I Don't Smoke (bsdxmha)

By Tinfoilhatter

76.1K 3.6K 2.1K

"You will both be undertaking long term stealth missions elsewhere, but you won't be operating together for t... More

Home is a fickle word
Robots and exams do not mix well
An unexpected meeting
A normal teenager criteria
Seafood is meant to stay in the sea
Warehouses are not meant for children
Orientation (Or not)
Bottled love
This could be a costume party
Weather only fit for scarves
His name
Torn, bloody bandages
Utterly alone
Race to the finish line
The shame of losing
Bloody cigarettes
My house is not your hotel
Hop, skip and a jump
Must I wake?
Dinner with a demon
Detective work
Evil lairs
Those stars in the sky
That dented handgun
Smoking hunks of metal
You can't stay hidden forever
A subtle interrogation, by a student
I am human
Bruises can be from many things
Exams will never be fun
The dog and the hat
The Immortal, the Mafia and the City
A hero or a liar?
Calico cats and dead insects
Dire deceits
The clock nears its end
Next stop: The city of the quirkless
Your past and mine
A world of violent rage
A moonstruck room
A promise is made
Silent summer night
Your dangerous concern
Glass, shattered and torn
Tsushima Shuuji
The Artist's Illusion
The servant
Violent sea
Cry for you
The experiment

The setting sun

1.2K 66 27
By Tinfoilhatter

Chuuya's had a long day. From babysitting to attempting to gather information to acting like an angsty teen, he's had no break. But that's been every day since he joined the stupid League of Villains. At first, he thought it would feel like the Sheep. They were powerful altogether, feared by others even without Chuuya's overpowered ability. The League possesses too much power, without the means to control it. Shigaraki is like a child toying with a gun. He has no knowledge of how to work it, but that just makes him more unpredictable.

Chuuya is unsettled by the idea of Nomus. It hits awfully close to home, and he wonders if he could have turned out like that. Mindless. Essentially dead. He's glad Dazai killed the first one during the USJ, which was horribly planned in his opinion. They didn't even use Chuuya, the insanely powerful sort of God (they didn't know that but yknow), for any combat except that stunt with fighting Dazai. He could have killed all of them if Shigaraki gave the signal. But no, he makes Chuuya stand there like an idiot bodyguard.

The aftermath of the USJ incident was terrible. Shigaraki consistently whined about his bruised face from Dazai. Dazai. Shigaraki made a few comments about him, something relating to his teacher and how he was another player. Something to do with video game terminology, Chuuya has no idea. He's not a nerd. The games at the arcade are different to whatever he's parading about. But how does Dazai know Shigaraki? He's never mentioned him, and he certainly doesn't seem like he'd ever befriend someone like him.

Next time he sees that suicidal freak, he's going to run a whole interrogation. It's like Mori and Dazai are playing some game without him.

He thinks back to the meeting with Stain a few days ago. His character was interesting, but Shigaraki and his ideals didn't line up. Chuuya personally considered them to be more thought out than Shigaraki's, but both were incoherent. For a second there he was about to step in when Stain pinned Shigaraki to the ground. It was a very tense encounter. Very undiplomatic. To think that a group of teenagers protecting their turf could handle issues more maturely!

The most pressing issue though is Shigaraki's benefactor. A mysterious man that hadn't revealed himself to Chuuya until a few days ago right before the Hosu incident. During his second visit to Hosu, he ended up finding Dazai. Well, he saw him from a water tank with the rest of the League, pretending to pay attention to the chaos around them instead of a certain brunet. He even got stabbed.

Thanks to Dazai, they both had a good idea of who was behind the scenes. And he was right. The man introduced himself as Sensei, even going as far as to give away his other name, All for One. A mysterious man from centuries ago that was apparently defeated a few years ago. His voice is oddly calm and collected, almost similar to Mori's way of speech.

Chuuya really only knew about him because there was some talk around Yokohama a while back around him. Shirase told him not to worry, so he didn't put any more thought into it.

Today he met Giran, an information broker that Chuuya was tasked with meeting. One of his lackluster duties as a League of Villains member. Apparently, after Stain took the world by storm, other people were now interested in the League. Chuuya won't lie, he's curious about new potential members. Maybe he'll get along with them.

Even worse, he hasn't been able to find his wallet since that stupid sports festival! And now he has a shitton of hero merch that he knows he didn't buy. Right now it's piled up in one of the few closets in his apartment. He even had to duct tape it shut to make sure it didn't topple open with the sheer amount of merchandise.

