Team FLME: Volume 10

Da benthebest456

195 15 2

The Grand Finale to the Series begins now. All characters from RWBY are own by Rooster Teeth. All RWBY OCs w... Altro

Refugee Crisis
A Fleet of Monkeys and Rats
Civil War
March of Five Armies
Shadow's Fall
RBIE's Rise
The Final Straw
Twins of Darkness
The End

The Long Goodbye

10 1 0
Da benthebest456

After the opening, Mason, Evie, Ember and May continue their fight against Mercury. Mercury continues to back away as Mason and Ember lead on with up close distractions. May leaps up and fires a sniper round. Mercury kicks Ember back, barely avoiding the shot himself. However, he leaves himself open to a swift attack from Evie who stabs his metal foot and slams his head down onto the hilt of the blade. Evie ducks down as Mason runs up and kicks Mercury back, tearing his metal leg apart as he trips over Evie.

May uses the chaos to fire at his other leg, rending Mercury unable to move. Mason stomps down onto the boy's chest and glares down at him. He grabs Mercy's throat and throws him down to the ground. Mason glares into his eyes until Evie walks up with cuffs and binds Mercury's arms to them.

Evie: That should keep in tightly secured.

Mason: Good. Call in an evac bird. Let's get out of here.

Ember: Not yet.

Mason and Evie look over to their son as he stares out to Fred and Onyx's cosmic clash. Ember glances back to his parents.

Ember: He needs us. I'm not going to leave him to Onyx. Not again.

Evie walked up to her son and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Evie: I know where you are coming from. Years ago...I would have done the same thing for Abraham. But that is only going to get you killed.

Ember: I know! But..I just...I cant leave him to-

Evie: Ember. You arent. You're letting him handle things.

Evie steps around Ember and looks him in the eyes. She offers up a slight smile to him.

Evie: Trust him. And if things get too hot-

Ember: But what if we're not there. What if-

Evie: Sweetie. You've always been a more, go with the flow type of person. Let it flow. I...

Evie glances back to the fight between Guardian and Gladiator. She takes a deep breath as she looks back to Ember.

Evie: I dont know if we can fight against that. Not right now.

Ember nods reluctantly.

Ember: Ok...

Evie smiles and kisses him on the forehead. She walks off as May joins Ember on the cliff. She glances over to him.

May: My parents could always use a rescue. Assuming they haven't been overrun when that retreat order came through.

Ember: The Grimm are holding firm. Their head is occupied at the moment.

May gives him a slightly concerning look. He takes a deep breath and gives off a smile in return.

Ember: I trust that they are fine. But it doesnt hurt to look. At least you can see this one from space.

Ember gestured to the dual at hand and chuckled a little. May smiled and grabbed his hand. She dragged him slowly away before he came willingly as a Mistral airship landed nearby. The five of them get onto the ship and fly off, over the dual of the two great gods beneath them.


Slowly, the Snorri lands down onto the stone earth of Evernight. Theodore sighs a little and pats the console of the bridge. He looks to his crew and gives little smiles here and there. He glances up however once he hears a massive roar. Using his wheelchair, Theodore rolls forward and sees the Harrapari fly overhead with a Manta hot on its trail, Damson standing on the wing of the ship.

He grabs his comms and sends a message out to Sienna.

Theodore: Sienna. Link up with Goodwitch and the others from Beacon. Bring Penny with you.

Sienna: Why? We have Cinder on the ropes.

Theodore: Finish her off then. Get her in a cell. Kill her. I dont care at this point. Just get ready to reinforce the Guardian...or Isaac. Make a choice.

Sienna: Done!


Fred and Onyx continue their throw down on the cosmic stage. Onyx swings the Sword of Destruction upward, barely being blocked by the Staff of Creation. Fred flies up a bit and launches a beam of fire at Onyx. Onyx uses the sword to cut through it again and grab Fred's wrist. He throws the huntsman along the ground once more. Fred tumbles along the ground but gets himself up.

