Your job is not over yet!

By VeggiePicker

15.2K 336 188

Disclaimer: This is a humanxpony/others story. It is not "Equestria Girls", but "Friendship is Magic". No Pon... More

Izuku's Harem/Shiggy's pairing
Prologue- New horizons
Chapter 1- Welcome to Ponyville!
Chapter 2- Getting settled in
Friendship is Magic, Part 1
Chapter 3- It's a date

Friendship is Magic, Part 2

1.6K 47 34
By VeggiePicker

Before the chapter begins, I just need to let you all know that when I leave a blank line in between text, is when I do a short jump cut. Like this:

See? The only exceptions are musical numbers. Enjoy

Previously on "Your job is not over yet!"

Inside Twilight's new room at Golden Oak Library, where she's still sulking about the town's ponies and complaining to Spike.

Twilight: "All the ponies in this town are crazy!"

Now she's staring at the moon through the window, holding her book with magic.

Twilight: "I hope the Princess was right."

Now Izuku was standing besides Twilight, staring at the moon alongside her.

Izuku: "If this Nightmare Moon is in any way related to that, then I have no doubt that it's real."

Inside the town hall, where Rarity is standing in the same balcony Princess Celestia was supposed to appear.

Rarity: "She's gone!"

All the ponies start whispering in confusion and concern, while Twilight is visibly scared. Izuku is on guard, as is Tenko.

Twilight: "Oh no. Nightmare Moon!"

Nightmare Moon appears and laughs evilly at the watching ponies, scaring the human civilians in the process. Thunder roars around the room while she laughs, until it fades to black.













Return to the present time, where Nightmare Moon is still giving a villain laugh. Mayor Mare doesn't wait any longer, and takes action.

Mayor Mare: "Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!"

She orders the group of royal guards, and all three fly towards Nightmare Moon. As they get close, they are hit by lightning, courtesy of the pony of nightmares.

Nightmare Moon: "Stand back, you foals!"

She laughs evilly once again before turning into a dark blue mist and exiting through the double doors. All ponies dodge to the side, afraid of being hit by the mist. While everypony runs and screams, Applejack is still holding Rainbow Dash's tail to stop her from aggravating the situation. Unfortunately, she can't hold it for long, as Rainbow escapes her grasp to pursue the nightmare mist.

Rainbow: "Come back here!"

She stops in the air to see where the mist was headed. She ponders Nightmare Moon's words-

Rainbow: "Nighttime? Forever?"

She hears galloping and looks down, seeing Twilight carrying Spike leaving the building, followed by Izuku and Tenko.

Rainbow: "Where are they going?"

Cut to the library, where Spike is asleep in a small basket bed. He wakes up for a moment, exclaiming the need to stop Nightmare Moon, before falling back asleep. As soon as he does, Izuku places a small blanket on top of him. Twilight approaches and smiles.

Twilight: "You've been up all night, Spike. You are a baby dragon after all."

They both leave the room, shutting off the light, and head to the main room where all the books are kept. Twilight wastes no time in searching for a solution to their problem, and thrashes the place in her search. Meanwhile, Tenko is talking to Izuku.

Tenko: "I need an explanation."

Izuku: "Basically, a mare that was stuck in the moon got set free and is now trying to make the world into an eternal night to get revenge on the current princess, who's title is Princess of the Sun, so naturally an opposing force would want the night to rule. Twilight came here by the order of the princess to oversee the preparations, but she also came in fear of Nightmare Moon being real, and now we have to stop her."

Tenko: "... *sigh* And here I was hoping for a break."

They hear a crash and turn to see Twilight throwing books around, causing Izuku to sweat drop, since he was the one who organized the books in the first place.

Twilight: "Elements, elements, elements... Ugh! How can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony?"

Izuku: "Well-"

Before he could finish, Rainbow Dash appeared and butted her forehead against Twilight's, glaring dagger at her.

Rainbow: "And just what are the Elements of Harmony? And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy?"

Twilight started backing up, before Izuku pulled Rainbow by her tail.

Izuku: "Calm down, Rainbow. She's not a spy."

