Once There Was Us

By BelieveNUnbelievable

4.3K 231 21

Love takes many form's. You can not choose who you fall in love with. Once a powerful connection between a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 12

174 10 0
By BelieveNUnbelievable

Music Video
Chris Brown- Forever

****EXTREME Sexual Content Ahead****

I opened my eye's to light shining upon my face making me squint.

Who the hell opened the curtain's?

Groaning i flipped onto my back and looked to my right to see Eros still there and asleep. I smiled recalling everything we did last night. You'd think I should be sore considering that we mated multiple times but I actually felt really good. I'm hoping I'm out of heat since I don't feel like being locked in this room with Eros doing nothing but mate over and over again. I'm pretty exhausted.

I quietly sat up and slowly got out of bed looking towards Eros to make sure he was still asleep. I slowly went to my clothes and put them on so that I don't have to go out of the room naked and I walked to the door and tried to quietly open it yet it still made a loud squeaking noise.
Somebody should really fix that.

I quickly looked over to Eros to see that he was still sleeping and didn't even look like he budged. I laughed to myself thinking that I must have really tired him out. Hopefully he won't get into any trouble for skipping out on practice for the war today.
I stepped out of the room and closed the door then started to make my way to my room when I remembered I was going to go and see Adonis. Thinking of him made me feel weird like how I did at the beginning of my heat. I shook it off and decided to go take a shower and get a new pair of clothes before I go. Hopefully he wants to see me because I definitely want to see him.

After my shower I slipped on my favorite lace undergarments and slipped on a red skirt that goes mid thigh and a black tank top. Putting on little makeup i threw my hair up into a loose ponytail and quickly slipped on some black slip-ons and left the room. The feeling to see Adonis was getting stronger. I practically ran to his room and started to bang on the door.

No answer.

I slammed my hand against it again.

Still no answer.

I whimpered at not being able to see and feel him. Seems like my heat has came back specially for him. I turned down the hallway about to search the house for him when I am suddenly slammed against the wall. I felt tingles all throughout my body and an overwhelming scent that caused the same reaction I had towards Eros. I knew it was Adonis right away and moaned at the contact. He had his face in the side of my neck without the mark and when I opened my eye's all I could see was his head full of red hair. He started kissing up and down my neck and I moaned as he hit a sweet spot. He stopped and started to kiss and nip it. Just as I moaned out I felt a sharp pain that, unlike Eros, actually felt like teeth piercing into my neck. I gasped and held onto his shoulder's.
The pain only lasted second's before being replaced with extreme pleasure. I bit my lip to try to keep the moan's in as Adonis pulled his fangs away.
He cleaned his mark making me shudder against him and moved his hand's to my leg's and put them around his waist making sure I was tight enough against the wall to not fall. He moved his lips across my jaw to my awaiting one's and gave me a fierce yet passionate kiss. He moved me away from the wall and must have used his speed since I was thrown onto his bed.

I don't know how he managed the door.

I wasn't left to think very long before he joined me. I quickly straddled him kissing him the same way he has me. He ran his hand's over my body leaving goose bumps in it's path. He gripped my hip's and lifted me off him and began to quickly undress himself until he was left in just his boxer's. I didn't get enough time to admire his body before he pulled me back on top of him. I took off my shirt and thanked goddess I wore a skirt and my favorite underwear. I felt his member against my sex and not being able to control it I let a groan leave my lips and grinded into him hard as I leant down and smashed our lips together. I grazed my nail's down his chest enjoying the sound of him groaning beneath me. When I made my way to the top of his boxer's I ran my hand along the outside going over and teasing.

"Rova!" He growled causing me to giggle.