He yells and from the staff of Creation, a mini black hole is formed. He launches it at Onyx who just runs and cuts the object in half with a single swing from the blade, destroying it. However, with the large nebula cloud that formed at a cost, Fred forms massive stone columns and drops them on or around Onyx, hitting him in the face over and over again. Onyx yells a little and spins around, unleashing a massive swing and wave that cuts down all the stone around him.

Onyx looks up and sees Fred forming a massive storm with his own magic and the power of the relic. Onyx yells and lunges upward towards the Guardian. Fred dashes backwards with his powers and breaths fire onto Onyx as he leaps up. Onyx flips around and goes to bring his sword down onto Fred. Fred dashes upward and brings his staff up and clips it against the sword before grabbing Onyx and superheating his palms.

Onyx yells in pain but brings Fred down with him as gravity takes affect. He grabs Fred's wrists and grits his teeth through the heat and kicks the Guardian in the chest, launching him up and away from himself. Onyx slams onto the ground with a thud as Fred flies down, lands and spins the staff around to attack Onyx once more. Onyx blocks the oncoming strike and spins his body around as does Fred. The two clash once more and Onyx begins to hack away. Fred holds up the staff in defense as its golden glow seems to flicker.

Onyx: It never had to be this way, boy! We were gods once! What's one more time! For the universe's sake!

Onyx slams the blade down and Fred falls to the ground. He launches a beam of fire towards Onyx who dodges and slams his foot down onto Fred's hands. Fred grunts in pain and fires off another beam. Onyx kicks Fred to the side, forcing him to tumble along before launching himself back up.

Fred: What you argue is genocide!

Onyx: What I argue is a necessity! Kill off the old guard! They arent worth...leaving alive!

Onyx slams the sword down onto the staff once more. Fred and Onyx continue to dance around one another, striking each other more and more. Fred unleashes a blast of fire from himself, flying up and bringing down lighting strikes onto Onyx. Onyx cuts through one but gets struck by the others. Onyx yells and looks back to Fred as the Guardian dashes down with the staff, getting ready for another attack. From the staff, a giant wave of crystal, fire and stone emerges behind Fred.

Onyx takes deep breaths, growling like an animal almost. As Fred gets ready to strike, the Sword of Destruction glows an even brighter purple. There seems to be purple veins through Onyx's entire arm. He yells and brings the sword up and slams it down onto the staff. The world just slows down as Fred watches the Sword sever through the staff. The golden glow dies down and Fred's armor pulls back and his mouth is agape. The top of the staff flicks itself away as Fred only holds onto its base.

However, he doesnt have time to react as Onyx grabs Fred's leg and slams him down onto the ground. He spins Fred around and throws Fred along the ground after some more slamming down. Fred goes on his knees, his armor pulling back. He grabs the two halves of the staff and looks at them in completely shock. Stunned silence over takes Fred as he is unable to move. However, he slowly looks up and sees Onyx walking towards him with the Sword of Destruction in his hands.

Fred: killed the spirit bound to

Onyx: Irrelevant. I disarmed my opponent just as I disarm the god that cursed my sister with immortality. That cursed my brother with never ending reincarnations! That cursed my brother with watching his family be burned alive.

Fred stays there on his knees as Onyx walks closer to him.

Onyx: I will avenge you all.

Fred grips his palms. He looks up, renewed determination in his eyes.

Fred: Then you know nothing of our struggle.

Fred leaps up and forms a ball of fire and throws it towards Onyx. Onyx cuts it in half and Fred returns with launching another massive blast of fire. Onyx returns with blasting the relic's own power against the Guardian.

Along the stone, Ember, May and their parents all push back a small pack a Grimm with RWBY, Leia, VILE and Oscar. They all hear the screams as Oscar's own magic takes a small hit. Ruby runs over to him, kneeling down beside him.

Yang: What was that?

Oscar: The relic...he's...he is gone.

Ember walks over and sees Fred and Onyx enter the final leg of their battle.

Ember: Oh no...