Rainbow: "Oh really? Then what about you? I've never seen a creature like you up until a month ago, so who says you and your supposed family aren't working for this Nightmare Moon, huh?"

Before she could say something she would surely regret, and be more racist, Applejack pulled her to her side and spoke.

Applejack: "Simmer down, Sally. They ain't no spy. But they sure know what's going on. Don't you?"

All the remaining mares arrived and stared at the two, waiting for an explanation. Twilight looked at Izuku who just nodded, letting her know that it was best to tell them. Twilight looked back at the mares, and after hesitating for a second, she decided to tell them.

Twilight: "I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her, but I don't know what they are, where to find them. I don't even know what they do!"

They stared at her and Izuku for a moment, before they heard Pinkie talking. They looked her way and saw her looking at a specific book. 

Pinkie: ""The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide.""

Twilight pushed Pinkie out of the way, sending her flying and thankfully being caught by Izuku who acted fast. She smiled and hopped off his arms, bouncing around.

Twilight: "How did you find that?!"

Pinkie: "*sing-song* It was under "E"!"

Twilight: "Oh."

She pulled out the book from the shelf and opened it for everyone present to see.

Twilight: "There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery."

While she was reading, Tenko took notice of the previous mist floating by the window, as if watching them. He tapped Izuku on the shoulder to get his attention, and pointed at the window. The greenette got the message and he too saw the mist, before it vanished into the night. The ponies soon left the library without noticing anything. Izuku was about to follow them, but Tenko grabbed his shoulder.

Izuku: "What is it?"

Tenko: "You plan on helping them, right?"

Izuku: "Of course! Why wouldn't I?"

Tenko simply sighed at the supposed-to-be-former-hero while scratching the back of his head. He really thought this was finally a chance to not have to deal with hero vs villain stuff, but even in another world, there is always a darkness to the light. Before he could say anything, the door was opened and in walked the remaining humans, plus two ponies that they knew all too well.

Lyra: "There you two are! Did you see what happened back there? It's crazy!"

Eri: "Papa, what's going on?"

Before he could answer his daughter's question, Inko approached him and looked straight into his eyes.

Inko: "I know what you're thinking. Just promise me you'll be careful."

Izuku: "Don't worry mom. This is what I'm meant to do. I promise I'll come back safely."

Bon Bon: "Wait. You're not planning on going against that Nightmare Moon, are you?"

Izuku: "I am."

Lyra: "Are you crazy! That's too dangerous!"

Izuku: "That's why someone has to do it."

The two ponies were dumbfounded at his words. They looked at their friend's family, and besides looking worried, they didn't seem to make any effort to stop him. Inko was obviously worried, Tenko and Kota had a neutral expression, with Kota having a noticeable sweat forming on his forehead, and Eri had a fearful yet confident look, but what daughter wouldn't be worried about her father willingly jumping into danger.

Bon Bon: "Are none of you gonna say anything to stop him?"

Kota: "Dad is a hero. Getting in danger to help and save others is what he does."

Eri: "I trust papa. He's the strongest hero, and he'll beat that mean villain!"

Lyra: "I have to ask. What's with the hero talk?"

Eri: "Papa used to be a hero back home. The Nº 1 Hero!"

The ponies turned their attention to Izuku, who's face only showed determination, and a hint of embarrassment from Eri saying that bout him. Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other and sighed.

Bon Bon: "Well, if your own family seems to believe in you enough to jump into danger like that, then I guess we do too."

Lyra: "But you have to promise us you'll be back safe!"

Izuku: "Don't worry. I know what I'm doing."

Lyra: "And you'll treat us to diner for making us worry too much."

Izuku: "Erm..."

Lyra: "And-"

Bon Bon quickly put a hoof ever Lyra's mouth before she could say something embarrassing, which she knew was gonna happen.

Bon Bon: "That's enough out of you. But seriously, Izuku. Be careful out there."

Izuku: "I will."

And with that, he left, after giving a hug to a worried Eri and Kota, of course. Once he was out of sight and out of earshot, everyone present let out a worried sigh, except for Tenko. He knew what Izuku was capable of. He turned to Bon Bon and Lyra, who were still looking the direction Izuku went.

