Lambs - Blue Lock x f. Reader...

De sweetgaming_fox

3.1K 152 177

"We're all lambs, just waiting to get devoured." "And I can't wait to cannibalize you all for my own surviva... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Filler: 1
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Filler: 2
Filler: 3
An Update

Chapter 2

444 19 27
De sweetgaming_fox

Twiddling your thumbs you prayed your parents wouldn't catch on. Of course a letter of consent was sent along with the letter but, you couldn't have them knowing. You couldn't let Hionami grasp the paper, waving it around like a triumphant flag. Cackling and bragging. Your blood boiled at the thought. No, the sight. You had stolen his mail, and not only that but forged your parents signatures.

What was a lie you could come up with for the time you're away? You chewed your cheek. Staying at a friends home to gather more information and plans for college. It was stupid. So, stupid.

Your eyes lingered out the bus's window. Beautiful mountain scenery comforted you as your gut did flips. The trees blew gently as you whirled by, the varying shades of green all blending into one mass of color the second you took your eyes off of them and looked down at the bag in your lap. You were gripping it harshly. Even with the binder, that constricted the most obvious feminine feature on your body. It felt like it wasn't enough. You could still see the slight bump that stuck out. Sure you were passing off as a guy, albeit slightly. It still was evident that you looked far too feminine.

Maybe it was just your worries. You didn't realize how much you were sweating. The anxiety was eating you alive. It felt like all eyes were on you, consuming you. Your hands shook as you stared at the bag. You could feel strands of (h/c) hair sticking to your forehead.

A sudden weight was applied onto your head.

A hand had gently placed its self on the bed of butcher (h/c) locks. You froze as you felt all the blood rush from your face. Paling you tried to glance at the hand on your head. It was such a large hand, yet it just gently rubbed your head. Comforting. Your petrified eyes slowly traveled up the muscular arm of your savior? Seat companion? Like hell you knew. A sea of thoughts was going through your mind. The fight of survival racing through your small body.

"Hey, it's alright. Just take a deep breath,"


That was the first thing to pop into your mind. It carried so much gentleness. So much warmth. The simple words that left the spiked orange haired boy's mouth seemingly blew away the sea of thoughts. His hand was still resting on your head. Moving ever so slightly just slow enough to not alarm you.

"Hah...?" You wheezed out as you shook lightly.

Your (e/c) eyes study the boy. He retracted his hand back as you silently whimpered, missing the warmth and comfort it brought you. But alas you knew it was best if you don't let him know. The words finally registered and you did what you were told. Breathing in deeply through your nose, you exhaled softly out your mouth as the boy stared at you. He hummed and mumbled encouraging words as you tried to calm yourself.

"Thank you..." the shakiness was still present in your timid voice. You were feeling better, more comfortable now. The bus was rocking slightly on the mountain road. You offered the taller gentleman a small smile. He blinked.

"Of course! It wouldn't be right to leave you like that," he coughed slightly as he adverted his gaze away from you. You hummed, still slightly in awe at how kind he was. The admiration and slight embarrassment must've been written all over your face. The look in your eye was enough to make the taller gentleman get flustered. And to pair that with such a soft sweet smile? He could practically feel the heat creeping up onto his face.

"(Last name) Hionami, it's a pleasure to meet you..." you trailed off as you stuck your small delicate hand out for him to shake. He glanced back at you and then down at your hand.

It had gotten easier to say his name.

"Kunigami Rensuke, it's nice to meet you." Kunigami introduced as he gently gripped your much smaller hand into his. Shaking it lightly because he felt as though it would break from being within his grasp. They're soft. That was all that rang through his head as he let go.

"Y'know, you're a really cool guy Kunigami!" You smiled at him as you hugged your bag. The bus had finally stopped at your guys destination and you couldn't wait to get up. His eyes widen as he quickly turned his head while also rising up. A slight blush had danced its way back onto his face upon hearing that.

What made you say that!? His brain raced with thoughts as the bus rocked from the eager boys walking and jumping off the vehicle.

Was it cause he was nice enough to help you calm down? Surely not, it was common sense after all. At least he thought so. You stood up abruptly, excited to get out of this mini moving jail cell and onto the sweet solid ground. Unfortunately, even though you had calmed yourself down, your legs still were jello. Not only from the stress you had been under but the fact you had been sitting there for what felt like hours.

"Ah-" was all that escaped your mouth as you bumped into your new companion. He stiffened before quickly turning over to you to check if you were alright. Embarrassment flushed over your features as you gripped onto the seats while you stomped one leg on the bus's floor. It was clearly shaking. You were trying your best to avoid making eye contact, it was obvious. A smile slowly made its way onto his face as he saw the red tipped ears and slight shade of pink your neck now had. Your (h/c) locks were covering your face as you looked down at the ground focusing on your legs.

