Valor | Marcel Gerard

By SprintingFox

25.7K 1.4K 334

After being released from the worst prison imaginable, she was tasked with a murder she knew she could never... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Final Author's Note

Chapter 22

580 37 8
By SprintingFox

May 19, 2013

Andra's life felt stagnant.

To a great extent, it was just the way she wanted it to be.

But nobody was truly happy, and she hated it.

Ryan had settled in Seattle and hadn't come to visit. He called her every day and video chatted each night to talk to Landon, who had recently turned a year old and was now babbling more or less coherently.

Andra could see that he was healing, little by little, and she wanted the best for him, but it didn't stop her from feeling lonely. Still, it pleased her to hear about how well piloting lessons were going for him. He promised that in time, he'd fly a plane personally to see his siblings.

But at the end of the day she knew if he wasn't coming back yet, it was because he still ached inside and neither she nor Landon could fill that void.

Physically, she'd needed to fix that.

Davina had moved in when Ryan left. As the Regent, she didn't wish to be living alone in a musty attic; she'd outgrown it. It helped Andra more than she cared to admit. Not coming back to an empty apartment was a pleasure, and Davina was a great roommate who Landon loved to death.

This also meant Josh came by often, which allowed Andra to get to know him and give him a shoulder to lean on as he learned to live without Aiden. She couldn't help her brother as hard as she tried; Ryan wasn't keen on talking about what happened. Josh was different and it made her feel useful each time she hugged him after a lengthy conversation about his feelings.

Sometimes a person really just needed a hug.

There wasn't much going on in New Orleans, which they considered a good sign. After Dahlia's defeat, Marcel had taken his remaining vampires and opened up a fight gym at St. Anne's, beginning a formal training center where Andra helped him teach in the afternoons after she closed up the Jardin Gris for the day.

He walked her home every night and got to see Davina, who was a little less communicative due to her fears that she'd be seen as a vampire sympathizer. It was hard enough convincing the witches she was loyal when everyone and their mother knew that Kol was her boyfriend.

Though, it seemed the witches were growing accustomed to all the benefits that came with a direct alliance with the Original that knew the most about magic (save for Freya). Kol was always offering new spells and bringing ideas to the table for improvement that were working to strengthen the community. In time, Andra hoped, the witches would see how much better they had it now that Davina was Regent.

At least they weren't causing any trouble.

Elijah was a regular at the gym, furious to no end with Klaus. Many months had passed and no one seemed to be able to figure out how to cure the Crescent Wolves. Rebekah was traveling, more or less for pleasure and back in her witch body, but with the goal of figuring out how to undo Dahlia's curse. Kol and Freya were working on the same thing within New Orleans (and the Compound, which was a hostile area practically every day).

Sometimes it was nice for Elijah to be there. He liked teaching the vampires, too. But mostly, he used up their equipment and left Marcel needing to purchase new punching bags constantly. Most days, Elijah wasn't talkative and seemed like a ghost who haunted the gym, searching for his lost love.

Beating things up there seemed to be the only way his fist wouldn't land on Klaus's jaw.

Andra hadn't spoken to Klaus since the day Dahlia was killed. He clearly knew the compulsion had been removed and that she was roaming around. There was no way he was okay with it, but he hadn't come after her. It was enough to her that he wasn't actively trying to harm her. Maybe some part of him realized that she had still helped despite his actions and was letting things settle (not that it in any way made up for what he'd tried to do). Andra was just happy to have some peace. For the sake of her brother and Davina, she'd do anything.

She went clubbing with Freya every weekend. It was obvious to her that Rebekah's absence was taking a toll on her. She wanted a sister so badly, and Andra had been more than willing to befriend her. Freya was kind and full of life, and it was thanks to her that Andra was able to work through her grief. She would always miss what Mikael had given her but he didn't define her; no one did. Andra Clarke was who she was entirely of her own volition. Mikael may have trained her but she made herself a warrior. Not anyone else.

Because of him she'd gained a second sister. And after letting go, she was left with a truly wonderful thing.

Cami sometimes joined them, mostly whenever she needed to blow off some steam. Working two jobs was a lot for anyone to handle, and it didn't help that Klaus sought her out constantly to rant about the attitude his siblings were apparently giving him. Cami had suggested he apologize. He hadn't taken it well.

