Crush/Boyfriend Imagines

By agklhfg

251K 1.7K 731

reader x male love interest -crush imagines -boyfriend imagines -requests are OPEN! -wont write smut tho More

road trip confession
lip balm
occasional sex nights (requested)
occasional sex nights 2 (requested)
occasional sex nights 3 (requested)
back for birthday (requested)
working late
working late 2 (requested)
working late 3 (requested)
ice skating
best friends love triangle (requested)
best friends love triangle 2 (requested)
best friend's brother (requested)
swimming in a lake (requested)
fear of the dark
athlete 2 (requested)
hidden messages 1
hidden messages 2
movie night
cat cuddling
an early bird
night owl (requested)
class rivals (requested)
class rivals 2 (requested)
sleepover at c/n's (requested)
sleepover at y/n's (requested)
chill time (requested)
4 am
clothes 2 (requested)
a place to stay
arms of comfort
learning to snowboard
strawberries and chocolate 2 (requested)
hospital visit
night train adventure
20 questions
sob dish
surprise visit (requested)
dance classes (requested)
drunk visitor
roommate's friend
dog trouble
sk8r boi
bus crush
Loving On Thin Ice
Drunk And Mistaken 1
Drunk And Mistaken 2

strawberries and chocolate

4.4K 38 8
By agklhfg

a/n: yes i know its april (almost may) but i just honestly had this idea and thought it would be perfect to set on valentines day even tho its long past already

Valentine's day was nearing. In fact, there was only one day left.

"Sooo," your boyfriend started, looking over at you, who were sitting next to him on the train as you were travelling home from uni.

The two of you had been together since the first year there and by your second one, also living together.

The apartment you had rented wasn't all that far from the university, but the train was faster than the bus, surprisingly. Moreover, it was a little cheaper.

You looked back at Y/bf, waiting for what he has to say.

"Tomorrow's Valentine's," he stated without adding anything more.

Of course, you already knew that.

You quirked your eyebrow at him, "and?"

"What do you mean, 'and'?" he asked back, clearly displeased with the answer you had provided him with.

"Well, I know that it's tomorrow."

He exhaled loudly. "I meant," he pronounced out each syllable clearly, "what do you want to do?"

"Oh!" you exclaimed, understanding.

Truthfully, you didn't think about it. To you, Valentine's was just as ordinary and simple day as any other, not being much of a romantic, but to Y/bf, he felt it was his duty to prepare some enormous surprise or a date for you.

Prior, though, you had told him you don't like such gestures and so were pleasantly surprised to hear him ask about what you want to do.

Normally, your plan would simply include going home, eating and sleeping, maybe finish some school stuff, but knowing him and given his nature, he wouldn't let Valentine's day be so ordinary. He'd want to make it more special and if you would have told him only this answer, he'd definitely think of something more to do even if you'd tell him not to.

So you pondered for a while to think of something simple enough for you, yet something romantic enough for him.

Most preferably something which wouldn't include you leaving the apartment, but rather staying inside, being lazy.

Something like...

"Let's just cook a dinner but make it fancy or something. You know I'm not the type to like these things that much," you suggested.

But of course, you did think of something more to please him, only you'd keep it a surprise. You knew a dinner would be too little for him but he was still grateful for even the little effort and sacrifice you were willing to put in, he'd try to stick to your wish instead of getting out of your ways to prepare something bigger.

And so, since you knew he was wishing for a little more than what you had just told him, you were going to make a little surprise for him.

You loved him, after all, and wanted him to enjoy Valentine's day how he wanted.

"Okay," he replied, his tone becoming a little less enthusiastic after hearing your simple answer.


Valentine's day was here. But it was also a Saturday and you liked to sleep in when you got the chance.

And thus you both scrambled out of bed around lunch.

After whipping out a quick and easy breakfast, you changed and got ready to go shopping.

"Hey, I'm gonna get some groceries for the dinner tonight, okay?" you told him as you were about to head out.

"Wait! I can go with you," he offered.

"No, I will go alone," you insisted and winked at him as you shut the door close after yourself.

When you got to the store, you took everything needed for his favorite meal and also grabbed some dark chocolate and a box of strawberries before going to the cashier to pay for all your things.

