Reborn Of The Dark Elf

By LiannQ

7.7K 225 17

Title: 重生之暗精靈 Author: 0橘子0 Status: 55 Chapters Compiled (Completed) Description: The war between gods and dem... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Part 1

2.4K 48 3
By LiannQ

 Chapter 1 Traveling

 Zhang Fan is an ordinary person who studies finance in a second-rate university. I usually play games on the Internet in the dormitory, occasionally skip classes, go out to drink with friends, and spend my days in an ordinary way. Zhang Fan thought, maybe he will be like this for the rest of his life.

 However, changes came quietly.

 The summer night in July was extremely hot and sultry. When he woke up from his dream, Zhang Fan's entire shirt was soaked in sweat. I can't remember what kind of nightmare I had, the violent heartbeat filled my eardrums, my mouth was dry, and Zhang Fan urgently needed a glass of water to calm himself down.

 In a hurry, I wanted to get off the two-meter-high iron frame bed, and my hands and feet were extremely slippery with sweat. The soles of his feet passed the edge of the iron frame, weightless, there was a loud landing sound, and the shouts of his roommates were faintly heard, and Zhang Fan's eyes were dark.

 After waking up again, after a few minutes of daze, Zhang Fan found that he was not in the hospital, unable to open his eyes, surrounded by warm water in a small space. Zhang Fan became nervous, trying to break free from the things covering him, stretching his arms and legs, but he couldn't move.

 Fear spread in Zhang Fan's heart. He didn't know what happened to him, why he was here, why he became like this, why he lost all his ability to move -- but the fear didn't last long, because the weak Zhang Fan fell into a coma again.

 From the initial nervousness and fear to the present calm face, Zhang Fan didn't know how much time he had spent, because he couldn't perceive time at all. Falling asleep, waking up, falling asleep, waking up, falling asleep, waking up, repeating this back and forth, the only change is that as the number of times increases, the time Zhang Fan is awake also increases.

 Quietly curled up in the warm water, with the faint sound of heart beating in my ears. Zhang Fan thought of his family, his grandmother who loved him dearly, his grandfather who died young, his parents who were often too busy to disappear, and those buddies. Are they okay, are they anxious because they can't find themselves? Or, mourning his own death—

 Zhang Fan gradually began to suspect that maybe he really died that night. If so, then everything here can be explained. The self in the previous life has passed away, and the current self is reborn with memories, what an incredible thing.

 The sound of the heartbeat became clearer and clearer. During one waking time, Zhang Fan was excited to find that he could move his limbs in a small range. For Zhang Fan, who had been imprisoned for a long time, this was no less than an ordinary person winning the lottery. , almost crazy with joy! Entertainment activities have changed from unlimited thinking to playing with various body shapes. Zhang Fan feels that life is still very beautiful.

 The time of waking up became longer and longer, and the physical activities became more and more proficient. Zhang Fan vaguely felt that maybe he was about to be "born".


 Chapter 2 The Tree of Life

 This is the west side of the Rust Mountains - the Dark Night Forest. In the dark forest, there is no sunlight all day long. In the center of the forest is a tall and huge tree of life. The tree of life of the dark elves, where all the dark elves live on this tree.

 In the middle and lower part of the tree of life, a "pool" more than ten meters wide is naturally formed on the huge branches - the breeding pool, which contains the essence of the tree of life and is full of energy. Five meters above the Breeding Pool is the Breeding Ball.

 After more than three hundred years of pregnancy, the elves produce a gestation ball. Put the gestation ball into the gestation pool, and the tree of life will stretch out branches to connect to the gestation ball, hang it up, and transmit energy until it matures. This process may It takes a thousand years, five thousand years, or even ten thousand years. The time it takes for each gestation bulb to mature varies, but most are able to shed around two thousand years old. When the elf in the breeding ball matures, the breeding ball will fall off and fall into the breeding pool. A few days later, the gestation ball ruptured and the elf was born.

 The fertility of elves is extremely low, and the birth of each new elf will bring great joy to the elves. This is especially true of the dark elves, who are the least numerous of all elves. In addition, during the battle between gods and demons, the dark elves as the vanguard suffered heavy casualties. Today, the total number of dark elves in the Dark Night Forest is less than two hundred, and there are no more than a few dozen gestation balls hanging on the tree of life.