It was obvious to Andra that Ryan being gone hurt Cami, too. He'd made such a strong relationship with her and calls weren't enough. Cami had lost a brother and gained another, just for him to leave her, too.

That was how Andra gained a third sister. She wished dearly that Hayley could be back, to allow them all to spend time together. And if Rebekah came, too, perhaps Andra could have four sisters.

She was selfish for wanting that.

Hope was thriving, though Andra could tell that she felt empty without her mother. She saw her fairly often, given Freya took care of Hope the most and would like for the two babies to play while she got a chance to speak with Andra. The little girl was growing and becoming sweeter each day (Landon didn't seem to think so), and it ached to think Hayley was missing so much.

Marcel had become the champion of taking lengthy videos and many pictures that he'd send to Elijah for when he went out into the Bayou each full moon. It pleased Andra to see how he would come over just to sit with the two babies and let them crawl all over him. Hope adored him, and was trying her best to say his name. So far, she could say 'Mar,' which he was satisfied with.

(Landon liked to show off the fact he could say 'Marcel' fully, which often made Hope very annoyed. She bragged in return by saying 'Frey' while Landon couldn't yet make 'f' sounds properly, and only blew raspberries to refer to Freya. Andra was their common ground, both able to call her by her name with ease.)

Marcel was at Andra's apartment every single day without fault. Landon would grow fussy if Marcel wasn't there to tuck him in at night, perhaps a fan of how the vampire would tickle his chin and call him 'little buddy.' If he didn't get his way, fire would burst out of his back and he'd singe his blankets. It was for the best that Landon be treated like a prince.

"It's happening more often," said Andra, examining another burned onesie. "He hasn't flown again but he keeps sneezing or being pissed and letting it out. Ryan did some research and he thinks somehow, Malivore absorbing a phoenix gave Landon these powers. He had to find a way to make him immortal like us and he couldn't do that through him being born from a human so he infused parts of the phoenix in him... which I guess is a good thing, it means Landon is like us. But Ryan is worried. We were created as adults, so each time we die, we come back the same. Landon is actually growing. What if he dies and whatever state of being he's in that first time... it becomes the default? Will he continue to develop after death? If he falls off a bridge at the age of five, will he be five forever?"

"Hey," said Marcel, taking her hand, "I don't think you need to worry, because he's going to be just fine. Malivore made you and Ryan to be the same age, right, just at different timepoints. Maybe Landon will age until he's at about the same physical level and that's what he'll get stuck at. The whole point is for procreation, right? It wouldn't be ideal for him to at any point get stuck as a kid. I bet there's a set point. Maybe once he reaches twenty he'll stop aging and then if he dies he'll come back to that. If death happens before that set point, he will age just to get there."

Andra could only stare at their linked hands. "You're probably right."

Neither of them could bring up the elephant in the room even now that there was peace in New Orleans. What Klaus had tried to do had only solidified that fear that them being together put them at risk of being used to hurt the other. Things were going so well as they were. Was it worth it to try and change their dynamic and have Klaus come out of his tantrum just to torment them? Poking the bear may not be a good idea.

I should have been braver before. I know that. I should just say something. But every day I remember his face when Klaus was hurting me and I don't know if I should admit what I feel knowing that next time the damage might actually be done.

Davina had other plans.

She and Josh were going to go absolutely insane if they had to continue watching Marcel and Andra chatting at the dinner table as if nothing was going on between them. It was getting to the point where even Landon kept looking at them with some sort of expectations in mind.

They were clever about their set up. Josh convinced the vampires to ditch their usual Friday night gym session, ensuring both Andra and Marcel would be free. Through Davina's influence (threats), Kol was able to text Andra through Freya's phone, pretending to invite her to a fancy restaurant for a pre-game before going to the club. 'Freya' claimed she'd be paying, which ensured Andra wouldn't pass the opportunity up.

Getting Marcel there was going to be a bit more difficult. Chances were he'd want to spend his Friday night watching a movie in bed if he wasn't going to be seeing any of his vampires. Cami had a brilliant idea when she learned one of her coworkers knew the events manager at the fancy restaurant. They arranged for the restaurant to host an event with desperate need for another couple of bartenders and some extra waiters. Marcel would do anything to help a friend, and when Cami begged him to dress in a suit to help her volunteer at the event, he agreed.

