The Veterinarian (girlXgirl)

By Suckmydingalingling

93 16 14

"Jord-an" I moan gripping the sides of the table. "You have to be quiet, or I'm going to stop" She smirks up... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

23 2 1
By Suckmydingalingling

Brylee's POV:

I close the door smirking and make my way back to the vet tech office.

"Someone looks smitten" Alyssa chimes in as I open the door. I roll my eyes at her attempt to get me to spill. I'd rather do that somewhere far far away from Dr. Matthews.

"And why would I be smitten?" I questioned.

"You tell me big shot, whose office did you just come from?" She smirks.

"Just the one and only world class veterinarian in the building" I shove her shoulder laughing.

"Okay WOW, not you too" she laughs starting to pack up her stuff.

"I almost don't want to leave" I whine following her lead in packing up my stuff.

"You want to be here longer?" Davis groans.

"I like it here. It's surreal saving all these animals, and learning so much from Dr. Matthews. It's a dream come true." I laugh. How could they not feel the same way.

"What's your deal with Jordan?" Alyssa cocks her head at me.

"What do you mean?" I cock my head back at her.

"Why do you talk about her like she's a gracious angel and not the tyrant she is." she laughs sitting on top of her desk.

"Have you read her research work? Seen her awards? Read her books? She's a genius" I protest her laughing.

"Well yeah but what's your deal with her as a person Brylee, her work is top tier of course, but do you even get her as a person?" Alyssa explains further.

"Oh...I'm not sure yet. I guess i'm indifferent about her as of right now other than her being my idol and hero, other than stuff having to do with her work I don't know anything about her you know" I frown.

What does that really mean? Her deal as a person. I honestly just met her I don't know how I was suppose to know that much about her to answer that.

She is smart. She doesn't show that much emotion or willing to converse deeper than her work. The most I could get out of her was a couple of blushes.

"Oh too bad, I was really hoping you had a better answer to that. I've been trying to figure out that answer for months" She grumbles and i smack her arm again.

Why was Alyssa even asking me. I'm sure she knows Jordan better than I do. She literally walked in talking about sex today, how much closer could you get to someone.

"Idiot" I laugh.

"So Brylee, Davis and I are going to head to the bar down the street for a little, come with, we can celebrate your first day as a resident!" Alyssa beams at me.

"I don't know guys, I gotta be back here around ten for day two" i smile sadly at them.

"You really sound like Jordan, always wanting to work" Davis mumbles walking up to us.

"I definitely see it" Alyssa looks me up and down nodding her head.

"Isn't that a good thing?" I grin at them. I don't see the problem with reminding them of Jordan. Isn't that the whole point of me working under her.

"Brylee you're coming and that's final, we won't keep you out too late I promise" Alyssa puts her hands together in a begging motion.

"Fineee" I groan knowing I'm going to regret this in the morning.

"We're gonna have so much fun" Alyssa smirks hopping off of the desk.

"Are we ready to go then?" Davis asks grabbing his bags.

"Yes" Alyssa and I say in unison. I smile at them slightly thankful that they're so friendly. Maybe I do deserve a drink. Maybe it's okay for me to have friends now. I have reached my original goal after all.

"Let me go check on Scooby really fast and then i'll meet you guys outside" They nod their heads at me and I make my way to the ICU unit. I find Scooby's crate and peer into it.

He's cuddled up in the blanket we gave him and snoozing away.

He's a good dog. Jordan said he should only be in here a couple days for monitoring so I should probably head to the pet store on my break day and pick him up a bunch of stuff for when he comes home.

Official dog mom moment.

I smile down at him and sigh starting to make my way to the lobby to meet back up with Alyssa and Davis.

"Ready?" Alyssa asks. I nod and we start walking down the street towards the bar.

Davis and Alyssa are chatting about one of the receptionists or something. I'm barely paying attention not even knowing who they're referring to. My mind just keeps flooding of memories from today.

I didn't really get to be as hands on as I wanted but Jordan let me talk to owners and run tests back for her. She also explained everything she was doing in the examination rooms and the correct way to do it.