Tenko: "Relax. He got this in the bag."

Lyra: "Yeah, but I can't not worry about him still."

Bon Bon: "I hope nothing bad happens."

Tenko: "What are you, his pony mothers?"

Bon Bon/Lyra: "No!"

Tenko: "Do you want him to make you into mothers?"

Bon Bon/Lyra: "*deep blush* NO!/*deep blush* Well-"

Bon Bon: "Lyra!"

Tenko: 'Knew it. Good luck Deku, and not just with Nightmare Moon.'

Eri and Inko giggled, while Kota shook his head.

Izuku: 'I should've asked for directions.'

At this moment in time, Izuku was very clearly lost, rushing trough the forest using Full Cowl. He had never gone back to the Everfree forest after their arrival and encounter with the Timber Wolves, so he didn't get the chance to draw a mental map of the place. 

🎶And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... hahahaha... heh...🎶

Izuku: 'Is that... singing?'


When he went to see where the music was coming from and who was singing, he saw the six ponies he was looking for, laying on the ground, laughing like they just heard the best joke ever. Confused, he approached them.

Izuku: "I thought you all went to stop Nightmare Moon. Why are you all laughing here?"

They all looked to see Izuku standing by a tree, with a very confused look an his face. They were all surprised to see him there. Pinkie quickly rushed and gave him a hug.

Pinkie: "*GAAAAAASP* Izuku! What are you doing here!"

Izuku: "I came to help, but instead I got a bit lost. Until I heard what I assume was one of you singing? When I came to see what was going on, I see you all laughing on the ground."

Applejack: "Well that's mighty kind of ya to help us out, Izuku. Pinkie just helped us understand that there was nothing to fear once we saw bunch of mean lookin trees staring back at us."

Izuku: "Trees?"

Fluttershy: "We thought they were, uhm, ghosts..."

Rainbow: "Alright, enough talking. We got a moon butt to kick!"

The group, now with Izuku among them, were back on track to their objective. Pinkie was bouncing around, still laughing with her pony friends about their previous challenge. They arrived at a fast running river, making Pinkie stop in her tracks and causing all other ponies to bump into her.

Pinkie: "How are we gonna cross this?"

Suddenly, they hear crying not too far from where they were. The group looked behind a bosh and saw a giant purple sea serpent with orange hair, and an orange mustache that was cut down on the right side. The serpent was crying in distress about something, with the full length of his body hitting the water.

Sea Serpent: "What a world, what a world."

Twilight: "Excuse me, sir. Why are you crying?"

Sea Serpent: "Well, I don't know. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off, and now I look simply horrid."

He fell into the water in a dramatic way, completely soaking the ponies and human with the occurring wave.

Rainbow: "Oh, give me a break."

Applejack: "That's what all the fuss is about?"

Rarity: "Why, of course it is. How can you be so insensitive? Oh, just look at him. Such lovely luminescent scales."

Sea Serpent: "*sniff* I know."

Rarity: "And your expertly coiffed mane."

Sea Serpent: "Oh, I know, I know."

Rarity: "Your fabulous manicure."

Sea Serpent: "It's so true!"

Rarity: "All ruined without your beautiful mustache."

Sea Serpent: "It's true, I'm hideous!"

Rarity: "I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulosity go uncorrected."

Out of nowhere, she bit on of the serpent's scales and pulled it off. The sea serpent yelped in slight pain and surprise, shedding a single tear.

Sea Serpent: "OW! What did you do that for?"

Twilight: "Rarity, what are you-"

Rarity didn't say anything. She simply raised the scale up high with her mouth, and brought it down on her tail, making the other ponies and Izuku to widen their eyes in surprise, and the serpent to scream and fall down dramatically. Rarity simply picked up her cut tail and sowed it to the ruined mustache using magic.

Sea Serpent: "Oh-hohohoho! My mustache. How wonderful."

Rarity: "You look smashing."

Twilight: "Oh, Rarity, your beautiful tail..."

Rarity: "Oh. It's fine, my dear. Short tails are in this season. Besides, it'll grow back."

Rainbow: "*whisper* So would the mustache."