Sienna gets off her call as she watches Penny hold back a very injured Cinder. She glances back to see Penny holding her own against the weakened Cinder. Sienna cracks her neck and dashes in with her sword drawn. Cinder glances back to Sienna and blocks a strike from Penny before sending an electric current through her body and shocking the girl back.

Sienna: You self-indulgent, pain-loving sadist!

Sienna leaps up and gets ready to attack Cinder. Cinder forms a massive glass sword and swings it up to attack Sienna. Sienna closes her eyes and as she focuses, she suddenly moves with great speed, burning the air behind her as she attacks Cinder from behind, striking the Fall Maiden and sending her flying towards the ground.

Penny uses her usual swords and launches them towards Cinder, each laced with icicles. Cinder waves some fire up and burns away the ice and knocks the swords away, one grazing her. Sienna leaps through the flames and delivers a kick to Cinder's face. Cinder falls back as Penny slides in and slams her with another magical charged attack. Sienna does the same thing. The two of them continue to attack Cinder left and right, not allowing her a single moment to think of a counter attack or block. After several magically induced attacks, Sienna and Penny charge forward and unleash a massive blast that slams Cinder up against a stone wall and knocks her out.

Sienna lands and draws her sword, marching up to Cinder. Penny stands in her way.

Penny: Wait!

Sienna: Wait? She doesnt wait. She will kill us all if we get the chance.

Penny: We should detain! Killing gets us no where. We will be no better than her.

Sienna: ...Kid, I like your optimism. But this is war. It doesn't matter if you are better or not. What matters is survival. And she wants to prevent that.

Cinder's eyes shoot open. Sienna brushes past Penny as the Winder Maiden looks on in shock and distress. As Sienna approaches, Cinder jolts up and unleashes a single beam of fire into Sienna's chest. Penny acts quickly and throws a small tornado of ice and snow towards her but Cinder flies up and dodges the attack. However, Cinder looks down at Sienna and Penny. She takes a few deep breaths and flies up and out towards the east, retreating from the battle.

Penny jumps up to fly after her but Sienna grabs her ankle to stop her.

Penny: But...shouldn't we pursue?

Sienna: Let the coward go.

Sienna turns back to the pit with Fred and Onyx.

Sienna: We finish the war first...then we round up the strays.


On the Manta, Elsa fires out some ice onto the wing, trying to freeze Damson. He laughs and swings around the wing on his tail and fires out a few rounds towards the three huntsmen. He winces a little from the tail pains. Roz uses her semblance to form a shield and block the shots. Isaac leaps past and swings. Damson ducks down and Isaac grabs hold of the wings end to spin around and clash with the assassin once more.

The two cross their blades some more as they fight. Isaac brings his leg up to knee Damson but the mad man brings his arm down and slams it against Isaac's kneel. Isaac grunts a bit and Damson tries to take a bite out of his neck. Isaac reaches up and grabs the upper jaw of Damson and slams him down onto the wing. He throws a few punches onto Damson's face. Damson kicks up and pushes Isaac off of him. However, Isaac throws Damson a little as well and brings him towards the edge of the wing. As the ship picks up speed, Isaac glances over and gasps a bit.

The ship banks and Damson holds onto the wing for dear life. He glances back and sees it is Leia and Team RWBY. Leia forms a bubble around Damson and gets him off of the wing as the ships fly by one another. Damson bursts from said bubble just as Leia's ship flies back around and slams into him.

Damson's purple aura shatters as he bounces from the upper hull to the right wing and falls off of the ship. As Damson falls to the earth, the Haraparri flies under him and Lavenza catches hold of his injured friend. Lavenza glances back and sees Bazaar running up towards him. Lavenza grabs hold of his reigns and flicks them. The beast spins around and Bazaar falls off of the monster. Before he can transform, the wing of the Haraparri slams down on top of him and forces Bazaar to the ground. Bazaar weakly gets up and grunts a little. He looks up and watches as the Haraparri flies back to Evernight and perches up at the top of the tower.