 By the breeding pool, more than a hundred dark elves stood quietly, with solemn expressions, silver-white hair, gray skin, unusually handsome facial features, and blood-red eyes staring closely at a suspended breeding ball in the breeding pool . The gestation ball fell off three days ago, and the mental fluctuations of the Tree of Life spread throughout the entire Dark Night Forest in an instant. After receiving the message, the dark elves scattered in every corner rushed over quickly.

 There was excitement in the still air, but more tension and worry. When the dark elves fled to the side of the demons, the dark atmosphere of the demon world gradually covered the entire dark night forest. Five thousand years have passed since the war between gods and demons, and during these five thousand years, not a single gestation ball fell off. Patriarch Aaron Carter (Aaron) is feeling increasingly heavy. Can the gestation ball under the influence of the dark breath really not mature anymore? Could it be that the dark elves can only go to perish in the end no matter what?

 Three days ago, when one of the gestation balls fell off, there was no doubt that it caused a huge wave in the dead night forest. What kind of existence will the dark elves born under the influence of the dark breath become? The waiting time was long, and anxiety began to spread among the waiting dark elves, and more than a hundred pairs of blood-red eyes shone with a more intense red light.

 "Crack!" The dark elves who were standing upright shook slightly, and the gestation ball burst. The gap was getting bigger and bigger, and the dark elves leaned forward unintuitively, the blood in their eyes was about to burn, shining dazzling red.

 A group of small creatures crawled out of the crack, first with a round head and pointed ears unique to elves; then small hands with black nails five centimeters long, more like claws; then a tail, A finger-thick tail with thin black down; the last is a claw as hard and sharp as a hand. A very unique and dark elf.

 The little guy paddled a few times in the pool, his small eyes struggled a little, looked around slowly, paused, and then suddenly widened, the black and red pupils enlarged to the limit. Then, the eyelids slowly closed and the body sank.

 The dark elves around were in commotion, and after a low communication sound. Under the watchful eyes of the dark elves, patriarch Aaron Carter stepped forward and carefully picked up the elf who was "sleeping" in the pool.

 From the Tree of Life came the dark elf's joyful chirping, the plants in the dark night forest trembled, and the howling of wild beasts came one after another.


 Chapter 3 Birth

 With a sudden sense of weightlessness, Zhang Fan suddenly woke up from his sleep. After falling for two seconds, Zhang Fan felt as if he had fallen into the water. What have you become? A bird's egg that fell into the water? Fruit that fell into the water? No matter which one it is, it will not be what Zhang Fan hopes for. Continuing with the usual recreational activities of gymnastics, thinking about the possibilities of his new identity.

 Waking up again, just after finishing a body rotation exercise, Zhang Fan felt it was difficult to breathe, and the surrounding water stopped flowing and became icy cold. Instinct drove Zhang Fan to leave here, stretched his arms as far as he could, touched the soft inner wall, and tried to open a seam with his hands. Only then did Zhang Fan realize that his fingers were sharp and tough. Insert deeply into the inner wall.

 The feeling of suffocation became more and more obvious, his body became more and more uncomfortable, and his life began to be threatened. Zhang Fan also became anxious, and suddenly forced, "Crack!", and finally broke open. A cool liquid flowed in, and Zhang Fan found that his breathing became much smoother. Continue to work hard, use both hands and feet to break hard, the crack is getting bigger and bigger. The cool liquid entered the heart and lungs from the nose and mouth, making every cell tremble in comfort. Desperately wanting to climb out, he arched his head and squeezed out of the crack, then rubbed his entire body.

 After a hard struggle, Zhang Fan lazily soaked in the comfortable water, not wanting to move. Maybe I turned into a fish, a "mermaid", it should be good to be a fish.

 Lazily opened his eyes, his eyes were hazy, as if there were many red lanterns hanging. The picture gradually became clear, and there were many gray and white creatures standing around, staring at him with red eyes. His heart skipped a beat, his eyes went black, and Zhang Fan, who was overly frightened, lost consciousness. Anyone who opened his eyes and saw countless pairs of blood-red eyes would be startled, let alone Zhang Fan who has been in the breeding ball for thousands of years and is now physically and mentally exhausted.

 The blood-red eyes are clearer and more beautiful than rubies, exuding a faint blood-colored light. A pair of cold and bloody eyes turned soft when looking at him, revealing a touch of kindness. I don't know how long they stared at each other. As soon as Zhang Fan woke up, he found a creature standing beside him, whose eyes were staring at him for a moment.

