Taken || 1D *IN EDITING*

By notmytime11

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*Originally Kidnapped By The One And Only One Direction* Kelsey just wanted a day out at the park; smelling f... More

Kidnapped by the one and only One Direction
Chapter 1-
Chapter 3- Let Me Go
Chapter 4- You look like you do already
Chapter 5- I'm Sorry
Chapter 6- Eric returns part 1
Chapter 7-Eric returns part 2
Chapter 8- Shut up and kiss me
Chapter 9- because I love you
Chapter 10- should have told her
Chapter 11-Memory lane bit my ass
Chapter 12- Does that change anything?
Chapter 13- It's ok kel. Alot of people are terrible singers..and ugly cryers
chapter 14 - Family? I think I'm sick.
Chapter 16- Twerkin
Chapter 17- Blood on my shoulders :p
Chapter 18 - She made me promise
Chapter 19 ~ We Can't stop
Chapter 20 - Unconditionally

Chapter 15- Yeah...No

898 30 6
By notmytime11

I felt poking on my cheek as I cuddled closer to the seat. Someone was cooing my name but I bloacked them out and tried to keep my state of sleeping on a roll. But as all good dreams, they come to an end. A ahdn ran to my side, shooting me up immidiately, sleep no longer a choice. I smack away the intruder of my tickles and open my eyes to see the blue eyes and smirk staring at me. I hiss and put myself back to the seat.

"Were here." He laughed, grabbing me from my seat and pulling me into him bridal style. I snuggle closer to his chest and close my eyes for another good sleep. Louis must have a different opinion because he bings me closer to his face and whispers in my ear," They're expecting an awake Kelsey at three in the afternoon,"

Three in the afternoon? I repeated in my head, My eyes did a quick check and sure as heck, the sun was shining bright on us as he carried me up to a cute house. I groaned and hopped off him, stretching my arms and legs out, a cracking noise coming from each bone. Louis wraps his arm around my waist as I try fixing my now amazing messed up hair. The small tangles would make it look ratted but since my hair was naturaly curly, it hadn't really mattered because people would think it was the curls getting bigger.

He knocks on the red wood door, and moves us back a little as the door swings wide open to a brunette looking women, around her thirtys or fourtys. A huge smile spread across her face as her eyes landed on me. With out wanring what so ever she pulled me into a hug and started going on about herself and about Louis and about her husband and daughters. Five daughters, she was divorced, Louis is her only son and her big baby boy.  Triple b. That's going to be nice to call him. Feel the smirk through the text?

"You must be starving! your so skinny." She announced walking over to the kitchen which Louis hurried over and made the cool eplanation of we already ate.

"But thank you." I said, giving Louis and elbow to the ribs for being rude.

"Well I'm not going to lie."

I sighed, sticking out my hand," I'm Kelsey."

"I know! Louis' been obsessing over you to me for the past week. She's so special mum." I giggled and gave Louis a little kissy face, sending him a wink. His mom laughed and called down five girls names.

"Charlotte or Lottie, Georgia, Felicite or fizzy, and then the twins, Daisy or Phoebe." His mom said, showing five girls walk down the steps, four of them looking exactly a like besides one, that barely resembled Louis.

"Georgia is from my dads side, She's just visiting while I'm here." He whispered in my ear. I nod and give them a smile, the blonde one or Lottie, looks me up and down, showing a weird face.

"Yeah...No." The oldest one said, turning and walking out the door. Louis gave me a sypathetic look and ran after Lottie, shouting her name in anger while his mom brought me into the kitchen, telling me everythings fine.

I sat there, not making eyes contact with anyone, not any of the other girls or his mother or the step dad that walked in. My hands fiddled in my lap to keep the awkwardness from spreading any bigger then it already was.

I knew they were going to hate me, although I'd expected the parents to burt first, not the sister. I was hoping that the girls would tell me how to win them over, but it seems my plans had switched to the max and I hadn't even said anything to them yet to hate me. Had I?

Louis walked back in the kitchen and placed his hands on my shoulders, giving them a tight squeeze. His mom questioned him for second, to which he walked over and took her outside, talking about Lottie. They both walk in, smiles planted on their faces and surround me, acting as loving as possible. And before they could say anything I had already known what was happening, Louis was just going to tell me how she is just having teenage things going on.

