Lesbian Love - 2º Livro

De CatarinaTeixeira21

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Uma obra que parte do sonho da autora, Kate Houston, uma jovem escritora, presenteia nos com uma história pas... Mai multe

Califórnia (L.A)
Fim de semana do Jr e o plano de Laura
O date do Jr e Brian (Pedido de namoro) e as ameças da Laura
A mundança da Catarina para o Neverland Ranch e os novos singles
Tributo a MJ na Europa
Return To America

Return To Portugal

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De CatarinaTeixeira21

Humberto Delgado Airport:

November 4, 2031:

(They arrived at Lisbon's airport, Michael said to Catarina)

Michael - Has your cousin Frank called you yet, friend?

Catarina - Not yet, but he already texted me.

Michael - Ok.

 Catarina - I will call him.

(Catarina called Frank)

(Frank answered)

Frank - Já chegaram?

Catarina - Já chegamos ao aeroporto Humberto Delgado.

Frank - Em 15 minutos, estamos aí.

Catarina - Ok.

(Catarina hung up)


(Meanwhile Jr was arriving in Madrid)

(Before entering, Jr texted Brian)

"I'm getting on the flight to Madrid, my love."

(Brian replied)

"Have a good trip, I love you."

(Jr replied)

"I love you too."

(Jr arrived in Madrid and Brian called his boyfriend)

(Brian called Jr)

(Jr answered)

Brian - Are you here yet?

Jr - I'm here.

Brian - I'll pick you up at the airport.

Jr - Okay.

Portugal: 9:00 pm

(Frank texted Catarina)

"Catarina, we are already out here, you can come"

(Catarina replied)

"We're coming!"

(Catarina, Whitney and Michael left the airport, and Michael said)

Michael - I've seen them, they're over there.

Catarina - I see them too.

(Before they arrived, Susan and Kassie, were outside the car, waiting for Catarina, Whitney and Michael)

(Susan noticed that they were leaving the airport)

Susan - I'll help them.

Kassie - I'm going to help too.

(Michael, Whitney and Catarina arrived at Cousin Frank's car)

(Catarina saw her mother Kassie and cousin Susan, coming to help)

Kassie - Michael, I'll help you.

 Michael - Thank you, friend.

Susan - Catarina, let me help.

Catarina - Thank you, cousin.

Ellen - Whitney, let me help.

Whitney - Thank you, Ellen.

(They get in the car)

Ellen - Where's Jr?

Catarina - He's in Madrid with his boyfriend Brian. He and LaVelle are going to rest, before they do their next concert.

Michael - The dates are not confirmed yet, in the other countries.

Whitney - That's why Jr will be in Spain, until the next dates are confirmed. Now it is Spain, but the dates are not published yet.

(Michael asked Catarina)

Michael - When do you want to go and record your last lyrics?

Catarina - We have plenty of time.

Michael - Friend, of course.

Catarina - We are going to live in Portugal. Tomorrow Whitney and I are going to a home furniture store, to put in your house and mine.

Michael - Ok, who are you going with?

Whitney - Frank's girlfriend, Ellen.

(They arrived at Frank and Ellen's house, Frank parked the car and they got out of the car)

Frank and Ellen's house:

Frank - Catarina, I'm going to give you your house key.

Whitney - Michael and I still can't speak Portuguese, can we speak English?

Frank and Ellen - Sure.

Catarina - We translate for you, our language, Portuguese. Don't worry.

Ellen - Catarina, posso falar contigo?

Catarina - Claro.

(Catarina and Ellen go to translate what Whitney and I have been talking about into Portuguese)

(Ellen and Catarina go to the kitchen to talk)

Catarina - Diz, Ellen.

Ellen - Estive a ver hoje a loja do gato preto, eles tinham coisas para as vossas casas, amanhã querem ir lá?

Catarina - Claro. Estava mesmo a pensar isso mesmo.

Ellen - Está combinado, eu, tu e a Whitney vamos a várias lojas.

Catarina - Vamos traduzir a Whitney o que estivemos a falar.

Ellen - Vamos.

(Catarina and Ellen go to translate what Whitney and I have been talking about into Portuguese)

Ellen - Whitney, could you come here for a minute?

Whitney - Sure.

(Whitney joined them in the kitchen)

Whitney - What?

Catarina - We've been talking in Portuguese and you wouldn't understand, now let's explain in English what we've been talking about. Ellen will explain everything to you.