He flipped us over and reached the back of my bra unclasping it and removing it. He growled at the sight of my chest and went straight to sucking on my left breast while kneading the other. I moaned out loud not caring if somebody heard. He switched and went to my right while kneading the left. I was moaning and grinding on him feeling so close. He moved his lips back to mine capturing all of my moan's.
I don't know when or how but he managed to get both my underwear and skirt off without me noticing. The kiss was getting hotter and hotter when he began to grind his clothed lower half into me. I became irritated and quickly ripped off his boxers before flipping us over to where I straddled his waist once again and decided to tease him to see how long he could last. I leant down and started placing kisses across his chest sucking on his nipples and kissing in between his abs before I made my way back up. Once I got to his mouth I grinded down hard onto him without letting him enter causing a low groan to come from his throat and his hand's to grip tightly onto my hips.

I ran my core over his member letting the tip enter every now and again torturing the both of us before he growled loudly and gripped my hip's hard enough to hurt and slammed me onto his awaiting member. I gasped at the intrusion before riding him bringing us both closer to what we've been looking for. We both hit our peaks discovering ecstasy together and I once again felt my canines come out and latched onto Adonis's neck causing him to yell. I let go after a few minute's and fell off of him and onto my back breathing in and out roughly trying to catch my breath. My assumptions on how both men were in bed have been correct. Eros was more gentle and loving when we mated and Adonis was more rough.

I laid there beside him for several minutes before my body felt like it was on fire.

What the hell?

I groaned and started to rub my hand's against my skin to get the burning to stop. I was in need of something. Something to take the pain away. I felt a pair of hand's upon my skin and lips across my chest that cooled me down half way. I slightly groaned again as I heard the door slam open and then close. I didn't open my eye's to see who walked in on us since I was still dealing with the burning. All of a sudden I felt another pair of hand's and lips on me causing me to let out the loudest moan. The burn went away and all I could feel was immense pleasure and an almost completeness. I heard two different groans and then I was suddenly on my knee's on the bed with a body in front of me and a body behind.
I was to into the pleasure to open my eye's to see who was who but I knew it was my mates in bed with me. Both bodies were pressed tightly against mine and I could feel immediately that they were naked. Both had their lips on the mark each created and were kissing and licking. I can't even put into word's of the feeling that washed over me of having them both touch their mark's at the same time. It's a good thing I'm on my knees squished between them both because if not I would have fell right over and melted into a puddle. It was all too much.

I began to grind on both of the guy's lower area's silently asking what I wanted and being rewarded with two moan's that were music to my ears.
I felt the body in front of me move their hand's across my stomach to my hip's, holding them in a vice-like grip and lifting me up to where I was straddling them with the body in the back to keep me from falling backwards. The body behind me gripped my behind causing me to growl in lust and slowly moved their hand's to my breast's cupping and kneading them then the body in front slammed into me and I gasped out, my area still sensitive with all of the earlier action. He began to move in and out as the person behind kept feeling my breast's.

And then I gasped as one of my mate's behind me started to slowly enter me and there was pain. He started off slow for me to get used to it and then started to pick up speed as I leat out a moan of pain and pleasure. Both men pumped into me at a steady pace as I moaned uncontrollably.
One of them were sucking on my neck while rocking into me and the other kissing me while doing the same. My hand's were on the shoulder's of the one in front of me and I was leant back in the other's chest. We were all three lost in each other. We went at it for a while before I was left screaming out both of their name's and them mine. I felt absolutely complete. Like all of this was suppose to happen.
We fell onto the bed with sweat covered bodies. Adonis on my right and Eros on my left. Both had their arm's wrapped around me and head's on my chest.

It wasn't even a minute later before I fell into a peaceful sleep with a sore throat.

Brooklyn's POV

I can't believe it!

I just can't!

It was all going so good. James was getting on so great with Petrova's mate's and then the next second I am dragging his body to the hospital wing while balling my eye's out. Eros and Adonis attacked him out of nowhere and I was too weak to stop them. Too weak to protect my mate. My one and only. I was just shoved to the side like nothing.

