He's My Son

By Choco_kitty05

5K 251 25

"He's my son," I said. "No, he's not and he never will be," she said as he watched her walk away with his chi... More



524 41 1
By Choco_kitty05


No amount of witchcraft could prepare me for this moment. I was blushing and I knew my cheeks, ears, and neck were red. I was amazed at the werewolf's size. I mean in human form he's huge but I didn't expect his wolf form to be so big. Normal werewolves are around six to eight feet but he's around twelve.

I am not going to lie I saw him checking me out earlier and it made me nervous. I could feel my heart racing and I knew the vampire girl heard it but she chose not to say anything. After a few years, my magic changed and I received an anonymous tip from Mother Nature about the guy and his purpose but she was wrong. She told me he'd scout me to find his son but he wanted to trigger his curse.

I was quite nervous for the girl when she woke up and came face to face with his wolf form but she was okay. Throughout the years werewolves and vampires had been at each other's throats due to the false sun and moon curse. Plus to make matters worse, when the werewolves shift to their wolf form their wolves take over and attack anyone in their proximity.

However, he shocked me.

 I could see that his wolf was in charge but he didn't attack anyone. He showed a submissive form so we would see he wouldn't hurt us. What surprised me was that he approached me, a stranger, and licked my cheek and I honestly liked it.

I didn't know when he'd transform back so I allowed him to roam around my house while I cleaned up. However, what I didn't expect was for him to stick to me all day rubbing his face on my body. It reached to the point where he had jumped on me causing me to land on my butt which allowed him to cage me between his paws.

I was about to move when he started to shake and then I came face to face with his naked human form. I felt my temperature rise as I suddenly became red.

Hovering over me was this sexy man with washboard abs, muscles, and an appendage that looked like it would destroy me. His hair fell on my face as he looked into my light brown eyes. His golden eyes stared down at my face before returning to a gorgeous blue-green. It felt like an eternity when we stared into each other's eyes when a cough suddenly interrupted us.

"*Cough* Sexual tension *Cough*"

I hurriedly got up and hid my face not wanting to see the monstrosity of a cock ever again. I hurriedly ran to my room and grabbed a pair of pants for him since I didn't have a shirt to fit him.

No matter how I look at it since he doesn't have any boxers on, his eggplant's shape is printed through the slacks.

 Think good thoughts I kept repeating in my head.

"I see you always have men over," said Antonio.

"Not really. You guys are the first in centuries that I have allowed to find me. I went shopping the other day and bought it," I replied.

I couldn't help but suddenly feel shy around this strange man. When I think back to my life, the only person I've ever had feelings for was Silas and that hurt.

I am what the force of nature calls an abomination. Unlike other witches, my magic comes from the earth itself. Maybe the one who created us didn't like me I used to think because why else would I be born with two genitals?

People of this time call it being intersex but in my time they called it a sin. That my birth was a sin and I should have been drowned the moment I was born. However, I wasn't killed because of the large amount of magic I possessed but I was still looked down upon.

Then I met him, Silas

I was alone and overworked when he saw me. He talked to me and said that it doesn't mean that I shouldn't be born just because I'm different and I believed. Our talks continued and then he asked to court me to which I was happy. His courtship lasted for two years until I said yes to his proposal.

They she appeared, Amara

She was the new girl in town and wanted to get used to everything. She then showed interest in my magic and even though she wasn't a witch, she'd stop by and helped me sort out spells and then we became best friends. She and Silas were the only people in the village who treated me like an actual person.

I trusted them and in the end, they betrayed me

One was my soon-to-be husband and the other was my maid of honor. I could remember how betrayed I felt and the tears that fell from my eyes the moment I overheard them. The moment I heard my fiance, the man I was willing to spend the rest of my life with confess his love to another woman.

I didn't realize that tears fell from my eyes until I felt a hand touch my cheek causing me to back away in panic as I hurriedly wiped my tears.

"I'm sorry if I made you cry," said Antonio.

"Oh no no it wasn't your fault I just remembered sad memories," I said as I tried to laugh it off but I guess he knew it was fake.

"Well anyways you may leave," I told them and tried to turn around and escort them out but he grabbed my hand.

" I know you don't want to trust me but I don't want this to be our last meeting. So come with me," he said.

"I don't know you so why should I?" I asked and so he whispered something in my ear that made me agree to come with him.

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