I made sure I was paying attention the whole time soaking up every word she said. I also answered every question she asked me correctly so that was sure to get me points for her to stop calling me dense.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I take it out watching the screen flash on. Shit I was suppose to call Aria when I got home to tell her about my day.

Aria :Hey can we call on our break day I AM exhausted.

Me: Of course, im headed to get drinks with my coworkers so well catch up then

I close my phone shoving it back into my pocket. I wonder how Aria's day was. I've been so focused today i completely forgot she would've been doing the same thing i was doing.

She was paired with an animal hospital in Indiana which wasn't too far. Only around two hours away from where I was. Her hospital was top ranked and her residency program was stellar it just wasn't with Dr. Matthews.

I follow Davis and Alyssa into the shabby looking bar and when my eyes finally adjust to the dim lighting inside i take a look around.

There's pool tables to one side, a jukebox, some dart boards, and an atm machine. On the other side is the bar, it wraps in a L shape and bar stools line the entire line. There's also a few tables splattered across the bar floor. There's people jammed packed everywhere except for the end of the bar.

"Bar or table?" Davis asks.

"Bar" Alyssa chimes in.

We all three take a seat and Alyssa flags over the bartender. She's a tall brunette, her hair slicked back in a ponytail. Her figure was slim and her black work jeans hugged her waist favorly. She has a jet black hair and her face is dotted with light freckles. She seemed friendly enough.

"Alyssa who's the newbie?" She smiles at us placing her elbows on the table and leaning forward.

"This right here is Brylee, she's the new resident for Jordan" She wraps her arm around me.

"Really? I thought she wasn't taking anymore residents bec-" she begins.

"Oh you know her, always changing her mind" Alyssa winks at her. I stare between the two of them growing more confused by the minute. She wasn't taking anymore because what?

"Well I'm Taylor" She shoots me a small smile eyeing Alyssa.

"Brylee" I nod smiling back.

"So what can i get you guys?" She leans back away from the bar.

"Oh Taylor you know us better than that" Davis smirks leaning forward.

"Fine. Green tea shots coming up" She whisks away to prepare our drinks.

"Shots. Really?" I punch Alyssa's arm.

"Just one, I promise" She holds her arm up in a girl scout salute.

"Mhm somehow I don't believe you" I roll my eyes.

"Here you guys go" Taylor sets the three shots in front of us. I follow Davis and Alyssa's lead and pick one up.

"To Brylee's first day" she holds it up.

"To Brylee" Taylor and Davis chime in.

I shudder and place the shot down and toss it back. I squinted my face waiting for the nauseating feeling that was sure to come. It never did.

"Have you never had a green tea shot Brylee?" Alyssa laughs pointing at my face.

"I don't really drink, and no I haven't. How come it didn't burn like normal alcohol?" I inspect the shot glass intently.

"Oh babe. That's a secret" Taylor winks and moves away heading towards customers with their hands waving.


After the first shot we went to the pool table and watched Davis beat these two college kids out of twenty bucks. They offered to buy me and Alyssa drinks after that and next thing you know were five shots deep.

"Bryleeee, come dance" Alyssa grabs my hand pulling me to the makeshift dance floor. My body is light as a feather. I haven't been drunk in awhile so the shots are hitting me a lot harder than i thought. It was like all the stress left my body, making me numb and relaxed.

"I need another drink" I whine.

"Then go get one but come back i want to dance" Alyssa pushes me towards the bar.

"Brylee, what can i get you this time? Another green tea shot?" Taylor walks over to me.

"I'll take a gin tonic" I laugh leaning over the bar.

"Coming right up" She winks and whisks away to make my drink. I don't know if it's because I was drunk or what but i just wanted to sit down. I clamber into one of the bar seats and try to find Alyssa through the crowd.

I finally spot her talking to Davis and I narrow my eyes trying to make the slight blurriness disappear.

"Here you are" Taylor sets the drink down in front of me.

"Jordan's going to be mad at me" I frown at the drink.