Ellen - You, me and Catarina are going to some stores tomorrow to see some things for your homes. We're going to IKEA, Conforama, Leroy Merlin, among others.

Whitney - Okay.

(They return to the living room)

Catarina - O que estão a ver na televisão?

Frank - Um jornalista estava a falar do Michael, que ele vai regressar aos palcos.

Catarina - Primo, sabes que que isso é mentira?

Frank - Sei.

(Meanwhile Jr called Michael)

(Michael answered)

Michael - Did you arrive well in Madrid?

Jr - Yes, I'm already with Brian. He picked me up at the airport in Madrid.

Michael - Good. When is LaVelle coming to Madrid?

Jr - Godfather, Brian and I saw a journalist here on TV announcing that you were going back on stage, is that true? LaVelle is coming to Madrid tomorrow.

Michael - Okay. I'll probably meet LaVelle there tomorrow for rehearsals. No, that's a lie.

Jr - That puts my mind at ease. I'll let LaVelle know.

Michael - Thank you, godson. See you tomorrow!

Jr - See you tomorrow.

(Meanwhile Katherine called her son Michael)

Michael - Say, Mom. Is everything all right?

Katherine - No, Dad died today.

Michael - When is Dad's funeral?

Katherine - It's in a week's time. November 14th.

Michael - Thanks, Mom, for saying.

Katherine - I love you, my son.

Michael - I love you too, Mom.

 (Michael disconnects the call with his mother)

(Catarina asked Michael what had happened)

Catarina - What happened, my friend?

Michael - My father died today. I am going to his funeral, it is on the 14th of November.

Catarina - I am going with you. When you come back from Madrid we can continue recording my lyrics. What do you say?

Michael - Sure.

(Frank and Ellen brought some blankets and some sheets for them to cover themselves with)

Frank and Ellen - Boa noite, Catarina, Good Night, Whitney and Michael.

Catarina - Boa noite, Frank e Ellen, obrigada por deixarem nos dormir aqui.

Frank - De nada, podem ficar o tempo que quiserem.

Catarina - Obrigada!

Michael and Whitney - What are you saying?

Catarina - Don't worry, because I will translate for you. My cousin and Ellen were wishing you a good night and also saying that we could stay here as long as we need.

(Catarina made a bed with the sheets, and Whitney did the same and Michael asked for help)

Michael - Friend, can you help me make a bed with the sheets and blankets?

Catarina - Sure, buddy, I'll help you.

Michael - Thanks friend.

(Catarina helped Michael and they went to sleep)

Morning: Frank and Ellen's house:

(Michael stayed a little longer to sleep)

(The girls were already up and Frank was also up)

Catarina - Bom dia! Como estão? (Falar baixo)

Whitney - Bom dia, amiga. Estou bem, e tu? (Falar baixo)

Catarina - Bom dia, amiga. Estou muito bem. (Falar baixo)

Ellen - Catarina, a Whitney apanhou o jeito de falar português. (Falar baixo)

Catarina - Sim, a Whitney conseguiu aprender mais rápido, do que o Michael a falar português. (Falar baixo)

Ellen - Vamos as compras. (Falar baixo)

Catarina - Vou deixar um bilhete ao Michael. (Falar baixo)

Ellen - Está bem. Eu e a Whitney esperamos lá fora. (Falar baixo)

(Catarina leaves Michael a note)

"Michael, me, Ellen and Whitney are going shopping, when you go to Madrid, talk to LaVelle give him a kiss from us, see you later! Have a good trip to Madrid, when you arrive text or call. Kiss from your friend/fan Catarina"

(Catarina left her cousin's house and went to meet Ellen and Whitney at the car)

In the car:

Ellen - Where do we go first?

Catarina - To IKEA. What do you think Whitney?

Whitney - I think so. Let's go.

(Meanwhile, Frank had already left the house, who stayed at home was Michael, he went to take a shower, got dressed and went to prepare his breakfast, and saw a note from Catherine)

Michael - I'm going to prepare my breakfast.

(Michael, while preparing his breakfast, opened the note left by Catarina)

"Michael, me, Ellen and Whitney are going shopping, when you go to Madrid, talk to LaVelle give him a kiss from us, see you later! Have a good trip to Madrid, when you arrive text or call. Kiss from your friend/fan Catarina"

(Michael drank his juice and ate his granola with milk and called a cab and went to meet LaVelle and Jr in Madrid)

(MIchael had his breakfast, he had already called the cab, he went out and the cab was already waiting for him)

Mr. Paulo - Are you Mr. Jackson?