"S..Sorry... My legs seemed to have fallen asleep.." you mumbled as you puffed out your cheeks. An irritated look on your face as you lifted your head and avoided eye contact. Man, you truly sucked at first impressions.

"It's alright, come on. I'll help you out," Kunigami said as he took a slight step in your direction and reached a hand out for you to grab.

You quickly shook your head 'no' as you grabbed your bag. Suddenly you couldn't wait to get off of this bus. You even contemplated hopping the seats if it meant you could get away from Kungigami. He was just, too sweet! The way he practically glowed in your eyes with his offer and care! You only flushed more at the acts of chivalry he had done. Yet it was hardly any!

"! Truly, it's fine! I... I'm okay, now can we please just get off!" You squeaked out as your (e/c) eyes darted around frantically, anywhere to avoid looking at him.
He couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the sight of your embarrassed form. It was so, adorable. So comedic. Nodding, he walked down the aisle with you hurrying behind, bag clutched in your arms.

Ah, our phones and wallets are being confiscated. You hummed at the sight. You quickly snatched both desired objects from your bag as you made your way into line. The thought of no one being able to reach you comforted and scared you, of course you were safe. Right? Yes, of course you were. It was just the thought of you getting busted for doing such a stupid, arrogant, crazy scheme. Also stealing your brothers place!? Oh man, you were sure your parents would disown you if they even knew.

Next... (last name) Hionami."

"Phones and wallets please," the beautiful woman calmly asked as you noticed multiple tiny bins containing many electronic devices and wallets, varying from colorful cases to just a naked look.

You grimaced at the multiple devices having cracks on em, hell one looked broken even. You nodded wistfully as you obeyed to her request. Handing her the items she wished for, you couldn't help but cringe slightly seeing how your doodle of you and your childhood friend ran after a football, peering up at you from it's clear case. It was such a simple doodle and yet you could tell from the yellowing and slight tears on it that it had been there for years. She hummed, as she slightly admired the cute cat wallet you owned before turning and placing said items into their own personal bin. Their new homes now being the graveyard of other abandoned brethren.

"Hm? Is this way of Blue Lock taking payment from us~" you teased as the woman softly chuckled and rolled her eyes whilst shaking her head at your comment off in a dismissive manner. You could tell your little stupid comment helped relax the woman for a second. She held your uniform in her hands, ready to give it to you before noticing your bag.

"Oh! We'll need to check it for-"


The way you cut her off bluntly and how serious you sounded startled the woman. One second you and her are joking and the next you glaring at her like she's some hostile creature wanting to take you down. The coldness in your (e/c) eyes made her shiver.

"It's.. It's protocol. If you do not show us what's in the bag then you must leave the premises immediately and are no longer allowed to participate."
You bit your cheek, as you glanced down at the bag. Sweat had made its way onto your face as your tongue swirled around. Your eyes were fixated on the bag as thoughts crept up.

"I can assure you I gave you all my devices," you stated as you tilted your head to the left. She just stared at you before shaking her head lightly.

"No, no. This is protocol, it's to ensure the safety of you and the others here in Blue Lock." You clicked your tongue and sighed. Of course it was, it only made sense.

"Ah... Yeah, that makes complete sense.. I'm sorry, allow me to show you its content." You mumbled as you slowly slid the bag off your shoulder, it collided on the ground with a soft, 'thud!'.

She hummed as you zipped it open, allowing her to see the contents in it. Mainly just clothes. She smiled and signaled you to zip it up before handing you your uniform.

"Ah, thank you... I'm sorry I caused you some trouble, it wasn't my intention... It had completely slipped my mind in the moment.." you bowed as the woman blinked at the sudden act of maturity from you. She was honestly a little caught off, and a bit flustered at it.

"I accept your apology! Now please stand aside and allow the others to collect their uniforms. Please wait with the group over there," you simply nodded as you flashed her a smile of gratitude before sheepishly making your way to crowd of boys who stood around waiting.

All right, now each of you will go to the room matching your uniform's letter. We'll notify you when to change into uniform." The woman announced as the boys began walking past her and into the building. You hummed as you glanced down at the letter below your number.


"Excuse me? But could you please tell me where the nearest restroom is? I drank a lot of water before we left and it's all caught up to me," you sheepishly asked as you rubbed the back of your head nervously.

The woman sighed but nonetheless gave you directions to the nearest restroom, which you thanked her profusely. You were an oddball weren't ya? Making another shitty first impression.

