
By vrin_rin

19.4K 1.4K 266

Two rivals, two purposes, one deal and one big turn of event. When two rivals set aside their differences to... More

1 - Complicated Situations
2 - The Longstanding Rivalry
3 - The Hangover Talk
4 - Game On
5 - String of Incidents and Impending Wedding Event
6 - The Wedding : First Family Meeting
7 - The Wedding : Advice From The Ocean
8 - The Wedding : The Past and The Present
9 - The Wedding : The Forthcoming Showdown
10 - The Wedding : Sunrise On The D-Day
11 - Wedding Day : When The Sun and The Ocean Met
12 - Operation Mending Heart
13 - The Ripples Begin
14 - (dis)trust
15 - Escapade
17 - Epiphany
18 - My Past, Present and Future
19 - Special Chapter : Escapade to Forever

16 - Abducted

686 48 14
By vrin_rin

3 Days Later

Prat had been eyeing War with obvious worry in his eyes. It's been near three days since the Friday when War went to see Yin so they could end the fake-boyfriend contract. He didn't hear from War on the weekend after that then when he clocked in this Morning he kinda surprised to see War looking more rugged than his usual self.

Way more rugged, like he hadn't had enough sleep. At first Prat thought he missed his morning coffee but he brought one with him when he walked in. So, Prat went to ask and his boss only said

"Rough weekend, I'm fine tho"

Prat didn't buy it because he obviously wasn't fine.

War was being way clumsier, he spilled his coffee this morning all over his desk. Then he dropped the stack of blue prints he'd need for pitching presentation this evening, if it's not bad enough, he forgot where he located the original file that he needed to re-print the damaged drawings. Though, War power through his project presentation and got it down flawlessly like usual, Prat could see he looked way more exhausted after.

"War, just go home, I'll sort the documents for tomorrow's project pitching", Prat finally said after he saw War tripped thrice while walking around his office collecting documents.

"But the mo-"

"I'll see the progress myself and make sure the model is finished by tomorrow morning", Prat cut him off, desperately trying to persuade his boss to just go home.

War glanced at the clock, it was only a little past 6 in the evening, then he sighed. He kinda need that rest, he's not going to lie.

"Okay, I guess I'll head out", War said sounding relieved.

"Drive safely okay, text me when you get home", Prat sounded like a worried mother at this point.

"Yeah yeah", War said while gathering his stuffs, "Thanks Prat"

War was aware that Prat was worried for him, even he couldn't deny that he's behaving weird today. He's in turmoil. He had spent the last two days coping in his apartment, doing nothing but sleeping, eating and drinking.

Lots of drinking.

He also had been trying to convince himself that he did the right thing to end things with Yin before it's too late. He had lost count of how many times he repeated the words 'I've done the right thing' to himself, desperately trying to convince himself that he'd done the right thing to let go of Yin.

Just thinking about it made his heart contract painfully. The thought about him having to face Yin later in future projects and pretending nothing happened between them would be a torture. Both for him and Yin.

"Pfft", War scoffed bitterly while sitting in his car.

"The right person on the wrong fucking time, I truly have the worst luck huh?"


A week later

War won the pitching of the projects he was sure he'd screw over. His agency will be in charge of the development next months. Of course he would, his works was never disappointing even when he was in a turmoil. However it's true that he's been feeling better and slowly coming back to his usual self, or he's gotten better masking his broken heart syndrome. Either way, he had stopped acting like a danger hazard for himself and it made Prat feel relieved.

War glanced at his watch, it shows a little past ten and sighed to himself. He had a meeting with a client in the cafe close to his office and had chosen to walk instead of taking his car because looking for a spot to park is troublesome . He just didn't think the meeting would ran this long.

"So annoying", War mumbled to himself as he caught a glimpse of men dressed in all black, wearing face mask and down cap hiding most of his face. The same man has been shadowing War wherever he goes for almost a week now.

"You worry too much, Anan", he said and just accepting his defeat. He'd realized Yin wouldn't easily let him go. War kinda figured out that Yin had hired this man to be War's body guard 2 days prior, noticing the same proportions and habits from the mysterious man.

"Your psycho ex is out of the picture already, seriously why are you doing this?", he mumbled to himself, stopping at the crossing, waiting for the light to be green

"Should've had brought my car", he sighed, "The walk to the parking lot is shorter than the office, stupid War", He scolded himself.