Michael - Yes, I am. Shall I come in?

Mr. Paulo - Sure.

Michael - Thank you.

(Michael got into the cab)

Mr. Paulo - May I ask you a question, Mr. Jackson?

Michael - Sure, go ahead.

Mr. Paulo - Are you from the music world?

Michael - Yes, I've done a lot for music, but I'm retired now.

Mr. Paulo - I've been listening to Kate Teixeira, do you know her?

Michael - Yes, I know her. She is a good singer. I like her music.

Mr. Paulo - Where are you going?

Michael - To the Humberto Delgado airport.

Mr. Paulo - Thank you, for the information, Mr. Jackson, we're on our way to the airport.

Michael - What's the song you like from Kate Teixeira?

Mr. Paulo - Her single, "Fan Of MJ", and also "Start Change". And you Mr. Jackson?

Michael - Her single "Fan Of MJ", "Change" and "Start Change".

Mr. Paulo - The singer Kate Teixeira is your fan?

Michael - Yes, she is.

Mr. Paulo - Do you know what are her inspirations?

Michael - They are several singers, for example Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Scorpions... Old bands (80's)

Mr. Paulo - Mr. Jackson, are you Michael Jackson?

Michael - No, why do you ask?

Mr. Paulo - Because I'm his fan.

Michael - I'm sorry, Mr. Paulo.

Mr. Paulo - I had already suspected, but I just wanted to know why you are here in Portugal?

Michael - I'm going to live here in Portugal.

Mr. Paulo - Where to?

Michael - In Sintra, it's more reserved.

Mr. Paulo - I see. We arrived Mr. Jackson, at Humberto Delgado airport.

Michael - Thank you, Mr. Paulo.

Mr. Paulo - May I have an autograph, Mr. Jackson?

Michael - Sure. Here you go.

 Sr. Paulo - Obrigado, Sr. Jackson.

(Michael got out of the cab and le already had the flight to Madrid, went inside the airport, and the person who was calling for flight 489) - 8:00 AM

Vanda - Final call to Madrid.

Michael - I'd better go.

(Michael got on the plane, texted Jr)

"Jr, I got the flight in, see you in a bit"

(Jr replied)

"Ok, we'll pick you up at the airport. Cheers Jr"

(The plane took off)

Humberto Delgado Airport - Madrid, Spain (1h10 minutes)

(After 1h10 minutes, the plane landed)

(Jr called MJ)

(Michael answered)

Jr - Are you there yet?

Michael - I am here.

Jr - I'll pick you up with LaVelle, we'll go to rehearsals. Will you come with us?

Michael - Sure. I have to get to Portugal, before I stay overnight.

Jr - Sure.

Michael - See you soon.

Jr – See you soon.

(Michael waited for Jr and LaVelle outside the airport)

(LaVelle called his friend Michael)

(Michael answered)

Madrid, Spain: 10:00 AM

LaVelle - We're here now, I see you.

Michael - I see you too.

(Michael hung up and went to meet his friend and godson in the car)

Michael - Hello everyone, Jr and LaVelle.

Jr - Hi godfather!

LaVelle - Hello friend.

Michael - Let's go to rehearsals, I want to see.

LaVelle - Let's go.

(They arrived at rehearsals, and Michael sat in his chair, in the auditorium, Jr and LaVelle, went on stage)

LaVelle - Today we have a very special guest. He is a special friend to me.

Jr - My friend, LaVelle, let's start rehearsals.

LaVelle - Let's go.

(Rehearsals ended)

Lisbon, Portugal: 10:30 AM

(They parked the car, and got out, went to IKEA)

Ellen - Catarina, what do you need, from here?

Catarina - Single bed, Entryway furniture, and LEDs.

Ellen - Whitney, what do you need from IKEA?

Whitney - Double bed, Entryway, that's it.

Ellen - Let's call the employer.

(They called the employer)

John - My name is John, what do you need?

Catarina - A single bed, a double bed, Entryway furniture and a set of LEDs.

John - Please come with me.

(Catarina, Whitney and Ellen accompany the employee)

(They finished their shopping, thanking Jonh)

Catarina - Thank you, John.

Ellen - Thank you, John.

Whitney -Thank you, John.

Madrid, Spain:

(A few hours have passed) - 1:00 PM

In the auditorium:

(Michael saw the time and booked a flight for 1:30)

Michael - Jr, can you take me to the airport?

