sex life at risk, which is most definitely something that Matt wants to have this weekend. But he just doesn't know that yet, as he doesn't know that he and Gabby are going to be taking the weekend alone. And that was due to the fact that the boys were not currently in the penthouse. Rather, they were on the 25th floor with Antonio and Camila.

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