๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ๐ˆ๐†๐€๐ หกแต˜แถœแตƒหข หขแถœแต’แต—แต—

By -youphoria

33.9K 1K 403

๐—–๐—”๐—ฅ๐——๐—œ๐—š๐—”๐—ก | one tree hill ๐—Ÿ๐—จ๐—–๐—”๐—ฆ ๐—ฆ๐—–๐—ข๐—ง๐—ง โ you drew stars around my scars, but now im b... More

๐—ฒ๐—ฝ๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐—ต & ๐—ฝ๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜†๐—น๐—ถ๐˜€๐˜.
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ. uncertainty
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ. battle of river court
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฏ. the alchemist
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฐ. martha stewart
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฑ. far from normal
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฒ. cold feet
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿณ. traitor
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿด. careful what you wish for
๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฌ. apologies on apologies
๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ. out with the old, in with the new

๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿต. innocent until proven guilty

1.6K 56 4
By -youphoria

innocent until proven

FOR the next few days, Jackie made it her duty to visit Lucas every day until he woke up. She stood in her kitchen, assembling a basketball-themed gift basket. Inside the basket she put Lucas' favorite desserts of hers in individual wrapping, his other favorite snacks, sports drinks, and two handwritten letters, one from her Mom and one from herself, as well as a signed card from the students and staff at Tree Hill High.

At the hospital, Jackie quietly made her way into Lucas' room, careful not to wake up Karen who was asleep in one of the chairs. She carefully placed the basket on a nearby stand and sat on the chair directly next to Lucas, "Hey, Luke," She caressed his face, "Everybody is missing you like crazy, even Tim. I know, crazy. He wrote you a little something down at the River Court, he writes like a criminal though so, I doubt it'll be legible," She joked, "It's the thought that counts."

Jackie's smile faded after the no response, "Lucas, I need you to come back to me, we still have a lot of memories to make." Jackie scanned his face, hopeful for some kind of movement, voluntary or involuntary, "Please," She squeezed his hand.

Jackie reached into her jacket pocket, retrieving a blue beaded bracelet from it. It was an accessory that she had made years ago with her Dad, she often pulled it out on special occasions to act as her good luck charm. Jackie ran her fingers over the beads before carefully lifting Lucas' left wrist, They say your left side is your receiving side," Jackie informed the unconscious boy as she slide the bracelet onto his wrist, before leaning down to give him a small peck on his cheek, "For good luck." She patted the bracelet before getting up from her seat and walking out of the door.

"Sounds like you really care about him," A voice cause her head to turn to the left. To her surprise, Nathan was glued to the wall.

"That's because I do," Jackie joined him on the wall, "You must do too if you're here."

"I'm here for Haley," Nathan clarified, "...and a little for myself."

"I'm surprised Dan didn't stop you to go practice some basketball drills," Jackie joked, trying to lighten up the gloomy mood but Nathan didn't crack a smile, "Tough crowd?"

"My Dad moved out," Nathan broke eye contact with her, staring forward at the blank wall, "My parents are getting a divorce."

"Oh," Jackie had a blank expression, "I'm really sorry, I didn't know, I'm an idiot."

"It's fine," Nathan shrugged it off, "They suck together. Besides, I'm the real idiot."

"How come?"

"I told Haley that I only went after her at first to screw with Lucas," Nathan let his head fall back on the wall, "I was a real jack ass but It hasn't been about that with me and Haley for a long time, we aren't exactly on talking terms right now."

"We are all just having trouble in paradise, huh?" Jackie chuckled bitterly, peaking back into Lucas, "You should go talk to him. He's a good listener." Jackie threw in another joke, this time Nathan cracked a smile before peeling off of the wall and walking into the room.

Jackie stayed staring at the wall in front of her, her mind full of Lucas as always. She waited for Nathan to finish up so they could leave out together, hoping to talk a little bit more. She wasn't his biggest fan but what happened to Lucas was an eye-opener for her, you never know what can happen in a split second so she wanted to put their differences aside and appreciate him while he was here. She knew deep down inside Nathan was a good person from all the stories Haley told her, she wouldn't mind being able to see it for herself.

"Jackie," Nathan practically ran out of the room. Jackie peeled off the wall immediately, "Lucas is awake."