Izuku: "I think you still look fabulous, Rarity."

Rarity: "*blush* Oh, thank you, dear. I appreciate your compliment."

Twilight: "*gasp* We can cross now. Let's go."

Before she made it any further, a purple scaly limb rose from underneath her. It revealed to be the sea serpent, who made a series of rings as stepping stones for the group to cross.

Sea Serpent: "Allow me."

Izuku: "Thank you, uhm..."

Steven: "Steven Magnet, and it's the least I could do."

Izuku: "I'm Izuku Midoriya, a pleasure to meet you."

Steven: "The pleasure is all mine."

Applejack: "Hey Izuku, you comin?"

With that, he hurried to catch up to the rest.

After a long time, they were finally close to their destination. The old ruined castle could be seen across from a bridge.

Twilight: "There it is, the ruin that holds The Elements of Harmony. We made it!"

Izuku: "Twilight, wait!"

Twilight: "We're almost there. Whoa!"

As she ran to cross the bridge, she almost fell to the abyss bellow. The bridge was inoperable, having fallen down who knows when. Twilight would've fallen down if it wasn't for Izuku catching her on time.

Izuku: "*sigh* This is why I said to wait."

Rainbow: "What's with you and falling off cliffs today?"

Twilight: "*embarrassed blush* Hehe, sorry. And thank you for catching me."

Izuku simply sighed once more and looked at the state of the bridge, along with the ponies.

Pinkie: "Now what?"

Rainbow: "Duh."

Rainbow fluttered her wings a bit to show her point, before taking off bellow the mist, then coming back up with the other end of the bridge. But of course it wouldn't be this easy, because she started to hear a voice call her name from within the expanding mist.

Rainbow: "Who's there?"

???: "Rainbow..."

Rainbow: "I ain't scared of you! Show yourself!"

She went deeper into the fog, to where the voice was coming from.

???: "We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria."

Rainbow: "Who?"

???: "Why, you, of course."

Rainbow: "Really?! I mean... Oh yeah, me. Hey, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? 'cause I've been trying to get into that group for like, ever."

???: "No, Rainbow Dash. We want you to join us, The Shadowbolts."

Out of the fog came three very identical ponies, all dressed in the same uniform. Two looked to be male, while the one in the middle, which was the one who was calling Rainbow Dash, had a female voice. Everything aside from their body type was identical. Rainbow raised an eyebrow at the sudden appearance of the new group.

Shadowbolt Leader: "We're the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria, but first, we need a captain. The most magnificent-

Rainbow: "Yep."

Shadowbolt Leader: "Swiftest-

Rainbow: "Yes."

Shadowbolt Leader: "Bravest flyer in all the land."

Rainbow: "Yes, it's all true."

Shadowbolt Leader: "We need... you."

The leader whispered the last word into her ear, making Rainbow fly high and cheer.

Rainbow: "WOOHOO! Sign me up. Just let me tie this bridge real quick and then we have a deal."

Before she could do so, the leader rushed up to her and stopped her with an angry look.

Shadowbolt Leader: "No! It's them or us."

Rainbow Dash seemed unsure now, until Twilight called out to her from the otherside of the collapsed bridge.

Twilight: "Rainbow, what's taking so long?"

But another look answered her question, as she saw Rainbow Dash being confronted by a trio of pegasi. They were obviously bad news.

Twilight: "Oh no. Rainbow! Don't listen to them."

But her cries were muffled once the leader of the Shadowbolts glared her way. Her eyes shined for a second, and some clouds blocked her voice from reaching the rainbow mare. Speaking of rainbow, she was contemplating on the offer, until she made her decision.

Shadowbolt Leader: "Well?"

Rainbow: "You."

This made the leader smile, until...

Rainbow: "Thank you! For the offer, I mean."

She went back to the rope that connected the bridge and tied the knot, before looking back at the flyers.

Rainbow: "But I'm afraid I have to say no."

She flew off back to her friends, leaving the Shadowbolts glaring before disappearing in a puff of smoke. The same purple smoke that has been following the group. Shortly after, Rainbow arrived in front of her friends, who cheered for her return.

Rainbow: "See? I'd never leave my friends hangin'."