"How come?" Taylor asks a knowing smile on her lips.

"I told her I was going home and that I would be early to the office tomorrow. But I don't think I'm going to make it" I sigh.

"Why'd you want to show up early? I'm pretty sure you don't get paid extra for showing up before you're supposed to work you know" Taylor laughs starting to pick up dirty glasses around the bar.

"To be around her" I simply state.

"What do you mean?" she stops cleaning focusing all her attention on me.

"I like bothering her. Making her give me her attention. I had so much fun today learning from her, and she is so hot when she's trying not to blush" I explain hiccuping in between sentences.

"Someone has the hots for her teacher" Taylor laughs and throws me a smirk.

"It's not like thatttt. Wait don't you know her." I grab Taylor's hand.

"She comes in from time to time with Alyssa and Davis. I don't know that much about her to be honest. Her go to drink here is a glass of white wine, top shelf only. Other than that she mostly just talks about work or her husband".

Husband? She's married??

"Im judging by your face that you didn't know she was married" Taylor laughs patting my hand sympathetically.

"It would make sense, she is a total babe" I laugh. It wasn't a real laugh though. It was forced. It saddened me that she was married. I'm not sure why though, she didn't seem like the gay type. So why was my heart heavier.

I heard her yelling at someone at the phone before I walked into her office, I wonder if it was her husband or not.

I just thought it was something to do with the business or her research. God no wonder she kept giving me daggers to leave. I ignored them because I could snoop through her office without her having the chance to yell at me to stop.

"Don't worry lover girl, you'll find someone for yourself soon. Just don't get wrapped up in someone who is married, it never works out trust me." Taylor pulls away from me and continues cleaning up. I sit there in silence sipping my drink thinking about what taylor had said.

"Don't worry Taylor, i don't like her like that. I'm just admiring a hot smart woman. She is my mentor and all, I was just surprised she was married. She didn't say anything about him today." I smile. It was the truth. I didn't have any feelings for Jordan and she didn't tell me she was married, not that she had to because who talks about their relationships with their student.

"What's your type anyways?" Taylor peers her eyes at me.

"Hm. That's a hard question. If I say older women will you still believe me that I still don't have a thing for Jordan" I laugh awkwardly.

"I wouldn't blame you if you did. How come older women?"

"My ex was younger than me by a year. She was pretty psycho. Cheated on me multiple times, was the most clingy person alive. It wasn't good for my mental health and my mom had to step in to get me to realize that I shouldn't be with her anymore. So we broke up and I got into Ohio State's vet school and never saw her again. That is why i swore off dating until i receive my doctorate." I explain taking another sip of my drink.

"Your gay?" Alyssa slides into the seat next to me.

"Yeah" I stare at her waiting for her to either hate me or not care.

"Is that where the player energy comes from" She breaks out into a large grin.

"What player energy are you referring to" i narrow my eyes.

"I didn't peg you for a softy" she imitates me.

"How do you even know about that" I whine a new blush rising through my cheeks out of embarrassment.

"She told me" She shrugs.

"It was just a joke. I didn't mean anything by it" I roll my eyes. What was i going to do, tell Alyssa I liked seeing her blush.

"Brylee, I don't care if you flirt with Jordan. It's honestly nice to see her smile a little bit more during work. She hasn't had the best cards dealt to her. Her past relationships were a shit show, her family is all over the place, and her husband...he's just not something that she probably deserves in a life long relationship" She puts her hand on her rubbing her temples.

"You don't like her husband?" I cock my head to side.

"Well I don't necessarily not like him he jus-" Alyssa begins.

"Sharing too much information again?" Davis comes up from behind Alyssa and taps her shoulder giving her a look.

"Why can't I know" I frown. They've been doing this a little bit throughout the night every time Jordan or work was brought up. My drunk ass was over it.

"Jordan will tell you if she wants you to know. That's how its always been with her. You can't push her or she'll just pull away and be more cold towards you. Trust me Brylee we have all been through that with Jordan and you don't need to start off that way" He lectures.