Damson: What...what are we doing? We need to-

Lavenza: Illogical. Look.

Damson glances down to see Fred struggling on his final breaths.

Lavenza: We will win shortly.

Damson smirks and then snickers as he watches. Isaac and his team land their Manta down onto the ground and run over beside Bazaar. Elsa goes and helps her friend as Isaac hears loud screams coming from the crater. He runs over towards the ledge and watches as Fred gets beaten down more and more.

Isaac: Fred!!

Isaac goes to run to his brother but Roz stops him. She grabs hold of his arm and back of his shirt, pulling him back.

Roz: Isaac! Isaac dont!

Isaac: He's my brother, damn it!

Roz: Listen to me!

Roz pulls him back so the two can make eye contact.

Roz: You know DAMN well that you will die the second you step in there. The second he swings that sword. Don't...kill yourself. Just to play hero a little longer.

Isaac takes a few deep breaths. He looks over to Bazaar and Elsa.

Bazaar: (Weakly) Don't. Just for now.

Isaac takes a deep breath again and nods reluctantly. He hangs his head a little but turns back to watch his brother finish the fight.

Isaac: Come on, Fred. Kill this bastard.


Onyx blasts Fred with the Relic of Destruction's power. Everyone else stands on cliffs watching them. Lavenza and Damson look down at Onyx with a neutral glare as Oscar looks on in worry. Some of Fred's skin is peeling off of his body and Fred yells in pain. Blood pours from his face and body as Onyx increases the pressure onto him. Fred goes down onto his knee and raises his arms to block the sheer power of the relic.

Onyx smirks as the power continues to put Fred in pain. Fred looks directly into the beam and yells again.

Primus: (Mentally) Remember! Remember the pain the slave camps held!

Solus: (Mentally) Remember what you have to be!

Artemis: (mentally) Remember what you are!

Leon: (Mentally) Remember what your duties are!

Abraham: (Mentally) Remember WHO you are! You are Frederic!!!

Artemis: (Mentally) You are a Guardian!

Solus: (Mentally) Not by blood, but by choice!!!

Primus: (Mentally) You are Frederic, the Fearless! You fear nothing! Not death, pain!

Abraham: (Mentally) But you fear not upholding your duty! You fear not saving as many lives as possible!!!

Guardian of Flame: (Mentally) what makes you a Guardian. Now, show the world!

Fred yelled as he activated his Guardian Armor and slowly stood back up, pushing back against the pain and power of the relic. Fred yelled again and forced fire out of his mouth and began to launch beams of fire back against the relic's power. Lavenza's eyebrows rise in surprise as does Oscar's and everyone else's. Onyx looks a bit fearful but keeps pushing back with the Relic of Destruction's power.

Fred yells louder and begins to slowly walk back towards Onyx. Onyx glances at the relic and Fred and glares ahead and ups the power. Fred yells again and keeps blasting his fire at Onyx. Storm clouds surround the area and lighting begins to strike around the circle. Lava erupts from the ground around the crater as well.

Every time Fred takes a step, lighting strikes and more lava erupts. Onyx begins to grow a larger look of fear. Fred yells as the relic tears away at his face and burns it, but he keeps walking and blasting flames towards Onyx. Fred yells in pain and is slightly pushed back by the relic's raw power.

Inside the Guardian Plane, the other Guardians can feel Fred's pain and understand what is happening. They all turn to one another for answers.

Elizabeth: What now?!

Artemis: I...I don't know! Grandfather?!

Artemis turns to Primus who watches the sky.

Primus: He will die. Nothing can beat that power.

Solus: No...he can. But not without help.

Primus: Solus?

Solus runs and leaps into the air and summons his abilities and blasts a beam forward, aiding Fred. Fred's eyes burn brighter and he gains a power boost and is able to push back. Solus yells in pain as he now connected with Fred.

Primus: SON!

Artemis: FATHER!

Solus: It is the only way!!! This task...defines who we are!!! THERE IS NO ESCAPING IT!!! IT IS DESTINY!