Twilight smiled at her words. She's was finally coming around on this whole friendship business.

They made it inside the ruins of what once was a majestic castle inhabited by two princesses. It was as ruined as one would expect, with the addition of a structure holding what seemed to be the Elements of Harmony. The things that would put a stop to Nightmare Moon once and for all. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy grabbed the stone orbs that were displayed on each of the statue's arms and flew down with them.

Twilight: "Careful, careful!"

Izuku: "Hey Twilight, didn't you say there were six elements?"

Rainbow: "Where's the sixth?"

Twilight: "The book said: when the five are present, a spark will cause the sixth Element to be revealed."

Applejack: "What in the hay is that supposed to mean?"

Twilight: "I'm not sure, but I have an idea. Stand back. I don't know what will happen."

Applejack: "Come on now, y'all. She needs to concentrate."

All the ponies left, except Izuku. He wasn't sure leaving Twilight alone was a good idea, so he stuck to the shadows. His worries were confirmed, when the purple mist appeared and grabbed the elements in a magic tornado. Twilight yelped, which alerted the remaining ponies outside. Izuku jumped ahead and stood in front of Twilight protectively.

Twilight: "The Elements! We have to get them!"

Twilight quickly went around Izuku and jumped into the tornado, followed by Izuku. The other ponies arrived but were too late, as their two friends were long gone.

Applejack: "Twilight, where are you?"

Rarity: "Look!"

They saw one of the castle towers flashing brightly from inside, indicating them that the missing pony and human were most likely to be there.

Applejack: "Come on!"

A puff of smoke revealed Twilight and Izuku, both coughing from the smoke caused by the teleportation spell. Once they regained their senses, they saw Nightmare Moon herself, with the elements floating around her while she gave an evil laugh, and thunder for dramatic effect. It's very important.

Twilight: "*gasp*"

Twilight looked at Izuku, who's eyes never left the evil mare. She was obviously scared, but Izuku gave an aura that everything would be fine, which managed to calm her down a bit.

Izuku: "*whisper* I'll distract her while you grab the elements and run."

Twilight: "*whisper* What? Are you crazy!"

Izuku: "*whisper* Just trust me."

Still unsure, she reluctantly nodded. Izuku took a step forward, challenging Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon: "And what are you supposed to be?"

Izuku: "A hero. And the one that'll put a stop to you."

Nightmare Moon: "You're kidding. You're kidding, right?"

Instead of answering, he activated One for All. Green electricity sparked all around his body, making Twilight release a surprised gasp, before he rushed at Nightmare Moon. Said mare wasted no time in doing the same. As they came closer, Izuku pulled back his fist, which Nightmare took notice of, and jumped back.

Nightmare Moon: "A punch? Really?"

Izuku: "𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐬 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐡!"

At the very last second, Izuku pulled his fist down, and punched the air above him, creating a shockwave that shook the entire room. This stunned Nighmare Moon enough for Izuku to look back at Twilight, who had her mouth agape, before noticing his stare and quickly teleporting to the elements.

Twilight: "Just one spark. Come on, come on."

Nightmare Moon snapped back from her daze and noticed what Twilight was doing. She tried to turn into mist but Izuku took her distraction to hit her, this time with flick of his finger, sending a powerful wind pressure at her, stunning the mare yet again. He looked at Twilight, and saw the elements lightning up a bit, before loosing their spark.

Twilight: "But... where's the sixth Element?"

Suddenly, Nightmare Moon appeared in front of Twilight and pushed her with a magic blast, sending her flying towards Izuku, who safely caught her. With a laugh, she crushed the elements right in front of the two.

Nightmare Moon: "You little foal! Thinking you could defeat me? Now you will never see your princess, or your sun! The night will last forever! Hahahaha!"

When it seemed all hope was lost, with Izuku ready to give it his all against Nightmare Moon, Twilight heard the ponies she made this journey with calling for her from the stairway.

Pinkie: "*distant* Don't worry Twilight, we're here."

Applejack: "*distant* Don't worry, we'll be there."

And then, with a newly found spark in her eyes, she realized.

