2nd choice

By Alvidachaaya95

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When Pete woke up in the hospital in the middle of the night with injuries covering his entire upper body... More

2 nd choice
chapter 3
chapter 4

chapter 2

3.4K 178 80
By Alvidachaaya95

Chapter notes

As I said this is not heavy angst....

Story starts

The night just started when Vegas was sitting in the car returning from one place where they thought Somchai kept Porsche at….

They didn't want to take any chances, so they decided to ride the two places at the same time to corner Somchai….

Upon reaching the place they immediately knew it was the wrong one….and Nop got a call that Porsche was rescued….

Vegas tried Pete's phone but it came in unreachable and kinn is not lifting the call….

So, Vegas called Thankhun….

And as usual Tankhun gave him vague answers, but Vegas understood that Porsche was immediately shifted to hospital….and that raised panic in him…

After an hour they reached the hospital and Porsche is in the operating room ready for labour….

And looking at Tankhun Vegas understood porcshe's condition is somewhat serious right now….

The doctor emerged from the room…

"How's porsche?.."... He asked…

" He is undergoing an emergency c-section right now and his BP is fluctuating rapidly….it will be a long procedure…and it would take time…

Please be patient"...

Vegas nodded and sat on the chair and his eyes immediately searched for Pete…

Pete's phone was unreachable…

But Pete is not there….

" Where is Pete? " He asked loudly….

Arm is not there and Pol is there…

Tankhun and Pol looked at eachother ,just now realising that Pete's not here…

Looks like Pol doesn't know either….

A surge of panic raised in Vegas immediately….he got up quickly….

" Pete is sleeping"... A voice came…

Vegas looked at Tawan who was coming to them….

" What?"...

" Yeah, he was exhausted and he was sleeping….He asked not to disturb him right now…"... Tawan said sweetly…

" Is he ok?"... Came the next question from Vegas lips……and his face is full of concern…

Tawan nodded and  intelligently dodged the question asking the nurse about Porcshe….

Vegas sat down looking at the door Porsche kept in…

Hoping Porcshe and his baby would be ok… …

Unconsciously his mind wandered to Pete again….

He wants to see Pete right now, but at the same time doesn't want to disturb him as Pete himself asked not to disturb him….

Because he saw exhaustion on Pete's face for one week, he was not eating properly, he vomited 2 to 3 times….

And in the last 2days Porsche was kidnapped and Macau went into 1st heat… he worked so much

Macau wanted Pete to be with him when his 1st heat hits….cause Pete is the closest omega he has….

But as Porsche is kidnapped it becomes difficult for Pete to be with Macau….

But Pete came from the Main family and spent his last two nights with Macau trying to calm him down….

So he knows Pete is exhausted….

Vegas decided to wait….


Porsche's procedure took so long and it's already early in the morning…..

Vegas looked around and saw Chay sleeping in Kim's Arms…

Kinn came from the operation theatre before the doctor with a smile on his face…

Relief spread on everyone's faces….

" Both are safe….it's a boy"....

Tankhun couldn't control his enthusiasm and tackled Kinn into a hug Directly pushing him to the wall…..

" But you have to wait to see both of them…Porsche is still gaining energy….all of you go home and come back again…. Doctors are checking the baby again"... Kinn said trying to remove himself from Tankhun….hug

As everyone is gone….. Kinn came to Vegas …

"  I'll talk to Arm…. Let Somchai be transferred to the Minor family compound…. "... Kinn said with a rage burning in his eyes….

"But , Don't kill him…..".... Kinn continued

" I won't….I will torture him till you come…. You will be the one who will kill him"..

Kinn nodded…

" Take care of Porsche….and congrats"... Vegas said with a smile….

Kinn went away when the doctor called him again….

Vegas felt peaceful saying congrats to kinn with a smile….

He wants to see Pete now….he already missed him…

He walked through the hall with Nop following behind him to Tawan's office….

" Vegas…"... Tawan hugged him immediately…

" What's Pete's room number?"....Vegas removed himself from the hug and asked the question

" But Pete is still sleeping… I just checked on him now…." Tawan lied smoothly….

" It's ok, I'll visit him once , I just want to see him and I won't disturb him"....

Before Tawan could say anything Nop called Vegas….

" Boss, Arm is taking Somchai to the Minor family compound"..

Tawan jumped at the opportunity

" Take care of that bastard… you can see Pete in the afternoon…Go, now…."..

As Vegas nodded and started to walk away….but something is nagging him…

He hasn't seen Pete with his eyes since last night…..

The thought is bugging him…


Vegas immediately checked on Macau the moment he entered the house….and later on …went into the basement….

There is Somchai already tackled with chains on his hands and legs….

Vegas immediately punched Somchai without saying anything….

" How dare you touch our family?". Vegas roared….

But Somchai laughed like a maniac….