You stalked to the furthest stall from the door and began to to change.

Fuck. It's skin tight.

You mentally cursed as your hands lightly trailed it's way over your arms and legs. You will admit it was oddly comfortable and breathable but too snug on you. You shakily walked out of the stall and towards the mirror and stared at your reflection. Your eyes harden at the sight of your body. You looked, too feminine. You wanted to cry. It was showing off the curves you had and slight bump of your chest that you tried so hard to keep hidden. You breathed out a sigh and splashed water on your face as you braced yourself for what's to come. Surely, they'll just ignore it. If you keep to yourself and stay in the corners hidden, no one will notice. Right?

False hope was all you were giving yourself as you scurried off to your designated room. You noticed someone ahead of you and your breath caught in your throat. You stared at them as they calmly walked to the room you both appeared to be sharing. The sight of another person made you shake with anxiety.


The boy turned around at the sound of footsteps approaching. Blue eyes locked onto your small skittish form. It was... quite feminine. Isagi sweat dropped at the sight of you. You could feel his eyes wonder, probably confusion on his face. You were pale. Deathly pale.

"He.. Hello Isagi! Gl.. Glad to see someone I know going to the same place as me," you awkwardly said as you walked over to him. Your voice cracked a bit at some points. He blinked before looking away. It was rude to stare.

"(Last name), glad you're here as well! We should keep going, right?" You only hummed in agreement as you trailed after the taller boy.

Feeling more at ease as you drew closer to him. He only spared a glance down at you before quickly looking at the door ahead of you two. He shouldn't bring up how girly you looked. It was probably an insecurity you had, he reasoned to himself as the door opened for the duo.

You paled. It was a large empty room. One side of the wall had lockers running along side it but other than that it was a barren wasteland say for the few guys that resided within. You flung yourself onto Isagi's back as you hid from their line of sight. He cocked and eyebrow at you before shrugging it off, deciding you were just someone with social anxiety.

A shared room!? Why does the world hate me...

As he turned back to look around the room a shirt smacked its self onto his face as he sputtered out a few noises in shock. Your eyes widen but you couldn't help but giggled lightly at the situation. He grasped it as his eyes wondered to the location of lockers, confused.

"My shirt... flew away." Your ears perked up at the sound of that voice.

Though it only made you snicker more at the idiotic statement that fell out of Kunigami's mouth. You peaked from behind Isagi to only quickly dart your eyes away at the sight of him only standing in his boxers. Your face erupting in a bright red. You were slightly envious and in awe at the muscles he had.

"Ah... no problem."

Isagi mumbled as he held the shirt in his hand. He too appeared to be envious of Kunigami's muscles. You quickly noticed Isagi walking close to a boy sleeping on the ground. He was curled up, almost in a ball with his thumb resting in between his lips. It was, quite a cute and and interesting sight. The way his thumb laid in between his lips resembled something an infant or young child would do when sleeping.

"Ah, Isagi! Watch out, someone is sleeping right there! Best to not disturb em or ya know, step on em," you joked as you steered the taller boy in the direction of lockers. While Isagi stared in bewilderment at the fact the multi-colored hair boy slept.

"Hey... Zico... Pass... Pass it... To me... Zico..."

He's dreaming? Kinda cute how he's mumbling.. You adverted your eyes and bit back a smile from the adorable sight. Well, to you it was at least. Isagi just seemed to be thinking how strange it was. You quickly placed your bag inside the locker before scurrying off from Isagi's side to go sit in a corner away from anyone. He cocked his head confused you but shrugged it off as he got prepared to change.

"Isagi! Hionami! I'm so relieved to see some familiar faces here!" Kira announced before getting interrupted and bombarded by an energetic bald boy.

You only froze in place at the sound of Kira's irritating voice. Grimacing, you quickly scanned the room for any corners away from the lambs that littered it. Your eyes darting and zooming past their figures before realization settled in at the fact that all the corners were already taken. You pouted before glancing towards the door. That corner was still free but it was close to the lockers and you'd rather not sit there.

Defeated you decided to go sit near the sleeping boy as you awaited for an announcement to happen or something. It wasn't like he minded or could comment anything about your appearance since he was asleep. In his own little dream land, clueless to the world around him. You carefully walked around him making sure to tiptoe, you didn't wanna disturb his sleep yet. You'd wake him up if any announcement was made. Slowly seating yourself on the cold floor, you sighed softly as you laid your back against the smooth wall. Unaware of the few stares given your way, particularly from the orange spiked haired boy. How lucky he is to be paired in a room with someone he was on good terms with.