Back to his wallet though, that's the real issue. He had such an awesome keychain of his favourite brand of fedora on it. It was priceless! And all his change is gone, alongside his cards. A big mess. He had to cancel his card and apply for a new one, which he had only picked up yesterday. On the days in between that he had to scavenge throughout the draws in the apartment for loose change to buy food. It was horrible.

When he joined the Port Mafia, he didn't think he'd be stuck in another city. One filled with ability or- quirk users. Places that aren't Yokohama are strange, with the very idea that superhuman abilities have to be restricted and limited. The concept is bizarre. He tries to imagine never using for the tainted sorrow again, but he just can't.

He and his ability are one; Chuuya is not human. Physically or mentally, he will never have what he wishes for the most. He will never dream.

He sighs, fishing for the key to his new apartment. He hates to admit it, but he's missing that nasty bandaged bastard. He would never tell him that though. Port Mafia business is terrible when Dazai is added into the mix, but it also keeps things exciting. There's something exhilarating about being Soukoku. To be feared by all. To have power.

To put his whole life in someone else's hands, who he knows will keep him alive. As much as he wants to hate Dazai, he can't help but miss his presence.

The presence that's sitting in the middle of his living room... What?!

Chuuya screeches, slamming the door behind him.

"Oi! What are you doing here?!" He demands crossly, shoes forgotten as he points at the offender.

The offender in question doesn't even seem startled, simply hauling himself off the couch and throwing that pet magazine he was rifling through this morning to the ground.

"Chuuuya! Welcome home dear, let me get that hat for you." Dazai greets, dusting Chuuya's clothes off.

"Thank you- hey wait, don't touch the hat."

"Aww." He pouts.

"So? Spit it out, why are you at my apartment?"

"I can't just visit my best friend?"

"No. Unlike you, I'm very busy." The ginger scoffs, holding his hat close to his chest while he scans the room.

Dazai never just shows up without reason. Obviously, he's hidden something in his house, or he has actual business to discuss. All Chuuya wanted was to have a relaxing bath and enjoy some pinot noir.

"Hah!? I'll have you know, being a high school student is very difficult! You just laze around all day while I work my ass off doing math! I bet you can't even DO high school-level math!"

"I'll show you lazy-" Chuuya spits, hitting Dazai in the head. "Can't do math with a concussion."

Chuuya laughs evilly at Dazai sprawled across the floor. Dazai contemplates getting up, but then decides to flop back onto it like a dead fucking fish. Unfortunately, this is the most fun he's had for about a week. Or two. He hates to admit it.

And that's enough fun for Chuuya. He doesn't want Dazai to interfere with the rest of his afternoon, so he ties him up with some rope ("You're so direct in your advances!") and shoves a few cotton balls in his mouth for good measure. He takes a step back to admire his work before waving goodbye to take a nice hot bath. With the bottle of red wine, of course. The whole bottle.

He's not an alcoholic, regardless of whatever Dazai and Kouyou tell him. Dazai can't talk anyways, Chuuya knows he always keeps a shot of something stashed away in one of his pockets. He tells Chuuya it's rubbing alcohol for wounds, but that's barely believable. Chuuya on the other hand enjoys the art of drinking wine. The perfect glasses, twirling it just enough to allow the air to mingle with the liquid, taking delicate sips. It's simply the most enjoyable thing he can do. If he had it his way, he would always have a glass of wine in his hand.

When he gets out of the bath, Dazai is unfortunately still there. Except he's somehow gotten out of the rope. His eyes sweep over the floor.

"Where'd the cotton balls go?" Chuuya asks, swinging his towel around his shoulders to catch the droplets of water off his wet hair.

"I ate them. Yum."

He takes a double take at the floor, finding nothing but his shiny clean wooden floors and Dazai's leftover rope that looks like it's been chewed through. He sighs, dropping his shoulders as he sweeps off a newspaper on the coffee table. Chuuya flops himself on the couch. He was going to cook dinner after his bath, but Dazai firmly stays in place. He obviously wants something.

The sunset peaks through the windows near his balcony, lighting up Dazai's hair and face and his stupid dead eyes.

Dazai's smile twists, cruel and saccharine in the seat opposing Chuuya. In a tone that he hasn't used in a long while, he speaks.

"Tell me everything you know about Shigaraki Tomura. You may be loyal to Mori, but I can make sure every member of the Sheep will never wake up again."