"Maybe she should be pushed" Alyssa chimes in throwing daggers at Davis. It seemed like the both of them were having an argument without speaking about it. They were both giving each other death glares.

"If she wants to get fired then yeah" Davis meets her gaze without flinching.

"You and me both know she wouldn't fire her" Alyssa snaps.

"She would if her limits get pushed. You out of all people should know what she's like when she feels backed into a corner" Davis says.

I sigh feeling a wave of exhaustion course through my body. I have no idea what they're talking about and my brain can't comprehend their argument well enough. I guess the alcohol isn't keeping me awake anymore. I throw a couple of hundreds towards Taylor and tell her to keep the change after she closes all our tabs out.

"Brylee, we were suppose to be buying your drinks, not the other way around" Alyssa finally breaks her death stare with Davis to turn back towards me.

"Don't worry about it. Honestly i'm just starting to get tired and want to head home. You guys stay i'm just going to order an uber and i'll see you guys tomorrow for work." I give them a small smile and start to make my way outside.

"Why are you encouraging her, Jordan specifically told us to clear up intentions" Davis booms.

"I will handle Jordan. I have a feeling about the two of them. I want to see if i'm right or not. So butt out" Alyssa snaps at Davis.

That's the last thing i hear before i make my way out of the bar.

She wanted them to talk to me about the way i was acting. It made me frown, she really had that big of a problem with it that she had to have someone else tell me it and wasn't able to do it herself.

Can it just be tomorrow already.


I push open the veterinarian tech office door and look around. No one is in yet i guess. I set down my stuff at my fake desk, which is literally just a fold out table and make my way towards Jordan's office.

I knock first knowing she would hate it if i just barged in. I am welcomed with a mumbled come in.

I open the door slowly and peek my head inside. After hearing that i should back away and not push her, it made me realize i needed to give her space.

"Ms. Franklin are you going to lauder in the hallway or are you going to come in" Her deep brown eyes met mine.

" Yeah" I open the door all the way and walk inside.

"You look nice" I comment. She's not wearing scrubs today. She's wearing a tight black bodysuit, and black pencil skirt and blazer, and shiny black heels.

She reminded me of a black swan. Dangerously perfect.

I can basically feel my mouth watering. Trying to not push her buttons was going to be hard today.

Her cheeks turn a slight pink as she glances up at me from the paperwork in front of her.

I liked making her blush.

"I have a business lunch today if you must know. How come you didn't just barge in." She lifts her eyebrow up at me. I loved that look. It was her interested look. I could tell she battled with herself whether or not she even wanted to ask but the curiosity got the best of her.

Shes so hot when shes questioning me.

"I didn't want to walk in if you were on the phone with someone again" I mumble starting to feel an uncomfortable tension. I sit down in the chair across from hers. Professional i remind myself. No pushing.

"You didn't seem to mind yesterday. What changed?" Jordan narrows her eyes at me setting whatever paperwork she was doing and gets up moving to sit on the front of her desk.

She's right in front of me.

If i reached my arm up i could easily touch her leg. The electricity was growing between us, i could feel it . It was intoxicating. Surrounding my whole body with that one movement made my brain go haywire.

I couldn't form a thought other than she was right in front of me.

"Just figured you'd rather I not overhear your personal business" I avert my eyes away from her knowing that if i look up at her id do something stupid.

Good job i tell myself.

My brain is fighting against me, the magnetic pull im feeling towards her is so strong i can barely form a specific thought. I don't know how much longer i can sit here and not push her. There's so many flirty things i could say in this moment, i know it would make her blush.

I internally sigh.

I really want to see her blush again, but the tension is so thick I force myself to stand up so that I can get away from her.

Confident Brylee poofing out of existence.

"I'll meet you outside, i'm going to check on Scooby before the rounds" I mumble and quickly walk towards the door. As i'm about to grab the door knob im being turned around and pushed up against the door.

My eyes go wide as i try and wrap my brain around what just happened. I allow myself to make brief eye contact with the women in front of me.