When you got back, you found Y/bf sprawled on the o
couch, mindlessly watching some series they were airing.

You quickly out the ingredients where they belonged to (it was not yet time for you to make dinner), making sure to thoroughly hide the chocolate and strawberries from his sight.

When you got it done, you joined him on the couch and the rest of your afternoon was spent lazily and leisurely, watching bad movies on tv while cuddled up.

When the clock struck six, you got up from the comfortable position on the couch and stretched your limbs.

"I think we should start cooking."

Your boyfriend seemed a little down the whole day, probably expecting more from you than a simple dinner for such a day and you couldn't help but feel guilty towards him.

Nevertheless, he didn't complain m, standing up to follow you to the kitchen where you gathered all the stuff needed and started cooking.

You always enjoyed cooking with him, even if he was a little clumsy in the kitchen. Still, you had fun time, his mood lightening up bit by bit the more you laughed together.

The whole apartment was filled with delicious smell and a lovely atmosphere when you were finished with the food.

He set the table while you were giving finishing touches to the food, lighting up a candle in the middle of it before he turned the light off, the room lit only by the dim candle flame.

The bottle of wine wasn't missing and you poured heartily to both your glasses, putting the food on your plates and digging into them.

"Mmmmm," he let out a sigh after having the first bite, closing his eyes to indulge the taste even more. "It's delicious, Y/n."

You smiled at him, watched as he munched, the light casting sharp flickering shadows on his face.

"Thank you," you replied, your voice equally soft as his.

Words were exchanged during your dinner, of fun memories, of affection and love, if every day life, the dinner carried out in a slow, tempting atmosphere, something hanging in the air above.

But the food disappeared quickly, and so did the romantic atmosphere. Right after you were done eating, you stood up to clean the dirty dishes, immediately turning the lights back on.

You could tell he wanted to stay like that a little more, in the badly lit room, with glasses full of wine and his significant other by his side, but you shattered the thought right as you walked over to the sink.

And Y/bf knew your Valentine's mood was over.

"I'm going to shower," he muttered, to which you hummed out a response, not taking your eyes away from the dishes you were washing.

When you heard the bathroom door locking, you put the plates and cutlery aside to grab the chocolate and strawberries you had bought for him before.

Breaking the chocolate into smaller pieces, you put it into a bowl which you put into a pot filled with water, setting it on the turned on stove so that the chocolate would melt. As you waited for it to melt you washed the strawberries and cut off the leaves, occasionally stirring the chocolate as it became more liquid-like.

You quickly put the strawberries in the bowl, placing it on the small table in front of the couch in the living room before turning off the stove. After the bowl with now melted chocolate cooled down a little, you placed it next to the strawberries on the table as well.

Lighting the candle back to replace the bright lights with it just like during dinner, you waited until he was done with his shower in the dimly lit room.

You heard the bathroom door opened and saw Y/bf step out, clothed in his pajama shorts and other than that, shirtless. The view didn't affect you all that much, though - as much as you loved his body, you were used to seeing him unclothed like that for the majority of time you spent in your apartment. Actually, it was unusual for him to wear a t-shirt inside if it was the two of you only there.

His gaze traveled from you to the table, a subtle smile creeping onto his lips and as he came closer, it widened to a grin.

"What's this?" You could hear him smiling even in his voice. His mood seemed to lift up enormously, almost beaming with anticipation.

"Your gift for Valentine's day," you whispered to him, patting the spot next to you to signal to him to come sit. He did so, his eyes never leaving yours with each move he made.

"You didn't have to."

"I know, but I wanted to."

You picked up a strawberry from the bowl, dipped it in the melted chocolate and slowly raised it to his mouth, keeping one hand underneath the fruit in case a drop of chocolate fell down.

His words immediately died down and he was watching you with an intense silence, his eyes piercing yours.

He bit into it, you putting the rest of it in your mouth.

The fresh sweetness of the strawberries perfectly matched with the velvety bitterness of the dark chocolate as you chewed the almost sinful, erotic delicacy together.

You saw him gulp down hard, his cheeks a little flushed even in the dimly lit room.

And he reached for another one.

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