The street was clearing up except for a few cars and War was tempted to just cross the street before the green light. Then, suddenly fire works show started nearby. A burst of bright red and blue was decorating the dark sky. Peaking among tall office buildings and somehow War got a clear view of it all.

War remembered there was a launch of luxury fashion brand's branch near his office. The launching party supposed to be attended by important public figures and A-list Thai celebrities. Seemed like the party reached it's climax.

"Oh, it's today", he mumbled to himself while looking up.

A little smile made it's way to War's tired face. He thought to himself, at least his day ended with a pretty fire works show.

Just when War thoughts was coming back to the crossing, a black van stopped in front of him. At first War thought the driver must've missed the red stop lights for going over the stopping line but then it's door slide open. War couldn't remember what happened or why it happened but he was forcefully dragged into the van, had his mouth and nose covered with a cloth laced with some sort of chemicals and then lost his consciousness.


War felt his body jerked and dragged around as he regained his consciousness. He didn't know where they were and what were they going to do to him but his instinct told him to keep pretending to be unconscious so he wouldn't get hurt. Soon, he could hear a door being unlocked with passwords and then he knew he was dragged inside a room. War started to panic because this was a start of every worst tragedy scenarios. The fact that his head was covered and his mouth gagged, making him unable to see or scream anything wasn't any help either.

"Oyyy, he woke up! tighten your grip!", War could hear one of the men who were holding him and soon he felt them tighten their grip even more when he started squirming in a futile attempt to free himself.

"Hmmmmp, ahmmmpppp!", War still tried even though he knew it's useless.

One of the man with a freakishly similar voice that War couldn't pin point, grabbed War's head and whispered, "Just get along with it, I promise you'll get out of this soon"

Then the cloth covering his head got ripped off of him and the light of the room hit him full force. Adjusting his sight, he could see a red high heel, indicating that a woman must've been behind his kidnapping. At first he thought it's Yin's crazy ex but then he looked up and surprised that she would go this far.



"What do you mean you lost Khun War?!", Bver whispered shout into his phone, afraid of being noticed by Yin who was a few feet away, working on a last minute revision.

Bver had been trying to get Yin to focus because of the urgency and Yin had been restless for some reason since morning. Now, the bodyguard's report of missing War and witnessing him getting kidnapped would throw Yin off of his focus.

[My apology Khun Bver, I was distracted by the fireworks. He was watching the show while waiting for the green light too but the minute the fireworks stopped and I looked down Khun War already got dragged into a van]

"Did you at least get the plate number?"

[Yes, I got the plate number, I'm currently communicating with the HQ to track the van down, it had stopped at one an apartment building in Banyan Tree Residence area]

"Alright, keep chasing them and update me your location. I'll go there with the boss as soon as possible."


"Who's chasing who? and where are we going as soon as possible?", Yin who suddenly appeared behind Bver startled the poor assistant that he shrieked.

"Y-yin, you heard?"

"Yeah, you better tell me. Who just called? What were you talking about? Explain this instance!", Yin demanded.

Bver glanced at the work computer that kept Yin occupied a while ago and saw the program that he was working on closed and saved. He sighed, at least it's done, he wouldn't have to swallow the guilt of keeping the report about War being kidnapped from Yin.

"It was the bodyguard that you hired for War", Bver paused, bracing himself, "He got distracted and War got kidnapped by strange men"

"What?! and why the fuck are we still here?!"

Bver expected this reaction and just let Yin lead them both to his car, "They're tracking the Van and it apparently stopped in Banyan Tree Residence area", Bver said, providing information for Yin.

Yin drove like a mad man through an empty street of Bangkok to the location that had been shared by their body guard team. Bver knew Yin must've been worried, anxious and angry, but he really wished he drove more carefully. Thankfully, they arrived at the location in one piece. Yin quickly parked the car in the spot closest to the entrance and ran inside.

"huh? is that?", Yin suddenly slowed down and came to a stop when they were about to reach the elevator. A man was also stopped in front of them.

"Doctor Ritz?"


War scoffed, seeing the woman standing with her arms folded. Looking down at him with so much venom in his eyes.

"You still dared to scoff in front of me? Do you know where's your position now?", she spat.

War knew he'd been forced to kneel by the men who captured him. However, War also knew, they were forced to do this and had no intention to hurt War. He wasn't afraid at all, in fact, he feels annoyed instead.

"Seriously, one crazy ex to another", War dramatically sighed, "I'm so unlucky these days, maybe I should do some merits after all"

"Are you ignoring me?!"