I couldn't breathe in that moment. My eyes drifted to her lips.

Her scar was hotter this close up.

My brain is a complete haze gazing at her face. It felt so surreal like i was in a dream.

I finally snapped out of it when i felt my heart beat speed up.

"Jor-dan what are you doing" I whisper glancing down at her body pressed against mine. Her hands are holding my hips and she's one head movement away from brushing my lips. I liked her body this close, and my body had instantly responded to hers, not pushing away in the slightest.

Why wasn't i pushing away.

I have no idea what's going on but my confidence is shot. I'm no longer her flirty student, i'm simply shy and completely unable to speak. Why was she doing this?

"Shh Brylee. Don't ruin the moment with your questions" She breathes. Her minty breathe hits my face and my head starts spinning all over again. I let out a shaky breath and finally look straight into her eyes.

Her deep brown eyes are filled with lust. My knees start to weaken at her intense gaze , which she conveniently notices and her grip on my hips tighten giving me more stability to stay pressed up against the door.

"I need to kiss you Brylee. It's been on my mind all morning. What your lips feel like, what it would feel like to press you against my door, what it would sound like to make you moan" She huskily answers. That awoken me from my paralyzed state as i slowly push my head towards her.

She backs away every centimeter i get closer to her. I pout feeling my confidence start to fall again.

She just said she wanted to kiss me and now she's rejecting me. I knew this was a too good to be true.

Maybe she was testing me based off of how well Alyssa and Davis set me straight last night.

Does that mean i should've rejected her? I'm so confused.

In less than a second i feel her lips press into mine. My head felt like it was about to explode. My hands immediately grab her hips pulling them even closer into me. If it was a game i had to get every second out of this i could.

Her lips are so soft. They fit perfectly into mine and I never want to leave this moment. It felt like home. Like walking on clouds. I could give a million ways to describe this kiss but it would never be the right fit. It was indescribable.

"Jordan" I whimper once she pulls away. I didn't want her to pull away. It felt so good, i needed more. I needed her.

She leans back in but completely disses my lips. She smirked hearing my frustrated grunt. I hear a click and realize shes locking the door. My eyes get even bigger than they were before.

"What happened to flirty, teasing Brylee" She whispers against my ear. I swear i could've died in that moment.

"Mmm she left the second you pushed me up against the door" I awkwardly laugh. Feeling my body break out into a sweat.

My nerves were absolutely shot.

"That's okay...I like being the one to make you flustered and speechless, you do that enough to me" She smirks.

"I- er. I want you to kiss me again" my eyes flutter up at her as i quickly spill out my intrusive thoughts.

She cocks her head to the side like shes debating whether or not it's worth it. To my benefit she doesn't take long before she's grabbing the back of my neck pulling me into another kiss.

This kiss isn't as soft as the last. It's more forceful, almost needy. It's making my body ache, the fire building up in my abdomen is another story though, that started when she stood in front of me.

She bites my lower lip swiping her tongue between my lips. A small grunt escapes my lips and I can't help but tighten my grip on her hips. I don't want her to pull away this time.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to pull away" She whispers over my lips.

It's like shes reading my mind.

I sigh into her catching her lips. I push off of the wall and start forcing her to walk backwards until her legs hit her desk.

"Mmm someones found her confidence again" She flips us around so i'm pushed up against the desk.

I roll my eyes at her which she responds back with another long kiss. Our tongues battle for dominance and yet she still wins. She breaks the kiss and a pout start to form.

That changes into an O once her lips graze my neck.

She leaves a few kisses along my jawline before moving down just below my ear. I don't know how she knew that was my sweet spot but i could feel her smirk once she bit down allowing a deep moan to leave my body. She continues to leave kisses on my neck, and i'm sure she left a mark or two.

"Jor-dan. I need more" I breathfully let out.

Her eyes snap up to mine and I could pass away in that moment. She had such hunger in her eyes, she was so fucking hot. I needed her to relieve some of this burning in my stomach.

"If you keep begging like that, i'm not going to be able to stop" She growls.