 It has to be said that this is a very handsome creature, with silver-white hair longer than the waist, exquisite facial features, long pointed ears, gray complexion, black sleeveless blouse, flowing trousers, and hanging clothes Some beautiful and elegant accessories. Is this the legendary elf?

 "Do you feel okay?" The light gray lips parted slightly, the pronunciation he had never heard before, but Zhang Fan was surprised to find that he could understand his meaning, like an innate ability deep in his soul.

 "En." Zhang Fan didn't know what to say, his mind was in a mess, and he didn't know what the situation was now.

 Seeing the doubt in the elf's eyes, the elf stretched out his slender and beautiful fingers to gently rub the dark silver hair of the elf,

 "I am Aaron Carter, the patriarch of the dark elf."

 Have I been reborn as an elf, elegant, beautiful and powerful? Elf? Zhang Fan felt faintly excited. The back was suddenly slapped by a slender thing, and he stretched out his hand to grab the thing that was sneaking up on him.

 The shiny black hair is very comfortable to the touch. After stroking it back and forth, the smooth feeling makes people love it. Wanting to stroke more fur, he pulled it into his arms, Zhang Fan suddenly stopped. Feeling down the fur, Zhang Fan's hand came to his crotch.

 Why do elves have tails! ? He turned his head sharply to Aaron Carter.

 It's a cute little elf. The blood-red eyes of the elf patriarch narrowed his eyes in joy, and today, thousands of years later, the cold dark elf patriarch had an expression that could barely be called a smile.

 Still in shock, Zhang Fan stared blankly at this handsome elf.


 Chapter 4 Variation

 Zhang Fan sadly found that the difference between himself and the dark elves was not only an extra tail, dark silver hair, black red eyes, gray black skin, and beast-like claws, it turned out that he was a genetic mutation of dark elves. There are two small pointed ears hanging down, and the slender tail pats the branches below him one after another.

 Zhang Fan's current stature is about the size of a three-year-old human child. Raised by patriarch Aaron Carter, whose home is pressed in the upper middle of the tree of life. Sitting on the branch in front of the house, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Dark Night Forest. Zhang Fan remembered that when he first appeared here, he was lying on the doorstep of the house with his feet so weak that he didn't dare to move. Dangling his two dangling calves, Zhang Fan found that his adaptability was getting stronger and stronger. In just a few days, I can jump up and down in the tree of life.

 Another strong wind blew through, bringing a special pleasant smell, which Aaron Carter said was the smell of dark elements mixed with dark breath. The dark element and the dark breath are two very similar substances, and they can be easily fused together. At the beginning, although the war between gods and demons joined by the elf forest lasted only a few hundred years, the dark elves, as the most powerful team among the elves, have been fighting at the forefront, and even stationed in the demon world in the later period.

 The bodies of the dark elves, which have been fused with the dark breath, have gradually undergone some changes. Some dark elves even received the revelation of the dark tree of life, asking them to return to the elf forest immediately. Patriarch Aaron Carter was shocked to find that the healing magic of light could no longer affect the warriors of the dark elves, but would burn the dark elves instead. Immediately summoned all the dark elves to defect to the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm provided magic power to set up a barrier in the Rust Mountains, and the dark elves joined the Demon Race army.

 After the war of gods and demons ended, the dark elves returned to the side of the dark tree of life, and called the place west of the elf forest Lastra Mountains the Dark Night Forest. On the mainland, the dark elves are called traitors who cannot withstand the temptation of the demons. Bardic poems slandering the dark elves as cruel and treacherous monsters are widely circulated on the mainland. abandoned.

 The birth of Zhang Fan was the beginning of the recovery of the entire Dark Night Forest. The God of Nature did not abandon the dark elves, and the mutated dark elves were still the children of nature.

 If the other dark elves are just a mixture of energy, then I am not a "pure" mutant... In fact, it is quite good, the claws are super anti-slip, the climbing speed is fast, and they can be extended when necessary Thirty centimeters; the tail is very flexible and can be used as a whip.


 Chapter 5 Dream

 Patting his dust-free pants, Zhang Fan stood up neatly and started his first day of class. He first climbed to the top of the tree of life, and then descended from the top of the tree to here. It would take Zhang Fan a whole day to go back and forth like this. In the evening, Aaron Carter would explain to Zhang Fan about elves, protoss, demons and humans.

 He quickly jumped to a branch, pressed down, jumped up and grabbed another branch, swung his arms vigorously, let go, and lay down firmly on the trunk. Repeatedly, the invisible crown gradually appeared in his eyes. Often other dark elves would come out of the house, looking at him with interest in his monkey-like climbing posture.