Jackie's mouth fell open slightly as she walked quickly into the room. Her eyes instantly started to water at Karen lovingly caressing an awake Lucas. Jackie stood in shock as Lucas and Karen turned to acknowledge her presence. Both Karen and Nathan excused themselves from the room to give them a quick one-on-one moment.

Jackie made her way to the side of his bed and sat on the edge, running and hand through his hair, letting her tears fall, "I missed seeing those eyes," Jackie laughed through her tears.

"I can say the same," Lucas croaked out, glancing down at his wrist before holding it up, "I think it worked."

"You heard that?"

"Everything," He confirmed, grabbing her hand and placing a soft kiss on it. Jackie gave him a smile before pulling him into a gentle hug. As more people started to come in and out of Lucas' room, Jackie stepped outside again to make a few phone calls to those who were worried about Lucas to update them on his well-being.

WITH Lucas out of the hospital, the stress levels around Tree High went down ten notches. Haley and Jackie decided to leave the cafe early to go and have a much-needed girls day. The two girls wandered around the mall searching for a sense of change in their styles. Jackie walked out of the dressing room in a baby blue velour tracksuit. Underneath the jacket, she had on a white cropped shirt that stopped just above her belly button showcasing her midriff and belly piercing and topped her look off with some all-white sneakers to continue the chick but sporty look.

Jackie did a full spin for Haley, earning a whistle. Jackie was out of her element but she did like the feeling the look gave her, "So, what do you think?" Jackie shimmed over to her.

"I think if I was into girls, I'd be ripping off your clothes right now." Haley complimented.

"I don't kiss and tell," Jackie jokingly flirted, "I'll buy this one."

Jackie went back into the dressing room to change back into her original clothes. She happily bought the pink outfit along with some accessories and the two were on their way to the next store. For another hour or two, Haley and Jackie spent their time trying on different clothes, giving each other their honest opinions, and using numerous photo booths. The two even picked up matching bracelets pink to symbolize the beginning of a long friendship.  At the end of their store runs, they both walked around the mall with bags in each hand, preparing to leave.

"I'm really glad we met, Haley," Jackie admitted softly,  " I mean I have Nick but,  how many 'girl talks' can the guy sit through?" She said, causing them both to laugh, "You're like the sister I never had."

"Right back at you."

Jackie grinned, linking her and Haley's arms together as they continued to walk towards the exit of the mall. Her smile quickly faded once she saw Brooke sitting alone looking devastated. Brooke looked up, noticing the two girls, "Jackie, have you seen or talked to Peyton?"

"No, why?" Jackie watched her eyes water,  "Are you okay?"

"Not really, no," She admitted with her voice cracking, "I've been trying to reach Peyton but she must be with Nick somewhere. Lucas broke up with me."

Jackie instantly felt the guilt begin to eat away at her as she watched Brooke break down, "I was looking forward to getting a chance to show him how much he means to me and he said he just wants to be friends." Brooke dabbed away her tears but they continued to flow, "Every idiot knows that that's just code for go away. I don't what I'm supposed to do."

"He's just going through a difficult time," Jackie tried to calm her down, "If he said he wants to be friends then I'm sure he means it, he's a man of his word. "

"How do you do that with Lucas?"

Jackie stood stuck as she had no idea what to say because the truth is, she hadn't been just friends with Lucas. The guilt made her stomach churn. Jackie glanced over at Haley to help, "You just sort of do everything that you've been doing without the sex part."

"Exactly, no sex, uh-uh," Jackie agreed, shaking her head.

"There's a first time for everything, right?" Brooke did a sad and weak smile.

"Give me your phone," Jackie extended her palm out. Brooke reluctantly reached for her cell and placed it in Jackie's hand. She quickly typed in her number and locked it in,  "Call me if you need anything."

"Thank you," Brooke sprung up, throwing her arms around the girl. Jackie patted her back as Haley gave her a disapproving look. Once Brooke pulled away from her and walked away, Jackie threw her head back in frustration, "I'm definitely going to hell."

"Oh yes," Haley agreed, leading the way out of the mall.

The following day after her shift, Jackie sat in her driveway reflecting on one of the busiest days at the cafe. Jake had recently been hired but he had to leave sooner than expected to care for his daughter, Jenny, leaving Jackie and Haley to do two times the work.  Eventually, Jackie walked through the doors of her home, throwing her bags down at the entry.