Jr - Sure, have you booked the flight?

Michael - Yes.

Jr - Let me say goodbye to LaVelle, you can go ahead and go outside.

Michael - Don't be long, give LaVelle a hug for me.

Jr - Don't worry, I won't be long.

(Michael went outside and waited for Jr)

In the auditorium:

Jr - LaVelle, I have to take my best man to the airport, he sent a hug.

LaVelle - Go on . Give him my regards, a kiss for Whitney, and Catarina.

Jr - They will be delivered. Hug LaVelle. Talk to you later.

LaVelle - See you later!

(Frank came home)

(Jr went to Michael and they went to the car)

(Jr went to take godfather Michael to the airport) - 1:10 PM

Jr - We are here, godfather.

Michael - Thank you, godson.

Jr - Have a good trip, give my mom and godmother a kiss.

Michael - Thank you, I will do the kissing. Give Brian a hug.

(Michael got out of the car and went to the airport in Madrid)

Madrid, Spain - Humberto Delgado Airport (1h10)

(Michael sent a message to his friend Catarina)

"My friend, I've already been with LaVelle and Jr, I'm going to Lisbon now. Ask Frank if he can pick me up at the airport or you guys can come here and pick me up. See you soon!"

(Catarina replied to Michael)

"My friend, I talked to Frank, but he got home, but me, Whitney and Ellen, we'll pick you up."

(Michael replied Catarina)

"See you then"

(Ellen, Whitney and Catarina went to pick up Michael from the airport)

(The plane landed)

(Michael got off the plane, left the gate and went to the exit, Catarina called her friend)

Catarina - Are you there yet?

Michael - Yes, and you?

Catarina - We are coming.

Michael - I'll wait.

Catarina - See you soon, my friend.

Michael - See you soon, my friend.

(Catarina disconnects the call)

(Catarina, Whitney and Ellen arrived at the airport)

(Catarina texted her friend Michael)

"Michael, we are already here outside the airport in the parking lot"

(Michael answered Catarina's message)

"I'll be right there. See you in a bit."

(Catarina got out of the car waiting for her friend Michael, Catarina saw Michael leaving the airport and coming to the parking lot)

Catarina - Mike, here.

(Michael saw his friend, and went straight to the car, they got in the car, sat down)

In the car:

Catarina - How did the visit go with LaVelle and my son Jr?

Michael - It went well, I went with them to the tour rehearsals in Madrid. It was wonderful. All the young people LaVelle chose are very good. Jr told me that some of the youngsters are still my fans from a young age. It's too bad that we can't go see them more. But I can still sing.

Catarina - I am glad you liked it.

Michael - I have a message from LaVelle, he sends his love to you my friend and my dear beloved Whitney.

Whitney - Thank you my love. I appreciate the kiss from LaVelle.

Catarina - I also appreciate LaVelle's kiss.

Ellen – Vamos embora?

Catarina - Claro.

(They left the airport, and continued the conversation during the trip)

Michael - So, did you have fun shopping?

Whitney - We had to choose our furniture, for our houses. But yes, we had a lot of fun, didn't we girls?

Catarina - We even had a laugh!

Ellen - It was very funny!

Michael - So you had fun without me, did you?

Catarina - My friend, you are fun, but you don't have the same form that girls have. (Laughing)

(Even the house was a gag in the car)

Ellen - Girls, tomorrow is Friday, tomorrow we're going to Leroy Merlin.

Catarina - Ok.

Whitney - What is she saying?

Catarina - Calm down, Whitney, I'll explain. Ellen is saying that tomorrow, since it's Friday, we girls are going to Leroy Merlin to do more shopping for our houses, that's all.

(Ellen parked the car and everyone got out of the car)

(Frank was already sitting on the couch and watching TV when they arrived)

Catarina – Olá Frank, Como estás?

Frank -Olá Catarina, estou bem, Acabei de chegar do trabalho há pouco tempo.

Catarina - Como foi o trabalho?

Frank - Era muito cansativo.

 Catarina - Posso dar-vos uma ideia?

Frank - Claro.

Ellen – Claro.

(Michael and Whitney ask them what they are talking about)

Michael - Say, what's your idea!

Whitney - It must be a good one.

Catarina - I was saying it would make a good idea, assim, podíamos sair para jantar, convidar a Susan, a minha mãe e a tia Anne, e depois do jantar podíamos ir dar um pequeno passeio, para pensar em novas ideias. O que acham?