 Sighing in his heart, it's not that Zhang Fan doesn't want to act gracefully and have perfect posture like a real elf, but his skills are really inferior to others. Feeling depressed, Zhang Fan finally reached the crown of the tree, lying on the branch panting, sweat flowing down his hair to the back of his ears. The blue sky was close in front of him, and it seemed as if he could grasp the snow-white clouds with just one hand. Thinking of this, Zhang Fan really stretched out his right hand. Looking at the empty palm, it turned out that he still didn't hold anything.

 Raise your breath, lift yourself from the tree, and stand on the highest point of the Dark Night Forest. In the distance, you can see the continuous mountains of the Western Demon Realm. Beyond the Rust Mountains, there is a verdant elf forest. The north is an endless ocean, and the other end of the vast plain in the south is the human kingdom.

 This is a magical continent, a world completely different from the place I lived in before, a world full of surprises, being able to come here is the luckiest thing I have encountered. The life of an elf is eternal. Zhang Fan wants to use this eternal life to travel to every corner of this continent, see all the beautiful scenery, and learn about every creature. Looking into the distance, Zhang Fan's excited mood was hard to calm down with his beautiful vision for the future.

 The golden-red sun in the west was setting slowly, and the slanted light dragged Zhang Fan's jumping figure down for a long time. I had to speed up, the time spent on the canopy was too long, and I had to get home before dark. Thinking of Aaron Carter staring at him blankly, Zhang Fan wanted to fly straight down.

 Aaron Carter is a good teacher, but his overly gloomy expression makes him always have the urge to run away. Every time I do something wrong, a slight stare can blow myself out of my chair. For example, I couldn't bear to eat fruit all at once, and asked Aaron Carter if he had meat.

 Aaron Carter's movements paused, his blood-red eyes suddenly raised, and he stared at himself in surprise,

 "Elves don't eat meat."

 Zhang Fan was stunned on the spot. The fact that elves don't eat meat makes Zhang Fan extremely depressed. He has always been a carnivore.

 "You want to eat meat!?" Aaron Carter's beautiful brows frowned slightly.

 "No, I don't want to, I'll just ask casually." My appearance is already weird enough, do I want to be the only elf on the tree of life who can eat meat?

 Aaron Carter handed over a purple-black Gulu fruit. Zhang Fan quickly took it, picked it up, opened his mouth and bit it big. Seeing the elf's bulging cheeks, Aaron Carter stroked the elf's short hair with satisfaction. The worry in his eyes could not dissipate anyway.

 The overloaded exercise made the body scream and hurt everywhere, and I persisted with perseverance. The glow of the luminous tree lights in the elf house spilled out of the door, and Zhang Fan vaguely saw a slender figure standing at the door silently waiting for him to go home. A touch of happiness swelled in his chest, and the pain in his body was no longer so uncomfortable.


 Chapter 6 Gender

 On the tree of life, an elf is moving fast, and only a vague figure can be seen faintly. A hundred years have passed, and Zhang Fan is very familiar with every trunk, every branch, and every leaf of the tree of life, as if it has been integrated into the blood of his body. Whenever he calms down, Zhang Fan can feel that he can communicate with the tree of life, as if he has entered the tree of life. Every time he communicates, he has a different experience. This is a very wonderful experience, and Zhang Fan enjoys it very much.

 It takes two hundred years for an elf to become an adult, and compared to their infinite life, this short two hundred years is fleeting. Most of the knowledge of an elf's life will be learned in just two hundred years. After that, the elves only need to use their long lives to understand the true meaning of all these things carefully.

 Adult elves can remain genderless until they meet their only life mate. Most dark elves will not choose females, because females are relatively weak in attack. Although females have a higher chance of conceiving a gestation ball, in the elves' eternal life, the probability is not the most important issue, and dark elves will be more Emphasize strength. When finding a life mate, dark elves usually choose between male and female.

 The breeding pool was sparkling, leaning against the pool, Zhang Fan let out a comfortable sigh deep in his throat. Currently Zhang Fan is the only elf that is allowed to take a bath in the breeding pool, which is a special benefit for underage elves.

 The 100-year-old Zhang Fan looked only as big as a fifteen-year-old human boy. He stretched out his limbs, stretched lazily in the water, and suddenly slipped between his flat legs. All the good mood suddenly disappeared.