Primus looks scared to see his son in pain. Suddenly, other Guardians leap up and also fire beams, powering up Fred. Artemis also gains a determined look and runs up and fires a beam next to her father. More Guardians continue aid Fred.

From the outside, Fred has gained more power and pushes back against the power of the relic. Onyx is now terrified and pushes the relic more, firing more power at Fred.

Inside the Guardian Plane, Leon now joins as does Trevor and even Erebus. Primus keeps watching but is knocked to the side by Abraham.

Primus: Abraham?

Abraham: That's my son! And I'll be damned before I let him die!

Abraham flies up next to Solus and fires a massive blast of fire as well, giving Fred even more power. However, Solus grips his chest as he continues to blast fire. Artemis stops and places her hand on her father's back.

Artemis: Father?

Solus: Don't stop. KEEP GOING!

Solus continues to fire along with his daughter.

Guardian of Flame: (Mentally to Primus) He must stop. If he does not, a part of me will cease. As will he.

Primus: Cease?

Primus looks back and Solus struggling to fire. Primus glances around before fully realizing what the spirit means.

Primus: Solus stop!

Solus closes his eyes and falls to the ground and turns to star dust.

Primus: SON!

The Guardians all stop and see Solus pass. Artemis begins to cry as Primus catches his son's ashes.

Primus: We...can die here. The Guardian is losing its power. (Everyone looks scarred and shocked; Primus gains a determined look instead) Then we die SAVING THE WORLD!!!

Primus flies forward and release a far larger blast of fire to power up Fred. Artemis drops her sadness and also gains a determined look and fires as does Abraham.

Fred reigns his strength and power and marches onward. The view keeps shifting between the Guardian Plane with numerous Guardians finally dying to save the world and Fred fighting back against the relic's power. Finally, Fred grabs the Relic of Destruction by the blade and yells loud enough that a lighting strike hits the sword. Fred moves his hands and Onyx stands firm.

Inside the Guardian Plane, Mathias Scorch and Leon Clam fly forward and reel back a massive fire punch.

Primus: Mathias! Leon!

They swing and give Fred a massive power boost. The sheer force is able to give Fred enough strength to actually break the Relic of Destruction, destroying it and sending off a massive blast of raw power.

Rockwell: Grandpa!

Frederic: Father!

Mathias turns back and gives a two finger salute before he too, turns to dust, as do several other Guardians. Trevor Clam, Ezekiel and Elizabeth all look to Leon who smiles at them before he too is dusted. Trevor grips a necklace and a tear falls to his eye.

Trevor: (to himself) Thank you...for the stories.


Onyx is one his knees, some blood coming from his mouth. Both he and Fred are panting, struggling to breath. Fred's face and body are scarred and burned. Onyx slowly raises his hand and sees the broken relic in his hand.

Onyx: How? How is this possible?

Fred: Equinox. Your own destructive tendencies had to be balanced. So...the closest thing near us that could be destroyed had to be. It's called "finishing a fight".

Onyx looks up to Fred as the latter activates the gauntlets of his Guardian armor.


Fred reels back a punch as Onyx goes in for an uppercut. Their fists connect and a massive shockwave goes off. The ground cracks as lava erupts form the earth again. Back inside the Guardian Plane, more Guardians disappear.

Fred and Onyx throw another punch, their fists connect and send off a massive shockwave, destroying more of the earth. Still inside the Plane, more Guardians vaporize. After a third punch, Frederic Scorch I disappears.

Abraham: Grandpa!

Another punch goes off and Lisa Tepes goes too. Abraham and Primus look around to see the other Guardians disappearing due to Fred's fight. Ezekiel, Elizabeth, and Erebus all disappear at the same time after a fifth punch. Abraham turns and sees Maldozea fire off a massive fire blast.

Back in the physical world, Fred's eyes burn bright red and he throws a massive punch against Onyx's fist. For the first time in his life, Onyx's arm breaks, his fist bloody and bruised. Onyx clenches to his broken arm and screams loud enough that people outside the crater can hear.