Davina had made sure to create the illusion of smoke coming out of Andra's car, making it impossible for her to drive herself to the restaurant. Josh had promised he'd fix it for her while she was gone (a complete lie) and drove her there. Cami had insisted on carpooling to the event to get Marcel there at the exact same time.

"Here," said Cami, dropping him off where Josh had just let Andra climb out onto the curb. "Enjoy."

Andra and Marcel were left, both in their fanciest attire, staring at each other.

"Those sneaky little shits," muttered Andra.

Marcel pressed his tongue into his cheek, trying not to smirk. They really were smart, he had to give them that.

"Well," said Andra awkwardly, "there is a reservation under Freya's name for two people." She gulped. "Shall we?"

He offered his arm. "Let's give the people what they want."

This made her crack a smile. "Might as well."

They were seated at a table in the far corner, a special request made by Davina. Dim lighting, other tables bought out to give them privacy. She wondered who the hell was paying for it before remembering Josh probably used his compulsion to that end. Or maybe Kol had done it. Davina could be quite persuasive.

"I can't decide what to get," said Andra. "I'm torn between the shrimp alfredo and this delicious-looking steak."

"I could get one dish and you get the other," said Marcel. "And we could share if you'd like."

She put a hand on her chest playfully. "What makes you think I can't eat both of them?"

"Oh, I know I could eat both of them. I wasn't saying I'd only get that one dish." He winked.

"Well, in that case, I will get two for myself and you can get two for yourself. Let the people here think whatever they want. I was intending to go to a club after this and burn the calories off anyway. If you'd like, we could still do that."

Marcel wanted so badly to crack a joke (he knew she was thinking about it, too) and say they could burn off the calories another way. But he could tell Andra was trying her hardest not to get shy with him again, and opted to let it be.

"Maybe dancing would be fun," said Marcel. "But not at a club. It's not really my scene. Too many frat boys and we're dressed a little too fancy for that. I know a place. We could go there after. I'll see if someone is willing to bring me my car. Otherwise we're going to have to walk. I don't think it would be a good idea to vamp speed you around with a full stomach."

"Yeah, you have to make my stomach turn in other ways, the vampire speed would be like a cheat code."

He leaned forward, narrowing his eyes slightly when he caught a mischievous little glint in her irises.

Two can play at that game.

"And what fun would it be to have you fall apart this early in the evening?" said Marcel. "We need to save room for dessert. I think you'd like it a lot."

Her expression didn't falter. "Darling, please, you go to sleep so early on Friday nights, I don't think you'll last until then."

He clicked his tongue, opting not to respond as the waitress brought forth the margaritas they'd ordered. As soon as they'd ordered their food, he took a sip. "You seem to know a lot about me and believe I don't know anything about you, but your words are very telling, Andra Clarke."

"In what way?"

"You're all talk. You like to make your little digs and it makes you seem cutthroat but I know you, and I know that at the end of the day, your jokes just cover up the fact you get weak at the knees too easily. You're a great warrior out in the world, Andra, but if I had to take a guess, you completely fall apart everywhere else. I wonder how easily that would happen behind a closed door."

She faltered only slightly, throat pulsating. "Goodness, Marcel, it's like I'm meeting you for the first time. Are you used to being the only one strong enough to make this a game? I won't submit as easily as you might think."

He realized she could put up one hell of a fight once the food came, and she eyed him every other time she put a piece in her mouth, making no inappropriate implications at all. It was the simple act of eyeing him and pretending everything was perfectly normal that made his heart beat rapidly. Because he knew he was the one assigning a dirty meaning to it. No normal person would think of it as sexual; her noises were minimal, lips not even moving in any particular way. It was his mind being dirty because he knew she was toying with him.

And then, she started to tease more. The next time the waitress came around, Andra leaned over to chat with her, complimenting her and calling her 'darling' with a sultry voice, batting her lashes and causing the woman to blush. When a male waiter came by to refill their drinks, she brushed her hand over his, complimenting the veins on his hands and making him puff his chest out, which caused Marcel's jaw to lock.

Once they were preparing to head out of the restaurant, she made a big show of bending over to fasten her heels, causing several people to turn in her, men and women entranced as she strode out of the restaurant, hair bouncing perfectly on her shoulders.

