Sekiryuutei's Great Dragon Wa...


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Before the Rating Game between Rias Gremory Peerage and Sairaorg Bael peerage had started, Rias loses her com... More

Issei Hyoudou Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Ulrika Ledesma Bio
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Issei's Harem (Final)


3.1K 48 29

{Note: This story will take place in Highschool DxD Hero. Before the battle of Sairaorg Bael's peerage and Rias Gremory's peerage in Rating Games. That's it and enjoy the chapter.}

(3rd POV)

Inside the ORC office, members of Rias' peerage were present after they got a call from Lady Phenex to take care of Ravel Phenex. This time, Issei was nervous because Rias questioned him, saying.

"Issei, what am I to you?" Rias said to Issei who scratches his head before he answered her.

"Well… You're the president and…" Issei said as he got slapped by Rias as she said.

"YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE, ISSEI!!" Rias shouted at him with anger.

"B-But, what did I do to you, president??" Issei asked her but Akeno tells him.

"Issei, you're so dense." Akeno said in disappointment, then it is Xenovia's turn.

"I have no idea about romance, but I know what was happening." Xenovia stated, as Issei look at them

"(Looks at Kiba) Guys, what did I do wrong?" Issei said as Kiba answer him

"I'm sorry Issei, but I can't answer that." Kiba said in apologetic look, then Asia and Koneko answer Issei.

"Issei, I don't know what to say but, you're a jerk." Asia said to him.

"You're the worst, Issei-sempai." Koneko said in monotone voice.

"Gasper? Do you hate me too??" Issei asked the Dhampir.

"Well kind of…" Gasper said in apologetic look.

"(Look at Rias) President I…-" Issei said as Rias loses her composure as she shouted at him.

"I wish that you had been killed by Raynare twice!!!" Rias said as Issei and others were shocked at the sudden outburst from her words.

"Wait what??" Issei said while still shocked by Rias' words.

"Do you hear me, I wish that you had been killed by her, and also I don't see you as my lover anymore!! I just used you as a tool for my goals!!" Rias said in revelation which it made Issei got heartbroken that Rias didn't love him and used him as a tool. Then he turn away from her as he run straight to the door.

"(Still shocked before looking at Issei who ran away from them) Issei!! Wait!!" Kiba said as Issei barged outside and went away from them, ran outside of the ORC clubhouse and the Kuoh academy, as he went somewhere else.

"(Look at Rias) WTF!!! Rias, what did you say that to Issei!!" Kiba shouted at her.

"You know what, don't talk to me now!! All of you, just leave me alone!!" Rias said before she went to the door and leaving them alone.

"What does she mean by that!!?? All of you, who is this Raynare, and why did Rias say that Issei is a tool for her goals!!" Irina asked them in confusion.

"Yeah!! As your teacher, I want to know why!!??" Rossweisse asked them.

"I feel that this is my fault." Ravel blamed herself. However, Irina comforts her as she said.

"No Ravel, it is not your fault on the first place." Irina said which Ravel nodded at her.

"(Sigh) Okay, I'll tell you everything we know." Kiba said as he explain everything about Rias goal on claiming Issei as her pawn and use his power to free herself from marriage. He also explain that Rias' plan is to let him die and be killed by Raynare: the Rogue Fallen Angel.

"Everything that Issei did for us was wasted!!! Why did Rias do this to us!!?? Issei did everything he could and this is what Rias will be paid for!! Being used as a tool!!! Starting today, I will quit being part of her peerage!!" She said as left them alone. Then Irina have the same expression as she said.

"You devils are worst than a scum!! I just wanted peace between devils and angels but now, its over. You have let my childhood friend died by the fallen before!! I will never talk to you, traitors!!" Irina said before she leave as Rossweisse and Ravel also leave them alone which the only remaining members of Rias peerage are left in the room.

"(Sad) This is not what I expected. Rias, you traitor." Akeno said in sadness.

"(Sad) It seems that Rias also treat us like a tool. We also been ended up just like Issei." Koneko said with sadness.

"I felt the same, but now I lost my friend, I will never trust Rias, she is a traitor." Xenovia said with sadness and anger.

With that, they felt guilty because of Rias actions trying to tell Issei the whole truth. This time will be different.

[Location: Somewhere in Kuoh]

There we see Issei who is sprinting straight without knowing where he was going.