Twilight: "*gasp*"

She glanced back at Nightmare Moon with a confident look.

Twilight: "You think you can destroy The Elements of Harmony just like that? Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here."

Now the party was completed. The remaining five ponies were now standing besides Twilight, ready to fight the threat. As she said that, the fragments of the elements started floating. Izuku's eyes widened, but kept his composure.

Nightmare Moon: "What?"

Twilight: "Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of... honesty! Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of... kindness! Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... laughter! Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of... generosity! And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of... loyalty! The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us.

As she was giving her speech, the fragments surrounded each of the mentioned ponies in an orbit. At this point, Nightmare Moon was getting nervous at her situation.

Nightmare Moon: "You still don't have the sixth Element! The spark didn't work!"

Twilight: "But it did! A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all... are my friends!"

Once she said that, a sixth orb appeared above her, out of nowhere, and released an almost blinding light.

Twilight: "You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of... magic!"

Then, in a show of flashing and blinding lights, all the fragments combined with their respective owners, creating necklaces with their elements engraved on them as jewels. Twilight was last, and the orb that once was floating above her turned into a crown with a star jewel. They started floating in the air, and once together, they released a rainbow beam, which surrounded Nightmare Moon. She screamed and kicked, but was engulfed in the light of harmony.

Rainbow: "Ugh, my head."

All the ponies were laid out on the floor, and started to wake up one by one.

Applejack: "Everypony okay?"

Rarity: "Oh, thank goodness."

Fluttershy: "Why Rarity, it's so lovely."

Rarity: "I know! I'll never part with it again."

Fluttershy: "No. Your necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark."

Rarity: "What? Ooh. So does yours."

Pinkie: "Look at mine! Look at mine!"

Rainbow: "Aw yeah."

Applejack: "Gee, Twilight! I thought you were just spoutin' a lot of hooey, but I reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship."

???: "Indeed you do."

Then, as if we needed any more surprises, Princess Celestia herself appeared in a ball of light. All the present ponies bowed down to her, except Twilight, who didn't waste time in greeting her mentor.

Twilight: "*gasp* Princess Celestia."

Celestia: "Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I knew you could do it."

Twilight: "But... you told me it was all an old pony tale."

Celestia: "I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart."

Twilight looked at all her new friends and smiled, which they returned with smiles of their own.

Celestia: "Now if only another will as well. Princess Luna!"

They looked to where Nightmare Moon was stood and found Izuku sitting down, with a purple alicorn resting beside him. The alicorn woke up with a gasp, and stared at Celestia with some fear, hesitance and regret.

Celestia: "It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister."

Twilight/Rainbow: "Sister?"

Celestia: "Will you accept my friendship?"

After a moment of hesitation from the younger alicorn, and anticipation from the watching ponies, Luna jumped up to her hooves and went to her elder sister with tear filled eyes.

Luna: "I'm so sorry! I missed you so much, big sister!"

Celestia: "I've missed you, too."

Pinkie started crying rivers of tears, and blowing her nose with a tissue, before snapping back instantly with a happy smile, like she wasn't dispensing liters of water just a second ago.

Pinkie: "Hey, you know what this calls for?"

Pinkie: "A party!"

They are now in the streets of Ponyville, daytime. Every corner of decorated for the celebration. The return of the heroes, and of the second princess. Ponies were cheering and running to meet with Celestia, who was riding a carriage with Luna next to her. Spike emerged from the crown of ponies and went right to Twilight, giving her a hug. Eri and Inko rushed Izuku, hugging him while the latter cries a literal river. Kota gave him a small hug, claiming he knew he never doubted him, while Tenko simply gave him a thumbs up. Everypony bowed down to the princesses, with some foals placing a flower necklace on Luna, catching her off guard before smiling at her big sister. A few rows away stood Twilight, with a frown on her face.

Celestia: "Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?"

Twilight: "That's just it. Just when I learned how wonderful it is to have friends, I have to leave them."

Celestia: "Spike, take a note, please. I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship. She must report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville."

Twilight's new friends surrounded her, happy that their friend didn't have to go away.

Twilight: "Oh thank you, Princess Celestia! I'll study harder than ever before."