He tried to tease her back when they arrived at Preservation Hall, where a jazz band was performing. He put his hand tightly on her waist as they danced, knowing how easily she started to lose her confidence when he did. And then, when he started to lean into her, he disconnected and went to get another drink, leaving her to glare at his departing figure.

"Having fun?" he asked innocently as she took a break to sit and readjust her heels.

"The most," she chirped, pretending she wasn't internally fuming. "Davina just sent me a picture of Landon, apparently Kol is there helping to watch him."

"This is starting to sound less like a set up for us and more of a set up for them."

"Relax, they're definitely not doing anything more than kissing every now and then."

"How can you be sure?"

"Trust me, I know." She got back to her feet. "Well... I guess I should ask if this has been enjoyable for you. In any way."

He became serious immediately. "You really think it wouldn't be enjoyable? I like that you and I can tease each other like this. It's silly and it's... it's really fun." He beckoned her to sit back down, tucking his hands together and deciding to just be honest. "I don't think it's really a secret that I feel something. And I think you feel it, too."

Andra relaxed her posture. "Yeah, I do. It just... it wasn't the right time, and even now it's just dangerous. Klaus tried to make you forget me for something I did that offended him. My presence is always going to bother him and if he sees me dating a man he sees as his son... well, you've seen firsthand what he does to his siblings' lovers. He wouldn't let us be. Nobody would. Any enemies we had..."

"To be fair, your enemies don't remember you, except for Malivore, and he's not coming here anytime soon. I don't really have enemies. Klaus... we can deal with. I will deal with him. If he really cares about me, he will want me to be happy, won't he?"

"Does that mean you really want to?" she asked nervously. "Truly?"

"I am open to anything," said Marcel. "I don't see any reason why we shouldn't give it a try. We get along well and since I met you... things have changed, Andra. I am a better leader. A better person. You make me laugh in a way nobody else does. Being with you is so natural, so effortless. We could just be sitting next to each other reading and it is as enjoyable as when we're drinking and talking or when we're watching a movie, or when we're training together and you're being... well, you. This talented, honest, beautiful person who is also the most badass vampire hunter that cares so much and protects everyone she can. With you I feel like myself, I feel like I'm respected. You're a loyal friend and there is this light in you... that makes me feel warm and safe."

Andra reached out to take his hand, running her fingers over his daylight ring. "I can say many of the same things about you. Most people think I'm too abrasive, too flirty, too much to handle. We didn't have the smoothest start but you very quickly made me feel like I mattered and that I had a shot at a normal life. You helped me so much when you didn't have to. I was valued and truly seen. You are this inspiring leader, a man both versatile and precise, driven and admirable. Not to mention handsome and strong and... home. New Orleans became my home because of you, Marcel Gerard. And I would like to see where things go. So... if you are willing... I'd like this to be the first of many dates."

"I would like that very much, Andra," he whispered. "Is it okay with you if we take this slow?"

"It's more than okay with me. It has been a really long time since I was with someone. I know I like you and I know I would like to be with you, I just struggle opening up once that process begins and I would appreciate not rushing any of it. I know I flirt a lot, but–"

"It's okay," said Marcel immediately. "You don't have to explain, I respect it and I agree. I look forward to navigating this with you. I haven't dated anyone all that recently, either, and I want to do this right. I want it to last." He laced his fingers with hers, "Would you like to dance again? I promise not to tease you this time."

"I'd love to."

As the jazz slowed down, she let her head rest on his chest, smiling and no longer feeling nervous about where his hands were.

When they got back to Andra's apartment, they found Davina and Landon both asleep on the couch, with Kol keeping watch. The vampire gently tapped Davina's shoulder to wake her, causing the witch to groan and rub her eyes, smiling tiredly at them. "Have fun?" she asked sweetly.

"We did," said Andra quietly. "Oh, come here, little one..." she scooped up Landon, hugging him to her chest as he whimpered. "Let's get you to your crib. Marcel is here to tuck you in."

"Hey, buddy." Marcel went ahead, pulling back the blankets as she laid him down, then tucking them neatly around his arms. "Sleep tight, little Lan."

He placed an arm on Andra's wrist, turning her to face him. "I had a great time. I really can't wait to do it again."

"Me neither," she said softly. "Can I–?" He nodded and she tiptoed, kissing his cheek. "Thank you for tonight."

Davina and Kol shared a high five when Marcel walked out.

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