Not Enough

By leatherbrat

1.4M 18K 3.2K

I moan every time he hits the back of my insides, in both pleasure and a little pain. He does so too, letting... More

Character Visuals + traits (not part of the story)


2.9K 58 11
By leatherbrat


As soon as I first spotted Nya, it was clear to me that this is why Sam practically begged me to come with him to this party tonight. I didn't question his oddly pushy behavior at the time, but now, I've managed to connect the dots. He was planning for this to happen, and I guarantee Jacob is in on it too.

I feel annoyance quickly make its way into my body, which is split between my best friend and his boyfriend for trying to set me and her up like this, for trying to get involved in something that really isn't their business, as well as at her as I'm only reminded about what she did.

I mean, I guess Sam and Jacob are just trying to help, but the alcohol flowing through my veins forces me to gloss over that factor, and instead of feeling gratitude I just feel pissed off.

And now all I'm doing is staring at her as she storms off toward the bar, annoyed with me after the stupid little argument I started. I made it a bit obvious that I was pissed about more than just the events of the other night, and it was clear to me that she started to catch onto that towards the end, which I guess is what encouraged her to walk away. I admit, I might've taken it a bit far and I might've acted a bit like a child, but the alcohol in my body just doesn't let me care about it.

When I first spotted her a few minutes ago when her and Jacob got here, I couldn't help but admit to myself how much I missed seeing her face, even if it was just for a few days, and even though it may not seem like it on the outside, inside I've been practically drooling at the sight of her beauty. She did her makeup, a nice look that definitely suits her, and her entire outfit consists of her stole, her bag, her heels, and her dress.

That fucking dress. I need to know where she got that fucking that dress. It almost makes me want to forgive her right here and now and drop to my knees to worship her. I swear the universe must be teasing me by making her come in this outfit that makes me want to break all restraints I have and do unspeakable things to her right out in the open to show everyone here that she's mine and only mine.

My eyes glaze their way down her body as she walks away, and even though I still feel angry with her, I can't help but let myself admire her looks. Luckily I can still see her as she finally approaches the bar and starts talking to the bartender, though I can't see what they're talking about as she faces away from me.

"Damn." I hear my best friend mumble, before I hear him rustling through his pockets.

I glance over to see him taking out a pack of cigarettes from him pocket, before taking one out and putting it in his mouth. But just as he takes out his lighter and starts trying to light the cigarette, Jacob looks over to see what he's doing and gets visibly annoyed.

"Would you stop with that shit?" Jacob snatches the cigarette out from Sam's lips, catching him off guard, before he tosses it onto the ground.

Sam doesn't say anything, though embarrassment is soon covering his features.

I've tried to get Sam to quit before, but he never listens to me, and after a while I just stopped trying. I guess Jacob is giving it a go now. Hopefully my best friend will listen to his boyfriend so that he doesn't die of lung cancer or some shit.

"Evan, what the fuck was that?"

Jacob moves on from Sam to me, and once his eyes are on me his expression changes from annoyed to frustrated, though I guess they're sort of the same thing, and it's clear that he was not expecting that this is what would've happened.

I sigh, bringing up a hand to pinch the bridge of my nose.

"I know you guys were just trying to help, but her and I . . ." I struggle to find the right words for a moment, "we're just not getting along right now."

"I know you're pissed at her Evan, but don't you want things to get better between you two? The only way that'll happen is if you just give her a chance."

Even though Jacob has a point, I don't say anything, my mind too fucked up to really think anything through at the moment, and wanting to just avoid eye contact with either of them right now I look back over at Saniya by the bar to see that she's now holding a glass of red wine. All I can do is watch her as she takes sips from the glass, but just as I'm about to look away I see a man approach her.

He seems to be around our age, has pale-ish tan skin, a military style buzz cut, and is only an inch or two taller than she is in those heels. He's dressed in an oversized graphic t-shirt with a pair of baggy cargo pants, giving him a sort of grunge-y look. I can just barely see his face as he turns his entire body to face her, leaning his elbow on the bartop, and it's clear from here that the bags under his eyes along with the discoloration in his features means that he's either high or drunk, maybe both.

My hands subconsciously turn into fists as I watch him begin to say something to her, a smile plastered across his face. At first Nya ignores him, which encourages him to get closer to her so that their bodies are mere inches apart. That's what causes her to finally acknowledge him, turning her head to face him and give him a small smile back that, even from where I'm sitting, I can tell is fake.

I feel my breathing pick up its pace as my anger grows, but all I can do is sit and watch as the man continues to talk to her, the conversation obviously one sided, and even though she doesn't say anything and barely even acknowledges him he still doesn't seem to get the hint. She takes sips from her glass, and everytime I notice how his eyes glaze down her entire body, and just as I finally grow sick of his ogling she gives him one last fake smile before walking away and back towards us with her wine in hand, I assume growing sick of him as well.

Even though I would figure that this guy would finally take the hint, he doesn't, instead continuing to stare at her—more like her ass—with a disgusting smirk, and when Nya finally gets back to where we're sitting I get an impulsive idea that, even though it's stupid, would show him that she isn't available to anyone else but me.