All the ponies cheered and enjoyed the celebrations. While the party was going on, Izuku was approached by Lyra and Bon Bon. The first of which jumped into his arms to hug him, which made him blush. Typical.

Lyra: "You're back!"

Izuku: "H-hey Lyra, Bon Bon. I told you I would, didn't I?"

Bon Bon: "Yeah, but still. *sigh* Never mind that. We're glad you're ok."

They spent some time talking, but were interrupted by a pair of royalties.

Celestia: "Excuse me."

Lyra: "*GASP*"

Bon Bon: "It is an honor to meet you, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

Both ponies bowed down to the two princesses. 

Celestia: "A pleasure to meet you as well."

Luna: "Hello."

Luna addressed Izuku, and Bon Bon seeing that they were here for their human friend, decided to leave and give them some space to talk.

Izuku: "Y-your Highnesses."

Celestia: "Please, no need for formalities. I was told by Mayor Mare that you're one of the creatures who lives in the library."

Izuku: "That's right."

Celestia: "And that you're also the leader of you're group?"

Izuku: "L-leader? Who told you that?"

Luna: "The tall one with white hair."

Izuku grumbled in embarrassment, making the two sisters giggle, which only further increased his embarrassment.

Celestia: "I was just curious. I have never seen a creature like you before, and when I was told that not only was there a group of you, but one of them even called himself a hero and helped Twilight and her friends save my sister, I decided to meet this great hero myself."

Izuku blushed yet again. He is a hero, sure. He still has his licence, though it's in his room. But he's not used to this kind of attention.

Celestia: "Please, would you tell us a bit about yourself and where you came from?"

Izuku: "Ehm, well, there isn't much to tell, really."

He didn't want to reveal they were from another world. Just imagine the panic and chaos it could cause.

Izuku: "We're not really from Equestria, as you can probably tell."

Luna: "Where from, then?"

Izuku: "..."

His hesitation caught their attention, plus the purple pony nearby that managed to listen to their conversation, but was not paying attention to it. What was so difficult in telling them where he came from?

Celestia: "Is everything alright?"

Izuku: "Y-yeah. Everything's fine. Could we come back to this topic another time. I don't fell like either me nor my family are ready to share this information."

Celestia: "Of course. If it is uncomfortable for you to talk about, then we won't push any further. Right, sister?"

Luna: "Of course."













It was now night time, and all the ponies were asleep in their homes. Twilight started living in the Golden Oak Library with the humans, much to Eri's pleasure, as now she had a new friend. Izuku was already in bed, sleeping, but something seemed wrong with the way he wasn't moving an inch. Let's see what he's dreaming about, shall we?

Inside One for All mindscape


Izuku: "GAH!"

He fell down on his butt, but then he noticed something. He talked! Well, screamed. But he made noise! Inside his mindscape!

Nana: "Well, there's another surprise. But that will have to wait, as we have a bigger problem.

Yoichi: "we've been watching everything since... well, since you and Tenko got to this world, and-"

All Might: "I am so proud of you, young Midoriya! Not only did you stop All for One, you also saved my mentor's grandson! And now, you're a hero in another world!"

Banjo: "Pipe down, Toshinori. Remember what we called him here for."

Getting over his surprise, he got up and looked at the past users. He noticed two things. First, he didn't have mist covering his mouth, so that explains why he can talk. Second-

Nightmare Moon: "YOU!"

There was an intruder.

Nightmare Moon: "What is this place? And what are these creatures? Is this some form of jail you've thrown me in? Answer me!"

Izuku: "N-Nightmare Moon! What are you doing here?"

Nightmare Moon was about to pounce on Izuku, as she couldn't use her magic for some reason, but thankfully All Might caught her before she could.

All Might: "Now now, there is no need for violence."

Nightmare Moon: "You get your filthy paws off of me this instant!"

As she was flailing around, Izuku looked at the users again. They all shrugged, indicating they had no idea of how this happened. He started thinking about it himself. What could have happened for Nightmare Moon to be inside One for All? Maybe...