Frank - Como é que não pensei nisso, boa ideia, minha prima.

Ellen - É boa ideia.

(Michael and Whitney ask them what they are talking about)

Michael - What were you guys talking about?

Catarina - My cousin Frank and his girlfriend Ellen were saying it was a good idea.

Frank - Who calls whom?

Catarina - I'll call Auntie Anne.

Frank - Okay.

Frank - I'll call Kassie.

(Frank calls Kassie)

(Kassie answered)

Kassie - Hi cousin Frank, how are you?

Frank - I'm fine. Can I ask you a question?

Kassie - Sure.

Frank - We're thinking of going out to dinner, do you want to come with us?

Kassie - Yes, that's fine.

Frank - One more thing, after dinner we're going for a walk. Is that OK with you?

Kassie - Yes.

Frank - Are you with my mother?

Kassie - Yes.

Frank - She's invited too, tell her.

Kassie - I'll tell her.

Frank - I'll send you the restaurant in a minute.

Kassie - Okay.

Frank - See you soon!

(Frank disconnects the call)

(Catarina had left and went to meet Aunt Anne)

(Catarina knocks on the door of Aunt Anne's house)

Anne - Hi Catarina, how are you?

Catarina - I am fine, Auntie. May I come in?

Anne - Of course.

Catarina - Auntie, we are thinking about going to dinner, and we thought of you, do you want to come to dinner with us?

Anne - Of course.

Catarina - We'll catch up with her in a minute.

Anne - Okay, see you soon!

Catarina - See you soon!

(Catarina leaves Auntie Anne's house, and goes back to her cousin's house)

(Elen, Frank, Michael and Whitney were waiting for Catarina)

At home:

Catarina - I'm already here. Auntie Anne is waiting for us, when we leave I will go and call her.

Frank - Ok.

(They left the house, Catarina went to call Aunt Anne at home)

(Frank sent the place to cousin Kassie)

"The restaurant is in praceta Diogo Silves in Sintra, the restaurant is called Pikatta, we booked on behalf of Frank Pedroso"

(They went to dinner, an hour passed, they went to Vila de Sintra)

(The phone rings, but the phone is Catarina's phone)

(She answers)

On the phone:

Jamie - Hello Sassenach.

Catarina - Hi Jamie, how are you my darling?

Jamie - Are you in Portugal?

Catarina - Yes, for about 2 months now.

Jamie - I also bought here in Portugal. I will send you the address later.

Catarina - Ok, my darling. I love you Soldier!

Jamie - I love you too, very much.

Catarina - I will call you tomorrow, I promise. Bye Soldier!

Jamie - See you tomorrow my princess, Sassenach.

Catarina - See you tomorrow, my soldier!


(1 year has passed)

(MIchael and Whitney now speak Portuguese correctly)

(Catarina is already at her house and Michael and Whitney are at their house)

January 1, 2032:

Storyteller: - 8:00 am

(The phone rings, it's Catarina's)

Catarina - What the hell? Who is calling me?

(She sees the phone)

Catarina - It's my friend Michael.

(She answers)

Catarina - Hello Mike! How are you?

Michael - Hi Catarina, I'm fine. Look I am going to my other studio, do you want to come?

 Catarina - Yes, do you want me to come to you, our place, or are you coming to me, my place?

Michael - I'll come to you.

Catarina - Ok, see you then!

Michael - See you later!

(Michael disconnects the call)

(Meanwhile, Catarina and Jamie, are going to make it official, tomorrow)

(Before Michael calls)

(Jamie calls his Sassenach)

Jamie - Good morning, Sassenach.

Catarina - Good morning, Soldier!

Jamie - Are you ready for tonight?

Catarina - No one knows, yes my soldier I am ready. Michael is calling me. Bye Soldier!

Jamie - See you later my Sassenach. Are you ready for tonight?

Catarina - No one knows, yes my soldier I am ready. Michael is calling me. Goodbye Soldier!

Jamie - See you later my Sassenach.

(Catarina disconnects the call with Jamie and answers Michael's call)

(Michael calls Catarina)

Michael - I'm already here. You can come down now.

Catarina - I'll be right down!


(Catherine came down the stairs from her house and went to Michael's car)

(Catarina got into the car, they went to their studio)

In the studio:

(Michael said)

Michael - You can come into the booth, so I can record your voices and help you with the production of the album.

Catarina - I'll be right in!