One of the men nudge War so he would stop being sarcastic and ended up making his boss angrier. War clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"No, I'm not. I just don't understand, what else do you want from me? Khun Mel?"

Mel, the woman who stood in front of War looked visibly more aggravated. War wouldn't dream of meeting her again after the confrontation during his sister's wedding.

"Are you playing stupid? It was your fault that my fiance wanted to break off the engagement, it was your fault I was kicked out of the wedding where I planned to reconcile with him and it was your fault that his family treated me like a crazy obsessed lady!"

"Aren't you tho?", War laughed

"You little-"

"I haven't talked to P'Ritz for years because I cut him off. I had been gone from his life for years! and yet you're still blaming me for all those things when it has nothing to do with me. You even kidnapped me for no reason just to vent your frustration. It's not my fault that P'Ritz suddenly feels guilty for being an asshole back when he broke up with me. If you want to blame someone, blame him"


A loud skin to skin impact rang through the room. The stings followed right after Mel's palm made a contact with War's left cheek. However, the slap made War realized that the rope that tied his hands was kinda loose.

"Ahhhh, this crazy bitch", War mumbled but loud enough so the two guard heard him and nudged him again "What do you want then?"

"An apology", Mel said and War laughed.

Not an amused laugh but more like 'the audacity of this woman' laugh.

"You're the one who kidnapped me when you know damn well it's not my fault to begin with and yet I have to apologize?"

"Oyy, just caved in I beg", one of the men whispered to War.

War let out an exhausted sigh because this is too damn ridiculous but he knew he needed to lower his pride if he wanted to get out of that place A.S.A.P.

"All right, I'm sorry I ruined your engagement", War flatly said.

"You heard him miss, he had apologized. So, let's end this and let him go", one of the man said.

"Yes miss, I'm sure he won't tell anyone about this if we just let him go before anything worse happen", the other man said.

Mel was silent for a while, his head was down and both of his hands were formed into fists beside her.

"Don't you guys wanna know?", she said above whisper.

"Excuse me miss?"

"A person who is so focused loses his bearings and is like a person who suddenly loses his way just because he feels guilty for this person.", she said, her eyes wild.

"He became like a madman and broke off our long-running relationship just for him! Aren't you guys curious?"

The men who were holding War started to mumble how bad this situation was, like it had happened before with different people. Why does War had to deal with crazy ex all the time?

"What does he have that could make a P Ritz like that, aren't you guys curious?", She said, tilting War's chin and forced him to look at her.

"But miss, we - we don't think this is a good idea"

"I'll pay you triple"

War gasped and took turns looking at the two men who had only wanted War to do everything this crazy woman said so that he would be released immediately. With his eyes, War begged the two men not to be tempted by the offer. However, it seemed that today was War's unlucky day as he was again grabbed by them.

"Traitors! I thought you guys are on my side!", War struggled to get them off of him.

//TW// Attempted non-consensual sexual harassment

--------------------------------- ---------------------------------

"Sorry bro, we need the money", one of them said while forcefully held War's legs and spread them apart.

"Yes, sorry bro, it'll be over quickly so bare with it", the other men hold War down and injected something on War's arm.

War screamed, not because he's in pain, but because he knew he's screwed. He knew what was injected must probably be some kind of aphrodisiac judging by how these men holding him open like this.

"Fuck you two, let me go !"

War struggled and struggled while these men getting distracted trying to hold War down, the bonds that bind his hands slowly loosened and with one pull, War managed to release them. With him free from his bind, he kicked the man who held his legs and then elbowed the other one.

--------------------------------- ---------------------------------

Now free from any restrain, his attention turned to Mel. Before War lost control of his body, he charged at Mel and immediately grabbed the crazy woman's hair. War knew he was losing strength due to the effects of the fast-acting drug in his body but he had to teach this woman a lesson.

"You crazy-ass-bitch what were you trying to do?!"

"Ouch! Let me go! How dare you do this to a woman!", Mel struggled but War knew she was being dramatic because no way he could even hurt her that bad with his condition.

"You tried to get me raped! You. Need. To. Get. Humbled!", War pulled a little harder with every period in his sentence.

"You! why are you standing there! help me! you useless two!", she screamed at the men who were cowering in the corner after War kicked and elbowed their little pride.

War and Mel tried to strangled each other for a while but it didn't last long as his strength was slipping off of him fast so he just let her go and both fell on floor. Both gasping for air, exhausted but Mel knew War was done. She grabbed War's collar and raised her hand.