Vegas kicked him with his legs and Somchai got pushed to the wall …

But Somchai didn't stop laughing….

" Laugh all you want….if you think you will get death….you are Wrong…. completely wrong…..

I'll give you torture and you will think death is easy….and you will beg me for death"....

Vegas said the words calmly….and for a second he saw panic in Somchai's face….

But it was replaced with laughter again…

" I know what I was getting into when I decided to kidnap…. I already showed you hell for 2 days…didn't I?… That's enough…

But now , I will get tortured happily knowing I made a mark on your omega….it was a sweet Bonus to me"...

Vegas widened his eyes….

" What?"....Vegas whispered....

"  I thought I missed the opportunity in kidnapping your omega….but your omega came to me…. walking  directly into the lion's den..

He took my beatings like a pro without making a single sound….he was so good, whimpering….

Torture me all you want and never ever it lessen the joy I got when I beat your omega….

I beat Minor family head omega…..".

" What the fuck are you talking about?"...Vegas grabbed his collar and slammed him onto the wall roaring out the words….

" You still don't know?".... Somchai laughed….

" Is he still there at the warehouse? Then he would have already died"

" No, no….no…" Vegas screamed

Arm came to him…

" khun vegas, you don't know this?"..."...

Vegas didn't give him any answer….

" Khun Vegas, Pete was injured …yes…but he was just unconscious when he was admitted…

As far as I know the injuries are not life threatening, he even shot Somchai before getting unconscious, he had strength….

And now He was in the hospital, he was not at the warehouse…Trust me"...

Vegas looked at Arm with Hope….

And ran from there….

Nop looked at Arm…" Watch him, till I come"...

Arm nodded…


Nop is driving to the hospital and vegas mind is running more miles per second than the car speed….

He wants to trust Arm's words…he doesn't want to lose hope and trust Somchai's words..

His Omega, his Mate, his Pete….  Would be fine…

He should be fine…

He rushed into the hospital and saw Tawan at the reception…

" Tell me Pete's room number"... Vegas asked

" You just went away. Why did you come back?" Tawan asked ignoring his question…

" For fuck sake, tell me Pete's room number this instant"... Vegas shouted….

" Khun Vegas, come with me…I'll show you the room"... The Nurse who was beside Tawan said and Vegas nodded….

The Nurse opened the one door on the Ground floor itself  and Vegas' heart constricted seeing Pete like on that on the bed….

His alpha howled with agony…

Pete curled himself to sleep with his entire upper body covered in bandages…. No skin is visible

Vegas went to him and slowly moved his hand to touch him…

But Pete looked so fragile even to touch….

He just moved his fingers through his hair….

" Is he fine?" Vegas whispered….

" He is fine khun Vegas  but has to take a lot of rest…

He needed stitches for some wounds… he should be in bed for at least 4 days…" the Nurse answered, Vegas…

" Why didn't you shift him to the VIP room?"...

Before Tawan could say something,the nurse answered again….

" I asked  Dr. TAWAN the same khun vegas, but he said you didn't have any interest ...he said that infront of Pete and khun pete declined "...

Vegas turned around and looked at Tawan like he would murder him in this instinct…

" Why wasn't I informed of this?, any of this? Why did you lie to me when I asked about Pete ...you said he is just sleeping?"...

Vegas asked and there was silence….

" Why?" Vegas shouted at Tawan this time…..

" Hmm…hm…" they heard someone clearing their throat…and vegas turned around to see Pete's Grandmother coming out of the bathroom….

" Grandma, When did you come?"...

" In the early morning…Pete called me in the middle of the night and asked me to come…." She said solemnly

" And by the way , if you want to shout at someone…do it outside….

Pete went to sleep just before an hour and it's nice if you don't disturb him now"....

Pete Grandma said in one go and came to sit on the chair in front of Pete…

" He didn't sleep at all ,all night khun Vegas …"  the nurse said and Vegas just stormed outside with Tawan following him…

Vegas went into the Garden with Tawan following him internally cursing the nurse…

" What the fuck Tawan….Pete was injured badly and you blatantly lied to my face…

Give me an explanation before I decide to kill you"...

Tawan expression changed

" You want to kill me for him? For a no omega like him" Tawan shouted too…

" No omega? How dare you say that?

HE IS MY MATE ….MY OMEGA…. And you never ever doubt that I would kill you for him…." Vegas said every word glaring at Tawan with determination …

" He doesn't deserve to be your mate… I do… you mated him because of your father's wish…you don't like him"......

" Who said I don't like him? Did I ever say that to you?....

I already told you many times that I only see you as a friend…get that into your brain first….

And get this too….he is my mate and my omega…. Address him with respect from now on…He is Minor family head omega….