"She hates me. Doesn't she?" I questioned, biting my lip, my head still not looking aorund at anyone. Hands no longer playing, just sitting there doing nothing.

"No, Ofcourse not. She just isn't used to another girl since..." He mumbled the last part, pressing his hands to my shoulders to calm me a little. I pushed them off and faced him.

"Don't fool with me right now Louis. I just came down here to meet your parents, not get hated on by your sister the first second I arrive here." I snap. My had started thumping, feeling the headache pounding its way into my brain. I rubbed my temples with my fingers.

He ran a hand through his hair, taking a breath before walking over to everyone else in the room and walking back to me. He tilts my chin up to face him. Everyone in the room is gone , somewhere around the house.

"I used to have a girlfriend before you..." He trailed off, taking his lip between his teeth, knawing on it. I stared at him blankly. Had he thought I was going to get mad over that? I had boyfriend before him and he thinks I'm going to get mad over this?

"Well naw. Everyone does, stupid." I laughed a bit.

"Haha. Well She really liked Emily, the old one, but Emily only liked the people I'd brought with me, all my friends. Soon she wouldn't even call me when she would go to the movies with all my friends, they'd call me and ask for me to come and when I'd get there she would be all like 'Louis! Oh my gosh! I can't beleive your here! Ah!" He said, mocking her tone. I felt truly bad but when he started trying to tlak like her I errupted in giggles, not being able to control myself. A small smile made its way to his face while he grabbed a chair and pulled it next to me.

"I broke it off with Emily and she told Lottie all these nice things in school and started to hang with her so that she could be around me more. So that I could see she really hadn't cared and she wanted me back. I confronted her one day and told her to leave alone my sister and go bug another guy, but she just laughed and said go screw yourself I can hang with who ever I choose and that means your sister too. She contiued coming over and hanging with my sister till I really stepped in and forced her out of the house tonever come back, she spit in my face right when my mum walked out. Mum yelled at her that she was to never return to this house until she had right manners to take a hint that when the other moves on so should the other person." He paused a moment, seeing if I was still catching up with everything. I gestured for him to continue.

"Emily doesn't accept shutting down, especially if its from my mum. She shouted I'd be with her once again but its been what three years and no Emily around to say anything or to be here. Lottie really thought she wanted to hang with her and still does, hating all my other girls that were just friends, but she's a real nice girl. Just like a little barrier built up. I'm sorry."

I thought about just laughing and giving him a what-the-hell expression but I sat there, staring at him. He smiles sheepishly at me , wating for an answer which I wasn't exactly sure how to do that with out sounding a bit rude.

"Then how am I going to stay here with your sister hating on me? How do you know she won't push a pillow over my face?" I question, knowing the answer will be no.

"Very realistic Kelsey. A fourteen year old trying to murder you," He clapped." No. And you'll be in the same room as me so she can't hurt you. Not like she will but I'll lock the door, my little baby."

A smile broke across my face and dropped it, pushing my face between my legs, pretending to cry like he really hurt my feelings. He patted my back and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder while I cried out for him to put me down.

"Are you going to feel sad because my sister doesn't like you? Its your first day here and thats going to bother when we practically kidnapped you and that's fine for us?" He asked, still keeping me over his shoulder.

"Well...I guess not." I said, giving him a cheeky smile.

"Great!." He said mimicking my smile," And my mum is taking us to a club tonight for your first day here with my step dad and the girls are going at someone elses house."

I beamed, smacking his butt.

I slipped on a black top skater dress, pulling on black pumps, and putting on light colored red lip stick with a winged eye liner. I smile at msyelf in the mirror one last time before walking out Louis and my bedroom his mom showed us.

Louis' mom helped me with the bags while him and his step dad caught up with latest sports or how Louis wanted to put it some steps bonding. I irritable that he found his sister hating me and leaving me alone with a woman who gave birth to the girl that hates me wasn't his brightest idea. She could have me thrown out in seconds from a small lie that Lottie said and they'd hate me and...I should stop, I'm getting off track of whats happening.

Louis looped arms with me and we walked down the steps of his parents small house. His parents dressed casual, mom wearing a nice v- neck red blue dress with a white belt. It looked gorgeous on her while his step dad sported black jeans and a vest.

We all walked out togther and his parents liked me more then I thought and we have more in common then I would have thought.