(Catarina entered the recording booth)

Michael - Are you going to record They Still Don't Care About Us?

Catarina - Yes, I am.

Recording On:

Original Lyrics - "They Still Don't Care About Us"

Meu amigo,

Meu ídolo, Michael,

Eu vou dizer,

Do fundo do meu coração,

They Still Don't Care About Us,

É verdade que,

Me dás uma grande inspiração,

Em comum temos uma grande amizade,

Que vem do coração,

Meu amigo, Michael,

Para mim, és o amigo que,

Faz parte do meu coração,

O governo não quer saber,

They Still Don't Care About Us,

They Still Don't Care About Us,

Mas se Martin Luther King,

Estivesse vivo,

Ele não deixaria que isto ser assim,

They Still Don't Care About Us,

They Still Don't Care About Us,


Meu amigo,

Meu ídolo,

Eu sou uma pessoa muito feliz,

Não vou desistir, como tu disseste,

Isto têm que começar por nós, se for o caso,

O nosso futuro pode cair em mãos erradas,

They Still Don't Care About Us,

They Still Don't Care About Us,


Meu amigo,

Meu ídolo,

Em comum temos uma grande amizade,

Que vem do coração,

És a minha maior inspiração,

Mesmo nada pode nos separar,

You know I really do hate to say it,

But the government don't wanna see,

You can never get me,

All I wanna say is that They Still Don't Care About Us,

All I wanna say is that They Still Don't Care About Us,

Some things in life they don't wanna see,

Kike me, Kike me,

Não me interpretem mal ou bem,

Tudo o que eu quero dizer é They Still Don't Care About Us,

Tudo o que eu quero dizer é They Still Don't Care About Us,

Tudo o que eu quero dizer é They Still Don't Care About Us,

All I wanna say that is They Still Don't Care About Us,

All I wanna say that is They Still Don't Care About Us.


They Still Don't Care About Us.

Recording On:

Original Lyrics"We Know It's Always True, I Love You"

Quando o tempo passa lá fora,

Vocês fazem parte da minha história,

Vocês são os meus primos,

Para mim, são os irmãos que não tive,

Nossa história,

Está a começar,

Fazem parte do meu coração,

Nunca mais vou esquecer o que vocês fazem,

Por mim.

We Know It's Always True, I Love You,

Eu vejo no horizonte que,

Mesmo nada pode nos separar,

A nossa ligação é mais forte do que qualquer coisa,

Podemos ter uma vida separada,

Mas lá no fundo, 

Nós temos a ligação entre primos,

Que é bastante importante,

Para mim,

Em comum temos uma boa relação,

Que outros não têm,

We Know It's Always True, I Love You,

I Love You So Much.

A nossa história está,

Só a começar,

Vocês fazem parte do meu coração,

Está a começar,

A nossa amizade é melhor forma de,

Ser feliz!

Refrão: (1x)

Quando o tempo passa lá fora,

Vocês fazem parte da minha história,

Vocês são os meus primos,

Para mim, são os irmãos que não tive,

Nossa história,

Está a começar,

Fazem parte do meu coração,

Nunca mais vou esquecer o que vocês fazem,

Por mim.

Vocês são o meu porto seguro,

Nunca mais esquecer o que fazem,

Por mim,

Vocês são os meus primos,

Para mim, são os irmãos que não tive,

Eu olho o horizonte,

E parece que,

Falam comigo,

Vocês fazem parte da minha história,

Fazem parte do meu coração.

Refrão: (2x)

My life couldn't be without you,

You are my safe harbor,

Never forget what you do,

For me,

You are my cousins

For me, You're the brothers I didn't have,

I look at the horizon,

And it seems,

You speak to me,

You are part of my story

You are part of my heart.

We Know It's Always True, I Love You,

I see on the horizon that,

Even nothing can separate us,

Our bond is stronger than anything,

We may have a life apart,

But deep down inside,

We have the bond between cousins,

Which is quite important,

To me,

We have a good relationship in common,

That others don't have,

We Know It's Always True, I Love You,

I Love You So Much.

A nossa história está,

Só a começar,

Vocês fazem parte do meu coração,

Está a começar,

A nossa amizade é melhor forma de,

Ser feliz!

We Know It's Always True, I Love You!