And from now on, If I saw you breathe near him…I won't spare you…Mind your own god damn business…

I am leaving you now because of our friendship…I won't give you a 2nd chance…"

Saying this Vegas went inside….straight into Pete's room….and just sat infront Pete….looking at him…. Maintaining some distance…

Pete's Grandma didn't say anything…

Grandma is subtly looking at Vegas, who in turn is  looking at his Grandson…

She heard every word Vegas said ,inside and outside….with Tawan

It looks like Vegas is a good person and he already loves Pete….

But looks like he didn't say that directly to Pete…..

Grandma started to think about them, both of them…..

After another two hours, Vegas stayed in the same place….still looking at Pete….

Pete groaned….before grandma did anything….Vegas attended Pete…..

Pete still didn't open his eyes fully…

But he whispered " water"...

Vegas made him drink some water….and Pete went into sleep right again…

Vegas took the bedsheet and covered Pete….

Grandma automatically smiled…it's Pete's habit to cover himself in the middle of the sleep….and vegas paid attention to this….

After another two hours Pete tried to wake up again….

He groaned slightly from the pain while waking up…

He blinked his eyes slowly trying to adjust to the bright light as it's already close to the afternoon….

He tried to get up , Vegas came to him immediately and helped him to lean on the head board…

That's when Pete noticed it's not his Ma's hand …

" Vegas…"...

" Hmm…".. Vegas is looking into Pete's eyes…

" When did you come?"...

" He came in the Morning after you slept".... His Grandmother answered him…

" Oh…."...

" How do you feel?"..

" How is porsche?"

They both asked the questions at the same time…..

" I am ok." Pete answered slowly

" Porsche is fine too…he had a baby boy"...

Pete smiled slightly….

And then started the awkwardness between them…

The nurse came into the room…and said everything is ready to shift Pete from here to another room…

" It's ok, I am fine here"... Pete said but Grandma interrupted him…

" The room is already ready Pete, don't worry"...Pete nodded at his Grandma's words…and he is tired of arguing

In 30 min everything is shifted to another room…

And Nop came to Vegas to talk about something and vegas went outside

And the next moment,the doctor came into the room with the nurse ….

" How are you feeling khun pete?"...

" Pete's enough….I am still in some pain…"...

" It's common khun Pete …we will continue the fluids to you Today…to replenish your energy...

You can eat normally from Tomorrow onwards…"

Pete nodded and didn't try to say not to call him khun pete again….

" Could I request you for something…both of you?" Pete asked looking at the Nurse and the Doctor….

" Could you please not tell my mate that I am carrying…?"

Watching their confusing expression Pete wants to clarify not to arise any problems

" I want to tell him after my discharge , it's happy news and I don't want to tell in these circumstances…."

The doctor and nurse nodded but his grandma didn't believe his words…….

And Vegas came into the room and asked the Doctor about Pete's condition…

Vegas turned towards Pete's Grandma …

" You travelled at night …you can freshen up and rest in the house…. Grandma

I'll be with him…."..

" Are you sure you'd be with him? Maybe you have more important things to take care of"...

Vegas heard her reply as a mocking…..

" Ma, Go to the house…you travelled without sleep all night….it's ok…I am just sleeping here anyway "....

She nodded and Nop took her to the Minor family house…


After Pete's Grandma went away Vegas sat near Pete….he wants to be as close to Pete as possible…

Pete is still sleeping, unconsciously clutching Vegas's hand in the sleep….

Omega wants to be close to alpha….

Vegas moved his other hand to touch Pete's cheek…. But he stopped at the end….

Somchai words are still ringing in his ears…

" I made a mark on your omega…

Is he already dead?..."

Vegas' heart clenched at the word dead…

He doesn't want to even imagine his life without Pete in it…he couldn't….

Pete was just the name of a bodyguard a year ago, but now Pete is more to him…

When Pete entered into their lives, he thought Pete is the one of the storms like all that's happening in his life…

But Pete became his calm in the storm

The death of his father and the burden on the family …all throughout Pete stayed right by him…

Vegas was ready to face anything even if Pete's not there

But he was worried about his Brother….he was scared of the impact on Macau at a very young age…he was just a 17 year old omega……

But Pete , he provided stability to Macau..

Vegas still remembers the times Pete tried to get close to them….he doesn't know whether to trust Pete or not at that time….

even though Macau is good at judging characters, he will get close to some people easily and face a heartbreak later….

And Pete was not the exception, Macau became close to Pete….

Vegas was sceptical of pete….but one thing on one night proved him wrong…

Macau never made a nest in his 17 years of life….he always tried and was unable to do it….

He knows Macau worries about that…for omegas, nesting is so important and he always feels like an odd one…..

And one day it was already midnight, he came to the room but was immediately engulfed by Jasmine and peach scents…

One  scent belonged to Pete and the other one was Macau….