"So Lou tells me, you lived in America and moved up for college and they let you?" She asked/stated. Of course Louis wouldn't tell her the only reason I'd come here was to get away from my old and have no complete contact with my mom who is scared of the world since dad. And she's here, not comforting the only person she could say I love you to and meant it back.

I felt like a pretty bad daughter for not contacting her for all these years but I had tried a couple of times, only mom wouldn't answer because the police said that we couldn't have any contact what so ever with each other until they can lock him up for good.  My life was messed up and I would just have to except that as  fact.

Instead of blobbing out in tears and telling her all of that on my life story, I smiled and nodded nicely. My smile holding a very hurt feeling although with a mind as bright as hers, you wouldn't be able to tell that I was very close to crying.

"Seems nice dear." She finished, turning back to the front and talking to her husband. I turned to Louis and tried up holding the only thing keeping me from bursting into tears.

He pulled me into his chest and held me close, putting kisses on my head," Its okay Kel. She doesn't know and let the pst be past. You've tried and your mother tried. She is only doing whats best for you and she loves you. Don't forget it." he whispered, his face smushed in my hair.

"But how? I havn't talked to her in years. I left when I was what? Fifteen maybe sixteen and now I'm eighteen, turning ninteen in a month. She won't have even remembered me." I bit my lip and blinked my eyes a few times, keeping myself from having that big over dramatic emotion moment.

He shook his head, pulling my head up so our faces were watching each other," Kelsey for me, just forget about it. Forget about all that. You can't change what happened and you never will be so let it go. I promise its not worth holding onto."

I nodded still unsure of myself to be able to do that. I mean I havn't exactly been the same happy I used to be when the first few months I moved here I was on depression pills. The only reason I got off was when I met Darcy and she chunked them out the window of the bus we first actually met. I looked at her like why would you do that and she smiled hugging me and saying the words I won't ever forget that started this friend ship, "Stop downing and be a happy little shit now won't cha?"

Oh Darcy, you know just what to say...

But there were still days that I couldn't put myself to smile because things reminded me of home and sometimes the smell of things would be something my mom cooked for us. It was hard not to just want to lay down and sleep forever but Darcy kept me moving and doing stuff so I wouldn't fall down just like how the boys are doing.

Louis' right that I should let go but it's going to be harder then he thinks. Although I will let go tonight and maybe cry silently in the bedroom when everyone else has fallen asleep.

He smiles and turns forward as we come to a stop. We all get out of the car and walk into the club hand-in-hand with our lovelies. Louis and I got a drink first.

"Try it." he urged, shoving the blue liquid near me.

"No what heck is that. It could clorox or some chiz." I said in defense pushing it away from me.

"It taste fine now drink it. let the hell loose Kel."








"Hey look Nicholas Hoult."


Big mistake, right when I turned around he pushed my back and dunked the stuff down into me. I'll admit that it tasted like dog crap at first but then it started tasting like air heads.

"Jerk." I muttered, not being able to walk down to the dance floor in a straight line but more of a gracefull swiggly line. Yeah, that's what I'll tell the police if we get pulledover and i'm drunk.

'Miss walk a straight line.'

Walks in weird swiggles.

'Are you drunk ma'am?'

'No officer I'm walking a graceful swiggle line.'

I can see him now laughing at me as he puts in the squad car.

My whole body started feeling upbeat like I hadn't cared about anything that happened in the car.

Louis adn I were dancing like nothing mattered and I'm pretty sure that we would have contiued dancing like nothing mattered if Louis hadn't shown a concered face. His eyes flashed behind and when I tried turning, he would spin me around. I've never really been annoyed with him but I know he was blocking me from seeing something and that was really bothering me.

"Louis." I snapped out of no where making him step back a bit," Knock it off."

I pushed him out of the way to see...

No one. No one was standing there and Louis came over to me, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"What are you looking for babe?"


Done! Vwa-la! I'm not very good at trying to speak in a britsh person way so I'm very sorry. Please don't be offened because its hard for to try and spell and use words that i've never seen in my life.

What do you think of that chapter? great huh? Nah just kidding ya.

Who was there? HWta was Louis looking at? Is it question mark day already? Maybe?????

Ok so please comment-Vote-Fan

~keep on lovin and livin~

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