Well, I guess that's more of something for her to decide, but right now I just don't give a fuck.

She's about to walk past me to sit back in her spot on the couch when I catch her off guard by standing up in her way. She nearly bumps into me, and the confusion is clear on her face as she looks up at me where I practically tower over her. I notice that our close proximity allows me to inhale her sweet scent of coconut and vanilla, and I can even smell a hint of the wine she's been drinking.

"You wanted to apologize, right?" I ask in a low tone.

Her lips part, as if she's hesitating to answer, before she eventually does.

"Yeah . . . ?"

With her answer I don't waste any time before abruptly leaning forward and connecting my lips to hers, and I can't help the flutter in my heart as I hear her adorably surprised gasp, as well as feel her soft, plump lips against mine for the first time in four weeks. Her shock causes her to keep her entire body still, which allows me to take the lead and bring my arms forward so that they're now wrapped around her waist. I let my hands travel along the length of her back, my fingertips gliding along her soft skin that I had gone so long without touching.

I feel her lipgloss get all over my mouth and my lips, but I completely ignore it, instead focusing on how it feels as she now—hesitantly—moves her lips against mine as well, almost instinctively. Her tongue runs over mine, over my piercing, and I can tell by how her breathing grows harsher that she missed this as well.

I open my eyes and take a quick peek over to where the man was standing to see him now there with a look of surprise and annoyance on his face, and when he notices me looking at him while I'm kissing the woman he was clearly flirting with I read his lips as he mutters, "prick," before walking off in another direction.

And even though that was my desired effect, I don't want to take my hands off of her, I don't want to take my lips off of her. It's been so long since I've felt this, since I've felt her, and now that I am I just can't seem to make myself stop.

It seems however that she doesn't feel the same way, as next thing I know I feel her trying to move her lips away. She even manages to get out a small, "Evan," the tone of her voice clearly indicating her confusion as to what the hell I'm doing.

Not wanting the moment to end, however, I keep her lips against mine by bringing one of my hands up and intertwining my fingers in the back of her hair while forcing my lips harder against hers and wrapping my other arm around her tighter, pushing her front flush against mine. Her hands stay in the air, as she's unsure where to put them, and I swear in this moment all of my anger and frustration is washed away as I revel in the feeling of having her close to me once again. I'm able to taste the sweet wine on her tongue, which only makes me crave her more, and I now notice how my entire body starts to grow warm, especially my face along with the area down between my legs.

The moment doesn't last for much longer though, as Nya now forcefully pulls herself out of my grasp by pushing against my shoulders, and once she's no longer in my arms I notice how my previous annoyance quickly comes rushing back.

Does she not want to kiss me? Does she want to go fuck that guy she was talking to by the bar? Does she not feel sorry for ghosting me? Did she not miss me? Does she even care about me?

God, this is why I really don't drink. The alcohol always makes my emotions and my thoughts so erratic, and I fucking hate overthinking everything.

When I'm brought back to reality I see how her eyes are glued to my face, undoubtedly analyzing my now bitter expression.


"Sam, give me the car keys." My annoyance gets the better of me as I interrupt her before she even gets a chance to speak, and when I look over at Sam and Jacob I see that they both have shocked expressions on their faces.

"No dude. You're drunk. I'm not letting you drive."

"Fuck you. I'll get an uber." I snap at my best friend unintentionally, but not wanting to be here for a moment longer I begin my way past Nya toward the house when I feel her wrap a hand around my wrist.

I turn to look at her with a glare, and I can see how she almost looks scared to speak, but she eventually does.

"Let me go home with you."

I'm honestly not sure if I should say yes or no, since I've been acting very unpredictable, even to myself, but the way she looks up at me with those pleading eyes of hers is enough to keep me from saying no.

When I don't give her any sort of response, instead pulling my arm out of her grasp and continuing my way back towards the mansion, she takes it as an invitation, quickly grabbing her stole and her bag before following behind me. I hear Sam and Jacob talking behind us, most likely about this whole situation, but I'm already too far from them and too close to the blasting music to be able to actually hear what they're saying.

I push through the crowd, and I assume she's close behind me before I eventually make my way out the front door, where I'm finally greeted by peaceful quietness except for the little bit of chatter and muted music I can hear. The coolness of the air, the view of LA, and the sound of the breeze and the crickets surprisingly calms me down a bit, and after a few moments of enjoying the serene space around me I hear heels clanking behind me, Nya soon coming into my peripheral view as she now stands beside me.

Thankfully she doesn't say anything, not because I don't want to hear her voice—if anything I would love to hear her soft, gentle words—but because I'm afraid that if she says anything I'll lash out again, and I don't want to do that to her. I don't want to treat her that way, and even though I already have been pretty much the entire night and even the other night when we ran into each other, it's just been because it almost feels like I can't control myself. I haven't been able to control my feelings or my thoughts, and I just hate it.