"You'll pay for th-"

Suddenly, the door was busted open. The sound of hurried footsteps was heard in the hallway. Soon after, Yin, Ritz and Bver entered the room where the chaos happened. Upon seeing War looking obviously languid with her hand raised like she was about to slap him, Yin snapped. He charged at them, took War into his arm and slapped her hand away. The strings of angry questions were ready to come out of his mouth but Ritz beat him to it.

"What are you doing?!"

"Phi..... Phi Ritz it's not what it looks like... plea-"

"What is not looking like it?", Ritz took a glance at War, "you drugged him?!"

"I just wanna give him a lesson! He took you from me!", she said, standing up and seizing Ritz up. She clearly pissed off.

"I was the one who broke off with you! If you wanna be angry, be angry at me not War! Are you out of your mind?!"

Her lips just opened and closed, her pretty face clearly showing anger. Mel seemed to be at a loss for words because she knew Ritz was right. If she wanted to be angry, he shouldn't take it out on War, but on Ritz.

"I told her.....the same thing....but she still.....drugged .. me and.... tried to get me raped", War slowly said in between his slow and heavy breath.

His body is on fire as the drug took a full effect on him. He still conscious but he felt like he had no control over his body. But somehow, he didn't feel like he's in danger anymore. The comfort that this strong arms provided is easing the built up discomfort he's feelings.

Hearing the confession Yin who was previously outraged, quickly looked over War's condition. His slack was already unbuttoned and his shirts is messed up. Yin then looked over to the two men in the corner, back to the woman who's behind all of this and his anger quickly raised up again.


"Khun Yin", Ritz interrupted, "Let me handle this"

He turned to Mel, who was now crying, "I could let the last incident slide but not this one. You abducted someone and tried to sexually harass them, it's already a crime. You know that right?"

Mel didn't answer him and just cried.

"You think I wouldn't know how you harassed other people who look remotely close to me before? I kept silent about it because I didn't wanna ruin the engagement so my parents wouldn't feel disappointed.... I was stupid"

Just then a group of people led by Bver, flashing what looked like a police badge entered the room. Quickly arresting Mel and the two men who tried to run away. Mel was refusing but Ritz wouldn't budge.

"I called them, you will get punished this time", Ritz said with a final tone.

Everything went by so fast until the room cleared out. One of the police officer took testimonies from Yin, Ritz and Bver, he said he'd take War's after he got treated and left right away. Bver talked on the phone before informing Yin he'd get the car ready so they can take War to the hospital that the police pointed.

It's only Ritz, Yin and a feverish and delirious War, safe in Yin's arms.

Ritz saw how Yin treated War. His face and voice clearly showed that he was angry earlier, but the arm that was holding War was not the least bit affected by the fire of his anger. It's clear that Yin is very detailed and careful, like War is a glass doll that can break into pieces at any time.

At that moment, Ritz finally came to his senses. His heart was clearly broken but his mind was clear from the fog of guilt and jealousy he had felt before when he saw Yin with War. With sad eyes, he looked at War in Yin's arms and was about to start letting War go.

"I guess it's true when they say that sometimes good things fall apart so better things could fall together", Ritz said before he crouched down in front of Yin.

"Can I?", he asks Yin and when he got a nod, he checked on War's pulse, pressed on his stomach while looking at War's reaction, checked his temperature and then his eye pupils.

"Get him some fruit juice, he'll appreciate it when he came back to his senses but let him have some water before that. Make sure the doctor checks his stomach too, just in case the drug residue gets in there. If he feels nauseous after treatments, call the doctor right away but he'll be fine, don't worry", Ritz said after a brief checks.

"Thanks, doc. Will do that later in the hospital.", Yin said while carefully removing his suit jacket so he could cover War.

"You better hurry", Ritz said while Yin standing up with War in his arms.

With a nod then Yin walked to the door, but before he could get out, Ritz stopped him.

"Please take care of War, Khun Yin"

Yin knew, the sentence that Ritz said was not just a doctor's pleasantries to his patient. Somehow, Yin knew that the sentence was doctor Ritz's farewell to War.

With a meaningful nod, he looked right into Ritz's eyes.

"You don't have to worry doc. War is safe with me. I will make him happy"



Anyway, just like I promised, this is the second update.

What do you guys think of the plot so far?

What do you think will happen in the hospital?

Let me now your thoughts.

Thank you for reading this story 🥰

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