 The things that accompanied him for more than 20 years in the previous life are gone. Although a hundred years have passed, Zhang Fan's heart still twitches every time he sees them. How to say this is gone, depressed. Zhang Fan made up his mind that he would become a powerful male dark elf no matter what when he became an adult. Several years later, this determination was completely shattered under someone's coercion.

 After putting on his clothes, Zhang Fan rushed home, leaving waves of water that became weaker and weaker. Tomorrow, when I reach the age of one hundred, I can leave the tree of life and go on a real adventure in the Dark Night Forest. The wind brushed past quickly, and Zhang Fan felt that he was flying in the wind.

 Stomach was full of various fruits, touching his swollen belly, Zhang Fan lay on the table and belched contentedly. Regarding the "rude" behavior of the little guy who has no elf-like demeanor, Aaron Carter has no choice but to accept from the initial frown. Pull the elf's upper body off the table and straighten it.

 "Sit up straight." Aaron Carter patted the elf on the back.

 "Here, take it." As if by magic, an exquisite elf bow appeared in Aaron Carter's hand. The jet-black bow body is simple yet beautiful, and the bowstring is so thin that it is difficult for human eyes to see it, but it is extremely tough.

 Stretching out his hand, Zhang Fan took the elf bow in a daze, and stroked the bow slowly. The familiar touch seemed to have been with him for a long time.

 "This is made of the gestation ball you were born with. It is a friend who will accompany you all your life. Take good care of it." The elf looked at him stupidly, and Aaron Carter couldn't help but twist the little water Tender little face.

 Is this my own elf bow? An elf bow that belongs only to oneself, a partner and weapon of one's life. Zhang Fan couldn't be more happy, I want to travel around the world with it!


 Chapter 7 Dark Night Forest

 Everything in front of you is so novel. Large tracts of vines are tightly wrapped around each tree, and there are two palm-sized purple-red flowers blooming on the vines, which are gorgeous and flashy. Beautiful butterfly-like wings flapping slowly, between the thin black and gold wings is a round ball, stretching out a slender straw, sucking the sweet nectar in the stamen.

 Purple-red flowers bloomed on the dark green vines, and the petals were decorated with black-gold wings. Deeply shocked by such a beautiful scene, Zhang Fan found that since he became a dark elf, black can always attract his eyes more. Just as he was about to get closer, the petals closed instantly, and the speed was so fast that the eyes of the young elf could barely catch it. Zhang Fan was taken aback by this sudden change. Such a large area of ​​flower vines was actually a carnivorous plant.

 Pointy ears trembled slightly, Zhang Fan heard an inaudible swallowing sound, the vines under the flower bulged round, and the petals unfolded again, forming the original beauty. Approaching slowly, the elf's intuition told Zhang Fan that these plants would not harm him. Stretch out your fingers and gently stroke the dark green branches, and go up to the beautiful flowers. The fingertips rubbed the edge of the petals, and the whole flower vine trembled.

 They are called Jilihua, and they are creatures between animals and plants. Through the touch of his fingernails, Zhang Fan was surprised to find that he could communicate with Jilihua in a simple way. Another vine stretched out and wrapped around his arm, and a vine was connected to a flower in front of his mouth. Zhang Fan took it with both hands, and the translucent and sticky nectar slipped into his mouth along his lips. The overly sweet taste made Zhang Fan dizzy.

 In the blink of an eye, many jerry flowers full of nectar appeared in front of him. Zhang Fan wrinkled his small face, pushed with his hands, and politely refused. If he drank a few more sips, he would really faint here, becoming the first elf to faint in the woods because of drinking nectar.

 Leaving Ji Lihua's small territory, Zhang Fan continued to wander aimlessly in the forest.

 Fresh water vapor diffuses in the air, and there is a faint gurgling sound of the river flowing. Following the water vapor, Zhang Fan found a river with pure and rich water vapor. Shaking off the beads of sweat hanging from the ends of his hair, Zhang Fan jumped into the river. Swimming back and forth freely in the cold river water, occasionally a school or two of pure black big-headed fish swim by. Zhang Fan gave them the name big-headed fish. The head of these fish accounts for two-thirds of the entire fish body, with protruding eyes and long, sharp teeth. Although big-headed fish will not attack Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan cannot communicate with them.