You hummed as you perched a hand on your cheek. You couldn't help but admire the snoozing boy, he was quite cute. The yellow in his semi fluffy hair was captivating. Attention grabbing. It reminded you of a bee. He had such a peaceful and happy expression while he slept. A content little smile on his face.

Must be a good dream.

Your eyes lifted from the sleeping boy's form and glanced around at your fellow lambs. It was kinda creepy to stare at someone who slept. You made sure to advert your eyes from Isagi's direction as he changed into the skin tight clothes everyone else wore. Although a part of you did want to peak, you couldn't allow that urge to win. No perverted thoughts or actions shall be done! You were better than that. You deflated a bit and scolded yourself for even entertaining the idea. Well.. another reason you didn't was because you were more than sure your face would expose you with providing a nice bright color for everyone to see. Allowing everyone to know how much of a pervert you were.

You noticed a group of 4 boys who were seated slightly near each other. They no longer stared at the newcomers and instead going back to what they were originally doing before the interruption. Nothing. You grimaced at the realization that they did stare at you but nonetheless understood why they would. Two people had just walked into the room they resided in, awaiting for anything to happen. You snorted lightly at hearing the brunet mumble about not being able to dm girls without a phone. He looked so defeated at the thought of it.
The much taller boy of the 4 seemed to perk up at the sound. His hair was also multicolored and long, but unlike the sleeping boy's neck length black and yellow hair, his was silver and black, in which he wore in a high bun. He shifted a bit and turned towards your direction. A bored look on his face as he did so. Your (e/c) eyes widen in surprise as his dark blank ones locked onto them. They were eerie, kinda creepy if you were honest. Yet, they complimented his appearance.

Ah, he heard me.

"Bastard..." you whispered softly to yourself as you put the blame on him. Ignoring the fact that it was you who laughed at another one's 'misery'. The embarrassment of being caught slowly invading your body as a slight blush crept onto your face. Showing the blank eye boy how embarrassed and ashamed you were. He only slightly tilted his head in an act of confusion before turning back to look down at the ground in front of him. The action honestly resembled how an owl or dog would. You sighed as you tugged on the piece of fabric that snuggly clung to your neck. You felt hot from the embarrassment. You shook your head lightly as your (h/c) locks bounced slightly.

Needing a distraction from the eerie boy your eyes traveled to the boy seated across from him. Well, crouching. His short blond hair stuck out as his yellow eyes threw daggers at anyone who came across it's path. A scowl seemingly permanently etched onto his face. You clicked your tongue. He had an air of unfriendliness and hostility surrounding him. You study his form, traveling up and down. He honestly could be a good looking fella if he just ditch the asshole look and attitude.

Pfft, he has his pant sleeves rolled up.

His eyes snapped in your direction, immediately locking onto yours. A piercing yellow they were. Annoyance clearly shone in them. He must've felt you staring at him. Surely you weren't staring for long, were you? Ah well, didn't matter anymore. Angry lamb chops over here noticed you looking either way. His scowl only grew more as he let out a little 'tsk' before turning his head away. Not fully though, you could catch him glancing at you from the corner of his eye. The frown on his face only deepening.

He's gonna be a hothead, huh.

You rolled your eyes at the thought. Well obviously he was, his demeanor said it all. You wanted to change your attention onto someone else but you could feel his eyes boring holes into you. Was he really that pissed you were staring at him? Or maybe was it his way of trying to intimidate you? Didn't matter, it honestly was starting to piss you off. He's acting like one of those wannabe wolves. They're the worst type of lamb.

They can't handle any type of no or failure that comes their way.

The weakest.

The more those disgustingly vibrant eyes glared at you the more you just wanted taunt him. To show him you weren't scared of his act. His personality. You pursed your lips together, debating if you should stick your tongue out at him or leave Mr-Saw-Tooth alone to attend his own little pity party.

Fuck it.

You looked him dead in the eyes as you stuck your tongue out at him. It was hilarious seeing his eyes widen in shock, his mouth opening slightly to show the sharp teeth he had. You smirked as your eyes locked onto the shorter boy.
Fluffy dirty blond hair was what immediately caught your attention. He had his arms crossed over his chest as he stared at the two taller boys standing together.

Light brown eyes slowly growing more and more bored as the time passed on with nothing happening. He let out an exaggerated sigh as he flung himself backwards, not enough to go clashing onto the hard ground but enough to catch the attention of his seat companions who just glared at him. Especially hot potato, since the short boy was seated so close to him. He just let out a light chuckle and muttered a quick sorry as the taller boy just spat some curses at him. He just grinned as he looked around again. His eyes lit up when they caught onto yours. He flashed you a quick smile and a small wave.