In the living room, Marie and James were cuddled up on the couch, their eyes glued to the television,  "Hey, Mom," Jackie walked by,  "James." It was still a little strange to walk in and see a man who wasn't her Dad present from time to time.

"Hey, Kid," James didn't look up from the TV and neither did Marie.

"You have a visitor upstairs." Marie informed her daughter, "I let him in, I didn't think it would be an issue." Jackie furrowed her brows before jogging up the stairs and into her bedroom. Lucas was walking around her room, analyzing some of the framed pictures on her wall out of boredom.

"Lucas?!" Jackie shouted at him like a worried mother, "What the hell are you doing? The doctor told you to stay in bed."

"I needed to see you," he explained himself as the two moved over to sit on the edge of her bed, "I can't get you out of my head. I wish we could fix this messed up thing with Brooke so we can just be together."

Before Jackie could respond, Lucas leaned forward, groaning and grabbing the bridge of his nose in pain, "Are you okay?" Jackie asked in a panic, putting a hand on his back.

"Can I lay down?" He asked, in the process of doing it anyway.

Jackie placed a hand over his forehead and then to his neck, "Jesus, you're burning up, hold on," She quickly got up from the bed to grab her cell phone.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm calling your mom," Jackie stated in a way to say 'duh'.

"She's with Brooke," Lucas warned. Jackie pressed the dial button anyway, bringing the phone to her ear,  "Hey, Ms. Roe, Lucas is burning up, I think he has a fever."

"What?! Can you get him to the emergency room? I'll meet you there."

At the hospital, Jackie made sure to remain by Lucas' side u until Karen showed up. Unfortunately, Karen didn't show up alone, "My god, Lucas are you alright?" Karen walked into the room, panicking with Brooke behind her.

"Yeah I think so," Lucas calmed her nerves a little.

"I talked to the doctor," Jackie tried her best to avoid looking at Brooke as the guilt rose again, "His fever is going down."

"Where were you?" Karen raised her tone at her son. Jackie and Brooke glanced at each other simultaneously at the question. Jackie knew Brooke was growing more and more suspicious by the second.

"I was at the river court," Lucas lied, "I know I shouldn't have but I had to get out. I guess I overdid it. I started feeling bad and Jackie drove by."

Karen and Brooke looked over to Jackie for confirmation, "True story."

"Thank you, Jackie," Karen still glared at her son.

"No problem," Jackie rocked on her heels, "I guess I should go now since you guys are here. I'll see you guys later."

Later in the day, Lucas was discharged from the hospital after his temperature had gone back to normal. After the good news, Jackie made her way over to his house for a talk. She had thought about their current situation all day before she finally came to the conclusion that there was no way that they could work out. The two sat on his front porch in silence as Jackie built up the courage to finally call it quits.

"How are you feeling?" Jackie asked, breaking the ice.

"Okay, I guess," Lucas shrugged, "And not so okay."

"Same," Jackie rubbed her hands against her jeans, "Lucas, I don't think I can do this much longer. "

"Do what?"

"This," Jackie waved a finger between the two of them, "Lucas, you broke up with her and didn't even tell her the real reason why. She confided in me. I watched her bawl her eyes out and let her think that she wasn't good enough for you." Jackie's eyes started to water, "I sat there in her face and acted like I was a true friend as if I wasn't a part of the cause. I can't continue with this, knowing that my actions are hurting someone who considers me a friend. I can't betray her."

"You mean even more than we already have?"

"It's just better this way, Lucas, I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too." Lucas got up from the porch, walked back into his house, and slammed the door shut. Jackie sat there momentarily, soaking up her feelings. She took a deep breath to refrain from crying before she stepped down from the porch, making her way to her car.

Jackie halted once she realized Brooke stood just a few steps away from the house with a disappointed and hurt expression, meaning she had heard everything, "Brooke—"

"I don't know what hurts more, you and Lucas sneaking around behind my back or you lying about it to my face the entire time."

"Brooke, I wasn't trying to sneak behind your back," Jackie made it clear, "I was pushing him away for you!"

"And how did that work out?" Brooke asked bitterly, "You know, I was ready to try and be his friend if that's what he needed. But now, I don't really care if I see either one of you again."

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