 Going upstream, Zhang Fan is like a mermaid, swimming quickly in the water. The louder and louder the rumble, there should be a huge waterfall ahead, Zhang Fan excitedly accelerated his speed. The waterfall hundreds of meters high is majestic, and the sound of the water is deafening, demonstrating the great power of nature. Under the waterfall, a huge stone stands abruptly. The stone has been washed smooth and cold by the flowing water over the years.

 Turning around and lying on the stone, the huge sound of the waterfall made the whole forest quiet, the air was filled with water vapor, hands folded behind the head, sporadic spots of light sprinkled down. Zhang Fan fell in love with this place.

 Jumping nimbly from the rock, unfastening the bow and arrow behind his back, Zhang Fan began to practice over and over again. He pulled the bowstring hard, closed his eyes and tried to condense the energy in his body into an arrow and shoot it. Nothing happened, and it looked like he had failed again. Concentrate, feel the bow and arrow in your hand carefully, guide the energy in your body, and draw the bow again.


 Chapter 8 Defense Team (Part 1)

 The sky was still gray, and a dark elf appeared on the branch of life early, with a slender body of nearly 1.8 meters, wrapped in pure black clothes, only two arms full of power were exposed, and long dark silver hair over the shoulders It was tied neatly behind the head, and the slender and shiny black tail drew an elegant arc in the air. The hair is flying, and the morning breeze is blowing, outlining the perfect lines of the body, like a black panther, ready to go, full of endless explosive power, dangerous and charming. The 150-year-old Zhang Fan is between a teenager and an adult, exuding a unique charm.

 Skillfully drawing the elven bow, a deep black arrow shot out from Zhang Fan's hand, and the black arrow, which absorbed all the light around him, shot silently towards the rising sun in the east. Last night, Aaron Carter told himself that today he could follow the protection team to patrol the border between the Dark Night Forest and the Demon Realm. After tossing and turning in bed all night, Zhang Fan finally waited for the sun to rise.

 Although they joined the Demon Race Alliance, the Dark Elves hardly interacted with the Demon Race. Long before the Great War of Gods and Demons, the dark elves rarely interacted with elves of other attributes, let alone these demons who were extremely ugly in the eyes of elves. The high-level demons have a handsome appearance, but the low-level demons that account for the majority are ugly. The elves who pursue elegance and exquisiteness simply cannot bear these low-level demons.

 The competition within the Demon Race is very fierce, and there are often some weak or defeated Demon Race trying to cross the border and escape into the Dark Night Forest. The duty of the defense team is to stop these demons and set up a guard on the border. Once a demon is within five meters of the border, it will give a warning in advance, and if it crosses five meters, it will be shot. During the war between gods and demons, the demons once invaded the elf forest and destroyed a large area of ​​the forest. Countless animals in the elf forest were brutally killed. The territory of the Dark Elves, which borders the Demon Realm, was particularly devastated. It has become the responsibility of every dark elf to kill the demons that enter the dark night forest.

 The leaf closest to him trembled slightly, which was a signal sent to him by the defense team. Zhang Fan leaped down from the tree, the strong wind whistling in his ears. Skillfully buffering between the branches, gracefully jumping, the sail reaches the ground safely. Under the tree, forty-nine elves landed at the same time, including myself exactly fifty. The defense team is divided into ten teams, and each team has a captain who is responsible for different border areas.

 Zhang Fan's captain is named Clare, a neutral dark elf who can maintain reason in any situation. It took Zhang Fan a lot of effort to move his eyes away from this dark elf who brought the beauty of gender to the extreme.

 Running all the way, getting closer and closer to the border, and there are fewer and fewer creatures around, and even withered trees can be seen in the end. The junction between the dark night forest and the demons is still composed of dead trees ten meters wide. Compared with the lush dark night forest, the demon world in the west is very desolate, exuding the breath of death.

 Finished the handover with the squad that kept vigil last night. Zhang Fan saw a strong male dark elf holding Captain Claire tightly in his arms and kissing. It was Carlisle's partner Herman (Herman). Zhang Fan watched in amazement. Although it was not the first time he saw such a thing, Zhang Fan was slightly surprised every time. It is rare that Zhang Fan can faintly show some appreciation now. Two handsome dark elves stand together, this picture is very dreamy.

 Find a tree pole that is most suitable for you to hide, untie the elf bow, hold it, and wait quietly for the "stowam".

 In just a few hours, the protection team found two demons running towards this side, chasing and fighting one after the other. The ten elven bows were raised instantly, aiming at the vital points of the two demons respectively, ready to release arrows at any time.

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