In the Guardian Plane, Maldozea slowly disappears. He smiles to himself.

Maldozea: Go get him, kid.

Maldozea closes his eyes, accepting death.

Back in reality, Onyx slowly gets back up from the ground as Fred walks towards him. He grips his broken hand and throws a punch towards Fred, which the latter punches back, sending Onyx spinning down to his knees.

Fred: You've always won! Every war, every fight. The reason you were able to kill every Guardian. We weren't strong enough. (He grips his hand and the Guardian armor lights up brighter) But now we are. And now, balance acts to bring equilibrium.

Onyx growls again and throws another punch. Fred reels back and unleashes another massive punch back. This punch makes Trevor now disappear. Onyx pants some more and goes in for another punch with his broken hand. Fred quickly counters it with his own punch. That punch, Artemis turns around towards Primus.

Artemis: Grandfather?

Primus: (Tearing up) Goodbye my sweet. I'll be home with you and your family soon.

Artemis tears up and disappears too.

Onyx reels back from the punch and grips his hand again. All around the two, everyone just watches in amazement in concern. Salem has the most level of concern as Onyx struggles to even land a strong enough hit to counter Fred. As Onyx looks back, Fred grabs his head and begins to unleash a beam of fire directly through Onyx's head.

Fred yells as does Onyx as the sheer pain of the blast hit each other. Onyx slowly reaches up and grabs Fred's head and tries to apply some pressure onto it.




Fred yells and propels more power into the blast. Inside the Guardian Plane, the last few Guardians disappear. Abraham turns and sees Rockwell Scorch fall down and stop firing.

Abraham: DAD!!!

Rockwell looks lifeless but smiles at seeing Abraham.

Rockwell: Good work, son.

Rockwell then disappears. Abraham looks back at himself and looks around to see only he and Primus remain.

Abraham: Take care of my son.

Primus: Nothing will make me happier.

Abraham closes his eyes.

Abraham: I'm coming home, Rouge.

Abraham then disappears into dust. Primus takes in a deep breath and yells as he releases the largest blast of fire possible. All around him, the Guardian Plane disappears.

Guardian of Flame: This will end the Guardians!

Primus: Please tell me you do not want us to stop.

Guardian of Flame: It's been a friend.

Primus: The honor was all mine. You gave me a hell of a family.

Primus yells as Fred finishes off the blast, beaming wave of fire into Onyx's eyes. Finally, Fred stops firing and an explosion goes off from the blast. Fred and Onyx slide away from one another along the ground.

Primus closes his eyes and smiles.

Primus: Thank you...Guardian.

Guardian of Flame: You should be-

Primus: I wasn't speaking to you.

Primus smiles as he disappears. The Guardian Plane then vanishes from existence.

Back in the physical world, Fred gets up and grips his side as he limps back towards Onyx. Onyx slowly sits up and goes to his kneels, unable to stand. Fred looks down at him.

Onyx: How...? My destiny? (He looks up at Fred) I was make a perfect union. One without fault and-

Fred: That's the thing...nothing is perfect. The perfect system, the perfect can't exist. This is not a world of absolutes. Perfection is a myth. But balance isn't. Equilibrium in all things. Destiny or otherwise.

Onyx: And you expect me to believe you have achieved balance?!

Fred: Of somethings, yes I have. On But you have achieved...where I lack. For example, I'm not an extremist. I do not believe in perfect societies.

Onyx: Sometimes though...extremes are save them all. Save from pain and heartache. Of fear.

Fred: You are afraid.

Onyx: Of believing I failed. I exist...only to protect. To make sure my queen and her people have happy lives and full bellies. A merciful world. I may have been treated like a god, but will grow to be better!

Fred: Godhood does not suite you. And it's not because you.

Onyx: And why is that?!

Fred: Because you would try to do right by your own. (Onyx is taken aback) Gods are twisted. Evil creatures. The case can be made you are already that. Yet...there is still that driving principle of yours. That! Would have stopped yourself from being a god. But they're gone through. (Fred looks at his hand) All of them. Spirits as well. The relics. And they will never come back. In any form.