You offered him a small smile in return with a slight wave. His head gestured towards the grouch sitting beside him and made a gesture with his hand signaling he was making fun of the boy. Boldly mocking the brute who was so close to him. You stifled a giggled as you nodded in agreement. A triumphant grin made its way onto his face as he continued his little act of charades before yelping slightly as the the blond boy snapped his head towards him. You just adverted your eyes from the gremlin boy as he dramatically flopped down onto the ground, his way of playing dead.

Your breath hitched as your eyes landed on the boy who sat farthest from the other lambs. The way he stood out even though he desperately tried to hide his self away from the other live stock that accompanied this room. His hair was a gorgeous vibrant pinkish red and on top of that, long. It was obviously taken really well of and a pang of jealousy shot through you. Subconsciously your hand lifted itself to touch your own butchered (h/c) locks. You could feel your eyes swell a bit as your fingers rubbed the hair in between its grasp. You let go of it immediately and quickly blinked away the tears. No use getting sad over it anymore. What's done is done. You heaved a heavy sigh as you went back to admiring the long haired beauty.

He's quite feminine looking.

You smiled lightly to yourself. Although he did have a higher feminine physique than the others in this room, it was still very much obvious that he was a guy. Bittersweet for you. You had another person to drag along with into your lies. One an unwillingly victim the other a deceitful liar. Dark pink eyes slowly rose up towards your direction and met your curious (e/c) ones. They held no friendliness, just a seriousness that seemed fitting for someone of his stature. His unamused face quickly left your sight as he turned to rest his head on his arms as a makeshift pillow.

How angelic.

Your eyes wandered towards the two who stood together. In the corner of your eyes you could see Isagi shaking hands with the boy who was a second ago bombarding and fueling Kira's ego. You groaned internally at how energetic and loud the boy was. Igarashi Gurimu.


Just when you focused back onto the pair standing, a screen lit up. There on the screen was none other than Ego himself. His tired dead eyes stared vacantly as he opened his mouth to speak. Probably more nonsense. Definitely something about unpolished gems. Lambs aren't gems. They're food.

"Are you done changing, you unpolished gems?"


You were on a roll! If only there was someone you could actually do bets with, you're missing out on easy money. Ego rose up his hand as he shook it lightly, his fingers closed in slightly.

"Hey. Hey..."

How long has he slept?

You hummed as you noticed the dark circles and bags that added more to his uneasy appearance. Glasses not even hiding them for a second. It made you wonder how long has he been in the works with this program. This goal to create a single lamb standing over the corpses of its brothers, all eaten to fuel the fire for the sole survivor. The one who surpassed all.

"The people in your room will be both your roommates... and your rivals."

Aha. What?

Everyone grew tensed upon hearing those words, quickly glancing at one another in a way to get a feel for their fellow lambs. You just lowered your gaze towards the sleeping boy. Slightly in awe at how he could sleep through Ego's booming voice. Well, it wasn't booming it was just the way it stood out in this quiet room. You shifted closer to him. Your brows furrowed as you digested Ego's words.

So... I shouldn't wake him up? Sabotage my rivals?

You chuckled softly at the thought. So idiotic of you to think that. You got on your hands and knees as you crawled over towards him, Ego's monotone voice droning on in the background. The multicolored boy just let out a tiny, barely audio 'hmm' as he continued on with his sleep. You poked his cheek in an attempt to wake him up.


You couldn't help but smile lightly as you continued to poke at his cheek. As soft and squishy it was your annoying jabs really didn't seem like it did much to wake him up. You didn't notice the way his eyes fluttered slightly as you turned back to looking towards the screen Ego inhabited. You stared at the screen, fixated at the rant Ego had gone on. Rant? No, explanation of what Blue Lock has planned for its idiotic lambs. Tired unfocused yellow eyes glanced towards you as you hovered slightly over them, still fixated on the screen ahead of you. Shutting themselves again to try and get a few more minutes of sleep, they decided to ignore the fact your finger had made its way back onto their cheek.

"...That is what we will measure as you live here in this facility. Well now... It is time to play "Tag"."

- - - - - -

Ughhhhhhhh I drag things out so much and I'm so sorry

I probably like set expectations now or something I dunno, anyways yeah. So I decided I was going to cut the chapter in 'half' more like beofre the game of tag began because I figured that would be a good place too. The app I'm writing on says it's a 42 min to read (in total) soooooo yeah-

And there's about 11,400 (well more now) words. I just didn't wanna make you guys sit through one never ending chapter, so I broke it into two even though it's basically one whole chapter on my writing app-



I wanna try updating weekly but don't take my words because I could get busy or lose motivation! So don't hold your breaths at this qwq

Continue lendo

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