"Damn it!! Why Rias!! Why!! You're a liar just like Raynare!! You're much worst than her!!" Issei said as the boosted gear appeared in his left arm.

"Oii!!! Partner!! Slow down, watch where you're going!! Partner!!" Ddraig tried to warned him but Issei ignored him and suddenly, a loud horn can be heard as it is reveal to be…… Truck-kun.

"(Stop on his tracks) What the hell!!!" Issei said as the truck went straight to Issei.

'Noo!!! Its a legendary truck-kun!! Forgive me mom, dad and Asia!!' Issei said to his mind as he also heard the unknown voice.

"Not gonna happen. I'll save you from the legendary truck kun!!" The unknown person said as Issei look around before a force  felt around the area.

"What is this!!? Ddraig!?" Issei said in confusion.

"F*ckkk!! I knew this would happen to us!? Hold on tight partner!!" Ddraig said as both of them braced themselves before they teleported somewhere as the truck-kun got shocked as it said.

"Huh?? Where did he go?? (Look at the post) Oh shi-" Truck-kun said before it crashes in the post. Then truck kun's mission was failed and got defeated by a man who teleport away from it.

[Location: Unknown place]

In the new and unknown place, where it is very ancient as no Gods went there and it is called a forbidden place. This time, Issei arrived on the said Forbidden place as he regained his consciousness.

"(Dizzy) Urgh!! Where am I??" Issei said as the same voice can be heard.

"Issei Hyoudou. You are now in my place which others called it a Forbidden place or known as Sacred Heaven." Unknown person said to him.

"W-wait?? Heaven!!?? But I'm a devil!! I can't live here in heaven." Issei said in shocked.

"There's nothing to worry about young one. Also look up here." He said as Issei look up and become scared as he sees a large golden dragon.

"W-what are you!? Are you the one who have the same voice before!!" Issei asked the Being.

"Indeed I am. By the way, I am the True Dragon God of Light and Order. I am just a nameless dragon who is hidden from the another world. But will you give me a name, if you do… I'll help you with your problems." Golden Dragon said as Issei nodded at him before he think of his name.

"Hmm, Golden… Eastern Dragon… Life… Wise… Order… Dragon God. Okay then, oh great dragon god, your name will be called as Azornath: The Imperial Golden Dragon God!!" Issei said as The Golden Dragon God now called as Azornath who already love his new name.

"Azornath: The Imperial Golden Dragon God. Hmm, not bad for a youngling who name me with such cool name. In that case, thank you for the name, Hatchling. But will you help me with my problems." Azornath said to him.

"What problems, my Lord??" Issei said as Azornath tells him about the problems.

Azornath explains that his new world, which he created, has fallen into pieces because the war has already started. He also explains that there are seven dragons ruling the country, but these dragons have been in peace until then. The Kouran forces invaded a place called Nil Kamui and claimed it as their own, while the D'natia decided to help the Nil Kamui and push the Kouran forces back to their base. However, this plan got stuck because of two powerful forces opposing each other.

"So you're saying that this 7 dragons hold one country but who owns the Nil Kamui and D'natia??" Issei asked him.

"Well, the dragon in Nil Kamui is no other than Red Dragon while the dragon of D'Natia is the Black Dragon." Azornath said to him.

"Oh great!! Now another red dragon who hold that title!! Say Azornath, you're going to send us both in that world right??" Ddraig said in excitement.

"(Notice Ddraig) Indeed Ddraig. I'm sending you both in that world and you both must stop their damn war or else it will be over." Azornath said to his fellow dragon.

"If that how is it, what is our mission??" Issei asked him.

"Easy Issei, all you need is to bring the balance back to its shape. Bring the 3 countries in peace and if anything happens to Red Dragon and Black Dragon, it is either help them… or kill them on spot." Azornath said as Issei and Ddraig went wide eyed.

"What!!? You want me to kill this 2 dragons!?" Issei asked him as Azornath said to him.

"Just in case if they broke the balance. Furthermore, I always hate both of them because: 1. Red Dragon will help them but in exchange, the people of Nil Kamui must sacrifice one person for the great power, and 2. Black Dragon has intentions on claiming the Nil Kamui as his domain when the time of the Red Dragon will die at the end. That is why, I was planning to let you become the new Red Dragon of that world once the Red dragon is unstable and gone berserk. If you do, you can have your freedom, or you can bring your destined one and your friends into your world. What do you say?" He said as Issei and Ddraig have a little conversation before he said.