Onyx: You are the last?

Fred: Yes. Yes I am.

Onyx: can't be the last. They were suppose to go and-

Fred: All things come to an end. Even destinies. Dreams. States. Families.

Onyx: Not for mine!

Fred: It would have crumbled eventually. All good things must come to an end.

Onyx raises his arm and sees that his arm is slowly disintegrating.

Fred: I cut out and burned the blood of Grimm and Immortality from you. Time is catching up to you.

Onyx looks over his body and sees it is slowly turning to dust. He sighs, fear in his eyes. He looks back up to Fred.

Onyx: Without my state, they are doomed.

Fred: Yes. But...that is the balance of things. Even if it means destruction. Creation. Knowledge and a choice to go on. That's a thing you never understood's a privilege to die sometimes. Because you can understand the point of it all.

Onyx: Then...I guess it is time for me to understand.

Fred: I believe so.

Onyx: I'm not going to pearly gates.

Fred: You don't know that.

Onyx: Trust me. I do. But...I can still learn.

Fred: And if you do enter pearly gates?

Onyx: (Smiles) I'll see Clara. I'll see my brother. I'll...(looks Fred in the eye) see what a perfect state will look like.

Fred just smiles and nods. Onyx struggles but does stand and looks at Fred in the eyes.

Onyx: Thank you...Guardian.

Fred: I'll see you in the afterlife...Old Friend.

Fred's mouth and eyes lit up and the Guardian of Flame spirit leaves and shatters before everyone, killing the spirit. Onyx turns more and more into dust as the two look at one another again. Onyx just smiles as he turns into dust.

Onyx: So...this is what it feels like?

Fred: Yes.

Onyx closes his eyes as he becomes nothing but dust. Onyx is now gone...forever. All around, everyone stares on in shock. Damson can barely move as Lavenza just looks in shock. The rest of Team FLME also stand, a bit shock. Fred goes to his knees, panting and Ember moves down into the crater. After some walking, Leia and May join Ember and the three sit down besides Fred.

Fred: It's over. It's over.

Ember: And the Guardians?

Fred: All gone. Even my own powers. The universe is at a balance again. It's over.

Leia and May look at one another in some shock. Leia takes a deep breath and sits down beside Fred. She doesnt say anything but hugs him gently. May sits down beside Ember on Fred's left. The four of them sit there on the empty battlefield together.


Up in Evernight's Castle, Damson takes deep breaths. He lunges a little until Lavenza grabs him.

Damson: I will avenge you Master!

Lavenza: Damson! Do not be a fool!

Damson: Damn you and your logic!

Lavenza flips his reigns and the Haraparri takes flight. It dashes away from Evernight towards the east.

Damson: We cannot run now! We must fight! We must-

Lavenza: And what?!

Damson: Find my uncle and...Tyrian! Where is-

Damson looks back to Lavenza in a panic. Lavenza just shakes his head and sits down on his saddle seat. Damson stops himself from saying anything as Lavenza continues to fly away from the battlefield. Damson slumps down, leaning against the saddle's seat for his own back support. Damson glances at his tail and sees it glitching and breaking.

Damson: It was all a lie...wasnt it? From the very beginning. He...never committed.

Lavenza: No...I believe what she told us was all lies. She never had a plan. Just a suicide note. He granted me knowledge. We...found the cure for Luna. He...was going to remake your mother once the battle ended.

Damson keeps his head down, contemplation written all over his face. He takes a deep breath and starts to nibble on his left pointer finger. He stop himself after a few seconds and turns back to Lavenza with some worry on his face.

Damson: Lavenza...what do we do now?

Lavenza stays silent for a few moments. Not a word coming from his lips for what feels like forever.

Lavenza: I don't know...

Damson's eyebrows jump up a bit in shock. However, he turns back around as the two of them fly away into the day's sun.

Scene fades to black.

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