Recording On:

Original Lyrics – " Written On The Stars"

Tenho anjos a olhar,

Por mim,

Tenho um dom,

Que é de escrever letras,

Com a minha criatividade,

Atráves das linhas,

It is written in the stars,

Tenho estrelas a olhar,

Por mim,

Sei que essas estrelas ou esses anjos,

Estão a me proteger,

Estão a guiar-me,

Para o caminho certo,

Dois anjos,

Estão sempre comigo,

São os meus anjos da guarda,

It is written on the stars,


Sem esses anjos,

Eu não consigo continuar a escrever,

Estas letras,

Estes anjos estão sempre,

A inspirar-me muito,

Written On The Stars.

Há um anjo que,

Está a sempre a inspirar,

Tenho confiança,

Para acordar,

Ter inspiração,

Usando a minha criatividade,

Sei que essas estrelas ou esses anjos,

Estão a me proteger,

Estão a guiar-me,

Para o caminho certo,

Dois anjos,

Estão sempre comigo,

São os meus anjos da guarda.

Tenho anjos a olhar,

Por mim,

Tenho um dom,

Que é de escrever letras,

 Com a minha criatividade,

Atráves das linhas,

It is written in the stars,


Written On The Stars,

Estão a sempre a guiar,

Aonde eu for,


Written On The Stars.

(Catarina started recording the lyrics "We Know It's Always True, I Love You")

Recording On:

Original Lyrics – "Always Think Of You"

Estás sempre na minha mente,

Inspired by you,

Always Think Of You,

Just wanted to know,

More about you,

My friend,

My idol,

Nobody undertands you,

I undertand my friend.

I love your smile,

I love your song "Best Of Joy"

Always Think Of You,

My friend,

My idol,

I Love You So Much,

Eu sou teu amigo,

Em bons e maus momentos,

Nós precisamos um do outro,

Nunca vamos nos separar,

 Nosso amor vem do coração,

Quando parecia tão dificil viver,

E nada te animava,

Quando todas as paredes vieram abaixo,

Quando as coisas te machucavam?,

Eu fui o único que estava por perto,

Always Think Of You, always.


Tu és e serás a minha salvação,

My idol,

My friend,

Tu és e serás a minha salvação.

Eu espero um dia,

Sentar-me ao teu lado,

E te dizer as coisas que estavas correto,

I always think of you,

My idol,

My friend,

Tu és a minha salvação,

Always Think You,

Obrigada, por me ensinares muito,

Always Think Of You.

Storyteller: - 10:00 am
(Catarina finished recording her songs and Catarina left the booth, Michaelsaid)
Michael - I really liked it, your songs. I didn't know you liked my song"Best Of Joy".
Catarina - I started listening to it recently.
Michael - Okay.
Catarina - Now your songs are on youtube.
Michael - That's right.
Catarina - I've arranged with Jamie to go to his house, will you take methere now my friend?
Michael - Sure.
Catarina - I'll give you the address.
Michael - Ok.
Catarina - Shall we go?
Michael - Yes, go to the car, I will close the studio.
Catarina - Okay.
Storyteller: - 11:00 am
(Michael closed the studio and went to the car, they got in the car)
(Jamie lived near the studio)
In the car:
Catarina - Take the next right here.
Michael - Ok.
(Michael took the next right)

Catarina - Take the next left, it is now here on the left.
Michael - Okay.
(Michael took the next left, it is here)
Catarina - Thank you my friend. See you later.
Michael - Ok, see you later!
(Catarina got out of her friend's car, and called everyone)
(Frank's phone rings)
Catarina - Hi cousin, how are you?
Frank - Hi Catarina, I am fine. How are you?
Catarina - I'm fine too. I wanted to ask you to come to my house, at 8:00 PM. I have an important announcement to make.
Frank - We will be there.
Catarina - Are you with my mother, my cousin Susan and Aunt Anne?
Frank - Yes.
Catarina - They are invited too.
Frank - Okay, see you later.
(Catarina disconnects the call, calls Michael)
Michael - Hi Catarina. Do you need anything?
Catarina - Yes, I would like to ask you to come to my place at 8:00 PM. I have an important announcement to make.
Michael - Ok, Whitney and I will be there.
Catarina - Thank you my friends. See you later.
(Catarina hung up, went to Jamie's house, and slammed the door)
Jamie - Hello my Sassenach.
Catarina - Hello my Soldier! May I come in?
Jamie - Sure. Have you worked on your songs, with Michael?
Catarina - I've already recorded my songs, I just got out of there.
Jamie - Michael didn't suspect?
Catarina - No. I called everyone to be at my house at 8pm.
Jamie - We still have time. I haven't told you yet, I have missed you so much my Sassenach.
Storyteller: 1:00 pm
(They made love, then started talking)
Jamie - Did you like it?
Catarina - Yes, my Soldier. Our love is different. It is more genuous.
Jamie - I'm glad, that you said that. Can I ask you something?
Catarina - Of course, my Soldier.
Jamie - What was your love like with Laura?
Catarina - Not like ours. It was very different. Once I started loving you it was never the same with Laura.