Izuku: "The Elements of Harmony. I remember being in front of the girls when they fired that beam at Nightmare Moon, meaning I was the closest to it's target. And she's a form of alternate personality to Princess Luna, so maybe her conscience was transferred to me, but since I technically already have more than one soul in me thanks to One for All, she was instead placed in here. And if that's true, then..."

Everyone: "..."

Even Nightmare Moon stopped her attempts at escaping the former number one's grip, and stared at the broccoli boi with interest and curiosity. She didn't understand anything that was going on, but she wanted to know of a way out to get her revenge, and he was her best option. Izuku noticed the stares and blushed, not realizing he went on a mumbling spree again.

Yoichi: "Well, that's the best we'll get for now."

Banjo: "What do you expect when the kid was thrown in a world of magic and talking ponies."

Nana: "Naturally. Everything is new to us, so the only thing we can do is wait and see what happens. In the mean time."

She looked at Nightmare Moon, who glared back at her.

Nana: "You'll be in your best behavior while you're here. We don't want anything to happen while we figure out the reason behind your sudden appearance in this space."

Second: "Not like she can do anything, anyway. This place is cut off from the outside, meaning she can't interfere with Ninth's business."

Nightmare Moon: "Grrr."

Banjo: "Speaking of which. Hey kid, choose one."

Izuku: "Eh, one what?"

All Might: "One to marry, of course! You've been hanging around girls almost everyday since you got to this world. Though, they're a different species, but I doubt there are any other humans in Equestria!"

Izuku: "EH!"

He started blushing ten shades of red. Nana sighed and cross chopped both the men's heads.

Nana: "Stop teasing him. He's had a long day, so let's leave this for now and let him rest."

All the previous users agreed, and Izuku was starting to feel himself leaving the mindscape. Before he was fully gone though, he heard Nana say something that made him blush yet again.

Nana: "Besides, that Lyra girl is obviously into him, so she wouldn't let him pick another girl."

Izuku: "WHA-"


















There it is. Finally done. Sorry for taking so long, but I prefer to focus on school over my hobbies.

As promised, now that the second part is finished, I'll begin making the prologues for my other books. Expect updates to take longer than a week, as, again, I focus on school more.

Now, before I finish this here, I have one more thing to add. Relationship charts! Here's what every member of the harem, on the list and not on the list, currently thinks of the green bean:


Twilight- She's curious about Izuku. She finds him cute, much to her confusion. She admires his confidence and heroism.

Pinkie- She loves spending time with Izuku. Since he's the only one who can understand her talking fast, she tends to do it more often to him.

Applejack- Admires his resilience and strength. Likes that there is someone as hard working as her around.

Rainbow- He's the coolest ever, just below her and the Wonderbolts. Like to train together, especially when he uses his quirk during training.

Rarity- Enjoys his company. She likes to design clothes for him, as it's a new challenge for her skills. She's impressed by how Opalescence took a liking to him almost instantly, and now invites him more often.

Fluttershy- Still nervous around him, but enjoys his presence. He somewhat makes her feel more confident and sure of herself. Loves to spend time with him taking care of her animal friends.

Celestia- Curious about Izuku, especially his place of origin. She's thankful for his help against Nightmare Moon. Would like to know him better, on personal terms.

Luna- Doesn't know what to think of him, aside from a hero. She doesn't know him too well, having only met today, but she can tell that he has a good heart.

Trixie- Not met yet.

Zecora- Not met yet.

Derpy- Not met in a chapter yet.

Lyra- Surprisingly, she doesn't know how she feels about Izuku. At first it was curiosity, but as time went on, she found herself liking him more as a friend than a weird creature.

Bon Bon- Likes Izuku as a friend. She doesn't know why, but when Lyra is being carried by Izuku, she wants to be in her pony friend's place instead. She would never admit it though.

Vinyl- Not met in a chapter yet.

Octavia- Not met in a chapter yet.

Gilda- Not met yet.

???- Absolutely despises Izuku. As soon as she gets the chance, she'll smite him down with her most powerful spell.


Aloe- Not met in a chapter yet.

Lotus- Not met in a chapter yet.

I don't know if I should cut to the next episode, "Ticket Mater", or make a side chapter. We'll see.

That's all, see you next time!

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