"Azornath, me and Ddraig have already agree with your terms. But in one condition, I'll do whatever I want to do in my own free will. We will be considered as equals, understood?" Issei said with confidence.

"(Smile) You have my word, sekiryuutei. Either ways, let me begin the ritual of the dragonification for you." Azornath said to him.

"Okay, what is this dragonification?? Ddraig??" Issei asked his partner.

"Well Issei. It is a process of a person who wish to turn into a full blooded dragon. In other words, you will become the dragon like me and him and it is very painful for this kind of ritual." Ddraig said to him.

"What?? Is this really hurt??" Issei said and then… he felt a painful effects of the Dragonification around his body. Issei scream in pain as he felt his blood changing, his lungs burning, his hands and legs turn into scaly dragon limbs, his tailbone grew longer into a tail, his back splits revealing a large red wings with few spikes revealed on his back, tail and head. And most of all, his skin grew red while his head grew larger and longer including his neck, then he start breathing heavily and release an amount of fire from his mouth. His size grew larger and stronger and he is much taller than any heavenly dragons, evil dragons and dragon kings.

"(Look at himself) Wow, this new look and appearance. It seems that I've turned myself as a full grown red dragon. But wait, what power do I hold, Azornath??" Issei said with little pride.

"I don't know, but you have a lot of it. It is yours to know its power not mine. Also, you're no longer a slave to those devils like a red bitch devil, and you're now called as a True Red Dragon Emperor of Freedom and Hope. (Snap his fingers as a portal appeared besides him) Anyways, here is your next destination. You're free to do everything you want but please don't end up destroying my world." Azornath said as Issei bowing down to him giving him a "thank you". Then Issei decided to move on the next destination as Ddraig was excited for the new adventure. Then the portal close leaving Azornath behind as Azornath have another plans for the certain evil dragon.

"Now since Issei is on the move. I wonder if I should add the evil dragon on that world but I need to seal him in a sacred gear before sending it to someone who is pure hearted soul. Is it one of the Nil Kamui people or maybe… one of the D'Natia people?" Azornath said with a mischievous smile as he wanted to give a payback to his favorite battle maniac dragon.

[Location: Somewhere near the Sea of Nil Kamui]

In the sea of Nil Kamui, there is a Red Dragon and a robot named Kaguraba Raihou Gramstahl - The Undead Merchant.

(Red Dragon)

(Kaguraba Raihou Gramstahl)

"Say Red Dragon. Do you have something else to say??" Kaguraba said to his friend, Red Dragon.

"It is friend of mine, I have a feeling that another dragon will come into this world." Red dragon said to him.

"Heh?? Another dragon?? I thought there are only 7 dragons??" Kaguraba asked him.

"Well you could just say that it is more powerful than me and others. Oh by the way, he will be arrived in 3, 2, 1 and…" Red Dragon said as the portal appeared and a new dragon crashed on the ground with strong shockwave making Kaguraba fell to the ground as Red dragon look amused at the new dragon with same color as him.

"Hmm, I think he will become my new successor in the future." Red Dragon said as Issei in his dragon form raise up his head as he look at Red Dragon and Kaguraba as he said.

"Greetings Red Dragon and… tin can?? (Kaguraba felt offended by his words) My name is Issei The True Red Dragon Emperor of Freedom and Hope. Pleasure to meet you." Issei greeted and introduce himself.

"Kukuku, interesting titles you have, young red dragon. Indeed I am a red dragon and this tin can you say is my old friend Kaguraba Raihou Gramstahl or call him as Kaguraba. He is called as an Undead merchant and a genius robot. Either ways, are you interested to become my student?? I'll teach you the way of the dragon. What do you say??" Red Dragon said as Issei smiled at him as he said.

"I'll gladly accept to become your student, sensei." Issei said as the red dragon laughs wholeheartedly that he already has a new successor for the future of Nil Kamui.

And that's all for today, I hope you like this story. I'll be publishing new chapter of this story. And please don't forget to vote this chapter, you can also comment here for the suggestion, and follow my account as much as you like. That's all and Sayonara min'na.

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