I take my phone out of my pocket and get us an uber, and luckily we aren't standing around for too long before they're here, however I know that since the drive is an hour long, it'll probably be difficult for either of us to stay silent.

This is gonna be a long night.


Ten minutes into the drive and already I begin to feel antsy about what I should do, if going to his place is really a good idea, what I should say, if I should say something right now even.

I know he hasn't appreciated me saying anything, and it's obvious by how he's been acting that he wants to avoid any type of conversation or confrontation. It doesn't help that he's belligerently drunk right now, which has only been encouraging his child-like behavior, but I guess I can't really say much about it. At least I didn't drink that much, only a few sips of that wine back at the party, and I would barely say that I'm buzzed. It's likely that it'll wear off by the time we get to his place.

I let my eyes travel in his direction to see that he's actually fallen asleep with his head leaning against the headrest and his hands in his lap, the adorable and peaceful sleepy look on his face along with his parted lips making my heart flutter, his beauty undeniable. I can't help it when my hand makes its way over to his face, and I use my fingers to brush his hair off of his forehead, before letting my fingertips linger on the skin on his face, from his forehead, down to his cheek, before ending at his chin.

This is the most at-peace I've seen him since we made love, since he confessed his feelings to me.

Since I realized my feelings for him one month ago.

I hate that I've made him this way, that I've made him so angry, so hateful. I would do anything to take back what I did.


When we finally arrive at Evan's apartment complex the uber driver parks the car, before looking at me, I guess in expectancy, for me to get this drunk sleeping man out of their car.

I hesitate, honestly feeling a bit afraid to touch him since he's been acting so unpredictable, but eventually reach my hand over to hold his shoulder, trying to shake him awake.

"Evan." I say his name gently, and since I know he's a light sleeper it's no surprise when he wakes up soon after that.

Luckily he doesn't say anything about me touching him, instead simply getting out of the car, and I'm quick to do the same. He leads us into the simple lobby of the complex, which smells of cedar and pine and has a reception desk along with a few couches and chairs forming a waiting area.

There's no one at the desk, but it seems there doesn't need to be as Evan heads directly toward the elevator. I follow him inside, analyzing the buttons that lead to the several floors, and even a basement, in the building.

He presses the floor eight button, and when we finally get there I see that we're greeted by a hallway with several doors. We walk down the hall before he eventually stops, reaching down into his pocket and taking out a set of keys before pushing it into the lock. When he unlocks the door he turns the handle and opens it, revealing his apartment that is honestly a very nice space.

It's slightly large yet cozy, the furniture and appliances match well and the place has a nice smell that's a mix of a new car and cologne, not surprising since this apartment is occupied by two guys. I am a bit surprised at how neat it is here, as even though I don't know Evan to be an extremely sloppy person, he's still, y'know, a man. When anyone hears that they're about to go anywhere that two men are living they'd probably expect a mess of a place, but it seems Evan and Sam break that standard.

I follow behind him as we step into the apartment, and I shut and lock the door behind us before copying him as he takes off his shoes, leaving them by the front door. It's almost as though he's purposely refusing to acknowledge me, instead walking through the living room in the direction of another door that, once he's opened, I can see leads to a bedroom that must be his.

He doesn't shut the door behind him, almost as if he expects me to follow, so I do exactly that, stepping into his room behind him. The first thing I do is let my eyes wander around to see that his bedroom is nice as well. There's a large bed centered against the far wall with gray bedding, and on the wall opposite the bed—or the wall where the door that we just walked through is—is his dresser and a mounted TV.

I also see how his bathroom is connected to his bedroom, and from where I stand I can see how it's a basic bathroom with a gray color scheme, and there's a curtain that separates it from the main room.

It's a neat, cozy little space that I can't help but appreciate, and once my eyes are done looking around I notice how Evan has made his way over to his dresser, seemingly beginning to search for clothes.

"What are you doing?" My curiosity as well as my inability to stand this silence between us any longer forces me to ask the question, to which he surprisingly answers quickly and not angrily.

"Cooling off."

"Cooling off?" I repeat his words, which I soon realize was a mistake as I see the annoyance creep into his features.

"I'm going to take a shower, Saniya."

He doesn't even look at me before he grabs the last of his clothes and walks into his bathroom, shutting the curtain behind him.

I stand there for a moment, unsure what to do, but when I hear the shower start running I eventually make my way over to sit on the very edge of his bed, honestly feeling like any little thing I do or any little mistake I make—even if it's something as small as wrinkling his sheets—might cause him to get angry with me.

I hate walking on eggshells like this around him, but then again, this is probably how he used to feel back when I used to give him a hard time. But that was before I knew my feelings for him, that was when I only just started realizing the change in my emotions, the change in how I felt about him. I eventually grew warmer around him, and I know he noticed that and appreciated it.

All of this has definitely gone to the next level, though. We're both here, and our feelings are here too, though only one of us has confessed that.

I need to tell him how I feel, but only once I've apologized first of course.

I just hope he forgives me.



I think y'all know what happens next 😉😉 and Ik y'all been waiting and you guys are excited so I will try to get the next chapter out soon

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