"You don't get to threaten me. Just because you're a psychopath or something, doesn't mean I'll tell you shit." Chuuya says.

He has strict rules to not talk about Shigaraki to Dazai. Well, anything besides his villain persona. He doesn't exactly understand why, but it's the boss's orders. Something between them, made into a game. Like the UA traitor.

"Well." Dazai frowns. "That won't do."

He pulls out a printed photo of Yuan, tied to a chair. Chuuya can't recognise the surroundings, but it's dirty. Underground, most likely. Trash litters the visible corners of the room. Blood smears on one of the walls and there's what looks to be a dismembered body poorly hidden. Yuan's mouth is contorted into a scream or curse, but there's anger prevalent in her expression.

Chuuya's hands go flying to Dazai's throat, pushing him into the couch and splintering it under the weight. Dazai's smile contorts to more of a grimace, but he continues to only look amused.

"What did you do?" He grinds out.

"She's unharmed. And she'll stay that way if you just answer a few questions." He says. "Tell me, do you value your leader or the girl who betrayed you more? I'd hate for my men to get their hands on her."

"I could kill you right now." Chuuya tightens his hands around Dazai's neck, nails digging into the skin right under his jaw.

"You won't. Not with Yuan's life on the line." He croaks, barely able to get the words out under the pressure.

Chuuya grinds his teeth together, staring infuriatingly into that bastard's eyes. With a frustrated noise, he punches the soft fabric next to Dazai's head. His first rips into the inside, stuffing springing out. They fly around the two before settling down around them.

"Fine." He relents and relaxes his stance until he's standing and Dazai is left pushed into the cushions.

He can't let the Sheep be killed. No matter that Mori took him in and moulded him into something more. Yuan and Shirase helped him... for years. To just allow them to be killed? All because of Dazai? He can't. He sometimes hopes they do die, though. Or beg for him to come back. Chuuya hates how they seem fine without him, even though they thought he was the one to leave first.

"Goodie!" Dazai claps his hands together.

"What do you want to know?" He asks, already wanting to wipe that smug expression off his face.

"His relationship with All for One. If he's mentioned me at all. Does he know what he took from me?"

"From you? What could a man-child idiot take from someone like you? Whatever. I met All for One today. It's true he's the benefactor. Shigaraki talks about him like a baby trying to impress their father. When All for One spoke to me over a screen, he told me to look after him. That he's still growing and learning. He... didn't speak of you. Shigaraki did though. To, I dunno, himself? He kept calling you 'another player'. Mentioned something about you being misled and needing to be recruited to his side. Says All for One can help you. Do you know him from somewhere else?"

"Hm? Maybe."

"Is that it?? What are you going to do with Yuan?"

"I might kill her after all..." He ponders, bringing a finger up to tap his chin.


"Just kidding! When I visited Yokohama last week, I paid her to pretend to get captured. She's a great actor. Much easier than making her sit in a basement for a week. The Sheep would have my head! Or not, because you're not a part of them." He snickers.

Chuuya pummels Dazai with no regrets. Just bangs him up a bit, before ordering takeout. For two, unfortunately. God knows when the last time Dazai ate was. He would steal Chuuya's food anyways if he only ordered for himself.

Chuuya refuses to talk to the other, his anger still bubbling at the surface of his skin. He almost can't tell the difference between his own rage and Arahabaki's. He really, really, wants to kick Dazai out. Chuuya's tempted, but also knows that Dazai could just pester him in other ways. It's best to make sure he gets bored and leaves on his own.

His couch is ruined though. One of them. He doesn't really need two, anyways.

Dazai eats the pasta Chuuya ordered quietly, slurping away on the floor while he stares out Chuuya's tall windows. He scowls at the content look on his face. Of course, he doesn't feel any remorse for tricking Chuuya. He really does forget how cruel Dazai can be.

"You should be at UA." Dazai speaks quietly, barely audible.


Dazai shoves his bowl onto Chuuya's kitchen island, stretching his arms back.

"What? Has Chuuya started turning into a real slug? Is your hearing failing you? I said I was leaving."

"Good! I didn't want you here, anyways!" He growls.

Chuuya throws a fork at him with his ability, but Dazai dodges it easily.

"Hmph. Neither did I. I just came out of necessity, and now my day is ruined by seeing your face."

"Don't come back, you heartless bastard. I'd rather you kill yourself than have to be in the same room as you ever again!" Chuuya exclaims.

"Kill me then!" Dazai says, walking out the door.

"I will, just you wait." He promises.

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