Jamie - I need to tell you something, you have to listen with your heart.

Catarina - Okay.

Jamie - I married Laoghaire for this 1 year, I didn't think.

Catarina - Laoghaire? She tried to kill me.

Jamie - Well, you're the one who told me to be nice to the girl!

Catarina - I told you to thank her not to marry her.

Jamie - You're not going anywhere.

Catarina - You can't stop me. You lied to me. You told me you wouldn't fall in love with anyone else.

Jamie - I didn't fall in love.

Catarina - Why didn't you tell me about this?

Jamie - Why? Because I'm a coward. That's why! I couldn't tell you for fear of losing you, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing you again. I wanted you so much that nothing else mattered. I would sacrifice my honor, my family, my very life to see you get back into bed with you, even though you left me.

Catarina - Did I leave you? Abandoned you? You forced me to come back! I would have gladly died in Culloden with you. And now you want to blame me for that?

Jamie - I didn't blame you for that. I can't regret that.

Catherine - But you blame me for coming back.

Jamie - No. Yes. No. (sighs), God, no, I... Do you know what it's like to live 1 year with a heart? To live half a man and get used to existing in the piece that's left?

Catarina - Do I know? Do you know how that feels? Yes, you bastard, I know! What do you think, that I went back to Laura and lived happily ever after?

Jamie - Sometimes, I hoped you did. And sometimes, I could see her with you, day and night, lying with you, taking your body. And God, I could kill you for that!

Catarina - Well, I don't have to imagine Laoghaire!

Jamie - Laoghaire? Christ! I care about Laoghaire, and I never have!

Catarina - Oh, so you'd marry a woman you don't even want, and then get rid of her as soon as you're done?

Jamie - No, I'm doomed one way or another. I felt something for her, I'm an unfaithful lecher, and if I didn't, I'm a heartless beast!

Catarina - Well, you should have told me.

Jamie - And if I had, you would have turned on your heel and left without a word. But having seen you again, I would do far worse than lie to keep you! Catarina! Catarina, no! Catarina, I - I love you and only you.

Storyteller: 3:00 pm

(They kissed and everything was fine, they went to Catarina's house)

(They tidied up the house and went to watch their series "Outlander")

(They were in season 3, episode 11)

Storyteller: 3:00 pm

(They kissed and everything was fine, they went to Catarina's house)

(They packed up the house and went to watch their series "Outlander" on Netflix)

(They were in season 3, episode 11)

(A few more hours passed) - 7:30 pm

Catarina - Turn off the TV, my soldier.

Jamie - Okay, my Sassenach.

(He turned off the TV, they waited for Catarina's family and friends)

(A few hours passed) - 8:00 pm

(They heard the doorbell)

Catarina - Hello everybody.

Frank - Hello, how are you?

Catarina - I am fine. Come in!

Mary - Hi Catarina.

Catarina - Hi Mary.

Louis - Hi Catarina.

Anne - Hi Catarina.

Catarina - Hi auntie.

Susan - Hi Catarina.

Catarina - Hi.

Kassie - Hi daughter.

Catarina - Hi mom. Go to the living room.

(In the meantime the doorbell rings)

Catarina - I'm coming.

(Catarina opens the door, it was Michael and Whitney)

Catarina - Go in, walk to the living room.

Michael - Hello my friend.

Catarina - Hi Mike. Welcome to my home.

Whitney - Hello my dear friend.

Catarina - Welcome to my home.

(Catarina went to her room and picked up Jamie)

Catarina - Shall we go to the living room?

Jamie - Let's go. Do I look nice?

Catarina - You look beautiful my soldier.

(They went into the living room)

(Catarina had an announcement to make)

Catarina - Hello friends and family, I have a special person in my life who is here by my side, his name is Jamie.

Jamie - Hello everyone!

(Catarina announces to family and friends)

Catarina - Jamie is my boyfriend.

All - We are happy for you Catarina.

Catarina - Thank you!

(They left Catarina's house)


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