As Pete never removed scent blockers that easily…so he was surprised instantly…

He switched on the lights….and saw Macau and Pete sleeping in the nest made on the floor….

It was Pete's nest…he already knew that…and he also knew Omegas are territorial of their nests….

That's why he was so surprised seeing Macau sleeping calmly in Pete's nest

Vegas can see his clothes too today in the nest…..

Vegas felt really grateful for Pete….

Pete is not the storm….he was the one who made them calm in the storm…..

And from that point Vegas never doubted Pete….

And when Pete wanted to spend heat with him, he felt immense pride…. That someone like Pete chose him….

He never contemplated what he feels for Pete though, as the thought of what relationship they have worries him….

They never became intimate outside of their heats and Ruts….

But sometimes when he saw Pete's eyes, they showed love for him…

It would be a step closer if he pries his inner thoughts and he doesn't know whether he is ready for that next step in their lives….

But today even the idea of Pete hurting and not being in their lives scared him to the core…

He needs Pete…there is no way he is going to live without him…

His house would never be a home without Pete….

Unknowingly the hand he stopped near Pete, is on Pete's cheek right now….

Intimacy, as he thought again….it was never outside of their heat and rut….

But now, Vegas doesn't want to care or be skeptical or protect his heart…

It felt like Pete wears Vegas' heart on his sleeve..

The only thought running in his mind at present is he never kissed Pete outside of their heat and Rut …

The thought is immensely bothering him now…he wants intimacy to stay sane….he wants to touch Pete and stay close to him….

He bent his head down , he wanted to kiss Pete's cheek atleast….

But suddenly the door opened….and he moved away ….

Pete's Grandma was the one who entered first and he was pretty sure she saw what he was going to do by the way she was giving him a sceptical eye….

" Fuck".  He whispered

But why was he agitated…it's his mate…he can kiss anytime he wants right?….

Macau is the one who ran next through the door….

" Macau? What were you doing here?".... Vegas is surprised to see Macau here as he was still in his heat….

" don't worry i used scent blockers and my heat is almost over….but          P'Pete got injured ?"...

With the commotion around him Pete woke up from his sleep….

" Macau…are you ok? Is your heart over? Did you feel any pain "... Pete started to fuss over him immediately

" You are injured and you are thinking about my heat now?….you should learn to take care of yourself p'pete…."... Macau said bluntly

Pete just gave an awkward smile….and when he saw vegas he felt like vegas was closer to him than before he went to sleep….

Macau sat next to him and entertained him for 30 min…clutching his hand tightly…

" I am angry at Hia, he didn't tell me that you are in the hospital".... Macau pouted…

Nop who is hearing the conversation whispered

" Cause we did not know either"...

" What ? "Pete asked…

Before Nop could clarify, grandma intervened

" You are in your first heat right, that's why they didn't tell you….".... Grandma said looking at Macau…

Vegas looked at Pete's Grandma, cause that's not what Nop said….

but didn't say anything out loud…….

" Macau, can you bring me a wheelchair? I want to go to the bathroom"... Pete asked and Macau nodded but Vegas stopped him…

" No need for a wheelchair, I'll take him"....

" How can you….?"  Before Macau could finish Vegas came near the bed and placed his both hands under Pete and lifted him bridal style…

Pete's hand automatically went around Vegas neck and locked to stay safe…

A total of 4 pairs of eyes are shocked including Pete….at Vegas actions…

Till Vegas again brought him from the bathroom and placed him on the bed, everything was pin drop silence there…

Before Vegas could remove his hand after placing him on the bed, Pete looked into his eyes directly…

Vegas too stared into him…

Their faces are so close to each other….

Grandma coughed , breaking the staring between two of them…

Vegas removed his hand and moved away

Both Pete and Vegas didn't lift their heads…..

It became close to night….and Grandma told them to go to the house…

" I'll stay here…you all go…."...

Macau whined …

Grandma looked at him fondly…

" your heat isn't over …you need rest …go"...."

And when Grandma turned to Vegas, her looks changed…

" looks like you didn't even freshen up…go "

Pete then observed Vegas didn't change his clothes from last night..…..

" You go, Vegas…." He said too and Vegas nodded and got up….

" Vegas , one thing…".. Pete said again…

" What?"...

" I want to go to the Island with Grandma after discharge. I want to stay there for some days"....

" Why?"... Vegas is shocked at the request….

" What do you mean why? He hasn't even visited since last year after mating with you.  And I think for recovery it's better for him to come with me…I could take care of him there… ".... Grandma didn't try to hold back

" Ma,"... Pete stopped her Grandma…and turned towards Vegas again…

" I want to visit the Island too and want to take some time off from my job….

I can't work here in this condition anyway… I want to stay there till I recover."...

Vegas just nodded….Even Though he didn't want Pete to go….

End notes

Next chapter tomorrow

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