James was taken from me by a couple of nurse's and doctor's and they quickly took him to a room to look him over in which I was not allowed to follow into. I sat down in one of the chair's trying my best to stop hyperventilating. Besides illness's it can take quite a bit to kill a Werewolf. I know it's a good chance that James will not die but he could still come out with some problem's. Sometimes, if there are major injuries, the body will not heal all of the way. As an example if there is a bone that is not set correctly in the body then it would stay how it is and cause trouble with body function's. Though doctors could rebreak it all inorder to go in and fix it since the body would have immediately tried to heal over. Though the bodies are stubborn so it could be tricky and not everyone wants to take the risk in fixing it.

I hate them.

I hate Eros and Adonis for what they did. And where is my so-called best friend? Where is Petrova when her mate's attacked my James leaving him in the condition he is currently in? Isn't she suppose to be here holding my hand trying to calm me down? Comforting me?
I just can't believe any of this. It happened so fast.

Setting my head into my hands I continued to cry until I couldn't cry no more. It was around an hour later when one of the doctor's helping James came out and over to me. I quickly stood up and met him halfway.

"Is he okay? Is he going to be alright? How bad is it? Is he awake? Are you-" He raised his hand.

"He has broken bone's in several place's and injuries to his organ's. He also lost quite a bit of blood." I opened my mouth to speak and he quickly continued. "But, he will be okay. As you must know the mixture of Vampire and Angel blood can create an extraordinary healing liquid."

What? I have no idea what he is talking about.

Seeing my confusion he gave me a small smile. "Its okay. Some do not know of this only because the Vampire's and Angel's never wanted to give us anymore blood while knowing that it would be mixed in with their enemy's. We found out about this healing aid a long time ago when the King's were just children. The past king and queen had certain werewolf's who liked to dwell in science and they asked for donation of blood from different type's of species to do experiment's. And so to cut the story short they achieved this unique stuff and some of the Vampire's and Angel's here decided to give some of their blood in the spirit of everyone trying to get along. The good news is that your mate should be okay in the time limit of at least a day or two depending on how much of the blood we give him. To much could cause an unwanted reaction."

I looked up at him with hopeful eye's. "Really?" He nodded and gave me a smile and I gave him one in return. "Can I see him?"

"Yes. He is still unconscious and we are going to keep him under until his injuries are gone. He will be sore when we bring him back so go easy on him. Please, follow me." He turned around and headed towards whatever room they had James in with me hot on his tail.

When we reached the room I looked inside to find James on a hospital bed just as they said with a tube connected to a needle going into his arm from the blood bag on the other end that's to the side on a pole. I'm guessing that's the Vampire and Angel blood. He looked pretty bruised up but I can see him slowly but physically healing. The doctor left us and I walked over to the chair that was sat beside the bed. I sat down and took his hand and lightly layed my head on his stomach and looked up towards his bruised face. It's weird how thing's could simply go from good to bad in just a snap. We have only been mate's for a couple of week's and he is already beaten up and laying in a hospital bed. When he wakes up we are leaving. I don't know if I will ever forgive Petrova's mate's for this. I don't even want to look at them right now nor let James anywhere near them. I don't even know if I can call Petrova a friend anymore because if she was she would be here. Where the hell is she?

I closed my eye's and breathed in softly letting James's scent calm me.

I know that we will all still have to eventually see each other because of the war. James is one of the skilled fighter's who doesn't have to show up to the practice's but will be there to defend our planet from those creature's and I will be there to show support and praying that James will not get hurt and that we will win. As much as I would love to help fight I know that I am to weak and will only be a distraction for him.

I sighed opening my eyes and looked towards James's closed eyelid's wishing that I could see his beautiful green's. I just want to tell him that I'm sorry. That it's all my fault for bringing him here. Tear's slid down my cheeks and onto his shirt soaking it.
I closed my eye's again and felt the exhaustion catching up with me. I let the beat of James's heart lull me into a needed sleep.

This is going to be a long two days.






Please and Thank You ;)

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