God i didn't want her to stop.

She grips the bottom of my scrub top and yanks it up. I put my arms up and help her remove it. Her eyes flick over my black bra and I can't help but feel a rush of heat flow throughout my body under her gaze.

Her eyes darkened even more if that was even possible. Her eyes traveled over my heaving chest and there was no way my face wasn't beet red.

Her hands enter my scrub pants waistband and she starts to pull down.

"Sit on the desk" She demands.

And I obey. I lift my legs up and shimmy out of my bottoms.

Here I was. Never in a million years thinking I would be sitting on Dr. Matthews desk half naked with her hungrily looking at me.

She pushes my legs apart and steps between them gripping my chin and giving me another heated kiss.

"Lay back" She whispers. I hastily lay back against her cool desk. Not the most comforting place to lay given all of her papers everywhere but who was i to complain with this goddess between my legs.

She kisses down my stomach skipping over the place i so desperately needed her to be. She peppers light kisses against my thighs and I quite literally could feel my legs shake from anticipation.

Her fingers slowly moved my matching underwear to the side and i couldn't help but make my frustration known by bucking my hips up.

She slowly enters two fingers and for that second all my senses of where I was went out the door.

"Jord-an" I moan gripping the sides of the table.

"You have to be quiet or i'm going to stop" She smirks up at me. God. I didn't think she could turn me on more than she has but she keeps proving me wrong.

I bite my lip to stop myself from letting a moan escape my lips. My chest is heaving and im drenched in sweat.

She curls her fingers making my back arch immediately.

"Mmm" I groan surprised I haven't drawn blood with how hard i'm biting my lip. I glance down at her and it was a mistake

She's staring at me with that hunger in her eyes again.

I inaudibly gulp.

"Jordan I can-" She immediately licks up my folds causing my eyes to roll to the back of my head. I was in complete bliss at the moment.

And then it was gone.

I shudder as she removes her fingers and hastily takes a few steps back. I whimper from the loss of touch and glance up at her quickly.

"I told you to be quiet" she smirks and unlocks the door walking out, leaving me frustrated and craving her touch.

I sit up immediately clutching my chest.

I wasn't in her office anymore. I was in my room. At my apartment.

It was a fucking dream.

I hear my phone buzzing and see the animal hospitals number flash on my screen.


"Hell-hello?" I answer it quickly.

"You want to tell me why your an hour late" Jordan's cold voice comes from the other end.

Does she want me to tell her the truth? I was so busy dreaming about you fucking me on your desk that I didn't hear my alarm go off because YOU told Davis and Alyssa to clear things up with me last night and they decided to do that by getting me drunk.

If only.

"I'm so sorry Dr. Matthews. I wasn't supposed to drink that much last night and it just happened. I am so sorry, I will be there in less than ten minutes" I hurriedly get up racing around my room.

"Ms. Franklin" I hear from my phone.

"Yes?" I warily ask. God what if she fires me.

"Your not late" she flatly says.

"Wh-what?" I stop what i'm doing and put the phone back to my ear.

"You're not late for work. Your late to check on Scooby like you said you were going to" Jordan sadly answers.

Did she want me to come in early? No. This is because of the dream. She's just disappointed in me for not following through with what i said i would do. I flash my phone to see what time it is, i still have an hour until my shift starts.

"Just thought you should know" She chimes and i swear i hear a little laugh as she ends the call.

That wasn't fucking funny.

I sit on my bed and put my head in my hands.

Why the fuck did i dream about her fucking me. And why did it feel so real.

What if taylor was right about me having the hots for her.

There's no way, It's just because i find her attractive is all. It's okay to find her attractive, i just can't act on it. I won't. She's married, she's not into women, and she's my boss. Triple red flags.

What am I going to do.


A/N: I don't know why this chapter was so hard for to write. I had writers block every 1000 words. BFFR my brain was going faster in the story then where we are. I hope you guys enjoyed it though! A new chapter will be posted soon <33 Sorry to blue balls all of you guys, slow burn remember. Decided to give you a little taste though!


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